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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:56 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Money saved by not giving women welfare can build orphanages.

    Money can be saved by banning AlfaT8 from this forum and send him to a vocational school so that at least he can make money for himself and stop consuming the money that is spent to maintain the Internet service for him.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  lyle6 Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:09 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:At this point, i am 90% certain that higurashihougi is a woman.

    Fertility rate of 6.3 in 1973, when the communists took over.
    Afterwards, well, communism fails.

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Screen13

    Women literally have one job. Pop out enough kids to stave off civilization death. They can't even do it - yet they think can do other jobs. Razz

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:16 am

    Ok, but of that 8 billion Garry, will the New Zealanders be part of it, or will your replacements will, my money's on the latter.

    New Zealand is a country of immigrants... white people over the last 200-300 years and Pacific Islanders for about 800-1,000 years before that in a couple of batches of arrivals. In 1,000 years New Zealand will of course be different, but it is up to New Zealand to decide on its policies and decisions.

    Fortunately it is much warmer in Australia so most immigrants come here for a bit and realise when you spread a quarter of Londons population over a country that is bigger than the UK then it seems a bit empty, so they tend to then gravitate to Australia, which is just as peaceful and warmer temperatures and much bigger with more land and more people.

    As much as i believe in the individual, this isn't about that, this is about the survival of the society you exist in.
    No children means no future.

    There are plenty of children in orphanages that need love and to be brought up in a safe stable environment. There is no chance of any country running out of people as such... during hard times people will move away from small towns looking for work or a nightlife but eventually the cost of living in a big city will lead to people moving out to small towns as the urban mass expands... COVID has done us all a favour as it has made pretty clear that working from home isn't the terrible thing most bosses suspected it might be and with many people being able to work at home then living in small towns becomes viable, which makes the local store more viable and a local bank machine a possibility... the problem of house prices can be solved by building in far away places...

    Garry we have more than 50yrs of data showing that the majority of women will always vote for leftist/socialist nonsense, women are by their nature instinctual socialists.
    Women always seek protection and resources, which ideology offers them free-sh*t Garry, which ideology is offering them all the welfare Garry.

    It is a natural reaction of a male to protect a female and females take advantage of that all the time... the laws that benefit women in divorce were not written by women and were not voted on by women... most of them are created by men to protect women.

    Ironically if women get what they claim they actually want... which is equality, then most of the laws need to be rewritten, so women get the same sentence as a man for the same crime for instance, or women get put on the draft in time of war...

    This transgender BS is hilarious because the same femenists that say men and women are the same and should be equal get blasted in most sports when a transgender person who is genetically male puts on a dress.

    Mark Twain was a wrong, if it didn't matter why would they try so hard to rig it?
    And rigged it they did, with the FEMALE VOTE.

    Mark Twain is right for the reasons you give... when the result is turning out to be something they are not happy with they cheat. The first election for Trump caught them off guard and they didn't have time to organise anything. I suspect Biden beat Trump because the Chinese helped the democrats to win because they feared Trump more than they feared Biden.... Now I think China and Russia wont care who gets elected because they are both censored .

    No, men are actually smarter, more grey matter and all that, men and women are not and never will be "equal" Garry.

    And there you give yourself away as not being smart. Are all men smarter than all women? Obviously not. Are the smartest people men... possibly... but that does not mean the smartest person is a man.

    It is going to handicap western technology progress because the next 40 years of AI development will be fixated on what gender to make the AI... there will be thousands to choose from.

    If you are saying that on average men are generally smarter than women you have to accept that most of the time there wont be a lot of difference in any random grouping.

    You also have to define smart... a person that can't memorise the entire works of Shakespear or memorised Pi to three million decimal places is not smart, they just have a very good memory. Often problem solving benefits from being rather more practically minded, yet in the west practically minded is not the same as intellectual...

    You go to University to study serious things or you go to Polytech to get work related skills like being a plumber or electrician or builder... does the world need more arseholes in ivory towers telling us we have been all wrong about gender and race and all sorts of other unimportant bullshit things, or does it need engineers and craftsmen and craftswomen.

    Previously there were a lot of areas that needed brute strength, but these days with mechanisation and robotisation anyone can do many of the jobs that used to be male only domains...

    Women will simply vote for more socialism/social democracy.

    Yeah, whereas men would vote for the chick with the biggest tits.

    Oh dear Garry, did you forget the difference in life expectancy between men and women, by 65 women would have an absolute majority, your society will be short lived.

    Most people who vote in the west more often than not are voting against the person they don't like rather than a person they do like and quite often it might only be on one issue like abortion or three strikes you are out or immigration...

    It is amazing that in the US you only get two options... in most icecream stores you get an enormous range of flavours and optional extras like chocolate sauce or sprinkles or chocolate flakes or M&Ms or cookies crumbled up.

    But instead the greatest democracy on the planet... they say... you can vote for this rich old white censored , or that rich old white censored .

    How could giving women the vote effect that in a negative way. You could let sheep have a vote too... if they crap in the next 2 minutes they vote for Biden and if they don't they vote for Trump... who the **** cares who wins... you don't understand what Twain is saying... it doesn't matter who you vote for because both your choices are already rigged.

    Or someone is going to get shot.

    Pfffh.... hhahaha, you wanna complain??...about what, this is your position Garry, your not going to solve the problem, so accept your demise.

    Do you have a huge Harem of women that you have hundreds of children with? If you are not part of the solution are you even allowed to complain.

    I don't want kids till this planet has a decent looking future ahead of it.

    What arse Garry, this is literally the Boomer position:
    "Live it up and leave the consequences of your actions to the next generations".

    So everyone is a boomer.

    What did you expect me to say Garry?

    Why do you think I have any control of the future of the planet?

    Even if I had ten kids that would hardly change anything.

    Ok, so now your one of these "we are all human" leftists.

    Hey... you point out the lizard people and we can jump them and rip off their masks OK?

    This is not about "more people" Garry, this is about "your people", do your people, your culture, your history matter to you Garry?

    Aaaah, so you mean more white conservative European mentality people are needed on this planet... adolph?

    My culture is a culture we adopted... it came from America and is called consumerism and creates a lot of waste and damage... another part of our culture comes from the UK which is stupid too... it seems that if someone attacks me I have to respond in a measured way so as not to use an excessive amount of force in response... this does not apply to police officers trying to restrain me or bouncers at bars, but I have to guess what is excessive and what is acceptable, and if a jury or judge decides I am wrong then I get to go to jail.

    I think we need a few changes to be honest...

    And that is not mentioning the direction western culture seems to be headed for... worshipping the deviant and the minority.... ironic considering it is the minority of the 1% that control and run everything with their money, but now we have to respect and not offend the mentally ill or we can be accused of hate crimes and be sent to jail.

    Your getting "more people" mixed up with "your people' again.

    You are forgetting that New Zealanders are not White people from the UK, New Zealanders are pacific islanders and people from all round the planet including Chinese and Asia and even Central and South America. New Zealanders are my people... whether they call themselves Moriori, or Maori or Samoan or Fijian or Chinese... I don't care what religion they are or what colour their skin is, New Zealanders are kiwis.

    Xi seems to know what's up, preparations are underway.

    Or woke BS does not work in China and token women in positions does not make sense, so the best people for the job this time around happened to be men.

    Money saved by not giving women welfare can build orphanages.

    The ideal situation is for there to not be orphanages... putting children into families makes rather more sense than putting them in "you aint got no one to love you prison".

    Woman gets educated, thinks she has to have Christian Grey.
    Man gets educated, can go after city girls (who want Greys) or has his pick of the farm-girl litter, or is more attractive to his favorite farm girl.

    So you are saying you are a hardcore muslim?

    That is fine. But what sort of society do you get when half the population are uneducated?

    We know which increases fertility and which does not.

    So burn schools and no education for anyone because it reduces fertility... and we can live in our own shit and wonder why babies die so often... the bacteria method of birth control.

    But seems like somebody do not have enough cognitive ability to understand that and somehow they are wishing for the things that they will regret. Or may be these are despicable thugs that make money on the enslavement of others.

    The view that a mans job is to earn money and build a nest and attract a woman and then you get married and then the woman looks after the children you are going to have while the man is at work all day every day paying for everything while the woman cooks and cleans and looks after the kids is very widespread.

    The Taliban for instance think girls should not be seen or heard... and certainly not educated, and that selling off an old maid that is 14 years old and still not married off is a burden to her family...

    Having said that over the years there are plenty of members who have topics where their views are coloured by their culture or experience and are different from mine, while in many other areas we are in agreement.

    I don't have any Tattoos. I think Tattoos are art and tastes in art change over time, while tattoos don't generally change, which makes them a contradiction in my opinion.

    I am not going to tell anyone else how they should feel about tattoos, I can give my view and my reasons but I wont ban anyone who likes tattoos.

    At this point, i am 90% certain that higurashihougi is a woman.

    I am 90% sure you are single or divorced.

    Fertility rate of 6.3 in 1973, when the communists took over.
    Afterwards, well, communism fails.

    And you and many other extremists will jump up and down and claim communism is bad because of this, but when you look at the population growth there is actually nothing wrong with their fertility levels when the mortality rates drop too... not to mention kicking the French and the Americans out... that graph is very careful to not show the effect of the western world bombing the shit out of the country and how that effected the population size.

    According to this:

    Hover your mouse arrow over any part of the chart and the display on the right hand side will show you the data for that data point.

    You can click on the other countries listed there, but even the worst performing is Thailand and by 2030 it is projected they will still have 70 million people... from a country like New Zealand that sounds like plenty.

    For Vietnam:

    The fertility rate in 1970 was 6.0 and the population was about 41 million, while in 2000 the fertility rate was 2 and the population was 79 million.... oh no... a collapse... 20 years later in 2020 they must have no people left right?

    In 2021 the fertility rate is 1.94 and the population is 97 million... yeah... I see what you mean... in a million years there will only be a billion of them...

    Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:21 am

    GarryB wrote:I am not going to tell anyone else how they should feel about tattoos, I can give my view and my reasons but I wont ban anyone who likes tattoos.

    I understand your commitment to the ideas of respect of other's expression, and to be honestly, my human rights is protected thanks to that. Hence I won't dispute your decision.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ALAMO Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:55 am

    GarryB wrote:
    For Vietnam:
    The fertility rate in 1970 was 6.0 and the population was about 41 million, while in 2000 the fertility rate was 2 and the population was 79 million.... oh no... a collapse... 20 years later in 2020 they must have no people left right?
    In 2021 the fertility rate is 1.94 and the population is 97 million... yeah... I see what you mean... in a million years there will only be a billion of them...
    Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves.

    Not that I would like to join your tattoo crusade at any point Laughing but ...
    Just take a look at these numbers, to find a key.

    If a generation has a fertility rate at 6+ level, it means that in 20+ years there will be more or less 3x more kids (male/female ratio is a key factor here).
    So if the next generation's fertility drops to 2, the overall number of kids will be still on the level of the previous generation.
    Considering the fact of Vietnam, we clearly see increasing numbers, but decreasing dynamics.

    On the other hand, Vietnam is a relatively small country that has a serious issues to feed own population.
    I guess that 100 mln people is an absolute maximum what the land can hold&feed.

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    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Apr 10, 2024 4:31 am

    ^ Time to bring a few mlns of these Vietnamese people to Russia Smile

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 10, 2024 6:45 pm

    The long term trend for all developed countries which pander to female hedonics and abuse men in kangaroo family courts is for TFR to
    crash to 1 or lower. All of these countries are deleting themselves in the long run. Current populations mean squat. China is experiencing
    the shrinking of young productive workers with an increasing burden of retirees. This is has been the crisis in the west for decades and we
    see the debt-driven husks that they have become. The west has offshored its production not simply because it is cheaper.

    We also have an increase in VD in North America as all the females screw the same small number of males. It's a freak show.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  lyle6 Wed Apr 10, 2024 7:52 pm

    >Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves
    This is just a wishful conceit. In reality the goal of automation is to eliminate you - the expensive worker - out of the business equation entirely. You're not only not getting a robot slave to do your bidding, you'd be out of a job and no authority government or corpo even has to pretend to look out for you. Excess carbon essentially.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  lyle6 Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:41 pm

    >Money saved by not giving women welfare can build orphanages.
    Its not about money. Its about women fulfilling their sacred civilizational duty of giving birth to the next generation. That shit came with the XX chromosome and a womb. They don't want to do that shit, fine.

    But they have to stop enjoying all the shit that civilization has to offer that last I checked, was built and maintained almost entirely by dudes. Say whore out from 18 to 35, but then just check out instead of becoming a burden to society (females are predominantly consumers, not producers of surplus goods and services).

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:48 am

    I understand your commitment to the ideas of respect of other's expression, and to be honestly, my human rights is protected thanks to that. Hence I won't dispute your decision.

    It is a stance that might protect peoples views you don't like, but it also protects you too... and honestly... if I start banning people for being racist, then they will stop saying racist things but does that mean they are cured? Or are they just keeping things in the closet?

    Banning gay people didn't stop people being gay, making gay interactions illegal didn't stop gay interactions.... hell... murder is illegal... I guess it never happens anywhere now...

    Banning things doesn't change much, but of course in this context if you actually try to bully someone or abuse a member then it might be racist or not but it is abuse and the rules on abuse cover that and can be used as needed.

    Not that I would like to join your tattoo crusade at any point Laughing but ...

    But that is my point... I personally don't approve of Tattoos and would never get one myself, but I don't care what anyone else does to their own body... that is up to them.

    I wont tell anyone that they should not get a tattoo, but I will say I wont and why I wont, but the decision is theirs... unless I am their legal guardian and then I will say no until they are old enough to not need a legal guardian...

    ^ Time to bring a few mlns of these Vietnamese people to Russia

    My sister in law is Thai and she does not like the cold and cold for her is anything below about 25 degrees C.

    She was fascinated by snow... but then so am I because we don't get much... but when you touch snow and realise it is very very cold you learn to appreciate it through a few layers.

    China is experiencing
    the shrinking of young productive workers with an increasing burden of retirees.

    And their one child policy is bearing fruit, but they dropped that a while ago so give them a decade or so and they will get young men and young women again.

    With BRICS hopefully what we call the third world can step up and start improving the situations in their own countries so the opportunity to work and earn a good wage and raise a family doesn't mean fighting for a green card to get to the US or sneaking over a border somewhere.

    As education improves in these countries then their birth rates will fall, but their living standards will also go up and life expectancy will also improve.

    It is funny those claiming women are taking over when it is western legal systems that this is the case and things are changing even there with new laws in some US states that limit how long husbands have to support their ex-wives... to the disgust of ex-wives groups who love the free money.

    This is about retired couples where the man has worked and the woman has been a housewife and perhaps had a part time job... of course his pension is going to be better than hers and she will claim a share because she gave up a full time job to be his stay at home wife and all that sort of rubbish.

    Too few men in retirement homes so the women have to leech from the one they married rather than hoping to find another at such a late stage.

    Of course every situation is different, but in the past it has not been 50/50.

    Many laws in the west are bias towards women, but as I have said... that is more about the men writing the laws and deciding on the laws protecting women... with more women in positions to decide I wonder how long many of those extra protections will apply because they will demand equality which actually goes against what the current laws reflect.

    The west has offshored its production not simply because it is cheaper.

    Western companies have become a pyramid scheme where profit is everything and the staff are human resources to be managed just like shelving and storage space... the focus is money and it shows... the CEO and the shareholders don't care if the customers are happy... An official from Mondelez International openly said that they are continuing to do business in Russia and Belarus because their shareholders don't care about the conflict in Syria or Ukraine, they just care about making good profits and they are making good profits in Russia so they are not leaving.

    I suspect if the west seizes Russias assets in their custody that Russia will seize the assets of Mondelez because they are a souless empty company of vampires.

    Isn't it funny how soulless and empty the companies in the snack food industry are.... didn't Poroshenko make his fortune in lollies too?

    This is just a wishful conceit. In reality the goal of automation is to eliminate you - the expensive worker - out of the business equation entirely. You're not only not getting a robot slave to do your bidding, you'd be out of a job and no authority government or corpo even has to pretend to look out for you. Excess carbon essentially.

    During the industrial revolution that is what they said about the various new machines for doing all sorts of things like weaving and threshing wheat etc etc... let to French farmers to throw their shoes into the machinery to jam it up so they could do the job manually. The French word for shoe is Sabot... which is where the English word Sabotage comes from...


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ALAMO Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:54 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    Its not about money.

    It is all about money.
    You are doing your due diligence from the wrong perspective.
    It is a standard of living that makes a base.
    This thing can be fluid consider the development level, and is probably valid for western types of economy, but it is a model.
    When WWI has ended in Europe, male population was largely devastated.
    It created a pressure on a labor market, opening it for females as a principal need.
    It was powdered as "emancipation", while it was the really last thing behind it.
    Still, the model was retained - in relatively wealthy and modern society, one working person could afford to have a family.
    This model existed well since the 20s, having it's peak in the 50s.'
    Both my grandgandfather and grandfather were able to have a family and live a decent lives - of course, adjusted by the time standards.
    But things started to change in the late 60s in the west.
    The cost of living were rising much more than the income of a single person.
    So in real life, again, social needs were masqueraded as "women freedom movement".
    Such a nice name, to call a reality when one working person could not afford to have a family anymore! Laughing
    It was an economic reality that forced women to work, in order to retain a living standard.
    Today in the west, one person can't afford a family.
    In some cases, costs of living raised so high, that it is getting to be a challenge even for two working people - that is why family models are being adjusted accordingly.
    So what needs to be applied here?
    Yes! Propaganda, and more propaganda.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:42 am

    GarryB wrote:
    China is experiencing
    the shrinking of young productive workers with an increasing burden of retirees.

    And their one child policy is bearing fruit, but they dropped that a while ago so give them a decade or so and they will get young men and young women again.

    As education improves in these countries then their birth rates will fall, but their living standards will also go up and life expectancy will also improve.

    Economic growth and reduce of financial burden come from two factor (1) increase of working manpower and (2) increase of productivity.

    Yes China is under the threat of declining manpower, but about the productivity growth, this graph show it all.

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Ch6-2

    And this is the graph of personal consumption growth

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Ov5-1

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 11, 2024 7:12 am

    But those numbers are distorted by the fact that it was not that long ago that China was rather backward in consumerism terms.

    I remember in the 1990s seeing US documentaries showing large Chinese cities with the single lane roads packed with people on bicycles... just wall to wall... obviously at a peak travel time, but the documentary was about US car makers and they were saying their goal was to become the car maker for China... and when everyone in the city had a car their next goal was that for everyone in the countryside to have a car too.

    They underestimated the impact they were making in a range of different areas and aspects.

    Chinas growth has been amazing because there was a lot of room for growth. Western growth looks like stagnation in comparison because they already had their growth spurts, but the real telling issue is that the west has essentially shifted its production base to countries with cheaper workforces and less regulation about what they can and can't do.

    They build bio labs in foreign countries because the regulations are so lax everything is cheaper... the guy who created covid carried bats in a bag on trains and buses to take them from where they were to the lab for testing and experimentation.

    Probably saved some money on that he did... pirat

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  The-thing-next-door Fri Apr 12, 2024 10:03 am

    lyle6 wrote:>Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves
    This is just a wishful conceit. In reality the goal of automation is to eliminate you - the expensive worker - out of the business equation entirely. You're not only not getting a robot slave to do your bidding, you'd be out of a job and no authority government or corpo even has to pretend to look out for you. Excess carbon essentially.

    With thier level of stupidity trying to replace the population with an automated economy would be like setting an airliners course to do a nose dive perpendicular to the ground and then smashing all of the controls.

    Retards simply cannot run even a well made automated economy, much less what thier monkeys can cook up. As for thier populations, they were almost all hardcore enemies of all things good anyway, good riddance.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 4 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Apr 13, 2024 7:36 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Ok, but of that 8 billion Garry, will the New Zealanders be part of it, or will your replacements will, my money's on the latter.

    New Zealand is a country of immigrants... white people over the last 200-300 years and Pacific Islanders for about 800-1,000 years before that in a couple of batches of arrivals. In 1,000 years New Zealand will of course be different, but it is up to New Zealand to decide on its policies and decisions.

    Fortunately it is much warmer in Australia so most immigrants come here for a bit and realise when you spread a quarter of Londons population over a country that is bigger than the UK then it seems a bit empty, so they tend to then gravitate to Australia, which is just as peaceful and warmer temperatures and much bigger with more land and more people.

    Great another one of these "we a melting pot" people.
    Keep declining into the ground then, your replacements will change the the laws once your gone.

    There are plenty of children in orphanages that need love and to be brought up in a safe stable environment. There is no chance of any country running out of people as such... during hard times people will move away from small towns looking for work or a nightlife but eventually the cost of living in a big city will lead to people moving out to small towns as the urban mass expands... COVID has done us all a favour as it has made pretty clear that working from home isn't the terrible thing most bosses suspected it might be and with many people being able to work at home then living in small towns becomes viable, which makes the local store more viable and a local bank machine a possibility... the problem of house prices can be solved by building in far away places...

    ??... this ain't about small town or big town Garry.
    If whatever town doesn't have enough kids, then their done for.

    It is a natural reaction of a male to protect a female and females take advantage of that all the time... the laws that benefit women in divorce were not written by women and were not voted on by women... most of them are created by men to protect women.

    Ironically if women get what they claim they actually want... which is equality, then most of the laws need to be rewritten, so women get the same sentence as a man for the same crime for instance, or women get put on the draft in time of war...

    This transgender BS is hilarious because the same femenists that say men and women are the same and should be equal get blasted in most sports when a transgender person who is genetically male puts on a dress.

    BS Garry, you know damn well women have been voting for this sh^t for a century.
    And any act to repeal this crap is immediately blocked by women and their feminist lobbies today.

    I am also in favor of the trans movement, just to F these hoes up.

    Mark Twain is right for the reasons you give... when the result is turning out to be something they are not happy with they cheat. The first election for Trump caught them off guard and they didn't have time to organise anything. I suspect Biden beat Trump because the Chinese helped the democrats to win because they feared Trump more than they feared Biden.... Now I think China and Russia wont care who gets elected because they are both censored .

    He ain't, in his day it still mattered, sore loser be sore.

    Who cares about this "fortified election" era, it's all bread and circuses.

    And there you give yourself away as not being smart. Are all men smarter than all women? Obviously not. Are the smartest people men... possibly... but that does not mean the smartest person is a man.

    It is going to handicap western technology progress because the next 40 years of AI development will be fixated on what gender to make the AI... there will be thousands to choose from.

    If you are saying that on average men are generally smarter than women you have to accept that most of the time there wont be a lot of difference in any random grouping.

    You also have to define smart... a person that can't memorise the entire works of Shakespear or memorised Pi to three million decimal places is not smart, they just have a very good memory. Often problem solving benefits from being rather more practically minded, yet in the west practically minded is not the same as intellectual...

    You go to University to study serious things or you go to Polytech to get work related skills like being a plumber or electrician or builder... does the world need more arseholes in ivory towers telling us we have been all wrong about gender and race and all sorts of other unimportant bullshit things, or does it need engineers and craftsmen and craftswomen.

    Previously there were a lot of areas that needed brute strength, but these days with mechanisation and robotisation anyone can do many of the jobs that used to be male only domains...

    Really, and your suppose to be smart one for believing in equality to the point of ignoring this categorical fact, simply because it go's against your moral principals, you have made egalitarianism your god Garry, just like so many others.

    No Garry, not even remotely, in fact letting women into A.I development is what helped cause this gender-nonconformity woke nonsense to cripple A.I and cuase that google A.I incident.

    Unless that grouping requires the best of the best.

    We gonna go with semantics now Garry.

    Who actually keeps the world running Garry, hint its not the women.

    Yeah, whereas men would vote for the chick with the biggest tits.

    No we wouldn't vote for a woman at all.

    How could giving women the vote effect that in a negative way. You could let sheep have a vote too... if they crap in the next 2 minutes they vote for Biden and if they don't they vote for Trump... who the **** cares who wins... you don't understand what Twain is saying... it doesn't matter who you vote for because both your choices are already rigged.

    Or someone is going to get shot.

    They have been voting for stupid sh^t for decades Garry, ask them if they're a feminist they'll tell you no, but since they vote the same way as a feminist, you'll have the same effect.
    Their all part of the sisterhood in the end.

    You seem obsessed with the presidential vote for some reason, there are more things were the sisterhood vote for.
    Like judges, who like to send innocent men to jail, because of MeToo BS, like Mr. Cosby for example.

    Twain didn't get what he wanted, so he B^tched.

    Do you have a huge Harem of women that you have hundreds of children with? If you are not part of the solution are you even allowed to complain.

    I don't want kids till this planet has a decent looking future ahead of it.

    Can't have one, because White Knights like you are in the way, defending ma'lady.

    You do realize you are directly causing this "indecent" future to begin with, right?
    Anyway, "the world is what it is, not as we want it to be", you can't beat nature.

    So everyone is a boomer.

    Yes, everyone like you, who have made equality this hill that their gonna die on.

    Why do you think I have any control of the future of the planet?

    Even if I had ten kids that would hardly change anything.

    The planet, no, your country, yes, when someone finally shows up to fix the problem, what are you gonna do?... let him fix it or get in the way, the answer will no doubt be the latter.

    Yes, all you did was have kids, you did not take women's rights away, ergo the problem remains unsolved.

    Ok, so now your one of these "we are all human" leftists.

    Hey... you point out the lizard people and we can jump them and rip off their masks OK?[/quote]

    Your not gonna do anything to your replacements.

    This is not about "more people" Garry, this is about "your people", do your people, your culture, your history matter to you Garry?

    Aaaah, so you mean more white conservative European mentality people are needed on this planet... adolph?

    My culture is a culture we adopted... it came from America and is called consumerism and creates a lot of waste and damage... another part of our culture comes from the UK which is stupid too... it seems that if someone attacks me I have to respond in a measured way so as not to use an excessive amount of force in response... this does not apply to police officers trying to restrain me or bouncers at bars, but I have to guess what is excessive and what is acceptable, and if a jury or judge decides I am wrong then I get to go to jail.

    I think we need a few changes to be honest...

    And that is not mentioning the direction western culture seems to be headed for... worshipping the deviant and the minority.... ironic considering it is the minority of the 1% that control and run everything with their money, but now we have to respect and not offend the mentally ill or we can be accused of hate crimes and be sent to jail.

    Changes are coming, hard and fast, your replacements won't repeat the same mistake you did.

    Your getting "more people" mixed up with "your people' again.

    You are forgetting that New Zealanders are not White people from the UK, New Zealanders are pacific islanders and people from all round the planet including Chinese and Asia and even Central and South America. New Zealanders are my people... whether they call themselves Moriori, or Maori or Samoan or Fijian or Chinese... I don't care what religion they are or what colour their skin is, New Zealanders are kiwis.

    Do you not get it, your melting pot will continue to melt until it melts enough to fix to problem.

    Xi seems to know what's up, preparations are underway.

    Or woke BS does not work in China and token women in positions does not make sense, so the best people for the job this time around happened to be men.

    It does if it's all about party loyalty instead of actual competence, sure Garry, they just "happen" to be men.

    Money saved by not giving women welfare can build orphanages.

    The ideal situation is for there to not be orphanages... putting children into families makes rather more sense than putting them in "you aint got no one to love you prison".

    Ideals and reality are not the same, that's why their called ideals, and its called tough love.

    Woman gets educated, thinks she has to have Christian Grey.
    Man gets educated, can go after city girls (who want Greys) or has his pick of the farm-girl litter, or is more attractive to his favorite farm girl.

    So you are saying you are a hardcore muslim?

    That is fine. But what sort of society do you get when half the population are uneducated?


    A fertile one.

    So burn schools and no education for anyone because it reduces fertility... and we can live in our own shit and wonder why babies die so often... the bacteria method of birth control.

    No, just higher education, and just women.
    The men who actually build and maintain the world need to be above these women, in order to keep female hypergamy in check.

    At this point, i am 90% certain that higurashihougi is a woman.

    I am 90% sure you are single or divorced.

    Oowh a mystery.

    And you and many other extremists will jump up and down and claim communism is bad because of this, but when you look at the population growth there is actually nothing wrong with their fertility levels when the mortality rates drop too... not to mention kicking the French and the Americans out... that graph is very careful to not show the effect of the western world bombing the shit out of the country and how that effected the population size.

    According to this:

    Hover your mouse arrow over any part of the chart and the display on the right hand side will show you the data for that data point.

    You can click on the other countries listed there, but even the worst performing is Thailand and by 2030 it is projected they will still have 70 million people... from a country like New Zealand that sounds like plenty.

    For Vietnam:

    The fertility rate in 1970 was 6.0 and the population was about 41 million, while in 2000 the fertility rate was 2 and the population was 79 million.... oh no... a collapse... 20 years later in 2020 they must have no people left right?

    In 2021 the fertility rate is 1.94 and the population is 97 million... yeah... I see what you mean... in a million years there will only be a billion of them...

    Western countries are in rather worse situations than this, but robotics and automation means even if their populations decrease they should still be able to look after themselves.

    No bad Garry, but in the end , what is this really.
    Population growth with shotty fertility, somethings very fishy here.

    In the end delay tactics are just delay tactics, what's coming is coming, be at ease Garry.
    You and me wont be around to see it,... or will we? Twisted Evil
    There's still the rest of the world. Razz

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Apr 14, 2024 1:02 pm

    Idiots speaking about hypergamy forgot the fact that in the cases that women hold dominant position in the society, then hypergamy happen in men, i.e. men flock to that women to ask for favour.

    For example, Ekaterina II of Russia.

    Or Wu Zetian in China.

    The very reason for hypergamy is the unequal society and power disparity, that Alfa and colleagues has always been worshipping, not because of genders. If a man seeing that he have a chance to get on a good side or have marriage relationship with a powerful woman, there are few reason for him to not do so.

    By the way, honestly speaking, I do not know whether any distant ancestors of AlfaT8 might be concubines of these empresses.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:19 pm

    The biology of female and male love is distinct. When women win lotteries, they break up the family to find a "better man". When men win
    lotteries, they have more kids. They do not dump their wife to find a "better woman". There is ample empirical evidence that females prefer
    not to have children. Given their choice, the species will go extinct.

    It is ironic how romantic love is attributed to females. It is a male behaviour pattern. Women are "material girls" and all their bitching and
    moaning about how men "objectify" them is pure hypocritical excrement. They see men as walking wallets. Women "love" men for the
    resources they provide. It is not, for the vast majority of them, altruistic. Again, when a woman gets seriously sick (e.g. terminal cancer)
    the man stays around to take care of her but when the situation is reversed, the woman dumps her man to find a replacement. That is what
    the statistics indicate. That there are exceptions is utterly irrelevant, since it does not determine the global trend.

    The rotten governments around the world recognize this reality, implicitly. They offload the welfare burden of females on to their male partners.
    The so-called "no fault divorce" is a one way street to extract male resources. The "strong and independent" females are coddled like inadequate
    dependents or wards.

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    Post  lyle6 Sun Apr 14, 2024 6:26 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Idiots speaking about hypergamy forgot the fact that in the cases that women hold dominant position in the society, then hypergamy happen in men, i.e. men flock to that women to ask for favour.

    For example, Ekaterina II of Russia.

    Or Wu Zetian in China.

    The very reason for hypergamy is the unequal society and power disparity, that Alfa and colleagues has always been worshipping, not because of genders. If a man seeing that he have a chance to get on a good side or have marriage relationship with a powerful woman, there are few reason for him to not do so.

    By the way, honestly speaking, I do not know whether any distant ancestors of AlfaT8 might be concubines of these empresses.
    Your examples are women who married into power as daughters of powerful men. So you're telling me the only way women can attain anything of value is by borrowing from men? Lmao

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Apr 15, 2024 12:26 am

    lyle6 wrote:Your examples are women who married into power as daughters of powerful men. So you're telling me the only way women can attain anything of value is by borrowing from men? Lmao

    Using your arguments then your so-called powerful men are also useless parasites, as they are sons of other powerful men or women, they got rich and got powerful by inheriting from their parents, not by building from bare hands. Many other men were actually marrying into daughters of rich families, or being male concubines of rich ladies, i.e. these are hypergamy committed by male, literally.

    But of course it is always women's fault, your men are always on the right side regardless of how scumbags they are.

    By the way the two women I mentioned are effective rulers of huge empires and were acknowledged as amongst the most competent political leaders in history. And of course, historical chronicles, written by men, acknowledged that many men volunteered to be the lapdogs of these powerful women, or sending their sons or male relatives to beg for favour from these empresses.

    At that time none of your men care about your argument of male superiority or female hypergamy, as they only care about money and benefits, even if by crawling in four arms like dogs.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:27 am

    I would say life is complicated and trying to change an entire culture and society based on individual examples that happen to support your views while ignoring other cases that contradict that is futile and complaining on the internet doubly so.

    You want to murder all the women who think they should get a vote, just try because when you get that sort of reputation your ideas will die with you.

    In 50 years time sex robots will be amazing and many men will wonder why they would bother with human women when they can get what they want when they want it from a synthetic... a synthetic they could download or 3D print new parts for... you could sleep with all the famous beautiful people of history every night of your life and not need to wine and dine them and at no risk of losing half of everything you own.

    The only drawback would be having kids but there will be plenty of solo mums who thought being a mother on their own would be easy and then realise it is never easy... especially if you even want to do a half decent job and are doing it on your own.

    More importantly in 50 years they might have worked out the DNA that ages cells. Most cells are replaced over time... some, like blood cells are replaced very often, while bones and other things might be replaced over a ten year period... so no matter what day you were born the oldest parts of your body are actually only about 10 years old, but there is a built in system where your new cells are made to degrade over time so a 90 year old person has 90 year olds skin and blood and bones, while a 2 year old cannot have cells older than 3 years old... some of which have not even matured properly yet.

    When they work it out the cell growth and development could be set to make your cells like they were when you were 21.

    They might even work out how to turn off the genes that determine how old you are going to be when you have something fail that will kill you.

    By the time we get to then we don't want a fertility rate of 6 unless you want to fight lots of wars to keep the population in check.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:59 am

    Here in woke toilet Kanada we have a new tax grab panacea by asswipe local governments.   Something called a "vacant" or "empty" home tax has been introduced.
    In Toronto it went from 1% of assessed value of the property to 3% in the first two years.   In Toronto, the average empty land value is about 1 million Canadian
    dollars.   That means the owner of an "empty" house has to pay over $30,000 per year for supposedly depriving Toronto of precious living space.

    This tax grab is justified with the claim that lots of condos are sitting empty because Chinese investors are trying to feed off the hot Toronto (and Vancouver) market.
    This is pap for retards.

    1) That investor money involves new condo high rise construction.   So the condo complex was built because of this "speculator" money and obviously not every single
    unit in the complex is empty.   So the stellar intellect thieves in the municipal regime are inverting the causality.   Their "solution" will suppress condo construction and
    thus lower the available housing stock.

    2) The crisis in Toronto and elsewhere is affordable housing and taxing expensive property owners is not going to fix it.   Even if they are forced to rent out the
    expensive properties, the rent rates are going to be way too high.   The only way is to split the housing units into multiple parts and have multiple tenants.   Yeah,
    let's have tenement dumps in every neighbourhood to make life in the city great.

    3) If you inherit a house from a deceased parent(s), then how are you a Chinese speculator and land flipper?   The f*ck you are.   They are the ones that are making you
    a land flipper because they are forcing you to sell (if you do not want the real hassle of renting).   Selling a small number of "empty" units does not lower the house prices
    in the city.  The buyers typically rebuild the house if it is small, old and cheap and throw up some monster.   The woke toilet totalitarians are literally coercing you out of
    your inheritance supposedly to increase housing stock.   So the property is not yours, it belongs to the municipality.   And don't even try to say that you still get the money.
    Cashing out real estate means watching the money disappear to inflation, which is at least 10% per year in Kanada.   After 10 years your inheritance is worth 39% of what
    you started with.  Bank rates are joke and the stock market is a casino.  When do these grubbermint clowns decide what investment you make?  

    As usual we have the propaganda how over 70% of the proletariat support these measures.   WTF is the ignorant opinion of these lemmings relevant?   They answer opinion
    polls on the basis of how the questions are framed.   If you paint the Chinese speculator picture they will be spazzing with support.   But what if you tell them that it is
    an inheritance and the owner will be spending part of the year living there?   Or if they want to figure out what to do over the course of a few years instead of being coerced
    into big financial decisions in a short period of time at the whim of some clown politicians.    The lumpen proletariat is always going to support "tax the rich" schemes even if
    there are no rich involved.   Note how no distinction is being made between the "Chinese land flipper" threat and Kanadian citizens engaged in normal ownership situations.

    Toronto is the same clown municipality that was giving condo developers grants (not loans) to put int "affordable" units that nobody knew about.   Yes, they try so hard to
    provide for the poor, homeless Torontonians.   Screwing over middle income citizens while feeding actual fat cats is their duty.

    BTW, the federal Kanadian grubbermint is already taxing foreign speculators via its own 1% of assessed value tax.    I expect these maggots to start attacking Kanadian citizens
    soon as well.   A new tax rape cornucopia is here.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:49 am

    it is an inheritance and the owner will be spending part of the year living there

    @kvs: do Canadian legal system distinguish between the houses that are empty, and houses are regularly used and occupied for a significant portion of the year ? Are they forcing people to suffer many obstacles, difficulties, cubersome or time-consuming procedures to prove that to the authorities ? Question Question Idea

    (Disclaimer in cases of any misunderstanding: this question is simply due to my curiousty and ignorance of the issues.)

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    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:13 pm

    Wow, a country wanting new income streams... that is how the rich get rich... creating as many income streams as they can... especially income streams that don't require a lot of effort...

    The irony is that those owners of the million dollar properties will be selling those million dollar properties in 5 years time for 2 or 3 million so 30K per year is nothing really.

    And for those genuine people... put some renters in the house and they can help with the upkeep and save you 30K per year...

    It is not rocket science.

    I have heard stories about a very rich Chinese man who went to Auckland, the largest city in NZ and he went to an estate agent and asked to see 20 houses in the 1 million dollar range. The agent took him to all 20 and then asked him which he was interested in. He bought them all. A couple of them his children and grandchildren stayed in while they were going to Auckland University and the rest stayed empty. In three years when they kids graduated he sold them all for 2 to 2.5 million each.

    In other words, he made a huge profit... more than he could possibly make on interest alone, and got free room and board for his family who needed places to stay.

    I would say a better law to deal with this sort of thing... or at least minimise it, is to adopt the same laws Thailand has. If you weren't born here you can't own property.

    Property speculation is easy... you just need the money to buy and to hold the property, and then time will do its thing.

    The further away from the main centres the cheaper land becomes till you get to good farmland and then the price goes up. Little out of town places will eventually become part of the bigger places as the cities expand... it might be 10 years or it might be 20.

    A friend of my fathers went up to Wellington to help his son do up a house his son had just bought for 75K and he came back saying it was a sht hole he wouldn't keep horses in... within 10 years the house was worth over 1 million dollars because it was a rough house in a neighbourhood that became trendy and popular.

    But obviously it is not that simple.... a bike gang might move in next door and your house becomes impossible to sell. Or there is asbestos insulation, or a small creek that runs beside your house turns into a torrent every flood and washes through your house and you can't sell it to anyone.

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:48 am


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    Post  kvs Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:34 am

    That is a woke-tard manifestation. Millenials raised on participation trophies and coddling of irrationality are manifesting all sorts of behavioural
    pathologies. For example, they expect to get hired because they showed up to a job interview. People who need "safe spaces" and who
    are triggered by dissenting opinions cannot be expected to be hard workers. Such people can always find a pretext to excuse effort.
    When your mental framework is built around resentment identity politics, then you are dysfunctional.

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