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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Swgman_BK Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:52 am

    Decline of the western society #3 Image15

    I was on Quora today and it turns out Putin was right about Westerners. I couldn't believe my eyes.

    Decline of the western society #3 Image16

    Decline of the western society #3 Image17

    Decline of the western society #3 Image18

    Decline of the western society #3 Image19

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:38 pm

    Love the false dichotomy.... how often would it occur that the only way you could survive is to murder someone else.

    In the past the west has murdered to take control of land and resources, but it is not like the west would have starved if it had not done that.

    They chose to murder and steal because it was easier than paying a fair price for the wealth you are seizing from the dead.

    The irony is the rest of the world already knows what ruthless bastards the west are... but as a western person has this guy realised that if it is OK for the west to murder and steal resources from the rest of the world, isn't what they are doing to Russia right now a declaration of war and an excuse for Russia to perhaps nuke the west?

    Putin signed two Minsk agreements with Kiev to deal with the issues in Ukraine, Putin went to the US and the EU regarding new security agreements to make everyone in Europe feel safe and not just HATO members and he was rejected.

    HATO has been arming and funding the Kiev regime since 2014 with the express goal of building their military up to the point where they could take their two troubled regions (Donbass and Lugansk) by military force and if that was successful they were going to take the Crimea back too as their next step. Zelensky says this over and over to this day.

    If the Crimea really was Ukrainian and not Russian why are they not rising up to fight Russia?

    There is no guerilla war in the Crimea or Donbass or Lugansk... only Ukrainians from the west of the country.

    BTW if the west starts to seize oil and gas carrying ships how safe will western shipping become. Does he think there will be no consequences from western piracy?

    Oil producing countries could just stop production for a few years and we will see how the west copes with that.

    Russia has plenty of weapons they could sell to oil producing countries that would make naval operations for even the most expensive navies in the world too costly to sustain.

    The UK navy is what... two aircraft carriers and 6 destroyers?

    One Russian corvette with 8 Zircon missiles could deal with that if it had to... how bad do you want that oil?

    The pure arrogance where you can say it is about survival so you can do anything... sounds like the Israelis to be honest, but most western countries justify some of their worst crimes this way.

    In fact lets kill 600,000 iraqi children because we don't want the price of fuel at the pump to go up too high... and these are the sort of people that call Putin and Xi evil.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Kiko Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:45 pm

    Russian "jaga-jaga" sent feminists to the trash heap, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 12.16.2023.

    Frederic Beigbeder - a dandy, a rich man, a star of the literary beau monde of France - became the third (in a short period of time) victim. A victim of neofeminist ideas that have already formed into a dense totalitarian regime, which now regulates both in France and in the EU the morals and relations that develop between women and men.

    According to these guidelines, men cannot do anything, while women are allowed absolutely everything, including judicial reprisals, denunciations, and hate campaigns on social networks. Jurisprudence is choked with lawsuits alleging rape, however, the act is impossible to prove (fantasies of attention seekers and their “15 minutes of fame” of neurotics), and law enforcement officers are forced to spend hundreds of man-hours to find out who, how and when exactly it was wrong looked at another “snowflake” feminine, inflicting unbearable and almost existential trauma on the latter just by showing male interest.

    Feminists are waging a war with men - both individually and with masculinity as such - and this war is without rules and for complete destruction.

    A 58-year-old novelist and literary critic, who, in principle, does not need to look for female charms (Begbeder has plenty of fans), was accused of rape, and the accusation in the presentation is very curly. The first time on a date, the act of love occurred by “mutual consent,” the second - not so much with the approval of the participant, who, despite the “trauma,” stayed with Begbeder until the morning in the hotel room. The very same place where, as she claims, she was raped, and in the very bed where, in fact, Frederick Beigbeder did what he is accused of.

    Several months of proceedings - and then Begbeder was summoned to the police commissariat, where he was announced to be detained and interrogated for many hours.

    Beigbeder received a colossal scandal in the press, the cancellation of performances with his participation, and it turned out that this was only the beginning. Ahead lies the breaking of contracts, cancellation of projects, and it is unlikely that in the future there will be a publishing house ready to publish his new novel or collection of essays.

    Everyone in the West, and in our country as well, knows very well how these kinds of stories end: at best, social and professional death, and at worst, imprisonment. If you want, you can check with Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, Kevin Spacey and Donald Trump himself. Like many others.

    The scheme has been tested and has proven its effectiveness.

    The accusation of violence, which was committed by a white rich and famous man, and then the asphalt skating rink (which is also called “justice”) is started, and the scalp of the next victim is solemnly hung everywhere possible - from blogs to glossy media.

    But this time and at this time, while Beigbeder was answering absolutely humiliating questions from the police, something went wrong.

    Feminists (whether Western or domestic), I have very bad news for you!

    Women - young and not so young - no longer want to live according to your recipes and manuals.

    After all, that same Russian “jaga-jaga” has arrived. and threw you out like old rags in the trash.

    Max Fadeev’s composition “My Marmalade”, enchantingly performed twenty years ago Katya Lel, changed in a few weeks the entire clearing that feminists considered yours.

    Western women said “enough is enough”, looked at themselves in the mirror, discovered their appearance, figure and other physically attractive potential and decided to take advantage of it all. Yes, and since the trend of returning femininity and femininity came from Russia, it turned out to be bright, inviting and incredibly luxurious.

    Furs, high heels, bright makeup, perfectly styled hair, sparkling eyes - it turned out that all these oversized T-shirts and wide pants that hide female forms are no longer interesting. First of all, the women themselves. It turned out that looking bright and sexy, attracting male glances of the right, understandable and vital quality, is what we all need now and today.

    Because these glances, which Russian men have not forgotten to give (it’s great that this is so), are fuel for women’s hearts, bodies and women’s brains. Everything immediately falls into place, and neuroses, anxiety and hysteria immediately disappear. And yes, in this sensory paradigm there are new (or rather, very old) rules of play and behavior. And yes, among these rules the main thing is the ability to say: “I’m wrong.” Two words and a particle "not" - not too high a price to pay for the return of the feminine principle, for the revival of feminine instincts and feminine behaviour.

    Getting rid of the confusion of false truths, and even coming from a place where, if you remember, women received the right to vote not so long ago, the right to work even later, and when our Pasha Angelina invited her friends to sit behind the wheel of a tractor, they could, at best, sit there and wait for my husband to get home from work.

    Our country is the cradle of a correct, honest, clear understanding of the role and importance of women in society, and where there are problems with this, all of the above are called “feminism”, without realizing that we have already accomplished everything and were able to prove everything long ago . First of all, for yourself.

    Having proven it, we return to where we feel good, or rather, where we feel best: under the wing of strong male hands. Who support and help. Because they love. We don’t really want to cancel it all. We want "jagi-jagi" and also - so that there is always an opportunity to say “I’m wrong.”

    The world, spinning to the rhythm of the Russian hit, apparently completely agrees with us.

    Well, feminists can go to where they only belong - to the dustbin of history. Don’t forget to take everything dimensionless with you.

    Good riddance, girls!

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:49 pm

    The west is a dump of hypocritical BS. We have the same crap here in Kanada where people who left "bad" hotel reviews got sued by the operators.
    There is zero point in having online reviews of anything if the "victim" can sue for damages. Reviews are like opinions. So it is somehow possible to
    sue people for their opinions. Then we have people confused why their freedoms are not there.

    Let's say that someone is malicious in their reviews. Well, that means that the review site does not have control over the number of reviews from the
    same address. If the company is such a victim of bad reviews, then one would think that they are actually good and that there would be positive
    reviews as well. So the issue comes down to how many down votes vs up votes. Customers look at this ratio. An individual who leaves a bad
    review is only possibly subject to lawsuit if he also spams the down votes. A single negative review cannot be subject to legal action.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 24, 2023 10:43 pm

    Ludicrous, corrupt overkill to use supercomputer CPUs in a nuclear power plant. Ones that have to be rented at $350,000 per month.
    This nonsense did nothing for the design of the plant and its safe operation. Copy-pasting the US plant design in a tsunami flood zone
    was retarded and no supercomputer control system can rectify this. Nobody forced the Japanese engineers to put the back-up generators
    in a flood prone basement. They had access to hills very near to the plant which would never have been flooded.

    This sort of idiotic design is what western tech fanbois wank to. When they see "inferior" and "primitive" Russian designs their fanboi
    brains can't process the truth. BTW, Chernobyl was an Ukr sabotage operation. The power plant was deliberately run into a critical
    state. It wasn't any sort of accident. It was not a mistake or lack of understanding of the power plant operational regimes. It was not
    inferior equipment. It was deliberate violation of the operating procedures. Considering the context, it was an obvious psyop. The
    Fukushima disaster has no such excuses.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Kiko Sun Jan 21, 2024 12:59 am

    Russia protects the most important thing, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 01.20.2024.

    Those who pinch us, stigmatize us, reproach us, teach us life and whom we interfere with by the very fact of our existence, the news that this year they intend to not only promote but also defend the most important values ​​was met with the irritation characteristic of eternal losers.

    In a world ruled by post-truth and its self-appointed minions, it is fundamentally important to identify what is impossible to buy, impossible to exchange and what cannot be destroyed.

    The decree on holding the Year of the Family in Russia was issued in November last year. And three weeks later, as if in response, but in reality, of course, it is unlikely, the Vatican comes up with the following initiative: Catholic priests are invited - for now only invited - to give church blessings to same-sex (the general name for any composition of a similar human duet) couples. Yes, the Holy See clarifies, this is not a wedding, or rather, not quite a wedding, but, on the other hand, “we are for the inclusion of everyone in the bosom of the church.”

    What happened four weeks apart is the most complete illustration of the phrase “clash of civilizations.”

    We see the defeat of some who silently watch how their familiar world of relationships and social construct falls into the abyss, just as we understand that if it weren’t for the legal ban on the LGBT* movement and shameless propaganda on media platforms, for money or for interest, all of this , which leads to the destruction of respect for the fundamental values ​​of our society, we could quickly find ourselves in a similar system of moral coordinates.

    The triumphant liberalism of the Western sense, to which no barriers are placed, has led to the fact that not only the body has become an object of consumption, but also feelings, not only the completely natural desire to love and be with the one you love and who loves you, is now just a commodity in a big, big supermarket where they sell emotions. And the very physiology of both sexes has turned into a store item.

    When, obeying stupidity, or propaganda, or a momentary whim, you can change your gender. And moreover, with the help of justice (a euphemism for the phrase “repressive apparatus”), this choice can be forced, so to speak, to be “tolerated” under pain of punishment. That is, to be tolerant, but against the will.

    Caprice, or nonsense, or propaganda - but as a result, everything that once made up such a proud Western civilization has now become waste.

    Even ten years ago, when French President Hollande, working off the sponsorship of the rich man and suspected pedophile homosexual Pierre Berger, pushed a law legalizing same-sex marriage through parliament, hundreds of thousands of those who understood what all these games of “tolerance” were taking to the streets of the country " and the falsely understood "inclusion" will end.

    Today, news from the Vatican, breaking the foundations of civilization, went almost unnoticed.

    Those noisy dissenters understood everything correctly. The games of an aggressive minority, offended by life, surrounded by happiness, led (where the question “is the world going to fail or should I not drink tea?” they answer: “the world is going to go wrong, but let me always drink tea”) to the removal of all restrictions and limitations.

    There, by order of command, military-style, women, men and, of course, children are abolished. Because children (once the fruit of the joy of mom and dad, their joint happiness and, in a sense, the guarantee of immortality, since the family will continue) have also become a commodity. And if children have turned into a commodity that can be bought in a globalist supermarket, it means that parenthood has gone from being an opportunity, life circumstances, love, to a right invented by the promoters of the agenda.

    If the promoters managed to fool even the highest prelates of the Catholic Church, who - in the literal sense of the word - exchanged birthright (biblical dogmas) for “lentil stew” (positive PR), then it is absolutely clear to us with what and with whom we are engaged in an ideological confrontation.

    We, of course, see the Western liberal-globalist paradigm. Today, yes, it is recommended that “rainbow” couples be blessed, not married, and not in the main parish of the church, but in a side one. But just give it a period of time - and you will see that the blessing will become obligatory, turning into a full-fledged wedding, that it is this vector on “gender diversity” that will become central, that it is precisely such relationships that are no longer just familiar, but by and large practically the only ones socially approved. Only this kind of connection is supported by the state financially, and the government – ​​politically. Those who don’t know how this works can take an interest in the latest appointments to the Cabinet of Ministers of the same France.

    If in our traditional view everything begins with the love of a man and a woman, then in the West it all begins with “inclusion,” which cannot be ignored under pain of prosecution. And this is by no means a sequel to the Orwellian utopia “1984”, but quite a real liberal-globalist 2024.

    By protecting the traditional family, relatives, loved ones, women, men, we are actually protecting not only our country and ourselves, we are protecting our children. And not from invented “rights” and the same chimerical “freedoms,” but from chaos, fear, horror and hell, when “everything is permitted” and everything is permitted. We defend the right to a norm, to live within the criteria of a norm, and to the right to be real. Men and women.

    The year of family is given to us to understand: even the norm today needs our protection.

    * Extremist organization banned in Russia

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:02 pm

    The corruption is approaching critical mass. These clowns can't even build some two bit houses. If you are going to spend time and money
    doing something, then do it according to a functional plan. Hacking some defected rubbish together is something you only do for free or not
    at all. But here we see that such a requirement is too much. I wonder if there is some sort of scam involved in building defective houses.
    The repair and demolition costs are going into someone's pocket. Perhaps the builder is part of the racket.


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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Sujoy Thu Feb 22, 2024 8:33 pm

    Ever since the West came to the conclusion that India is supporting Russia in the conflict in Ukraine, the number of Indians getting killed in the US has skyrocketed.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:31 am

    Not only callous and inhuman to the plight of those they are supposedly sworn to protect, but also dumb enough to say such things while wearing a body camera that is operating...

    Reminds me of those Intruder pilots that murdered those people in the cable car in that european country that had a video camera with them and were recording their flight. The tape disappeared before it could be examined. Of course destroying evidence like that happens all the time to prevent international incidents... I am surprised they didn't even bother in this case...

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:22 pm

    The US is a rotten state where the judiciary and police are corrupt. The cops can kill you on a whim and will not be punished. This is not an
    exaggeration. The term "swatting" emerges from this. Call the cops on someone you don't like and they have a high chance of dying at the
    hands of the "law enforcers". Kanada is not much better. Precious cops need protection from the citizens. The explicit policy is to shoot
    first and ask questions later. Guns are pulled on knife wielders. But worse, the guns are discharged when some pissy pants cop is afraid you
    are pulling a weapon because he can't see your hands clearly. They do not shoot to injure, they shoot to kill. These cops do not have the ability
    to do the job properly since they are not there because of merit and many of them are sick fucks looking for power trips. That is how their
    bosses like it. People with integrity and independent thinking ability are not good for the system.

    It is not surprising that the DAs, judges and cops are corrupt. The politicians are all corrupt in both parties. They are a condom for the oligarchy
    that runs the system. The rot was not this apparent 40 years ago, but it was there. But now the country is going off the rails.


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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Tolstoy Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:55 pm

    GarryB wrote:Not only callous and inhuman to the plight of those they are supposedly sworn to protect, but also dumb enough to say such things while wearing a body camera that is operating...
    These third world migrants have a nasty habit of entering and living in Russia, North America and EU illegally. Ergo, it is natural for locals not to like them.

    If you ever visit Moscow you can see for yourself the damage to society that these migrants have caused.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  SolidarityWithRussia Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:12 pm

    The worst crocodile tears I have ever seen...
    Decline of the western society #3 12dfa3fdc91ad8ddca0a4c7fb66b8bee

    I have heard that even Nawalny's mother accused his widow about how she is using his death to enrich herself, but you never hear anything about that in the press of the Western oligarchs.

    Btw. I have posted this here, because Nawalny has never been relevant in Russia, only in the Western clown world. clown

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Sat Feb 24, 2024 11:52 pm

    The Kanadian state run media is trying to paint her as some threat to Putin. Navalny was never a threat to Putin. Like Litvinenko he was
    an indirect asset because he was a clown who worked full time to discredit himself and his NATzO patrons. Anyone running around in Russia
    calling the Yeltsin years "the golden age of Russian democracy" is a total ass-clown. It is only in the heads of NATzO slime that Russians would
    treat any such clown with respect. Navalny was lucky he was not stoned to death, because Russians don't have such a tradition.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:57 am

    These third world migrants have a nasty habit of entering and living in Russia, North America and EU illegally. Ergo, it is natural for locals not to like them.

    It is funny hearing first and second world countries talk about third world problems... the rest of the world has been dealing with your criminals and rejects for the last 5 or 6 centuries... and we don't like them either.

    If you ever visit Moscow you can see for yourself the damage to society that these migrants have caused.

    Look in the worlds oceans... it is full of plastic waste... you white europeans invented everything didn't you?

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  nomadski Sun Feb 25, 2024 1:03 pm

    Tolstoy wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Not only callous and inhuman to the plight of those they are supposedly sworn to protect, but also dumb enough to say such things while wearing a body camera that is operating...
    These third world migrants have a nasty habit of entering and living in Russia, North America and EU illegally. Ergo, it is natural for locals not to like them.

    If you ever visit Moscow you can see for yourself the damage to society that these migrants have caused.

    I understand what you say . Different ethnic populations do not mix . It is a human condition , or natural condition . There is no international identity , no internationalism . There is no common human identity or communism , well it may have existed a long long time ago , in a galaxy far far away ! Therefore if we want an orderly society , then the ethnic mix , should be very important . As far as possible , situations where large minorities exist , where they exert equal political pressure , should be avoided . Because under these conditions , normal democratic rule breaks down . There is never a ruling majority . Interminable civil conflict .

    You should however aim your arrows at the liberal elite . They are the ones that want to impose the new world order , especially the western elite . They will transgress national boundaries . These transnational or multinational corporations , will move capital and labour according to maximise profit production . This involves political moves to regime change troublesome states , under humanitarian pretexts . They will however take their profits and run to some tax heaven in the Bahamas , and live the life of luxury . They will not pay the social or environment consequence of their politics . It is a levelling field , but one that consists mainly of rubble !

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 25, 2024 8:27 pm

    Since Russia is now capitalist, we have the same migrant issues as in the west. Migrants fall into lower incomes and experience the same
    ghettoization even if it is due to their own initiative. But I am not going to apologize for migrant criminals, they are the source of their
    own problems and not the society into which they moved. Criminals are self-entitled narcissists regardless of their origins. This is why
    they lash out when they do not score.

    The USSR assigned jobs and there were no low income brackets. But this actual worker's paradise, regardless of all the political constraints,
    did not produce respect from those that benefited. They developed lunatic resentment complexes instead. It seems that most proles want
    abuse by a daddy figure to satiate their subconscious masochism. So we have the west succeeding because it dishes out such abuse.

    So even if the migrants are "elevated" in Russia, there will still be problems. The best solution is not to import workers and create an oil
    and water social fabric. Full assimilation without any ghetto formation is the best option. Russia's worker shortage should be fixed with
    robotics but that is future sci-fi.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Feb 25, 2024 10:02 pm

    kvs wrote:Since Russia is now capitalist, we have the same migrant issues as in the west.   Migrants fall into lower incomes and experience the same
    ghettoization even if it is due to their own initiative.    But I am not going to apologize for migrant criminals, they are the source of their
    own problems and not the society into which they moved.   Criminals are self-entitled narcissists regardless of their origins.   This is why
    they lash out when they do not score.  

    The USSR assigned jobs and there were no low income brackets.   But this actual worker's paradise, regardless of all the political constraints,
    did not produce respect from those that benefited.   They developed lunatic resentment complexes instead.   It seems that most proles want
    abuse by a daddy figure to satiate their subconscious masochism.   So we have the west succeeding because it dishes out such abuse.  

    So even if the migrants are "elevated" in Russia, there will still be problems.   The best solution is not to import workers and create an oil
    and water social fabric.   Full assimilation without any ghetto formation is the best option.   Russia's worker shortage should be fixed with
    robotics but that is future sci-fi.


    Importing low incomes workers, especially if from different ethnicity and cultures, is always a recipe for disaster. It is only "good" for some enterprise to save money on the short term, because they do not care about the consequences. Normally all of this is also applied to lower safety and quality standards.

    Furthermore this is absurd since in many European countries there is a lot of unemployment and still they insist in getting additional immigration. Simply the locals do not want to accept illegal slave like jobs and prefer to stay unemployed and/or doing some small unreported jobs (lavoro nero/ Schwarzarbeit).

    The funny thing is that in Italy the "guardia di finanza" (a sort of military police for financial and drugs related crime investigation) is very active to fight unreported jobs by Italians or to check every last details for small firms legally registered (and in Italy the bureaucracy is so crazy that sometimes is not even possible to respect all the laws at the same time ,but allows passively enourmous events were illegal migrants are employed in slave like conditions by large cooperatives or are "employed" by foreign mafia as drug dealers.

    Only useful immigrations is from high income skilled workers. In some countries for several professions the company has to bring evidence that the person they are hiring (if foreigner and not already permanent resident) is bringing some advantages (like already possessing a special training or experience relevant for the profession) and must be paid above the average for the profession.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:17 am

    Low income migrant workers are a recipe for disaster because their conditions are normally rather bad and their pay is low so they work as hard as anyone in the country but can't afford the nice things that their labour should be bringing to them.

    It is like migrants in Europe... many of which see people around them with nice stuff and living a comfortable life while they are waiting to get citizenship and cannot work and cannot earn good money... they are trapped and not moving ahead.

    Many of these people just want to work and earn money, and if you limit that because you want them doing the rubbish jobs no one else wants to do for a salary no one else will work for then you create the problems you fear.

    Start paying more for these jobs and in the mean time look at ways of automating them.

    Russia is already using robots to clean streets and do other menial things... you might need someone to go around and clean specific things that need better attention but you can have 100 cleaning machines and 20 cleaners instead of 500 cleaners. The work of the 20 cleaners will be more specialised and should be paid more so locals might consider doing it too.

    A friend of mine went to Japan in the early 2000s and he brought back some magazines and in the back they had job adverts, and the job adverts were astounding... offering new employees with no skills a job at McDonalds with the offer of full training but also they will pay university fees so you can study while you work... but the real kicker is that if you sign up for the job you get a free two week holiday in Hawaii. Clearly they were struggling to get the numbers they needed.

    Online ordering and delivery has probably rendered that unnecessary now I guess... but it shows the problems.

    Here in New Zealand our fishing companies like Russian and Ukrainian workers on their fishing boats because they are cheaper to pay.

    Farmers and orchardists love migrants they can offer poor pay and working conditions to get their fruit and products picked and packed for market...

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:06 pm

    GarryB wrote:Farmers and orchardists love migrants they can offer poor pay and working conditions to get their fruit and products picked and packed for market...

    But that is exactly the problem.
    In some places (including several countries inside the EU) normal people are paid insufficiently compared to the real costs that they cannot afford anymore many things, and several agricultural products becomes too expensive if you have to pay for workers. Instead of modernising and trying to improve automatisation, some agricultural landowners prefer to believe they are still in the feudalism and miss having serfs, so they get illegal migrants to pick tomatoes for 4 euro/hour without any real contract or any health and safety guarantee.

    Since they are not even paying taxes it cost them less than one fourth of what they would have to pay a regular worker (and as said before, financial crime police "strangely" completely ignore such crimes).

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    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 26, 2024 7:59 pm

    But that is just a problem across the west where the owners of a company and the shareholders are the people at the top of the pyramid scheme that is business who skim off all the profits and the workers are just told to work longer for less every year.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Sprut-B Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:02 pm

    Police need to lock her up... She is a danger to children...

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Sprut-B Mon Feb 26, 2024 10:08 pm

    Putler is not wrong...

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Tue Feb 27, 2024 12:43 am

    Epstein's island proves this. The western hierarchy acts like a gang. It initiates members through criminal acts. The Bloods and Crips required
    murder to get into the gang, western elites require child rape or similar to get into the club. The acts are recorded and used as a loyalty leash.

    One of the reasons Trump is hated so hard by the elites is that he is working outside their control bubble. This is regardless of how constrained
    he is in office. The elites demand full submission. The west is f*cked.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:26 am

    Not just that but does anyone think Epstein was the only rich guy to have such an island?

    Equally that Weinstein guy who used his position as casting beautiful young women for roles to have sex with them... was he really the only one?

    Such things are rampant, and in the case of shagging someone to get ahead a way of life for a lot of women and some men probably.

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    Decline of the western society #3 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Kiko Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:54 pm

    The West is destroying women and children, by Elena Karaeva for RiaNovosti. 03.02.2024.

    At that very moment when in the heart of Russia and Moscow from the highest rostrum they spoke about love, tenderness, support, solidarity and the warmth of family relationships, that the stronger these feelings, the stronger what binds women, men, children, - in Paris, and also in the center, in front of the building of the upper house of the National Assembly of the country, aunties without gender and age, without the slightest hint of femininity, of the desire to attract men and please the stronger sex, raged. Thus, Europeans welcomed the decision of the French Senate to include the right to abortion among the constitutional freedoms of the Fifth Republic.

    The existing and strictly enforced law on artificial termination of pregnancy, in force for the last half century, seems insufficient to newly minted “wrestlers”, “progressives”, “feminists” (although, according to the document, absolutely everything is paid for, including the medical procedure itself, medications and sick leave) in the battle for freedom from responsibilities. Women's responsibilities. Women's role in this life. Therefore, frenzied screams and squeals, therefore, hatred of one’s own nature. Therefore, public disclosure of the most disgusting thoughts that a woman can have. It was not just anyone but the Nobel laureate in literature Annie Ernaux who casually opened her “ground floor”. “Ah, abortion, ah, this is not a right at all - on the contrary, it is guaranteed freedom,” the 84-year-old novelist flirted in an interview , openly declaring that she was “looking for someone who would insert a probe into her stomach through the vagina, with so as to cause a miscarriage and get rid of the fetus."

    Disgusting? Without a doubt. Scary? Still would. But, understanding the level of degradation in Western society (all without exception) of norms and rules, we must also be aware that this is far from the limit.

    We were prepared for the destruction of values ​​and relationships extremely slowly and very gradually. In today's bacchanalia, practically a dictatorship of LGBT*, when any skeptical, or even just common-sense question about their right to barge into schools, even kindergartens, to explain about “trans children”, about “trans teenagers”, about all this “gender diversity” and for other anti-scientific heresy, can cost a career, position, academic degree, and in general can end in civil death for the especially curious.

    Women who wish to exercise the constitutional right to dispose of a fetus are actually signing a kind of death warrant for themselves. They - such adherents of “their body and their business” - missed the mark due to stubborn blind tolerance that their place was taken. By whom? Their best friends. Bearded girlfriends who decided that they were girls. Serious endocrinologists and Big Pharma, who make billions from gender dysphoria, an illness where a person is uncomfortable in his own body, have helpfully developed protocols and synthetic hormones for gender reassignment. Surgeons are not far behind, raking in tens of thousands of dollars and euros to cut off one thing and sew on another or stuff something with artificial tripe.

    The unacceptable and abnormal are not revealed immediately and not wide open. At the beginning, everyone was prepared: did they cry over the fate of the main character of the film “Philadelphia” - so charming, so attractive, and even with the charm and talent of Tom Hanks? We cried, I must admit. And today it’s not Tom Hanks, but men stuffed to the limit with hormones who are demanding the dismissal of a gynecologist who refuses to examine them, declaring that he is not trained to deal with men, even if they have shaved their beards and here and there other little things. But no one is going to stop at gynecology and its destruction as a field of medicine dealing exclusively with the female body and health.

    The next step is to pass off the cloudy liquid sucked from the male nipples by the device as breast milk. Or rather, even so. Abolish breast milk, call it “human milk,” and then declare that a substance consisting exclusively of synthetic hormones and medications that are prohibited for use is something that can be given to a baby who has just been born. And this is not a fantasy, not a dystopia, this is what is about to become everyday pediatric practice. They conducted some research , listened and decided: this hormonal poison, just because someone wanted to play at a woman’s body and a woman’s business, can be fed to newborns. With supporters of abortion as a “constitutional right” raging on the streets, with men who do not want to treat their mental illnesses and deal with their own problems in the field of sexuality, there is no one to protect children.

    This collective “dance of death” of Western “progressives,” who are better and more accurately called degenerates, taking place almost live, is a warning for us. So-called progress and so-called personal freedoms first completely destroy a person, then it is society’s turn. And the last victims are those who cannot protect themselves. These are babies.

    Well, a note to the fidgety and noisy “feminists.”

    When war is declared on young children (under the slogans of rights and the same freedoms), and a carnival of cheap carnival is organized out of motherhood, the fate of such a society, and yours, girls, your own fate, your destiny as a woman, is predetermined. Society simply has no future. And you, as women, have no prospects. Bearded “women” and their partners have been sitting in your place for a long time.

    So get it and sign it!

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