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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 02, 2024 2:54 pm

    I used to be pro choice but I bought into the lies about it. They sold abortion as only a first trimester procedure. But now we have
    abortions all the way up to the birth stage. This is simply baby murder. Underneath this is the gross violation of the father's parental rights.
    Somehow the child is 100% the body function of the female. "My body, my choice". This is grotesque nonsense. The child is an autonomous
    life entity and not a piece of the mother's meat. The absurd norm is for the female to have all the decision making over the child's life with the
    father having zero input. So much for "equality".

    BTW, rape abortions are a tiny number compared to the other cases. I am sure they could carry out the procedure in the first trimester
    in the case of rapes since the timeline is clear. So rape cases are a total non-issue.

    Also, recent research has debunked the BS that the number of women psychopaths is 1/6 that of men. In actuality it is 1/1.2. We do have
    equality on this front, but the system pretends that women are angels. Giving women full parental rights in divorces is abuse of human rights
    of the children and the father. All custody should always default to 50/50. Only if either the mother or the father are bad for the children
    can the ratio be changed in favour of the better parent. Abortions cannot be a free choice of the mother. If she does not want a child,
    then she should not f*ck around or make sure that protection is used. It's called adult responsibility.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 03, 2024 4:05 am

    But I would think any pro choice person would only support such a thing with criteria.

    You mention first trimester procedures only.

    I would say firing squad execution of the child should be excluded as an option for ending the pregnancy... everyone has their boundaries and criteria...

    Otherwise you end up claiming there are no criminals at all because really they are just misunderstood or unwell, or society has not advanced to the point where they can understand the love between a 40 year old man and his 3 year old wife....

    If there were no rules then there would be no crime... but what sort of world or society would that be...

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    Post  Kiko Sun Mar 03, 2024 5:56 pm

    Paris made a “weapon of Russia” out of bedbugs, by Valeria Verbinina for VZGLYAD. 03.03.2024.

    An entire information campaign began in France with the goal of reformatting public opinion on the issue of sending troops to Ukraine. French society is strongly against such an adventure. What methods are they using to convince him and what does the bugs have to do with it, which have become a threat to the upcoming Olympics in Paris?

    Having voiced his open intention to send troops to Ukraine in order to prevent the military defeat of the Kyiv regime, French President Emmanuel Macron unexpectedly encountered a lack of understanding among his fellow citizens (and part-time voters, who, by the way, will very soon have to vote in the elections to the European Parliament). Citizens, who had been convinced for two years that the assistance provided to Ukraine certainly did not make France a belligerent party, sensed something was wrong and became worried. In several polls commissioned by the media, the French in the most unequivocal way expressed a categorical “no” to sending French troops to Ukraine.

    To soften the impression and at the same time try to win public opinion to their side, Macron and his comrades began a whole campaign to convince their fellow citizens. On Friday, Foreign Minister Stephane Sejournet gave a long interview to France Inter radio station, in which he spoke in more detail about relations with Russia. The statements of the head of the French Foreign Ministry are worth quoting at length:

    “There is a risk of Ukraine collapsing, which will have consequences... Among them is an economic disaster, because in this case Russia will control 30% of the world grain market, which will allow it to dictate its own rules. The purchasing power of the French also depends on the cost of raw materials...

    Another consequence will also be a humanitarian crisis - a wave of refugees, the likes of which have not been seen since the Second World War. 10 million Ukrainians may leave Ukraine. And then - we know this well, we have information on this matter - Russia will not stop there... We are talking about Moldova, more precisely, about Transnistria.

    In fact, the situation is reminiscent of 1938, when we allowed the Sudetenland to be captured... I am not saying that we are at the same point, but history repeats itself, and one of the lessons is that if you retreat before imperialist power, it takes a step forward. The (French) President has clearly stated our goal: to make Russia fail without going to war with Russia. And within the limits that our goal allows, nothing can be excluded... Moreover, today Russia is attacking us.”

    After which Sejournet explained to the dumbfounded presenters that Russia right now is “attacking information and in cyberspace, and don’t forget that we are in a difficult situation, as we are preparing for the elections to the European Parliament, preparing for the Olympic Games... Our public services, transport, hospitals – imagine that transport will stop due to cyber attacks, that hospitals will cease to function.”

    Developing his thoughts, the Foreign Minister added: “I am aware of the destabilization maneuvers that are being carried out now. Only one such network (which was identified, according to Sejournet - VZGLYAD's note) consisted of 193 dormant sites that were engaged in disseminating disinformation... As you can see, there is a whole strategy, because creating such a network is very expensive. This is an organization of manipulation and disinformation, timed to coincide with the elections to the European Parliament.”

    Already from this speech it is clear what pain points of mass consciousness the French authorities are trying to influence: the fear of hyperinflation and the negative (no matter how the French deny it) attitude towards migrants. At the same time, an attempt is made to accuse Russia of allegedly attacking France itself, and parallels are transparently drawn between modern Russia and fascist Germany.

    Almost simultaneously with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Noël Barrot, the French Secretary of State for European Affairs, gave an interview in the public arena - more precisely, on the TF1 channel. He also categorically stated that Russia threatens the interests of France in the information field, and how! “On the instructions of the French President, the Viginum service was created, which monitors maneuvers designed to destabilize public opinion in France and weaken the support that our society provides to Ukraine...

    For example, talk of a bedbug epidemic in the country was artificially inflated on social networks by accounts that, as we established, are of Russian origin or associated with Russians. They tried to suggest that bedbugs were associated with the arrival of Ukrainian refugees in France.”

    In the fall, the topic of bedbugs really became more than relevant in France. But it’s strange to hear that Russia is to blame for everything, because bedbugs were written and talked about by both French media, including BFMtv , Le Parisien and dozens of others, as well as foreign ones, including such well-known and authoritative ones as CNN and USA Today.

    If you take the material from Le Parisien, it talks about the closure of schools for disinfection due to bedbugs, and the schools are located in different places in France. Citizens showed videos of bedbugs crawling on trains, and this was not only about ordinary electric trains, but also about luxury trains. Cinema visitors and hotel residents in various cities complained about bedbugs.

    In other words, there was a very specific and large-scale problem that people were facing. This problem in the media is now being called “psychosis” - why then not call everyone who complained about bedbugs Russian agents? It is very convenient, instead of solving the problem, to accuse the one who complains of contributing to the propaganda of the enemy.

    By the way, the version that it is Russia that is fanning the “bedbug psychosis” was expressed back in the fall, but then the stated goal was “to discredit the image of France several months before the start of the Olympic Games in Paris.” Now Russia is simply accused of “attacking” France with information.

    All the more revealing is the reaction of the French themselves to such accusations. Take, for example, the comments to the article in Figaro: “I’m sorry, but in my house in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, we have problems with bedbugs several times a year, and we have to invite a special company to handle it. Is Moscow’s hand involved here too?” “So, for once, it’s not the National Rally’s fault? If it’s not the National Rally that’s to blame, then Russia, yeah.” “What about Covid?” “Did the floods in the north of the country also happen because of the Russians?”

    The mention of Marine Le Pen’s party is not at all accidental - recently the French authorities have been linking verbal attacks on Russia with simultaneous attacks on the National Rally, which is allegedly pro-Russian and which society should not trust for this reason. The high ratings of the National Rally (according to January polls, it is more than 10% ahead of the presidential party) is another reason for Macron to toughen his position towards Russia.

    In the already mentioned interview, Jean-Noël Barrault, accusing Russia, each time does not forget to kick the National Rally, which he accuses of almost betraying national interests. And when Macron makes statements that Russia must lose in the interests of democracy and peace, translated into reality, this simply means that he and his clique need our defeat in order to simply stay in power. Neither the fate of Ukraine, nor bedbugs, nor the safety of his fellow citizens really interests him. He is interested not so much in the victory of Ukraine as in his own victory in the elections.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:29 pm


    But who can believe the stupidity of the stages. It is obvious that they are making it more flexible each time until you can abort on the day of birth.
    This is how liberalism works. You open a door and from there it is a path to the worst of the abysses. That is progressivism. And that is why feminism must be fought without contemplation.
    Abortion should have the death penalty for women. It's a perversion. It is the worst murder of all because of the bond and weakness of the creature.
    In case of rape, a child can be put up for adoption. You should not pay with your life for a crime that is not your responsibility.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 03, 2024 8:03 pm

    There is some risk to the mother during child birth. So a first trimester abortion for rape cases is a compromise, not necessarily morally clean. I suppose the
    same argument can be made for the child of a husband as well, so it is not optimal. I think husbands and boyfriends have more status in deciding than rapists.
    This means no automatic abortion rights for the woman. At the end of the day, the woman has to take adult responsibility. If she gets pregnant without coercion,
    then she has to go through with it since an independent life is involved.

    Feminism has progressed into the virulent disease stage. Originally it was about equal legal rights. After 1990, the third wave has been about lowering men and
    artificially raising women. It is a total perversion and there is no "equality" aspect any more.

    The current legal regime is a Kafka freak show. Teachers who raped young boys, got pregnant have obtained child support from those boys on legal maturity.
    That's right, the child victim of a female rape is also raped by the legal system as he was some regular boyfriend. It's been quite a few decades of feminist domination,
    but judges are acting as if females are incapable of rape and psychopathic behaviour in general. They are all supposed to be virgin innocent angels regardless of
    circumstance. Where's the equality and lack of discrimination?

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:16 pm

    There are a lot of problems on earth, but not having enough people is not really one of them.

    Forcing people to have unwanted children is more likely to break up a family unit than to fix anything which makes things worse.

    To be clear I am not suggesting genocide or war to depopulate the planet, I just mean we need to work harder to look after the people we do have and make their lives and situations better before we start working to increase the number we have.

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    Post  ArgentinaGuard Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:48 pm

    In Western Europe it is a problem, the lack of birth (and a future workforce and contributors to the retirement system) leads to the need for immigrants and with it the replacement of the original populations. This has led to the disaster of today's Europeans. It is a trap.
    In Argentina we have other problems, it is even more perverse. They approved abortion with 50 percent of poor people. An abortion that, in addition to being a crime, is free and is supported by taxpayers' money. The priority was abortion, not solving poverty, paying better pensions or salaries to teachers

    Nobody asks you to have 20 children, but you should worry about a healthy child and supporting a family.
    Nobody forces you, if you don't agree, give it adoption, but you can't kill a person.

    They talk about rape, but most abortions are carried out by promiscuous women who believe that freedom comes at the expense of other humans. The progressive and feminist culture of the 60s grew a cancer in the minds of women.That should be punished severely, not justified with excuses.

    It is unfortunate that beautiful and healthy women, who live in prosperous nations, do not have children with their men.They prefer to lock themselves in individualism, reach the age of 80 without a family and die with euthanasia due to loneliness and depression. It's absurd and sad. But it is to be expected in liberal and permissive cultures that have encouraged abortion since the 60s, and if there is any type of family, it must be multiracial and "open." Denigrate the Western man and marry the black male

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 05, 2024 3:57 am

    The freedom of choice is what it is all about.

    Having a child is not a single event and then it is over... you have the shift your entire world around to make room for that child and also be in a position to look after that child and maintain a job and other responsibilities.

    Saying they can just give the child away makes me think children are a commodity to you and that the solution is for human resources to start making little holes in condoms to boost the birth rate. There is so much more to this.

    If you ignore things like the mental health and security and stability of the home in which the child will be going, whether with the birth parents or a foster family, then you can end up doing more damage than a child not being born.

    There are problems in Europe that would make me not want to have children... start taking those problems seriously and the problem might solve itself, but trying to trick or fool people into having children so rich people can have their factories working at full capacity is not a solid reason to me.

    You can tell others what should happen in their lives when you let them tell you what you can or cannot do.

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    Post  ArgentinaGuard Tue Mar 05, 2024 4:53 am

    Garry. We are talking about human lives, and especially the most fragile life of the unborn child. There is no justification for abortion, neither economic nor moral.

    Of course, decadent European societies are not the best environment for a child. Not everyone is lucky enough to be born in Putin's Russia and know that in 50 years you will still be a nation with Christian values ​​and that you will be surrounded by people similar to you.

    But still, the effort must be made. We must have a heroic attitude towards life. I'm going to stick with the environment, people should not have had children in the 14th century or after World War II. The hostility of the environment is also a source of learning. And if two young people can raise a child in this time, maintain family and love, then they are both invincible.


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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 11, 2024 8:54 am

    South Korea has the most hospital beds per 1,000 patients among OECD countries with 12.8 beds per 1,000 patients. This is more than twice the number of beds in France and six times more than in Sweden.

    But the country has been grappling with doctor shortages in some key professions, such as obstetrics and paediatrics, and rural regions outside the greater capital area as the population ages.

    Europe has also seen health workers go on strike recently, demanding better work conditions amid workforce shortages.

    In 2023, the UK’s health authority announced a long-term plan which includes doubling medical school training places to 15,000 by 2031 from the current 7,500, amid an ageing population, for instance.

    Observers say what’s happening in South Korea is different because of the unique structure of the South Korean healthcare system.

    According to the local doctors’ association, most doctors are not employed by the state but medical fees are strictly controlled by the government.

    While South Korea provides universal healthcare through the national insurance service run by the health ministry, more than 90 per cent of hospitals are privately owned, according to the OECD, and the top five tertiary hospitals are run by conglomerates such as Samsung and Hyundai.

    The striking doctors-in-training claim that most of the additionally recruited medical students would also likely try to work in high-paying, popular professions like plastic surgery and dermatology, like current medical students.

    That means the country’s long-running shortage of physicians in essential yet lower-paying areas like paediatrics, obstetrics, and emergency departments would remain unchanged.

    Instead of increasing the number of medical students, doctors’ groups want officials to use available resources to raise medical fees they say are set too low by the state.

    "The current problem in Korea is that many doctors go to departments where work-life balance is possible, where they can have a lot of free time, and where they can receive more compensation for the treatment they provide," Joo said.

    "So we, the doctors, ask that the judicial risk (for medical accidents) be reduced so that more doctors can go to departments such as internal medicine, surgery, paediatrics, and obstetrics and gynaecology. And we ask for appropriate compensation for the doctors who go to these departments".

    Some agree that more doctors are needed but argue that the government’s changes lack a concrete plan to encourage doctors to move to rural regions and essential services.

    They believe the country’s decade-long laissez-faire approach to the medical industry is the fundamental problem and that stronger state intervention to bring doctors to areas suffering shortages can be a solution.

    "Currently, there is no public system responsible for creating a health workforce [in specialist areas]," Yi Seoyeong, a project manager at the Association of Physicians for Humanism (APH), told Euronews Health.

    "It’s completely up to individual doctors where and how the trained doctors work after training. In this profit-oriented medical environment in Korea, doctors' activities are ultimately concentrated on profit-oriented inessential areas and unreimbursed care that is not covered by health insurance," Yi added.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:00 am

    ArgentinaGuard wrote:Garry. We are talking about human lives, and especially the most fragile life of the unborn child. There is no justification for abortion, neither economic nor moral.

    You may want to ask whether the goverments, the politicians and the employers are immoral or not if they do not provide enough salary for people to have kids and care for kids without fears of financial strains.

    It is easy to blame the individuals but from my observation it is very hard to blame the ones in economic and political power that push people into the situation that encourage the hard choices. Probably people are afraid of criticizing the ones in power and it is easier to bully marginalized people instead ?

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    Post  ahmedfire Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:34 am

    What a Face

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Cencap10

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:21 pm

    From my point of view it is for view attraction at the expense of everything else. They are doing super bizzare things to cause a huge scandal to attract attention because it is impossible for them to use their own talents - either they have no talents or the one have power do not see enough profit in their talents - to do it in a meritocratic way.

    And the most unfortunate thing is that the system encourages it.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:10 am

    From my point of view it is for view attraction at the expense of everything else.

    Western entertainment is sadly a race to the bottom...

    Life is precious, but we need to learn to appreciate it more and look after it more before we start demanding all pregnancies cannot be terminated under any circumstances.

    Not sure how I would feel knowing I was the product of some stranger raping my mother... what sort of relationship would I want to have with him?

    If she couldn't look at me because it reminds her of how I was conceived I would essentially be on this planet alone.... and rapists don't just rape women in dark alleys... there are rapists in orphanages and foster care homes and government institutions for unloved children.

    Easy to love a beautiful child or a handsome kid, but fat ugly kids are not going to have an easy time of things... and all because the government wants an extra wage to tax.

    A newborn child is a responsibility that needs love and protection and financial support and many mothers are not prepared for that when they find they are pregnant.

    It is hard enough to bring up children in a stable loving house, but on your own with the stigma of an unwed mother, though that is less of an issue these days... being an unwed mother is a career plan these days.... when the kid gets to 15 you find another man to get you pregnant so you can keep playing mommy with real dolls and never have to go to work.

    Being a mother takes no skill at all... being a good mother is the real test and anything else is not worth a damn.

    Do you think it is OK for a woman on the other side of the planet to tell you whether you are ready to have children or not?

    Why do you think you or I get any say in that at all?

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    Post  Kiko Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:27 pm

    Macron leads the way to Western civilization’s suicide, by Matthieu Buge, who has worked on Russia for the magazine l’Histoire, the Russian film magazine Séance, and as a columnist for Le Courrier de Russie. He is the author of the book Le Cauchemar russe (‘The Russian Nightmare’), for RT. 03.13.2024.

    France has just made abortion, already legal, a constitutional right – a sign of the country’s morbid drive to self-destruction.

    The Olympics will not be the only big event and source of euphoria in Paris in 2024. While Russian President Vladimir Putin is encouraging his population to have more children, Macron’s France is celebrating the ‘enshrinement’ of abortion in the constitution. What does this say about France and the West in general?

    In 2022, there were 234,300 abortions in France. The procedure is legal upon request until 14 weeks after conception. These figures are interesting when one considers that French politicians (and elderly voters, who are the majority of the electorate) insist on maintaining the extremely costly pension system and say that it has a price. Someone needs to pay. That is, the active population needs to pay. You would think that to sustain the requisite size of the active population, it would be more logical to encourage having more new births than to ‘enshrine’ having fewer. But that’s not an issue if you import the population.

    In 2022, France welcomed 320,330 new people to the country – not counting illegal immigrants. Immigration in the country has nothing to do anymore with the fact that France has been a colonial power and that it is dealing with the consequences of its former policies. More and more people are coming from countries or regions such as Pakistan, Eritrea, Chechnya… where France never meddled in local affairs whatsoever.

    Something important that goodhearted Frenchmen seem to forget and French politicians feign to ignore, is that these populations, especially those from Africa, come with traditions which do not quickly disappear with time. Having multiple children is one of them, as these populations have for centuries been accustomed to having ten children or more because most of them would die young. French women usually have one or two. And the women who go for abortions are in the vast majority local French women. It should be noted that the situation is the same in most of the European Union.

    Besides political decisions, the euphoria that took hold after this reform of the constitution is also worrying from a psycho-social point of view. Abortion has been legal in France for decades. There is indeed nothing new in this symbolic gesture of President Emmanuel Macron’s government. The fact that many women celebrated this strictly formal political decision as a ‘victory’ is a sign that many, unconsciously, want to die, to disappear as a population, as a civilization. This neo-feminism has gone too far. It leads to pure infantilization. A child thinks that he is the center of the world; neo-feminists think that their uterus is the center of the world. A child doesn’t care about the consequences of his deeds; neo-feminists do not want to think about consequences. The real message of this ‘victory’ is the following – you can screw around with as many people as you want, there will be no consequences. Even when the existence of your people is at stake. No consequences.

    But their wish to be fully infantile does not stop here. Jacobinism emerged in France during the Revolution. It is nowadays seen as a centralized political organization, a system that imposes to other regions the views of the center of power. Many new ideas emerged in France and spread, first to the US, mainly, where they attained their real strength, before spreading to the rest of the world. The philosophical movement of the Lumières is certainly the most important in modern history, the most famous human rights document was written there, ‘French Theory’ has had an enormous influence on the world, etc. Now, some French women, after the ‘enshrinement’ of abortion in the constitution, say that the fight is not over, that they need to do everything they can in order for women from other European countries, from Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Iran, from the whole world, to obtain the same ‘right’. The enshrinement of abortion in the Charter of the United Nations would be a minimum for them. The Jacobin mentality of the West is not dead.

    Now that abortion is a constitutional right, Macron, ahead of the European elections, and to position himself as the champion of progress and modernity against Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party, is considering introducing a new law, making euthanasia legal. The West, step by step, is adopting a policy of controlling the entire cycle of life. As Macron does not have any children, he may be indifferent to the death of millions of children-to-be. But maybe an adviser should remind him that Brigitte Macron is already 70.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  nomadski Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:48 am

    lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1 lol1


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    Post  AlfaT8 Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:28 pm

    Again with this nonsense, i have made it clear before.
    You want to solve this, then take the women's rights away.
    Get her out of schools, get her out of the workforce and back in the kitchen.
    I don't give a damn about some ideal utopian solution, there isn't one, do what works.

    If you want fertility rates back up, then you must make the woman a second class or less citizen in your country, because that is the only way you fix her hypergamy.
    This is the only way you shift the 80/20 rule into the 20/80.

    Empowering men and restoring patriarchy is the only viable path, not UBI for women or this post-modern ""Traditionalism"" BS. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes


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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:33 pm

    I think the phrasing "take women's rights away" is a poor choice. The problem is not equal rights to males. The problem is special rights under the law
    and de facto. All the divorce laws are 100% pro-female. Women never get the same degree of punishment for murder, manslaugther and assorted other
    crimes where men get sent away or executed. If females did not have daddy state to prop them up, then their distorted expectations would not form
    the basis of their collective identity. You go girl and settle for the man that will have you and not your ludicrous expectation that only the top 5% are
    worthy of your preciousness. Females should get zero affirmative action for jobs. This is simply discrimination against men. If there are not enough
    qualified women candidates for a job, then so be it. There is no vast pool of under-employed and unemployed females that can fill any high class job.
    Nobody prevented them from getting the qualifications and anyone who claims this is a retard and/or liar.

    Of course the rot is deeper and the whole culture (mass media, the rest of the population) is conditioning females into the distortion that we see.
    We have pandering to and grooming of narcissism. This results in abusive behaviour and criminality.

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    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:17 am

    No, its an extremely accurate choice of words, as you stated "special rights" need to be dealt with.
    Ergo, they need to be stripped of their rights.

    Patriarchy needs to be restored and women must once again, submit to men.
    Women are a resource that must be conquered and managed by men.
    Such is the natural order.

    The current situation was brought about by the utopian delusions of socialism and egalitarianism, the utopia of "equality" does not exist, nor will it ever exist.
    But far far too many in the West and the East, have made "equality" their absolute sacred cow, and will "white knight" themselves to death for it.

    kvs, you touch upon another white elephant in the room that i need to kill, this idea that women are being "corrupted" by modernism and mass-media, is honestly a complete and utter damn LIE.
    This is nothing more than a way for those of the Tradcon variety, to NOT blame women, to NOT hold these hoes accountable for their BS, because eventually they wanna F'em, so they need an out for when some of these Thots become TradThots.
    Its not the culture or the media, its just women being women, that the black-pill of the day.  Neutral

    There's no way out of this kvs, this train is gonna crash and crash hard.
    Patriarchy is gonna be restored one way or another, the only question being is if we're gonna go full Mad Max or not.  pirat

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:48 pm

    Societies where women predominate are inferior and decadent societies.Traditional values ​​and the warrior character are lost.  They have two possible destinies: disappearance or conquest by another superior and more masculine society.
    This has happened throughout history.

    That's why Russia is important. Not only does it have a large racial reserve (of white men and women versus Western miscegenation) but it upholds its masculine and warrior values. In 200 years it could easily subdue the West.

    The Europeans should be grateful that it is the Russians and not the Chinese, Indians and Arabs, who will be much more brutal and ruthlessly with the progressive faggots

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:29 pm

    Russia needs to avoid mass migration "gap filling" for the low TFR problem. Deploy automation and autonomous robotics instead of importing minorities that will never properly
    assimilate and will act to change the character of the country. The EU is on a dead end track. Even Japan has gone down this blind alley.

    But the best solution is to delete all the "progressive" feminist BS infesting the developed world. Women need to produce 2.3 offspring on average, so mostly two with a fraction having 3 or more. Having one child is not enough and there is a terminal decline already until this nonsense is stopped. Women get men's resources regardless of how many
    children they birth. A woman who has no child from a man should have zero legal claims on the man.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ArgentinaGuard Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:36 pm

    And in Russia, what is the situation of men and women in procreation? because Russia is a fairly safe country to have a family. Liberalism and progressivism have not penetrated like other places.
    I think it must be an issue of climate and lack of sociability between men and women. If they had the shitty subtropical climate here they would have 7 children per Russian family.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:35 pm

    During the USSR period the marriage laws and how they were applied was very similar to the west. This includes all the BS alimony, child support even though
    the woman gets essentially full custody, etc. There was no affirmative action, since every gender had equal employment, but the same progressive BS was
    there. This reduced the TFR and after 1991 Russia has continued down this self-terminating path.

    Russia does not have the woke insanity you see in NATzO countries, but it still has some of this Frankfurt School neo-Trotskyist disease. You can see the Russian
    government trying the same tired and failed attempts to increase the TFR by throwing money at women. No country on the planet that has tried these policies
    has ever achieved a TFR increase. Modern liberated females do not want to have children. All money spent should be on a contract basis. If you
    want the money, then first deliver the babies.

    It turns out that ghetto welfare queens in the USA with multiple children from multiple fathers are the ones that are using the system in a way that results in
    more children. But they are not the path to long term sustainability. It is every married couple that needs to produce an average of 2.3 children. That is
    just the bare minimum for marginal growth. Decades of the TFR under 1.5 means that couples need to have 3-4 children.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 18, 2024 10:08 am

    When you are turning the hospitals into commercial companies, the first things they mention is how they get financial loss, not how their treatment of patients are compromised.

    And instead of listening to the distress of the doctor, government provide aid to help the financial status of the commercialized hospitals so that they can knock-out doctors.

    Yes, South Korean has the top number of doctors, but least number of public doctors amongst developed countries. Capital investment poured into profitable sectors such as cosmestic, skincare, and mental, while childcare, public care, marginal area... is lacked and suffer from low wage.

    Financial Crisis in Hospitals
    Several major hospitals in Seoul are facing significant financial losses as a result of reduced surgeries and medical treatments caused by the ongoing strike by doctors. The Seoul National University Hospital is estimated to have overdrafts of up to 1000 billion Korean won (approximately 24 billion New Taiwan dollars).

    Impact on Hospital Revenues
    The revenue of university hospitals in Seoul has witnessed a significant deficit compared to the previous year, with large hospitals experiencing daily losses of over 10 billion Korean won, while medium-sized hospitals are facing losses of around 7 billion Korean won.

    Escalating Overdrafts
    Officials from the Seoul National University Hospital reported that the hospital had incurred a deficit of 900 billion Korean won last year, and the current situation is even worse. The hospital's bank overdrafts have increased from 500 billion Korean won to 1000 billion Korean won.

    Appeal for Government Assistance
    As the financial condition of hospitals continues to deteriorate, there are calls for the government to expand low-interest financing for hospitals. Some municipal university hospitals are hoping for an increase in the budget allocated under the 'Korean Private School Promotion Foundation Financing Plan'. However, budgetary issues need to be discussed with the Planning and Finance Ministry and cannot be changed immediately.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:10 pm

    Worth watching the whole video. Do not discount the points because of the left vs. right angle. The US left is a degenerate freak show. It has
    basically nothing to do with the real left. And the US right can be closer to the classic left.

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