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    Russian population


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    Russian population Empty Russia's birth, mortality rates to equal by 2011

    Post  Admin Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:24 pm

    PENZA, January 23 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's health ministry predicted on Wednesday that the birth rate in Russia would equal the mortality rate by 2011.

    "By 2011 the mortality rate should be equal to the birth rate," Social Development and Health Minister Tatyana Golikova said.

    In the first eleven months of 2007 the mortality rate in Russia was 14.7 deaths per 1,000 live births, and 15.3 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2006, the minister said.

    The average mortality rate for the 27-member European Union in 2006 was 10.1 deaths per 1,000 live births. The first time in European modern history the death rate exceeded births.

    Demographic issues are widely seen as one of the main threats facing modern Russia since market reforms and economic hardship of the 1990s.

    Many experts are concerned that Russia will be hit be a demographic crisis in the near future and according to UN predictions, Russia's population, currently at about 142 million, could fall by 30% by the middle of the century.

    In October, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a set of targets to improve the country's demographic policy to 2025. The proposals are designed to lower the national mortality rate, raise birth rates, improve national health and regulate immigration.

    In 2008-2010, the country plans to invest almost 500 billion rubles ($19.3 billion) in socio-demographic programs.

    Maternity incentives, including payouts of about $9,500 for the birth of two or more children, the so called baby-money, were introduced in early 2007 following a presidential initiative.

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    Russian population Empty Russia records first population growth in 15 years

    Post  Admin Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:45 pm

    For the first time in 15 years in Russia recorded the natural population growth

    For the first time in the past 15 years, Russia has recorded the natural population growth. This was at a meeting of the interdepartmental working group on the national project "Health", held on Tuesday, September 29, said the head of Russia Tatiana MHSD Golikov. Minister cites Interfax.

    According Golikova, in August 2009 the population increased by a thousand men: for the reporting month were born in Russia 151,7 thousand people died 150,7 thousand people. "It is clear that early to rejoice, but, nevertheless, that we recorded this figure, it is very nice," - noted the Head Office.

    Also Golikova voiced data and for a longer period - the past eight months of 2009. Example from January to August in Russia were born one million 164 thousand people, which is 41 thousand more than in 2008. Health Minister also noted that the country has decreased mortality: in January - August 2009, the number of deaths amounted to one million 347 thousand people, that is decreased by 57 thousand over the same period last year. "

    Also, the meeting discussed the statistics of suicides committed by the Russians over the past few months. Director of analysis and forecast of health and social and labor sphere MHSD Vitaly Kolbanov noted that, despite forecasts for an increase in the number of suicides in relation to the financial crisis, the situation remains stable. "The crisis this year has not given the burst of suicide", - quotes agency Kolbanova.

    According to various sources, Russia's population is from 142 to 132 million people. Independent statistical agencies note that the population of the country's declining and currently does not exceed 140 million people. According to the Federal State Statistics Service on July 1, 2009, in Russia live 141,9 million. Precise data on the number of inhabitants of the country will be published after the census, which will be held in autumn 2013.

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    Russian population Empty Child mortality rates drop in Russia - UNICEF report

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 23, 2009 3:05 am

    Child mortality rates drop in Russia - UNICEF report


    The number of children dying before they reach the age of five in Russia fell by just over 50% between 1990 and 2008, a UNICEF report said.

    The State of the World's Children report was released on Friday on the 20th anniversary of the United Nation's adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    The report said that Russia's under-5 mortality rate was 13 children per 1,000. In 1990, the figure was 27.

    An identical 2008 figure was reported in Belarus, Bahamas, Lebanon, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Russia had a higher under-5 mortality rate than most European countries and the U.S.

    The highest under-5 mortality rate was in Afghanistan, with 257 deaths per 1,000. The lowest figure was in Lichtenstein and San Marino, with just two deaths for every 1,000 children under the age of five.

    "On average around 24,000 children under the age of five die every day from preventable causes such as pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Nearly 200 million children are chronically malnourished," UNICEF executive director Ann Veneman said.

    UNITED NATIONS, November 20 (RIA Novosti)

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 23, 2009 11:40 am

    Good news! More healthy kids and better demographics

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    Russian population Empty Population fall: Bear's problem

    Post  Tshering22 Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:38 pm

    Despite repeated measures to counter the problem of population fall and negative returns to national population by new babies, there seems no solution to Russia's growing issue of demographic crisis. Despite thousands of incentives announced by central government of Russia on encouraging couples to have more children, there's been little progress. Social violence, crime and ragging are some of the non-combat reasons that cost additional lives of Russians apart from the loss of military life.
    The only segment of Russia's population that seems to be growing in double digits is the Muslim population of Caucasus region, where militancy and extremist thinking is very common. Added to this, is the immigration of more and more people from central Asia who're again ethnic Turkic people and hence Muslims (due to re-started efforts by Central Asian states to revive religion post Soviet collapse).
    This would mean that ethnic Russian population is becoming a minority day by day in their own country.
    A country that spans 2 continents and has enough land to be itself called a continent has a population that is growing alarmingly in the negative figure.
    Now as an Indian, I would like to know from Russian members as to what are the reasons for this reluctance of institution of marriage and kids in Russia despite such an alarming case and how exactly do they think this problem can be tackled. Because in my opinion, Russia should have a population of at least 500-600 million people minimum ethnic Russians for such a huge country.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Admin Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:35 am

    Russian population grew last year.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 30, 2010 2:40 am

    I would suggest that most well educated western countries have declining aging populations which they deal with by immigration.

    I would suggest that during economically uncertain periods like right now many people simply don't want to take on the financial burden of a child right now, but having a large population can cause more problems than it solves.

    Perhaps in 50 years if it becomes a problem Russia can offer citizenship to Indian nationals wanting more space to live in, or perhaps they can make a similar offer to the Chinese... or they can choose some other option.

    I fear that some who talk about diminishing population often have an agenda that usually suggests that certain religious groups will use their higher birth rate to take over... when statistics seem to show that as education levels increase and good health care and living standards improve reproduction rates decreases.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Viktor Sat Oct 30, 2010 11:29 am

    I think Russian church in coorperation with state money and programs will do the trick.

    10 years ago Russia was loosing close to 1 billion pop per year, last year it achieved a growth.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 31, 2010 4:19 am

    10 years ago Russia was loosing close to 1 billion pop per year, last year it achieved a growth.

    I think you mean 1 million... even China couldn't afford to lose 1 billion per year for more than one year.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  nightcrawler Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:36 am

    Well the child problem rests with the parent attitude & responsibility; no doubt government is taking serious war against alcoholism

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:05 am

    Improved living standards, and lower child mortality rate and extended life expectancy, improved economy, lower alcohol consumption, reduced road death toll, better quality food, many variables.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:44 am

    I think an improved economy would bring out the living standards improvement, extended life expectancy etc

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  nightcrawler Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:06 pm

    Do russia have any Max. child limit policy or not ??

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:12 am

    AFAIK the only country that limits that sort of thing is China and it was a one child law to limit population growth.

    As better healthcare becomes available the result is that girls are aborted because if you can only have one child you want that child to carry on the family name.

    Might lead to problems later on when there are lots of young men but few young women...

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:16 pm

    I would suggest that most well educated western countries have declining aging populations which they deal with by immigration.
    And Europe will no longer be European.

    I would suggest that during economically uncertain periods like right now many people simply don't want to take on the financial burden of a child right now, but having a large population can cause more problems than it solves.
    There were never good times is history to have children but peoples stile had lots of children.

    I fear that some who talk about diminishing population often have an agenda that usually suggests that certain religious groups will use their higher birth rate to take over... when statistics seem to show that as education levels increase and good health care and living standards improve reproduction rates decreases.

    Yeas but if this takes two or more generations the that will happen.


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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:33 am

    I think an improved economy would bring out the living standards improvement, extended life expectancy etc

    I kinda disagree with this.

    We have been told in the west that market forces are good and will sort itself out.

    The reality as we have found is that continual strong growth... which most markets love, is not really sustainable and does little to make sure the money and benefits of the economy filter down to everyone who needs it.

    I do think that it is easier to improve living standards and improve healthcare when there is a good economy... the real test is when the economy is not so good... what do you cut and will it help the economy recover or just make things even more painful for those that benefit least from a good economy.

    If you look at India there is an enormous gap between the haves and the have nots.
    This is hardly Indias fault... such things exist everywhere and the problem for governments is how do they spend the money they have to help those with the least help themselves to enjoy the benefits that others enjoy.

    Old saying... you have to have money to make money.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Pervius Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:36 pm

    All the King's Horses and all the kings men
    Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

    The stupid childish military rivalry between the United States and Russia resulted in both countries polluting the living crap out of their countries as they killed their own. Which resulted in their DNA being destroyed.

    Nobody can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.....their DNA. It was more profound in America where the white people would mainly serve in the military, where the most polluted water/soil is. And THEY all came down with bad bad diseases and cancers and passed on bad DNA to their kids. Leaving the minorities to flourish and reproduce like rabbits.

    The white DNA is close to extinction. And they say Humans are an "intelligent species".....

    Wait until those Chinese realize what we did to THEM! Their DNA is now done as well....toxins dioxins oh my! Obesity and Diabetes in China becoming a pandemic....They're going to be pee'd off soon.

    If it wasn't for the US bringing in millions annually as "new" citizens...those Volatile Organic Compound clouds would really be showing their effects on trimming a population.

    Manufacturing left America for a reason..and can't ever go back. America's dying.....but another secret is Russia.

    Either join together and become 1 new country to save your DNA....or become Humpty Dumpty and watch your DNA further degrade year after year from all the pollution.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:56 am

    I am sorry but that is crap.

    DNA is DNA... there is no white DNA or red DNA or yellow or orange DNA.

    Any so called white DNA was f#$ked up centuries ago from inbreeding because despite their puritan moralities white people shag like rabbits and what other people didn't know didn't bother them.

    Before DNA could be tested all sorts of in family marriage and other crap went on in most so called white countries... look at the history of the Christian church if you want a little taster and these were supposed to be the leaders of the flock.

    Saving the white DNA would be like trying to fix the English language by removing all the foreign bits from it... there would be nothing left worth keeping in both cases.

    The reality is that preserving and improving dog breeds leads to inbreeding and genetic disorders that eventually lead to a DEAD end. Dogs that actually need C sections because they can't give birth naturally any more because the dog breed demands a large head for the dogs which means a big head for the puppy.

    Not natural.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  nightcrawler Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:48 pm

    On a funny side our Pathans are well known for child increase Smile

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Pervius Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:49 am

    GarryB wrote:I am sorry but that is crap.

    DNA is DNA...

    There's a few countries with a big national secret....their DNA has been compromized. That's the moral of the story.

    China never had a diabetes problem nor a obesity problem. Nobody on Earth every remembers seeing a picture or heard of a obese chinese kid.

    Guess what's happened? China's DNA has been compromised. How are they going to afford the costs associated with it? Or will away with.....those with destroyed DNA to prevent wasteful national spending and keep growth/productivity.

    Productivity stopped in America long ago because their DNA was destroyed. They've show growth. Russia slimmed down to deal with it. Russians value their DNA/breed.....Americans brought in millions from around the world to mix in with their bad DNA to save a nation. Time will tell if they can keep their mix following the few whiteys in Massachussets and Virginia calling the shots.

    Wouldn't you agree?

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:18 am

    The problem is fast food.

    If you saw what they put in chicken nuggets...

    The selling aspect of fast food is food quickly at a reasonable price.

    This means they need to cut corners on what goes into food to keep the price down to maximise profits.

    This is made worse by modern farming practises... corn fed stock that stand still all day results in meat that has fat all the way through it. Wild game is what we are designed for, lean... low fat animals that are ready to run in an instant to evade predators... having to work and hunt for food rather than having it dropped into the trough in front of them.

    Of course the farm lobby groups and pharmacutical companies don't want you listening to this sort of stuff... they would rather feed you with crap that makes you feel bad and then buy drugs to make you feel better... and not cheap generic drugs... expensive custom made stuff with all sorts of side effects to keep doctors in work.

    As shown in the animal world a good mix of DNA results in a mongrel... but that mongrel is far more resistant to genetic related diseases.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  nightcrawler Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:24 pm

    Back to the problem...
    The falling economy of Soviet states (eastern Europe) together with Russia has taken ots toll upon the the alcoholism disease has played havoc with the population sustenance.

    Marriage is a serious issue..u have to accept responsibilities ...u have to earn not for urself but your family. This when compromised people tend to get away from marriage & usually end up in brothels abroad...& such

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 06, 2011 10:19 pm

    China isn't eating fast food and their DNA has gone down the crapper.

    Obesity/Diabetes epidemic.


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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  Pervius Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:22 pm

    They don't have it as bad as the US.

    Russia, like the US...had to bring in fresh DNA. Now to end the Islam and bring it into their favor...this is what will occur.

    Russia will draft all those muslim men into their military, send them into some war where they want them all to die. Then the Russian young men kept back at home...will have many young muslim girls to care them up and allow them to drive...create many new babies with good undamaged DNA. By giving those muslim girls more freedom, education, credit cards to shop...they will adopt their new thing...Russia. Then they will have to work to pay off their shopping bills.....Russia survives.

    Now what will America do with all it's Latino's it brought in...who also don't want to melt into the melting pot? Same thing.

    So maybe...the US/Russia will have some fake war in some country....that neither wants to win.....they just want to kill off all the they get access to a good DNA pool and fix the damage that was done in the "Cold War" when everyone was pouring chemicals all over which ended up destroying our DNA.

    It's the ONLY option which can put Humpty Dumpty back together again.

    So hmmm....where can Russia/US send all these male muslims/latino's off to die?...and not want them to come back alive?


    Boxer Rebellion Part II.

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    Russian population Empty Re: Russian population

    Post  NationalRus Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:07 pm

    we have huge problems in all kinds of ways in ou population, huge problems with durugs alcoholism and a low birth rate under our slavic population...

    encouragement alone is not enough, we need to take drastic "encouragement", big support for families with children and without harsh cuts, since a low birth rate will pressure more and more the working class which pays the pension for the old, we need to flip the pressure here, families without children will get ther pension cut by 50% when they reach pension age, families with 1 child will get a 25% cut, with 2 children a normal one and with more then 3 wll get a 5% increese for every child

    i think that would be the most "encouraging" way to get this lazy scum of a population that doesn't care that our countrs is dying out but only wants to have a good time to have children

    how to fight alcoholism most effectivly we already descuced here in a thread i started

    and drugs? execute every drug dealer out ther point blank, and every drug user goes for 5 years in a hard labour camp, thailnd dealed with its drug problem in a someway similar way, worked excellent

    but that are for now only dreams under our left-liberal on country spiting don't give a shit regime

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