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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Decline of the western society #3


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Wed May 08, 2024 7:07 am

    It is funny that the west hates Putin and Russia for their intolerance of alphabet people... which means the west does not tolerate intolerance...

    They also hate people they claim are haters...

    But it is not enough to not agree, any with different views must be harassed and fired from their jobs if your views don't meet their approval.

    No wonder inmates are starting to leave the asylum...

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ALAMO Wed May 08, 2024 7:24 am

    GarryB wrote:It is funny that the west hates Putin and Russia for their intolerance of alphabet people... which means the west does not tolerate intolerance...
    They also hate people they claim are haters...
    But it is not enough to not agree, any with different views must be harassed and fired from their jobs if your views don't meet their approval.
    No wonder inmates are starting to leave the asylum...

    What shocks me, is the fact that it is very hard to deny any of the Dugins' thoughts.
    Still, they do, masquerading him as a devil's advocate or something.
    It is a civilization war.
    The question of which civilization one wants to soak in is open to everybody.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Wed May 08, 2024 10:23 pm

    The accusations against Russia and Putin for action against LGBTXYZ is a brazen lie. This sexual minority collective is prevented from
    engaging in grooming and recruitment of children by Russian law. This is manifestly legitimate and sane. Enabling any such activity
    is insane and a crime against the child victims of what are actual sexual predators.

    LGBTXYZ people do not experience any relevant discrimination. They can get hired and retain their jobs. They are not attacked by the system.
    That some of the pedo variety feel attacked for being denied access to children is total BS. That others feel oppressed that they cannot
    wave their genitalia around on public streets in "pride parades" is total BS as well.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Thu May 09, 2024 7:05 am

    The accusations against Russia and Putin for action against LGBTXYZ is a brazen lie. This sexual minority collective is prevented from
    engaging in grooming and recruitment of children by Russian law.

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 7u8h2x10

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ALAMO Thu May 09, 2024 7:26 am

    Awww, hate speech...
    I love it!

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat May 11, 2024 12:43 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Is there or is there not a fertility crisis going on Garry??....

    No there is not.

    Then why the hell is Japan importing Garry!!??????

    So you solution is more sovialism, also automation talk is about countries GDP and such, stabilizing you population so you don't need to mass import is another matter, which automation cannot solve.

    My solution does not seem relevant, the solution Russia seems to be going with is to create a family oriented society where having children and doing a good job at parenting is respected rather than just expected.

    The Russians are leaning heavily the church and tradition to try and stabilize the situation, not RealTraditie, but the more post-modern "tradition".
    Sadly, this all amount to a delay tactic, Russia's numbers also aren't looking good, and after Putin all these measures will falter and women will vote for stupid crap that will inevitably lead to Russia's downfall.

    Oh come the hell on Garry, you and i both know that's nonsense, with all the cash and prizes easily available to the women after the divorce, and if there's a child involved, the man will legally become her slave for 18yr at least, among other things.
    The women benefits far too much in any divorce.

    Because of laws made up by men who felt they needed to protect women because women are weak and need men to protect them.

    We need for women to have more power to say that these current laws as they are written are not fair and certainly the equality that women have struggled to achieve for themselves and a more equal arrangement needs to be created.

    And all attempts to get rid of these sh^t laws will always fail, BECAUSE WOMEN VOTE!!


    Yes, it's current rampancy is indeed thanks to women voting.

    To the same degree as today, not remotely likely.

    So you say.

    LotusEaters looked into some statistics last year.

    Ok, then keep your status quo, circumstances or someone else will "MAKE" them settle regardless, you know, after everything comes crashing down.

    By then too late.

    Yea, because you are not gonna solve this.

    No, but it's power will, what??... did you actually believe countries giving women rights were independent decisions, think again.

    Like all laws in the west a small interest group who don't give a **** about anyone else expended time and money and effort to piss off the people who make the decisions and eventually those people made the decision. Whether it is women voting or rights for sexual deviants to demand pronouns.

    Either way, expect countries to make serious changes, once the threat of Western strong-arming and blackmail no longer exists.

    So to you, after the fall, the West's propaganda and NGO arms will still be active???.... how??.... with what money??

    Even if their money becomes a fiat currency they still have enormous military resources and can get their way with violence...

    The west could turn off GPS and demand users all pay a monthly fee of $100 to use it... same with communications satellites etc etc.

    You think the Somali pirates were a problem... the US navy and Royal navy and French navy will become a problem for most countries.

    In a multipolar world where they are second fiddle to Russia and China?....

    BRICS alternatives, i only see broke EU countries going with that, and that is assuming the EU still exists.

    Yemen seems to deal with them just fine, and they aren't even with anything really potent.
    Will the West even be able to replace their ships once their giant ponzi scheme falls??

    Either way, the core of Western power has always been their Dollar and their NGOs, without that the hammer of the military wont have much effect, hell they have already lost 3 wars in 4 years.

    They would be too busy sorting their own house (if they still have a house), to continue to project their influence globally would not be possible.

    Their house has always relied on controlling other houses... that wont change.

    It will once the house comes crashing down.

    Not without the man's money apparently.

    The day an age of the man being the sole bread winner are over... these days often women earn more than men.

    Yet they still steal men's money.

    Actually single father households do just as well as 2 parent households,

    You have been complaining that women get all the government support and public sympathy but now you say the father can do it easy on his own as well as a two parent house hold can?


    He must have an amazing boss who will let him stay home from work if his kid gets sick and releases him to collect the kid from school at 3 o'clock etc etc... not to mention after school activities and sports practises and the weekend is the games themselves...

    Where do you think the money comes from?

    Yes, statistically their kids are as likely to become criminals as those form 2 parent households.

    I'm just telling you what the numbers are.

    over them, but now all women need is the State.

    Till they decide that they want a kid...

    Think again.

    And once the State becomes powerful enough, it will also wield "absolute authority" over these women, there's always a price to pay.

    When did the state not wield power over everyone... except of course criminals who ignore their rules and laws.

    You know i am talking about an authoritarian takeover, borders will be secured and women will be put in their place.

    Its all natural selection, as in you are selecting yourself to either be replaced or purged, that's what you're voting for, well your women are anyway.

    Don't confuse natural selection with intelligence... sometimes it is the strongest that lose... there is no way the tiny mammal that became human beings would have a chance against even quite small dinosaurs, but fortunately for us something happened and the earth cooled down and the dinosaurs mostly died out.

    We have been dominant for a few hundred thousand years while dinosaurs were roaming the place for a hundred million years... (about 225million years ago to about 65 million years ago....)

    "Don't confuse natural selection with intelligence"..??.... so people and animals that are too stupid to live, is not natural selection to you???

    Some people like to play Russian Roulette with Glocks....... let that sink in.

    The government is just a mafia with a fancy name, once they accrue enough power, they will send many to meet the wall, Australia already have their camps ready, and all i hear from the people their is that they are not getting killed, YET.

    The government changes every 5 years or so... that is the only thing in the west that stops hitlers... they don't get long enough to do any real damage or make any real changes... which is why the US is so screwed, they don't even have a democracy... there are only two parties that have any chance of getting into any real power and they hate each other so much they would rather Americans die than to vote for something seen as the opposition parties policy. They will only get change with a civil war... so Biden stealing the election again and a ban on gun sales would probably do it...

    Yet the camps still stand.  Neutral

    No, they had a democracy, till recently.
    And women were the driving horse messing up that democracy and leading the way for what is to come.

    I wouldn't hold out much hopes for NZ.

    We will keep following the US and UK till they break and then we will likely find a bit of real independence we pretend we have now.

    Or not.

    Nah, when the West breaks, your elites will panic and seize total power.
    You better kiss the ring when that time comes, or end up on the wrong side of the wall.

    Purges, Famines, mass destruction and deaths, sure, after all the killing, "The Party" would eventually have to accept that their ideological delusions would not work in reality and adjust to some extent.

    That sort of cultural upheaval will always cause problems... in Zimbabwe there was a dramatic change in food production when massive white owned farms producing food to feed the country and to export to other countries were broken up and given to black people who were interested in feeding themselves and making a little money selling food at the local market and no capacity to feed a country. Purges are always exaggerated by ideological enemies and the mass destruction was nothing like the wars the west have started over the last few centuries.

    And they are not learning the lesson... WWII happened because the west punished Germany for WWI when they were as much to blame for that war as Germany was, but they used the opportunity to crush a rival colonial power.

    This led directly to WWII which they hoped could be directed to destroy Russia, but that failed too.

    Now they are essentially blaming Russia for the Cold War and trying to crush them again...

    Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.

    They are destroying their own power over the worlds economy and political structures.

    I say let it burn.

    Yes, and what happened after Zimbabwe "seized the means of production", comrade?
    Oh right, they starved.

    Obviously, and after the war, the U.S used "Democracy" to break up the colonial power of remaining European powers.

    Blame the Germans, for that one.

    Western education is a miserable failure.

    Such is the Fate of Empires.

    Well democracy was always meant to fail, that's why the founding fathers built a republic not a democracy, and also why the West kept promoting democracy, it was to keep everyone down so they could rule.

    Democracy in Russia seems to be working just fine... I suspect the real secret is getting people into power who can't be bought and care about their own country more than gold.

    Fine for now, but after Putin, expect Russia to have similar problems to the West.

    Ah yes, the man needs to do something for nothing and serve the State or the women, this rightwing meme again.

    I must be special... one person calls me right wing and another calls me a liberal... those words are meaningless... the real world is more complicated than that.

    I support the death penalty and think women should have the right to choose regarding abortions. I don't care if the death penalty does not stop crimes of passion committed in the heat of the moment... it might not deter people who don't expect to get caught but it sure stops reoffending rates.

    I am pro gun and pro womens rights in the sense that they should have the same rights everyone else has... ie equal rights for everyone.

    Gun control is about hitting your target with the first shot that gives you a clean kill with no suffering.

    No, i am not calling you Rightwing, its just that this issue is something the Right like to bring up, ergo its a rightwing meme

    Well these women has chosen to destroy the nation, what are gonna do about it??... Blame men?  Razz

    Yes, you are an egalitarian, you will see the woman problem and do nothing about it, except demand more welfare to ma'lady.

    "Gun control" is about taking peoples guns away so they can't defend themselves from The State or The Party.

    Yes, but BRICS is not about shaping the world into your image, quite the opposite.

    BRICS is about everybody cooperating and trading and not telling each other what religion or culture they should practise or what language they should speak... no sanctions... no bullying.

    An anti west collective because the west are colonial bullies.

    Correct, this also means the egalitarianism and other western liberal beliefs will no longer need to be practiced by these countries.
    So they will be free to go their own way.

    I am tired of this socialist fearmongering of "the 1%".

    Nothing to do with socialism... most westerners don't even understand what socialism even is.

    Good sheep... deny deny deny.

    Of course they don't, they only see the free money and welfare, they don't see what it will all lead to.
    The rise of "The Party".

    Those 2 are gonna need to move way further than Hawaii

    Nah. nah, nah, they are just pillaging the treasury, before it all come crashing down.

    They have money... what they want is land because when the US dollar goes tits up it will be worthless... it will all be about things of value like metals and land and resources...

    Yes, but why not steal more money.

    You can't save them all Garry, especially if they don't wanna save themselves, just vote for more free gibs and rely on that, right?

    We are all stuck in the same trap... of course they want a way out but there is no way out for them... except a lotto ticket which drains their pockets even faster... and then some rich censored  wins it... Lotto is a random redistribution of wealth to give hope to the hopeless.

    I doubt most of are even aware of this trap, after all they keep voting for more of it, in the end when the trap closes, they will only have themselves to blame.

    aren't their plenty of muslims in jail, can't remember what they're called there.

    CNN will tell you they are all in jail because China is communist.

    Such is CNN.

    Help??... no, not have their illusion of empire be stripped by an embarrassing defeat.

    they simply didn't have the means anymore to prevent that, Iraq will be a similar story.

    All they had to do was declare victory when they murdered OBL and leave... but the US never leaves... it is still in Germany for fucks sake.

    And Japan, like Afghanistan countries are gonna learn to give America the hard goodbye, for that is the only goodbye they will accept.

    Yes many did chose NZ as their escape plan, but they forgot to take into account of NZ turning into an authoritarian sideshow.

    They would love that. Flashing a few billion in little NZ would be like having a few trillion in the bank and wanting to live in London... free pass buddy.

    I doubt it, NZ will just put a gun to their heads and take that money.

    They are already doing that, if you try to get rid of your citizenship and move to a more money friendly country, they take a massive amount of your money, sorta like divorce, as in a divorce from the U.S government.

    That is what accountants are for... they aren't moving money, they are investing in American companies in NZ.

    Then they have not gotten rid of their citizenship yet.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Sat May 11, 2024 7:20 am

    Then why the hell is Japan importing Garry!!??????

    Japan is probably the least woke country in the west... why would they have any problems at all?

    Sadly, this all amount to a delay tactic, Russia's numbers also aren't looking good, and after Putin all these measures will falter and women will vote for stupid crap that will inevitably lead to Russia's downfall.

    Hahahaha... what point in survival for Russia when the whole world is going to collapse?

    And all attempts to get rid of these sh^t laws will always fail, BECAUSE WOMEN VOTE!!


    Which would be believable if all women voted as a block and could therefore control everything... but the vast majority of women, like the vast majority of men are totally uninformed and vote on one or two issues they care about and ignore all other factors.

    The mix of men and women voting for candidates and parties appears rather balanced so if you could eliminate the women voters votes then it wouldn't actually change anything at all.

    Yea, because you are not gonna solve this.

    I don't think it is a problem.

    How about looking after the people already here better before trying to bring more into the game?

    Most countries have problems with healthcare and education and not enough well paying jobs... why bring more people into this?

    You know i am talking about an authoritarian takeover, borders will be secured and women will be put in their place.

    Have you watched the British comedy "The two Ronnies" and their ongoing sketch called "the worm that turned"?

    What makes you think an authoritarian takeover will be by men?

    so people and animals that are too stupid to live, is not natural selection to you???

    Stupid people and stupid animals get protected by smarter people and smarter animals all the time.

    Sheep are thick as pig shit but farmers keep them alive because they are worth money.

    Some people like to play Russian Roulette with Glocks....... let that sink in.

    Russian roulette is a british invention... Russian roulette with automatic pistols should be called British Roulette.

    Obviously, and after the war, the U.S used "Democracy" to break up the colonial power of remaining European powers.

    Blame the Germans, for that one.

    The US started playing the colonial game after WWI when they seized Samoa that became American Samoa.

    Their treatment of Germany after WWI led to WWII becoming inevidable but colonialism continued well after WWII... the US tried to colonise Russia in the 1990s and has been colonising Ukraine the last decade or two very actively... and the quite a few decades... perhaps a century before that less openly...

    France is only now getting kicked out of Africa with more arse kickings to go and US forces are being kicked out too...

    BRICS is about ending western colonialism along with western domination of international organisations and systems.

    Fine for now, but after Putin, expect Russia to have similar problems to the West.

    The success of Putin should lead to more like him rather than the shit that we get in the west.

    Well these women has chosen to destroy the nation, what are gonna do about it??... Blame men?

    I doubt most women made any such choice... they were not happy and thought being more like men would be a good solution to all their problems... except now they are getting to experience what life is like for a man they might realise they actually had it better before if their biological focus is children and family.

    Yes, you are an egalitarian, you will see the woman problem and do nothing about it, except demand more welfare to ma'lady.

    I don't see the problem. When we can look after the people we have, when orphanages are empty because all lost children are in loving families and are looked after, then perhaps we can look at getting more kids into this world where their future is not being abused or molested or neglected.

    Yes, but why not steal more money.

    For the same reason you don't steal money.... there are consequences... eventually.

    I doubt most of are even aware of this trap, after all they keep voting for more of it, in the end when the trap closes, they will only have themselves to blame.

    They have two choices to vote for and both are using the trap to keep the average person down and working so the rich and super rich can enjoy their money and power. The democrats and republicans benefit from the majority being work slaves.... it means the roads are nice and the streets are clean... where they live.

    And Japan, like Afghanistan countries are gonna learn to give America the hard goodbye, for that is the only goodbye they will accept.

    You would think so but hasn't Japan just signed up to AUKUS... another military agreement with the US that allows the US to use Japan as a forward base for any future conflict with China?

    That would be the opposite of Japan saying sayonara to the US wouldn't it?

    I doubt it, NZ will just put a gun to their heads and take that money.

    You don't know NZ.

    Gangsters we are not... despite following some of the worlds worst gangsters... UK and US.


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Sat May 11, 2024 2:21 pm

    Intelligence alone is not guaranteed for survival from an evolutionary point of view. If using evolutionary survivability as the standard for superiority then humans should bow their head to the humble tardigrade.

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    Post  kvs Sat May 11, 2024 4:49 pm

    But at the same time intelligence is a real problem. Humans have no instinct for intelligence. So intelligence and perceptions are all over the map and
    typically floating on BS assumptions and "ignorance". Animals cannot be brushed off with the "ignorance" attribute since they have evolved instincts
    that substitute for "intelligence" or rather constrain the mental function to optimize survival. Humans still have some of this but it does not override
    the unstable and unconstrained intelligence.

    I do not see a natural selection pressure for functional intelligence. Societies can collapse, but the subsequent generations are not filtered to do a
    better job at the next round of society formation. We will always have propaganda and collective herding of humans together with social stratification
    that places some tiny minority into the absolute power position. No system of government or social organization can compensate, in the long run, for
    the fundamental lack of functional intelligence in humans. The USA is a fine example of a system with all sorts of checks and balances becoming
    totally corrupt and a sham. Although I would say that "democracy" was always a sham. But now it is simply kangaroo level of absurdity.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat May 11, 2024 8:15 pm

    Granted that cognitive ability and level of brain development is determined by innate and genetic factors from a biological point of view, but intelligence as we usually interpret, is largely a social construct.

    We define intelligence based on our needs and values, our criteria of intelligence may not be practical in an alternative society or context. A student who excels in conventional logical reasoning, verbal communication, and academic knowledge is stereotypically seen as “intelligent” in an academic and corporation dominated context, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they are more “intelligent” than a farmer with only a high school education, as the farmer might have a wealth of practical knowledge and problem-solving skills that are invaluable in their line of work.

    In the context of a classed society, for most of the case, the criteria for intelligence is mostly shaped by the ruling class, and it is highly associated with the skills or qualities to climb higher in the power ladder or to suit the taste of the ones in privileges.

    The social construct of our notion of intelligence is also about that, cognitive development and intelligence of an individual human in the human society is the result of nurture rather than nature. The full development of "intelligence" that is most suitable for one's specific career prospect is highly depended on family wealth, parental support, social background, personal connection, and is highly associated with the issues such as nepotism, social inequality, wealth inequality, and manipulation of economy and resources. In short, the meritocracy ideology suggests that "hard work determines success" is a wet dream. Privilege often plays a determinant role.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Mon May 13, 2024 12:49 am

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed May 15, 2024 11:04 am


    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 440512317_1363168607705273_2478372302147378681_n.png?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_eui2=AeEuIn5TAjpqzetn0SHi6PJYjmRmkXDyFKaOZGaRcPIUppsbrl8TpLLEsSa_qvabGgoLK2OvX6NC8Vql0hBEJUUS&_nc_ohc=IQcq1e1EoboQ7kNvgFcidc3&_nc_ht=scontent.fsgn5-10

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    Post  kvs Fri May 17, 2024 1:02 pm

    Western "liberal" values. The primary objective is to cream taxes from the proles. From every crack. Expect pissing and crapping
    taxes in the future. In the name of the environment or disadvantaged minorities...


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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 17, 2024 5:22 pm

    Decriminilization of prostitution is a sick joke. Fact is fact that prostitution is never considered as a desirable choice. Nobody want to lose their dignity to unfamiliar men and majority of cases people enter prostitution is because they are marginalized people who see no other viable options for them to having a living income.

    Not to mention that brothel and pimping, like all other capitalist enterprise, is exploitative and profit-driven in nature. And under the "free market" they will "compete" by advertising spreading all the moral decadent and dehumanizing materials for the sake of attracting customers - as the expense of the human rights of the prostitutes and the mental health of the public.

    Instead of making vocational schools and job-seeking services so that ex-prostitutes can have an alternative job with a sufficent income, these populist and vote-seeker attempted to normalize the objectification of humans under the guise of "progressiveness" and "freedom".

    Such ridiculous policy only serve the interest of pimps and human traffickers who want to make a hefty profit on the body of the prostitutes and on the moral decadence of the wealthy customers who have abundant money but lack humanity.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  GarryB Sat May 18, 2024 6:36 am

    Actually prosititution is perfectly legal here in New Zealand and while I know very little about it I don't see it as a real problem.

    When it comes to rights what is the difference between a woman allowing a man to do certain things he wants to do to her in return for cash.

    Some women already do that but require the man wines and dines her over several days weeks or months...

    When it is legal there can be rules set in place... like no brothels near schools or public parks etc and also regulations means it can be regulated and taxed, but also rules about contraceptives and who is in charge can be made very clear and if someone breaks the rules because they don't want to wear a rubber then a prostitute might get raped instead or her pimp might use violence against the guy.

    In a legal regulated profession the problem person can be asked to leave and if they refuse and try to use force the police can be called and the problems sorted out.

    I suspect the customer is not going to want to appear in the court news for that sort of thing.

    As far as I am concerned if you want to be a prosititute then if you are an adult there is not much anyone can do to stop them.

    Easy money, sex addict... daddy issues... abused as children... lots of reasons for it... I would say one of the criteria you could have before you can be a legal prostitute is to talk to a psychiatrist... who might be able to help.

    When prostitution is illegal it happens anyway but the prostitute becomes the victim.

    When it is legal often the prostitutes form a collective and they don't need pimps to help them with problem customers... they just call the police.

    And I can honestly say if you are not looking for their services you have no idea they are even there... I am sure there are likely plenty of active brothels in the city and surrounds where I live by I honestly don't know where any of them are or even likely to be. In comparison I can tell you where about four vets are... don't read that the wrong way.

    Human traffickers and pimps don't have a chance when it is legal and regulated because a human trafficked person would not be eligible to work here and the legal prostitutes would rat them out real quick. Just like underage workers would not be tolerated either.

    It might not be a solution for every country, but it seems to work here... they actually look after their own rather well and because they are legal they get good support from the police who don't treat them like dirt like some groups do.

    They would not be able to operate if there was no demand.

    Obviously I might feel different if a relative wanted to do that... but from my perspective is seems to not be a problem here.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  kvs Wed May 22, 2024 12:40 am

    Welcome to your new Orwellian reality courtesy of Microsoft.

    So now MS Windows is officially a super-keylogger spyware app.

    I guarantee that you cannot fully disable this feature. If you try, then you will break all sorts of other functionality. I have encountered this already when
    I try to reduce MS bloat.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  sepheronx Wed May 22, 2024 1:49 am

    I use Windows 10 for as long as possible.

    There are other Windows 11 modified OS versions where they remove pretty much majority of the spying.  But there is still some data somehow gets through.

    In the end, this will just make Linux even more popular.  Arch Linux is rather easy to use now.

    Also, the Quartering is a tard. Guy promoted the Ghost of Kiev meme. He fell for it because he isn't all that smart.

    I rather listen to SomeOrdinaryGamer on anything of such tech cause he works in the field.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Wed May 22, 2024 7:19 am

    Regarding the declining birth-rate

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Fraser10

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  ahmedfire Wed May 22, 2024 7:37 am

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Adacap10

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 22, 2024 12:45 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Regarding the declining birth-rate

    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Fraser10

    Well raising kids and caring for relatives is its own reward. Not everything has to have monetary value to have value.
    Money only comes into play in wider society. Yet before society you have a smaller and tighter social unit; the family - for which you provide and contribute to without a currency. And in return you get the same treatment back.

    But nevertheless this analysis is from the 19th century. All modern forms of capitalism have taken aboard a bunch of social policies which exactly include providing government care for the elderly, the sick, as well as kindergardens and schools for helping parents with their kids and often some sort of child or maternal support too.

    After all the criticism is quite correct; without the kids there can no future labour and surplus value, without government care for the elderly people will have to take time off work to do it themselves, without welfare you'd have more crime-related expenses and so on.
    Of course I'm not saying it comes for free. It comes out of the taxes, and the taxes come out from the poor more than from out of the rich. But at least with such measures, capitalism has made itself a little more self-sustaining than it was before.

    Why the specific globalist capitalism you have in the West though isn't concerned with birth-rates specifically has a separate explanation. Namely, because these societies depend on immigration for providing a future work force, and for fulfilling ideological goals such as diluting nationalism among the peoples indigenous to their own territories, and thus allowing larger and more centralized unions of territory in the future such as the same EU.
    And while these countries can remain at the top of the food chain with their control of major world currencies, world banks and other financial voodoo - then they will always receive immigration so they don't have much to worry about, or so they might think.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  Firebird Thu May 23, 2024 12:16 am

    kvs wrote:

    Welcome to your new Orwellian reality courtesy of Microsoft.

    So now MS Windows is officially a super-keylogger spyware app.

    I guarantee that you cannot fully disable this feature.   If you try, then you will break all sorts of other functionality.   I have encountered this already when
    I try to reduce MS bloat.

    With the old drives, I noticed how much Windows was "updating".
    But we only have Gates and co's "word" for that.
    How much can that Devil be trusted? Not one bit!

    My belief is that we aren't downloading updates. But that we are uploading our data. Except Windows is able to deceive us that it is downloads.

    Anyone who believes Creepy Bill is no longer associated with Microsoft must be living on another planet.

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    Post  kvs Thu May 23, 2024 1:44 am

    I use Office 365 for work and it defaults to saving Word files, etc., to some cloud. GTFO. Like I need my files on a cloud. They can stay on my
    laptop. The layout is coercive since it forces me to select the sane local option every single time I try to save a file. MicroCrap has
    a clear Orwellian agenda.

    The problem is that normies can be cooked like frogs in a pot. Just crank up the heat gradually. Maybe when it is too late, then they will react.

    Canada even has a "privacy commissioner". Pretentious propaganda posturing. If the regime cared about our rights, it would have launched legal
    action against MicroCrap instead of foisting it on its employees and giving MicroCrap market weight.

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    Decline of the western society #3 - Page 8 Empty Re: Decline of the western society #3

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 24, 2024 7:03 am

    Mainstream economists are shocked that the American public is out of touch.

    In a survey 56% thought the US was in a recession and 49% thought that unemployment was at a 50-year high. 72% thought inflation was rising. Americans also thought the stock market was down.

    How could they be so stupid? The US economy is motoring, inflation is falling fast and employment is rising, say the economists.

    But are things so great? Prices have risen over 20% in the last three years; and even higher for staple goods and services; mortgage rates are at record highs. Most new employment has been part-time or temporary at low rates of pay. And most Americans have no stocks to speak of, so a record high stock market index means nothing.

    Who is out of touch? Americans or the economists?

    It’s so funny to watch economists try to wrap their heads around the idea that inflation going down in their theoretical models is not the same thing as the prices of groceries returning to their old level in an instant. Some of these MBA’s should have actually learned about economics before receiving their 6 figure salaries imho.

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    Post  kvs Fri May 24, 2024 12:56 pm

    The inflation is not going down in legitimate economic models. It is going down through brazen manipulation of the statistics. For example,
    in the US the food basket is being weighted lower and consumer electronics (big screen TVs, etc.) is being weighted higher. So people reducing
    demand and prices for optional consumer junk to pay for their food costs is supposed to be evidence of inflation rate decrease. bounce

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat May 25, 2024 4:46 pm

    It is well established that those with lower incomes tend to have worse health outcomes. But whether this relationship extends to the most disadvantaged in society – people experiencing homelessness – has rarely been examined. This column explores the relationship between homelessness and health outcomes in the US. It finds that after accounting for demographic and geographic differences, the mortality risk of people who have experienced homelessness is about 3.5 times higher than that of the housed population. The mortality risk differs within sub-groups of the homeless population and the elevated risk persists long after people have left literal homelessness.

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