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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Podlodka77 Tue May 23, 2023 4:45 am

    So that Garry wouldn't have to, I gave myself a short ban for arguing with that red Bolshevik.
    I did not mention his name - therefore there is no reason for further discussion.

    Forum cunts on duty on this forum like Zorolabel, Limp-dick, , Ukrop Atkhangelsk, Sundoesntrise - in his brain, are already preparing the fall of Moscow. All that was left was for the confirmed Nazi and forum member with the name MR HD (biggest Nazi ****) to come forward and the experience would be complete.

    As far as I can see, in the last 15 months, the Russian army has not been used much, and unlike the mentioned cunts, I think that the devastation of Ukroshitstan will follow when it is finally used.
    There will be casualties, there is no doubt, but the Russian army was not used at most for one OBVIOUS reason - the suffering of civilians in Ukroshitstan.

    Last edited by Podlodka77 on Tue May 23, 2023 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  GarryB Tue May 23, 2023 4:46 am

    Where was the border guards? There is a war going on and russian apparently had hundreds of thousands of men on western border.

    Where were they?

    Bit of a stupid question.

    This nazi force didn't just form up and stumble over the border in a random place, this has been planned and organised and the point of attack carefully chosen and the size of the attacking force was likely planned to make sure they got through relatively quickly at the point they attacked.

    This is a distraction.

    There are definitely no superhumans in any of the Russian military cadres - more like potbellied overdue retirees that are drunk on potato vodka most of the time.

    Of course... I am guessing you are one of those Hollywood screen writers that are on strike... is it OK to type here or will you get into trouble?

    If true and this was allowed to occur so far behind your lines, things aren't going nearly as well as the cheerleaders say.

    Oh please... they are doing it there because it is so far away from the front lines and the actual Russian soldiers that would kick their arses if they tried it anywhere on the front line.

    This is faggotry of the highest order... a PR attack that wont help their cause at all, but is going to get them killed.

    The story is some Group called "the Liberty of Russia legion" is doing it.

    Navalny types... so they are not Ukrainian military which means they don't need to take any prisoners.

    This is what russia gets if it's true for allowing this to go on for so long and pussy footing as they have been, declare war mobilize mass forces, and end it, otherwise your only asking for situations like this

    Yes, Russia has to end this as soon as possible because of the damage it is doing to the west...

    I am sure when the elections in the US come around funding for this conflict is going to fall dramatically... and Europe will be as useful without the US in Ukraine as they were in Afghanistan when the US decided to leave.

    100 guys with a couple of vehicles managed to make more territorial gains in 3 hours than the Russian Army barring Wagner did in the last 12 months.

    And that is going to win them this conflict obviously because it has always been about occupying territory you can't hold...  Rolling Eyes

    The answer is obviously more sanctions.

    We know what the plan was, but perhaps Pregozhin never agreed to allow his PMC troops to be used this way and when he had opportunities to win the battle they cut of his ammo to keep the grinder going. Perhaps this resulted in excessive deaths on the part of his PMC. Which is why he threatened to pull out.

    If he does not want the job there are other PMCs in Russia.

    I think these morons were arguing some pages back with you about the nuclear doctrine being valid in case of violation of territorial integrity

    Your inability to read is a serious problem regarding sensible communication.

    Nukes are not needed as long as the enemy is Ukrainian... or Navalny type Russian. When the enemy troops are Polish then nuke the fuckers.

    Well the territorial integrity went out the window this morning lmfao

    100 guys in MRAPs is hardly a threat to Russian territorial integrity.

    The fact that you are falling to pieces over such a pin prick attack shows you are part of the problem.

    It is three very small villages so hardly huge gains, while this isn't the end of the world if true a force of hundreds managed to slip THAT FAR past your lines, undetected and went straight in and started shooting.

    They did it with civilian vehicles... if they had Challengers and Abrams tanks then that might be a problem...

    Infiltrating 100 guys to an area... especially a group that claims to be made up of Russians... is no big deal.

    AND if any cheerleader here says "Part of the plan" Then your telling me the Russians willingly let their own people get iced for their plan?

    Not part of the plan, but the enemy are getting butchered and they have to respond and their attempts at using new British super missiles results in them exposing and losing aircraft, and their drones keep getting shot down or otherwise defeated... this sort of terrorist activity and murder is all they have left.

    Despite getting more money than the Russian military has received over the last two financial years...

    Some think this may be an excuse now to move onto Kharkov and others.

    Evidence that the Ukrainian military as a force needs to be eliminated.

    I wouldn't mock if I where you again, I don't know if the claims are true but if they are, Russia literally got invaded, and civilians got gunned down on their own home turf well past the front line. Thats hardly something to underscore or downplay. I also don't see anyone "Cheering" I see people rightfully criticizing the russians if the claims are true.

    The border is thousands of kms long and this was an attack by 100 men in light probably civilian vehicles... this is the sort of shit the Chechens did... attacking hospitals and schools and theatres... it is just confirmation that this should be an extermination and that hitting HQs so far as dumbed down the quality of the planners in the Ukraine to this level.

    Fanboy or not if this is true, its perfectly reasonable to criticize the sheer incompetence of allowing such a thing to occur and it should be only a total dumbass would downplay it

    This is evidence that they are doing the right thing killing Orcs...

    I was actually hoping they'd put a couple of tank brigadrs in the field and roll all the way to Belgorod - that way Cucktin wouldn't have any other option than to actually do something but now he will probably make mean threats, speak about 'consequences' and praise his utterly incompetent Armed Forces.

    The western overlords and planners of nazi tactics would not allow their precious vehicles be exposed to capture like that...

    And yet again praise from the usual idiots that the nazis are murdering civilians and seeking out civilian targets.

    They are clearly Bandarites... stephan would be proud.

    I do not jump to conclusions, if the above is the truth then well Putin ha shown he is not a capable wartime leader for sure, he keeps playing it too nice, and thinks he can try and play chess with this war while putting in minimal effort, its clear he cares to much about the politics here as opposed to solving the problem

    There it is... putin has to stand down because nazis being nazis is obviously his fault.

    No calls for Biden or Eu leaders to stand down for funding nazis murdering civilians?

    If Russians insist on being pussies they will rightfully be fúcked as pussies because that's all pussies are good for

    Oh please... small group of military soldiers too afraid of fighting Russian soldiers join a group to sneak over a border and shoot at civilians and relive the days before the Russians joined the fight where they could murder all they wanted with no risk or threat and you are blaming Putin?


    But really clear who the pussies are.

    Trust the rodents and 404 to make a big hooha of this. By tomorrow this will be all over but Atemovsk will remain as a great victory for the Russians.

    A distraction that paid trolls can use to stir up shit, and headless chickens can get all excited about and winge and moan and complain about things that annoy them... like who the current leader of a country might be at the moment.

    While I'm pissed of the **** up from russian MOD on this and Shoigu and likes should be canned, sundoesntrise isn't spreading facts. In 1 year, Russia took about 30% of Ukraine.

    You are a fucking moron.

    They got together a small group of men that crossed the rather enormous border and shot at civilians... what fucking heroes.

    The question is... is this a distraction from the victory at Artyomovsk, or is it a distraction for the start of the offensive they keep promising...

    Fucking idiots like you would have all the Russian forces moved to this region to fight the few guys that are left while Kiev might be moving a real attacking force somewhere to attack significant places.

    However if its a few hundred guys plus vehicles, there is no dam excuse here and to try and defend it complete and utter idiocy to its FINEST.

    Of course... Russia should be looking out for groups of 50-100 enemy at a time when they are amassing supposedly a large force for a summer offensive... soon to be relabeled the autumn offensive and then the winter offensive...

    Infallible they are not, but they are good enough to kill 8 times more enemy soldiers, using only a fraction of the Russian power against an enemy supported, economically and militarily, by more than 30 countries...

    And to be clear... the orcs and nazis are not third world mud hut dwellers, this is a peer enemy... in the Soviet military they were all in the same army... this is the equivalent of a civil war in the US with US soldiers fighting US soldiers... so one side having such a kill ratio would be astounding.

    I'm not so sure about your inflated numbers there but I would say it would be very easy to disguise a fairly large group as Russians and that is most likely what they did.

    For all we know they might be Tiktokers and all from Russia.... the Navalny squad.

    Yes with guns, gear, Russian past all the check points, again if what being stated is true then You really show me you just prefer to keep your head in the ground rather than admit fault when its due

    Didn't you say you were not making assumptions?

    Didn't you mention this group of civilian killing nazis called themselves Russian?

    I ain't no fanboy if the russians fucked up big, they deserve what they get period

    They get to kill more nazis...

    And this group appears to be pro Kiev Russians so killing off those bastards should be a pleasure.

    There is a big difference between occupying a territory and making an incursion inside.

    What those guys did is a suicide mission. There is no way they escape with ka-52 looking for them.

    We don't know which side of the border these men came from.

    Suicide mission or not, you need to look at a map, where is the frontline compared to the three claimed spots?.

    That means nothing if they were navalny supporters who were already located inside Russian borders to start with.

    Measure that distance then ask yourself if a large number of men was allowed to go that far, and kill civilians and not detected once.

    Obviously if 100+ men crossed the border together in a tight group armed with weapons and ammo then you would have a point... not a great point, but still a point.

    There is no such thing as a 100% protected border anywhere and when the border is over 1000km long there will be lots of places small groups could sneak across and then gather together in some location...

    Russia falls into these insignificant psyop traps so easily.

    No. The doomsayer pussies lose their shit so easily. It appears so far to be a failed attack on civilian targets that has cost them more men killed as usual... seems to be a pattern.

    The hilarious thing is that if these idiot were Russians on Kievs side they probably said the big offensive was going in that direction so all you have to do is shoot the place up against a few policemen and we will come and relieve you and on to Moscow... and instead what they are doing is let some Russians die by Russian bullets.

    Increases the average IQ of the country I guess.

    They need to take buffer space next to the border, there's no way about it anymore

    Whether it's significant or not is irrelevant, the cheerleading squad can backflip for Putin, but doesn't change the reality

    Bingo you idiot... the Russians mobilised 300K men and you want to piss that advantage away by putting hundreds of thousands of soldiers on fucking guard duty.

    Lucky Putin isn't that thick.

    The attacks into Belgorod was more likely a distraction for the main stream west media, instead of focusing on the fall of Artemovsk.

    Or should we say the disappearance of Bakhmut from the maps?

    Bro, we talk about a few dozen of saboteurs shipped in a one-way ticket mission, most of whom are already cheering Bandera.
    Discussing that as any kind of important event is crazy.

    And that is the Key... PD seems to be continuing his obsession with pussies, yet this sort of action exposes the hard core nazi idiots of Russian and Ukrainian pursuasion and allows them to be killed easily and efficiently out in the open... he should be singing and dancing that they use such stupid tactics that expose them to modern Russian attack helicopters with excellent optics and ground mapping radar.

    They managed to get this photo of a captured MRAP out in the heat of the night - notice how there was apparantly such a rush to get the pictures out they photographed in pitch dark.

    Yeah, they could have nuked their own territory to turn night into day for the picture so internet slime will still not be satisfied.

    Ironic that our Serbian member has turned so Euro fag on us... always complains and nothing is ever good enough... Serbia teacher my arse PD... you are training for the Serbia and soon to be EU diplomatic core.... tell me how much I oppress minorities...

    Bullshit, never let a good weapon go to waste

    You obviously never had to carry a Thompson...

    Russia will be watching the NATO exercises like a hawk and you can bet Kaliningrad Iskanders will be on alert. It would be funny if Russia forms up a large air group and moves over Belarus in force towards Poland just to keep NATO on its toes. I am sure a couple of subs will also be on alert with nukes.

    Plus there are actually a few honest moral people within HATO circles that would not put up with the current censored inchief starting WWIII like that...

    If we look at Johns posts of releases by the Russian military these probing attacks by the orcs happen a dozen times a day and when they try in places the Russians are located they get flattened and the vehicles destroyed and artillery supporting the attack gets whacked.

    The usual monkeys throwing shit when one such probing attack finds a gap... big deal.

    The number of men they are losing doing this shit is totally unsustainable and they know it but they need results but the fact that they don't care about losses is excellent because it means Russia is killing the hard core nutters that would make a future difficult and dangerous for Russia and Russians.

    Your boy Putin is probably gonna take the bait on any Minsk lll proposals - man's got a record on getting played on diplomatic stage (remember Istanbul). Thinking he part of the cool guys again meanwhile Ukraine gets transformed into Europe's numba wan military (this time for real).

    Yes, obviously, because of the politicians involved he is obviously the weakest link... if you can accuse him of any failing then perhaps it would be being too trusting, but the first two Minsk agreements have cured him of that I would say.

    Russia has always wanted peace, but not at any cost, so Kiev will meet Putins demands or the fighting will continue till the west loses patience... which might be 5 or 6 months at best.

    Bidens only real chance of being reelected would be to sign a peace agreement with Russia and declare himself peace maker (and maybe pressure international organisations to suggest him for the peace prize)...

    But realistically Biden has zero chance in the next elections... he wont even make the democrat nomination because they know he wont beat any republican... even trump.

    There is no plan, it's just ad hoc and never ending incompetence.

    Wake up and smell the ashes Mr Freeman... the west is burning up their own armament stocks and sending money to Kiev like there is no tomorrow... and despite the fact that western MIC industries are going to make a fortune replacing all that old shit with brand new shiny shit the bill is going to be eye watering because it is all done in a hurry and most suppliers can name their price... and who knows how to gouge better than the US defence industry.

    Add to that that they want to build up Taiwan for use against China because they don't expect to be able to ship anything once the shooting starts so the act of sending enormous volumes of arms and ammo to Taiwan might actually start the conflict they so desperately want.

    Then we will see how good those Chinese ships and planes and tanks are, but against Taiwan, so it will be interesting to see what other countries actually decide to get involved.

    London is not the financial centre of Europe any more and London runs on that... adding lots of red tape to trade with the EU is another shot in the foot... and now that energy is more expensive in Europe for no benefit except the hope to hurt Russia which totally missed its mark... in fact all this BS has helped Putin do what he needed... which is show what total censored  the west are and to pivot Russia away from the Imperial west and towards the rest of the world who want investment and growth and development but know they can't get that from the west.

    Funny... so many countries wanting to join BRICS and alphabet people in control of the west... it is going to be alphabet people everywhere in control... hahaha.

    Pro NATzO shills like this SOAB have a habit of describing things opposite of reality. Now that Ukraine (under the command of its NATzO patrons) have committed itself to launching a Terrorist attack on the Russian border, Propaganda Bots like this SOAB are utilized to spread disinformation.

    Exactly... Kiev is trying to launch probing attacks everywhere and occasionally something will sneak through, but it will not achieve anything and be wiped out like the dozens of other pinprick attacks every day... each of which is costing Kiev a bare minimum of 50 dead and more often more... so let them continue because you don't win wars that way.

    One user suggested that this site is under watch by the Russian MoD, if so, I suggest that Russian paramilitary units

    I liked you post and then unliked it because of the end part where you suggested killing pro Orc minions on this forum.

    Pro Orc minions on this forum are court jesters... kill them if you can but if you do they have billions to replace them with... killing them would be futile and potentially counter productive if they are replaced by someone more convincing.

    In Africa and the Middle East yes, because they can act as unofficial armed assets supporting the Russian government's geopolitical interests around the world, but in Ukraine they act under the Russian command of the MoD, if you think Wagner can go around and doing they want you're just playing dumb.

    Exactly... they are Wagner... not Blackwater...

    There will be casualties, there is no doubt, but the Russian army was not used at most for one OBVIOUS reason - the suffering of civilians in Ukroshitstan.

    We are so used to the west destroying an entire country to save it from a leadership that does not want to use US dollars in trade any more or does not do as ordered from Washington that we think wars should always kill everyone in your way.

    It is so difficult for some to understand that Putin ordered this conflict to save Ukrainian civilians from being murdered by Kievs armed forces, but murdering all Ukrainian civilians was never part of the plan and was actually something they try to avoid despite western propaganda to the contrary.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Lapain Tue May 23, 2023 4:59 am

    One of recent history's most pointless offensives since the Iraqi advance on Khafji 1991. At least Hitler last offensives had fuel depots as primary aims.

    This brought in the usual bunch of doomers and trolls as intended.

    The Russians should let them in throw in even more weapons and nazi nutjobs. NATO is practically providing killing zones at this point.

    Last edited by Lapain on Tue May 23, 2023 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Lapain Tue May 23, 2023 5:35 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 7mrx0911

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  ALAMO Tue May 23, 2023 8:17 am

    A funny memo I have just realized.
    W whole "Belgorod offensive" Laughing has a scale of a single immigrant trespassing the Mexican border event.
    The entire length of the border is penetrated by tunnels, smuggling trespassing, and bloody human traffic highways allowing thousands of illegal migrants to cross the border on a daily basis. Tons of drugs are being shipped the very same way, changing the Murica into Zombieland.
    Yet we have Murican breed imbeciles, who are stupid enough to argue about some nazi thugs "penetrating" the border and "occupying" ten houses that are located 100m from the border in a straight line.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Mir Tue May 23, 2023 8:58 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:Ukraine claims to have captured more than 1500 vehicles in the Kharkov offensive - 600+ which have been visually confirmed (at least 131 tanks). So again you're talking out of your pooper with your claims that 'Ukrainians don't claim this'.

    Your source is a joke - even CNN has more credibility than these jokers Laughing Laughing Laughing

    The cover story shows a pic of two Ukrs in a warehouse inspecting a pile of mines which apparently "the Russians left behind". Those mines and the warehouse is probably anything but "Russian"! One would think they would rather have shown a far more credible pic, with far greater propaganda value that includes at least some of the "131 tanks the Russians left behind".

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  ALAMO Tue May 23, 2023 9:01 am

    Talking to a chimp ... Laughing
    By the way, is it only me finding funny how stories about capturing hundreds of vehicles ceased when the begging for Leopard 1 started? scratch Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  JohninMK Tue May 23, 2023 10:27 am

    sepheronx wrote:Funny how sundoesntshine appears in these specific cases to give his expert opinion. Dear God.

    And, from memory, wasn't here when we all learnt the 'Garry discipline of only minimal linking' plus politeness not insults.

    He may need a lesson of his own.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Serberus Tue May 23, 2023 11:04 am

    Unknown forces with a large amount of equipment are fortifying on the territory of the Graivoron checkpoint in the Belgorod region
    Colleagues from @milinfolive and @rybar report this.
    When exactly these shots were taken is not reported, but Ukrainian sources are distributing them at the moment.

    Last edited by Serberus on Tue May 23, 2023 11:19 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  limb Tue May 23, 2023 11:05 am

    It seems like in order to take belogorovka maryinka and possibly ugledar, the russians will need to mobilize an additional 150000 people, and produce hundreds of thousands of ATGMs, quadcopters, hundreds more artillery tubes, and up to 6-20 million 100-152mm artillery shells.

    2 weeks ago, The MoD made A HUGE DEAL that a "large offensive" 22(!) chechens from the supposedly 10000 strong ahmat took one warehouse in Belogorovka outskirts. Celebrating for ONE FUCKING HOUSE. Wagner needs some well deserved rest, so the offensive capability of russia is gone. Muradov squandered 50+ AFVs in no man's land, so ugledar is out of the question.

    AVdeevka will never be taken without a 2nd wave of mobilization, since the local DPR and MoD forces are completely outnumbered. This has me extremely worried. The best the MoD can do is hyper limited trench raids of less than 20 soldiers aimed at taking a single trench line or destroyed dacha, then retreating. The umpk glide kits translated to 0 ABATION OF CIVILIAN MURDERING ARTY STRIKES FROM AVDEEVKA. AFter 3 months of "attacking", 0 progress north of vodyanoe.

    Hopefully once wagner takes a rest, we'll see an Artyomovsk flower that flanks Belogorovka and spornoye which the MoD has UTTERLY FAILED TO RECAPTURE IN 7 FUCKING MONTHS, WHILE BRAGGING THAT "ADVANCES" ARE BEING MADE THERE.

    ALso, belgorod raids are irrelevant. Russia needs to respond by doing special forces raids in sumy and chernigov that aim to terrorize. How about sending DRGs to Volyn and ZHitomir through the swamps, which are aimed at doing potshots at western svidomites.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  flamming_python Tue May 23, 2023 11:36 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:You didn't block anyone. It's just mental coping of a mentally disturbed individual that's somehow trying to convey confidence through bullying .

    The link was to show that FP is talking shit on his claims that 'Ukrainians don't claim 600+ captured vehicles in Kharkov' BS-erry.

    Backman so high on the Kremlin propaganda he literally lost the ability to read🤣

    Well then in regards to that point I stand corrected. The Ukrainians really were asinine enough to claim that. And you dumb enough to believe and quote them.

    As for the rest of your earlier reply - honourable jury, I rest my case.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 23, 2023 11:53 am

    Serberus wrote:Unknown forces with a large amount of equipment are fortifying on the territory of the Graivoron checkpoint in the Belgorod region
    Colleagues from @milinfolive and @rybar report this.
    When exactly these shots were taken is not reported, but Ukrainian sources are distributing them at the moment.

    Russians giving away free land like it's Barbarossa thumbsup

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Serberus Tue May 23, 2023 12:32 pm

    The Fuhrer of Ukronazistan visited Ugledar-Marinka
    If the curse of the Fuhrer’s photo op continues, these will be next to fall to Wagner , in a year or so…

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue May 23, 2023 12:51 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Img_2272

    Nazis remain in the border and small bands keep reinforcing the position at the checkpoint

    No progress overnight, saying night combat is dangerous for civilians near the checkpoint

    There were a lot of rosgvard units in Kharkov, those units should be the ones clearing these checkpoints

    @serberus : the army can take Ugledar, Mariupol fell in a month with DPR, Akhmat, marines, and army storming the city - casualties were high but natural

    Mizintsev bombed the shit out of Mariupol , so much so the west gave him the "butcher of Mariupol" name

    This guy should lead the Avdeyevka- Marinka operations , from what I understand those places are already bombed, so might as well just finish the job

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue May 23, 2023 1:12 pm

    Why is Artemovsk So Important?

    What is it about Artemovsk that led both sides to dig in so deeply and commit such immense human and material resources to fighting for the city? Russian military observer Alexey Leonkov says the city’s significance in the broader Russia-NATO proxy war in Ukraine can be divided into three parts: military operational-tactical, military strategic, and political.

    In the operational-tactical sense, the battle for Artemovsk led to the loss of large numbers of Ukrainian troops and vast quantities of military equipment, and cracked open one of Kiev’s major fortified stronghold in Donbass, with others including the Avdeevka-Mariinsk-Gorlovka grouping and the Severodonetsk-Kramatorsk grouping of forces.
    "These two groupings, against which even more concentrated hostilities will be waged, will open [Russian forces' path] to Pavlograd, after which the expanses of the so-called operational steppe begin, where camouflage will become an issue, and where the concentration of enemy forces will become a very difficult and costly undertaking," Leonkov said.

    Military Strategic Significance

    At the strategic level, Leonkov noted, the concentration of fighting in and around Artemovsk over these past months gave the Russian side time to train its mobilized troops and to recruit additional contract fighters, while Russia’s military-industrial complex received time to mobilize its resources and ramp up production to wartime levels.

    "That is, the amount of ammunition we're producing now is much higher than it was at the start of the special military operation," the observer said. "Besides this, the production of weapons which at the start…numbered in the single digits were increased. Take for example the Tornado-S high-precision rocket artillery system, a direct competitor to the HIMARS and which surpasses the US system in many technical characteristics. At the start of the special military operation there were only about 20 units of this system, while now there are over 100, and this number is growing."

    Political Significance

    The third significant component of Artemovsk’s liberation is its political symbolism, and has to do with NATO’s support for Kiev in the proxy war against Russia, according to Leonkov.
    "The supply of weapons and military equipment in Artemovsk was mainly assigned to the European countries, with systems from their arsenals becoming the main ones. Precisely when we began to work effectively in the use of air-dropped glide bombs, the burden of supplying weapons and military equipment had fallen on the Europeans, who managed to crush voices of dissent demanding a halt to the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The weapons were delivered on the expectation that they would be needed to help Ukraine hold on to this territory. But the city was lost, and with great losses," both among Ukrainians and foreign mercenaries – "possibly including even professional [NATO] soldiers," the observer noted.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue May 23, 2023 1:19 pm

    MOD posted footage of the belgorod counter terror operation -

    They are attempting additional attacks but you can see the checkpoint got destroyed basically from shelling

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    Post  nomadski Tue May 23, 2023 1:28 pm

    This small cross-border raid is pitiful ! Shows the chaos and dispair of the Orcs , after loss of Bakhmut . No doubt this genius plan , hatched at the highest echelons of Nazi power , is meant to divert Russian forces from concentrated positions in LDPR . This means that the Orcs have suffered a physical and psychological blow and are in a desperate state , have decided that they can not stop advance by the Russian forces . Momentum should be maintained by successive pincer movements . No time allowed for the Orcs to recover or regroup .

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    Post  flamming_python Tue May 23, 2023 1:53 pm

    ucmvulcan wrote:
    There is a reason he is on my ignore list and Ark and a couple others are not. That reason of course is that ark wants Russia to win and wants Putin to stop pussy footing around. I can sympathize with his viewpoint. Sun and miss low def and a couple others are western trolls and cheerleaders and I am here because I get plenty of their point of view on American corporate state controlled media. I have no sympathy for them as they want to reduce Russian morale.

    There's not much difference in my eyes between which of these doomers wants Russia to win and which wants Russia to lose. It's the difference between incompetence and sabotage - it all leads to the same result. And incompetence of the sort where people point out the issues with your analysis but you persist in it 10 times in a row. It's sabotage at that point in motivation as well as effect.

    And in both cases it takes actual effort, to twist reality this way, and come up with some of this stuff. Especially when there is no evidence for it past a random blog post by a raging war correspondent who isn't in the know and is not at the front lines. Or Moreover, getting your info from the Kyiv Independent instead.

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    Post  flamming_python Tue May 23, 2023 1:58 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Russians giving away free land like it's Barbarossa thumbsup

    If the Ukrs want to create a new Bakhmut grinder out of it so let them

    Some people here are making a hoo-haa over it being Russian territory. Newsflash - so is Bakhmut. Every bit as much. Not much difference where the Orcs are taken out if they really do insist on playing zerg-rush.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue May 23, 2023 3:48 pm

    Different way to load a truck Laughing

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Fwy-gpmWAAEBIpQ?format=jpg&name=small

    Interesting that the train is in Bavaria and not say Poland which is closer to Sweden. Maybe going via Romania.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Tue May 23, 2023 3:53 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  ucmvulcan Tue May 23, 2023 3:50 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Different way to load a truck Laughing

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #43 - Page 12 Fwy-gpmWAAEBIpQ?format=jpg&name=small

    Odd looking garbage truck. Bulky item pickup?

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    Post  sepheronx Tue May 23, 2023 4:56 pm

    CTO has ended in Belgorod. I guess all the Ukies got captured or killed off

    🇬🇧🇺🇦 With the return under control of the Graivoron checkpoint and the end of filtration measures in Kozinka in the Belgorod region, the end of the CTO regime was announced.
    #Белгород #Россия #Украина

    Support us

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue May 23, 2023 5:09 pm

    By the way, this attack in Belgorod was of course of no significance from a military point of view.

    However the weapons used were mainly western provided. Previously America and its puppets said that the weapons delivered would not be used against russian territory.

    Will there be consequences for this?

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    Post  ucmvulcan Tue May 23, 2023 5:10 pm

    sepheronx wrote:CTO has ended in Belgorod. I guess all the Ukies got captured or killed off

    🇬🇧🇺🇦 With the return under control of the Graivoron checkpoint and the end of filtration measures in Kozinka in the Belgorod region, the end of the CTO regime was announced.
    #Белгород #Россия #Украина

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    So a fairly large raid, 100+ men, lots of heavy equipment, and all the equipment gets wrecked and all the people involved get wounded, killed, or taken prisoner? Yeah, I will be a doomer, but to Ukraine.  If this was your spring offensive, you're fucked.  If this was supposed to cause Russia to sue for peace, you failed.  As an American, I want to know which short haired tiny brained general in the pentagram or CIA planned this raid that wasted a lot of my tax dollars.

    Last edited by ucmvulcan on Tue May 23, 2023 5:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  ucmvulcan Tue May 23, 2023 5:13 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:By the way, this attack in Belgorod was of course of no significance from a military point of view.

    However the weapons used were mainly western provided. Previously America and its puppets said that the weapons delivered would not be used against russian territory.

    Will there be consequences for this?

    There will be consequences in direct proportion to the military significance of the Ukrehrmacht incursion. I do expect Syrian paramilitaries to start shooting at NATO forces in Syria with American weapons mounted on Humvees

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