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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:15 am

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  flamming_python Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:32 am

    ArgentinaGuard wrote:Friend, you tell me that Ukraine no longer has weapons and they are still fighting. We have been with it for 6 months.
    What is the real situation of the Ukrainian military forces? How long can he hold out if Russia goes on the offensive and takes things seriously?

    This is a military forum with expert people. We don't want propaganda. For that we already have the West.
    We want to know how long it will take for a Russian victory against the enemy or if Russia is betting on a perpetual state of affairs.

    Ukrainian command will continue to send more people to commit suicide by Russia for the near future. Russia will just hold the line.

    After the tap runs dry Russia will make its own move

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Firebird Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:16 am

    Backman wrote:Alex M. from the Duran said on his program that there is another peace proposal floating around in Saudi. Something about Russia talking the 4 regions but Ukraine keeping Odessa. And the EU is warming up to deals like this.

    It seems to me to be highly unlikely but you never know. It's a useless deal to me. Russia needs a 300 kilometer buffer. Period.

    All we get then is the same shit all over again in 2 or 3 years time. Instead of Donbass, its Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipro etc being terrorised. By F-35s and the like.

    Bandera-stan is infested with evil. It needs to be cleansed. Russia needs to be Russia again. Not "a rump Russian Federation and many millions of its citizens terrorised in NATO controlled states".

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  famschopman Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:33 am

    Just lurking around.

    The thing with going 'all-in' inside Ukraine territory is that you need to get the people on your side in order to achieve sustainable support. In some way you need to be really sensible here, and especially if the longer-term goal is to completely neutralize Western influence thereby also reducing risk of continuous conflict between West and (formerly) East. You want to avoid a South vs North Korea type of situation.

    In the eastern part Russia will be invited as the liberator. In the western part Russia - due to years of mind games - you really need to win back the hearts of the people. That takes time and needs to follow a somewhat natural process. If you deny supplies and support, you will be seen as a direct aggressor. If you let the situation develop while Western countries more and more have to focus on their own problems and support dries up the population, people will get fed up with Kiev, and things are becoming more fluid; you will get regime change. By just chasing short term results, you won't achieve this.

    More a question; I was just wondering if Russia has a predator/reaper like equivalent, it feels like this capability should be top priority? If you're air force is exposed from air defenses, I can imagine just picking them out from high altitudes one by one in order to, then, establish air superiority to work with your ground troops is extremely important. Additionally, you could have easily taken out material like expensive HIMARS systems with relatively low-cost missiles.

    In addition, I have seen some IR pods in the past that can confuse or block incoming missiles? Are these not used anymore on helicopters or jets e.g. too expensive or is the reliability somewhat flaky? I assume the EW suites can handle the non-IR-tracking missiles and the IR missiles need to be actively confused.

    Last edited by famschopman on Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:35 am

    Some guy in Siberia apparently shot a recruitment officer in the face.

    With this crudely "obrezed" gun (suggesting that the guy was criminal or some such).

    Anyone recognize the action? Doesn't look like a Mosin or Berdan to me. And (what remains of) the stock doesn't look original either, I mean, the band is a hose clamp, and the trigger guard looks DIY too.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Oror-p10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:42 am

    Is coming from Russian telegram

    How sad... if it is on Russian telegram it must be true... it must be pro Russian?

    Are you really that stupid.

    99% of paid trolls anywhere on the internet are paid by the west... some of them are Russian or speak Russian.

    But you claim if they post on Russian telegram they must be reliable?

    So fighterbomber, rybar, zastavny, and all those are pro ukropian sources

    They say a lot of things that really don't help Russia.

    Anyway you have some of the copium for me?

    It is funny when someone puts forward a suggestion to explain what the Russians are doing and why you and other trolls call it copium... but anything that seems bad to have happened is Putins fault and the Militaries fault and they should all be fired because that is how you act in the western world... not predicting the future or the extent of the evil of your opponent means you are fired no matter what you have already achieved... responses must be instant and brutal... like US cruise missile attacks on Assads forces before it was revealed the reason for the attacks was contrived (ie made up).

    You sound very American government. Don't worry about the truth or what is actually happening... kill everyone you can get away with before you get found out and have to stop.

    Saudi and Pakistani terrorists crash planes in the US so obviously invade Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria and Libya... because they are on your list.

    Just because someone loves their country doesn't mean they cannot be critical of it, Blind boot licking patriotism does no one any good.

    Actually I think the real problem with the west is that there is an ideology to follow where Iran and Russia and China are to blame and any criticism of the west is siding with the terrorists. Snowden and Assange and Manning are actually patriots... they discovered crimes and bringing them to the attention of the public has essentially cost them their lives.

    The problem of course is the over reaction and following of western propaganda to further western goals... get rid of Putin... this whole conflict is about getting rid of Putin and destroying the economy of the EU...

    To claim Putin is doing a bad job you really need to know rather more about everything that is happening.

    Where are the Iranian drones? Which general uses this senselessly far away from the front?

    They don't need more drones at the front line, they already have plenty there... using these long range Iranian drones throughout the Ukraine will force the Ukrainians to spread their air defences much thinner, or just take more losses.

    The level of actual damage these drones do wont be amazing, but it will be like snipers everywhere... increase tension and fear and stress levels to breaking point... as well as kill some Orcs.

    And why does Russia not resort to terror? does not put bombs in kyiv in civilian centers or kill military leaders with their services?

    Because they are not terrorists.

    Acting like the US led west in the Ukraine will just make the rest of the world think Russia talks the talk but does not walk the walk.... ie Russia and the west... same shit different wrapper.

    Russia does not benefit from murdering civilians large scale in the Ukraine.

    Maybe part of the purpose of the Shahed 136 is to feel out air defenses. They fly pretty slow. But the reason for the highly aerodynamic profile is to gain speed when diving. And they do. Look at the footage. The dive is where they get their speed.

    Very slow and even on the videos very noisy... Perhaps some quiet cheap electric motors will improve their design?

    Or maybe the noise is part of the show.

    Flying above small arms fire and trying to attract MANPADs attack or other air defence system to waste some rounds...

    Important to keep in mind in what context we are forming our opinions and the scale of professional interference we are facing:

    A covert online propaganda operation said to be the world’s largest promoting “pro-Western narratives” has been found to be operating primarily out of the United States, targeting Russia, China and Iran.

    Only the west would piss away billions on propaganda to their enemies at a time when their elderly are dying of cold and flu and neglect.

    No way will the West accept that. They will sanction Russia forever, just like they're doing Iran. They're comfortable with Russia being a permanent enemy.

    Don't you see that is a good thing... the EU might think giving up most of southern and eastern ukraine is a bad thing, but it is Russia giving up the rest of the Ukraine...

    Western sanctions are normal... they are always going to find a new reason to add new sanctions, so the promise of never dropping the sanctions is an empty threat... when the sanctions are imposed the Russians make efforts to replace sources either making those things themselves like the composite wings of their new airliners, or find a less hostile supplier or buyer.

    Right now China does not buy enormous amounts of Russia gas because gas is expensive, but cheaper Russian gas will increase and expand its use in countries they can get pipelines to increasing demand...

    The last footage made by the guys from 76th VDV just showed how BTR-82A is performing an execution against a column of M113.
    A single T-55 would have blown this BTR to pieces instead.

    Any ATGM would eliminate a T-55 easily enough... the VDV have plenty of anti armour options available to them.

    It is the other team that has a deficit of weapons.

    Alex M. from the Duran said on his program that there is another peace proposal floating around in Saudi. Something about Russia talking the 4 regions but Ukraine keeping Odessa. And the EU is warming up to deals like this.

    That the EU might think it will have anything to do with any peace agreement is sweet... their abuse of the minsk agreements and their bias should mean they get no say at all.

    flamming_python, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, auslander, JohninMK and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Isos Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:55 am

    LMFS wrote: “withdraw all your troops from our territory or we will declare war on Ukraine” according to Girkin, this is what’s gonna happen.

    This makes perfect sense. Those territories will became the Russian Federation. Fully fledged. No special status, it will be Russia proper from that point on. So Ukrainian troops present in villages and cities of the LPR, DPR, Zaporozhie and Kherson — will be occupying Russian mainland — from Russia’s point of view.

    This tactic is genius for the Russians for other reasons, Russian professional army will highly likely move to those new Russian territories the same night that Putin makes them part of the Russian Federation, essentially creating such a large military build up there that Ukraine has little to no chance to ever step a foot on those lands again.

    It also moves the Russian borders right to the frontlines of Nikolaev; meaning Russian manpower will be readily available and large numbers of Russian soldiers will likely be rotated to gain combat experience (rotations were happening the whole time, but nowhere near this level) — all this means that Odessa will become a much easier target. (Not easy, but easier)

    They already at war with Ukriane... only fools repeat the Special Militaty Operation dumb name.

    They have sent thousands of vehicles and are using hundred of cruise missiles all over Ukraine and now will send 300k troops more which is more than the biggest european army.

    That's already a war. Threatening of a war in the middle of the war is dumb.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Serberus Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:57 am

    famschopman wrote:

    More a question; I was just wondering if Russia has a predator/reaper like equivalent, it feels like this capability should be top priority?

    S-70 Okhotnik?

    Carries huge payload, dropped a 500kg bomb in a test, apparently stealthy, flies at high speeds but still in development stage though

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:11 am

    Backman wrote:Alex M. from the Duran said on his program that there is another peace proposal floating around in Saudi. Something about Russia talking the 4 regions but Ukraine keeping Odessa. And the EU is warming up to deals like this.

    It seems to me to be highly unlikely but you never know. It's a useless deal to me. Russia needs a 300 kilometer buffer. Period.

    I do not have an glass orb to see what eventually will happen.

    This war has to be seen trough, meaning total defeat of the Kiev Regime and the neutralization of all Nazi's in Ukraine.

    Otherwise NATO will just keep them at waging genocide against the RF controlled territory's.

    Then this conflict will never be resolved and the Kremlin knows that.
    Sure, Kiev/West may want peace now. Just to catch their breath and start the entire cycle of arming and provocations again.

    in my opinion looking at this war, The West had 8 years to come to an political solution. They preferred war than so be it.
    Why waste your time with talks now?.

    Indeed, Russia's best solution would to leave an "no mans land" or enforced neutral zone in the Lviv region as an Buffer against NATO.

    After the referendums Russia will go into Ukraine with hands freed from the ROE of the special operation.

    I think Russia will check if they can form independent federal states like Kherson,zaporozye,LPR,DPR Elsewhere.

    However, to make this defeat happen and reach an end to this war.
    The level of this war's intensity is going to be dialed up to 11.

    GarryB, psg, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, BliTTzZ, Sprut-B and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  LMFS Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:17 am

    Isos wrote:They already at war with Ukriane... only fools repeat the Special Militaty Operation dumb name.

    They have sent thousands of vehicles and are using hundred of cruise missiles all over Ukraine and now will send 300k troops more which is more than the biggest european army.

    That's already a war. Threatening of a war in the middle of the war is dumb.

    You clearly have no clue

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:18 am

    Missing posts are sent to the talking bollocks thread here:

    Serb conversations and Italian election information has been moved there due to it being rather off topic here.

    flamming_python, Werewolf, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, Rodion_Romanovic, Sprut-B, Eugenio Argentina and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  GarryB Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:24 am

    There are many types of war... the US lost 50K soldiers in a police action in Asia last century.

    Western governments have been at pains to describe most of their recent wars as humanitarian interventions because otherwise they would be illegal... as most wars are.

    I think one of the problems with the US strategies, is they cannot imagine military ops without air dominance and massive artillery support vs an enemy that has all that.

    They have their own scripts and recipes for war, but they require very specific ingredients... they are McDonalds level chiefs that need specific sized buns and pieces of manufactured meat products, otherwise they can't complete their job... they literally can't think outside the box...

    Werewolf, Big_Gazza, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, BliTTzZ, Sprut-B, Hole and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Podlodka77 Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:31 am


    * Russian Armed Forces killed 25 servicemen of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    The RF Armed Forces attacked the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine during a command meeting, killing 25 servicemen and injuring more than 40 - RF Defense Ministry.
    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. The Russian armed forces attacked the forward command post of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Donetsk People's Republic during a command meeting, killing 25 servicemen and injuring more than 40.
    "Up to 25 Ukrainian servicemen were killed and more than 40 were injured by a missile attack on the forward command post of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village of Chasov Yar in the Donetsk People's Republic during a meeting of the brigade's command. Eight units of special military equipment were disabled." , - Konashenkov.

    Russian Aerospace Forces eliminated up to 100 militants of the Foreign Legion and national formations in the DPR

    According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the armed forces carried out strikes in the area of ​​the settlement of Svyatogorsk in the Donetsk People's Republic
    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed up to 100 militants with a strike on the points of deployment of the Foreign Legion and units of national formations in the DPR.
    This was announced on Monday by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "High-precision strikes by the Russian Aerospace Forces on the points of temporary deployment of the Foreign Legion and units of nationalist formations in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Svyatogorsk in the Donetsk People's Republic eliminated up to 100 militants," Konashenkov said.

    The RF Armed Forces destroyed up to 50 soldiers and more than 2 thousand shells of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Nikolaev

    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. The armed forces of the Russian Federation delivered a strike with high-precision weapons at the point of temporary deployment of the 406th artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the Nikolaev region, destroying up to 50 militants and more than 2 thousand artillery shells. This was stated on Monday by the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "A high-precision strike on the point of temporary deployment of the 406th artillery brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the town of Ochakov, Nikolaev region, killed up to 50 militants, 10 pieces of military equipment and more than 2,000 artillery shells," he said.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported more than 120 killed and wounded soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the KharkОv region

    The department also spoke about the destruction of 15 units of military equipment
    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) lost more than 120 soldiers killed and wounded as a result of a fire strike by the RF Armed Forces in the KharkОv region. This was announced to journalists on Monday by the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "As a result of a massive fire strike on the deployment points of the 14th mechanized and 95th air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Senkovo ​​and Chervoniy Oskol, KharkОv region, the enemy's losses amounted to more than 120 servicemen killed and wounded, 15 pieces of military equipment," he said. Konashenkov.

    Aviation, missilemen and artillerymen of the Russian Federation destroyed five command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, three depots of ammunition and rocket and artillery weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed in the areas of the cities of Zaporozhye, Nikolaev and Kramatorsk
    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. During a special operation in Ukraine, Russian aviation, missile troops and artillery destroyed five command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in a day. This was announced on Monday by the official representative of the Russian Defense Ministry, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "The strikes of operational-tactical and army aviation, missile forces and artillery hit five command posts of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the areas of the settlements of Kupyansk, KharkОv region, Shchurovo, Kirovo, Donetsk People's Republic, Kamyshevakh, Zaporozhye region, and Vysokopolye, Kherson region, as well as 56 artillery units, manpower and military equipment in 163 districts," he said.
    According to him, three depots of ammunition and rocket and artillery weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed in the areas of the cities of Zaporozhye, Nikolaev and Kramatorsk of the Donetsk People's Republic.

    Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-24 in the DPR

    The plane was shot down in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Selidovo in the Donetsk People's Republic, said the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov
    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Su-24 bomber of the Ukrainian Air Force near the village of Selidovo in the Donetsk People's Republic. This was announced on Monday by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "Fighter aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Su-24 of the Ukrainian Air Force near the village of Selydovo in the Donetsk People's Republic," Konashenkov said.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the destruction of 13 UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    According to the agency, 19 HIMARS and Olkha MLRS shells were also eliminated.

    MOSCOW, 26 September. /TASS/. Russian air defense systems shot down 13 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and also destroyed 19 HIMARS and Olkha multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS).
    This was announced on Monday by the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov.
    "Russian air defense systems shot down 13 unmanned aerial vehicles in the areas of the settlements of Bobrovy Kut, Zeleny Gai, Ukrainka, Sadok, Novaya Kakhovka, Maksim Gorkogo of the Kherson region, Molochansk of the Zaporozhye region, Selydovo and Kirillovka of the Donetsk People's Republic during the day. 19 shells were destroyed in the air HIMARS and Olkha multiple launch rocket systems in the area of ​​the Antonovsky bridge in the Kherson region, as well as the settlements of Svatovo in the Lugansk People's Republic and Novaya Kakhovka in the Kherson region," the lieutenant general said.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported the destruction of more than 300 Ukrainian aircraft during the SMO
    According to the agency, 155 helicopters, 2,087 unmanned aerial vehicles, 377 anti-aircraft missile systems, 5,114 tanks and other armored combat vehicles were also destroyed.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  LMFS Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:31 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:After the referendums Russia will go into Ukraine with hands freed from the ROE of the special operation.

    I think Russia will check if they can form independent federal states like Kherson,zaporozye,LPR,DPR Elsewhere.

    However, to make this defeat happen and reach an end to this war.
    The level of this war's intensity is going to be dialed up to 11.

    Ritter gives some interesting numbers in the video I posted above. He mentions 200k Russian forces involved in the SMO, but only ca. 60k doing actual fighting, means +300k taking positions in the rear frees those 200k and multiplies by almost 4 the force available to the Russian army to execute doctrinal offensive combat. This will all be rolled out progressively I think, but it changes the facts on the ground completely.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  franco Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:13 pm

    Serberus wrote:
    famschopman wrote:

    More a question; I was just wondering if Russia has a predator/reaper like equivalent, it feels like this capability should be top priority?

    S-70 Okhotnik?

    Carries huge payload, dropped a 500kg bomb in a test, apparently stealthy, flies at high speeds but still in development stage though

    Also the Altius but also just making the first models not in service yet.

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    Post  famschopman Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:30 pm

    I think both serve a different purpose. The Altius being a long endurance drone for reconnaissance and the S-70 for quickly striking targets; mostly in the role as a bomber. The reliance on a jet engine severaly impacts its ability to stay in the air for longer periods, watch movements and pick out targets as they come. Interestingly the s-70 has a higher service ceiling of 18km (compared to 12km for the Altius), so not outside of air defense range but maybe its speed allows it to outrun incoming projectiles.

    I can imagine these projects will get a significant boost in research and production considering the latest developments.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  franco Mon Sep 26, 2022 12:49 pm

    More than 30 thousand construction workers are involved in the restoration of the DPR and LPR

    More than 30 thousand construction workers are working on the restoration of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). This was announced on September 26 by Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin.

    "Currently, 32,000 people work in the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. I believe that by the end of the year the construction group will be 50-60 thousand, " he told reporters.

    Earlier in the day, Khusnullin said that the development plan for the liberated city of Mariupol had been approved. The task is to put the city in order in three years. The Deputy Prime Minister noted that the recovery process is not moving quickly, but it will definitely gain momentum.

    Earlier, on September 13, Izvestia correspondent Rodion Severyanov said that a new kindergarten was opened in Mariupol, which was almost completely destroyed by the Ukrainian army as a result of military operations.

    On September 9, it was reported that the first residents of Mariupol were given keys to apartments in new buildings. The head of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin took part in the solemn event. He noted that the main works were carried out by military builders in the shortest possible time. In 2022-2025, the Ministry of Construction reported that over 600 thousand square meters of apartment buildings are going to be built in Mariupol.

    On February 24, Russia launched a special operation to protect the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR). It was preceded by the aggravation of the situation in the region, the appeal of the leadership of the republics of Donbass to the Russian Federation with a request for help and the subsequent recognition by Russia of the independence of the DPR and LPR.

    Kiev has been conducting a military operation against the residents of Donbass, who refused to recognize the results of the coup in Ukraine, since 2014.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:00 pm

    Serberus wrote:
    famschopman wrote:

    More a question; I was just wondering if Russia has a predator/reaper like equivalent, it feels like this capability should be top priority?

    S-70 Okhotnik?

    Carries huge payload, dropped a 500kg bomb in a test, apparently stealthy, flies at high speeds but still in development stage though
    I replied in the russian UAV thread since it is quite off topic.

    Concerning their use in the Ucrainian operation, basically till now Russia mainly used reconnaissance drones (they have many different types of those).

    Now thanks to the Iranian drones they have a much cheaper alternative to attack aircrafts and cruise missile strikes. Of course it is a different type of weapons, and they cannot substitute long range missiles and real aviation but they cover a useful niche previously "neglected".

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Arkanghelsk Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:57 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Img_2195

    ❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 The situation in the Liman direction
    as of 13.00 September 26, 2022

    The threat of the front line to the west of Liman remains. The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to bypass the bridgehead of the allied forces near Drobyshevo from the north and expand the breakthrough near Redkodub.

    ▪Attempts to storm the Liman from Ozerny and Shchurovo were repelled by allied forces.

    ▪Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine established control over the villages of Karpovka, Novoe and expanded the bridgehead north of Drobyshevo. Drobyshevo is still under the control of Russian forces.

    ▪The Ukrainian command is building up a grouping to expand the bridgehead and access to the Svatovo-Borovoe highway. To the north of the village of Redkodub there are fierce battles.

    ▪South of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they are trying to storm the foothold of the allied forces in Drobyshevo - Shandrigolovo.

    From the side of Karpovka, the enemy attempted to break through the defense of the Russian troops in the direction of Shandrigolovo with two strike groups.

    Having lost four tanks, five infantry fighting vehicles and a large number of manpower under the blows of MLRS, artillery and Russian armored vehicles on the outskirts of the village, the remnants of the shock groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreated in the direction of Karpovka.

    ▪To the east of Redkodub, Ukrainian units are trying to move towards Zelenaya Dolina in order to encircle the Liman group through Stavki and Kolodezi.

    ▪An artillery reconnaissance station of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been deployed in Prishib: the enemy is conducting a counter-battery fight using HIMARS missiles and Excalibur corrected artillery ammunition.

    🔻The command of the Russian Armed Forces is throwing reserves into battle in order to tie down parts of the Ukrainian troops and slow down their advance, gaining time to create a solid line of defense and stabilize the situation at the front.

    Now the entire burden of defense lies with the units and formations of the 20th Combined Arms Army and individual subunits of other formations.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Hole Mon Sep 26, 2022 1:59 pm

    famschopman wrote:I think both serve a different purpose. The Altius being a long endurance drone for reconnaissance and the S-70 for quickly striking targets; mostly in the role as a bomber. The reliance on a jet engine severaly impacts its ability to stay in the air for longer periods, watch movements and pick out targets as they come. Interestingly the s-70 has a higher service ceiling of 18km (compared to 12km for the Altius), so not outside of air defense range but maybe its speed allows it to outrun incoming projectiles.

    I can imagine these projects will get a significant boost in research and production considering the latest developments.
    Okhotnik is a unmanned fighter jet, Altius is (like Reaper) a unmanned armed Cessna.

    Okhotnik is designed to penetrate enemy air space and bomb important stuff into pieces.

    Altius, Orion and the western drones of that kind are made to fly around for 24+ hours above territory where some low-level (guys with guns, rarely a MANPAD) fighting is going on.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  Arkanghelsk Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:00 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Img_2196

    ❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 The situation in the Kharkiv direction
    as of 14.00 September 26, 2022

    🔻 The units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed their attack on the positions of the Russian Armed Forces in the eastern part of the Kharkiv region to reach the borders of the Luhansk People's Republic.

    ▪Servicemen of the 3rd battalion of the 14th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the afternoon of September 25 began to advance from the districts of Gorobyevka and Dvurechnoye in the direction of Tavolzhanka.

    ▪Assault groups of the compound are advancing on Tavolzhanka from the northwest. The Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to gain a foothold in the area of ​​the railway tracks. At the moment, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are waiting for the arrival of reserves to continue the attack on Russian positions.

    ▪At the same time, Ukrainian formations are preparing for the assault on Liman 1st. The servicemen were stationed on the western outskirts of the settlement. As part of the preparations for the settlement, as well as Kulagovka and Tavolzhanka, artillery fire is underway.

    ▪Fire teams of MANPADS crews provide infantry cover from Russian aviation in Dvurechnaya and Novomlynsk. The group's supply depot was organized in Dvurechnaya.

    ▪You can find out about the situation on the Limansky sector of the front here.

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    Post  Hole Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:01 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    ArgentinaGuard wrote:Friend, you tell me that Ukraine no longer has weapons and they are still fighting. We have been with it for 6 months.
    What is the real situation of the Ukrainian military forces? How long can he hold out if Russia goes on the offensive and takes things seriously?

    This is a military forum with expert people. We don't want propaganda. For that we already have the West.
    We want to know how long it will take for a Russian victory against the enemy or if Russia is betting on a perpetual state of affairs.

    Ukrainian command will continue to send more people to commit suicide by Russia for the near future. Russia will just hold the line.

    After the tap runs dry Russia will make its own move
    Kursk (back in the GPW) all over again. The much stronger army (in the theater because of FIREPOWER, not manpower) is deliberately in the defence (except Donetsk area) to destroy as many enemy soldiers as possible before going into the offensive.

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    Post  Hole Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:04 pm

    Firebird wrote:
    Backman wrote:Alex M. from the Duran said on his program that there is another peace proposal floating around in Saudi. Something about Russia talking the 4 regions but Ukraine keeping Odessa. And the EU is warming up to deals like this.

    It seems to me to be highly unlikely but you never know. It's a useless deal to me. Russia needs a 300 kilometer buffer. Period.

    All we get then is the same shit all over again in 2 or 3 years time. Instead of Donbass, its Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipro etc being terrorised. By F-35s and the like.

    Bandera-stan is infested with evil. It needs to be cleansed. Russia needs to be Russia again. Not "a rump Russian Federation and many millions of its citizens terrorised in NATO controlled states".
    NATO wanted a common border with Russia (Finland  Rolling Eyes) soon they will get another one, but 1.000km to the west. NATO will not be close to Belgorod, but Russia close to Warsaw and Bukarest.

    Firebird, Big_Gazza, BliTTzZ, littlerabbit, Sprut-B, Mir, Broski and Podlodka77 like this post


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    Post  Hole Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:05 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Fdi3ms10
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Scree461
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Scree462
    They´re growing weird stuff in the fields of Kherson.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26 - Page 7 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26

    Post  ucmvulcan Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:11 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    Backman wrote:Alex M. from the Duran said on his program that there is another peace proposal floating around in Saudi. Something about Russia talking the 4 regions but Ukraine keeping Odessa. And the EU is warming up to deals like this.

    It seems to me to be highly unlikely but you never know. It's a useless deal to me. Russia needs a 300 kilometer buffer. Period.

    All we get then is the same shit all over again in 2 or 3 years time. Instead of Donbass, its Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipro etc being terrorised. By F-35s and the like.

    Bandera-stan is infested with evil. It needs to be cleansed. Russia needs to be Russia again. Not "a rump Russian Federation and many millions of its citizens terrorised in NATO controlled states".
    NATO wanted a common border with Russia (Finland Rolling Eyes) soon they will get another one, but 1.000km to the west. NATO will not be close to Belgorod, but Russia close to Warsaw and Bukarest.

    So basically what is going to happen, at least in eastern Europe, is a return to the pre Molotov-Ribbentrop borders. That actually works for me.

    BliTTzZ, Hole, Belisarius and Podlodka77 like this post

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