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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  auslander Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:13 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Turkey might go for it.
    It's still benefiting from not having imposed sanctions on Russia, and Washington is not asking it to impose said sanctions. But it needs to give back something to the US too. Turkey can win big from playing off all parties against one another here.
    If Turkei even hints at such a deal she can kiss any future sales and deliveries goodbye. But then, she got, if anything, only the 'export' version, not the real deal. Mother ain't stupud.

    GarryB, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, JohninMK, BliTTzZ and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  ATLASCUB Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:19 pm

    The anglo's wanted a protracted war and they got it. They couldn't have asked for more really. A compliant, defiant regime with plenty of cannon fodder. This is ideal for them on many, many levels. With that said, as I've always said, it was necessary, specially after balking and getting caught with your pants down in 2014. But as any astute observer knows, this is a consequence of preventive failures even before 2014, and it lies at the feet of the Russian leadership, past and present. All great powers tend to their backyard, and those who fail to do so properly end up like Russia today (responsibility of which lies with its leadership). Excuses for the current predicament, or shifting of the blame games are just that, excuses.

    Russia's rules of engagement were easily exploited. My reservations on it since Day 1/2 were on point. What followed was the natural course. Neither the U.S, nor their Ukranian dogs are stupid. It was a gift and they took it considering the power disparity. That's not to say the goals of protecting particular infrastructure and the prevention of collateral on civilians is the wrong decision but nothing should be truly black or white. There is a grey area to exploit here. Regime communication infrastructure to populace wasn't targeted promptly and is still operating, the lack of targeted political/military assassinations etc... the taking of the capital as a priority during the small window of opportunity during the first week which was possible but due to miscalculations in force requirements did not materialize etc.... with the enemy now digging deep in Kiev, despite the fact Russia now has the required force outside Kiev to take it (shouldn't have taken that long to amass it, should have been available and moving along Day 1 for the push at most at Day 4-5). Hindsight is 20/20 I guess.

    What this operation has shown to me is that the FSB as a whole is a mere shadow of its former KGB self. The SBU/CIA/MI6 have completely eaten their lunch... in the info war, in the asset war (much more important for local developments).

    A lot of Russian miscalculations in this operation regarding developments in the political sphere are clearly the result of poor intelligence work not laying out the ground before the intervention and informing the decision makers properly. The lack of turncoats, not just in the military but elsewhere in the political sphere in Ukraine speaks for itself. And I'm not talking about the "pro-Russia" camp who's in Russia's pocket, who are completely neutralized and have been neutralized very successfully since 2014.... but those NOT on Russia's camp - the work on those, or lack of any clear sustained success there speaking for itself. That is to say the SBU/CIA/MI6 have built a rock solid wall - its leadership is rock solid even in wartime, its dominance in the political sphere is rock solid. When you consider that Ukraine is Russia's own backyard (not figuratively like the American one) it's even more embarrassing for what was once a great intelligence agency fueling government regime changes globally (under the communist banner). It's a calamity how much capability has been lost. The Russian leadership will have to figure out what's wrong and where inside the FSB/SVR... whether the lack of funding, wrong personal at key positions, restrained missions by political directives etc... who knows. What I do know is that if you wish to truly change an organization, you don't keep the same guys around responsible for its current state (as is usually the case, you clean house). You obviously won't do this in the middle of war but, if the right conclusions are drawn from this operation in the future, you should see a significant shake up of the FSB.

    The Russian military in comparison has performed much, much better. Their freedom is obviously being muzzled by political directives and other considerations. They have handled civilian interaction extremely well. On the battlefield they continue to decapitate the Ukranian army. Obvious miscalculations of mostly a political nature led to some questionable decisions in the battlefield early on but those have been mostly addressed. There are obvious doctrinal issues mostly centering around the use of drones when CAS from both aircraft and helicopters become limited due to enemy AD. That area obviously needs to be addressed and it's an embarrassment that Russia is lagging behind this badly in drone employment. While you can make a case for budget constraints playing a factor for the lack of drone acquisitions and research this goes beyond that.... the military leadership simply did not prioritize this area with the urgency it clearly and demonstratively deserved as this conflict shows. By muzzling your air force projection out of consideration for collateral damage (civilian/infrastructure) to lessen AD potential, you indirectly muzzle CAS employment (helicopter/ CAS aircraft) which results in slower progress. If time is a premium, and it always is in all military conflicts, this is a major obstacle. The slower the progress, the more emboldened the defense (both military and political). One of the working solutions to that problem being obviously drone warfare. Given the political directives and current Russian force employment this conflict is bound to drag for months to achieve complete "demilitarization" and "denazification (impossible without occupation and more of a propaganda term for the info war). Obviously the IQ of the dimwits in this forum, who by and large are the overwhelming majority, who for the past 8 years were parroting propaganda and talking points from their favorite "analysts" about how easy or how fast Ukraine was going to fall, or how the DNR by itself with Russian fire support could simply defeat the Ukrops etc have proven not only their stupidity and low IQ, but also their shamelessness, cause they quickly, like a chameleon changed gears quick, adjusting their own crazy little narratives nobody but themselves care about to the new "realities". Shit... and to think days before this war broke out these clowns were making massive fools of themselves here, with pride at that.  lol1 Pride at being sheeple.

    The info war is well... globally speaking, lost..... nothing to say here. I knew it was lost before any of this happened and I'm not surprised at the result. The "bio labs" narrative that the Kremlin is clearly pushing has had some success but that's a gratuitous one more or less handed by the Americans for the very fact of these biolabs existing in the first place. Even then, it doesn't penetrate with any lasting or significant effect as the isolated piece that it's. No one cares really. Russia should obviously concentrate their efforts on allies, the home front and Ukraine itself. The West is lost, definitively.

    The political solution is shrouded in fog and uncertainty due to the slow pace of the operation, the resistance by the regime and its western backers to not concede an inch, and the unclear signaling of the Kremlin. To date, Russia has not made any credible threat to the dominant political leadership of Ukraine, and its shows in their defiance and chicanery. I believe it was a mistake, from the outset, not to have taken targeted action against the lives of high profile political enemies of Russia in Ukraine (assassination, capture, or death as a result of a military strike) to send a clear message of the stakes and tilt the balance. Why should anyone be surprised at the political resistance then? Why should anyone be surprised at the military resistance? or be surprised at the unwillingness to negotiate or come to terms? The sheeple follow leaders, without them they're lost with no idea of where to go, what to do. As such, strength is respected. To me this follows the clear pattern of Russia's leadership trying to come to terms and come to a working arrangement with these elites, while it's the sheeple, rank and file that suffer the most out of this conflict. And it's not longer just the Ukranians burdening most of the load, Russians are now too. All of this leads me to believe that a compromise, of a half measure kind, is in order. The Kremlin, and its apparatus may try to bill that as a mission accomplish win ala Bush, but any observer with his head on its rightful place knows better. I do hope I'm wrong but I do not expect excellence out of the gang that fumbled and clearly continues to fumble into this mess in the first place ... meaning dear leader and cadre.

    It's wasted breath to continue to cry about "when will Ukranians break the propaganda spell on them"... "If only they could see that this or that leadership is evil and doesn't care about them".... How about you stop being a child with kindergarten, emotionally fueled takes. That's not how it works.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:15 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  mavaff Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:24 pm

    Serberus wrote:
    auslander wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    Serberus wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:This may well show that the shopping mall hit last night could have been a firing point too. Any thoughts?

    Same ”shopping mall” apparently
    Judging by the destruction, secondaries went off no doubt

    With luck part of it was in use as a 'field' barracks by the artillery crews, asleep in their bunks when justice struck.

    True, for those of you who don't, including me, have 'twitter' or any of that social media shit, Col. Cassad has the entire sequence, in living colour complete with second explosion as the stored ammo goes off.

    Never liked twitter but joined recently thinking it may provide at least some info, couldn’t stomach the hate fuelled garbage propaganda that I already have to put up with living behind enemy lines in Australia every day, so now mainly use telegram and stay the hell away from that cesspool.

    be careful on whom you follow and move on, this is the way I use it.
    Also, livejournal is a great source but you need to have it translated constantly (unless you read Russian, of course) and this is not very comfortable.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  mavaff Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:30 pm

    auslander wrote:The US and Turkey are reportedly in talks over a deal for Ankara to send its Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Ukraine in exchange for the scrapping of sanctions imposed by Washington on its fellow NATO member.

    “We are in continuous talks with Ankara to see it giving up the S-400 system and sending it to Kiev,” an unnamed Pentagon official told Sky News Arabia on Sunday. In exchange, the official said, Turkey could see a “return to [NATO’s] F-35 program and the lifting of sanctions” imposed by Washington.

    An earlier report from Reuters on Saturday cited three sources as saying that the US had floated the idea to Turkey over the past month. No formal request has been submitted, according to Reuters, which suggested it’s “unlikely” that Turkey would agree to the idea anyway.

    How many S400 did Turkey get from Russia? How many can they send to Ukraine? Even if they do it, it won't change the situation, they will be striked easily as they are not integrated to other systems.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:41 pm

    Nikolaev barracks strike apparently killed 297 servicemen, according to leaks that Shariy has gotten hold of. Possibly more even, but that's supposedly the number of identified victims from the rubble so far.

    This morning they hit another one, in Rivne. Yesterday one in Ovruch. Easily a 100 "KIA" (KOOA?) each.

    The civilians who were shot up at a "bread line" in Chernigov last week, predictably pinned on the Russians far and wide in spite of them being miles outside of the town, has now been quietly conceded to have been the work of some geniuses in Ukrainian civil defense.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Ispan Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:44 pm

    billybatts91 wrote:
    Good points, I have a feeling that once Mariupol falls and then the Ukrainian army is destroyed in the Donbass, it will be hard for them to continue (fingers crossed).

    Mariupol is a Russian city, they don't care much if lost, other than is bad for morale. Same for Kharkov, though being a large city the impact would be larger.

    What would really be decisive would be the fall of Kiev, at least for Western audience. But I reckon the Ukrops will never surrender they will not mind losing three quarters of Ukraine are Russian lands.

    What are your thoughts if Belarus will get involved in Western Ukraine as some have suggested there are indications of that this week?

    I don't know, it's all rumors for now. It could just be a ploy so the Ukrainian regime is distracted and keeps its reserves in the west.

    I think Belarus entry in the war will happen only in this case:

    - If Russian intelligence discovers that NATO plans to enter Western Ukraine like they did in the Korean War, there's some noise about it.

    - Or the Russian command has decided the only way of a swift end to the war is a thrust into the enemy heartland, like Sherman's march into the South rear during the American Civil War.

    There are a lot of arguments in favor of this. The real government is now in Lvov, not Kiev, and closing the border with Poland puts the lid on the coffin of Ukraine as it cancels any hope of Western aid or intervention. Plus most of the zapadientsy soldiers would be demoralized fighting in the east while their home is invaded.

    It's not neccessary to occupy all Galitzia, just take the Polish border, up to the Carpathians and then all Ukraine turns into a giant prison camp. They could still flee to Romania and Moldavia but the main avenue of escape and aid would be closed.

    I don't know. If things go really ugly, the Belarus army might be deploying to the border to fight an invasion from Poland.

    I don't know if they can pull it off or if even the Russian command considered it, but marching on to Lvov might be the bold stroke to shorten this war.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Firebird Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:50 pm

    Sadly much of it is looking a bit like an actual anti-terror operation rather than an actual war.

    The Nazi filth are holding pro Russian civilians captive and doing God knows what.

    I have some thoughts.
    1)Send the troops into Lvov and cause utter mayhem there.
    The Nazi filth probably don't mind being (LMAO) "martyrs". But do they want their families to die like that. Perhaps if Putin said "release the Chechens" re Lvov, or sent some mercs from wherever, the Nazis could have their sense of reasoning shaken. ie use troops who don't follow the strictest interpretation of intl laws.

    2)What about methods to stun everyone in buildings. Then kill the Nazi soldiers whil everyone is in a temporary daze.
    One option (amongst various) would be to use electronic warfare. The Americans used it 20 yrs ago vs Iraq (Venik confirmed this). It would cause mass confusion and render the Nazis and their captives incapable temporarily. Then Russian forces could strike.

    3)Russia could take the battle to the puppetmasters of its enemies. Its enemies have plenty of enemies. Russia could have "plausible deniability" if it ended surveillance of say America's enemies. After all, America is controlling terrorism vs Russians right now.

    Difficult times call for difficult measures. And lets face it, whatever happens Russia and NATO aren't going to be having "moonlit walks in the park" together for a very long time.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Mon Mar 21, 2022 4:54 pm

    RU MoD released loads of drone footage of Kiev from yesterday, including the strike on the peaceful mall and the underage MLRSes, kitten orphanage armor and pension age artillery shells had had sought shelter there.

    Anyway, tells me Russia now fly drones with impunity over the capital.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Broski Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:00 pm

    auslander wrote:The US and Turkey are reportedly in talks over a deal for Ankara to send its Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Ukraine in exchange for the scrapping of sanctions imposed by Washington on its fellow NATO member.

    “We are in continuous talks with Ankara to see it giving up the S-400 system and sending it to Kiev,” an unnamed Pentagon official told Sky News Arabia on Sunday. In exchange, the official said, Turkey could see a “return to [NATO’s] F-35 program and the lifting of sanctions” imposed by Washington.

    An earlier report from Reuters on Saturday cited three sources as saying that the US had floated the idea to Turkey over the past month. No formal request has been submitted, according to Reuters, which suggested it’s “unlikely” that Turkey would agree to the idea anyway.

    How many S400 did Turkey get from Russia? How many can they send to Ukraine? Even if they do it, it won't change the situation, they will be striked easily as they are not integrated to other systems.
    Anyone who remembers why Turkey bought the S-400 systems in the 1st place knows they will NOT give them to the Ukraine nor the US. If you need a hint, it wasn't Russia that tried to overthrow Erdogan.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  d_taddei2 Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:09 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    d_taddei2 wrote:For those saying things are going too slow. There are many aspects that will cause things to speed up. What u forget is Once Mariupol is fully liberated which is almost done, this will free up many Russian and Donbass troops which will be directed elsewhere speeding up advances and pressure elsewhere. And as Ukrainian troops either die or surrender will also speed things up. Destroying Ukrainian ammo, fuel, AD systems, drones, aircraft, MLRS, artillery and tanks this will also speed things up. Remember NATO are only supplying aid, MANPADS, anti tank weapons, helmets, body armour, and money and let's be honest the money is getting funnelled into the hierarchy bank accounts abroad and into suitcases. The west are not providing armour, artillery systems, MLRS, fuel (that I know of) and without these along with everything else the Ukrainian armed forces won't last.

    And it won't be long before Ukrainian forces and mercs realise they are Being lied to and all the BS propaganda that they are winning comes back to be totally false, and when they here that other Ukrainians are surrendering and Zelensky isn't in the country but rather fled taking suitcases of money along with the rest of the hierarchy the moral plummets and they start asking themselves is it worth it and the answer will no it isn't. Most have been forced into fighting and being abused by neo Nazis. Ukrainians ain't dumb they will soon realise they have been fed lies. Once this happens this conflict will fold rapidly give it another 3-4 weeks

    It can take over a week to clear Mariupol by some reports

    Keep in mind even the DNR says that up to 100 civilians may be dying there per day

    Such urban combat is hugely destructive and expensive

    Another failure basically

    Yes it is possible that Ukrainian military morale may get broken, but equally that popular resistance will grow and we'll simply see the shift to a partisan movement

    In Nikolayev one report says that 294 Ukrainian military may have died in the strike on the barracks. With such a brutal casualty figure I think any sort of indifference in the city towards the operation may turn to sharp opposition.

    Of course our leadership only knows how to keep digging and little else

    I don't know. Could go either way. Russia can't stay in the Ukraine forever.

    There are certainly signals of the Ukrainian regime destabilizing though. Some popular political figures such as Arestovich now seemingly hedging bets and going back on earlier pronouncements. The ban on all opposition political parties.

    Another problem is the potential for a mass grain shortage in the world if sowing season doesn't take place in full force over the next couple of months. This is a real crisis in the making potentially.

    The only failure here is on the Ukrainian side, for backing neo Nazis and not coming to a deal before February. And failed yet again on a deal during the war. Full failure has been on zelensky being an ass puppet for NATO USA and UK. Putin gave him 8yrs and stated red lines. Like Georgia they decided not to listen. Zelensky also breech Minsk agreement daily and let Ukrainian forces and the government backed Nazis commit genocidal acts in Donbass.

    Russia hasn't failed it did what it said it would do. Russia will win this although currently losing the media battle, the sanctions battled it will win in long term and the war will be won on the ground. I take my hat off Putin having the courage to do as he said he would. War is war casualties are expected and Russia never said it wouldn't incur casualties. The west have lost another war and meddling campaign.

    GarryB, magnumcromagnon, Hannibal Barca, Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, auslander and like this post

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:14 pm

    During the Chechen Wars Western Media were also overwhelmingly against Russia.

    Who cares now?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Hole Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:19 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Fowqz110
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Foypnu10

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  d_taddei2 Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:19 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    auslander wrote:The US and Turkey are reportedly in talks over a deal for Ankara to send its Russian-made S-400 missile defense systems to Ukraine in exchange for the scrapping of sanctions imposed by Washington on its fellow NATO member.

    “We are in continuous talks with Ankara to see it giving up the S-400 system and sending it to Kiev,” an unnamed Pentagon official told Sky News Arabia on Sunday. In exchange, the official said, Turkey could see a “return to [NATO’s] F-35 program and the lifting of sanctions” imposed by Washington.

    An earlier report from Reuters on Saturday cited three sources as saying that the US had floated the idea to Turkey over the past month. No formal request has been submitted, according to Reuters, which suggested it’s “unlikely” that Turkey would agree to the idea anyway.

    Turkey might go for it.

    It's still benefiting from not having imposed sanctions on Russia, and Washington is not asking it to impose said sanctions. But it needs to give back something to the US too. Turkey can win big from playing off all parties against one another here.

    Am sure Putin will be reminding Erdogan who saved his skin during the USA backed coup.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Hole Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:20 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 092610
    Made by IKEA?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  VARGR198 Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:26 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  mnztr Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:27 pm

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:RU MoD released loads of drone footage of Kiev from yesterday, including the strike on the peaceful mall and the underage MLRSes, kitten orphanage armor and pension age artillery shells had had sought shelter there.

    Anyway, tells me Russia now fly drones with impunity over the capital.

    Where are these posted?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  JohninMK Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:28 pm

    Hole wrote:
    Made by IKEA?
    Can't be, no wood and no screws Laughing Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:29 pm

    Dr.Snufflebug wrote:RU MoD released loads of drone footage of Kiev from yesterday, including the strike on the peaceful mall and the underage MLRSes, kitten orphanage armor and pension age artillery shells had had sought shelter there.

    Anyway, tells me Russia now fly drones with impunity over the capital.

    Here's the strike on the pony riding school for disabled children:

    Accuracy of those things is spot on, hit dead center. But that boom is bound to have smashed the windows of all the residential highrises around.

    Does show that they still try to avoid unnecessary civilian damage though. The target is so big that MLRS could have been used, for a fraction of the cost, but the tall buildings around makes it difficult due to the relatively shallow terminal angles.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Dr.Snufflebug Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:40 pm

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 092610
    Made by IKEA?

    The Swedes appears to have provided the Russians both with pskott m/86 (AT4) and Rb 57 (NLAW), at least the latter in significant numbers too.

    Together with Panzerfaust 3 and FGM-148 Javelin, these weapons aren't state of the art anymore, but they're reasonably modern and make up the bulk of the anti-tank capabilities of NATO and NATO-affiliated armies. And now the Russians have so many of all of these it isn't even about just studying them and developing countermeasures, but giving them to LDNR for immediate use...

    I seriously wonder if they've been tricked by the Ukrainians or something, like bought into their internal (and external) propaganda about their god-tier battlefield prowess and constant successes, and thus didn't quite forsee this.

    The Americans at least had the foresight to just dump leftover 1st/2nd gen TOWs on the islamists in the ME, and the French dumped Milans. They anticipated that some would end up in Russian/Chinese/Iranian hands.

    Last edited by Dr.Snufflebug on Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:05 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  LMFS Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:44 pm

    Russian Defense Ministry
    🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡ Russian Defense Ministry briefing

    ▫ ️ Ukrainian nationalists continue to use residential areas of populated areas and social facilities as "human shields" to deploy their artillery systems and conduct massive fire on Russian servicemen.

    ▫ So, on the outskirts of Kiev, in the Vinogradar district, Ukrainian nationalist units for several days covered themselves with residential buildings and fired multiple rocket launchers at Russian servicemen.

    ▫ At the same time, the area of the nearby shopping center They were used as a large base for storing rocket-propelled ammunition and reloading multiple launch rocket systems.

    ▫Russian intelligence confirmed the coordinates of the position of Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems through several channels, and also revealed the location of a warehouse with rocket ammunition.

    💥 Objective monitoring video footage clearly shows how a Ukrainian multiple rocket launcher enters a shopping center on the outskirts of Kiev for shelter after another salvo and reloading of missiles.

    💥 High-precision long-range weapons on the night of March 21 a battery of Ukrainian multiple launch rocket systems and a storage base for their ammunition in a non-functioning shopping center were destroyed.

    ❗We would like to once again draw the attention of the Western media. We present absolute evidence of the criminal use of civilian objects by the Kiev nationalist regime in residential areas of Kiev and in other cities of Ukraine, as artillery and rocket systems firing positions.

    ▫I am forced to comment on the words of Mikhail Podolyak, an adviser to the office of the Ukrainian President, that allegedly Russia is fighting only with " numbers and cruise missiles."

    ▫I must emphasize that a special military operation is carried out by a professional army that actually uses cruise missiles.

    ▫Their use is highly effective. They deliver high-precision strikes on military infrastructure and, in any case, not on civilian objects. The nationalists themselves and the Ukrainian armed forces are hitting civilian targets. There are a lot of people's testimonies about this, and we have just presented one of them.

    ▫Returning to the actions of the Russian armed forces, not only cruise missiles are used, but also hypersonic weapons. Which is absolutely high-precision and also applies only to military targets. We are talking, in particular, about the Kinzhal aviation missile systems with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation analyzed the results of the destruction of military infrastructure facilities in Ukraine by aviation missile systems "Dagger" with hypersonic aeroballistic missiles.

    ▫Underground protected storage facilities of Ukrainian aviation weapons and warheads for Tochka-U missile systems located in the village of Delyatyn, Ivano-Frankivsk region, as well as large fuel depots in the village of Konstantinovka, Mykolaiv region, were destroyed.

    ❗I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the use of a hypersonic aeroballistic missile of the Kinzhal complex was carried out from a range of more than 1000 kilometers. The flight time of the hypersonic missile was less than 10 minutes.

    ▫Due to hypersonic speed and ultra-high kinetic energy, the warhead of the Dagger missile complex destroyed a protected underground arsenal located in a mountainous area, built in Soviet times to store special ammunition and missiles.

    ▫ ️The destruction of a large fuel depot in the village of Konstantinovka by a hypersonic missile of the Kinzhal complex was due to its invisibility and invulnerability to any means of enemy air and missile defense.

    ▫The combat use of the Kinzhal aviation missile system has confirmed its effectiveness in destroying highly protected enemy special objects. Strikes by this aircraft missile system on the military infrastructure of Ukraine during a special military operation will continue.

    ▫I would like to emphasize that the Dagger complex is used with a conventional warhead. Although experts are well aware of the capabilities of this weapon, notonly in terms of range, but also in terms of the type of charge.

    ▫Other advanced weapons are also used, as well as modern aviation. All these weapons systems, as well as other weapons, if Mr. Podolyak does not know, are called the modern Russian army and navy.

    ❗So I don't recommend misleading anyone about the real capabilities and professionalism of the Russian armed forces. All the allegedly "real data" disseminated by Mr. Podolyak about the losses of military equipment and personnel of the Russian armed forces, including senior and senior officers, are propaganda lies.

    ▫In turn, I want to attract attention Mykhailo Podolyak is referring to the actions of the SBU, neo-Nazi formations and other so-called "special Ukrainian structures" that terrorize their own citizenstrying to leave the territory of Ukraine. It is these representatives of the Kiev regime who create a stir at the border.

    ▫They still miss children and women with a sin in half. Although not all of them. As for the male part of the population of Ukraine, they are also forcibly taken to the army as so-called "reservists"on the border. But in fact, they are used as "cannon fodder".

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:49 pm

    I am hearing the drivel about Russia "dominating with numbers" even from Mercouris et al. This is General Winter
    level BS. Russian forces are outnumbered 3:1 if you count all of the Kiev regime forces including the territorial defense
    units. Those "failed" Russian logistics are doing their job. That and Russian war fighting ability and technology.

    The same racist-chauvinist themes always come out in the west when the subject is Russia.

    GarryB, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Hannibal Barca, Big_Gazza, zepia, BliTTzZ and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  mack8 Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:50 pm

    auslander wrote:Captured soldiers will die en masse at the hands of his doctors, he warns in an interview
    Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs
    Gennadiy Druzenko speaks to Ukrainian TV. ©YouTube / Телеканал 1+1
    Russian soldiers captured by a Ukrainian volunteer medic unit will all be castrated, its founder and commander declared on national television on Sunday. The combat medic, whose volunteer team has been described as “medical angels” by the Western media, said “cockroaches” don’t deserve the right to procreate.

    The shocking confession came from Gennadiy Druzenko, a constitutional lawyer-turned-volunteer frontline medic in Ukraine. Speaking to Ukrainian media in a live interview, he condemned the US for its reluctance to go to war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf, before commenting on the Russian military.

    “Trust me, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s military hardware burns well. The corpses of ‘putinoids’ may stink, but they become unthreatening,” he said.

    Druzenko said that, during the conflict, he had diverged from the principle that requires an injured enemy combatant to be treated as a regular patient.

    I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people.

    He further implied that, at the hands of his unit, Russian prisoners of war “will die in very large numbers” so that surviving Russians remembered Ukraine with terror “like the Germans remembered Stalingrad.”

    At this point, the host cut the interview short, stating that Russian soldiers would be “held accountable.” Her co-host reminded the audience that Russia was being investigated for alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

    TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal
    Read more TV presenter calls for killing children, quotes Nazi war criminal
    On Monday, YouTube blocked the entire livestream segment, which included the interview, after it drew public attention.

    Russia has launched a criminal investigation into the threats.

    Druzenko heads the Pirogov First Volunteer Mobile Hospital, a unit of civilian medics that has been providing services to Ukrainian troops since 2014, when post-coup authorities in Kiev sent the Ukrainian military to quash a rebellion in eastern Ukraine. He is an acclaimed figure at home and has received numerous awards for his work from the Defense Ministry and the National Security Council.

    A darling of the Western media amid the Russian attack on his country, Druzenko is fluent in English and has been readily speaking to the likes of CNN and the New York Post about the work of what these outlets have dubbed the “medical angels.”

    As Ukrainian civilians join the fight, well-known intellectual Gennadiy Druzenko has fired up an ambulance corps.Our conversation, from today’s GPS:

    — Fareed Zakaria (@FareedZakaria) March 13, 2022
    Before the conflict, Druzenko undertook several stints at various Western institutions, serving as regional director for a USAID-funded project in Ukraine in the early 2010s, according to his CV. He also worked as a researcher at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, in the US, from 2009 to 2010, and at the Max Planck Institute, in Germany, in 2010.

    Ukraine pleads for mass sabotage in Belarus
    Read more Ukraine pleads for mass sabotage in Belarus
    During his interview with Ukrainian TV, Druzenko acknowledged that his unit had a “military wing” composed of ex-commandos, and that his team had been jokingly calling themselves the “First Volunteer Mobile Storm Unit” because of it.

    “We treat ours and turn theirs into fertilizer. Unwelcome guests have never been loved on this soil,” he said. He claimed Americans had been telling him they were jealous of Ukraine because they were “afraid to fight against the Russians and we are not.”

    He also touted his long experience fighting for the Ukrainian cause, saying that, since 2014, “the enemy has not changed and the means of war have not changed.”

    Earlier in March, Amnesty International called on the Ukrainian government to protect Russian POWs from public humiliation, as obliged by the Third Geneva Convention. Its statement was released in response to numerous videos of prisoners on social media and to Kiev’s policy of bringing them to press conferences to speak about their roles in the Russian offensive and to plead with their family at home not to support it.

    They must aim to hunt and catch that maggot alive if possible, doesn't matter if in a month, a year or twenty years. And give him a taste of his own medicine.

    GarryB, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, BliTTzZ, Hole, lyle6, Yugo90 and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Post  Mir Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:51 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Another failure basically
    With such a brutal casualty figure I think any sort of indifference in the city towards the operation may turn to sharp opposition.

    Clearly from what I've seen most civilians are too frightened to resist the Nazis whilst under their control in the cities, but once liberated they do have the desire to speak out and are very grateful for the Russians intervention. Most of the Russian speaking population have been subjected to brutal tactics to scare them into submission over the last 8 years. Many died in the process. Liberation is around the corner and it will be sweet and those that sacrificed their lives during this conflict will be remembered as heroes.

    GarryB, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, zepia, Ispan, BliTTzZ and like this post


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    Post  Isos Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:11 pm

    Turkey giving away its S-400 for f-35 isn't happening.

    He is aware thry see him the same way as Putin. And the f-35 is a total failure even the US don't want it anymore. Erdogan will push for its own program to be finished.

    He also so what thry tried with the coup and how they are armingall its enemies.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7 - Page 8 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #7

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon Mar 21, 2022 6:13 pm

    d_taddei2 wrote:
    auslander wrote:Captured soldiers will die en masse at the hands of his doctors, he warns in an interview
    Ukrainian frontline medic claims he’s ordered castration of all Russian POWs
    Gennadiy Druzenko speaks to Ukrainian TV. ©YouTube / Телеканал 1+1
    Russian soldiers captured by a Ukrainian volunteer medic unit will all be castrated, its founder and commander declared on national television on Sunday. The combat medic, whose volunteer team has been described as “medical angels” by the Western media, said “cockroaches” don’t deserve the right to procreate.

    The shocking confession came from Gennadiy Druzenko, a constitutional lawyer-turned-volunteer frontline medic in Ukraine. Speaking to Ukrainian media in a live interview, he condemned the US for its reluctance to go to war with Russia on Ukraine’s behalf, before commenting on the Russian military.

    “Trust me, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s military hardware burns well. The corpses of ‘putinoids’ may stink, but they become unthreatening,” he said.

    Druzenko said that, during the conflict, he had diverged from the principle that requires an injured enemy combatant to be treated as a regular patient.

    I gave my doctors … a very strict order to castrate all men, because they are cockroaches and not people.

    He further implied that, at the hands of his unit, Russian prisoners of war “will die in very large numbers” so that surviving Russians remembered Ukraine with terror “like the Germans remembered Stalingrad.”

    At this point, the host cut the interview short, stating that Russian soldiers would be “held accountable.” Her co-host reminded the audience that Russia was being investigated for alleged war crimes in Ukraine.

    Do u have a video link to the medic stating this on TV would like to share it with a few non believers

    Here you go, Youtube/twitter and all the others are working hard to delete it everywhere.

    If this youtube (eventually) dissapears as well, send me an PM and ill hook you up with the MP4 file i archived.

    RT article:

    franco, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, auslander, zepia, BliTTzZ and LMFS like this post

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