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    Anti-Putin Discussion


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:56 am

    I have no idea why anyone even bothers replying to him. He, Tsavo, Ultimate warrior, Ching ching chan or the Chinese Ultron, etc are all wrong and say the most ridiculous stuff.

    Mods won't do anything about them so the next best option is to put them on ignore.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  nomadski Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:01 pm

    Since I worked in psychiatry in the UK , I know that medical practice allows for forced feeding by IV, under sedation , if patient is suffering from mental illness of depressive psychosis or other, to save their life . IMHO. Long live Putin !

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 03, 2021 3:57 pm

    Hole wrote:Add to this that more then half of Russias exports are not in Dollars anymore. thumbsup

    I really think , people are looking to much , into things , have absolutely no difference in the american
    economy.  Russia trade with US  are just pennies in comparison ,with what US trade with the world , less than 1% of the america economy. Whether Russia dollars or bitcoins or gold ,this will make
    absolutely no difference in the mountain of problems Russia face ,with the west . and not problems US face with russia ,but the other way ,problems that only Russia face ,but not US.  

    The question should be is why Russia can't hit back at US with comparable economic sanctions ? why nobody can sanction America from world trade , with world major economies but US can ?

    The answer is ,because US have leadership and Russia don't. that's why.  Because US business have global influence , global leadership and Russia not , that's why.

    Putin have been saying since 2014 , when sanctions started that he was going to "Dedolarize the Russian economy and stop using dollars , and that was 7 years ago .  Rolling Eyes
    So why that idiot continues today using american dollars , continues depending on american business?  for the same reasons as before . Because US have leadership in business and Russia
    not. In other words , Russia is suffering and totally impotent to even stop depending on american
    business and fully dedolarize the russia economy because putin have been developing Russia in the
    most lazy fat , naive way of a gas station commodities focused economy.  is a third world pipeline economy system . Commodities economy is the most basic form of economy you have build in a nation ,to make money from what mother nature naturally produce.  "modern Russia today is a soviet economy , continues with exactly the same economic model of the soviet union , that dependent mostly on energy exports and other commodities sales .

    from wikipedia....
    soviet union economy . =etroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, metals, wood, agricultural products and a wide variety of manufactured goods (1989 est.)

    So from the point of view of the outside world , russia have not modernized not even 1 step its economy from soviet era ,Rosatom and all other companies that russia have today are same old companies from the soviet era. Putin have not modernized russia economic model not even a little from soviet times , is a commodoties economy = energy ,food ,mining. wow!!! amazing achievements.   Rolling Eyes

    And what is wrong with Russia being commodities focused , gas station and mining and tourism economy ?

    [size=16]THAT it doesn't develop influence ,leadership in the world , since every third world nation in the world , can do it too. including africa ,cuba and venezuela ,north korea , can sell oil and natural gas too, can sell mining too . Means every major developed country can replace Russia business very easily ,because is just an energy and food and mining exporter. and everyone sells food, everyone can sell energy , everyone can sell mining. so effectively Russia is a nation that do little contribution in the world development because what they export ,is something everyone also can do.

    But Not everyone can export semiconductors and high tech , you can count with one hand the nations that controls the high tech industry that controls the technology that leads the entire world.
    so this is why Obama was bragging about , That US is a leader. because it is . they have a system in place , an empire ,that was build with their very strong domination in modern business ,from hightech ,to satelittes ,to military ,to food chains ,to digital entertainment.  American when it comes
    to business is a full developed nation.. Russia is an undeveloped economy , highly dependant of
    the system that US leads. So as long russia , as long as putin ,continues to ignores the western
    domination in their advanced business ,  then russia will continue talking how they are dedolarizing
    the russia economy.. but guess what? americans only sell their business in dollars.. not in rubles . and if you want to buy technology , from japan,from US ,from Europe you need dollars, because american technology is on everything the world sells.

    So by putin staying for 20 years promoting an economic stagnation of the nation , he have been absolutely ignoring totally the domination and influence of the west. now russia is paying a price
    for ignoring its responsibility in developing its economy too and compete with US too .

    only china is offering competition to the western world , and they have no plans to dedolarize their economy ,so good look with russia "Dedolarizing" their economy , how many more decades russia needs to "Dedolarize its economy"?

    -is russia going to disconnect itself from the internet?  Laughing
    -is putin going to ban american entertainment industry ?  Rolling Eyes
    - or perhaps he will ban US fast food chains that everyone love in russia.  Rolling Eyes
    -is putin going to ban american computers too and become an obsolete nation ?  Laughing

    what russia needs is not dedolarization , this does NOTHING . only isolates russia from the world.
    what russia needs is to lead in modern business too ,  not only a space race , but to pressure on the west in the high tech and digital entertainment too just like china is doing. this is how you build
    respect for your country , with leadership ,with success ,you can defeat the american empire.
    isolating yourself from the technology of the world ,will not make your country more effective ,more
    efficient , or more advanced , instead russia will follow the path of cuba and north korea ,that were disconnected by americans from the world.

    The way i see it , Russia with putin in power is only moving from bad to worse than bad.
    is not to ditch the dollar what russia needs . but to compete with the west and steal their leadership
    away in the advanced and modern business arena.  ditching the dollar without offering a competition
    to the western most popular business ,means self isolation ,because no other nation in the world ,not even china will stop importing technology from US or the puppet colonies in asia americans control.

    The dollar will collapse , only when american top advanced business no longer leads on anything.

    The source of all problems Russia face , is that is being lead ,by the wrong people , people with backwards thinking , that is saving and sinking russia at the same time . Save it from the american military but sink it by their inaction in the modernization of their economy and building leadership and influence in the world , so that US no longer can threaten any nation with denying world most advanced business ,that all of them are controlled by US through direct tech or through politics .
    US sanctions will no longer matter at all ,when they no longer are a leader in the world development.
    Russia needs a alternative modern business world ,to the american one ,nothing more ,nothing less.
    without domination in business ,people will stop buying americans technology and so their economy will sink and collapse and become under presure , and cooperate with russia as they were already doing in space for some time ,when they had no rockets to go to space with humans for some years.

    Russia offering superior alternatives to american and allies business also benefit the west too , because will promote cooperation . Success in modern business ,that challenge western hegemony
    IS What Russia needs and not cosmetic dedolarization of their economy that will do nothing ,since russia plays no role in the US economy and nobody will follow the polite president putin request
    to abandon US business , good luck with that. Not even russian citizens will drop american modern and popular business . Rolling Eyes

    i understand why the west do the things it does , they see putin like a highly insecure ,idiot he is , he is very dumb , and they see russia ,(aside of its space program) as a nation that is not need , they see themselves are how dominating they are , so they feel for real ,that russia don't deserve to play a role in the world , because is a backward and outdated nation ,that do zero contributions in the world development.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Wed May 05, 2021 1:03 am

    kvs wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:

    Import substitution. April 2021

    In total, since June 2015, according to the website "Makelanounas" and other resources, more than 1,585 import substitution projects have been implemented in Russia!

    This is not just some token production.    NATzO sanctions aimed at the MC-21 project and it managed to replace all the critical inputs, including the composites
    used in the body.    Russian import substitution is at level of leading edge tech which shows its capability.   Obummer's line that Russia does not make anything
    will go down in history as one of the most retarded statements by a world "leader" ever.    But then he was a retard whose legacy is consolidation of the rotten
    US deep state.

    Russia import "substitution " is meaningless , if ...

    It doesn't compete with the products they are seeking to replace and end their dependence.

    So which part of Russia need to compete with the western business people don't understand ?

    like i said , Russia can dedolarize all they want ,but that will do nothing ,because will not change at all ,the supremacy of the western system over the world , for their dominating clear leadership in modern business.  Russia need to follow the example of China ,that their "import substitution "
    challenge apple ,challenge ford , challenge google , challenge a big number of anglowestern most
    influential business. China business even challenge the american gaming entertainment industry too ,with their artist and developments .

    This is what Putin the idiot and so many of his blind followers don't understand. Russia needs to breaks the american economy , or at least weaken it enough ,so they are powerless to start a war
    with Russia , and or no longer can finance civil wars in russia as they do . But he will never do that
    telling the world politely please follow outdated Russia .

    The only way Russia can get a powerful alliance in the world to stop the fast pace march of US ,towards a world war 3 , is by convincing those most developed and influential nations that help
    US to lead the world and helps the US dollar and banking system to become the leaders of the world.

    And the most effective way to convince the world to abandon the western system , is by developing
    more powerful alternatives than the business that silicon valley in calfornia have.

    again import substition means shit , if it doesn't stop american business influence in the world , if russia stop buying american products ,does that means the rest of the world will do the same ? Rolling Eyes

    NO.  nobody will follow gas putin russia ,and his outdated nation business . the nations who depends on energy like europe ,will only take the energy but will keep russia at distance . For the reasons that
    Russia don't have any alternative to the west.  China do have alternatives to the west and this is why they are scared of china.. but russia ? Laughing   Russia have  NOTHING than will make the west miss
    a sleep any night.  The only thing russia have , that can threaten the west is their nuclear weapons and missiles ,but they are not worried at all ,because they know putin is  an insecure , weak and soft teddy bear and will never dare to attack them first .  So Russia don't challenge the western system ,is the other way , putin is the most valuable player for the american empire ,he have been for 20 fucking years , totally passive ,doing absolutely nothing to challenge the western leadership of their business around the globe.

    Russia could import substitute to death a million of products.. but if none of russian products offers any competition to the western ones ,then it was a complete waste of time , and money for nothing.
    Also Russia can show videos of all the "amazing things they doing " but if they are all tech demos in labs , then is pointless , is business , global business that russia lacks ,what is missing. Russia needs global business ,that directly targets the american top most popular business in the world. and this is how Russia can dedolarize the world for real , with business power ,with business leadership.

    Huawei caused a black hole in apple sales for 2 years.. lol1
    and this is why trump had to stop it.. but he failed to block it from the world because other nations
    refuse to follow trump sanctions.. china modern business are too good to ignore for any nation and they do compete directly with western anglo business. This is what putin needs to do ,follow the example of china and compete with american companies.  and the only substitution that russia need
    is of his presidency , to remove that fool from from power. . and put someone with a true vision of the nation future.

    and if china manage to do what is now trying to do ,will sink completely about 50 years of development of the american economy. since they are not only challenging american semiconductor
    industry with their own processors ,but also the software too and a new internet too. This is how you fight.. what putin is doing is a total embarrassment of the nation ,with his weakness and outdated civilian business.

    China is not doing an "import substitution" as gas putin is doing . China is leading the world with business ,creating amazing business to lead the world into the future . china wants to be a world leader in modern business , putin's russia only wants americans to stop humiliating them so much.
    that idiot have no vision for Russia future ,if all he does is "import substitute" with products other nato countries produce , or with products ,that don't compete in any way with the western ones.
    Russia needs a space race , and a new technology race too ,versus the west. and challenge their business hegemony with superior ones.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  lancelot Wed May 05, 2021 2:04 am

    Well, it is a bit much to expect Russia to be a leader in something like consumer electronics.
    The Russian market is not that large, like China or the USA is, nor does it have ease of access to where the supply chain is or all year round sea travel.
    Russia is also subject to sanctions which means their electronics won't be able to use the latest machine tools as the Chinese have painfully learned.
    It also requires huge capital investments. Better let the Chinese try to handle that one.

    Russia does have its own niches like civilian nuclear power and soon enough civilian aviation.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Wed May 05, 2021 3:22 am

    lancelot wrote:Well, it is a bit much to expect Russia to be a leader in something like consumer electronics.
    The Russian market is not that large, like China or the USA is, nor does it have ease of access to where the supply chain is or all year round sea travel.
    Russia is also subject to sanctions which means their electronics won't be able to use the latest machine tools as the Chinese have painfully learned.
    It also requires huge capital investments. Better let the Chinese try to handle that one.

    Russia does have its own niches like civilian nuclear power and soon enough civilian aviation.

    Russia is doing quite well for advanced tech production.

    Consumer trash is nothing to boast about. And the Orient has a lock on it anyway. Anyone posting screeds about Russian fail
    in this regard who is based in Europe or North American is a certifiable idiot. Last time I checked Samsung was not an American
    company. The Russian NATzO sycophant 5th column always tries to paint the level of consumer electronics production as a
    test of Putin's leadership which supposedly exposes his failure. They should move to their precious west and try to find such
    production there. This includes Apple, which exists only because it manufactures its products in the Orient. Recent noises about
    moving back to the USA are only thanks to Trump's MAGA. I am sure with Bidet in charge those plans will be forgotten about.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed May 05, 2021 3:57 am

    Vann7 wrote:...only way Russia can get a powerful alliance in the world to stop the fast pace march of US ,towards a world war 3...

    Why should Russia stop USA from starting WW3?

    Just because WW3 is bad for you doesn't mean it's bad for rest of us


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    Post  GarryB Wed May 05, 2021 8:26 am

    So which part of Russia need to compete with the western business people don't understand ?

    Well first of all anything produced by Russia is likely to be cheaper anyway, so for countries outside of the west a Russian alternative that is cheaper does not need to be better.

    Ironically however when Russia can no longer use a foreign product designing something from scratch is just too expensive, but taking the existing item and improving it as far as is reasonable means you end up with something that is better than what is being replaced.

    Case in point would be Ukrainian engines... any engines they could make are essentially being made on cold war period equipment with the cheapest materials they can source. Simply making it in a modern factory should improve performance and efficiency significantly simply by better precision and improved materials, and more reliable production than the Ukraine can manage on their own.

    In that case it might not end up cheaper because they likely rip off their workers, but you will get a better product from Russia and it is unlikely your money will be stolen, which makes it more desirable on the international market... not less.

    Chinese copies of German motors because German design gives it credibility and they make them cheap. Clearly they make them too cheap, but Chinese copies of German engines will get better... but Russia does not want to wait for Chinese copies to improve and are making their own versions.

    You can be sure they will be similar enough to be compatible, but these are not state of the art brand new engine designs so they could probably make a lot of improvements without ruining the design and improve performance to make it a useful product on the international market.

    It does not have to be the absolute best if it is a quarter of the price of the German alternative.

    Buying Russian products perhaps from new companies gives them the revenue and economic support to become bigger and better and able to enter international competitions and expand their business to become international competition to those companies whose countries stiffed the Russians.

    The fact that it has happened gradually over time has limited the damage and problems, but also made the transition to Russian products easier and better.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Thu May 06, 2021 9:06 am

    kvs wrote:
    lancelot wrote:Well, it is a bit much to expect Russia to be a leader in something like consumer electronics.
    The Russian market is not that large, like China or the USA is, nor does it have ease of access to where the supply chain is or all year round sea travel.
    Russia is also subject to sanctions which means their electronics won't be able to use the latest machine tools as the Chinese have painfully learned.
    It also requires huge capital investments. Better let the Chinese try to handle that one.

    Russia does have its own niches like civilian nuclear power and soon enough civilian aviation.

    Russia is doing quite well for advanced tech production.

    Consumer trash is nothing to boast about.   And the Orient has a lock on it anyway.   Anyone posting screeds about Russian fail
    in this regard who is based in Europe or North American is a certifiable idiot.    Last time I checked Samsung was not an American
    company.    The Russian NATzO sycophant 5th column always tries to paint the level of consumer electronics production as a
    test of Putin's leadership which supposedly exposes his failure.   They should move to their precious west and try to find such
    production there.    This includes Apple, which exists only because it manufactures its products in the Orient.   Recent noises about
    moving back to the USA are only thanks to Trump's MAGA.   I am sure with Bidet in charge those plans will be forgotten about.

    i have seen the things russia is doing , in the high tech forum , but again all those things are useless if it doesn't compete with the west as china high tech industry is doing. to say that russia can't do it , is bullshit . the problem is putin is a mediocre leader ,that have been developing the nation as a gas station monopoly . most of russia debt comes from those pipelines to europe that cost a lot of money in russia bugdet. look how much that idiot wasted in sochi , and in world cup , that was a total waste of money close to 100 bilions dollars in that epenis bragging, a total waste of money ,because will not help russia to compete w ith US business influence over the world.

    US not even had a football delegation representation in the world cup ,so what? neither south korea or taiwan. but all those nations controls the world future development and putin controls nothing , only pipelines to europe.

    in an ideal world , of peace and harmony , nations can just do what putin does , and just ignore other nations and focus in easy very low risk business ,like food and mining and energy if they have., but this is not the world we live . Russia is facing war , a real war , where the west wants to break russia in many parts , and they are already bleeding russia. look how russia lost 1 million of russian citizens left the country in 2-3 years alone. and this depopulation of russia will exponentially increase the more successful are the west , in pressuring europe to isolate russia.

    forget elections ,the most accurate measure of a disaster government is population abandoning the ship and russia is facing now. for people to move from their countries to another nation for abetter life , it have to be really bad ,their opinions of their country. Russia is only one balkan war away of disaster. or a new ukraine war ,that force russia into a vietnam in ukraine. my prediction is putin have a 50% chance of destroying russia even worse than gorbashev did it.. and the only thing that can save russia is not putin , but europe dissobedience to the west or china that manage to surpass the western business and surpass western global business influence.

    US empire need to be stopped , is either that or russia ends being destroyed. a nd putin will never save russia with politeness and gas stations to europe. he needs to challenge the american system ,american business ,american internet , united nations , or else observe the painful death of russia ,that eventually will die , if doesn't stop the growing influence of anglopowers over the world ,then it will be too late. ukraine georgia lost forever russia influence.. who will be next? belarus ? kazakistan? people really think that russia can survive with more color revolutions on its borders?
    all this color revolutions are only possible for the very very low business influence of russia over its neighbors ,and europe and the entire world in comparison with the anglo west.


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  PhSt Thu May 06, 2021 7:58 pm

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 151659986541

    So during online class today, my classmate who recently immigrated here to Canada from Russia made this comment. (She is saying that most people in Russia resort to downloading movies instead of paying to watch them in theatres because the price of tickets is expensive). So for those who live in Russia, are prices really higher than average for people to afford certain services or purchases?

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 06, 2021 8:09 pm

    Cinema in East Europe is dirt cheap

    Ticket here costs equivalent of 6 Snickers bars in fancy theater (less for non-blockbusters)

    Your friend is full of shit

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu May 06, 2021 9:41 pm

    Here are ticket prices to see movie in Russia.

    So about $5 cad to see a movie.

    Add a 1 in front of that ($15 cad) is average ticket price to see a movie in Canada.

    There are theaters in Moscow (literally called Moscow Theater) were it is something like a lounge that has few seats and it's like 5000 rubs. But these are luxury places where you go for screenings and get food and drinks that isn't theater style.

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    Post  kvs Thu May 06, 2021 10:22 pm

    That new arrival in Canada is going to have to worry about her real job prospects instead of spewing inanity about Russian
    movie ticket prices. At least Russians can get real jobs that pay rather well. And they are not paying out of every
    orifice like Canadians for taxes, fees, housing, utilities and food. Food inflation in Canada is around 10% per year.

    I would not take anything some sparkles in the eyes western sycophant migrant has to say seriously:

    1) They are ignorant.

    2) They will be or are in denial.

    I have personally had one such clown deny the reality of Canadian food prices increases. It's like denying the existence of gravity.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Thu May 06, 2021 10:34 pm

    Even Russians can go see a movie now. We can't. At least not in western Canada.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Fri May 07, 2021 3:15 pm

    So during online class today, my classmate who recently immigrated here to Canada from Russia made this comment. (She is saying that most people in Russia resort to downloading movies instead of paying to watch them in theatres because the price of tickets is expensive). So for those who live in Russia, are prices really higher than average for people to afford certain services or purchases?

    Most of the people I know either pay for netflix or use bittorrent for all the newest movies for free... picture theatres are going to go the same way as the Video tape hire shop...

    Last time I went to the movies it was like $18 per ticket so a group of 5 or 6 people going together are paying $100 just for movie tickets... and the food is expensive too... 10 bucks for a popcorn and a small icecream if you are lucky... a small bag of lollies and you are spending on food what you spent on your ticket... so $200 for the group... and most of the time the movie is a disappointment anyway.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 07, 2021 5:38 pm

    Probably just my own personal preference but for me I don't see any need to go to the cinema when I could rent video tapes, rent and/or bought CD/DVD, and had online film websites.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Fri May 07, 2021 6:59 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Probably just my own personal preference but for me I don't see any need to go to the cinema when I could rent video tapes, rent and/or bought CD/DVD, and had online film websites.

    It's supposed to be about the big screen experience. But I find the faggots who keep hitting the back of your seat like retards for the duration of the movie because
    they are either malicious our fidgeting compulsively to be a really big turn off. Also, I have gone to certain movies where the screen shake was ridiculous. In the current
    all digital projection houses this is no longer the case, but it used to defeat the purpose of the theater going to have such nonsense.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 07, 2021 7:15 pm

    Nobody go to the cinemas in the anglo west . Vast majority of people now either download them
    from cable online services , like netflix , disney + ,HBO and others , or they simply download them
    for free on internet.

    The fact that in Russia ,cinemas are still popular is not  surprising at all .
    Russia is an outdated nation , with a very weak entertainment business industry ,and most of the
    movies russian see are american movies . because their mediocre President ,have NOT  promoted
    the modernization of the country economy , all that he invest is in pipelines and soviet era industries that runs the russian economy. Russia economy today is the same commodities -energy and weapons economy of the soviet era ,with improved factories infrastructure yes ,but still the same economic strategy of 50 years ago.

    This is why i said , russia needs to completely modernize its economy , from africa commodities bananas,gas station and food economy , to a digital modern one ,that focus directly to challenge the western modern business . There are a few Russian productions that  produce high quality modern movies ,and not just tales from the soviet and russian empire past ,but in comparison with the west, the russian movie industry is just kindergarten .  Russia is losing its young population and they are moving in
    the millions to the west , Canada , mexico ,spain and US are the places they moving most.

    An education reform , in russia is need , but to speak of any changes and modernization of the russian economy is hopeless ,with an outdated president in power ,that he himself have said on interviews that not only he don't use the internet ,but that neither know how to use a computer. No

    When i said putin is an idiot , is not trolling but the truth. he is a real genuine moron and not because
    he don't know how to use the internet , since that can be learned in an hour or less . but that he is completely outdated on his way of thinking ,as if he came from a time machine from the stalin  times. That only likes the old music and the old tradition .. and that celebrate traditions as if that was some kind of religious ceremony and  forget the present times he lives , and how important is to understand the young generations of his country. Putin is literary a backward thinker ,and this is the reason , is had been for 20 years in an economic stagnation. an economy that moderately grows and  lows ,but never truly develop , stay doing the same thing over and over . He don't understand that the salvation of Russia will not depend on how high or low is the GDP of the nation , but instead Russia existence will only depend on how much influence , how much leadership in modern business they develop , that challenge the western influence over the world ,and specially europe and that challenge their most important business ,that holds their economy. The high tech hardware and digital industry and their entertainment industry and their alliance with other modern economies ,is what keeps the american empire standing on its feet . You bring down those business with superior alternatives and the entire empire collapse on its feets.

    making world records in wheat and food farming as putin have bragged in the past, winning a million of olympics , earning all the gold medals , winning all the hockey championships or judo ,or not even building technology for local use ,or hypersonic missiles ,will not help Russia to become safe ,
    only economic true development , only leadership and modernization of their economy to lead the world  development into the future,can do that.  IS not the quantity but the quality of the economy what can save the country , by building soft power , influence ,and leadership in business in the world ,that directly contest the western most popular business. Russia simply lacks of business power , business influence in the world , this is the root of all problems russia national security face . the west tell nations is either russian business or american ones , but you can't have both. so you have to choose, and the obvious choice for vast majority of countries is to follow those that leads with their business and leave behind those backwards nations that live in the past as Russia is.

    There is only one nation contesting the american empire for real ,their system ,and is not Russia.
    Putin don't challenge the west , other than with their military in syria and ukraine , nations that the west don't need them for absolutely nothing , and they are only there in syria and ukraine ,only to annoy and weaken russia. The anglo west is not scared at all of teddy bear polite putin , they know
    how weak and insecure putin is and that he will do nothing ,with any weapon he makes ,because is soft and weak and will do anything including sacrificing russian soldiers lives to avoid a military confrontation with them , but china is a different story ,they challen western business power ,and they influence the world with their high tech business and this is what scare the hell of west and is all over in their media . they can't even hide ,how much superior china will become than america if they not stopped.

    Russia need to follow the example of china , Russia needs a true leader ,with true ambitions ,
    that modernize the russian economy , not for any bragging rights ,but for taking away the influence that the anglozionist powers over the world , and put an end to their unilateral fascist and unfair system. The only dialogue the west understand is either force or business leadership , so russia
    needs to develop transition to a modern economy , and reinvent russia in a new way .

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat May 08, 2021 12:14 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Fri May 07, 2021 10:52 pm

    kvs wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:Probably just my own personal preference but for me I don't see any need to go to the cinema when I could rent video tapes, rent and/or bought CD/DVD, and had online film websites.

    It's supposed to be about the big screen experience.   But I find the faggots who keep hitting the back of your seat like retards for the duration of the movie because
    they are either malicious our fidgeting compulsively to be a really big turn off.   Also, I have gone to certain movies where the screen shake was ridiculous.  In the current
    all digital projection houses this is no longer the case, but it used to defeat the purpose of the theater going to have such nonsense.  

    There aren't good movies anymore. Last one I saw was Fury Road, and only because I love Mad Max series.

    Whenever I go to theaters, I always seek the top row. So no one kicks me. But what I hate are the people who clap after or during a movie.

    It makes me feel embarrassed.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  franco Sat May 08, 2021 12:43 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:Probably just my own personal preference but for me I don't see any need to go to the cinema when I could rent video tapes, rent and/or bought CD/DVD, and had online film websites.

    It's supposed to be about the big screen experience.   But I find the faggots who keep hitting the back of your seat like retards for the duration of the movie because
    they are either malicious our fidgeting compulsively to be a really big turn off.   Also, I have gone to certain movies where the screen shake was ridiculous.  In the current
    all digital projection houses this is no longer the case, but it used to defeat the purpose of the theater going to have such nonsense.  

    There aren't good movies anymore. Last one I saw was Fury Road, and only because I love Mad Max series.

    Whenever I go to theaters, I always seek the top row. So no one kicks me.  But what I hate are the people who clap after or during a movie.

    It makes me feel embarrassed.

    Got me to thinking about the last time I went to a movie cinema. Took 2 of my grandsons to see the 3D movie Avatar back in... what... 2010?

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Sat May 08, 2021 1:10 am

    franco wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    kvs wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:Probably just my own personal preference but for me I don't see any need to go to the cinema when I could rent video tapes, rent and/or bought CD/DVD, and had online film websites.

    It's supposed to be about the big screen experience.   But I find the faggots who keep hitting the back of your seat like retards for the duration of the movie because
    they are either malicious our fidgeting compulsively to be a really big turn off.   Also, I have gone to certain movies where the screen shake was ridiculous.  In the current
    all digital projection houses this is no longer the case, but it used to defeat the purpose of the theater going to have such nonsense.  

    There aren't good movies anymore. Last one I saw was Fury Road, and only because I love Mad Max series.

    Whenever I go to theaters, I always seek the top row. So no one kicks me.  But what I hate are the people who clap after or during a movie.

    It makes me feel embarrassed.

    Got me to thinking about the last time I went to a movie cinema. Took 2 of my grandsons to see the 3D movie Avatar back in... what... 2010?

    Yeah, saw that in IMAX like 4 times only because my friends dragged me out to it. I didn't care for 3D as it gave me a headache

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 6 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Sat May 08, 2021 8:38 am

    Nobody go to the cinemas in the anglo west . Vast majority of people now either download them
    from cable online services , like netflix , disney + ,HBO and others , or they simply download them
    for free on internet.

    That is a lie.

    We still have cinemas here in New Zealand.

    The rest of your post is just the usual bullshit... but honestly tell me... if Putin is such an idiot... an incapable moron... holding Russia back and sabotaging Russias future... why does the west hate him so much?

    Why does the western media demonise him.

    The fact that he is not dragging Russia to be more like the west is a GOOD thing... and should be celebrated.

    Polls in Russia show Russians don't feel like they are European now... success...

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    Post  Vann7 Sun May 09, 2021 2:39 am

    GarryB wrote:

    if Putin is such an idiot... an incapable moron... holding Russia back and sabotaging Russias future... why does the west hate him so much?

    Why does the western media demonise him.

    Because he is not a puppet and they want a guaido in power ,that they can easily control and manipulate.  That's why.  

    So his patriotism and modernization of the military are the only things he do right.
    In everything else ,he is incredibly stupid . his tactics and strategy against the west are all
    wrong.  what kind of preside is putin ,that allows his military generals and officers to be slaughtered in Syria ,by Israel and US and do nothing about it ?  What kind of leader is putin ,that allow the west to overthrow a pro russian government in kiev ? they almost do the same to belarus .

    iT is wrong , dead wrong  ,that he totally ignores anglo west business power and ignores ,how anglo west business influence in the world closer and closer to their orbit ,and then putin just focus in pipelines and nothing else . No   Regardless of his patriotism or modernization of the military ,that anyone else could have done the same . putin is the most anti space , president in the history of russia space program ,he cut in half the russian space budget.. Suspect  in the only thing that russia had to influence the world. lol1  and this is incredibly foolish , shows the moron have no fucking clue of what he is doing ,even less no fucking strategy to stop the west.  even 2-3 cosmonauts resigned their job as cosmonauts to work in other jobs with better paid ,because they told ,there was nothing to do for them , the government is focused in gas stations and forget to fight the western business too.

    Russia is paying the price today ,of more than 20 years of business inaction ,and refusing to compete with the west.  The west created a modern high tech business empire and putin did not challenge it and looked to the sides. Is all an influence problem. Even communist china have more influence in europe and latin america ,than russia ,which should be a signal how bad is putin in true development of the nation.

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    Post  GarryB Sun May 09, 2021 6:03 am

    Because he is not a puppet and they want a guaido in power ,that they can easily control and manipulate. That's why.

    Bullshit... they don't need a puppet in the big rival countries... they just need an idiot to screw them up so that down the line when they collapse economically that US companies can go in and buy everything with their fake monopoly money.

    He is making them look incompetent... no shock... they are...

    But he is making Russia more powerful and more competitive.... beyond the point where their sanctions can stop them.

    Russia is paying the price today ,of more than 20 years of business inaction ,and refusing to compete with the west.

    20 years ago Russia couldn't compete with all of the west... in some very narrow areas they could compete with some parts of it.

    Today they can pretty much make anything they need, so in that sense they can compete with the entire west... something no part of the west could even do... America is the worst because it doesn't make anything any more... it is a third world money printing factory... it probably even imports the ink and the paper...

    The US is broken and instead of fixing problems they are making things worse and accelerating forward despite lots of clear signs they are headed in the wrong direction.

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    Post  Vann7 Sun May 09, 2021 9:50 am

    But he is making Russia more powerful and more competitive.... beyond the point where their sanctions can stop them.

    The only power russia have is in the Russia military, but that power is useless if not used . No
    He allows any nation to strike russia ,to shutdown their planes ,hellicopters ,spy planes and do nothing
    about it. Those s-300s and s-400 are totally useless if not used in syria . those planes and airforce are totally useless if not confront those attacking their allies.

    So no , russia is not powerful ,but very very weak , and is putin the only one to blame for that.
    Russia is so weak , that makes you feel sorry , for russian citizens and russian military ,that have to deal with that fool ,they have as president , that don't know how to defend their nation properly .
    To see putin every week complain , how the west don't want dialogue , and how unfair they are ,
    is sad to see . the only thing left he have not done ,is cry in cameras and beg the west to be their friend. Laughing that idiot in power will provoke a nuclear war , for his weakness . everyone is saying this.. even pro russian analyst in the west , like george gallaway and paul craig roberts ,that from time to time , are hired by TR news to talk ,are reprimanding putin for showing so much weakness to the west.

    look this report.. paul craig robets , calling putin to stop being weak with the west.

    Can War With Russia Be Avoided?
    by :Paul Craig Roberts.

    Considering the level of tension between the nuclear powers, the topic deserves far more attention that it receives. In the US it is a difficult topic to address. The President of Russia can call for better relations with the US without being demonized by the Russian media as an American agent, but when President Trump called for better relations with Russia, the US presstitutes denounced Trump as a Russian agent and launched the Russiagate hoax. Knowledgable American commentators who supported Trump’s call for better relations were labeled “Russian agents/dupes.”

    My concern is that Washington’s hegemonic attitude prevents US acceptance of Russian sovereignty and that

    Putin’s low-key responses to insults and provocations result in his warnings not being taken sufficiently seriously and encourages more insults and provocations. Washington could go too far and provoke a major confrontation that Putin cannot overlook.

    Everyone is noticing putin is very insecure and his extreme poliness is a sympton of insecurity , he tries to manipulate the west with weakness , and that doesn't work , will never ever work ever.
    with evil and bully people.

    George gallaway that is also pro Russia and works for RT .told the same ,that putin needs to stop
    being a coward and show some balls.. albeit he told it in a diplomatic way.

    something like this.

    "if putin expect that by appeasing the west , with nice behavior with people who only wants russian blood will work , then i urge him to reconsider his policies again. because will send the wrong message and will create the opposite of the security he wants. "

    in other words , galloway told putin to grow some balls and stop being so nice with those killing
    their army. so is embarrasing ,that even analyst that works at rt , have to reprimand putin ,so he stop being so insecure as weak as he is..

    remember when the west shutdown the russian embassy , and stole their property , violated international laws ,lavrov recommended to recriprocrate exactly the same way ,but what putin did?

    he fought back the west, with a christmas party ,inviting the american embassy to a major nice dinner . lol1 but a month later , he discovered , his response , did not worked and ended demanding americans to leave.. in the end , putin showed how stupid moron he is. he don't understand at all human relations , weakness does not works with bullies , and someone need to slap his face to remove all that cowardice and insecurity he have. or even better to demand he resign , and put a real leader on his place. .

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