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    Talking bollocks thread #3


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:28 am

    When first rocket went tits up due to some moron playing fast and loose with the hammer they should have reviewed the footage, find which one(s) were doing it and then peeled him like an orange to get him to explain why (and for who) he did it for

    You are assuming it was intentional and not a mistake or sabotaged materials for that matter... who is going to notice a bolt made to lower tolerances or designed to fail at certain temperatures... the west has a long history of making lumps of coal with an explosive filler to destroy trains...

    How is footage going to tell you anything except who was the last person to work on a particular thing... are you expecting zoomed in footage showing his hands unscrewing things when he should have been screwing them in or some such bullshit?

    Perhaps on some TV show where it needs to be sorted out in an hour, but in the real world it is very unlikely to provide useful information except that the guy scheduled to do the work actually was there and appeared to be doing the work.

    After that rest of the gophers should have been shown PowerPoint presentation of that moron's experience which would nullify potential for similar incidents

    Yes, comrade Stalin... threaten them and their families... that always works... except when it does not.

    Instead they have dozen of rockets burning up instead of just one and counting

    Wow.... Russians must be perfect if the only way there could be a rocket failure is sabotage... amazing...

    You narrow down the number using footage and then you squeeze

    Squeeze with what? Of course on TV shows you work out which button to push and it makes them talk, but in the real world threatening your workers... most of which have done nothing wrong is a wonderful formula to get your workers to sabotage the work just because you are a censored  and you are the one that clearly gets it if things go wrong.

    Alternative is stumbling in the dark and making up stupid nonsense like blaming secret American EVAs for holes in the Soyuz while making complete ass of yourself

    Of course... stalin interrogations and water boarding, or conspirasy theories worse than yours... they are the only two possible options... thank goodness the company is run by much more sane people than you.

    Investigations need to be made and procedures need to be checked... if it was a mistake then who signed off on the work without properly checking things... talk to the people concerned and try to work out what happened. Ironically not rocket science... but clearly beyond some here...

    Then get better cameras and more of them

    Of course... spend more money on something that can be evaded... why not personal body cameras like US cops have to wear these days because they can't be trusted not to shoot black people... but I wonder if someone is going to try to sabotage something as complex as a rocket where even a single pin or bolt not working properly can be catastrophic is anyone going to notice it no matter what the camera footage quality is. What if there are 50 saboteurs? Beat 10,000 workers to a pulp and water board them for a month and then 12 months in solitary confinement only to find those 50 saboteurs didn't let them know what they were doing?

    Obviously you are management material...

    Once we installed ours we immediately caught next several idiots doing stupid crap and threw the book at them, afterwards all we had to deal with was trivial nonsense because they knew they can't get away with anything anymore

    Stop trying to blame human failures (and failed humans) on technology because that's Roskosmos' shtick

    Of course... if cameras can correct bad behaviour in public places then obviously it will immediately detect when a bolt has been left off or some component has been forced in backwards because cameras are really good at that... NOT.

    Who cares what they are, our job is delivered lessons and make sure they behave at school, that's it

    So as long as they don't hit each other these technicians should be fine no matter how many cameras you have right?

    Once they leave school grounds they are problem for parents and police

    Yeah, no ownership or personal responsibility... once they are gone from here they are not my problem... but the amusing thing is that you think you have a solution...

    OK... so a Rocket has spent 6 months being assembled... it has all been filmed thousands of man hours from hundreds of cameras... and the rocket is launched and there is a failure... how do the cameras help? First you need to work out what went wrong... there is no point in looking at footage of the assembly of the rocket until you know what you are looking for but even if you know what you are looking for you now have thousands of hours of footage to look through... you will also have work sheets and they will tell you who did what and who signed off on what, but you want cameras to show peoples backs while they work on components inside the rockets...

    Same applies for Roskosmos, it doesn't matter if their gophers slash neighbor's tires as long as they don't trash the rockets, everything else is job for police

    But that is where you are wrong... you have to check the backgrounds of all the people who had access... finding someone gets off on burning houses or tires is always going to be a red flag... just like finding someone getting a large cash payment in their bank...  but no... fitting cameras will solve everything...  Rolling Eyes

    Nothing puts the smack down like truth. Troll bleaters can run and hide.

    The problem with Trolls is that they make a statement and stick to it no matter what... they are not wrong, they are just not right this time... but they are right about everything else...

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Mar 14, 2020 12:42 pm

    GarryB wrote:Of course...

    Of course, going with system of personal responsibility is too bourgeois

    Instead they should use the good old honor system, it always works so amazing

    In tje meantime rockets and payloads will continue to get torched but I guess sacrificing space program is a small price to pay for keeping morons away from more vital projects so it's a win all things considered


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:32 am

    Of course, going with system of personal responsibility is too bourgeois

    Yeah, make it about communism... even though Russia has been electing its government for almost 30 years now.

    Cameras do have their uses... in a he said she said situation being able to play back what each person said and what they did ends any conjecture and forgotten facts or outright lies. Amusingly I have seen the introduction of cameras in schools here and sometimes it turns out the bad kids aren't always at fault every time which is very useful because some "good" kids can get away with occasional bad behaviour because their word is trusted... something it is too late to teach the bad kids because their rep is shot.

    The point is we are talking about technical skilled labour... you are telling us cameras stop fighting and theft and just outright attacks in the playground, but for sabotage in a factory it just wont be effective... it is like someone writing rude stuff in a shared work book... you can look through the footage and see who accessed it and who used it last but unless everyone who uses it checks everything previously written in the book before they write then there is a good chance you might not be able to tell by using the camera who wrote the naughty words about the head master...

    Equally if someone takes out a wire or reverses its polarity in an act of sabotage then unless someone notices it a camera is unlikely to be the tool of choice to investigate.

    There should be checks made to make sure everything is as it should be before a panel is closed off and signed off as being done, but things happen so sometimes those panels will need to be accessed again... and it is easy to fake records and signatures if you need to.

    Instead they should use the good old honor system, it always works so amazing

    At the end of the day in the real world you have to trust people. To work building rockets is not an entry level job... make sure pay and conditions are good and keep an eye on your people... there is no way to completely eliminate the threat and having cameras everywhere pointing at them like they are criminals might be OK in London or in schools, but most workplaces it is a waste of time and money... hundreds of cameras in a factory with 10,000 man hours of work to assemble and do all the testing on a rocket means hundreds of thousands of hours of footage to look through and that is only if you don't include down times at night... but you need to check then too of course...

    In tje meantime rockets and payloads will continue to get torched but I guess sacrificing space program is a small price to pay for keeping morons away from more vital projects so it's a win all things considered

    Their failure rate is not high enough to assume sabotage on anything.

    Besides the US made companies put backdoors inside computer chips of all types expressly for the purpose of trying to make Soviet nuclear power stations fail... officially it didn't really work... Chernobyl was a cock up of their own design...

    I certainly think the west would sabotage Russian technology if they get the chance... would be funny if that was what started WWIII... faulty CPUs in control circuits for ICBM launch systems....

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:21 pm

    This camera debate is a waste of time. As I already pointed out, the only way to capture sabotage is to mount cameras on the body
    of every worker. That includes head mounted units on an extended arm that look where the eyes are looking and additionally
    monitor the hands. So the wearer cannot look away and do something with their hands.

    Remote, wall or ceiling mounted cameras are vastly less effective. Even a ceiling mounted camera above every workplace (assuming
    workplaces are confined and visible from the ceiling; this is not generally true since workers do their jobs inside fuel tanks
    and often have their jobs spread over different locations) could be defeated with the right sort of body pose or other cover.

    Anyway the Balkanoid troll can keep his hate fantasy projecting, but Russia's security forces are starting to effectively clamp
    down on NATzO's 5th column maggots on a whole front. From actual terrorist cells to industrial sabateurs. I suggest they
    drop the EU-tard fake morality restrictions on the death penalty and re-instate death by firing squad for treason including
    terrorism and sabotage.


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty temporary talking bollocks thread

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:52 pm

    kvs wrote:but Russia's security forces are starting to effectively clamp
    down on NATzO's 5th column maggots...

    Longest start (decades) in recorded history, once it's actually done staring I assume results will be unprecedented lol1

    kvs industrial sabateurs...







    kvs wrote:Anyway the Balkanoid troll...

    How goes the gender count in proud independent nation of Canada? Razz


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:26 am

    in more economy related news.. that will affect Russia economy and also world wide ,
    specially in Putin's dreamed vision of turning Russia into the #1 tourist nation in the world.

    US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat

    Talking bollocks thread #3 5e7166f685f5406dcf4535fc

    Like i said , China is pointing fingers at US for this corona virus ... and this is very serious ,
    they will not do that if they did not had strong information that it is.. and like i said ,the information
    in the internet is very convincing.. yet not 100% conclusive yet.. but is clear that US will had the motives
    to use such a weapon and more than anything that they do have the morals and values (none)
    to conduct such a criminal if that is what it takes to take down China economy..  i mean if they are giving
    weapons to Alqaeda and Isis to over run many countries in middle east..  and seeking to starve to death
    venezuelan population ,with sanctions on venezuela food.. and medicines. then anything is possible.

    that said.. all the idiots in this forum ,that believe to "economy experts" ,that shamefully disconnect
    how world politics affect directly Russia economy.  will be now for an awakening of a new reality.

    If this corona virus in China IS what it looks to be... A BIO Weapon attack..  then this will become the most dangerous step humanity have gone into their own auto destruction.. because if this is indeed a bio attack by
    Americans on China.. this will become equivalent to a large extend ,as the nuclear attack on Japan , by US
    airforce.. because in the same way ,the nuclear attack on japan on civilians cities ,triggered a world wide
    nuclear arm race..  in the same way ,this mass scale BIO weapon attack will trigger a world wide BIO weapons
    and it will be impossible to stop it ,or regulate it..  every nuclear power will  be seeking to start developing Biological weapons ,not just for test.. but for offensive , for revenge....... after this biological attack.. if confirmed it was by China . then this will make the world and incredibly more dangerous place to live , thanks to Washington DC and US military . .  No

    So this will have disastrous consequences not only for world security ,
    but specially for those outdated economies  like ,italy ,Spain ,latin america , that depend on tourism
    for its economy.. also it will affect greatly Russia ,france and potentially Egypt economy too..
    in Saudi Arabia for the first time nobody travels to mecca in ramadan..  lol1 for fear in corona..

    so lets see.. how Putin's "diversification economy project" will be hit..

    after Covid-19 incident world wide , that targets more harder those nations US consider enemies.
    expect dramatic chances in world economy..

    this is my own list.. but the linked the above link report ,posted by reference as proof ,the world will not be
    the same again.

    1) The tourism industry world wide is going to be hit hard.. nobody will want to travel.
       because this bio incident ,will trigger a response to US , and US allies.. by those nations
      affected. i don't think italy ,china ,japan ,russia ,france ,germany.. will just stay with hands crossed
      after this attack threatening their nations existence.
    2)it will target Putin's olympic world sports capital dreams vision.. at least this is positive ,so that moron drop
      his bet and stop wasting so much money in sports tourism ,in olympics events and similar distractions.
    3) it will target outside entertainment ,public events , musicians will go bankrupt who depends on concerts
       to make money nobody will attend.. for fear of bio attack..
    4)and for those that still travel.. this will make traveling a real painful nightmare anywhere.. because if this
    virus is indeed a BIO weapons.. China will know it.. and the entire world will know it too.. since embassies
    behind the scenes will ask the chinese.. nothing that is liquid.. will be allowed to enter.. and womens vagina
    and both and any hole in human body searched.. and dangerous for health x-ray scanners deployed in every
    airport in the world.. for US airports ,the hardware to verify capsules with liquids ,potentially containing bioweapons is already in place..
    5)it will be the end of toy drones... no longer they will be allowed to fly in any city or any place..
    6)this can potentially end the way education is done.. will trigger in the top powers nations ,to move all education to online..
    7)this will have a dEVASTATING impact on airliners around the world..
    Cool It will also have a devastating impact on cruise sea liners around the world. people
       will simply stay at home for fear of any other bio weapon attack.
    9)this will also create major negativity against US , but will not be enough to trigger a world
    wide boycott to US business...why? because US leadership in business is too strong ,and everyone
    needs them. so bad for putin's Russia gas station ,that he can't say the same. nobody needs russia ,unless
    it is for nation security , it happens to be attacked by US gov.

    at the same time this Covid-19 incident.. will make the American internet ,the most important
    source of entertainment in the world by far..

    So modern economies ,digital economies ,what i was hoping russia to become a digital/space economy focused, will be the ones that will benefit significantly from this.. this is another reason why Russia needs a new internet
    outside American control.. it could be done with china help.. and if Europe awakens ,and decide to split or take distance from US and become sovereign for real.. they could also offer to join the Russia-China axis for a new
    internet project..

    in summary...

    This corona virus incident in china.. will significantly polarize the world.. completely split it...
    in 2 or 3 parts..

    there will be the US system , and there will be the China system.. and is unknown if europe
    will continue playing in both sides leaning more to US and NATO as it have been doing, or if  this BIO attack
    will be the end of the trust of americans and the definitive split on relations ,and so europe seek to develop
    their own system. with their own internet.. they already have their own space industry.. and france pushing
    to create an exclusive European army.. but not doing well recruiting nations for it. The only way out of this
    is massive banning world wide of private independent biological research centers ,specially under control of United States.. and any research anywhere in virus ,will have to be done only in laboratories in neutral places
    with participation of international community..  demanding that LABS jobs are only used for curing deceases and not for creating new viruses ..  in the same way nuclear treaties were created to limit nuclear weapons ,same way biological treaties will have to be done..Putin will be a fool.. if he sign any nuclear treaty with Trump without
    a treaty significantly ending US laboratories that do research of viruses and deceases..

    after the corona virus incident bio weapon attack on China.. is clear for me. .that the third world war..( or 4th world war...depending how counting is done) will be a biological war.. and US is deploying its bio weapons labs ... all around Russia and China..
    pentagon bio weapons labs around Russia ,China and iran borders.. a coincidence ?  No

    Talking bollocks thread #3 1_3_768x496

    The US biological research program ,is highly provocative and highly questionable ,  and he should demand
    those programs to be fully open to the international community and its scientist names known.. to be questioned for what they doing.. and Hopefully putin will get a clue, that his enemies are preparing for are biological war
    against Russia and that his politeness will not protect Russia and that he needs to be prepared.

    The conflict in Syria ,could well be a major experiment of the pentagon , a minor scale exercise of how they plan
    to defeat Russia.. through endless proxy wars using Islamic extremism.. combined with bioweapons attacks.. on Russia..

    if you look at the map of Pentagon bio labs.. it should be clear by anyone who irresponsible this is..
    they deploy bio weapons labs on unstable zones at war near Russia or China.. what could go wrong?
    and they do it on purpose.. and in africa near zones ,that there is a lot of guerrilla fighting..
    this is done on purpose ,so that to "justify" their "losing biological weapons" in a laboratory after a civil war
    in that country and terrorist over run the lab.  opps..  

    US military , can easily deploy terrorist in any of those countries ,with their bio-labs.. and later claim "terrorist over ran" their facilities.. and then effectively use islamic terrorism as a troyan horse and they armed with bio logical designed against Russia or China in the future . if putin had any brains.. any nuclear arms treaty in the future ,should not be done ,until a total removal of US nuclear weapons in europe and the full dismantling on any bio lab outside US territory.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Mar 18, 2020 3:37 pm

    Can mods please move Vann's nonsense off-topic delusional rants to more appropriate tread?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty temporary talking bollocks thread

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:19 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Can mods please move Vann's nonsense off-topic delusional rants to more appropriate tread?

    Agreed. He is just trolling with nonsense.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty France finds cure against COVID-19

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:02 pm

    In a French study on 40 patients it had a 100% sucessrate.

    Its the old malaria medicine produces by german pharma giant Bayer called Hydroxychloroquine in combination with an antibiotica called azithromycin.

    When both medications are applied in combination the virus load sinks down to zero within 5 to 6 days.

    It appears the governments of large nations like France, Germany and USA already secure huge stockpiles of this.

    This can help to end the worst effects until a vaccine is ready.

    Its important to send this also quickly to Italy and yes also to Iran, both nations suffer extremly from this.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 21, 2020 8:11 pm

    Aristide wrote:In a French study on 40 patients it had a 100% sucessrate.

    Its the old malaria medicine produces by german pharma giant Bayer called  Hydroxychloroquine in combination with an antibiotica called azithromycin.

    When both medications are applied in combination the virus load sinks down to zero within 5 to 6 days.

    It appears the governments of large nations like France, Germany and USA already secure huge stockpiles of this.

    This can help to end the worst effects until a vaccine is ready.

    Its important to send this also quickly to Italy and yes also to Iran, both nations suffer extremly from this.

    Good news. I heard about some old anti-Malaria drug holding promise, looks like it has panned out.


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:23 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Aristide wrote:In a French study on 40 patients it had a 100% sucessrate.

    Its the old malaria medicine produces by german pharma giant Bayer called  Hydroxychloroquine in combination with an antibiotica called azithromycin.

    When both medications are applied in combination the virus load sinks down to zero within 5 to 6 days.

    It appears the governments of large nations like France, Germany and USA already secure huge stockpiles of this.

    This can help to end the worst effects until a vaccine is ready.

    Its important to send this also quickly to Italy and yes also to Iran, both nations suffer extremly from this.

    Good news.  I heard about some old anti-Malaria drug holding promise, looks like it has panned out.

    Hydroxychloroquine is a treatment of certain types of malaria.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 21, 2020 9:42 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Aristide wrote:In a French study on 40 patients it had a 100% sucessrate.

    Its the old malaria medicine produces by german pharma giant Bayer called  Hydroxychloroquine in combination with an antibiotica called azithromycin.

    When both medications are applied in combination the virus load sinks down to zero within 5 to 6 days.

    It appears the governments of large nations like France, Germany and USA already secure huge stockpiles of this.

    This can help to end the worst effects until a vaccine is ready.

    Its important to send this also quickly to Italy and yes also to Iran, both nations suffer extremly from this.

    Good news.  I heard about some old anti-Malaria drug holding promise, looks like it has panned out.

    Hyroxychloroquine is that old malaria drug you speak about. It greatly reduces virus load and in combination with azithromycin it gets down to zero.


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Isos Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:44 pm

    This drug is dangerous to take. Can make you go full depressed and send you in psy hospital.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  JohninMK Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:24 pm

    This may or may not be a solution. Not enough testing done yet but using an anti pneumonia antibiotic was a good choice. No news on it spreading to other French hospitals. They are also checking it out in the US as well.

    Meanwhile the Australians are also on the trail combining it with an HIV drug. This is going now into full tests in 50 Australian hospitals.

    Using already approved drugs, albeit for different illnesses, dramatically shortens testing and approval times.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:59 pm

    Isos wrote:This drug is dangerous to take. Can make you go full depressed and send you in psy hospital.

    I am going to guess that this side effect is not going to be a major issue for corona virus cases. Malaria is chronic
    so there is long term use of suppressor drugs. So the chance of development of psychological side effects in the former is vastly

    At this stage beggars can't be choosers. AZT for HIV had nasty side effects too, but there was no choice.


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:59 pm

    JohninMK wrote:This may or may not be a solution. Not enough testing done yet but using an anti pneumonia antibiotic was a good choice. No news on it spreading to other French hospitals. They are also checking it out in the US as well.

    Meanwhile the Australians are also on the trail combining it with an HIV drug. This is going now into full tests in 50 Australian hospitals.

    Using already approved drugs, albeit for different illnesses, dramatically shortens testing and approval times.

    Taxpayers spend billions of dollars on the medical industry and research. So this is them doing their jobs and I hope they


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  JohninMK Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:42 am

    Oooops. More at link. But note the comments in post 4 below.

    The claim that the anti-malaria drug (hydro-)chloroquine helps in SARS-CoV-2 infection cases comes from two Chinese studies who are only based on in-vitro tests on the virus and human cells. The doses were relatively high and chloroquine is know to have some bad side effects. There is also no sound way yet to get chloroquine into the lower lungs where the virus resides and where it would be actually needed.

    There is also a small French trial with chloroquine based on real patients but which is unfortunately invalid. It was a non-randomized study with only 42 patients of which 6 dropped out.

    The researches counted the number of viruses before and after the medication. But they only took swabs in the throat to look for viruses. During the cause of a SARS-CoV-2 infection the virus does starts to multiply in the throat but it then migrates down into the lower lung. Only there begins the virus to grow in really big numbers and to cause damage. While that happens the virus count in the throat region goes down. The French researchers did not know that.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Aristide Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:24 am

    Isos wrote:This drug is dangerous to take. Can make you go full depressed and send you in psy hospital.

    You prefer to slowly drown in your own saliva?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Aristide Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:31 am

    JohninMK wrote:Oooops. More at link. But note the comments in post 4 below.

    The claim that the anti-malaria drug (hydro-)chloroquine helps in SARS-CoV-2 infection cases comes from two Chinese studies who are only based on in-vitro tests on the virus and human cells. The doses were relatively high and chloroquine is know to have some bad side effects. There is also no sound way yet to get chloroquine into the lower lungs where the virus resides and where it would be actually needed.

    There is also a small French trial with chloroquine based on real patients but which is unfortunately invalid. It was a non-randomized study with only 42 patients of which 6 dropped out.

    The researches counted the number of viruses before and after the medication. But they only took swabs in the throat to look for viruses. During the cause of a SARS-CoV-2 infection the virus does starts to multiply in the throat but it then migrates down into the lower lung. Only there begins the virus to grow in really big numbers and to cause damage. While that happens the virus count in the throat region goes down. The French researchers did not know that.

    Which is pretty much bullshit.

    We have tremendous sucess with this treatment here in France. So much, that we order million packages of it. Germany and USA do same.

    You know what the bad side effect is? Its an old drug and cheap. It doesnt generate profits. I understand full well, that some interested circles try to talk it down. Sucks when you invested billions into start ups working on new medication, while suddenly an old pill does the job.

    Bayer says it will give it for free to poor countries.

    How happy do you think are some hedgefonds managers about that development?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 23, 2020 7:26 am

    I agree it is important to be cautious, but it is also important to be sensible and critical... these criticisms sound valid, which takes nothing away from what these French researchers have done, but it suggests more work is needed and we need a better understanding of the virus to find solutions.

    No matter what we do this virus is going to continue to be a problem every year just like other flu strains that have killed rather more people than this virus.

    I also agree that while the vast majority of money spent on dealing with viruses and diseases in general most pharma companies would rather spend three quarters of their budget on encouraging doctors to prescribe their medications and focusing on treatments rather than cures... most governments are not contributing money to make these drug dealers richer, they want their populations to be healthy and productive... would like to see more oversight over how money is used and how it is directed... it is funny that in times of crisis there are anti profiteering laws that are often rigourously enforced, but when you hear it is $20,000 for a test you wonder why the guy who fills up a truck with groceries and takes them to the next more isolated town and sells them at a 300% markup gets arrested and goes to jail, while health professionals that charge this sort of markup get away with it...

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:29 am

    Arrow wrote:It's fairy tales. Russia has around 2,000 cases a day. The economy will not be able to afford new ships.

    You really are a troll dickhead... seriously?

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:04 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Arrow wrote:It's fairy tales. Russia has around 2,000 cases a day. The economy will not be able to afford new ships.

    You really are a troll dickhead...  seriously?

    Mods suck at holding this site. I've been suspended for lot less worst shit than arrows blatant trolling. And if he isn't trolling, he is a good representation of an American - retarded.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Arrow Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:25 pm

    I just wrote that Russia will have more important expenses related to the epidemic than shipbuilding.Russia is not the US, which will print trillions USD.

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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:32 pm

    Arrow wrote:I just wrote that Russia will have more important expenses related to the epidemic than shipbuilding.Russia is not the US, which will print trillions USD.

    That's not how military procurement works

    Also, price of these ships is pittance, billion bucks stretched over almost a decade is barely a rounding error

    miketheterrible wrote:...Mods suck at holding this site. I've been suspended for lot less worst shit than arrows blatant trolling. And if he isn't trolling, he is a good representation of an American - retarded.

    COVID19 tread is now is nothing but Vann and Tsavo sucking each other off with their conspiracy spam walls and mods don't even give a shit

    I've been wanting to post news about pandemic for several days now but it's pointless to waste effort on that digital rectum


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    Talking bollocks thread #3 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #3

    Post  Isos Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:40 pm

    Arrow wrote:I just wrote that Russia will have more important expenses related to the epidemic than shipbuilding.Russia is not the US, which will print trillions USD.

    Printing trillions of dollars is the best way to kill the dollar. The currency has no value if everyone has his pockets full of 100$ in cash. No one will work anymore and the economy will collapse.

    Printed money and the fake money in banks that represent probably more than 99% of total money are different things. One controls the people the other one allow dickheads to play god.

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