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    Documentaries Thread:


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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Documentaries Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:49 pm

    Part 1/5

    Part 2/5

    Part 3/5

    Part 4/5

    Part 5/5

    Hope you enjoy!

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Shadow Company - PMC [Docu]

    Post  sepheronx Tue Aug 25, 2009 6:35 pm

    Download for full movie - Megaupload

    I have a copy of this documentary in an xvid (AVI) format being uploaded at the moment (zipped with 7zip for obscurity in monitoring the programs) and uploading it to megaupload. It will take some time (about 2 hours from now).

    This is probably my most favorite documentary of all (unless I can find a good one on the Falklands war). I have watched this various times over and over and still find some information that I did not pick up before hand. There is lots to learn from this and about PMC companies as well as Mercenaries and how they are hand in hand (even if the name and forms of engagement changes).

    What the developers say about the movie:
    About Shadow Company

    In the late 20th Century the distinction between soldier and mercenary became blurred. The recent use of private military companies (PMCs) in Iraq has been more extensive than at any time in modern history. The brutal killing of four PMC employees in Fallujah in April 2004 made it clear that these “contractors” are not merely workers in a foreign land. But are the lives of such men the only thing at risk when we privatize warfare?

    Shadow Company explores the moral and ethical issues private military solutions create for PMC employees, for the Western governments who foot the bill for their salaries, and for everyday citizens like you. The filmmakers traveled the globe to expose all sides of the issue, interviewing PMC staff, owners and lobbyists, former mercenaries, academics, journalists and top authors. So what is really at risk? See Shadow Company and decide for yourself.

    Here is a trailer:

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:37 am


    Nobody is interested Sad

    Its a really good docu.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:51 am

    Yes is a good documentary.I have seen it.
    I think that the ideea with all this mercenaries is for the president of US not to sim responsible for a lot more dead american soldiers.They never say on tv when an mercenary is dead unlike an american soldier.
    So is a very expensive way to save face for the president of US

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Documentaries Thread

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:14 am

    The concept of this thread is for people to post books and videos on what is happening the world in Military and Politics.  I want to follow the rules and regulations of the site owner (Vladimir79) but I would like this place as a get together and learn.  So if there are any video's and books you want to share with the people, then please, post it.  I will do my part, so do your's!

    Having Problems?

    Cry Me A River...

    Just Kidding

    If you are experiencing video issues (as in your video player will not load the video, then try playing it with something else.  As some of the video's may be in an .mkv file format (for high definition/blue ray videos) and or .avi (xvid, divx, etc), you will need a universal video player, or you will need to get the appropriate codecs.


    I would suggest downloading from the site the K-lite codec packs, as it will have pretty much everything you need for your system in watching any video file (FLACC, MKV, AVI, etc).  The Other good thing about that website is that it has guides and tutorials if in case you run into problems.

    I would also recommend for a video player, Media Player Classic, as to watch your video files with.  VLC is an alternative (but I had problems having audio and video sync with VLC if it is an mkv file).  Just click on the VLC or Media player classic links provided, and away you go.

    If you run into any other additional problems, please post them here, and I or someone else will do our best to provide the help you need.

    Thank you


    Last edited by sepheronx on Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:05 pm; edited 12 times in total

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Shadow company

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 20, 2010 11:30 am

    [Info: Name - scdocu, Size - 689.69mb, Type - AVI Compression - .7z]

    I have a copy of this documentary in an xvid (AVI) format being uploaded at the moment (zipped with 7zip for obscurity in monitoring the programs) and uploading it to megaupload. It will take some time (about 2 hours from now).

    This is probably my most favorite documentary of all (unless I can find a good one on the Falklands war). I have watched this various times over and over and still find some information that I did not pick up before hand. There is lots to learn from this and about PMC companies as well as Mercenaries and how they are hand in hand (even if the name and forms of engagement changes).

    What the developers say about the movie:
    About Shadow Company

    In the late 20th Century the distinction between soldier and mercenary became blurred. The recent use of private military companies (PMCs) in Iraq has been more extensive than at any time in modern history. The brutal killing of four PMC employees in Fallujah in April 2004 made it clear that these “contractors” are not merely workers in a foreign land. But are the lives of such men the only thing at risk when we privatize warfare?

    Shadow Company explores the moral and ethical issues private military solutions create for PMC employees, for the Western governments who foot the bill for their salaries, and for everyday citizens like you. The filmmakers traveled the globe to expose all sides of the issue, interviewing PMC staff, owners and lobbyists, former mercenaries, academics, journalists and top authors. So what is really at risk? See Shadow Company and decide for yourself.

    Last edited by sepheronx on Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:39 am; edited 3 times in total
    Farhad Gulemov
    Farhad Gulemov

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  Farhad Gulemov Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:19 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Bump.

    Nobody is interested Sad

    Its a really good docu.

    I am interested cheers and I am downloading it right now.


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    Documentaries Thread: Empty The Road To Kabul

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:33 pm

    [File Info: Name - RTK, Size - 80mb, type - WMV Compression - .RAR]

    The message from veterans of the Soviet-Afghan war is clear: The West will never win in Afghanistan. If NATO forces do not heed their warning, they say history will be tragically repeated.

    A good watch. The video is recorded interviews with soviet Afghan veterans who understand that winning Afghanistan may not be in NATO's grips. There are some things that I disagreed with in this film, but all in all, a good watch and a good way to understand that not everyone can assimilate by demand.

    Full Video:

    Last edited by sepheronx on Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:39 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:54 pm

    Thanks for the road to Kabul documentary.
    Search for the documentary:Fog of War.Is about mistakes US made ad because of witch lost wars.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:03 pm


    I got a couple more I am trying to upload (will take a while, as they are larger files).

    First one is The Last Domino - A documentary talking about the South African and Angolan war in the 70's

    the other one is - National Geographic - Inside the Iraq War - A show/documentary depicting the war behind the faces of the troops (the story is being told by veterans, current troops, etc).

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:25 am

    "the other one is - National Geographic - Inside the Iraq War - A show/documentary depicting the war behind the faces of the troops (the story is being told by veterans, current troops, etc)."
    This one can be found on torrents.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty The Last Domino

    Post  sepheronx Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:36 am

    Currently working on a download
    [Info not available]

    This is a fascinating South African propaganda film about the "Bush War" in Angola and Namibia between the SA-trained and equipped Namibian army, the South African Defence Forces (SADF), the Angolan army, Cuba, UNITA, and SWAPO.

    I find this a great documentary, as it explains the life of the people in Angola during the war. As well as the creation of the South African defense market, one of the major defense markets in the world.

    Youtube video Links(Full video in 7 parts):
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Russian ATGM Effect on Merkava and Others

    Post  Austin Sun May 23, 2010 4:49 pm

    A nice 4 part documentary on Merkava and ATGM

    Failure of Israels Merkava Tank 1/4
    Failure of Israels Merkava Tank 2/4
    Failure of Israels Merkava Tank 3/4
    Failure of Israels Merkava Tank 4/4

    May be we can document here on Russian ATGM success on other operations Wold wide.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  Viktor Sun May 23, 2010 8:15 pm

    Vietnam war : Dance with death

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty World Military History Documentaries

    Post  nightcrawler Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:25 am

    All streaming Links

    Whole Folder Link:

    Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I (3Parts)
    Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I (Video 2006) - IMDb

    Documentaries Thread: BloodandOilTheMiddleEastinWorl
    Documentaries Thread: BloodandOilTheMiddleEastinWorl
    Documentaries Thread: BloodandOilTheMiddleEastinWorl
    Gallipoli: The Untold Stories (2Parts)
    Gallipoli: The Untold Stories (2005) - IMDb

    Documentaries Thread: GallipoliTheUntoldStoriesDVB-0
    Documentaries Thread: GallipoliTheUntoldStoriesDVB-0
    Gallipoli Submarine  (1 part)
    Gallipoli Submarine - DVD - ABC Shop

    Documentaries Thread: ABCGallipoliSubmarineDVB-00

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  Ogannisyan8887 Sun Jan 09, 2011 8:36 am

    Great links, Every war in the last hundred years seems to be about oil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  IronsightSniper Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:16 am

    I actually can't wait for Oil to run out, sure our Environment may end up being horribly polluted, but at least these damn Conservatives have no more "Peak Oil is a lie" argument to go back to because, guess what? There is no oil anyways!

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  Ogannisyan8887 Sun Jan 09, 2011 9:20 am

    IronsightSniper wrote:I actually can't wait for Oil to run out, sure our Environment may end up being horribly polluted, but at least these damn Conservatives have no more "Peak Oil is a lie" argument to go back to because, guess what? There is no oil anyways!

    I respect that idea, but the world is not yet ready for that to happen.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:22 am

    The frustrating thing is that the US has suffered because of oil... the rich powerful oil companies just don't want Americans to realise it.
    Ever since the industrial revolution in Europe they have fought for control of oil and oil as a cheap reliable energy source made them wealthy.

    The problem is that they are now dependant on that cheap energy and they same structures they created to make it available also bend their will to making sure nothing becomes competitive to rivalling it.

    Look at the things the US has been forced to do in the middle east, georgia, ...even the UK Falklands war was partially about suspected oil reserves in the region and the US lost a lot of influence in central and south america by supporting the UK over Argentina.

    The simple fact is that oil is old technology and it has held the US back. The US could have developed solar and wind and dozens of other free energy sources technologies to the point where the US can say FU to the middle east and venezuela etc etc.
    With cheap clean alternative energies the US could have been a world leader again for the right reasons.

    As has been said before Obama has said it, and Bush jnr said it before him and Clinton before him (don't remember which Clinton though), the US has the most powerful military in the world... it is just a shame they couldn't say the same about the US education system, or their health system.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  IronsightSniper Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:54 am

    A dependency yes, but Oil has propelled us far above anyone else in the world in terms of Overall Strength and there's no reason to assume that we can't 180 it and build Algae plantations all over the Sierra mountains.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:07 am

    The point I am trying to make is that the US was built on innovation and progress and very simply there are powerful rich people in the US that are killing that progress in terms of alternative energies that could have kept the US growing and improving... they have done more damage to the US by keeping you dependant on a fuel that is killing the planet and making you side with the devil (Saudi Arabia) in the middle east... yet... well what is the point.

    It is like telling a Soviet citizen what an asshat Stalin was, but then if you are talking to them then they survived that asshat and in fact by killing off the competition probably benefitted from the actions of that asshat. He certainly did some things that were right, and when he said the Soviet Union had to pull finger or the west would destroy them he was pretty much on the money.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  Hoof Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:20 am

    I think US would be better off, doing what Brasil did... Using sugar cane for producing Ethanol...Prices on gas would go down a great deal and would break off addiction to export oil. Make several steps toward Nuclear energy, which will also reduce pollution produced by gas and coal plants... Also to make use of Hydro-plants and wind-mills and solar-plants...

    Instead of worrying about energy costs, US could be making heck of a progress...

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:44 am

    So far they have wasted money making oil cleaner, when if they had spent half that money on alternatives they would be in a much better position now.

    Lots of little countries around the place are spending money on alternatives like Iceland is spending on geothermal which admittedly is restricted to areas of geothermal activity, but the results seem very good despite the modest outlay.

    China is currently spending money on this... the tragedy is the US criticised China for that... because they clearly see they have missed the boat and even if they invest heavily now (notice the oil companies are rebranding themselves as energy companies?) they might find themselves in a position where they don't have a dominant lead in a new technology that will be important for the world.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  IronsightSniper Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:54 am

    The thing is, we really don't have to switch to Alternatives until Oil is actually about to run out, and you know about that whole Peak oil argument and how there's still years of it left. Doesn't mean that Car or Oil conglomerates won't 180 yet.

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    Documentaries Thread: Empty Re: Documentaries Thread:

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:32 am

    The thing is, we really don't have to switch to Alternatives until Oil is actually about to run out,

    That is the opposite to the talk that got a man on the moon. cry

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