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    Anti-Putin Discussion


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:19 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:You clearly didn't read the transcript. Skimmed through and grabbed what you wanted. Did you read the other parts? Did you even read the question? No you didn't. You blatantly ignored about how the US needs to learn to respect others.

    As for the rest, your knowledge of current affairs is evidence of your lack of knowledge. So where has Russia conceded to the US?

    Are you blind?  Neutral

    Putin :  America is a great power, today perhaps the only superpower.
    We accept this . We want to work with the United States and
    we are prepared to ...

    So i need to make you drawings so you see how Putin is on its knees begging Americans
    to end the hostilities against Russia ?  What kind of BULLSHIT is that ? Is that a Leader to you?

    Go and see the video again . Total insecurity when speaking... err.. emmm.. we.. mmm.
    He doesn't know anymore what to do.  His insecurity , and his praising of Americans ,in moments they are in a cold war with Russia ,and close to a hot one , is very dangerous.
    Because Putin Encourage Americans to beat Russia more..  No

    Here more mistakes..  of the "Genius President"

    Jun 2 2017..  in ST petersburg economic forum..

    Putin asking for help Americans.  No

    take a look at some of the things that people notice after that report..

    Looks like Putin become beggar not a leader

    This is... exactly the problem Russia have. That Russia is without a leader . Leaders don't beg
    for help , leaders don't praise enemies , leaders don't downplay their own nation , leaders
    are supposed to raise the morale of its people. and its army.. not lower it.
    Putin is little by little becoming a beggar , he is basically now saying.."
    please someone help me. "  American business help me... Western media help me.  No   This is bad Mike.. This is Horrible. this man needs to GO..  He is really badly advice ,because if Americans were about to give up in Syria and Ukraine,, after listening Putin , they will say.. hey this man is now chickening and is about to break. lets increase the pressure.  Putin was not that way always.. No  This is not the Putin of 2000 who made Russia great again..

    So he complains about Americans support for terrorism this or that. against american
    missiles near Russia.  yes he is right.. but is not complaining how you can change things..

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 042e4d9dc9d65393602500e5e1328537

    cry and cry and complain that Americans are unfair in the world. What he is really doing is telling the world HOW WEAK Russia is ,and that Russia is NOT an option to americans. since not even Russia can handle the American pressure.  No   this is like treason.
    If it is proven he is doing this on purpose ,he deserve to be shot. for treason. but is not treason
    putin problem. but that he is A MORON and very Ignorant about western culture and weak.
    he ask Europeans to not follow americans.. but the problem is that Russia DOES NOTHING to offer them an alternative and Russia goes and follows americans. Putin complains about terrorism and the sponsoring of terrorism.. and look what the Moron does..

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 1060x600-32c61dc91b2708d5e27a789e68e19343

    Since Putin came to power ,all the moron have been doing is.
    1)Try to create a world monopoly in easy energy business and put all the eggs there.
    2)Totally allowing Americans to dominate in all important business ,steal the show in everything.
    3)Modernize the army to be able to defend against NATO..

    At least the idiot did something right..that is modernize its military. but the problem is that he is not doing anything to either stop American Empire ,neither to Influence them so they stop their hostilities.  Putin is in the wrong job ,he could be better as Defense minister. one that deals with balancing military budget and thats it. or he could work as diplomat. and stay away of anything else. By building better nukes and better army you are not going to influence Americans and win their support. by winning in olympics neither. Victory parades neither.
    The only way Russia can influence Americans and Europeans is by being a better nation in business. thats it. Putin needs to stop NATO.. and the best way to do it is by influencing either Americans or Europeans to drop it. how? by convincing them they need Russia.. and how will that happen? By creating Amazing Business ,that will rival the western ones. and with that i don't mean healthy food or any other crap or selling more potatoes than any other nation. i mean Modern technology business that win the hearts of the west .  it means Russia needs to compete with Intel ,Apple, Microsoft ,and or Hollywood and or Space. and not allow americans to always steal the show in every single dam thing. angry

    It doesn't need to be the best in everything , but at least Russia needs to show that is not just a gas station with taxi to the  ISS. and powerful army.  Russia major problem ,in solving its own problems ,(that americans create on them) is its lack on influence in the west. its lack of leadership. nothing more and nothing less. is a problem of influence and putin is the one to blame.  By Begging the enemy , by praising them , by doing business with terror sponsor nations .  So pathetic have been Putin as leader , that he needs to ask permission americans
    to bomb Alqaeda in syria.  No  yes . i don't know how blind people can be. not see Putin is a really bad leader. and the only thing he is good is in begging ,and using weakness and politeness to manipulate enemies and predicting what Americans intentions are.

    Kudrin told ,the 5th column , that Russia needs to privatize the Energy business and i agree.
    Not because of Kudrin reasons , because for sure ,he is only thinking in pleasing his western masters.  But because Russia needs to destroy US and Middle east energy business. So all business and transportation no longer needs oil and not even natural gass. Once that happens Saudi Arabia will collapse ,ending ISIS and Alqaeda business and it will end US artificial inflation of its economy too. and will hit hard US economy ,if middle east no longer sells energy. it will hit Canada too and end the wars for oil pipelines.  But putin clearly have shown he is not going to  stop NATO ,because he will not challenge their world leadership. since will do nothing to become an alternative to US. He is instead promoting Russia to become the world biggest healthy food exporter. Rolling Eyes

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:24 pm

    Once again Vann, you are making things up.  Clearly you cannot even read your own quote.  US is the sole superpower.  They have the ability to go everywhere.  Russia doesn't.  As well, the world needs superpowers LIKE the US.  What part of that do you not comprehend?  In this case, Russia already has one - China.  And guess what? China respects Russia's position in the world and hence why they have good prospects for further development.

    I think you are too fucking stupid and incompetent in your reading comprehension.  As well, you once again proved you refuse to read further into the question and even what was said.

    So, care to point out how Russia gave in to the US?  You would think, with your (limited and incomprehensible) set of knowledge, that Russia would have gave in because the US is what Russia needs.  So, can you point it out to all of us?  Or are you going to ignore this request too?

    Since you are stupid and blind, here:

    But, to reiterate, indeed, this is none of our business although, in my opinion, even prosecutors there chase international observers away from polling stations during election campaigns. US prosecutors threaten to jail them. However, these are their own problems; this is how they do things and they like it. America is a great power, today perhaps the only superpower. We accept this. We want to work with the United States and we are prepared to. No matter how these elections go, eventually they will take place. There will be a [new] head of state with extensive powers. There are complicated internal political and economic processes at work in the United States. The world needs a powerful country like the United States, and we also need it. But we do not need it to continuously interfere in our affairs, telling us how to live, and preventing Europe from building a relationship with us.

    How are the sanctions that you have mentioned affecting the United States? In no way whatsoever. It could not care less about these sanctions because the consequences of our actions in response have no impact on it. They impact Europe but not the United States. Zero effect. However, the Americans are telling their partners: “Be patient.” Why should they? I do not understand. If they want to, let them.

    BTW, since you cannot read or even come up with even a half decent argument with NO examples of a real world situation, I got something for you that will make you cry because you wish Putin would be dead and how bad he is for Russians:

    Sure sounds like someone who doesn't "do as America wants or does" now does it? But you probably wont read the articles.

    Oh, and guess who got Crimea back into Russia, without the US permission and then cause the US to go batshit insane? Putin.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:58 pm

    Putin told " The world needs a powerful country like the United States, and we also need it. "

    Russia needs US.. but US don't need Russia.. did you Understand this?
    This  IS   Russia problem in the world. Is not really needed for the west.
    US and Europe can replace easily anything Russia produce. So not needed.
     Russia counter American Global Empire of terror ,with words only. not actions.
    Because neither fight Americans and Neither try to influence them with business.
    Understand this?

    So Putin can't continue expecting ,that by Begging, Praising them and being polite
    he will be able to stop stop the cold war ,almost hot and stop NATO global domination ambitions and hostilities against Russia. Understand this?

    What he achieve is doing the opposite of what he wants. He is encouraging Americans to beat more Russia ,because he is showing clear weakness and that is about to break. He neither can expect to disband NATO ,just because Putin's logic .  Simply plain and simple.
    Russia needs to stop following americans and create their own world ,it could do it with China.
    This means Total Independence from the west not only for the Government ,but of Russian citizens too. and made Russia a fully independent nation.

    and he doesn't need either to completely break relations with west. but to show people in Europe that Russia and its allies can be an alternative to the west. but by showing weakness
    he will not convince anyone.

    For what reason Mike ,you think the Ukrainians wanted to join the US+EU world?
    It is because their shit smell better? they are prettier maybe? their skin color perhaps?
    It is all about money?   NO....

    Is all about Future progress. is all about nation development ,that US and Europe and its allied block leads the world in that. they show more future nation development. Russia focus mostly in energy ,wheat and military. big mistake. While Putin was "influencing" Ukraine with gas discounts. lol1  Americans was influencing Ukraine ,with Apple ,with Hollywood, with its unstopable computer industry. with its electronic entertainment industry. and all its business.   US foreign policy is all about creating an Empire and Russia foreign policy is all about surviving their attacks.. Russia needs to pass from the defense to the offense. and no ,not saying to start a world war 3 ,but to start to compete with the west and defeat them in their same business ,that they use to influence the world.

    This is why Russia is alone without friends in the world, without real allies. because of Russia lack of leadership in Business and influence in the world. Only rejected countries IRAN,north Korea ,Syria really support Russia with everything. Not even CHINA have moved a finger to help Russia in syria. So bad . No

    alright this is my end discussion about this.. will not mind if all this moved to another thread. ^^

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  JohninMK Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:43 pm

    Just a minor point, ignoring the export version issue and the rants going on, isn't it likely given production lead times that no S-400 will be delivered until long after the Syrian war is over?

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:00 am

    Rogozin stated no agreement was signed anyway.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty The real threat for Russia space program is not SpaceX... but PutinX..

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:18 pm

    Austin wrote:Longish  Interview with   Roskosmos head Igor Komarov

    BUSINESS FM. Igor Komarov: "WE TRANSLATE fight with the emergency on Earth"

    ^^ He admits Space X is a threat Accordingly, Komarov outlined a strategy for how he believes Russia will compete with SpaceX over the next five years. For the short-term Russian space agency will be working to reduce production cost and over the next 5 years or so they will  finalize development of the Soyuz 5 rocket, a medium-lift vehicle in the same lift class as the Falcon 9 rocket. They estimate that SpaceX with its push towards reusable rockets will only be able to reduce costs by 15-20 percent which is the same as the expendable Soyuz 5 will do.

    The real threat for Russia space program is not SpaceX...  but PutinX..  
    He should not be allowed to ever managed Russian budget at all or have a say on anything.
    While Russia reduce the budget of its space program in half.. look at the things that Putin
    the moron waste Russia budget.  Laughing

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Annasidorova_get_15

    The next video illustrate perfectly well ,what i think about Putin and his Olympics.

    and a video that every Russian citizens should see.. specially Putin.

    Why do people care about sports?

    Putin himself have told don't use internet.  Shocked   so how does he expect to understand how Russian citizens think ,what they like ,what is popular ,if he don't navigate internet? One thing is a report from the FSB and another to have direct experience. Putin is so disconnected from the world he lives and he is clueless of how Americans manage to influence Ukrainians ,Georgia ,belarus and every other nation at his borders. he neither understand how Americans manage to control Europeans.. is not American military what controls Europe , is not Americans economy either. is not American medals in the olympics. is not Serena Willians or Michael Phelps what helps United states to take control over Europe. NO..  is not sports.
    Is American leadership , American Influence of  their most prestigious business ,Intel,Microsoft,Apple ,Nvidia ,Hollywood ,Entertainment industry ,that dominates the world ,what makes Europe to continue with such destructive alliance of American created System. Right now China have more money than Americans.. but China have no chance to make Europe turn away from United
    States and pick China instead. IS American Leadership ,American nation development , american culture what drives the world. Is American computers ,Apple smartphones ,their
    control of internet ,their software industry ,they own it ,their movies and games ,their control of the financial system ,NASA moon landing (fake or not) ,totally eclipsed America as the world leader ,and their influence on the planet culture.  and the very fact that Putin does not challenge any of that. Russia have every fucking opportunity to eclipse NASA and Putin do
    nothing to challenge americans not even in space. SpaceX is just the start of a major competition that will only grow. taking advantage of Putin being happy with being a taxi to the ISS.  SO Putin complain with the injustice of the American system but does nothing to create an alternative one.  Rolling Eyes

    take a look how US influence the world..

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Darth_9497dd_5722341

    Why there are no statues of Russian movies anywhere?
    oh wait because most focus of Russians  movies they export in in their glory days of their soviet times.  you have disney parks in America.. based on their movies.. in Russia you have
    world war 2 parks.. celebrating their victory. Is completely opposite nations. Putin's Russia
    live in the soviet union , Americans culture live in the present and future.

    is also NASA the one that steal the show in space , they show images of Jupiter ,Netpune
    and other planets ,send probes through the entire solar system. This is how you Promote
    your nation. by leading .. not in contest of eating cheeseburgers or selling more potatoes..
    no.. but in contest that shows your nation is way more developed ,more advanced than every other.  

    This is Russia biggest biggest biggest problem by far. is not ISIS or Terrorism , the biggest problem of Russia. is not even the CIA who finance them. The biggest problem Is PutinX
    incredible short sighted policies , for Russia. he complains and complains and complains
    how unfair are Americans ,how disrespecting are Americans to them , Putin complains about
    the world not taking Russia seriously about why Europe is not independent .

    But he don't see ,how he is directly responsible for the lack of respect ,of the west in not taking seriously Russia and their interest. Because they see Russia as a nation that is not needed at all to exist because oppose their system and offers NO alternative to it. All they contribute to Americans is only in their space program and is nothing that americans could not do themselves in a matter of small period of time. with spaceX and NASA future projects.

    So the question they ask is why they need to renounce to their created System ,when Russia offers no alternative to it at all ? why would Americans accept to share the world with Russia ,when Russia produce nothing they could not get somewhere else? This is why they will continue destabilizing Russia , and this is why as long Putin is in Power , Russia will continue
    forever being disrespected and slapped in their face. again and again. thanks to Putin.. that thinks that nuclear and military might is what will force Americans to end their sanctions on Russia and end their hostilities on Russian allies. No

    If Russia was stealing the show in Space ,like Soviets were doing , and even going further landing in the moon and mars with humans ,and show complete domination of space exploratio to the moon and mars ,things will be completely different. and US will be forced to drop the sanctions and end the cold war ,if it does not want to become Isolated from the world.
    This is because the the world likes to follow leaders and not insecure people like Putin that
    the only thing they do is complain about how unfair is life to them.  No

    Sports is nothing more than a bragging rights competition , based on completely superficial
    activities ,who can jump more ,who can dance better all silly things. yes they help in the economy ,same way that promoting Russian museums helps , promoting Tourism. But it
    doesn't help in Russia to break the hegemony created by the Americans in the world. It doesn't weaken NATO in any way. What will weaken NATO is Russia own nation leadership ,that it becomes an alternative to the American system. Russia could do that either alone or in alliance with nations like China ,South korea or Japan. ,but problem is Russia not even try to compete
    with Americans in where it matters. No

    So i will like to be optimistic but i can't. With Putin in power Russia will never take off ever.
    and he will remain aiding Americans to eclipse Russia in everything ,for his very shot sight
    vision of the direction of Russia.  Russia needs a real Leader that have the courage ,to make
    Russia 100% independent nation of the west. And have comparable technology and business if not better than the one American produce. This is how you break the american empire ,by defeating them in their own business. not by winning medals in olympics or by building bigger nukes. this will also benefit Americans citizens too. Because their government will see it needs Russia ,and will make US ally to Russia ,because no longer will want to destroy it. when it can benefit a lot from its friendship.


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 17, 2017 5:25 am

    Your problem Vann is that you think Russia is better off separating itself from the rest of the world.

    The reality is that the rest of the world is not going anywhere, and it is in the best interests of Russia to communicate and have good relations with the world as far as it can.

    You are right in the sense that the west does not want Russia to progress and become powerful and will do everything it can to undermine its progress and growth.

    What Russia should not do however is mistake the west in general and the EU and US as the world.

    There are plenty of countries that just want to get ahead like Russia does and does not want to deal with the wests bullshit... the problem is that the west has a lot of money and power so future growth will likely always include cooperation and ties with them to some extent.

    Careful use of money in areas that will benefit Russia, and careful law making that does not allow the wolves in (ie international corporations) is the only way forward and for the moment the worlds economy is dominated by the west, so Russia needs to deal in that economy. The reality is that Russia cannot afford to stop selling the EU gas just like the EU cannot afford more expensive forms of energy... otherwise they both would.

    ^^ He admits Space X is a threat Accordingly, Komarov outlined a strategy for how he believes Russia will compete with SpaceX over the next five years.

    That is like saying Russia is a greater threat to the world than ISIS... which is true in the sense that Russia can wipe out much of the civilised world if it wanted to whereas ISIS has no such capability.

    THAT IS NOT TO SAY RUSSIA WILL ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING, just like Space X wont destroy the Russian space agency either. They might lose a few contracts... big deal. It is called making a mountain out of a mole hill.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty You can't win , Russia can't win when it have a President that hates space and masturbate

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:04 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Looks like Energia rocket will definitely have it's day after all. In retrospect, shame about Buran but you can't win everything...

    You can't win , Russia can't win when it have a President that hates space and masturbate
    with Hockey and the Olympics.. He is the biggest problem today for Russia space program
    to be taken to the same level it was under soviet times ,that was ambitious , Traveling to mars ,
    rovers in the moon ,landers in Venus. Space shuttles. and already testing manned super heavy rockets for manned missions like N-1.. So Russia is playing catchup to get at the level their space program was in the late 60s and early 70s. .  No

    If Putin just dropped his obsession with stupid sports . It was its the stupid sports budget the one that had to be slashed by half and no the space program. As i said before , Russia waste an incredibly high amount of money in Olympics. Between Sochi and FIFA in just 3 years  ,Russia
    will spend 51 + 11 = $  , thats 62 billions dollars!! as much as Russia entire military budget. It signed with China a train , for $250 billions dollars , to completely rape
    Russians citizens. Putin is the major Problem with Russia space program. He is the ONLY obstacle Russia space program face. That he does not take seriously space.

    Russia needs to have learn to focus in priorities , and give #1 priority to space above every other thing. Have several projects running at the same time. Working for a Super heavy rocket
    for the moon , not in the year 2028 , or the year 3,000.  but just in 3-5 years instead. To really
    be in an emergency status and building space rockets as if Russia future depended on it.

    Americans understand how important is for them to be seen as clear leaders in the world and to beat Russia in everything. But Putin don't understand how important for him to not allow
    Russia to be left behind in space. The next time i hear Putin complaining Russia is not taken seriously by the west and don't respect Russia interest and Bitch about how unfair is the american system ,please someone put a bullet in his head Is like an insult , how the idiot is completely BLIND about how destructive is his very weak development of Russia in comparison with what Russia is really capable to do ,and have been doing since the late 60's and 70s..

    is so frustrated to see how the west and China will be taking the headlines in space in the near future and Putin will be speaking about how important is healthy sports and bragging about
    how much wheat and potatoes Russia export world wide. Russian people deserve much better than that. No


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:42 am

    If Putin can turn Russia into a country that plays all sorts of sports, as opposed to many western countries where the masses (and I emphasise masses...) sit on their asses and watch sport on TV... then that would benefit Russia more than getting to watch something land on another planet every 20 or 30 years like the US...

    For the average taxpayer a space programme is about pride and watching someone else put their feet where no one has done so before... big deal.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:44 pm

    GarryB wrote:If Putin can turn Russia into a country that plays all sorts of sports, as opposed to many western countries where the masses (and I emphasise masses...) sit on their asses and watch sport on TV... then that would benefit Russia more than getting to watch something land on another planet every 20 or 30 years like the US...

    For the average taxpayer a space programme is about pride and watching someone else put their feet where no one has done so before... big deal.

    Garry, only one line of text that Vann posted has anything to do with space program. Rest of it is directionless ranting about sports, politics, Putin, America and Soviet history.

    Why haven't you removed it from this tread?

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  T-47 Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:18 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    Looks like Energia rocket will definitely have it's day after all. In retrospect, shame about Buran but you can't win everything...

    You can't win , Russia can't win when it have a President that hates space and masturbate
    with Hockey and the Olympics.. He is the biggest problem today for Russia space program
    to be taken to the same level it was under soviet times ,that was ambitious , Traveling to mars ,
    rovers in the moon ,landers in Venus. Space shuttles. and already testing manned super heavy rockets for manned missions like N-1.. So Russia is playing catchup to get at the level their space program was in the late 60s and early 70s. .  No

    If Putin just dropped his obsession with stupid sports . It was its the stupid sports budget the one that had to be slashed by half and no the space program. As i said before , Russia waste an incredibly high amount of money in Olympics. Between Sochi and FIFA in just 3 years  ,Russia
    will spend 51 + 11 = $  , thats 62 billions dollars!! as much as Russia entire military budget. It signed with China a train , for $250 billions dollars , to completely rape
    Russians citizens. Putin is the major Problem with Russia space program. He is the ONLY obstacle Russia space program face. That he does not take seriously space.

    Russia needs to have learn to focus in priorities , and give #1 priority to space above every other thing. Have several projects running at the same time. Working for a Super heavy rocket
    for the moon , not in the year 2028 , or the year 3,000.  but just in 3-5 years instead. To really
    be in an emergency status and building space rockets as if Russia future depended on it.

    Americans understand how important is for them to be seen as clear leaders in the world and to beat Russia in everything. But Putin don't understand how important for him to not allow
    Russia to be left behind in space. The next time i hear Putin complaining Russia is not taken seriously by the west and don't respect Russia interest and Bitch about how unfair is the american system ,please someone put a bullet in his head  Is like an insult , how the idiot is completely BLIND about how destructive is his very weak development of Russia in comparison with what Russia is really capable to do ,and have been doing since the late 60's and 70s..

    is so frustrated to see how the west and China will be taking the headlines in space in the near future and Putin will be speaking about how important is healthy sports and bragging about
    how much wheat and potatoes Russia export world wide. Russian people deserve much better than that.  No

    Of course he hates space, he hates everything, he knows that being Brezhnev 2.0 will only be the assurance of collapse of Russian Federation itself, he hates that too. He is prioritizing, but wisely not fanatically. At the end of the day people will always need wheat and potato for their stomach. Not heavy rocket and manned spaceships.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:50 am

    Garry, only one line of text that Vann posted has anything to do with space program. Rest of it is directionless ranting about sports, politics, Putin, America and Soviet history.

    Why haven't you removed it from this tread?

    You sound a little lost my friend can I suggest you check the title and location of this thread again because last time I looked this is the general chat section and this is the anti Putin thread... which means any talk of the Russian space agency is actually off topic except where it relates to Putin...

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:08 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Garry, only one line of text that Vann posted has anything to do with space program. Rest of it is directionless ranting about sports, politics, Putin, America and Soviet history.

    Why haven't you removed it from this tread?

    You sound a little lost my friend can I suggest you check the title and location of this thread again because last time I looked this is the general chat section and this is the anti Putin thread... which means any talk of the Russian space agency is actually off topic except where it relates to Putin...

    it was in russian space program news and i transferred it Garry Smile

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:29 am

    Ahh, good... carry on. Smile
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty And Putin is Still Paying them off

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Aug 23, 2017 4:49 am

    What kind of a sick country and its "leadership" is that?

    You mean you still cannot shoot these bastards in self-defence?

    And yet another murder of a promising Russian athlete:

    Do not make me laugh with this "savior" in the Kremlin.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Wed Aug 23, 2017 5:11 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    What kind of a sick country and its "leadership" is that?

    You mean you still cannot shoot these bastards in self-defence?

    And yet another murder of a promising Russian athlete:

    Do not make me laugh with this "savior" in the Kremlin.

    You are certifiably mentally deficient. According to your logic, every crime in NATO countries is the fault of the
    local leaders. None of your links establish any sort of link or culpability regarding Putin or even the local government.

    How about posting an actual link to prop up your "paying off" drivel.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:38 pm

    Where live the children of the Russian politicians?

    In Russian:

    It appears they do not want to live in Russia.

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    Post  Vann7 Sat Sep 02, 2017 2:57 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Project Canada wrote:
    Putin Reveals Who Will Be the Lord of the World

    Russia's President Putin has revealed which technological sphere will determine the future leader of the world.

    "Artificial intelligence is not only the future of Russia, but the future of all mankind. It holds both tremendous opportunities and is fraught with scarcely predictable dangers. Whoever takes the lead in this sphere will become Lord of the World," President Putin told Russian schoolchildren during an open lesson on their first day of the new school year.

    Uhm... sound like he's simply trying to push kids into I.T, rather then some grand reveal.
    Personally, i would have gone with space exploration.

    This is what you can expect from a President with very little knowledge on computers and
    that not even know how to use Internet will say. In short he is wrong as always..
    Computers can't rule , they are robots that obey instructions , and nothing else.
    Artificial Intelligence does not means computers can think. They only execute programs..
    and their "intelligence" only depends on their programmers ,program. but what computers do in reality is simple binary math operations. and nothing else. What will rule the world is people with leadership . People like Putin that leads nothing outside Russia, will just follow the west and complain how unfair they are.

    So is not a surprise that a clueless President like Putin , that have no leadership ,speak about
    Leadership ,what will rule in the world.. but ends being totally wrong. the world will be ruled by leaders and Putin will not be one of them. since he follows the west.. And computers will be programmed to follow what their programmers wants.

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    Post  Tingsay Sun Sep 03, 2017 1:11 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    This is what you can expect from a President with very little knowledge on computers and
    that not even know how to use Internet will say. In short he is wrong as always..
    Computers can't rule , they are robots that obey instructions , and nothing else.
    Artificial Intelligence does not means computers can think. They only execute programs..
    and their "intelligence" only depends on their programmers ,program. but what computers do in reality is simple binary math operations. and nothing else. What will rule the world is people with leadership . People like Putin that leads nothing outside Russia, will just follow the west and complain how unfair they are.

    So is not a surprise that a clueless President like Putin , that have no leadership ,speak about
    Leadership ,what will rule in the world.. but ends being totally wrong. the world will be ruled by leaders and Putin will not be one of them. since he follows the west.. And computers will be programmed to follow what their programmers wants.

    You took what he said way too literally. Laughing

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    Post  miketheterrible Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:05 am

    Tingsay wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    This is what you can expect from a President with very little knowledge on computers and
    that not even know how to use Internet will say. In short he is wrong as always..
    Computers can't rule , they are robots that obey instructions , and nothing else.
    Artificial Intelligence does not means computers can think. They only execute programs..
    and their "intelligence" only depends on their programmers ,program. but what computers do in reality is simple binary math operations. and nothing else. What will rule the world is people with leadership . People like Putin that leads nothing outside Russia, will just follow the west and complain how unfair they are.

    So is not a surprise that a clueless President like Putin , that have no leadership ,speak about
    Leadership ,what will rule in the world.. but ends being totally wrong. the world will be ruled by leaders and Putin will not be one of them. since he follows the west.. And computers will be programmed to follow what their programmers wants.

    You took what he said way too literally. Laughing

    everyone on this board figured out Vann is an idiot. He drivels on about nothing and is usually proven wrong in a weekly basis. So just do what everyone else has, put him on ignore.

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Sep 08, 2017 3:38 pm

    kvs wrote:

    RosElektronika has moved production of navigation chips (for GLONASS, GPS) to 55 nm and will move to 40 nm soon.
    Up to now production has been on the 130 nm process.     It looks to me that there has been a rather substantial
    leap in semiconductor fabrication in Russia in the last few years.   But I see no direct reporting on this.

    Looks like sanctions are not stopping this innovation.   McShitStain should go and jump in a lake.

    What "innovation" you talking about ?  Russia is at least 20 years behind Americans semiconductor industry. and like ~30 years in advance discrete graphics . Verite 1000
    was American discrete graphics innovation released for market in 1996 ,but they were working on it since many years earlier ,when is Russia innovation in 3d graphics going to start?  Rolling Eyes

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Bcd67806-25af-4913-bcb6-020023a58f09

    Stop your blind nonsense praise for Russia in the things they should not be praised at all .
    Even SIngapore a tiny island with just 5 million citizens ,and with 1/1000 the budget of Russia , have far ahead knowledge than Russia in electronics ,semiconductors and computers. Putin should feel ashamed of himself for ignoring Russia innovation for so long in modern electronics and semiconductor industry.   Taiwan, South Korea, Japan ,singapore ,FInland you name it..

    Thanks to PUtinShitstain ,since that Idiot came to power, Russia economy have been developed like AFrican third world nations do it with their economy ,relying on Energy ,Agriculture ,mining and Tourism. and with selling weapons too.. Neutral

    Russia is moving now ,since 2014 sanctions to be precise in the right direction ,with the import substitution program.. But its to little and too late. and at a extremely Painful super slow pace .

    Russia Economy will continue to be developed like third world nations do it.. thanks to Putinshitstain ,that focus all his energies in improving their Gas Station to Europe ,
    selling potatoes and mining ,and in BUllshit Olympics.  Russian business are not even in the top 50 companies in the world in advance electronics.. how embarrassing that should be ? Even more when you see Tiny nations like SINGAPORE far superior than Russia.

    The best thing could happen to Russia ,will be a total isolation from the world. Be disconnected
    from Internet ,from visa and mastercard and no access to any technology from Americans or any of its allies including Japan and South Korea .. that will help to wake up the Monkey President ,that this is a world that have no room for parasites of innovation ,who try to impose their rules on the west but at same time do nothing to lead in the world .  Putin protest the west unfair system.. but he does nothing to offer an alternative to it.  What a fail logic .
    Is like going to someone else restaurant.. screaming " I dont like your food ".. you need
    to do this and this.. then guess what will the owner of the restaurant will say? fine build
    your own restaurant then.. but Putin the Simian  , goes the next week and complain again
    about the food.  lol1    Is leadership Russia problem and Business leadership and political leadership too. Putin's complains and bitch and complains and bitch and complains and Bitch
    a millions times about Americans unfair system , how they not doing anything to improve relations..  No  What will they do it? What will they win with that?  If they can build an Empire ,thanks of the lack of business competition of Russia ,why will they go for less? just because Putin says Please?   No

    Putin the biggest obstacle Russia face for becoming a real modern innovative economy and a real Independent nation . He will continue allowing Americans to dominate in modern civilian business and will continue allowing them to influence their Russian citizens.

    Is painful to see every day in Sputnik Russian media how almost every day they release
    an article of "how much advanced" is Russia ,then go to show how this new weapon is
    better.. but all this "mine is better" comes from a real perceived incompetence of Russia to
    deal with the Americans domination in the world with their technology and business.
    Obama really hit a nerve in Russians when he said Russia is a gas station. and any leader
    in Russia with balls ,will just take that seriously as a major insult and do something about it,
    and start to compete with the west in their most popular modern business . but Putin will not do that. he will continue to suck the balls of the Americans and expect them to be the ones
    to change ,and  turn the other cheek whenever Russia is disrespected and slapped in the face. and their diplomats humiliated ,this in unbelievable weak of Russia and stupid.  No

    The good news Russia do have scientist and engineers that can do it ,and compete with anyone. the bad news is that is ruled by obsolete leaders that do not see the damage they
    do to Russia for their primitive way of developing Russia economy. in very low risk ,easy business that every third world nation can compete.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:12 pm

    ...Thanks to PUtinShitstain ,since that Idiot came to power, Russia economy have been developed like AFrican third world nations do it with their economy ,relying on Energy ,Agriculture ,mining and Tourism. and with selling weapons too.. .

    Sure Vann, that vile Putin really destroyed thriving and diversified Hi-Tech industry implemented by guys who came before him, especially the last one....  lol1Razz

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:38 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ...Thanks to PUtinShitstain ,since that Idiot came to power, Russia economy have been developed like AFrican third world nations do it with their economy ,relying on Energy ,Agriculture ,mining and Tourism. and with selling weapons too.. .

    Sure Vann, that vile Putin really destroyed thriving and diversified Hi-Tech industry implemented by guys who came before him, especially the last one....  lol1Razz

    Hi tech industry in Russia is basically local for military use and not for export and all oriented for their own military.  Russia develops NOTHING for society,no civilian technology to compete with US Business in the world. So Russia is a very backward looking economy. because is focused on the oldest ways to do economy.  which is energy ,commodities and mining.. this is what Russia shows and offer to the world ,to its societies for daily use. Gas discounts is what Russia export to Europe . and a few Rocket engines from the 70s to Americans. hows that modern economy and innovative?

    This is what Putin's Vision of Russia is..  
    Russia to boost wheat exports on expectations of record harvest

    a banana power in influence in the world..
    This is what Putin told all its Billionaires after 2014 sactions by Europe.
    Invest in commodities.. told them . as if that was a brilliant long term strategy.
    an economy focused in food , Gas and mining. with Sports.. No
    This is where Russia economy big money is invested. aside of its military and social aid.
    and this is what Americans are now promoting near Russian borders .. exactly the same
    business that Russia focus..  SO now Wheat will be promoted in every nation in eastern Europe
    and Asia just to damage Russia.  lol1

    And then later they will do what they did in Soviet era time.. a full embargo
    on Russian wheat.. banning Russia from selling food.  Wink

    how smart americans are eh? no ,, they are not smart..Russian are instead fools ,that
    develop business that Americans can very easily damage with competition or ban from the world with sanctions . Exporting innovative modern technology for the average society use ,that nobody can compete (of very few)  is the way to go. Americans does not sanction Russia space program because they need it. but not for long. So how difficult is to figure
    out that all Russia needs to defeat americans is business ,that are sanctions proof ,because
    there is no real alternative to it ? Business that american loves and likes?
    For monkeys like Putin that kind of thinking can be a challenge .

    DR Michio Kaku: rightly told..
    intellectual capitalism more important that Russia banana business. like
    commodities and energy on a Colombia forum ,told the poorest nations will be those
    (Like RUssia)  that focus in banana countries economies.
    as commodities and energy is.. and the richest nations will be those that focus in
    Modern Intellectual innovative business.  

    which business are those ?  the ones that Microsoft and Google ,Intel ,Apple and Sony heavily invest. Companies which economies are larger than Russia economy.
    They know what the hell they are doing.. Putin's Russia knows no shit.

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Windows-10-vr-headset-partners

    This is what Russian enemies ,their business are Doing ...

    Information and graphics technology is the way to the future. And not for military purposes
    no.. but for civilians instead. for the entire society enjoyment. This is what American top
    business doing. and Putin the moron is destroying Russia by promoting third world nation

    DR Michio Kaku: warned Latin America in that conference to not commit the mistake
    to stay in commodities and other obsolete business as energy will be since will become
    incredibly cheap and instead move to modern business.  Nothing is more modern
    than Space exploration and Information and graphics technology..exactly the things
    that RUssia is either not investing ,not taking it seriously or reducing significantly its investment.  No

    This is why Russia is doomed to Failure. Because it will never disband the American System and Russia under Putin will only move backwards at a fast speed with his totally obsolete vision of RUssia. Europe will never abandon the American Business for Russian ones..why will they do that? confused   If AMericans tells their allies , either Russia or US.. you can't have both..
    then why will Europeans will choose Russian business world that doesn't exist for civilians ,versus a system already "working" not fair but working, with Internet with banking system, with lots of very modern and very innovative business development?

    If Putin had a clue what he is doing ,and the west doing.. he will either resign and or completely reverse Russia direction. its economy. Make Private all Russia energy business ,stay away of it.sell it to Germany and France to keep them bound to RUssia. Cancel the bullshit sports and olympics , and focus 100% in modern innovative business based on Computers /information technology ,graphics and entertainment. Russia needs another space race done with intelligence on the way of spending and a technology race aimed to compete with American top business.  But is unlikely that the caveman President in Russia will do anything of that.
    he will continue promoting "patriotism" with victory parades and Russia past ,and sports with healthy food.  No

    So Russia have no chance ,to ever lead on anything. it will likely disappear like soviet union did. China have a small chance because at least they pay attention to western business and try to imitate /reverse engineer what the west does right. Laughing   China only problem is its communism /dictatorship like system. it needs a full democracy to grow,with full freedom of expression ,so society can become very creative with their business. Putin will never have friendly Americans to Russia ,NEVER.. he either fight them or Influence them and he does none of them. So it means Americans will continue punching the face of Russia as they did in Ukraine and Syria with more conflicts until Russia collapse. will face many wars in many countries that will have to come in their defense. destroying totally Russia economy. Americans economy will not collapse ever ,as long its allies support their system. a system that also Russia promotes by following
    it. Laughing


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    Post  miketheterrible Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:56 pm

    Mods, can we ban this dipshit called Vann? Not only the guy has been proven to be retarded beyond recognition, but wrong on everything. Yet he somehow thinks we give a shit about his two bit uneducated opinion in threads like this, that is downright trolling.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Firebird Fri Sep 08, 2017 8:53 pm

    I completely agree Mike.

    TBH, when I see a long wall of nonsensical text and attacks on Pres Putin (the only great leader in the World today) I keep scrolling down because I know who it is.

    Actually I began ignoring 3 posters as they started producing apologism for  things like Nazism, holocaust denialism,  even a defence of Nazism and other garbage. I'm only of Russian descent (British born) but anything remotely defending Nazism is something I think should NEVER be tolerated on any forum, let alone a Russia forum. Bearing in mind over 27m Russians were murdered by Germany in the Great Patriotic War (including schoolchildren hung up by piano wire). The poster Vann made a lot of posts of this type. Infact, its actually a criminal offence to produce Nazi apologism in Germany, where this poster is still based I understand. Its rather disturbing that this sort of thing's ugly head as reappeared in Germany of all places.

    I made my comments known to Garry and others. And I was rather surprised TBH to see these posters remaining. He did however believe that a English speaking Russia forum might attract a number of nuts.

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