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    Anti-Putin Discussion


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Putin is the biggest problem for Russia to lead in space.

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:54 pm

    Putin is the biggest problem for Russia to lead in space. you can't become a leader in space ,cutting in half
    the budget of Russia space program.. i can't forget how the fanboys call it " a good idea" , or that no Russia don't need a heavy rocket..  Russia wasted about a staggering $65 BILLIONS , that is $65,000,000,000. of money in things that don't really help Russia to convince the west into abandon NATO or the American Orbit.  Nobody
    talks anymore about Sochi or Fifa.. what was that shit about?  Still people talk today about Soviet achievements in
    space..and even movies made about it.. but no one talk about Russia olympics ... Is not Olympic medals what Putin convince the developed world to abandon the American system.. But Space exploration medals instead..

    If Putin was way more ambitious in space.. we will be Right now speaking about Russian cosmonauts landing in the moon and mars..  and the entire world in amazement , and Americans and Europeans business begging Russia for join programs in teach them how to do it.. right.. But when you have an obsolete President like Putin ,behind the times ,that not even use the internet ,according to his own statement.. then anything is possible..
    let puting continue promoting "healthy food" and healthy life"  while the Americans are increasing their space program budget by a significant way... Americans understand what leadership is.. Putin's don't understand a Shit..

    The Biggest problem Russia face , is not NATO , is not Terrorism ,Is not americans trying to destroy Russia by starving its economy.. is neither  the 5th column the biggest problem. The Biggest problem Russia face , is
    their own President lack of understand on how to counter the Americans.. how to destroy their system without using nukes or firing a bullet.. Not understanding how Americans use their popular business as a weapon to influence the world , and how critical important is for Russia to compete and surpass ,American top influential Business in the world..  This is because NATIONs , developed countries ,don't follow losers or second or third best..
    Developed nations follow only LEADERS!!   if Russia was doing today (and not in the ~2034 as they plan) moonwalks ,a base on the moon and mars walks.. live on television , and or landing in mars satellites bodies , with humans .. This will surpass the winning of 100x sochis and any other achievement of any company ever in human history.. But unfortunately i don't think Russia have a chance to ever beat NASA in the moon and mars with Putin in power..Putin don't really is totally clueless of how to defeat American system. If you stop using dollars.. this will not end the American influence in the world.. will not end NASA ,will not end American silicon valley.. he is totally wrong on his strategy to counter Americans system.  My only hope is that someone of trust of Putin ,tell him to retire ,and explain him how he is the biggest problem for Russia to continue its development.. Eventually Putin policies , of NOT Fighting the American leadership..will only lead to a World War 3... sooner or later , unless Putin
    can continue taking slap on his face ,again and again.. and experience more proxy wars ,NATO will create to force Russia interfere and get a lot more thousands of soldiers killed.  If Russia don't lead in the world.. it have no other choice to follow the Americans system, or follow Europe but  they can't complain later if they don't like it , if they do nothing to counter it.. breaking agriculture records and singing soviet songs or winning sports medals ,none of this will help Russia to disband NATO and disband the American world.

    And leading in space , doing amazing things there ,will also attract a huge major migration world wide TOp Engineers and Scientist , hoping to become part of Russia space program.. So many Huge Opportunities Putin
    is missing for his outdated way of thinking. What can we do ? Is Russia doomed forever with Putin in power?
    or will the moron one day wake up from his ignorance?  or someone replace him?  Only A miracle will save Russia,
    something like Europe taking the lead away of Americans. .but still this means Russia being a second place and their interest will continue to be disrespected and the calls for disbanding of Russia continue ,as long Russia don't disband the Jews Financial exceptionalism system. in US and Europe.. and Russia will never achieve that with Putin in power and his mediocre Russia  development.  All new Rockets will be useless if not used.. if NASA allowed to lead in space explorations. A full space exploration program need to start now ,and not 15 years as Russia
    space industry told will do..  If Putin had any shame , it will have felt embarrassed to see Russia cosmonauts resigning from their careers ,announcing in public that it was consequences of the mediocre Government they have ,and the lack of ambitious in space.   Hopefully Cosmonauts will threaten Putin to resign all of them ,if he does not change his mediocre support for Russia space program. and People should stop claiming Russia have no money..
    Russia have a shit load of money.. you see that in how they never have problems building olympic avenues for a one time use , and waste hundreds of billions in sports infrastructure and Super trains.. is only the monkey president that don't use it wisely the budget in Russia ,and put the investment in the things that really matter.
    and can truly help Russia to become a 100% independent nation.. Is lack of independence and lack of development ,lack of leadership the reason why Russia is in a cold war .semi hot with the west.


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty This is why is a terrible idea ,that Russia share information or even sell ,very important missile technology or any

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:05 pm

    This is why is a terrible idea ,that Russia share information or even sell ,very important missile technology or any
    other technology critical to Russia nation security to other nations..

    So now Pakistan will have Brahmos blue prints , because of the sharing the technology to India..
    and in little time Americans ,Israel and Saudi Arabia will have the inside information of them...
    So who is to blame for this disaster?  Putin for sure...

    and still the IDIOT was thinking in sharing Pak-fa technology with India and brazil..
    Putin incompetence is worse than treason.. because Putin's policies of trading critical technology
    to other nations ,put at risk the national security of Russia.. and more with India ,that is very friendly
    to ISRAEL.. Russia should trust no one and never give any technology that is too important for Russia
    to have an edge over the west.

    THink about the idiocy of Putin giving S-400s to Turkey , which is a NATO member.. Laughing
    Putin ignorance and incompetence is really dangerous for Russia. Americans don't give away F-22 technology
    with any nation.. not even to UK or Israel..and other very critical technology neither. But Russia will be giving away their best defenses S-400 to Turkey , to a nation that was aiding Alqaeda to kill Russians..
    so that NATO can better train how to counter Russia defenses..and be more effective in a war against Russia.  Neutral

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 15, 2018 4:54 am

    The technology in Brahmos is from Onyx, which is from the 1990s in terms of Russian technology.

    The work India and Russia did together on the design brought it up to date but the Russians are getting ready to introduce its replacement in the form of the hypersonic Zircon... it is not the end of the world if the blueprints are compromised...

    The money Russia earned in the Brahmos programme probably help pay for a lot of useful things, and the new design technology applied to make the previously anti ship missile only system into a system fully capable of land attack was a decent step forward as well... just afterwards most of their other sea launched anti ship missiles developed land attack capacity... including the Kh-35... so the cooperation was well worth it from a Russian perspective.

    From an Indian perspective they went from fairly ordinary anti ship capability to a supersonic weapon they had ownership of that could attack land and sea based targets and could be ship, sub, air, or ground launched... which is an enormous step forward for them too.

    Blueprints give you the layout of components, but is not sufficient to build your own model exactly...

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:40 am

    @Vann and what precisely "critical tech" was shared with anybody? Nothing.

    India is not particularity friendly to Israel or USA or Russia. India looks after own interests. Same as Russia does. The good thing is that both countries share strategic objectives to counter USA. Besides moeny form selling own tech (which in turn lets you speed up to design new gen) .

    Look Su-35 was sold only after PAK-FA was ready, S-400 was saol only after they knew S-500 comes soon. Where is the treason?

    You think as besieged accountant ot me. Putin in turn is THE strategist.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Anti-putin discussion

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jan 17, 2019 6:32 pm

    dino00 wrote:
    George1 wrote:

    ...its not even two fu@#ing planes a year!!.Why so low?

    Why so low?  

    For the same reasons ,that Russia abandoned the plans of full production of armata and will build them
    at water drop quantities every year and for the same reasons they delayed /put on hold their Pak-Da
    bomber project.. and for the same reasons they cut in half the budget in their space program .

    Because Russia is short on money after miss-using it , in not really needed things and over charged the
    Budget in Russia.

    Putin have been wasting the Russian budget ,in bulshit Olympics ,building expensive Olympics avenues,
    shiny luxury new parks ,signed a contract of $200 billions for a high speed trains to China.. the one they have is not good enough for them apparently ,he wanted faster speed. Rolling Eyes and so all that money spend in meaningless recreation , about ~$ 300billions in USD.. miss used for a cosmetic make up of Russian cities to promote "good relations" through "healthy sports" and  tourism.   So all this miss use of Russian budget by Putin , in meaningless
    outdoors entertainment is what kills Russia budget for doing really important things as Nation security is ,
    and Space exploration.. Some were in the argument that because Russia have nukes.. so "nobody" will dare to attack Russia ever.. Laughing  Once you have so many nukes ,why will anyone need armata of a next generation stealth plane?  Wink   Russia Government massive incompetence ,in identifying priorities is the reason why Russia ,have to cut spending in the military projects and space.

    Just weeks ago Putin demanded a major multi billionaire investment in Populism.. in the Far east ..
    that is building roads and schools and infrastructure.. this is purely political management of the Russian
    budget to accumulate points with Russian citizens..  and a total miss-use of Russian budget.. money
    that could have been used to create jobs instead in Space exploration and jobs in the military industry.
    and promotion of thousands of new business. that military and space can do.

    So a big part of the money of pak-fa and pak-da , armata , and space , and Space program..
    have been diverted by Putin for populism and politics ..  to score more points with society..
    at the expense of leaving the nation behind in Space and leaving for second or third place
    the conventional forces in their military.

    But who needs 5th generations planes or armata tanks ,when Russia have nukes that can hit any part of the world?  Rolling Eyes  thats the argument some clueless people ,were using..for justifying so much money in cosmetic improvement of Russian cities in times Russia already in an undeclared war by the west. Imagine what Russia could have done with the 52 billions $USD Russia spend in Sochi.. Shocked   That will have allowed for protecting better the Russian military ,with full scale production of Armata , to significantly enhance their military capabilities in the incoming conventional wars that Russia will likely face.. and significantly boosted the development of Russia space program too and the creations of millions of jobs in business that will significantly enhance the quality of Russia economy to a more innovative and modern one..


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Correct

    Post  calripson Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:02 pm

    But of course, Putin is a politician first and foremost. He has to keep that calculus in mind. The Russian budget is currently running a surplus of circa $30 billion/year and Russian government debt/GDP is around 15%. Decisions are made by the finance ministry and like-minded western -educated (or New School of Economics) monetarists. These are the same type of Russians I used to work with. They would actually say things like "The more Russia's population shrinks the better - it means a higher per capita GDP." That is what you are dealing with.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  hoom Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:45 pm

    Sounds a lot like sensible budget management to me.

    How dare a politician actually care for & spend money on things that make the lives of citizens better Shocked Rolling Eyes So terrible silent
    Can you imagine a US president cutting military projects to build schools, parks, roads & rail...

    US spent $$$6 trillion since 2001 on blowing shit up in Afghanistan, Iraq & absolutely massive defense contractor corruption, imagine what a shining beacon the US could have become with that spent on improving the domestic situation instead Neutral

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 18, 2019 9:53 am

    US spent $$$6 trillion since 2001 on blowing shit up in Afghanistan, Iraq & absolutely massive defense contractor corruption, imagine what a shining beacon the US could have become with that spent on improving the domestic situation instead

    Actually it could have spent 5 trillion at home on infrastructure and schools and creating real jobs with living wages and then used the other 1 trillion to bribe the entire population of Afghanistan to change side to theirs...

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty antiputin discussion

    Post  Gazputin Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:53 pm

    didn't you know Russia gets nowhere and is "backward" because it is dominated by Putin's oligarch pals ?
    whereas the greatest country in the history of the world has "entrepreneurs"

    an oligopoly is where a market is dominated by no more than 2 major players

    that's why Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc are "entrepreneurs" ….
    what do all new players do in IT type markets do ? …. eg Uber, Facebook, Amazon, ….
    they make no attempt to make money and gouge massive market share at all costs to destroy any possible competition … to dominate and make shitloads of money later … once all competition is destroyed first

    if they were Russian businessmen they would be called "oligarchs" and sanctioned

    and … lets not forget …

    oh Russia is dominated by state-owned businesses ! and is thus "inefficient"
    whereas Northrop-Grumman gets 90% of its business from the Pentagon …. but its "private"
    Lockheed-Martin 75-80% from the Pentagon …. its "private" too

    …. pardon me while I puke ...


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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Sun Apr 28, 2019 5:11 pm

    Gazputin wrote:didn't you know Russia gets nowhere and is "backward" because it is dominated by Putin's oligarch pals ?
    whereas the greatest country in the history of the world has "entrepreneurs"

    an oligopoly is where a market is dominated by no more than 2 major players

    that's why Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc are "entrepreneurs" ….
    what do all new players do in IT type markets do ?  …. eg Uber, Facebook, Amazon, ….
    they make no attempt to make money and gouge massive market share at all costs to destroy any possible competition … to dominate and make shitloads of money later … once all competition is destroyed first

    if they were Russian businessmen they would be called "oligarchs" and sanctioned

    and … lets not forget …

    oh Russia is dominated by state-owned businesses ! and is thus "inefficient"
    whereas Northrop-Grumman gets 90% of its business from the Pentagon …. but its "private"
    Lockheed-Martin 75-80% from the Pentagon …. its "private" too

    …. pardon me while I puke ...

    The NATO MSM narrative on Putin being a tyrant is a total contradiction to the claim that every tycoon in Russia being an oligarch.
    Oligarchs wield power.   So Putin would be their puppet and thus not a tyrant.    Anyone who thinks Putin is an
    oligarch puppet is a certifiable moron or malicious.   The main reason that NATO turned on Russia by around
    2004 is that Putin cleaned house and started putting the Yeltsin era oligarchs like Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky
    in their place.   Recall all the wailing and moaning about Khodorkovsky the "democracy martyr" being in Russian
    prison colony.    So the NATO MSM actually loves Russian oligarchs.    All the yelping about Putin's oligarchs is because
    they hate the fact that Putin is enacting the interests of the electorate which voted him into office and preventing
    rule by unaccountable oligarchs.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Regular Mon May 06, 2019 3:01 am

    Putin might not be puppet of oligarchs, but he is not all powerful as well. He has to dance about and please all major powers in the government. Just like in US, plenty of muddy waters, I do believe he has his hands tied on most occasions due to him wanting stability. Western MSM had no clue of complexity of Russian ruling class and how refined it became.. they still follow low James Bond tropes of Villain when in fact Putin might be the one keeping Europe safe from rise of Nazism in Russia. ( Not that I don't want to see russians wipe mother Earth clean of some nasties)

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Mon May 06, 2019 8:36 am

    You raise a good point... I always find it amusing at how moderate and defensive Putin is in most areas... while being called aggressive and militaristic...

    A replacement is coming and when they do what sort of person will they be... will they have the endless patience of Putin or will they make the west pine for the days of Putin as being much easier to get along with.

    Generally the world has been lucky in the sense that most of the time when there was a hot headed idiot in power on one side the other side had some common sense and stability to prevent things getting out of hand.... how long can that continue?

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Russian Economy General News: #12

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:32 pm

    breaking news..  Rolling Eyes  

    Russia and china "ditching the dollar".. says Russian media RT  Rolling Eyes

    So what is new here?  confused

    Putin have been promoting /advertising /more like begging politely with a please in the end ,
    so the world stop using dollars since 2014 , he have been saying that.. the Russia will "pivot to asia"
    that they will "end their dependence " on dollars..

    but guess what?

    As long americans and anglo allies have absolute supremacy in their international global unique
    modern and innovative business , the dollar or which ever currency they use will be used. and why is that? because any nation who wants modern technology will have to buy it from americans or their controlled puppet allies in the anglo sphere nations or asia high tech giants.

    It means that the master chess clueless president Putin can't abandon the american dollar ,not even if his life depended of it.   lol1   because americans only sells their technology in dollars. the giant US high tech industry fully dominates the internet , the software industry , the computer industry ,the electronic global industry , the media industry ,the entertainment industry . and as long as american and their puppet allies , have global absolute civilian business domination ,that leads the
    world and is the base of all modern development of any country of the world. then they will continue
    selling a ton of things to the world. .without american business, you will have NO INTERNET . no smatphones , no modern software or applications and no access to the millions of software applications that exist in the planet that are incredibly important for country to grow and develop.

    So i find laughable RT , almost every week for the past 6 years ,they have been claiming
    Russia will "abandon the dollar" yeah sure..but this is not really possible in real practice unless russia
    wants to become a jungle and become cuba with nukes ,with technology from the 60s.

    Putin have been completely ignoring to challenge the western global business empire in high tech
    and now it face a big problem of being extremely dependent russia from american high tech industry.
    and so effectively can't abandon the american dollar..  he might even change their dollars for euros
    but this is not advance ,because every technology russia use , is paid in dollars.. americans only accept dollars.. for their products and this is why russia will never end their dependence of their business in dollars.  Russia space program is paid in dollars..  lol1  so all this propaganda that
    russia "will abandon the dollar" it will never happen ,with an outdated russia.

    Only china have a chance to one day abandon the use of dollars ,but only when they develop
    an alternative to the most important high tech business of the west.

    imagine how embarrassing will be for Russia is biden start sanctions on russia pretty primitive
    semicondutor industry and prohibit  taiwan or south korea or japan or nato countries to not sell russia any technology ..

    putin had 6 YEARS !!!!! to drop completely the dollar and why he don't do it ?
    because russia depends on american business for its own development. lol1
    this is the "brilliant" strategy of putin to counter the west.. to make russia a slave of the west
    and completely dependent on their enemies for their development. No

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 27, 2021 10:37 am

    The Russian buy very little from the US... if anything the US buys diamonds and Titanium parts from Russia, so it is more about Americans buying Russian stuff than vice versa.

    The EU has succeeded the US dollar as the most common currency for international trade... and it is only going to get worse for the US dollar.

    Russia can choose to drop the dollar any time they like but international trade has to be in some mutually agreed currency, so their trading partners have to agree too.

    For many deals a lot of countries choose US dollars because it might be a couple of years between signing an agreement and paying the money so if you agree to use some other currency, the value of it might change dramatically between when it is agreed and when it is paid.

    If the Ruble crashes 20% in value it means they make more money if the agreement was in Euros for example.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Russia vs China

    Post  calripson Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:44 pm

    Russia is a country of less than 150 million people. China is a country of 1.4 billion. The West opened up China under Nixon as an anti-Soviet move that than led to a green light for Western companies to pour capital and technology into Chinese development for 50 years. When the USSR collapsed, the West simply stripped it of natural resources. How can you compare China's position vis a vis Russia? There is no comparison nor can there be. China is the only (perhaps in the future India) nation that has the economic heft to displace the "West", but Chinese elite love the West - Western culture, western currency, western passports, and western colleges and universities for their kids. There is no Chinese soft power. The West will seek to make an accommodation with Chinese elites. There also is no natural animosity between certain western elites and China. Russia is a different story. There will be no accommodation.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Arrow Wed Jan 27, 2021 4:48 pm

    The Russian elite also loves the West.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Wed Jan 27, 2021 5:37 pm

    These parasites think that there is safety for their filthy lucre in the precious west. Of course, they ignore or are to stupid to
    be aware of the removal of the filthy lucre from the possession of clowns like themselves who ran off to London and elsewhere
    by their new hosts.

    The west is riding a human psychological pathology. The richest dog becomes the focus of respect from all the poorer doggies.
    The poorer doggies are also more afraid of being punished by their home countries for their thieving and see that the richest
    dog is totally immune from such risk. Since he has totally corrupted the government in his country.

    So the rich elite wannabes will always be a 5th column. Thus countries like Russia need powerful governments that control
    the economy and keep the oligarch parasites down. Russia has achieved this balance even if yanqui morons have no realized it
    and are trying to agitated the non-existent Russian oligarch elite to stage a coup against Putin.

    Putin deserves to have a palace built for him. Russians can see what free range oligarchy did to Ukraine.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jan 27, 2021 6:10 pm

    Putin give lecture at davos how to develop a "modern economy"   lol1

    Basically what the "chess master" president told.
    1)roads in good conditions
    2)clean hospitals for everyone
    3)a government for everyone
    4) schools for everyone.   thumbsup

    He for sure is reading it from venezuela and cuba manual for economic development.   Laughing

    Whenever putin open his mouth , he only sink himself even more ,shows the west how stupid
    he really is. They pay attention how fool and insecure he is and take advantage of it ,to slap his face. even more . No
    Didn't i told putin is a clueless fool ?  Not only he is an idiot ,but someone who created a failed unstable and unsustainable gas station economy like russia is ,lecturing other nations how to build a "modern economy." it makes you wonder if he suffer from autism as the west claimed and completely ignorant of backwardness he have created in russia economy in the 20 years in power.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:00 am

    Basically what the "chess master" president told.
    1)roads in good conditions
    2)clean hospitals for everyone
    3)a government for everyone
    4) schools for everyone.

    Perhaps you are out of touch with reality Vann, but road and bridge conditions in the west need a bit of work, and clean well run hospitals and schools is what most people actually want.

    I realise you think sports is a waste of money and space travel and leadership in space technologies is what will save Russia, but you still have some growing up to do so lets give you a bit more time.

    Russia is a country of less than 150 million people. China is a country of 1.4 billion.

    Russia never had plans to dominate the world, and neither has China.

    Western fears of being eclipsed are just that... western fears.

    Russia wants to be respected and largely left alone... but the west wont accept that, they need sanctions and all sorts of bullshit to put them down and hold them in their place... they are the second world and cannot be allowed to live better than the west does in the first world.

    Russia can destroy the west, so they are actually rather safe from direct conflict, but the west can only destroy... that is all it knows and will be its undoing because it can't keep every country down forever... China is growing and India has enormous potential too.

    New technology is having a serious effect on the movie industry, which has long been the crown jewel in the American soft power tool box... with computer game graphics getting to the point where dead people can return to be in films made after their death, then why would you need real actors anymore... voice actors don't need to look handsome... look at the guy who is the voice for Archer.... a James Bond type character... he looks more like the other character he voices... Bob from Bobs burgers.

    America can come up with all sorts of stories, but generally the best ones are butchered by conservative or just idiotic CEOs of movie and television companies... the rest of the world can do this better... and when they do the world will start to see a future that does not require America winning or surviving or even being a part of anything.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  GarryB Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:03 am

    Putin give lecture at davos how to develop a "modern economy"

    A Russian leader talking about what future Russia might be heading to that is not bound to France or Germany or the UK or the US at an international economics forum... I think that is the most important thing you can take from this... Russia has clearly decided not to become part of the west, or more precisely has not decided to become a junior partner to the US and become one of their bitches...

    That means HATO will continue because that is the tool the US uses to keep Europe and Russia separate, and it means the west is going to have to pay for its resources and its future instead of being able to steal it from Russia.

    All sounds pretty good to me.

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:06 am

    Vann7 give lecture at davos how to develop a "modern economy"

    1)space roads in good conditions
    2)clean space hospitals for everyone
    3)a space government for everyone
    4)space schools for everyone.

    Are we having fun yet​? lol1

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Big_Gazza Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:39 am

    Vann7 wrote:Didn't i told putin is a clueless fool ?

    Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

    The pot calls the kettle black....

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Backman Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:06 am

    Vann7 wrote:Putin give lecture at davos how to develop a "modern economy"   lol1

    Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

    Putin is just playing to the public in this clip with good sounding talking points that everyday people will like.

    The Putin admin has a solid record. Russia's economy under Putin grew more than China's from 1999 to 2008. The biggest gains in the world for that time.

    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Ded32j6-bffc1f12-a0c5-44f6-9aad-3d4fff518a93.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNjczMmY2M2YtZDU0Zi00Nzg5LWI0ZWEtZGU0ZTIxMzMyZDk2XC9kZWQzMmo2LWJmZmMxZjEyLWEwYzUtNDRmNi05YWFkLTNkNGZmZjUxOGE5My5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ

    That was then. But even now, before covid and the oil price crash, the Russian economy was posting comparable gains to the 2008 boom years in some areas. Here's an article from 2018 from Ben Aris at BNE Intellinews. He doesn't even like Putin.

    Russia Inc is more profitable than in 2008 and heading for a record-breaking current account surplus

    The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) reported that the current account surplus reached a whopping $75.8bn in 9M18, up from $19.7bn in 9M17, and $49.4bn in the first half of 2018, implying a surplus of $26bn in the third quarter of the year. The trade surplus reached $136.3bn in 9M18, while capital outflows from the private sector came in at $31.9bn, with $19.2bn of outflows registered in the third quarter. The combined outflow from the private and public sectors reached $40.2bn over 9M18.

    The absolute dumbest thing Russia could do now is make some knee jerk changes just to make ppl like you happy

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:22 am

    When some of the saner western voices admit that "Russia Inc." is not going under, then you know it is on the right track.

    But the whole "Russia Inc." drivel is tiresome.   At least the Russian government is exposed to voting.   Even Karlin admits that
    any fraud is marginal.   I think his analysis is rubbish and the fraud is not even needed thanks to Putin's real popularity.  
    By contrast the oligarchy that runs the USA is not subject to any vote and fixes the vote when its agenda is not served.
    There is no freedom in any oligarchy which is clearly the case in the west.   Crude whoring by MSM "journalists" pimping
    private agendas of star chambers.   Placebo votes for clowns who don't even undo the damage of the previous clown
    (my experience with the Canadian political system at both the provincial and federal levels).  

    I recall some CTV "journalist" bitching that Putin gets too many votes because "people would want to vote for change".
    Hilarious.  No amount of voting in Canada will give you any change and Putin has been delivering real, useful change to
    Russians by the truckload.   This includes increasing their real (inflation adjusted) incomes by over ten times and cleaning
    up the streets from criminals and dirty cops.   The Navlany-claimed "golden years of the 1990s" were a gangster's
    paradise where cops shook you down while driving and you could get a bullet from shootouts by gangs serving maggots
    like Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky (Berezovsky used the Chechen mafia as his personal goon squad).  

    Now why would Russians want some Yeltsin redux?

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    Anti-Putin Discussion - Page 5 Empty Re: Anti-Putin Discussion

    Post  Tingsay Thu Jan 28, 2021 6:52 am

    Vann7 wrote:breaking news..  Rolling Eyes  

    Russia and china "ditching the dollar".. says Russian media RT  Rolling Eyes

    So what is new here?  confused

    Putin have been promoting /advertising /more like begging politely with a please in the end ,
    so the world stop using dollars since 2014 , he have been saying that.. the Russia will "pivot to asia"
    that they will "end their dependence " on dollars..

    but guess what?

    As long americans and anglo allies have absolute supremacy in their international global unique
    modern and innovative business , the dollar or which ever currency they use will be used. and why is that? because any nation who wants modern technology will have to buy it from americans or their controlled puppet allies in the anglo sphere nations or asia high tech giants.

    It means that the master chess clueless president Putin can't abandon the american dollar ,not even if his life depended of it.   lol1   because americans only sells their technology in dollars. the giant US high tech industry fully dominates the internet , the software industry , the computer industry ,the electronic global industry , the media industry ,the entertainment industry . and as long as american and their puppet allies , have global absolute civilian business domination ,that leads the
    world and is the base of all modern development of any country of the world. then they will continue
    selling a ton of things to the world. .without american business, you will have NO INTERNET . no smatphones , no modern software or applications and no access to the millions of software applications that exist in the planet that are incredibly important for country to grow and develop.

    So i find laughable RT , almost every week for the past 6 years ,they have been claiming
    Russia will "abandon the dollar" yeah sure..but this is not really possible in real practice unless russia
    wants to become a jungle and become cuba with nukes ,with technology from the 60s.

    Putin have been completely ignoring to challenge the western global business empire in high tech
    and now it face a big problem of being extremely dependent russia from american high tech industry.
    and so effectively can't abandon the american dollar..  he might even change their dollars for euros
    but this is not advance ,because every technology russia use , is paid in dollars.. americans only accept dollars.. for their products and this is why russia will never end their dependence of their business in dollars.  Russia space program is paid in dollars..  lol1  so all this propaganda that
    russia "will abandon the dollar" it will never happen ,with an outdated russia.

    Only china have a chance to one day abandon the use of dollars ,but only when they develop
    an alternative to the most important high tech business of the west.

    imagine how embarrassing will be for Russia is biden start sanctions on russia pretty primitive
    semicondutor industry and prohibit  taiwan or south korea or japan or nato countries to not sell russia any technology ..

    putin had 6 YEARS !!!!! to drop completely the dollar and why he don't do it ?
    because russia depends on american business for its own development. lol1
    this is the "brilliant" strategy of putin to counter the west.. to make russia a slave of the west
    and completely dependent on their enemies for their development. No

    Oh noes, Vann7 is back to remind us how the idiotic Russian people keep voting for an even bigger Idiot in Putin instead of voting for the tru saviors of the world, the Russian Chosen Ones that are also too stupid to get into the government so they can create so-so mediocre StarWars entertainment High-Tech BizNiZ to influence the Western Dorks.

    The people are idiots, Putin is an idiot, the Chosen Ones are idiots. Russia is doomed!

    It's up to Chinese Chosen Ones to create high-tech so-so StarWars BizniZ, but do they have what it takes to bring down the Empire? Will the Western Dorks move over to Chinese influence??

    Stay tuned for more Vann7 posts......

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