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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Airbornewolf Sat Jun 04, 2022 3:25 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:Arky boy... the only thing that poster highlights is the incompetence of Russian leadership of the last 60 years... allowing the lives of 20+ million to have been all for nothing.... even till this day. Current leadership is simply clawing for your own land, as the dominant plays proxy and puppet master with a bunch of your own, on your yard. Fratricidal doesn't even begin to cover it. It's a humiliating catastrophe, not something to be proud off. Only spin and propaganda can make it look so, and that is not reality.

    Keep crying... and continue to be a fool for the delight of all. Just because you respond, doesn't mean your response lands well. Sort of like Russian moves on the chessboard.

    I must remind you that Serbia with Kosovo has an area of ​​88 thousand square kilometers, while without it it is 78 thousand square kilometers. The success of the NATO pact in 78 days of aggression against Serbia; 13 destroyed tanks !  Very Happy
    Tell me which of these states the United States really won; Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan ?  lol!
    Since you are obviously limited and you don't see that goat-fuckers are conquering Europe more and more, precisely because of those "victories" of the USA, then it's not worth writing anything.  bounce
    And what will the next "strong" NATO pact send to Russia, since it is obvious that they have used up all the stocks of portable anti-tank hand launchers and portable air defense systems ? Will they decide to send 700 tanks, as many as France, Germany and Great Britain have together ?
    And if you even think about aviation, I have to warn you and write to you that the western airports would be destroyed just like the Ukrainian ones. The problem with Western planes is that they have to take off from ideally clean runways, which is not the case with the Russian technology that Ukroshitstan inherited.  dunno
    I am more and more convinced that the West is the one that needs nuclear weapons more than Russia.  paratrooper

    this guy should have been on your banlist for a while Podlodka.
    the guy can talk shit all he wants, meanwhile. battlefield conditions are what they are.

    Catastrophic for Ukraine. units refusing orders, because they lead to slaughter.
    trenches and bunkers full of dead ukrainians, ukrianian officers radio traffic contacting kiev to retreat or surrender as this war became pointless.

    LPR/DPR/RF forces keep advancing, sometimes passing trough whiped out Ukrainian units with body parts everywhere and vehicles reduced to secondary components by RF strikes.
    Their U.S Masters did not helped them.

    Americans cant even save themselves, they where only allowed to escape Afghanistan because the Taliban allowed them.
    American troops think they are "hot shit" since WW2, but time and time again in history they suffer catastrophic defeats themselves because they can not accept reality on the battlefield.

    Im western european, i am not an US citizen or slavic.

    The U.S perceives the EU territory as its bufferzone against russia, it does not care one bit of what happens to our continent.
    It never has, it never will. NATO was always meant so the EU and Russia could grind each other to dust, and the U.S could take out russia and claims the victory.
    an war that again would consume Europe, and leaves the U.S as the sole dominant power to rule all.
    Europe being the absolute fool to allow itself to be used like this.

    The US will never allow an independent slavic nation to exist, because they want to steer their own course.
    Like its their own right to do so.
    When the slavic people yield, the U.S will make sure they will be torn apart and never will rise again.

    It is completely unacceptable, i served ten years in NATO. its an organization that is the embodiment of corruption and evil intentions.
    human lives mean nothing, and the war industry and political satisfaction to the U.S government over-rules all.

    This war in ukraine, is in effect an NATO vs Russia war.
    NATO is throwing all it can against Russia, sacrificing every last Ukrainian it can.

    I feel deep shame, i have a large soviet banner in my room for a reason.
    I have not forgotten history. i followed the events in ukraine from 2014 and i know everything.
    I was even part of it under NATO.

    I fully support the LPR/DPR and Russia for the above stated comments.
    And i am completely disgusted by the harm done since 2014 to the LPR,DPR and Crimea.

    The swines like Bandera, Azov, Aidar, Black  sun, right sector and Etcetera.
    They all deserve their fate at the end of an TOS-1A.

    so, **** the NATO fanboys, and glory to the heroes battling Fascism in Europe.

    GarryB, psg, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, PapaDragon and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  sundoesntrise Sat Jun 04, 2022 3:25 am

    ucmvulcan wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:
    Erk wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:

    Not only is Ritter a recidivist in failure, Scottie is also an ex-con who served over 2 years in a state prison in Pennsylvania after he got caught trying to hook up with minors as young as 13 (and possibly 11).

    But there is more. Scott has been under internal FBI investigation for 3+ years after heavy suspicion emerged that the man was spying for none other than Our Greatest Ally Israel.

    The whole pro-Putin grifter clique indeed is a clowns how. Are there any normal people over there?
    So rather than debate the points Ritter raises, you chose to personally attack him for something totally unrelated to the Ukraine conflict. What kind of agenda do you really have here?

    I learnt a lot about Ukraine and Russia from Ritter, he is a good journalist, he spent many years living in Russia during the nuclear disarmament period. You might be better off reading one of his books about it, rather than posting about FBI smear stings.

    I understand that this conflict awakens tribalism and ideological purity spirals in many, but covering for a convicted pedo and highly probable traitor is something I'll never condone.

    As for analysis, they only look good on paper. You can only be wrong so often without losing credentials. Likewise when the local hamburguesa joint (LOL at the guy who thinks I am a Flip) serves me uncooked burgers for 9 days in a row, the 10th day I won't visit his store anymore no matter how appealing his ads look, and no matter how smooth his talks are.

    This is basic stuff.

    Just thinking aloud, why is it that everyone who goes against the American establishment, especially its intel apparatus is always a traitor, a commie, a terrorist, and/or sexual deviant, and or suicidal, and/or killed in an altercation with law enforcement?  Martin Luther King, remember him? J Edgar worked so hard to get him in bed with a prostitute and ah look it his dissertation was plagiarized and he was a dirty commie and one of his lieutenants was a homosexual and J Edgar Hoover and the FBI made sure everyone knew.  Why would they do that in the 60s? Simple, in the 50s and 60s King and co dared challenge a system.  Fred Hampton,  a leader of the Black Panthers was drugged and assassinated point blank by the Chicago PD and yet the official cause of death shootout with the police, they claimed he fired at them some twenty times and yet the evidence eventually showed one of his lieutenants got off one shot that went into the ceiling.

    Moving to more recent times, Abbie Hoffman of Steal This Book fame questioned the power of the FBI and CIA and well the boy done gone shot himself in the 80s and he was an alleged traitor and sexual deviant.  Ed Snowden? Whistle blower and now in Moscow, if ya takes shelter in Putinland you be a traitor.  Julian Assange? Traitor and deviant ignore wikileaks, he raped a girl even though she dropped charges but he is in prison awaiting extradition.  Scott Ritter? Same thing.  Sorry, but always recognize a smear campaign for what it is.

    Now let's say for a moment that Scott Ritter and Julian Assange are sexual predators.  Fine, punish them for that, but that in no way should invalidate anything they have researched and brought to life.  

    You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

    Pedo Island and Epstein's Black Book show that they are all dirt bags. Scott just got on the wrong side hence they destroyed his reputation. It's a massive sting operation to maintain discipline - they got dirt on basically all. The stick often works better than the carrot.

    It's as much intimidation as character assassination. It's how the US Deep State/Mossad work. Some suicide themselves by two bullets to the back of the head, others get in the sex offender registry and called a pedo for life.

    But a pedo he still is.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  mnztr Sat Jun 04, 2022 3:42 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    In short, he says that Russia is killing it in the field, but considering Russia's strategic aims of de-nazification and a neutral Ukraine, taking the Donbass, all of it, and even incorporating it into Russia could still be considered a strategic defeat.

    I don't necessarily disagree. Even if Donbass is clear, Ukraine would be more Nazi than before the war considering the only legal party in the country now is the Nazi party led by Zelensky. And its more Nato than before because the west has poured billions of weapons in.

    I agree, they need to take the whole thing. Blow up all the rail lines to Western Europe. They need complete capitulation from Kiev. They need to announce well in advance that they intend to take Kiev after Donbass and intend to fully take Ukraine. Civilians should flee Kiev and Liviv as they intend to cut all power, water and comms in the coming weeks and it will be hell. Humanitarian corridors will remain open, but no ones safety can be guaranteed as there may be intensive bombing and shelling underway. Russian govt is the WORST fucking negotiator ever. They are like, WELL when you are ready we are ready. They should say no terms will be available other then surrender of the UAF. Russia is planning to triple its forces and bombardment capacity in the coming weeks to complete the operation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  kvs Sat Jun 04, 2022 3:53 am

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Df3aq510
    The first time I recognize this. So the nominal and the PPP method take the american system and the Dollar as base. Otherwise the numbers would change for the US.
    In other words: even the PPP method is pure western financial voodoo garbage.

    The graph is garbage because the PPP in the Russian MIC sector is higher than in the consumer sector. Russian missiles and submarines cost much less than a
    factor of 2.x relative denominator compared to their US counterparts. Same goes for MIC services. A good starting point is to multiply the Russian military budget
    by a factor of 6.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:05 am

    Hole wrote:
    Nice job putting all this garbage together. Very Happy

    Replace "Russia" with "Ukraine" and all the headlines make sense... Razz Razz Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:11 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:
    It's obvious that the some of the reasoning and subsequent conclusions are a stretch. Talking about a possible collapse of Russia is at this point as much a pipedream as some of the 'Russia can defeat NATO IN Europe at any given moment' nonsense that was flooding this board months ago.

    What this speech (NOT an interview, and Gao is from the looks of it a respected member of China's diplomatic corps/ 'expert' community/ CASS) does highlight is the discrepancy between official Russian propaganda narratives and Chinese discourse behind closed scenes. One for the dumbed downed masses and the other one for well informed individuals with skin in the game. For that reason alone it is worthwhile posting here, as it will make the parish go into bunkermode which is always a sight to behold.

    And I do agree on Chinese resilience or better said lack their of. Their mercantilist/isolationist tendencies coupled with this conflict-avoiding attitude reek of weekness. When the Aussies+US threatened military action around the Chinese base in the Solomon Islands they dropped the issue and simply walked away. But very soon they won't be able to walk away anymore as the US is prepping conflict in Taiwan. Even 'Beijing Biden' got recently wheeled out to Warhawk on China. That nickname never did made a lot of sense in the first place.

    I will leave any comments on Gao's allegiance or personal character traits to others, as I do not know this man nor his background nor his (un-official) standing. But yes there still is somewhat of a power struggle going on in China with the Bo GuaGua faction/Shanghai Clique/ Jiang Zemin faction clearly allied with the globalists/Soros. Official Chinese media on more than one occasion has stated that the State is in the process of 'removing the remaining poison'. The Shanghai Covid1984 debacle coupled with Soros' February 2021 speech (wherein he predicts a massive outbreak) leave room for speculation. Shanghai+ Zhejiang are a powerbase for the Jiang Zemin faction and the (purposely?) mutiny on Xi's Zero Covid policy (which is a matter of national security in the eyes of the Chinese) reek of treason.

    Heh you remember... "a few stand off, well placed Kinzhals will do the trick" remember? "if the US can do it in the M.E why can't Russia?" Sorta funny how it all shifted to: "Well what do you expect?" "The rate of the advance is slow cause Ukraine has the support of the combined West".... "It's actually impressive 4x Belgium landmass has been liberated..." wait what... lol1 jocolor scratch But there is so much more to look back to and laugh.... Total clown show.

    It's to be expected for there to be genuine as well as manufactured (through agents of influence of the British/American/Jap psy-op kind) division within the Chinese political and economic elite over big geopolitical decisions and topics, specially considering those of the magnitude that concern a reconfiguration of the world order and bring their skin to the game. They rather sit it out and watch all their rivals, friend or foe alike whittle away peacefully in some Sun tzu dream but that ain't gonna happen. There will be a confrontation and they will have to face it, the outcome of which will decide the new world order, they'll either win it with their entourage of allies, big and small, or lose it.

    China's power resides in its industrial strength and mercantilist trade, economic in nature, not militarily. Thus  the Chinese understand where their strengths are and what their deficiencies are. They're resource starved and can't keep their economic activity at such a level if disruptions to their resource bases occur. The only safe ones are found, you guess it, in land, within China, and from Russia (for the most part). Anything that comes from the sea is disruptable. The U.S/West know that too obv. Thus it's obvious why the U.S/West push for military encirclement of China and why China cries about "bloc mentality". They cry about it because they lack what their rival has and they know it's a powerful weapon. The U.S/West command an allegiance network capable of bringing down the Chinese economy to a halt through a naval blockade, full, soft or selective, and the Chinese won't be capable of combatting it effectively without pressing the Nuke button. The U.S can manage such, Taiwan independence being the torch light... once the cards are positioned well enough - at least that is the American goal, and that is what they're working on. The purpose of the QUAD, and bringing European NATO into the frey all work in tandem towards preparing for that moment. The Chinese are outmanned, outgunned and outflanked. That's why the Changs are on an accelerated drive to build a blue water navy but even with a blue water navy you still need an allegiance structure, a bloc, to back you up, and strategically help you in the confrontation. The U.S is smart in harassing China for every move they make to try to get Naval bases established in third countries. The Chinese are desperate to break from the first island chain grip and with India in the fray, the South China Sea also got a visegrip on. It's a tight grip. Neither Russia's Central Asian allegiance network nor the Russian Navy are capable of counter balancing the seafaring power strengths and capacity to blockade China trade. The only thing Russia is useful for is keeping the Europeans in check for a gang rape of China, and as a stable resource base to avoid complete collapse once seaborne trade and seaborne resource imports are blocked or semi-blocked in case of such a stand-off.

    Thus, faced with such horror, the will of the Chinese will truly be tested and your guess is as good as mine as to whether they'll wistand the stand off and win or capitulate and enter into an understanding with the U.S (relegated to underling status, simply a bigger Japan). As of today, they're clearly not ready for such a stand-off, and the U.S isn't ready either for such a maneuver, both are working around the clock to get to their desired positions faster. Am I sold on Chinese progress on this front, not quite in the least. Russia is much more self-sufficient than China, despite having severely less upside (for decisions that are fresh, some decades or even centuries old).

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:40 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:24 am

    Hole wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Df3aq510
    The first time I recognize this. So the nominal and the PPP method take the american system and the Dollar as base. Otherwise the numbers would change for the US.
    In other words: even the PPP method is pure western financial voodoo garbage.

    PPP is not a bad metric, but its not perfect by any means.  It still does not take into account factors such as institutional efficiencies and value-for-money.  One dollar (PPP equivalent) buys much more military capability in Russia or China than it does in the US. Private owners of US MIC companies extract heavy profits, adding to costs, and the Pentagon has no real leverage over the quality or performance of the systems delivered, so it receives junk systems that fail in real warfare conditions. Javelin and Stinger, to name but a few.

    The other big factor is that a large portion of US expenditure goes into Empire maintenance and the cost of operating a global power projection capability that stands around in peacetime with its thumb up its azz.  Its an enormous cost, and robs funds away from the essential activities like R&D, new weapon developments, and procurement for modernisation/replacement of obsolete gear.

    Russian state-owned MIC manufacturers don't make profit because the State doesn't require them to.  Those companies exist for one purpose - to manufacture weapons that the State military wants, that perform as specified, and for a price that the State is prepared to pay.  Why should the State-owned MIC make a profit when such would simply return back to the Treasury?  If the MIC wants to make profit, they can win foreign orders and charge international market prices, but the kicker is that they are then expected to use those funds to subsidise their work for the State! Execs get bonuses for their success but no profits get leeched by obscenely wealthy & parasitical capital-owners. "State-Capitalism" dne the way it should be thumbsup

    The result is that the Russian taxpayer pays much less, the gov budget isn't stretched (Russia has a budget surplus FFS... what Western "exceptional" nation-let can say that?) and the military gets superlative systems that work when needed (as the current pest control operation in Banderite Buttfukistan is showing only too well).

    GarryB, Werewolf, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, Hole, Broski and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Backman Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:39 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:
    ucmvulcan wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:
    Erk wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:

    Not only is Ritter a recidivist in failure, Scottie is also an ex-con who served over 2 years in a state prison in Pennsylvania after he got caught trying to hook up with minors as young as 13 (and possibly 11).

    But there is more. Scott has been under internal FBI investigation for 3+ years after heavy suspicion emerged that the man was spying for none other than Our Greatest Ally Israel.

    The whole pro-Putin grifter clique indeed is a clowns how. Are there any normal people over there?
    So rather than debate the points Ritter raises, you chose to personally attack him for something totally unrelated to the Ukraine conflict. What kind of agenda do you really have here?

    I learnt a lot about Ukraine and Russia from Ritter, he is a good journalist, he spent many years living in Russia during the nuclear disarmament period. You might be better off reading one of his books about it, rather than posting about FBI smear stings.

    I understand that this conflict awakens tribalism and ideological purity spirals in many, but covering for a convicted pedo and highly probable traitor is something I'll never condone.

    As for analysis, they only look good on paper. You can only be wrong so often without losing credentials. Likewise when the local hamburguesa joint (LOL at the guy who thinks I am a Flip) serves me uncooked burgers for 9 days in a row, the 10th day I won't visit his store anymore no matter how appealing his ads look, and no matter how smooth his talks are.

    This is basic stuff.

    Just thinking aloud, why is it that everyone who goes against the American establishment, especially its intel apparatus is always a traitor, a commie, a terrorist, and/or sexual deviant, and or suicidal, and/or killed in an altercation with law enforcement?  Martin Luther King, remember him? J Edgar worked so hard to get him in bed with a prostitute and ah look it his dissertation was plagiarized and he was a dirty commie and one of his lieutenants was a homosexual and J Edgar Hoover and the FBI made sure everyone knew.  Why would they do that in the 60s? Simple, in the 50s and 60s King and co dared challenge a system.  Fred Hampton,  a leader of the Black Panthers was drugged and assassinated point blank by the Chicago PD and yet the official cause of death shootout with the police, they claimed he fired at them some twenty times and yet the evidence eventually showed one of his lieutenants got off one shot that went into the ceiling.

    Moving to more recent times, Abbie Hoffman of Steal This Book fame questioned the power of the FBI and CIA and well the boy done gone shot himself in the 80s and he was an alleged traitor and sexual deviant.  Ed Snowden? Whistle blower and now in Moscow, if ya takes shelter in Putinland you be a traitor.  Julian Assange? Traitor and deviant ignore wikileaks, he raped a girl even though she dropped charges but he is in prison awaiting extradition.  Scott Ritter? Same thing.  Sorry, but always recognize a smear campaign for what it is.

    Now let's say for a moment that Scott Ritter and Julian Assange are sexual predators.  Fine, punish them for that, but that in no way should invalidate anything they have researched and brought to life.  

    You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

    Pedo Island and Epstein's Black Book show that they are all dirt bags. Scott just got on the wrong side hence they destroyed his reputation. It's a massive sting operation to maintain discipline - they got dirt on basically all. The stick often works better than the carrot.

    It's as much intimidation as character assassination. It's how the US Deep State/Mossad work. Some suicide themselves by two bullets to the back of the head, others get in the sex offender registry and called a pedo for life.

    But a pedo he still is.

    He's not a pedo ffs. He was caught in a setup by the FBI. The female involved probably looked 20 but was 16 or something.

    If anything he's a gullible idiot. And a moron who sends dick pics.

    But for me , the amount and extent of the lies that the US empire makes to anyone who crosses them just means I'll just never believe anything they say.

    Maybe Scott did nothing and the whole thing was a fabrication.

    GarryB, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, MMBR, Sprut-B, Broski and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:46 am

    You can only go 50/50 at best.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 4:55 am

    Backman wrote:But Russia could only dream of getting presented with a legitimate opportunity to take the Black sea coast. They couldn't have invented a reason no matter how hard they tried. Now Russia will be able to make the grain OPEC that it always wanted. And that's just the start.

    Agreed, this is a strategic opportunity of the 1st order. There is no way Russia could have engineered a takeover of Ukraine before the events of 2014. Even China would have condemned them, the Russian people would have been totally split on such action, and Western economic-financial war would likely have been devastating. After 8 years of anti-Russian pogroms by the hohols, Russia can now intervene and reasonably invoke R2P principles as justification (that much of the non-Western world is quietly accepting). Russia has the opportunity to demolish Ukraine, take the bits it wants including all of its Russian-speaking areas and the Black sea coastline, and the West can do ****-all about it. Russia shows the feckless arrogant Eurotrash who is really in charge in a world governed by resources and realpolitik, and where abused fiat currencies and the promotion of globohomo faggotry does not deliver real geopolitical power in the long-term Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

    The West have shot their bolt, and they've done nothing more than make a sticky mess in their pants. Their balls are empty, nothing left, now they just down to threatening to wipe their sticky fingers on Russias coat-tails Razz Razz Razz

    Russia has already paid the price that they knew they would incur. This shit was costed-in on the decision to finally act, and now its a sunk cost. The world has fundamentally changed yet the inbred clowns of rich families who infest our corridors of power remain either blind to it all, or are in complete denial as they suck their thumbs and hug their security blankets.

    Loving it. More pls. Keep grinding the Ukrotrash in Donbass. May the junta regime in Kiev keep pouring their manpower into the grinder. Every dead hohol is one less idiot who might be tempted to join any so-called "insurgency". Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Backman Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:00 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:
    Erk wrote:
    sundoesntrise wrote:Wall of text
    This is old news, it was covered weeks ago on May 11th.

    Gao Yusheng comments have been largely censored as they don't represent the view of the Chinese government, they sound more like something the Epoch Times would have come up with.

    Also, they don't seem to represent the reality on the ground in Ukraine.

    *Doesn't represent the official view of the Chinese government.

    Chinese are a smart bunch, whose foreign policy is based in long term strategic thinking and the school of realism. You'd have to be seriously delusional to think that they buy the Russian' everything according to plan' line behind closed doors.

    Russia was supposed to bring military expertise and raw horsepower to this new (post April-May 2021) alliance. Turns out that was quite a stretch. All alarm bells have started going off in Beijing, no doubt about that.

    This is hilarious. Alarm bells are ringing alright because they know what they face in Taiwan. And unlike Russia , China has zero experience in real hybrid warfare and diplomacy.

    China could have stood up to the west in Libya. But it said nothing and evacuated 60,000 of its ppl and watched the US burn it's investments in the country to the ground.

    Alternatively Russia actually put boots on the ground and stopped a US regime change in Syria. Did China help even at all ? No. They could have sent some troops or planes to get a feel for the real world but they didn't.

    Who sent a plane load of special forces to Venezuela when the regime change was happening there ? China? Nope. Russia.

    Maybe China was counting on Russia to help with Taiwan. Now they are worried that Russia is too busy. On ya China. This one is on you.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:01 am

    Backman wrote:He's not a pedo ffs. He was caught in a setup by the FBI. The female involved probably looked 20 but was 16 or something.

    If anything he's a gullible idiot. And a moron who sends dick pics.

    But for me , the amount and extent of the lies that the US empire makes to anyone who crosses them just means I'll just never believe anything they say.

    Maybe Scott did nothing and the whole thing was a fabrication.

    Yeah, Ritter was targeted by the FBI as a political hit because regime figures disliked his audacity to tell the truth and undermine the (fake) narratives.

    He was setup and lead on. The girl told him she was 16 only once he was on his vinegar stroke.... and he was too far gone to stop.

    Sometimes you just can't apply the brakes when the train is thundering along... Razz Razz Razz Razz

    It's hardly surprising. FFS the FBI was a willing accomplice in the plot to neuter a President-Elect over allegations that where clearly false and politically inspired. Does anyone really believe they won't use a honey-trap to fck-over a minor critic of the regimes crimes and misbehaviours? Suspect

    Werewolf, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, MMBR, Sprut-B, Broski, Arkanghelsk and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:02 am

    JohninMK wrote:Mike Yeo 杨启铭
    Jun 2
    US-supplied Mi-17 helicopter in Afghan AF camo and Ukrainian markings

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 FUPckZFaMAApKfu?format=jpg&name=small

    This is the "before" shot. Lets see what it looks like after it tries to perform a mission.... Twisted Evil

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  LMFS Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:09 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:PPP is not a bad metric, but its not perfect by any means.  It still does not take into account factors such as institutional efficiencies and value-for-money.  One dollar (PPP equivalent) buys much more military capability in Russia or China than it does in the US. Private owners of US MIC companies extract heavy profits, adding to costs, and the Pentagon has no real leverage over the quality or performance of the systems delivered, so it receives junk systems that fail in real warfare conditions. Javelin and Stinger, to name but a few.

    Michael Hudson has explained very well how financial capitalism, unlike industrial one, steals wealth and produces nothing in exchange. By design our elites have set up the rules of the economy so that the productive sectors can be bled for their interest instead of attending the social needs it should support. Hardly surprising, then, that Western MIC is as inefficient as is unrepairable, since it is not intended to produce value for the defence of the country but to extract wealth.

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    Post  Backman Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:29 am

    Sondoesntrise looks like that Chinese troll that used to lurk and get his China superiority complex cheap shots in. The guy who had a drone as an avatar.

    It's funny how these douchbags like Van and F and a few others always claim that this is some kind of pro Russia echo chamber. It's anything but.

    Pseudo objective Putin skeptics always seem to control the narrative. Remember during the Syria it was TOW-mageddon ? There was jerkoffs constantly posting every TOW video that came out. And insinuating that Russia was losing.

    Then during Libya they posted all about the Pantsir losses.

    Then we had a jerkoff live blogging Navalnys latest color devolution attempt. He was updating the amount of views the studio mansion video was getting every hour

    Now we got 2 arrogant loud mouth jerkoffs basically spouting talking points.

    And the sneaky little Chinese troll getting his licks in. And they didn't seem to notice that I actually posted about Scott Ritter CRITIQUING Putin. Not singing his praises. It was my attempt at critisizing something about the war and I got the expected result. Cheap shot artists piled on. Instead of having a discussion.

    It's all just a function of the English language. Nothing can escape the echo of Anglo propaganda.

    Last edited by Backman on Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:41 am

    The U.S with the Kurds control 1/3 of Syria, the resource rich part, while the Turks and terrorists control parts of the north and Syria is a frozen conflict with no end or political solution in sight.

    Folks here boast about Russia grabbing the resource and geopolitical significant portions of Ukraine but at the same time turn into Stevie Wonder on Syria. Consistency is the key.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Stevie-wonder-piano

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    Post  Backman Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:52 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:The U.S with the Kurds control 1/3 of Syria, the resource rich part, while the Turks and terrorists control parts of the north and Syria is a frozen conflict with no end or political solution in sight.

    Folks here boast about Russia grabbing the resource and geopolitical significant portions of Ukraine but at the same time turn into Stevie Wonder on Syria. Consistency is the key.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Stevie-wonder-piano

    Sigh. You dunderhead. The war between Russia and the US isn't about resources at all. It's about hegemony and power. Assad had to go for no other reason than because the US said he had to go. And what the US says gets done. No questions.

    And Russia put itself on the line and challenged this power. The US said Assad must  go and Russia said Assad stays. And Assad is staying. And not long after , the King of Saud paid a visit to the Kremlin for the first time ever. Why ? Because Russia proved itself.

    As if Assad falling was going to usher in the US's grand strategy for the region. There was no grand strategy.

    On Ukraine , it will be pretty cool that Russia can finally make the grain OPEC it always wanted. But this was also about power. Not resources.

    Last edited by Backman on Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:54 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:Folks here boast about Russia grabbing the resource and geopolitical significant portions of Ukraine but at the same time turn into Stevie Wonder on Syria. Consistency is the key.

    They key takeaway is that the US was on the verge of achieving regime change against a key enemy, but Russia intervened with what was a fairly token force and, despite Western bullshittery about "Russia getting stuck in a quagmire" or "Russia getting a 2nd Afghanistan", they worked with Damascus to pull Syrias chestnuts out of the fire, save the State, defeat the Wahabbis, and face down the US and Turkey into a situation which while being a stalemate, is still a strategic success in that the US regime chnage operation was defeated and the balance of power in the ME was not shifted in US favour.

    A small Russian force achieved more in Syria than a massive US force did in Iraq.  Achievement is measured in geopolitical aims achieved (Syria), not on how many civilians are killed or doors kicked in (Iraq).

    The fact that you don't realise this kinda undermines any credence you think you have. Razz

    BTW don't take so much copium. It causes headaches and (verbal) diarrhoea.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jun 04, 2022 5:56 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Screen78

    Johninmk and Ipsan do a great job of elaborating on the main movements in this war

    But basically you can see the biggest movement is in the east from Popasnaya

    That salient is the nail in the coffin for the highway to Lisichansk from bakhmut

    The ukrops dumb enough to stay in the pocket are gone, they are pawns caught in a fork move by rooks and bishops

    Towards Slavyansk, Russia won't go straight for it

    Look west towards Barvenkovo

    They're building there , and that's how they will approach slavyansk and kramatorsk , once svyatogorsk and the north east are sanitized

    Bakhmut was a logistics hub, and it's value is nullified now that they are cutoff from lisichansk

    Also the value of Avdeyevka is diminished now, donetsk is cleaved

    Once donbass is rolled up

    There's a lot to consider

    Rotating forces means no need to wait

    But Odessa first? Or finish Kharkov and Dnipro?

    Or maybe both at the same time now that the VSU is obliterated

    Has anyone heard about the Ukrainian general that's angry with Zelensky?

    Some weird noise is coming from Ukrainian military and azov

    I sense the endgame soon after donetsk

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    Post  lyle6 Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:09 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:The U.S with the Kurds control 1/3 of Syria, the resource rich part, while the Turks and terrorists control parts of the north and Syria is a frozen conflict with no end or political solution in sight.

    Folks here boast about Russia grabbing the resource and geopolitical significant portions of Ukraine but at the same time turn into Stevie Wonder on Syria. Consistency is the key.
    That rump Kurdistan only cost the US their relationship with Turkey, and is still paying dividends - no one's getting in NATO without the Sultan's consent.
    Maybe Putin should write a book. Call it the "Art of the Deil" as only a diabolical mastermind can masterfully set these clever traps and make his opponent thank him for the privilege.

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    Post  lancelot Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:10 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:The U.S with the Kurds control 1/3 of Syria, the resource rich part, while the Turks and terrorists control parts of the north and Syria is a frozen conflict with no end or political solution in sight.
    The government of Syria controls the whole coastline and the major population centers. So what.
    The US gets a drop of oil and loads of wheat from the Kurds. Russia lacks neither of those things.

    There is also little chance either Turkey or Iran will allow the creation of an independent Kurdish state.
    In fact US support for the Kurds might be the final straw which will make the Turks leave NATO at this rate. The current brouhaha Turkey is making about Sweden and Finland joining NATO being one example of this. Turkey is currently conducting its own SMO both on Northern Iraq and Northern Syria against the Kurds simultaneously. But sure just ignore that.

    Last edited by lancelot on Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:12 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:11 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:Russia was supposed to bring military expertise and raw horsepower to this new (post April-May 2021) alliance. Turns out that was quite a stretch. All alarm bells have started going off in Beijing, no doubt about that.

    Russia is bringing strategic defense in depth to the Sino-Russo alliance. With Russia at their back China knows that the backbone of Eurasia, including the Arctic, is fully secure and immune from Murkan geopolitical penetration.

    Chinese are not stupid, they know exactly what Russia is attempting - ie to fight a limited operation with only 15% of their Armed Forces to takedown NATO-controlled Ukraine, defy the collective West, endure their financial-economic counter-attacks, and ultimately break the global hegemony that West attempts to assert. Knocking down the West by (more than) a few pegs will be of incalculable value to an ascending China, and they are aware that not everything will go according to plan, but they are analysing what they see with the cold eye of calculating realism, and they know that they have put their bets on the winning horse.

    China will still play with their cards close to their chest however. They will keep their powder dry and will only do what is needed for vital support to Russia, and will not burn unnecessary bridges or give justifications to the Murkans for increased actions against China. The failure to join Mir payment system to Union Pay is such an example. Let the Murkans obsess about Russia and waste its energy with failed sanctions in their direction. Meanwhile China takes advantage. The Chinese are playing the long game, and Russia understands this.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  ATLASCUB Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:12 am

    If the smart dimwitts say so. So much nonsense to unpack in two posts it's not even worth the effort.

    In the middle east, the balance of power is still in U.S favor. As for the rest of the fantasies, you all can believe what you want to believe.

    Assad had to go for several reasons:

    To deprive Lebanon of a key ally (and make collapse and a Civil War in Lebanon easier - benefiting both the U.S and Israel).
    To deprive Russia of a key M.E ally.
    To deprive Iran of a key M.E ally, and deprive Iraq of any attempt to look beyond its own border and American control.
    To build a pipeline from Qatar to the EU to ship gas to eat into Gazprom market share.
    To export terrorism to the Russian underbelly.
    To tilt the Shiite/Sunni balance.
    To create Kurdish separatism with the potential to spread to Iran.

    While many of the objectives failed to materialize the U.S and company have been able to achieve:

    A frozen conflict.
    A humanitarian catastrophe.
    Set back Syria development decades back.
    Hold hostage Syria's main resources.
    Stirred separatism, and keeps it alive.
    Exported terrorism with varied degrees of success to areas of geopolitical interest.
    Stopped Syria from being a normal functioning country that can be a net positive economic player in the region for allies such as Lebanon, Iran, Iraq or Russia.
    All at a modest cost of investment.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Harmonica-humming

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:18 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:13 am

    Good episode today.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:19 am

    ATLASCUB wrote:In the middle east, the balance of power is still in U.S favor. As for the rest of the fantasies, you all can believe what you want to believe.

    Sure... thats why Iran gets to launch missiles attacks on US-operated air bases and the US responds by sticking its thumb up its well-laid azz and tries to change the topic... Razz Razz Razz

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #17 - Page 36 Copium10

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