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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:54 pm

    Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Take a look at this..

    the losses of russian army to baykatar drones can't be denied , and this is army that claimed
    "air superiority" total control in the first day and that "disable ukraine air defenses" just in the first day.

    The images confirm what many have been saying , but ignored by fanboys in the forum ,
    and is that the Russia army is not yet prepared to fight a modern war against an enemy with
    strong air support . Because if the Russian military can't properly defend their own army ,
    right next to the russian borders ,where Russia have access to the entire air power.. then imagine
    how much worse it will be for Russia military if it had to fight far from its borders, or perhaps if the country it had to invade was fully armed by NATO and Israel.

    -Zero electronic warfare used to blind the remote controlled baycatar drones.
    -Zero mobile air defenses protecting their major troops formations.
    -Zero anti air artillery taking down those drones .
    - Those drones need to take off from airports runways.. why those airports don't properly destroyed?

    And this is ukraine a third world nation ,that is only armed by another third country like turkey ,that their drones they manufacture with NATO parts.

    Imagine how much worse this will have been , if Russia was fighting in Serbia ,under attack by NATO ,that have NATO airbases near?  if it was fighting in Israel?  

    Russia is a second grade military today ,when it comes to modern warfare ,
    i have no doubts today , that had Russia had no nuclear weapons , and had no way to deter enemies from attacking them directly, it will have been completely destroyed its military in ukraine by any NATO major power with US unlimited aid of drones and modern weapons.  All those stupid era soviet artillery duels tactics ,that russia love to show all the time " as how powerful they are" will have been
    totally useless ,if Russia can't properly defend its airspace.

    Only russia nuclear deterrence is what prevents NATO from destroying Russia military bases, ,because all those s-400s ,that supposedly cover ukraine airspace performance vs baykatar drones have been mediocre to say the least.  since the russian army convoys are taking a lot of hits right next to belarus border ,which russia s-300s and s-400 can reach easily. No

    So far hopefully this war will show the incompetent Russia government and russian army ,that they are not well prepared at all , not even close to fight a real war ,against a much more stronger army ,
    as it will be japan for example , or israel , or UK , France or US.   so keep celebrating those s-400s junk , not good enough.. Russia is losing buks defenses like there is no tomorrow. and will lose those s-400s too , if they were located in ukraine , no question about it.

    Lets see what will happen to russian army, once those israeli drones start showing up targeting
    russian convoys , i can forsee a major disaster for russia in ukraine. if the russian military don't start
    properly providing air cover to the russian army. Because so far , doesn't look at all ,that Russia after 2 weeks of fights ,have complete control of ukraine airspace. not even close.. it can be hammered
    from time to time its military , with the very weak defense capabilities of russia vs drone attacks in ukraine and s-400s and s-300s deployed near the battles zones in russian border.

    i think is time for russian military to start moving to lethal energy weapons that fry electronics in combination with modern anti air artillery like the ones germany have.

    Ukraine airspace is on russian borders, and is fully under reach of russia s-300s and s-400s,
    and buks defense.. why those shitty airdefenses not stopping those drones from flying?
    what is the excuses now for russian army? 8 years preparations for war against ukraine was not
    good enough? they knew ,the high possibility that russian army will had to invade ukraine.
    they knew how dangerous were those baykatar drones of turkey, and how many russian hardware
    Russia military lost in syria, then later in armenian war , so what is the excuse now?
    so far is showing major weakness ,pretty poor performance vs modern warfare.

    Russia is strong only vs stalingrad like world war 2 battles , that wars are won by armor
    and artillery and tanks and soldiers on foot fighting . but in modern warfare , when enemy airforce
    and drones capability ,is very capable , russia military performance downgrade to the level of iran.
    This is very serious , because NATO is watching this , is paying attention to this , the west now knows Russia is very weak ,vs drones attacks and loitering munition, not well prepared for a sustained defense against it. and now there is no excuse people that used in the forum , as they did in the armenian conflict.. "russian army not there fighting"   Laughing

    Now is the russian army fighting . stop defending what can't be defended..
    russian army was sent to ukraine ill prepared ,fact , to properly defend its military from a modern air war. now all those that told "russian army is not there fighting" in the armenian conflict ,will need to eat their words..  now is the russian army being smashed ,just like turkey did it in armenia with their drones.  and i don't think ,that this major problems can be fixed by just sending more buks to ukraine.. the tactics are simply wrong..  Russia needs to go back to the drawing board and develop something new for a sustained air protection and defenses for the russian military. Because those shitty s-400s, and s-300s that covers all ukraine airspace don't work at all. and neither those mobile air defenses working that well either.   No

    if there is something positive in all this ,is that now everyone will stop worshipping those obsolete russian airdefenses s-400s ,s-300s , buks ,tors, not providing proper air cover to the russian convoys near belarus borders.  Neutral and russia military will need to radically change its tactics ,to protect its military convoys and military defended bases too ,when facing a modern war.   No

    There is no point in russia building any surface warship if it can't even protect its own soldiers in land , right next to its borders in a modern war.. they need to invest heavily instead 10x times more in modernizing its airforce and military for future modern wars, that will rarely use tanks or artillery and will focus more in air space domination using either energy weapons and saturation attacks with cheap drones warfare.

    The TB2 flies according to the display and optical height assessment around the 150 to 200m. An S-400, we say at 45km to 80km distance will not see anything. Physikalic not possible.

    The documented destroved TB2 Drohne  near a Torm2 was also very low height and distance. Maybe 200m above reason.
    Apparently, two drones always operate, a light mark (TB2) and an armed drone.

    As a result of this threat is:
    More TorM2!
    Always active 24/7 im standing and in driving!

    But that costs: Each vehicle costs 25 million US dollars. Inside prices ~ 15 million US dollars.

    We know that there is no TB2 drone where there is a active TorM2.
    We know as soon as the TorM2E of the Armenians were pulled south, they were immediately attacked as long as the gates were inactive (I say only inactive in the Garange, boy who makes such a bullshit ???!).

    But as soon as the active TorM2, not TB2 Drohne and activity has returned behind the border from Aserbaidschan. . The drone game was over. Just like here in Ukraine. Yes, the TB2 drones still find victims, too many, but they have no effect, no demoral singing, no military effect. They are annoying and cost a lot but the advance Attack will not stop or undermine not morality.

    Means for the future:
    Torm3, more range, better range for targeting and better and more missiles and reaction speeds!

    NATO has nothing in the countryside. If the army against such an armed drones would have to operate and against such an old but effective AD with S-300, SA-8, BUKM1, etc., however, their Air Force would be something in the ass and the enemy would break everything by drone. All! Because NATO has nothing comparable like Buk, Panzir or even TorM! Zero Air Defense in 10km Range. Please refer Saudi Arbaien, Irak (US Airbase) other all Basesd, zero Defence!

    We have Panzir systems. The ukrainians captured 3 so far. I guess they will be studied very well.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:55 pm

    🇵🇱❗Warsaw and Krakow can no longer accept refugees from Ukraine - State Border Guard Service of Poland


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:58 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    So you admit that it was a genius move of us to install Nabuillina? Keep in mind nobody expected that massive asset freeze.

    Not really genius when you consider, your agents have been running Russia since 1991

    So it's not really a question of genius, more like you were hoping to leech the last drops that you could

    But it's over now

    Niabullina is neutered by CCFI council headed by Mishustin and Shoigu

    So have they finally nationalized the central bank?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Vann7 Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:00 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Why did Russia stockpile all that money to Western banks (only to have it confiscated) instead of investing it in Russia like building roads, railways, factories, new agricultural farms etc.?

    with putin anything retarded thing is possible..   i think russia can recover any single euro the west
    froze or stole ,because europe without russia will never face peace and the economic cost of having
    a russia destablizing europe with similar tactics ,that the west used against russia in ukraine will be more expensive.. Russia can destabilize any european country of their choice by returning the favor that the EU ,, and supply with weapons any mercenary group in the baltics and norway.. countries that later europe will have to finance and suppor.  Without Russia cooperation the EU collapse , because russia can do exactly the same thing that europe is doing , aid with weapons civilians and train them in combat , to oppose  their european union and their vaccines dictatorship mandates..  lol1

    Russia for example can arm catalonians in spain with deadly weapons , and german and french opposition , this  games of passing weapons to the opposition that always exist in every country works both ways.. not only europe can do it ,but russia too..  russia

    russia can also destroy any alternative pipeline that leads to europe , in the black sea. russia
    economic war from europe can be paid back with economic war from russia, and if europe steal russian money ,russia can pay back and steal their pipelines from azerbaijan in the black sea. so the europeans are blocked from any natural gas energy.. and freeze in the winter. russia

    for europe it will be far more expensive ,to have russia as an enemy ,than as a friend. russia can cause catastrophic damage to the european economy beyond reparation . without firing a bullet, russia can just do electronic attacks on europe power grind and leave thout electricity entire european cities.. Shocked

    So europe needs more from russia ,than the other way ,because russia can sell all its energy to china and india. not a problem. so i don't see any way that europe will completely cut trading with russia.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:04 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:Why did Russia stockpile all that money to Western banks (only to have it confiscated) instead of investing it in Russia like building roads, railways, factories, new agricultural farms etc.?

    Because Nabuillina is deeply connected with Europe. Smile

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 G20+Finance+Ministers+Meet+Sydney+UYd2SDt8Ap5m

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Nabiullina_lagarde_f

    Legarde is the dominant lady here while Nabiullina looks scared and intimidated.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:07 pm

    Mike the central bank is undergoing an audit conducted by CCFI

    A new council,

    Kudrin, Niabullina, Chubais, associates of Gaidar, and the other liberasts are now being grilled by the CCFI

    They're trying to go nuclear with interest rate hikes and any other stunts they can pull

    Btw the russian ministries are in civil war

    Niabullina and her group passed an order March 4th from the prime  ministry which is Mishustin to create a sub committee which is not under supervision of Shoigu and Mikhail Delyagin which is Glazyevs proxy in the Duma 

    Andrey Belousov is leading it and he is not under sanctions (who would have guessed)

    Western agents are fighting tooth and nail , once we get the central bank under control we can rectify the economy

    The first to be found of corruption will trigger a mass indictment of all liberasts who are aiding and abetting the US and EU in economic sabotage

    Last edited by Arkanghelsk on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:08 pm

    Thats a big thing:

    EU offers all russian soldiers who desert asylum:


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Urluber Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:11 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Finnish media claims that more than 200,000 upper middle class Russians have fled Russia after the war started.

    Sure Rolling Eyes
    And what they are going to do abroad? Being upper middle class in Russia does not warrant living off on dividends in the west with inflated living expenses. Need to find work and start basically from scratch. I imagine that would be quite difficult for the most. There are of course some with dual citizenships, relatives abroad etc.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:12 pm

    Urluber wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:Finnish media claims that more than 200,000 upper middle class Russians have fled Russia after the war started.

    Sure Rolling Eyes
    And what they are going to do abroad? Being upper middle class in Russia does not warrant living off on dividends in the west with inflated living expenses. Need to find work and start basically from scratch. I imagine that would be quite difficult for the most. There are of course some with dual citizenships, relatives abroad etc.

    I guess they want live free and not in an isolated dictatorship?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Isos Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:15 pm

    Aristide wrote:Thats a big thing:

    EU offers all russian soldiers who desert asylum:

    What a joke. They don't offer it to children that lost both mother and father and you beleive they would give it to the russian soldiers.

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Karl Haushofer Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:18 pm

    Aristide wrote:Thats a big thing:

    EU offers all russian soldiers who desert asylum:

    Well how many have tried to desert so far?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:19 pm

    Isos wrote:
    Aristide wrote:Thats a big thing:

    EU offers all russian soldiers who desert asylum:

    What a joke. They don't offer it to children that lost both mother and father and you beleive they would give it to the russian soldiers.

    Yes we do, since its asymetrical. We also offer all young and educated russians to flee and come. And when we look at the train from St Petersburg to Helsinki...alot use this chance.

    For soldiers its even better, they can lay down their arms and apply for EU asylum. The asylum money they get is several times of what the russian army pays.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:19 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    The Issue i see more relevant that somehow Putin appears to be sourounded only by boot lickers and yes sayers and this led to the state Russia is now. Nobody with a sane mind can tell me that Russia expected this massive fallout. It appears they thought its a 2 days adventure and the EU accepts it.

    sure, From Kursk battle Nazis United Europe v.05 were winning all the time till may 45 in Berlin. AFAIK SS Charlemagne volunteers were even in the last bunker. Touchy.

    Infact in a way the EU must thank Putin because finally it projects power. Supplies weapons and uses its endless monetary power to raise the cost for Russia to extreme levels

    me thinks you too much project EU reality to Putin. EU is neither apex predator in economy, nor population or money. Too little touch with facts.

    Facts are EU is on verge of depression. Or it depression like in 30s already started. Tell me about GDP in France with millions of Middle Eastern people now working, energy prices +100%Im sure this makes economy growth higher right? . BTW I was recently in Brussels. Fights on the streets, riots, gas, water cannons , mounted police bashing everyone. Democracy in full swing. People wanted to express their voices about covid and second one about decreasing salary in face of inflation.
    But Im sure this was only in Bxl not in other EU countries Twisted Evil Twisted Evil :twisted:R ight?

    As for EU endless monetary power ?lol1 lol1 lol1 seriously with extra trillion printed by ECB you pay with what exactly? This fuels inflation and more depression. And someone else buy your bonds? and if not? if countries forced by US/EU slavers will get help to free from economical yoke? Not to mention countries like African colonies countries EU still abuse can get a helping hand with money and guns to get free. Il looks like interesting world to me in making.

    Military EU is dwarf. Is there any EY army? with nukes? there isnt. Point. EU doesn't do a step without command from Pentagram.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:21 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Img_2017
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Img_2016

    Load of firepower, the west of Ukraine is beginning to fall

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Vann7 Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:21 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Finnish media claims that more than 200,000 upper middle class Russians have fled Russia after the war started.

    it could be fith column liberal assets of the west , that were financed by the hundreds of western NGO's ,operating in Ruussia.

    All the 5th column in russia have to be in the run now ,that they know can be arrested for cooperating
    with western institutions to promote civil unrest in the country. People like navalny will never see the day light again , him and his wife arrested. Im sure of a major cleanup of western assents in the country started , because russia no longer expect good relations with the west , so no point of cooperating with them on anything.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:23 pm

    Aristide wrote:Thats a big thing:

    EU offers all russian soldiers who desert asylum:

    The only big thing that salty Tunisians pretending to be French men knows is the stale baguette that they peg themselves with. Wink

    Cry more at the pump (not the 'pump' you do with the stale baguette) Escar-Gaul.

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 2537px-Weeping_Parisian_from_NARA_Ww2-81

    Last edited by magnumcromagnon on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:23 pm

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Screen48
    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Screen49

    Huge Russian breakthroughs in the west and south

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:24 pm

    Aristide wrote:

    For soldiers its even better, they can lay down their arms and apply for EU asylum. The asylum money they get is several times of what the russian army pays.

    Soldiers laying arms in front of SS Charlemagne ended up poorly.  i dont think they do this.  Beside what is the reason for them to live in soon to be caliphate of paris?

    Urluber wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:Finnish media claims that more than 200,000 upper middle class Russians have fled Russia after the war started.

    Sure Rolling Eyes
    And what they are going to do abroad? Being upper middle class in Russia does not warrant living off on dividends in the west with inflated living expenses. Need to find work and start basically from scratch. I imagine that would be quite difficult for the most. There are of course some with dual citizenships, relatives abroad etc.

    So Instagram prostitutes or state paid tv stars left to Israel or west? so be it . EU needs low paid workforce too .

    200, 000 left  , 2,600,0000 Ukrainians come  to Russia. Good exchange to me.

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:25 pm

    Russians have no reason to give in, if you look at the maps in the west, Ukraine has not been able to defend any sector adequately

    It's been a very light effort by Russia and they've subjugated the largest force in Europe

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Urluber Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:27 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    Urluber wrote:
    Karl Haushofer wrote:Finnish media claims that more than 200,000 upper middle class Russians have fled Russia after the war started.

    Sure Rolling Eyes
    And what they are going to do abroad? Being upper middle class in Russia does not warrant living off on dividends in the west with inflated living expenses. Need to find work and start basically from scratch. I imagine that would be quite difficult for the most. There are of course some with dual citizenships, relatives abroad etc.

    I guess they want live free and not in an isolated dictatorship?

    So they are going to Byelorus?

    West is quite isolated judging by how tiny fraction of world took part in their sanctions attempt at Russia. West sure had hoped much broader participation, I believe. World community is clearly on Russian side. And freedom... give up the slogans from the past century already. We all know about the covid vaccine mandates, violent crushing of freedom protests etc.

    The freedom myth traces back to era when the US constitution was written. True, it was advanced back then as most of the world was still actually ruled by kings and emirs and whatnot. These days it's more of a joke. People elsewhere in the world don't need a right to carry a gun because elsewhere the governments offer their poor at least some sort of living conditions so they don't have to rob off those who have food etc.

    Last edited by Urluber on Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

    magnumcromagnon, Hannibal Barca, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, Hole, Broski and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:27 pm

    Russian tanks sinking into the mud

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:30 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    The Issue i see more relevant that somehow Putin appears to be sourounded only by boot lickers and yes sayers and this led to the state Russia is now. Nobody with a sane mind can tell me that Russia expected this massive fallout. It appears they thought its a 2 days adventure and the EU accepts it.

    sure, From Kursk battle Nazis United Europe v.05 were winning all the time till  may 45 in  Berlin. AFAIK SS Charlemagne volunteers were even in the last bunker. Touchy.

    Infact in a way the EU must thank Putin because finally it projects power. Supplies weapons and uses its endless monetary power to raise the cost for Russia to extreme levels

    me thinks you too much project EU reality to Putin.  EU is neither apex predator  in economy, nor population or money. Too little touch with facts.

    Facts are EU is on verge of depression. Or it depression like in 30s already started. Tell me about GDP in France with millions of Middle Eastern people now working, energy prices +100%Im sure this makes economy growth higher right?  .  BTW I was recently in Brussels. Fights on the streets, riots, gas, water cannons , mounted  police bashing everyone. Democracy in full swing. People wanted to express their voices about covid and second one about decreasing salary in face of inflation.
    But Im sure this was only in Bxl not in other EU countries Twisted Evil Twisted Evil :twisted:R ight?  

    As for EU endless monetary power ?lol1 lol1 lol1  seriously with extra trillion printed by ECB  you pay with what exactly? This fuels inflation and more depression. And someone else buy your bonds? and if not?  if countries forced by US/EU slavers will get help to free from economical yoke? Not to mention countries like African colonies countries EU still abuse can get a helping hand with  money and guns to get free. Il looks like interesting world to me in making.

    Military EU is dwarf. Is there any EY army? with nukes? there isnt. Point. EU doesn't do a step without command from Pentagram.


    There is a EU military with nukes. Smile

    France. We have enough to melt entire Russia to glass. Which is good to keep the balance of fear

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arkanghelsk Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:32 pm

    French nuclear force is not enough to glass Russia with S500 ABM and Nudol system

    Russia is getting protected from nuclear attack because it anticipates the west growing erratic from its total defeat in europe

    So should we have to use avangard to decapitate Paris, nothing will hit Russia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:32 pm

    Aristide wrote:Sinking into the mud
    Escar-Gauls are experts who speak from experience...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Aristide Fri Mar 11, 2022 9:32 pm

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Aristide wrote:

    For soldiers its even better, they can lay down their arms and apply for EU asylum. The asylum money they get is several times of what the russian army pays.

    Soldiers laying arms in front of SS Charlemagne ended up poorly.  i dont think they do this.  Beside what is the reason for them to live in soon to be caliphate of paris?

    The "Caliphate of Paris" as you call it, has a 29 times higher average income than the islamic chechen slum of Moscow. Infact even Romania has a 3 times higher income than Russia.

    You should not forget, that Russia is a verympoor country with very low living standards.

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