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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Regular Wed Mar 09, 2022 6:40 am

    par far wrote:

    I have a question that I have in my mind for a while now.

    A lot of people are saying that the sanctions will destroy the EU and people are also saying that the US wants to eat EU's lunch money

    If the US does that to the EU like article is saying, would it not also weaken the US in the long term?

    I mean the US can eat the EU lunch money for a while but it will weaken the EU, which in turn will weaken the collective west.

    Has this been thought out by the US?

    I am not an economist, but of course, it will hurt US. It will hurt the world's economy. That's why some say that sanctions will temporary. Russia is not Iran and it is sole supplier of many natural resources to both US and EU. EU will be affected much more as Russia was a big trade partner, while USA can diversify in most cases. I am not sure about the collapse. It doesn't look like Russia, US or EU will collapse from this. Plebs will be the ones paying higher bills...

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Mir Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:17 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    High resolution satellite imagery from March 3 shows 42 An-2 biplanes, 2 rare EW Il-22PP aircraft and 1 ELINT Il-20M aircraft deployed at Seshcha airbase located 160 kilometers from Ukraine.

    It appears that they are using the An-2's to trigger air defense radars - not confirmed though.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:50 am

    Regular wrote:
    par far wrote:

    I have a question that I have in my mind for a while now.

    A lot of people are saying that the sanctions will destroy the EU and people are also saying that the US wants to eat EU's lunch money

    If the US does that to the EU like article is saying, would it not also weaken the US in the long term?

    I mean the US can eat the EU lunch money for a while but it will weaken the EU, which in turn will weaken the collective west.

    Has this been thought out by the US?

    I am not an economist, but of course, it will hurt US. It will hurt the world's economy. That's why some say that sanctions will temporary. Russia is not Iran and it is sole supplier of many natural resources to both US and EU. EU will be affected much more as Russia was a big trade partner, while USA can diversify in most cases. I am not sure about the collapse. It doesn't look like Russia, US or EU will collapse from this. Plebs will be the ones paying higher bills...

    The real damage is not about anyone "collapsing", but about unilateral US and EU actions (mainly US) to use the so-called "international" finance system to ruthlessly pursue Western geopolitical aims in complete and utter contravention of the norms that, until now, had always been claimed to govern the system in a fair, transparent and equitable manner. The West has finally lowered the mask and reveal its ugly face - that of a ruthless hegemon that breaks the "rules" whenever it feels like it, without any accountability or criticism, yet insists on demanding that all others conduct themselevs according to the rules, and accepting of Western (US) authority to make demands for compliance.

    Ths will greatly hasten the de-dollarisation push as many nations in the global South will now realise that this Western dominated system is hopelessly corrupt and most likely irredeemable. If the theiving West can steal the gold reserves of Afghanistan and Venezuela for blatently geopolitical purposes, and sanction the Central Bank of Russia to freeze assets, then what nations outside the US hegemony would trust that such an institution would never steal their funds? China? India? Indonesia? Brazil? ME nations or African states????

    The global South will accelerate the push to develop alternative financial networks and banking systems outside the Western sphere of control and this will be a loss of earth-shattering importance to an imperial hegemony that is fundamentally based on controlling the global reserve currency (and the extraordinary privilige that it confers of being able to print fiat currency to meet all foreign obligations while exporting inflation to the global economy).

    Forget the geopoltical after-shocks from Russia invading Ukropistan. This financial eathquake at Richter 11.5 is going to shake the world to its fricking foundations, and the US is going to discover (to its endless horror) that it resembles a house of cards more than an impregnable financial fortress. Twisted Evil

    GarryB, andalusia, magnumcromagnon, Hannibal Barca, par far, kvs, Ispan and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ALAMO Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:10 am

    Mir wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    High resolution satellite imagery from March 3 shows 42 An-2 biplanes, 2 rare EW Il-22PP aircraft and 1 ELINT Il-20M aircraft deployed at Seshcha airbase located 160 kilometers from Ukraine.

    It appears that they are using the An-2's to trigger air defense radars - not confirmed though.

    It was Azeri tactics.
    They have used dozens of An-2 for this role while conflicts with Armenia.

    Sad to see, those planes are for 98% made in Poalnd Embarassed

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  andalusia Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:14 am

    3,000 Americans have applied to join the Ukrainian military:

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:18 am

    andalusia wrote:3,000 Americans have applied to join the Ukrainian military:

    Some Russian company somewhere will now get a purchase order for 3000 body bags. Razz

    psg, d_taddei2, andalusia, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far, kvs and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  andalusia Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:32 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    par far wrote:

    I have a question that I have in my mind for a while now.

    A lot of people are saying that the sanctions will destroy the EU and people are also saying that the US wants to eat EU's lunch money

    If the US does that to the EU like article is saying, would it not also weaken the US in the long term?

    I mean the US can eat the EU lunch money for a while but it will weaken the EU, which in turn will weaken the collective west.

    Has this been thought out by the US?

    I am not an economist, but of course, it will hurt US. It will hurt the world's economy. That's why some say that sanctions will temporary. Russia is not Iran and it is sole supplier of many natural resources to both US and EU. EU will be affected much more as Russia was a big trade partner, while USA can diversify in most cases. I am not sure about the collapse. It doesn't look like Russia, US or EU will collapse from this. Plebs will be the ones paying higher bills...

    The real damage is not about anyone "collapsing", but about unilateral US and EU actions (mainly US) to use the so-called "international" finance system to ruthlessly pursue Western geopolitical aims in complete and utter contravention of the norms that, until now, had always been claimed to govern the system in a fair, transparent and equitable manner.  The West has finally lowered the mask and reveal its ugly face - that of a ruthless hegemon that breaks the "rules" whenever it feels like it, without any accountability or criticism, yet insists on demanding that all others conduct themselevs according to the rules, and accepting of Western (US) authority to make demands for compliance.

    Ths will greatly hasten the de-dollarisation push as many nations in the global South will now realise that this Western dominated system is hopelessly corrupt and most likely irredeemable.  If the theiving West can steal the gold reserves of Afghanistan and Venezuela for blatently geopolitical purposes, and sanction the Central Bank of Russia to freeze assets, then what nations outside the US hegemony would trust that such an institution would never steal their funds?  China?  India?  Indonesia?  Brazil?  ME nations or African states????

    The global South will accelerate the push to develop alternative financial networks and banking systems outside the Western sphere of control and this will be a loss of earth-shattering importance to an imperial hegemony that is fundamentally based on controlling the global reserve currency (and the extraordinary privilige  that it confers of being able to print fiat currency to meet all foreign obligations while exporting inflation to the global economy).

    Forget the geopoltical after-shocks from Russia invading Ukropistan.  This financial eathquake at Richter 11.5 is going to shake the world to its fricking foundations, and the US is going to discover (to its endless horror) that it resembles a house of cards more than an impregnable financial fortress.  Twisted Evil

    Good article by Michael Hudson about the American Empire falling:

    auslander likes this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Mir Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:20 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    It was Azeri tactics.
    They have used dozens of An-2 for this role while conflicts with Armenia.
    Sad to see, those planes are for 98% made in Poalnd

    Great and unique airplane. Fortunately they have large numbers in reserve Smile

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ALAMO Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:35 am

    Quite sure, we have made almost 50 thousands of those, mostly for the SU Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:37 am

    A quick re-cap and some newer updates

    Let me hope Maduro hasn't forgotten who their real ally is and who helped them out multiple times.


    1) Russian MoD Makes Public Documents Confirming Preparation by Kiev of Offensive Operation in Donbass

    2) Moscow Intends to Develop Targeted Trade and Financial Restrictions in Response to Western Sanctions

    3) Ukrainian Authorities Confirm Sumy-Poltava Humanitarian Corridor Operates on 9 March

    4) Russia Reduces Use of US Dollar in Reserves, External Settlements Amid Sanctions

    5) Nuland Confesses Ukraine Has ’Biological Research Facilities,’ Fears Russia Could Seize Them. she says she's 100% sure if there's a biological attack, it's Russia.
    ******See link for full video. ******

    6) Saudi Arabia, UAE Reportedly Snub US, ‘Decline Calls With Biden’ as Oil Prices Surge

    7) Finnish Energy Giant Writes Off Nord Stream 2 Stake, Divests From Russia.Fortum said it will take a loss of over 1 billion dollars related to the cancelled Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

    8 ) Norway Expecting Layoffs, Lost Income as Result of Anti-Russian Sanctions
    Regions of Norway may suffer economically as a result of towering sanctions against Russia, shipyards, trade unions and local politicians have warned..
    the Kirkenes shipyard gets up to 80 percent of its income from the maintenance and refurbishment of Russian boats.

    9) Poland's deputy FM @paweljabIonski on Pentagon's dismissal of Polish proposal to transfer MiG29s jets; it cannot be that Poland is the only NATO country to bear the risk, and other countries would not have to compensate or share this in any way, we'll continue talks with allies

    10) Foreign volunteers will be able to obtain Ukrainian citizenship if they want to, First Deputy Interior Minister Yevhen Yenin said on March 9. Twenty thousand foreign volunteers have joined Ukrainian forces to fight Russia since March 6

    11) General Staff of Ukraine: in Kyiv region Russian troops attempted to move from Buzova towards Yasnohorodka. Battle for Izyum town. Battles in Chernihiv, Sumy regions. Russian troops captured Polohy town in Zaporizhiye region

    12) Venezuelan President Maduro said his government will restart talks with the opposition after he met with senior U.S. officials who are considering lifting oil sanctions on Caracas as energy prices surge because of war in Ukraine

    13) A lot of Russian military equipment moving through Bervitsya, towards Browary in Kyiv region

    Dima, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far, Big_Gazza, kvs, LMFS and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:42 am

    They will still sell to US. Chavez did even though he was anti American. It's fine, they can do it and benefit Venezuela. Doesn't mean they become friends.

    flamming_python, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, par far, Big_Gazza, JohninMK, lancelot and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Scorpius Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:49 am

    About the "losses of the Russian side", published by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    It just doesn't make sense to discuss this nonsense, there is a 30-40-fold increase in individual positions. It is very simple to prove it. Do you agree that it is more than profitable for the enemy to post all the destroyed equipment on the Internet to demoralize the enemy? Can you distinguish a tank from "other armored vehicles"?

    The APU claims about 317 tanks (namely tanks) - with all the stretch, including "abandoned on the march" (this happens in the offensive, we have already written that the Americans are going deaf), you can count 12 units, no more. Videos with armored vehicles (BMP, BRT, BMD, BRDM and "tigers") no more than 50 units shot from different angles (as many as 1070 are claimed), we counted six planes that look authentic - it is written about 49, three ships are claimed - there is not a single video or photo (except for self-sunk bulk carriers), etc.

    However, we wrote about the value of their reports so often that everything is clear to everyone.

    magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, miketheterrible, Hole, lyle6, Mir and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Isos Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:51 am

    miketheterrible wrote:They will still sell to US. Chavez did even though he was anti American. It's fine, they can do it and benefit Venezuela.  Doesn't mean they become friends.

    Russia was selling them oil and that didn't make them friends with the west.

    Venezuela can sell it but as soon as the population get used to having more money, they will sanction them to try to remove the goverbment and put their puppet. At that time they will buy rusian oil gain.

    US are sociopaths. They will never stop medling in other's business.

    GarryB, par far, Big_Gazza, miketheterrible, Hole and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:15 am

    Good little video showing armour, plenty of it BMP-2, T-72, 2S3, BM-21.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:18 am


    1) Evacuation from Bucha, Vorzel, Hostomiel, Borodyanka ongoing

    2) Russian troops entered Skadovsk

    3) UK Detained One Russian Plane - Transport Minister

    4) Kiev Confirms Opening of Humanitarian Corridors From Number of Ukrainian Cities
    Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk confirmed on Wednesday the opening of humanitarian corridors from Enerhodar, Mariupol to Zaporozhie, from Sumy to Poltava and other Ukrainain cities.

    5) Kiev Preparing Provocations With Humanitarian Corridors in Mariupol and Volnovakha, DPR Says

    magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far, kvs, starman, miketheterrible, nomadski and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  nomadski Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:27 am

    Food and water air drops in small parcels ( so that the Rats can not deprive population of it ) should be done in all town and cities , irrespective of their status as captured or encircled or semi- circled . Until these towns evacuated or capitulate or liberated . Partisan anti - fascist groups should form , where circumstances allow , such as when under regular military supervision .


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:34 am

    Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E wrote:We do not see TB2 drones more. No losses by TB2.
    We also see no losses in the fight of PanzirM or TorM1 / 2.

    Obviously, this ad zone 24/7 is now active from both systems. But took a long time established.

    Now Russian drones (like the Ukrainian S-300P yesterday destroved ) should become akiver and operate well in Middle and Western Ukraine active and destroy.

    no reported losses you mean.. by the Russian military in their best hardware.

    But they do happen. and not reported .
    Evidence of this is the armenia conflcit ,the russian military lost to turkish and israeli drones a lot .
    they lost buks ,tors , pantsirs , s-300s with anthenas, even iskanders missiles. and Russian military never denied this. they keep silent.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:41 am

    Erk wrote:Here is one to watch.
    The western media has been calling the existence of Ukrainian bio-labs as a conspiracy theory.

    So it seems Victoria Nuland confirmed their existence a  few hours later after the spin doctors had already started denial.

    Didn't bother to read the Bloomberg shit, but the Washington Examiner makes two bogus claims (a) it was a "Russian projectile" that started the fire at the nuke power station (cuz the Ukropi said it was...), and (b) Russia is forcing the power plant staff to work against their will....

    Fck-witted presstitutes and their stupid lies and BS....

    d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, par far, kvs, miketheterrible, Hole, lancelot and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:00 am

    Scorpius wrote:About the "losses of the Russian side", published by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    It just doesn't make sense to discuss this nonsense, there is a 30-40-fold increase in individual positions. It is very simple to prove it. Do you agree that it is more than profitable for the enemy to post all the destroyed equipment on the Internet to demoralize the enemy? Can you distinguish a tank from "other armored vehicles"?

    The APU claims about 317 tanks (namely tanks) - with all the stretch, including "abandoned on the march" (this happens in the offensive, we have already written that the Americans are going deaf), you can count 12 units, no more. Videos with armored vehicles (BMP, BRT, BMD, BRDM and "tigers") no more than 50 units shot from different angles (as many as 1070 are claimed), we counted six planes that look authentic - it is written about 49, three ships are claimed - there is not a single video or photo (except for self-sunk bulk carriers), etc.

    However, we wrote about the value of their reports so often that everything is clear to everyone.

    This is what i said earlier, and still people here eat it up.

    d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far, Big_Gazza, auslander and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Dima Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:37 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:A quick re-cap and some newer updates

    Let me hope Maduro hasn't forgotten who their real ally is and who helped them out multiple times.
    Hope he make the release of Venezuelan reserves in the UK and/or transfer the same to Russia, as a precondition for selling their oil.

    d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, par far, kvs, JohninMK, LMFS, lancelot and Broski like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Mar 09, 2022 11:41 am

    Isos wrote:Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

    ASB News / MILITARY〽


    Saudi Arabia and the UAE decline Biden’s phone calls and refuse to speak with Biden about countering Russia and containing a surge in oil prices

    ASB News / MILITARY〽

    They both took calls from Putin

    Here it is

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:02 pm

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  LMFS Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:14 pm

    Big_Gazza wrote:I'm glad that people like you weren't running the USSR in 1941...  with a defeatist attitude like that you would have handed the nation over to Herr Stickelgruber...

    What we have now is the equivalent of Stalin taking out nazi Germany in 1936... that would have been so "unfair" that it would have saved 27 million Soviet lives and avoided WWII, it was much better to let Germany attack clown clown censored censored censored

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 19 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Arrow Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:31 pm

    Director CIA Bill Burns said Putin planned to seize Kyiv within the first two days, "His military planning and assumptions were based on a quick, decisive vicptory. wrote:

    The US is now trying to present that the Russian military operation has failed.

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    Post  ahmedfire Wed Mar 09, 2022 12:36 pm

    The official NATO account published a tweet in which pictures of female soldiers on the occasion of International Women's Day (yesterday) with words of encouragement for the Ukrainian woman fighter..

    One of the female soldiers wore a emblem on her chest that, when rounded up, turned out to be the "Black Sun" emblem, one of the emblems of neo-Nazis and demons.

    They deleted their tweet later.

    GarryB, Werewolf, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, JohninMK and like this post

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