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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:03 pm


    70% vaccinated, low population density
    highest Covid case load since the start of the pandemic.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:04 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Mir wrote:ON A FAR MORE SERIOUS NOTE - Pfizer asks the FDA to authorize vaccine for children aged 5-11  No

    US drugmaker Pfizer is seeking an Emergency Use Authorization to allow its Covid-19 vaccine to be given to children aged between five and 11. The shot has already been authorized for kids over 12.

    Pfizer announced on Thursday that it had submitted a request for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), several weeks after it began submitting trial data from five- to 11-year-olds to the US regulator.

    Should the FDA grant Pfizer’s request, the pharma firm’s vaccine would be the first Covid-19 shot authorized for children so young. Pfizer’s two-shot regimen has already been given an EUA for children aged 12 to 15, and is fully approved for anyone over 16.

    The FDA could issue an authorization by the end of this month. White House coronavirus adviser [butcher] Fauci told MSNBC in September, “We could start vaccinating children, hopefully before the end of October.”

    The agenda should be crystal clear to each and everyone.


    BTW, all the "debunking" of the long term genetic impact of mRNA non-vaccines is patent BS.   The mRNA non-vaccines have been shown to accumulate in ovaries.
    They will infect the ovum DNA with viral cDNA sequence.   This edit will become permanent for the offspring even if it only gives the parents cancer.  

    For me the most unbelievable thing , is not that evil government exist.

    What is really shocking , that keeps me surprised , is how they were allowed do that? No
    i do understand the answer , but still don't understand why people can do such evil things.
    is the total passiveness of society and medics ,scientist and politicians what allows such things
    to happen..

    Evil powers cannot exist without a society first supporting them.  

    And believe it or not , the solution do exist , but is one that require a major education revolution , that it needs to start first , in the anglo powers , the ones that lead /show the direction for the rest of the world to follow ,  in international politics and economy ,the so called "Freedom loving democracies " in anglo world.

    A clear example ,Evidence that society , are not powerless as they think and can in fact stop evil governments at times , happened during past american elections.  Americans christians created an alliance to block clinton to the presidency.. and they crossed political parties.. from republican to democrats.. all to do whatever thing was need to stop a women , hillary clinton ,that openly endorsed satanism , by inviting people who hated christians ,to their conference.. and remained silent ,when accused of being a big fan , of a satan worshiper.   i know someone , a friend who is an evangelical , half brainwashed christian zionist , that told me , that all the cristians in florida made an alliance to vote for trump ,to stop a satan worshiper ,semi openly self declared satanic ,like hillary clinton was.

    Clear cut exposicion of hillary clinton satanism..  she openly for years , have herself proclaimed  a writer ,that dedicate his books to lucifer to be her mentor , her hero.. and the book the guy wrote.
    was a book to bring down any government and promote violence and divisions on society. A book for radicals ,that claimed that lucifer /satan was the first radical of all.

    naturally this was too much to swallow ,even for evangelicals christians in united states.  and this caused the massive victory of trump over clinton..   not a fan of Trump , but clinton was more dangerous ,to give the nuclear codes ,to a women that is very emotional impulsive ,happy war trigger and openly compared Putin to hitler and praised the assasination in cold blood of world leaders.

    in this example..
    So it was not until christians.. became educated ,and learned that hillary clinton was a satanic witch , and that felt proud avoid it ,and she even promoted a "spirit cooking religion" , that a major wave of christians created an alliance to stop clinton for reaching power. and it worked. She and the american federal agencies who cheat elections , underestimated the power of society when united and form an alliance to stop anyone they perceive as very evil and very bad person for the country.

    So is an education problem , what allows this evil vaccines programs ,to continue with genetical hacks on population. If people knew pfizer ,moderna and every other western vaccines are poison ,
    they will not do it. and rather lose their jobs than to cooperate.. and so the anglo government ,can block ,can't arrest , can isolate the entire society ,if vast majority of them refuse to cooperate with their demands of vaccination. They will simply be forced to back down and drop their vaccines ,if no one obey orders ,when told to vaccinate..  

    what allows evil government to do evil things. is the cooperation of society with them.

    And what makes more complicated, the fight against killer vaccines , genetical hacks on population ,
    is that the support they receive is overwhelming by brainwashed society. The fights is several order magnitude harder ,when the propaganda not only comes from mainstream media and politicians.
    now during this pandemic , western media ,now have the backup of corrupt doctors too ,corrupt scientist ,that for money they sold their souls , to this corrupt anglo governments pushing this vaccines.

    and many doctors and scientist don't support the hacking experiments on population ,because they are evil , but because of pure ignorance. even top scientist and doctors can be dumb ,when it comes to logic . is a problem of blind trust.. that most scientist and doctors .are so used ,to just follow their authorities and blindly trust in them ,without question. this one follows the orders of this other, that other follows the demands of that other.. so is a long chain of proffessionals that blindly trusting in what people above them and scientific institutions above them tells them. ignoring the fact ,that any major institution ,politicians ,scientist or doctor , or media ,can be bribed by god money .

    This is the reason a major education revolution is need in the world , to teach society be independent thinkers.. to not take anything from granted , no matter who says it.  to verify anything ,that does not look right to them ,to teach people to verify ,the strong evidence that show ,how dangerous western vaccines can be, and that they don't need vaccines , to save their lives.. That alternative exist.. all they need is develop a healthy body , eat well , take vitamins , and acknowledge the natural power of human body to fight viruses or any illness.  Also acknowledge alternative medicine ,including chemical and natural one ,that kills covid ,and according to florida governor is very effective in saving lives ,by ending the virus replication in peoples body very in just hours after using their alternative medicine.


    70% vaccinated, low population density
    highest Covid case load since the start of the pandemic.

    yep.. moderna ,pfizer ,j & J , those are not vaccines at all. their goals are  not protection from
    anything. they don't save  a single person from covid19 , don't prevent anyone from getting covid19 , don't prevent hospitalizations , don't prevent deaths from covid..

    the covid cases.. Vermont have .are exactly the same ,and probably higher ,as if it was a state with people 100% unvaccinated. The western vaccines don't do any shit.. they don't fight covid at all .
    they are hacks on people immune system ,with nasty surprises inside too , some shipments.
    The people "saved" from getting covid , are the ones that do social distancing and take care of themselves ,wash hands , and take distance.   The people that do get covid19 and does nothing to them , asymptomatic , is because they have developed system of natural defenses.. the chance to die from covid are very very low for people under 65 . Even my uncle and wife and daughter got covid, they are worse case scenario in health.. father and mother are very fat and heavy smokers , and daughter with terminal cancer patient.. and they all survived covid19 without any fu cking vaccine . alternative medicine to stop the replication of the virus in hospitals helped , my uncle and her wife , and her daugther.. a cancer patient , did not even required hospitalization at all. her own system of defense ,beat the hell of covid. today pandemic ,forced genetical experiments vaccinations is by far the biggest fraud on human history , what anglo pharma industry have been doing.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:11 pm

    kvs wrote:Vermont:

    70% vaccinated, low population density
    highest Covid case load since the start of the pandemic.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 07, 2021 8:59 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Which one did you get?

    That vaccine works, I have a colleague at work with such shitty immune system that he risks death every time he gets flu (and we have to fill in for him for weeks at a time)

    He got Pfizer too back in January and while he did get Covid last week he is now just sitting home and drinking tea

    not it doesn't work.. this is what @kvs reports have been saying , his reports and mine go in the same direction ,that bullshit western vaccines don't work....

    Suuuure, Dr Vann, if you say so then it must be true lol1

    You and kvs have been posting nothing but pure unfiltered bullshit so excuse everyone if we don't give a rat's ass about your ramblings

    Now do get away from your mom's keyboard and go do something productive like measuring flatness of the Earth or some such shit... pwnd

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:18 pm

    JohninMK wrote:This is for Garry.

    The rest of us can just read and watch in disbelief, perhaps understanding a little better why he holds his opinions on the subject.

    New Zealand is nuts; genuinely goofy and insane in their fear of a COVID virus with a 99% recovery rate.  If you haven’t watched their rules and regulations as described in the nation of 5 million, you are missing the opportunity to watch government officials who really believe that COVID-19 is an extinction level event for planet earth.

    I was going to share this yesterday but other research became distracting. However, while I listened to the daily briefing in the background, I could not stop myself from laughing at moments of great seriousness as New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern extended an Alert Level 3 lockdown in Auckland.

    The government of New Zealand acts like COVID-19 is a raging swarm of dragons circling the country waiting to snatch people out of their safe places.

    Apparently, most of the country believes the panic and fear that has been pushed, and they tremble with cowed obedience to the regime.  

    Keep in mind, free-range people have been arrested attempting to sneak around perimeter checkpoints -staffed by armed military units around Auckland- as the rebels try and purchase black market Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonald’s fast food; which is prohibited in Auckland due to COVID restrictions that have shut down everything including restaurants for months.

    The McDonalds smuggler was arrested after he posted a picture of himself eating a Big Mac on Instagram inside the lock-down zone and the COVID police noticed.  Moments later, knock – knock.

    Yesterday, Prime Minister Jacinda Arden, a woman with the disposition and general presentation of a Lipizzaner stallion, announced that her cabinet decided to abandon their years long goal of COVID-zero.   They would no longer attempt to have zero cases, instead… almost two years later… they have decided to try and manage the virus.  The announcement to change directions came straight from the horse’s mouth.

    As a result of their change in direction, Prime Minister Arden has decreed that some people will be allowed to leave their lock down houses to see another family member; but strict rules must be followed or the citizen will be arrested.  New Zealanders will be permitted to visit one household of a family member at a time.  They must remain outside at all times, they must remain wearing masks and being socially distant, but they are permitted to see and talk to them.  This is a time for great celebration.

    Listen to the new approved activities soon to be authorized by the government; and remember – almost everyone in this nation is complying with this stuff.  Apparently none of this seems like madness to the people living there.  Someone once told me that fish don’t know they are in water… in this situation that metaphor is apropos.

    If you have the opportunity, inclination and time to watch part of the daily briefing, I have cued this video to the point of discussion that pertains the most.  Watch and listen to how deliberate and serious Arden is in her presentation of the new COVID rules.  Once again, I wonder if New Zealand citizens have access to the internet and can see how totally ridiculous this seems to everyone else.

    That's the craziest stuff I've ever read.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:23 pm

    Mir wrote:ON A FAR MORE SERIOUS NOTE - Pfizer asks the FDA to authorize vaccine for children aged 5-11  No

    US drugmaker Pfizer is seeking an Emergency Use Authorization to allow its Covid-19 vaccine to be given to children aged between five and 11. The shot has already been authorized for kids over 12.

    Pfizer announced on Thursday that it had submitted a request for an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), several weeks after it began submitting trial data from five- to 11-year-olds to the US regulator.

    Should the FDA grant Pfizer’s request, the pharma firm’s vaccine would be the first Covid-19 shot authorized for children so young. Pfizer’s two-shot regimen has already been given an EUA for children aged 12 to 15, and is fully approved for anyone over 16.

    The FDA could issue an authorization by the end of this month. White House coronavirus adviser [butcher] Fauci told MSNBC in September, “We could start vaccinating children, hopefully before the end of October.”

    The agenda should be crystal clear to each and everyone.

    Pfizer wants to make more money, I think.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:36 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:

    That's the craziest stuff I've ever read.

    It is completely INSANE!!!

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:53 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:

    Pfizer wants to make more money, I think.

    They absolutely do BUT I think the reason behind it is MUCH more sinister.

    Now why on earth would you want to inject this poison into these young people if you know very well they are basically immune to the virus?

    From a Health Science Center near you!  Smile >>

    Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston suggest that differences in lung physiology and immune function could be the reason why young children are less likely to have severe covid symptoms.

    The team of physicians drew two critical conclusions. First, children’s lungs have fewer of the proteins that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, uses as a pathway to infect human cells. Second, a child’s immune system is much better at fighting the virus.

    The study reveals children’s lungs don’t make a lot of a certain protein called ACE2. This protein, which appears in much higher amounts in adult lungs, is exploited by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to infect cells. Less ACE2 means less cells with viruses inside. Children also have more T-cells in their lungs — the cells that fight viruses. These cells come with proteins called IL-10, which makes sure inflammation doesn’t get out of control and damage other cells.

    I believe in the US you have murder in several degrees - well this is murder in the FIRST DEGREE!

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:57 am

    Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research: “From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there…The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there. We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible.”

    Gelman: “We have been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines…One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.”

    Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: “HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.”

    Put your faith in Pfizer and the maggots in western governments that force this poison on you.

    Human rights. Human rights. Human rights.

    If you say it enough times it will come true.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:53 am

    This clip from a TED Talk by Bill Gates has gone viral recently despite the fact that it was delivered 10 years ago!

    Anyway here it is from the horses mouth (repeated for effect Smile ) for those still in doubt about The Great Reset that's taking place right now >>

    Gates boasted that vaccines are phenomenal profit makers, saying they’re the best investment he’s ever made, with more than a 20-to-1 return.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:03 pm

    Now why on earth would you want to inject this poison into these young people if you know very well they are basically immune to the virus?

    But no one is basically immune to the virus... there have been babies die from Covid, and plenty of people who are not elderly and infirm.

    Put your faith in Pfizer and the maggots in western governments that force this poison on you.

    Human rights. Human rights. Human rights.

    If you say it enough times it will come true.

    Human rights is a label you use to batter your enemies with... no one gets real human rights... the universal declaration of basic human rights include the right to privacy so police and government officials can't just troll and search everyone for wrong doing... they have to have a justification for invading your privacy and listening in on what you say or do... except the American government who spies on everyone... why would they respect your human rights now?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:25 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Now why on earth would you want to inject this poison into these young people if you know very well they are basically immune to the virus?

    But no one is basically immune to the virus... there have been babies die from Covid, and plenty of people who are not elderly and infirm.

    Of the nearly 238 million people that apparently tested positive for covid NEARLY 215 million has recovered from it. The vast majority of those (unless they were injected*) would be immune to the virus. VERY FEW babies have died from this period and the vast majority of young children are immune period.

    *Those who had covid and took the injection now has a seriously compromised immune system. Even the inventor of the mRNA vaccine warned against this.

    I do hope you took the time to listen to the above clip - and PD as well. In the mean time I am going to search for the video footage of Gates in the Netscape anti-trust lawsuit. Completely Psycho!

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:08 pm

    Gates pretending not to understand a very simple question. This is the guy who basically kicked his Microsoft partner in the balls while he was undergoing treatment for cancer by cheating him out of his shares. Now you expect this guy to save us from extinction! Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:11 pm

    Gates is the typical US shyster oligarch. Like Elon Musk. For some reason people look to these criminals as gurus.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:12 pm


    Here is something from the BBC that will put your mind at ease with regard to small children and covid, but now that they want to force the issue of vaccines for these kids the tune might change somewhat in the mainstream - if it hasn't yet already.

    Covid: Children's extremely low risk confirmed by study

    The overall risk of children becoming severely ill or dying from Covid is extremely low, a new analysis of Covid infection data confirms.

    Data from the first 12 months of the pandemic in England shows 25 under-18s died from Covid.

    Those living with multiple chronic illnesses and neuro-disabilities were most at risk, though the overall risk remained low.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:41 pm

    French Canadian Rachel Marsden asking the right question >>

    Now scientists have confirmed that natural immunity is more effective than vaxxed immunity, why can’t I have my freedoms back?

    As Sir Walter Scott once wrote in his epic poem: “O what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!” So maybe stop manipulating people in a lousy attempt at social engineering and start actually following your beloved ‘science’, rather than cherry picking it to suit your corrupt narrative, you inept clowns.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 08, 2021 3:55 pm

    Freedom back? She never had any to start with. The west is a facade of "human rights". People can live this delusion as long
    as they do not get in situations where they have to actually assert those rights they supposedly have. Make sure to have lots of
    money for lawyers and you are not guaranteed anything because the judicial system is part of the racket.

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    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:40 pm

    Now even more so than ever!

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Fri Oct 08, 2021 5:35 pm

    Mir wrote:@Gary

    Here is something from the BBC that will put your mind at ease with regard to small children and covid, but now that they want to force the issue of vaccines for these kids the tune might change somewhat in the mainstream - if it hasn't yet already.

    Covid: Children's extremely low risk confirmed by study

    The overall risk of children becoming severely ill or dying from Covid is extremely low, a new analysis of Covid infection data confirms.

    Data from the first 12 months of the pandemic in England shows 25 under-18s died from Covid.

    Those living with multiple chronic illnesses and neuro-disabilities were most at risk, though the overall risk remained low.

    Don't waste too much time with him.. he is very dishonest and potentially easy to sold out person, for the right price .  He have a clear agenda to promote western genetical hacks that they call vaccines.. no matter the information you show him. Is people like Garryb IS , many in society like him , the problem of everything that is wrong with this world , what allows tyrannical governments to holds power forever.   He himself admit on a reply than the west only wants to kill their enemies , in response to me saying the real purpose of their vaccines was  [population total control and depopulation]. So im 100% aware ,he knows this vaccines are dangerous..It looks as if he thinks ,that this depopulation operation will not affect him somehow  . So don't try to convince a dishonest person to be reasonable. To disinform and distort the facts , is their goal and clear agenda  , so is impossible to ever have with them an intelligent discussion. .

    There are NGOs ,army of trolls in the internet ,that are actually being hired by pharma industry and anglo liberal governments to do exactly what Garryb is doing for money he should ask money for it .. and not do it for free.   Smile   But will not be surprised if i was told , he joined a soros troll army to promote the poison ,he advertise.  No

    By the way.. the trolls genetical hacks army do exist.. here are 4 big institutions that finance thousands of NGOS around the world, (paid trolls armies) ,hired to defend western geneticals hacks , everywhere ,and promote to make them mandatory  on population.   Smile

    1) Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (Gavi)

    2) United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

    3)International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC)

    4)Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

    The Fact and bill gates and soros ,Black Rock hedgefunds ,international criminals billionaires , own shares from the corrupt western pharma industry that Garryb promotes,  put into big question mark the integrity of western pharma industry .

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:03 pm

    Mir wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:

    Pfizer wants to make more money, I think.

    They absolutely do BUT I think the reason behind it is MUCH more sinister.

    Now why on earth would you want to inject this poison into these young people if you know very well they are basically immune to the virus?

    From a Health Science Center near you!  Smile >>

    Researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) and Baylor College of Medicine in Houston suggest that differences in lung physiology and immune function could be the reason why young children are less likely to have severe covid symptoms.

    The team of physicians drew two critical conclusions. First, children’s lungs have fewer of the proteins that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, uses as a pathway to infect human cells. Second, a child’s immune system is much better at fighting the virus.

    The study reveals children’s lungs don’t make a lot of a certain protein called ACE2. This protein, which appears in much higher amounts in adult lungs, is exploited by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to infect cells. Less ACE2 means less cells with viruses inside. Children also have more T-cells in their lungs — the cells that fight viruses. These cells come with proteins called IL-10, which makes sure inflammation doesn’t get out of control and damage other cells.

    I believe in the US you have murder in several degrees - well this is murder in the FIRST DEGREE!

    Mir, I want to post about whatt U of T Health Science Center said, do you have a handy source, please?
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:06 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research: “From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there…The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there. We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible.”

    Gelman: “We have been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines…One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.”

    Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: “HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.”

    Put your faith in Pfizer and the maggots in western governments that force this poison on you.

    Human rights.   Human rights.   Human rights.

    If you say it enough times it will come true.

    I saved this so I can read it when I can give it my attention! Thank you for posting it!
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 08, 2021 6:11 pm

    Mir, kvs, Thanks for your posts today!

    kvs and Mir like this post


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 37 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:09 pm

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:

    Mir, I want to post about whatt U of T Health Science Center said, do you have a handy source, please?

    Yes sorry I normally give a citation when I post something like this, but here is the source where I got the info from. I hope it helps.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 08, 2021 7:49 pm

    Why covid affects people with the metabolic syndrome. Glycated ACE2:


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    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 08, 2021 8:40 pm

    "Each and every day of non-recognition of Russian vaccines brings profits for someone in the West", 08/10/2021.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) - European experts do not doubt the effectiveness of Russian vaccines against the coronavirus, but EU leaders are conducting dishonest competition, said on Friday the vice-president of the Federation Council (Russian Senate), Konstantin Kosachov.

    "The mutual recognition of vaccines by Russia and the European Union is a very important issue , but the situation is not moving from the deadlock. EU Ambassador to Russia Markus Ederer says that the Russian side has not presented the necessary package of documentation and is politicizing the situation. But the facts prove otherwise, " the senator wrote on Facebook.

    The Russian Direct Investment Fund submitted the application for registration of the Sputnik V vaccine to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in January 2021. The EU informed the Russian side of the necessary requirements for the recognition of the certificates in July, after which the Russian Ministry of Health delivered to the EU mission in Russia all the required documentation, said the senator.

    "In addition to bureaucratic delays, which in my opinion is immoral in this situation, there are two other factors why European bureaucrats go on a 'zealous strike'. It is, first, political imprisonment, such as the call by the French minister for European Affairs, Clement Beaune, not to recognize Russian vaccines, and the statement by the Prime minister of Italy, Mario Draghi, that the EU will probably not recognize Sputnik V," Kosachov stressed.

    As a second factor, the senator indicated "dishonest competition" and adduced some statements by the German parliamentarian Waldemar Herdt, who said that the drug companies have their own "arms race", act according to the principle of "stopping the other, so that ours advances," and added that it is a policy in which the interests of citizens are not taken into consideration.

    The safety and effectiveness of Russian vaccines are not in doubt, last spring Europe organized vaccination tours to Russia, the Sputnik V vaccine was administered to more than one million inhabitants of Hungary, the European Commission recognized the certificates of San Marino, where Sputnik V was used, but at the same time stressed that "that does not mean that the EU recognizes Sputnik V."

    "Each and every day of non-recognition of Russian vaccines brings profits for someone in the West, "Kosachov recalled, adding that"it is time to take measure."

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