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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:08 am


    If I had any fear of this virus I would have gone straight for the vaccines to save my life, but I am educated enough to know that the vast majority (99.9%) of people who get this virus will recover. All that stats acknowledge this fact.

    I took my chances and survived because I knew that the risk involved is minute. I had no doubts in making that decision, and I am just as confident in not injecting some experimental fluid into my veins. Why? Because I am educated enough to know the risks involved.

    Perhaps you think the FDA approved the Pfizer jab? Well I have news for you! In reality it was a politically-motivated decision by an FDA that is corrupt beyond the imagination of most people.

    The US vaccine, Pfizer-BioNTech only got extension of its Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), not full approval. It was the German based BioNTech of Mainz that got the actual approval but it is legally a different vaccine!

    I am definitely not prepared to take any medical advice from Bill Gates and some corrupt government official!

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:12 am

    higurashihougi wrote:

    China is the example shows that rigorous lockdown and medical safety is essential and it can be perform without compromising economic growth.

    How do you explain the UK who ended up with the same routine?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:25 am

    @Mir: you have to decisively destroy the enemy so that the war can be brought to a rapid end and in the future no bloodshed will happen.

    You have to perform rigorous lockdown so that the pandemic can be quickly brought under control, so that you can lift the lockdown earlier and in the future you will no longer require any serious lockdown.

    That is what China has been doing. They did things right from the beginning and now they can enjoy a relatively Covid-free environment and their economy re-bound dramatically.

    Moreover, there are manufacture models and procedures which enables quarantine and isolation of the factories, workers from surrounding dwellers, hence the factories can maintain more or less the productivity during the Covid pandemic without significantly increase the infection risk.

    The problem here is do people want to reduce some of their profit for the greater good, or people put their own profit over the human lives and the society ?

    Last edited by higurashihougi on Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:45 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Sat Oct 16, 2021 6:31 am

    I understand what you're saying but I am trying to point out that the UK followed the same strict lockdowns but according to your stats they're at -6%. So from that perspective it doesn't make sense.

    The difference is that China opened it's economy (lifted the strict lockdowns) a long time ago - whilst the UK did not.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:11 am

    Two high level FDA review officials have resigned because Biden's regime is dictating what their decisions should be.

    I am supposed to subject myself to some rotten corporate product forced on me by "mandate fag" politicians. Because
    they are not corrupt and have no conflict of interest and only care about me and my health. GTFO.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 16, 2021 8:15 am

    Vaxxers are idiots.   They think that every vaccine is golden.   They lack critical thinking ability.  

    That's OK.  It is called natural selection.

    Edit: in case the video is pulled by YouCrap

    The vaccine campaign in the US in 1976 was a ludicrous over-reaction to a non-threat. It crippled thousands and
    killed hundreds. This vaccine was experimental without any long term validation. Just like the mRNA miracle cures
    being peddled by regime snake oil salesmen today.

    But hey, it was only a small fraction of the 46 million vaccinated. So that means it is legit. Sacrifice of a few individuals
    for the good of the collective horde is the pillar of western freedom.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:07 am

    The New York Times propaganda pushing mRNA pseudo-viruses into every human.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:35 pm

    William Shatner , the super popular actor from Start trek series and other movies , told something
    on his return to space ,that had all liberal media in Shock Mode , for highly controversial things the actor told to NBC today and also other media too , like the late night show of jimmy fallon.  So lets see what Willian Shatner told to all the world ,through US mainstream media first ,on his return from space and why it matters ,what he told will be discussed in details..  it was a case of cryptic message ,
    with hidden meaning , a warning message ,in a way people that are smart will know , while at the same can't be censored by the liberal media , or attacked or called conspiracy theory.

    This is what Willian Shatner movie actor learned from returning from space..  
    are you ready?

    “The realization once again, the fragility of this planet, the coming CATASTROPIC EVENT , and we all have to clean this act up now,” Shatner told NBC’s “Today.”

    And in case people have doubts..  that he really told ,what he told ,and he really mean it.
    in times he is supposed to be celebrating ,as jimmy fallon told him ,instead he was in space
    and warned about it , in ways , he can't be censored by the media ,and at the same time encourage a major change of what is going on now in the world (a planet that is in an undercover war , and this pandemic is the first stage of this monster ,evil and dark war. ) 

    He then explained to the late night show ,to jimmy fallon , why he told that.  lol1
    He spoke about..
    A monster , palpable darkness , and EVIL. and if this was a riddle ,the only things that can be evil are humans.. and not space.. he was speaking about politics, evil things that affect the entire planet ,but because he works in russia media now , it can't be Russia ,the evil he spoke about. So it have to be ,EVIL AMERICA, the things their political elite and billionaires doing there ,that is destroying the entire world and that they need to fix that . Cool

    notice at the minute 1:30 on the video when he was explaining why his alarming predictions about earth..  notice how jimmy fallon gets ever more confused and gesture with hands.  lol1

    he use the words.. on his metaphor hidden message of ..
    Monster , Darkness , EVIL , around earth..  that we all need to fix.

    So what things the world is facing today , that could inspire him to say that. ?
    A pandemic , and a potential world war with Russia and China and mandatory vaccinations with genetical experiments that is killing many people.

    Things to see ,and to be aware too , about William shatner him.

    1) Instead of easing or clarifying things , He double back down on his Metaphoric speech.
    He might be an actor , but he is really smart person , he frequently reads best selling books and had a show ,that he interview book authors of new age spirituality.
    2) This is a man that is an independent thinker , an example of someone that don't follow the masses and do his own thing.
    3) he is triple down on his claims , of the catastrophic event ,and will write a song about it, he told.
    4) He is an independent thinker .  
    5)He works for Russian media RT .   Very Happy
    6)William Shatner ,is pro humanity ,and a sincere seeker of the truth.  hence why he works on rt and not in american mainstream media.  Cool  

    So he is very very aware of everything that Russian media reports and say , at whats going on in
    United States and the world an the pandemic and terrorism.

    So why was william shatner alarming the world ,with with whats going on in earth.. that he consider made him to use the words in monster ,darkness and evil in the same discourse ?  it space evil ? no
    the evil and darkness he was speaking ,was the one happening down in earth.. and how fragile is the planet , he was speaking about how evil people ,world leaders are destroying it.. and that we all need to fix it.  So is unlikely he was speaking about Russia or China , he love china and is now working at russian government media channel.  Cool

    William Shatner hosts new show on Russian state-run TV, lashes out at critics


    So it is clear to me , William Shatner was recruited to RT , was the most smartest thing Russia government could have done, even when he is liberal , He is a peace activist  and likes china ,have been there in their shows ,and extreme popular ,and as soon they knew ,he was going to travel to space with jeff bezos rocket.. he hired him ,to attract his millions of fans ,from Start Trek series into Russian media.. This at the same time will make it more difficult for the west , if Russian media becomes too popular and with william shatner also part of the staff. . Smile

    Also william shartner was likely speaking about the killer mRNA vaccines.. this is the major catastrophe of human history ever by a mile , because it threaten the entire human existence.
    if russia and or china discover millions dying in America and Europe over night in just one week..
    and the west blame it on "a new variant of covid" how are they going to respond?

    This could trigger a world war with nuclear weapons used , if they confirm  the pandemic was an inside job , planned by the west , that hoped to take down Russia and china and most of the world population too.

    William shatner even laugh , when jimmy fallong of late night show ,was speaking about jeff bezos
    starting to celebrate with champaign and that he instead of celebrating , he began to warn the world of a incoming catastrophic event. that the only thing he could be speaking , are incomming world war 3 ,but he have no way to know if this is going to happen ever.. or the incomming mass scale genocide of humanity , that the mRNA vaccines will provoke , that this one , he does have a way to know ,because many doctors , many are warning is going to happen.

    by the way.. the unthinkable happened at  infowars wars show.  
    The biggest hater of China , alex jones ,in his latest video , no longer spoke about chinese virus..
    like trump did it , but now calls covid19 an anthony faucci created virus instead , that later unleashed in china.   Is a major fresh air of hope for independent media, to see alex jones still likes the truth , even when it goes against his political and ideological preferences.   Cool

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:44 pm

    Another Hero....

    Dr. Chris Rake
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 61694c0b85f5404f931ee955

    This time is Dr. Chris Rake..   no garryb,  he is not a doctor in philosophy or theology , not a school janitor  Rolling Eyes  ,but a top health professional ,with very high degree of education and experience that worked in prestigious US hospital.  So this are not "flathearthers "as you and many others try to always downplay any who oppose them.  Neither Dr Dan Erickson of California and his team are unqualified to talk about the mandatory vaccines..and so many other thousands of doctors who have spoken against it , That apparently you like to talk , and talk ,as "like an expert" in the topic, was not  even aware for more than a year already , vaccinations are already mandatory in most in the world ,specially emergency workers ,but shortly later ,demanded in near all normal population ,and now the "freedom" west are pushing this poisonous hack experiments on children too.  

    A shocking video of respected anesthesiologist Chris Rake being kicked out of his job has gone viral. He explains to why he opposes mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations and is prepared to never practice medicine again.

    They belong to Doctor Rake, an anesthesiologist at the prestigious University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) hospital. A video of him being escorted by security guards out of the hospital because he is unvaccinated against Covid-19 went viral last week.

    California has mandated that all healthcare workers must be vaccinated, otherwise, they will lose their jobs. The doctor, who has been qualified for 16 years and worked at UCLA for 11 years, treated it as a normal working day. “Next thing I know the chair of my department showed up with two security guys, and they walked me out of the building,” he tells me....I was so in shock, a place I love and a job I’ve committed my life to, they are just walking me out for being unvaccinated.”

    Dr. Rake’s opposition to mandatory vaccines had earlier seen him create a group called Citizens United for Freedom (CUFF). “Our group is not anti-vaccine, we have some vaccinated people… our group is pro-medical freedom, ‘your body, your choice’, ‘my body, my choice’.”

    What sets Dr. Rake, 47, apart from many unhappy about vaccine mandates is that he is an experienced doctor at a well-known and respected hospital. He also has a master’s in Public Health.

    The issue is clear to him: “It’s violating medical ethics and to me, as a physician, this is the greatest problem I see. I just can’t believe more physicians aren’t speaking out against it. How can you tell me that I can’t force another individual to do what I want as a physician, but you, my employer, UCLA, are going to force me to?”

    He explains: “You can vaccinate a population with a monovalent vaccine in the middle of a pandemic with an animal reservoir. Monovalent means you’re only vaccinated against one of the proteins on the surface of the virus. In the middle of the pandemic [when] transmission is high... each time it goes back and forth between animals and humans, it mutates, it’s very easy.“This is why we could get rid of smallpox and polio, but you can’t get rid of coronavirus, flu and all those others that have an animal reservoir.”

    For Dr. Rake, how the American authorities and others are proceeding is illogical. “The argument that we’re going to assume everybody is sick and treat them like that first – put a mask on me, distance me, tell me you have to jab me and test me.

    Dr. Chris Rake:
    “Why don’t want we do that for any other disease? Why don’t we do that for tuberculosis, for example? A very contagious disease [that]kills 1.5 million to 1.7 million people per year. This is turning medicine and ethics on its head: it’s assuming we’re sick without evidence to back that up. You now have to prove your innocence in a sense, [but] we’ve never done that with diseases.”

    Hey you listening Garryb this?  i bet you will skip it too ,since is not promotion for your killer hacks shots.    lol1

    Dr. Chris Rake:
    “I’m not anti-vaccine, I’m just anti-this one,” he insists. “Vaccination cured smallpox and cured polio,  but because of the totalitarian issues I’m seeing arise from the implementation, how the government has taken advantage of this situation, my thinking on vaccination has changed more towards medical freedom. Despite any appeal to the collective good, you still shouldn’t be able to force people."

    So he clearly told it , he opposed to this one , the mRNA shots ,that anglo governments are forcing in all population as obligatory. Aztraseneca also is mandatory in all population and so is opposed too.

    So there you go , A Doctor ,that previous to this pandemic , already opposed to flu shots ,that by the way were only 50% "effective" against it ,and people have to take them every year. albeit they didn't forced it on all population ,but now -this ones-, the west released, they do it. And this is what raise alarm in many doctors. Specially vaccines rushed to market in 3 months. This Doctor expose how the western health industry ,already was pushing for mandatory vaccinations ,in all population for every little thing , and that the lovely liberals that you love and their controlled western pharma  , just  took advantage of this pandemic ,to push for their old agenda ,and justify mandatory vaccinations.   A pandemic that all evidence shows ,was all planned ,masterminded and executed by the anglo system. This is far of the doctors opposing this gmo hacks ,the west advertise as "vaccine" , but there are thousands.. is just that only a hundreds of them have been openly speaking against it ,but most of them for fear of losing their jobs , do not openly talk and reject the vaccine.

    As always , youtube censor  and delete videos like this , because does not follow the anglo liberals radicals agenda of forced vaccination every year ,neither his case will be posted by any anglo main stream controlled media , or their controlled pharma in any of their institutions journals for opposing what they doing . So until now only independent media of the west , is the only source of true information of what is going one in the world ,with this pandemic and the truth about the mRNA dangerous experiments on population .

    how many wanna bet Willian Shatner ,that now works for RT media ,claims of a coming CATASTROPIC EVENT , and spoke about evil and palpable darkness , he was obviously speaking
    about this killer shots forced on all population.. this is the greatest evil ,ever recorded in human history ,that will affect ,almost the entire human race ,if this criminals that Garryb indirectly sponsors ,because sponsor their poison, that Bill Gates and Soros and other similar criminals owns , get away with what they want. Of a world fully vaccinated with their poison.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:46 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Two high level FDA review officials have resigned because Biden's regime is dictating what their decisions should be.

    I am supposed to subject myself to some rotten corporate product forced on me by "mandate fag" politicians.   Because
    they are not corrupt and have no conflict of interest and only care about me and my health.   GTFO.


    If this is not an scandal ,the no idea what is ..   lol1
    nothing less than the top scientist , of the top federal agency , that regulates vaccines in US ,resign for the government forcing them to approve the third vaccine before is ready for population use ,and
    not verified its safety.  What a Face

    You have to put it very big @KVS, so that Garryb see it..  Laughing  since he skip through all ,that does not promote his lovely poisonous hacks.    try this way..  he might see it and feel forced to defend this policies (at the risk of looking ridiculous ) of US over their companies that verify the safety of the vaccines he loves to take.  Laughing

    Two high level FDA review officials have resigned because Biden's regime is dictating what their decisions should be.

    So how can anyone feel safe , taking pfizer ,moderna , J & J shots  , knowing that the very top scientist in charge  of certifying the safety ,of the vaccines that world population takes ,including Garryb are being forced to resign their jobs for the pressure of the US government on doctors to do as they want regardless if they feel the vaccines are not ready and not verified their safety ?   What a Face Shocked

    This is how America get their killer hacks to be "certificated for safe use" on population, by bullying their scientist to do as the government demands. isn't this a clear crime ? trying to coerce a nation top health officials ,twist their arms , into giving something on all population before is ready or they feel is safe?    Shocked  

    Naturally ,none of this things ,will made it ,into the mainstream anglo lying and controlled media that Garryb supports. Because will paint a different picture of what is really going on with western vaccines , of how politics can over rule scientist and people safety  . Smile

    This is clear evidence of criminal interfere of politics in agencies that are in charge to safeguard the safety of medicines and vaccines ,for population use. This confirms once more that The anglo system ,have as much influence on its pharma industry as they have in their propaganda mainstream media. almost total control and those that don't agreed with what is being dictated by the system ,either lose their jobs or die on mysterious ways or both.   This forced vaccinations if not stopped ,will become the biggest crime ,by far ever recorded in human history .  No  

    but i don't think they have a chance to win in the end , the resistance will multiply so much , that they will not be able to continue with this evil experiment .

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 17, 2021 6:20 pm

    I classify myself as mRNA pseudo-virus war criminal experiment resister.   And I am living what I believe including the being let go from
    my job part.

    I may regret losing a job but I will regret vastly more screwing up my health and even dying.   A job has a specific money amount that
    it is literally worth.   Permanent health damage cannot be fixed by any amount of money.   So the choice is clear.

    Note how the mRNA vaccines are given without first determining if you are allergic to PEG.   People have already died from anaphylactic
    shock after being given Pfizer and Moderna mRNA "vaccines".   The one and only argument invoked is that only a small number of people
    die.   Yeah, what a legit argument...not.  As if it made f*ck all of a difference to the victims that most did not die.

    Last edited by kvs on Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed type)

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 17, 2021 8:38 pm

    @kvs  did you saw the video i posted earlier , with the 6 doctors , online meeting , what they found ,after vaccinating many people with pfizer and moderna?

    what they say is mind blowing ,and hard to believe even for me ..  much more shocking , that i hope is wrong , because i believe the ethnic cleansing will be a long term thing , that could take up to a decade if not more , but they think it will be much earlier the catastrophe , for those that vaccinate.
    and not just .000001% of population killed.. as Garryb try to made it look, that is just a few here or there from billions..  what they found in their vaccinations studies , with mRNA shots , is that up to 60% of their patients will die in just 2 years.. Shocked

    This is mind blowing and hopefully ,was a bad cargo shipment they got .. because if this is the norm ,across the entire world.. then we are speaking about billions of people killed in just 2 years , but my mind can't process something like that , is like a huge major risk ..even for evil people to take..  
    because usually criminals ,don't want to be caught , doing their crimes.. but if billions die in 2 years, it will be impossible for the anglo system to continue , with the major revolution that will happen later and their own military and police survivors will turn against them.

    btw.. this is why i don't think you can't get away with killing millions in just 2 years , not only society will figure out is not a new virus , what is killing people but instead the vaccines.. when doctors do an autopsy and see the mass blood clots in population that was healthy ,and notice the poisonous metals in their blood , it will not take long to do 2 + 2 = 4 , and that other doctors alarms of the mRNA shots are true.

    here is people taking to the streets to show how this vaccines are "not as safe" as the anglo criminal governments and garryb claims.

    WAKE UP: Man Spreads Awareness of Covid Vaccine Injuries, Deaths Using Motorhome

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Screen-Shot-2021-10-15-at-5.56.32-PM

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    he have the picture of 60 people who died , from the shots.. imagine if it was millions, it will provoke a civil war of millions more ,world wide , in every place that allowed this poisonous vacc ,that no military in the world will be able to handle.

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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:23 pm

    I think they are classifying as covid deaths actual vaccine induced deaths. After all, the victims "have covid antibodies".


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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:30 pm


    Yes, thanks for the rumble video link. One of the doctors explains how mRNA vaccines cause permanent damage to the microvascular
    (e.g. capillaries) system by first spreading throughout the body and then infecting the cells lining the blood vessels. This creates
    small clots that clog those small vessels. One man had permanent lung damage and is likely to die from heart failure in a few years.

    We have not seen the full fallout of the mRNA "vaccines". People are all smug about how "only a few" are affected negatively. But
    the type of damage that these "vaccines" do is going to produce vastly more victims down the line. Naturally, these victims will be
    categorized as victims not of the "vaccines" but the diseases that they induce. The medical establishment is just another parasitical
    bureaucracy and is subject to all the pathology that Kafka wrote about.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 17, 2021 9:43 pm

    Amazing video , that needs to be uploaded in youtube and all social media and make viral..
    to spread the voice.

    By Donald Trump Doctor advisor .. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko .

    This ENDS When We All Say NO!!!

    and this one is actually very good.. by infowars..

    did you know @kvs.. that the same people at the very top of management of moderna and pfizer ,
    also have jobs positions at the very top of mainstream media too ?  sick ?  unbelievable ..Shocked
    in other words ,that those that sell you vaccines ,also have major positions of power in big social media that promotes this vaccines.  lol1

    but that is not all, the same people that sell you the vaccines ,also have major power positions in the FDA ,  which is the federal drugs adminstration ,the one that authorize vaccines.. in the anglo world,  so this is a joke . a circus..  pfizer and moderna clowns , can regulate themselves and authorize themselves and promote themselves too ,the vaccines they create, by having multiple fake jobs in all places required ,to bypass all laws ,and quality controls and safety controls and with all major corporate media support.  No

    This one will explode if ever made it on social media, and Cowboys daughter i think the first one that told avoid it.. kudos to her.  Smile

    this one is very good.. will make you laugh.. is like discovering in camera ,someone cheating his employer.  lol1

    I really think this is the mother of all blunders , the mother of all mistakes ,that the evil billionaires elites have done.. because somehow they believe , they will be able to control everyone and military and police and politicians will remain loyal to them..  already there is major opposition from dozens of  major states in US and this opposition will only grow. and doctors opposition will also grow and society too.. the more informed they become. What all this bill gates and soros are provoking is a french style revolution , like the one the population took down their system ,and all the elites and thousands of the super riches and politicians were guillotine in public.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:57 am

    These clowns are clearly becoming very desperate in that they now threaten the unvaccinated with having a nightmare of a Christmas where you will have no food and you can't visit your family - unless you are vaccinated. "Let's go Brandon!" Laughing

    This ENDS When We All Say NO!!!

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