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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:13 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research: “From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there…The risk of communicating this right now outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there. We have not received any questions from policy makers or media on this issue in the last few weeks, so we want to avoid raising this if possible.”

    Gelman: “We have been trying as much as possible to not mention the fetal cell lines…One or more cell lines with an origin that can be traced back to human fetal tissue has been used in laboratory tests associated with the vaccine program.”

    Philip Dormitzer, Pfizer Chief Scientific Officer: “HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.”

    Put your faith in Pfizer and the maggots in western governments that force this poison on you.

    Human rights.   Human rights.   Human rights.

    If you say it enough times it will come true.

    Hello everyone! I'm Melissa McAtee and I've whisteblown against the company I've given nearly 10 years of my life for.

    I've decided to whistleblow because I believe the people are not making informed decisions on what they put in their body. I'm not doing this for money or any benefit to myself as I'm losing many great benefits and pay to do this.
    Pfizer's own policies say they expect integrity, honesty and OWNing our actions.
    I was in complete shock to find my worst fears to be true when I found these things by a total accident, or what I believe to be a miracle of God. I'm not an anti vaxxer. I'm fully vaccinated and work for a pharmacutical company that makes injectable medications. I was simply waiting until my company started producing the vaccines to see if anything seemed sketchy or out of place about the production of this shot. Sadly, right away there was lying, deciet and manipulation within my plant. Recently they began going back on their claim to value equity by mandating the shot to their employees and only testing those who did not recieve the shot. When the Science says that even the vaxxed can spread it.

    Once I found this information I was in a panic and took an LOA from work to take care of my stress and mental health. Then I saw an article that Pfizer's goal is to get this to babies as young as 6 months old this year and that's when I knew I had to say something. This isn't about Republican vs. Democrat. Liberal vs. Conservative. Religious vs. Non religious. This is about humanity and doing the right thing when you believe something wrong is taking place. I believe God kept me at my job and in my position for this very reason. Ephesians 5:11 says "Have nothing to do with the fruitless works of darkenss, but rather expose them." So that's what I'm doing. In these uncertain times with my safety and my future. ANY support or prayer is GREATLY appreciated. I planned on starting a family on Pfizer insurance and now I won't get the chance. My livlihood had been threatened and I may face legal battles. But I don't neccessarily care. For me this is about exposing truth and doing EVERYTHING I can to bring light to the darkness and expose the truth. I'm just one employee who has information out of many. I'm the first because I simply have nothing to lose but my job in my eyes. If I face pursecution or death, may it be in the name of truth and on the right side of History. I pray that you understand I am not coming forward falsely. That I fully plan to make sure the public has transparency and honesty in their medical decisions.

    John 3:20 "Everyone who does evil, hates the light and will not come into it in fear that their deeds will be exposed"
    Come into the light Pfizer, be honest with your employees and the world. This is why so many of your employees refuse to bow to the vaccine. Many of us have information and it won't end with me. I hope what I've done brings us closer to unity in the world and bring understanding to people that wonder why some people involved in the processes are "vaccine hesitant". Who do you think knows the most about the food at the restaurant? The Waitress who serves you the food, and knows the menu and has eaten the food themselves? Or, the ones who preapred the food, know the ingredients and are part of preparation of the food? Pfizer has turned it's back on it's employees when Albert Bourla promised he wouldn't bring polictics into the work place over this. Their employees have missed, holidays, birthdays, special events to work for them and have missed out memories with loved ones no longer with us to work for them, and they are disregarding all of the effort and contribution from their "vaccine hesitant" employees. God bless all of you. -Melissa McAtee

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 09, 2021 1:48 am

    Poor Garryb..  So pathethic the position he is.

    He will not listen or change opinion , not even if all Pfizer and moderna scientist that produced
    the poisonous genetical experiment he promotes , told to the world ,that their vaccine don't works ,
    and was a total failure and people should avoid it , and that natural inmmunity is way superior than
    mRNA hacks ,the western pharma and garryb promoting.  Laughing

    lets see..  all the crap , that Garryb pretends doesn't exist..and "not real" and he conveniently

    1) Former vice president of pfizer says their vaccines are very dangerous for people and their studies and reported data are based on fraud.
    2) Pfizer scientist under hidden camera ,telling veritas report , that most people will be better with natural immunity than with vaccinating with their vaccine.  ( i told you so).. lol1
    3)FEderal Government doctors , from the health department , calling Garyb vaccines "full of s hit"
    4)Japan revealing the abysmal quality controls of moderna ,  that returned poisonous shots with metalic substances inside..the way Garyb like it.. the more stainless steel the better Laughing Laughing Laughing  
    5)Canadian scientist report ,verifying the content of moderna and johson and johson cargo in canada ,that found evidence guess what? superconductive materials and living organism with tentacles in all the vial shots of moderna and johsons and j ..   The more tentacles the better.. the way Garryb likes it. Laughing

    Now scientists have confirmed that natural immunity is more effective than vaxxed immunity
    6) new scientific reports shows , natural immunity superior to garryb's mRNA body hacks, that western pharma is promoting.

    7)Russia top scientist ,producer of sputnikv ,openly saying on interview pfizer kills many people.

    but we all show listen Garry.. he is the one who knows..   Rolling Eyes  
    Reality is , he knows he is just promoting bullshit , and crap.. is yet to be seen why he is doing that .
    with all the overwhelming evidence ,that those vaccines he claim are "Safe" are very dangerous for population , not just dangerous for elder and old people ,. but dangerous for any living thing .
    there is no justification for poisonous metals ,graphene , stainless steel ,and living parasites to be inside of any moderna or pfizer shot.. No   Anyone that really believe that stainless steel and living parasites with tentacles are good for any vaccine ingredients , have to be because is either suffering from a brain dysfunction or that they are real idiots.

    it makes me boils my blood , all the thousands and even millions of people in the world ,that their lives will be ruined , injured or killed sooner or later ,if this soros and bill gates geneticals experiments allowed to continue forever ,every year on most world population. biggest monumental fraud and crime in human history.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 09, 2021 4:28 am

    Blah blah blah Vann... thank you for sharing your opinion.

    Personally... having recently had my second Pfizer jab I am rather happy with the new night vision capabilities I am experiencing and the tentacles growing from my back hopefully will mature into something that will allow me to swing from tree to tree when they are fully mature and fully formed.

    I have never been average, though I would give my left Penis to be normal... that was never going to happen and I embrace the Borg collective.

    Human beings have been experimenting on each other for centuries, whether it was using radio active substances that glowed on your teeth to make your smile look entertaining, to putting all sorts of things like cocaine in beverages to make them taste better, or lead in fuel to stop that engine rattle, or CFCs to keep our food cold... or asbestos to keep our houses and buildings warm or cool as insulation.

    Knowingly trying to kill people is very unlikely, but not caring is certainly a real possibility, but I am in a situation where the people in my bubble are high risk from Covid, so we are all taking the gamble.

    You can cherry pick that this person or that person died from a vaccine... I notice you are quick to post such things but do nothing to verify they are accurate... it seems things that follow your agenda and point of view have a much lower threshold for proof... the equivalent of the UK and US and EU when they say highly likely is good enough.

    But I can see what you are all bitching about regarding New Zealand... we had another death from Covid so despite all our nazi measures and democracy and peace destroying draconian actions to bully and threaten, our precautions are all for naught as our death rate spirals out of control from 26 to 27 deaths to Covid... so you are so right... quarantines and vaccinations and travel restrictions are clearly doing nothing to stop the slaughter... the rampant genocide of death that is Covid 19 in New Zealand...

    No need to say poor me... I am fine...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Mir Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:47 am

    Well Gary at least you don't have to put your lights on anymore! Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:00 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    You can cherry pick that this person or that person died from a vaccine... I notice you are quick to post such things but do nothing to verify they are accurate... it seems things that follow your agenda and point of view have a much lower threshold for proof... the equivalent of the UK and US and EU when they say highly likely is good enough.

    you are the one cherry picking information...

    1)you conventiently ignore the accusations on western pharma industry   by their own scientist
    in undercover interviews.. all the way to the vice president of pfizer.

    2) you conventiently ignore the accusations , with credible evidence ,from doctors that put their jobs in the line ,that the west are falsifying official covid numbers and death rates by the virus. playing with the real mortality rates and infections numbers.  

    3)you conveniently ignore ,how easy is for God money and politics , their influence over western major institutions.. as the World health organizations is..   Trump went to social media to pressure Pfizer to get the dam vaccine out.. even before it was ready.. and as soon biden enter in power ,is magically show up ,the first week he was in power. shows how pfizer can be influenced by politics..

    4)The World health organization ,that you base all your arguments ,is not any different than WADA World anti doping agency  ,the last one was blocking russia from world olympics based on fraudulent case , based on fraudulent paid testimonies , that even they later admitted the entire thing was fabricated ,yet still Russia remains banned from olympics.. all world institutions ,that have headquarters in the west, can be corrupted as they all are , by western big money and politics , and this is no different for World health organization , than world anti doping agency, and United Nations.
    it is this same corrupt institution , WHO , the one that have been blocking russia vaccine from entering most of the west ,where many nations are waiting certification by a major western institution before using .  WHO is no different than EMMA in europe that is also blocking Russian
    vaccine in the european market..  means that.

    Corruption and politics , plays an important part , in the vaccines that any country can use or not.
    The most corrupt nations and their puppet ,powerless states use the genetical hack experiments that are killing many .

    You hand pick information , i don't ..

    Im fully aware how western media , and their official corrupt institutions defend this mRNA experiments , the the cherry picking information.. the western liberal media and garryb use to defend his arguments.

    that if you sum all the billions vaccinated ,versus those that died of the vaccine ,then naturally the numbers will look "extremely rare" ,a comparison of billions versus hundred of thousands to few millions . but this means nothing when they control 99% of the world media ,if they can selectively control ,where and when their vaccine will kill or not people and intentionally for now , until everyone vaccinated ,keep the numbers low.  They can easily put anything on any of their vaccines , on a case by case ,as they need. and modify the content of any pfizer or moderna shot , in any way they need it , without warning anyone of the changes.

    The Norway incident ,is the key to understand how dangerous western vaccines are..
    is proof that the mortality rates of pfizer can be as high as 30% ,because 30 people died in just one clinic for elder people, from 100. And everyone else that did not died, got serious side effects ,including nurses who worked in the clinic .  No

    The Japanese incident is proof how dangerous Moderna can be they returned a a massive 2 millions of vials , because of quality controls ,that moderna did not spotted ,lots of poisonous vials , contaminated with metallic elements inside.

    The Canada incident ,that one scientist inspected a lab mRNA vaccines content. proof how all american vaccines like johson and johson ,moderna,pfizer ,all suffer from the same problems of metalic poison inside. and this CONFIRMED the findings of japan. Shocked
    but on top of this ,they found parasites too , under microscope ,living organism inside.
    This should have been a world wide scandal , and moderna stopped from being used , but it was not.
    The world ,most of it ,is slave of the very corrupt anglo western empire ,and the fear of any sanctions ,encourage them to obey and drink poison if asked. and i suspect only a massive death of millions in a week ,in a way that can't be hidden is the only way this the world will react and stop supporting this. when no longer can be hidden ,how dangerous are the mRNA vaccines. is when it will be stopped.

      so its completely wrong to take statistics to a mass scale level ,to measure performance ,specially when human lives are the consequence.  if you don't include the fact ,that the west can control in a case by case ,the real content, ingredients of what goes inside in any particular cargo shipments if they so desire it..  metallic substances and parasites for some shipments ,in some hospitals ,in japan and Canada  and nothing in other place.. if  you find metalic poison inside any vaccine ,and the vial have not been altered by anyone.. then is evidence who manufacture the vaccine , is poisoning people intentionally.. because there is no reason for graphene and superconductive materials ,neither parasites to be inside in any vaccine vial.. can't be said ,it was the janitor that accidently dropped poison in millions of moderna cargo shipment.  No advice to all people that knows this vaccines are dangerous ,.. don't feed the dishonest and or corrupt people ,that defend this vaccines .. they play their own part in allowing this evil companies to continue vaccinating the world with their poison. this is  serious issue , Remember this killer vaccines will affect majority of the world ,people in the billions , everyone relatives part of this corrupt anglo system ,Garryb support.. sooner or later over a long period if this western hacks continue to be tolerated for the years to come .  The true effects of this body hacks ,the west and garryb sponsoring will not be seen clearly for most people , until many years pass , when the western media no longer can hide the many cases ,many millions of injuries and deaths ,this vaccines will provoke. This is a serious issue . not a joke.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:57 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:26 pm

    People who care about mRNA non-vaccine damage to their health but have no choice but to take it should put themselves
    in a sustained fasted state.   Don't eat anything on the day before you get your shot and then do not eat on that day and the
    subsequent three days.   This should clear out the excess glucose in your system and engage full bore autophagy.   The latter
    will fix the mitochondrial damage from the more-than-likely omega-6 type fatty acids used for the lipid nanoparticle vector.
    The former will help reduce the glycated spike protein interaction with glycated ACE2 in various tissues in the body and will reduce
    the autoimmune stress.  

    Of course, if your genetics are such that the auto-immune response is severe, nothing will help.  Taking this mRNA bullet will
    do damage.  

    Don't worry about starving to death or damaging your health by fasting.   That is physically impossible on the timescale of
    a week.  You still need to drink water (with some salt) and take a few vitamins (e.g. C, B complex) and minerals.   You should
    also take NAC to activate glutathione production.  The cellular machinery and DNA damage result from free radical associated
    chemistry and glutathione is the prime anti-oxidant produced by the liver to fight free radical damage.  

    Autophagy cannot work with any elevation of insulin.   If you just have to eat every day and several times through the day,
    then don't bother.   Elevated insulin induces general low-level inflammation and reduces the functionality of the immune system.
    That is the last thing you need when exposed to a radical pseudo-virus infection called a vaccine.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 09, 2021 11:21 pm

    kvs wrote:People who care about mRNA non-vaccine damage to their health but have no choice but to take it should put themselves
    in a sustained fasted state.   Don't eat anything on the day before you get your shot and then do not eat on that day and the
    subsequent three days.   This should clear out the excess glucose in your system and engage full bore autophagy.   The latter
    will fix the mitochondrial damage from the more-than-likely omega-6 type fatty acids used for the lipid nanoparticle vector.
    The former will help reduce the glycated spike protein interaction with glycated ACE2 in various tissues in the body and will reduce
    the autoimmune stress.  

    Of course, if your genetics are such that the auto-immune response is severe, nothing will help.  Taking this mRNA bullet will
    do damage.  

    Don't worry about starving to death or damaging your health by fasting.   That is physically impossible on the timescale of
    a week.  You still need to drink water (with some salt) and take a few vitamins (e.g. C, B complex) and minerals.   You should
    also take NAC to activate glutathione production.  The cellular machinery and DNA damage result from free radical associated
    chemistry and glutathione is the prime anti-oxidant produced by the liver to fight free radical damage.  

    Autophagy cannot work with any elevation of insulin.   If you just have to eat every day and several times through the day,
    then don't bother.   Elevated insulin induces general low-level inflammation and reduces the functionality of the immune system.
    That is the last thing you need when exposed to a radical pseudo-virus infection called a vaccine.

    All those things can work , vitamins and fasting , then there is also alternative medicine too , either natural or sinthetic ,like some medical drugs therapy that stop covid in a matter of hours.. being used in florida state..  reason why the liberal government in washington dc is trying to block effective drugs medication that is legal and available in many hospitals.. and save 99% of all hospitalization.
    so the virus is not that bad.. the real bad are western pharma poison gmo hacks, being forced in all population ,including children..

    aside there are other things too , you can try , but you need to research for the "Metaphysics of health" , how your emotions positive or negative ,can influence your system of body defenses..  Highly Depressed ,full of tensions ,low on morale, people are more likely to get sick ,that people who are in calm ,having fun in life what they do and or peace.  So things like yoga and meditation or any healthy sports activity you enjoy, that improve your energy like a simple walking a mile every day or hinking ,whatever you enjoy ,can also influence your emotional health ,and this influence at the same time your body health ,when you put at rest your mind and release all stress tensions and anxiety and negative emotions that drains your energy.

    in more news..
    More problems for Garryb to explains...  lol1   
    looks like pfizer is facing a growing scientific rebellion , from its own scientist lately eh?  Very Happy
    more conspiracies theories right garryb?  lol1

    Relax and Grab a seat ,the scientific rebellion at pfizer is just starting to unleash  ,This time is the turn for a Pfizer auditor that is making world headlines , for exposing emails of the corrupt company that she works  that pfizer  have become.   Cool

    For billions of faithful around the world, abortion is considered first-degree murder, yet fetal tissue is being used to develop Covid vaccines. While some may argue that ‘killing a life to save millions’ is fine, many disagree.
    For those who rely on the mainstream media to keep astride of current affairs, chances are slim you’ve heard the story of Melissa Strickler. That’s too bad because Miss Strickler, Pfizer’s quality auditor, just unloaded a batch of company emails that show company executives being less than honest at a time when the Biden administration – as well as other governments around the world – is enforcing mandatory vaccines on millions of their citizens.

    What makes Strickler’s revelations so startling is that Pfizer is instructing staff to obfuscate the truth over the use of aborted fetal cells in the development of its vaccines. This latest slap in the face to the faithful stings much more than closing down churches during a pandemic.

    In one damning email, Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer’s senior director of worldwide research, said “we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there,” before adding that the “risk of communicating this… outweighs any potential benefit we could see, particularly with general members of the public who may take this information and use it in ways we may not want out there…”

    Vanessa Gelman, Pfizer’s senior director of worldwide research , said “we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there

    Pfizer admits to using aborted fetal tissue in developing its vaccines. So can Christians sign up for a jab exemption now?

    now this is a really interesting one , can't wait to see vatican response to this one.. . lol1
    How is the vatican going to continue supporting this vaccines , when they condemn abortion , wondering if they will keep mouth shut and accept being labelled perfect hypocrites . or if they will stand by their claimed values and reverse their support for at least pfizer for the breaking revelation that is being developed by the use of parts of dead aborted babies ? Suspect

    is this is truth or flat earth conspiracies ?   what now garryb?
    what are you going to say ? deny the news? or say that aborted babies body
    parts is good for your health.   lol1
    Enjoy that infested venom they put in your veins . When the own company scientist speak openly
    about corruption of their own employer  , most people with a brain listen. and don't pretend it never

    this also put into a bad position all protestants and evangelical christians institutions that also supported pfizer . Last i head neither russia or china use dead babies parts to develop their vaccines..
    so it shows , that the anglo west , not only are corrupt and criminals by their poisonous shots , but also sick people too ,that is not enough to kill , but how it is done , they had to do it too ,in the most humiliating way for christians.

    really can't wait to see the vatican response to  this one.   but i don't think they will do anything ,they are bunch of cowards ,that will obey and shut up and do nothing too , that most of the world.
    CAtholic church do played a role in saving europe by uniting them in the crusades , but is obvious for me that today that christians major institutions , including protestants ,are next to useless for today world challenges and and don't practice what they preach.

    now the best for the last.  
    Shows the massive ignorance and propaganda with covid19.
    That proof people natural immunity is way superior than any vaccine.

    If Pfizer was truly following the science, it would know that children are not super spreaders of the disease, while their amazing immunity to the coronavirus has befuddled the best experts. Consider the situation in Sweden, currently the world’s largest laboratory, where schools have remained open for children 15 years old and younger – without any mandatory mask wearing. Among a student and teacher population of 1.8 million, zero deaths related to Covid were detected. Yes, zero. At the same time, teachers did not show any excessive rate of infection compared to other professions.

    le me repeat this for the propaganda trolls like garryb and other of pfizer and moderna to listen..

    In Sweeden

    NO lockdowns, NO school or NO business closed , NO  vaccines mandates , NO face mask  ,
    NO mandatory vaccinations and zero deaths to covid19 , in among 1.8 millions of students and teacher population.

    So what are garryb and his propaganda clones going to say about sweden , allowing people natural body immunities to deal with the virus ?   Wink

    New Zealand have done nothing against covid as garryb claims , to improve any health in the population. and  likely they got purified water in their shots ,to avoid any deaths to their gmo poison ,because new zealand is the place all this criminals like bill gates and soros will flee ,when they chased for their crimes , and not the usual aborted fetus and metalic poison that many other countries receive.

    There is plenty ,  of evidence ,lots of it , to not vaccinate at all , specially with western gmo hacks literary full of s-hit  ,fetus aborted with metallic poison crap and living parasites inside.  
    And mark my words ,it will be impossible for pfizer and moderna ,J & J ,to silence forever their scientist ,they will sooner or later talk and expose their own company coruppt vaccines that have nothing to do with "Saving lives".

    btw.. it looks like RT is aware is going to be banned soon , and throwing now everything , not being
    told on population about western "anti covid" shots. I will be surprised if RT not banned , in the next 2 months..

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    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:39 am

    All those things can work , vitamins and fasting , then there is also alternative medicine too

    See... you don't get it... you cherry pick.

    How can you have vitamins and fasting.... they are opposites.

    Fasting means no food... drink water, but no food.... no vitamins... no tablets.... otherwise that is just a type of food...

    Vitamins are not needed for most westerners who already have a decent diet... our problem is not vitamin deficiency... it is over eating... too often and too much.

    Fasting is a chance for the body to consume some of the excess reserves it has put aside for a rainy day that are just sitting there slowing you down and making you feel bad about yourself.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 38 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:53 pm

    @kvs you need to see this...

    super amplified images of what moderna and pfizer are doing in people blood . There is definitely very high tech metallic like chained materials , that appears to have magnetic properties. crazy stuff. is like watching tons of nano magnets ,cut in a perfectly circular way .  very interesting stuff and crazy too..

    Never Before Seen: Blood Doctor Reveals HORRIFIC Findings After Examining Vials

    If there was a way to upload their video..  video inside the link.
    The images and video comes from a recently vaccinated patient blood sample ,that complained of major secondary effects , and worsening of health after the shot.

    - the doctor say , she never have seen anything like that in her 15 years ,observing human blood.
    -that no doctor she spoke could believe what they saw..
    -she say the metallic spherical substances in the blood of a patient , was likely behind the  blood clot in people.. and causing the heart issues of her patient.
    -she told how doctors in her clinic cried when they saw the images of the destruction of blood by the mRNA vaccines.
    -she begged people ,to not vaccinate their children with the vaxx ,they took ,that worsened their health.
    - she believe the nanometals she found are responsible for weakening/confusing the system of defense of people. to counter any virus. No

    They all agree the vaccine is very dangerous ...over long term for people and should not be given to children.

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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:27 pm

    Lunatic guidelines for doctors on vitamin D. This is what corrupt bureaucracy gets you.

    Ignore this rubbish in winter. Everyone is vitamin D deficient if they have no exposure to UV on their
    skin. PERIOD.

    The common theme is to reduce low grade inflammation to help your immune system. Lowering insulin
    (not just sugar) and having enough vitamins D and K2 is essential.

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    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:49 pm

    very interesting conversation , not one , two or three , but 6 doctors chat online ,about their
    experiences with "the safe vaccines" . Laughing

    garryb love statistics.. here are some for him..

    "This doctor tested his patients with a blood test within one week of vaccination, and found 62% of patients had blood clotting. They are microscopic clots and will worsen over time. The doctor is finding "thousands of tiny clots". These clots can cause serious vascular damage, most especially pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs), which leads to heart failure and death within "three years." In other words, microscopic blood clotting caused by the coronavirus shot will lead to long-term lung and heart damage, and early studies show most recipients have this clotting."

    this one is very technical , @KVS also look this one , explain doctors detailed finds of mRNA shots actual behavior in peoples body and effects in health.


    62% of people the doctor tested , that vaccinated had blood clots ..  Laughing
    This is what i was saying , this mRNA vaccines can be as bad as bad can be , in some cargo shipments.. can injure and kill most people, and in others none..

    what most likely is happening ,is when they get too much negativity in one place, to not raise suspicion, they go and replace their gmo hacks ,for anything else.. could put purified clean water in some shots and in other places gmohacks poison . So black community and poor could get the hacks ,and the elite a real secret vaccine ,very different than the one they offer the lower class and mid .  So to measure performance of western vaccines ,by adding the totality of all world vaccinated is not only misleading but an insult to human intelligence.. Because the behavior of the western vaccines can go as low as .01% or kill people as high as 30% of those vaccinate in a clinic or hospital ,or injure more than half of those vaccinated in a place ,by permanent illness created by humans..

    doctor findings.. are alarming.. he used technology equipment to detect micro blood clots. traditional test don't detect them for being too small..

    his findings.. of garryb safe vaccines..

    -most of his patients had micro blood clots , (62%)
    -permanent lung damage to 6 of his patients.
    -interesting to see reaction of all other doctors, one of them was visibly affected and crying in the online conference.

    and later people say this vaccines are "safe." Suspect microscopes don't lie Garryb.. you are the only one lying here.. even the european union confirmed this blood cloth problems , by anglo pharma vaccines. this are not as "Rare" and the european union claimed.. most of this doctor patients got serious injuries in their blood ,that according to the doctor will worsen far more with time .

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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 10, 2021 3:36 pm

    Thanks Vann7 for the link.

    This is smoking gun evidence of the criminal nature of the mRNA vaccines and in fact all vaccines based on the spike protein.
    I am quite sure that the mRNA does get into the brain since the lipid nanoparticles can penetrate the blood-brain barrier membrane
    and even infecting this membrane is enough to lead to clot formation in the brain side of the vascular system.

    This explains the cases of people losing mental function after taking the "vaccines".

    The reason that Sputnik V does not have as many side effects as the Pfizer and Moderna miracles is likely the difference in the
    distribution of the infection. The adenovirus vectors probably do not infect as many blood vessel inner lining cells.

    That there is no control in vaccine development and public distribution for the types of cells they infest is outright criminal.
    The consequences are spectacularly bad depending on which cells are affected.

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    Post  Mir Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:46 pm

    I've also seen somewhere that besides the clotting effect they also found that the red blood cells tend to stack together which is precisely what happens when you have leukemia.

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    Post  kvs Sun Oct 10, 2021 7:03 pm

    My claim about lipid nanoparticles penetrating cells instead of dissolving into the cell wall is based on microphysics. If the nanoparticle
    is below 100 nm it begins to develop "super integrity" due to the Kelvin curvature effect. So one does not get simple coalescence but
    a resistant surface penetration. Even the physical properties such as hydrophobic/hydrophillic change on highly curved surfaces. The
    lipid particle appears to become lipophobic. Such nanoparticles can rupture the cell wall so having many of them opens the avenue for
    penetration though a thin membrane consisting of one or several cell layers.


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    Post  JohninMK Sun Oct 10, 2021 9:46 pm

    Do as we say, not as we do

    Report, 100 to 200 Congressional Reps and Staff Were Treated with Ivermectin Protocol From Front Line COVID Critical Care Doctors
    October 9, 2021 | Sundance | 702 Comments

    This is beyond disturbing. According to Dr Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, and verified by the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), 100 to 200 congressional reps and/or staff and families who contracted COVID-19 were treated with the Front Line Ivermectin protocol. [LINK and LINK]

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    Post  Vann7 Sun Oct 10, 2021 11:48 pm

    Ivermectin appears to be extremely effective versus covid19 and versus those vaccinated with mRNA shots , because of the lot of living parasites ,that is injected into people veins with this shots and how covid works..    

    and ivermectin was designed precisely to kill parasites as far im aware. it will however not solve the metallic substances people get in people blood.  This is really nasty what the 6 doctors claim . i really hope what they saw ,was not the standard across the entire world.. other wise ,there could die many billions in a few years ,and a new covid19 variant blamed for it. Rolling Eyes

    People need to pay attention to anglowest foreign policy , because if their governments and elites ,
    feels a major civil war will start ,to take down them ,with rebellion of doctors and military leading it.
    Then the anglo west ,could provoke a false flag event..  and nuke themselves or attack their own citizens with a new bioweapon ,but very lethal ,that scare a lot population ,on any city of their choice ,they don't care ,to distract the attention of population from the poisoning going on with mRNA shots ,to someone else nation , like Russia ,china or iran or north korea, and start a war with them.

    So a major big false flag ,superior to 911WTC  could happen again in US , or any other anglo country ,to create a big smoke screen and distract the entire nation society attention away from their corrupt government ,forcing them to take killer vaccines  and focus instead of protection from an "external enemy" attacking their country ,also this false flag major goal ,could be used to justify endless lockdowns ,with people not allowed to be on the streets ,(so they can't organize a protest).and with the internet and even electricity shutdown by them , but blamed on russia or china "hackers"

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    Post  kvs Mon Oct 11, 2021 12:56 am

    I expect the next phase of the "vaccination" to move beyond job termination coercion to forced. So people will be rounded up and
    injected. The "vaccines" are totally failing to provide herd immunity and this will be used to turn the people who did not submit to
    mRNA poison into scapegoats.

    In Skippy's woke toilet 80% vaccinated is not enough and coercion is in place. The unvaccinated minority will be treated as Ukrainians
    were treated during WWI and Japanese were treated during WWII.


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    Post  Vann7 Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:07 am

    Their depopulation with killer shots project and effort to take down china and russia will fail miserably.. you will see.  This are really desperate actions ,what they are doing now..  the anglo west liberal elites and their accomplices can't win a war on so many fronts at same time , while having insurrection at home from people inside the system , insurrection from some states , as florida and texas doing , not obeying this mandatory vaccines ,inssurection from doctors and military and generals.. this is a war they doomed to lose in a catastrophic way ,and Europe not fully complying when it comes to breaking relations with Russia and china.  You saw already what happened in afghanistan . this is a prelude of the collapse of the anglo western world, and this pandemic ,when all the truth revealed ,and all the facts know , about what was really the democrats and US elite doing with pharma industry , about the real ingredients of those mRNA shots and their real goals.. hell will break , and it will be impossible to stop the enormous massive civil war ,that will form in every street in the 5 eyes nations..

    i see next to zero chance , for the anglo system elites , behind this pandemic ,to achieve their final objectives. with the growing resistance ,ever increasing , to their killer vaccines and disobedience to their authority.  A revolution egypt like , as it happened during the arab spring could bring down the entire system. with very little violence .  Even though don't think they will win , still is important to do everything possible to educate as many people as possible, to significantly minimize the casualties and deaths and spread the world , so that society can push back ,those governments cooperating with genetical lab rats experiments in population.

    be no surprised if in the next years or bit more , there will be nuremberg like trials, to everyone in the anglo system ,all the politicians ,doctors and scientist that cooperated with this mass scale crime on world population. Is a question of not if it will happen ,but when it will.. because same way that nazis crimes did not expire ever.. and nazis collaborators were chased for many decades later , in that same way , people promoting ,advertising and forcing this gmo hacks on population ,will have to face international justice too.. for their cooperation in helping the western super rich , to succeed ,in the biggest crime ever done against humanity in world history.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:23 am

    You are all wasting your time...

    100% of doctors say 100% of their patients are going to die and there is nothing they can do to change that.

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    Post  Mir Mon Oct 11, 2021 9:37 am

    That is true Gary but it's a simple matter of ethics. I see one of the pharma companies are going to charge the US government $700 for 17 anti-covid capsules. Lovely!

    BG and friends are making gazillions for depopulation - not bad!

    On the other hand you believe this guy is Captain America and he saved your life! Great!

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    Post  Mir Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:00 am

    For those that do not know the real BG >>


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    Post  JohninMK Tue Oct 12, 2021 12:07 am

    Sputnik V
    UK tabloids are again pushing old fake news about “stolen” technology. #SputnikV is based on human adenoviral platform designed 7 years ago, very different from AstraZeneca vaccine, based on chimpanzee adenovirus.
    Lies in media undermine global partnership to fight #COVID.

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:11 am

    JohninMK wrote:Sputnik V
    UK tabloids are again pushing old fake news about “stolen” technology. #SputnikV is based on human adenoviral platform designed 7 years ago, very different from AstraZeneca vaccine, based on chimpanzee adenovirus.
    Lies in media undermine global partnership to fight #COVID.

    Looks like the western fake stream media is running out of propaganda topics.   I guess we need some more novichoke incidents.

    These precious western media are so retarded.   The spike protein and its RNA sequence were not invented in the UK.   The Russian
    vaccine uses two strains of human adenovirus for the first and second dose.    The AZ vaccine uses a single primate strain.   Again,
    the UK did not invent the use of adenovirus vectors for vaccines.  

    This is the usual western drivel such as claiming the Tu-95 is ripped off from the B-29.   Because all aircraft tech boils down to wings
    and unpainted aluminum for the fuselage.   And if an engine uses propellers then any design using propellers is just a rip off.   As long
    as it is Russian.   The mental inadequacy also manifests in the term "General Winter".

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 12, 2021 4:34 am

    PDF link to paper on composition of the lipid nanoparticle used for the mRNA pseudo-virus "vaccine":

    Figure 1 shows that there is an attempt to mimic a cell-wall like structure of radially oriented fatty acids surrounding the
    mRNA. The mRNA strand is 50 nm in size. A rough estimate of the diameter of the lipid casing is thus close to 100 nm.
    This makes it borderline surface active. But when I look for information on the size of the covid virus it is claimed to be
    less than 150 nm in diameter. This is inconsistent since the RNA that the virus carries encodes for way more than just the
    spike protein. I know that the figure is a schematic, but it is not off by large factors. The true size of the spike mRNA
    strand is 50 nm. The text of the article explicitly refers to the lipid nanoparticle being engineered to be just under 100 nm
    (section 9, page 15).

    This is a man made hack and not a structure that evolved over hundreds of millions of years. The outer fatty acid layer
    is composed of polyethylene glycol type fatty acids. The structural integrity is not clear and it cannot be assumed that
    this layer will remain intact until the nanoparticle does its proper job of dumping the mRNA into a cell. My point about
    this mRNA container being smoother than typical viruses stands.

    The point is that if the outer layer does ablate, then we are looking at a particle about 70 nm in diameter. Such a size
    makes them substantially more surface active than 100 nm particles. The Kelvin curvature effect is nonlinear with particle

    According to the above article the lipid nanoparticles have variable size ranging from 60-100 nm in manufacture. So we do not
    even need stripping of the outer PEG-lipid layer to make these particles very surface active. They are already dangerous in
    the vaccine vial.

    The chemical composition of the lipid nanoparticle is an issue. Here we have cases of allergic reactions to the PEG-lipid used
    for the outer layer.

    How is this shit allowed for mandated distribution without choice of alternatives? Anyone who trusts their government to look out
    for them is a total fool.


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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 12, 2021 5:29 am

    In a recent bioRxiv* preprint research paper, Botond Z. Igyártó and colleagues from Thomas Jefferson University
    demonstrated the inflammatory nature of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). Upon intradermal administration in mice,
    they observed massive neutrophil infiltration, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and production of various
    inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. They observed similar observations when the LNPs were delivered intranasally.

    Notably, intranasal inoculation with the same dose (10 μg) of LNP (as in the intradermal delivery) caused a high mortality
    rate in mice – about 80% of the treated mice died in less than 24 hours. The researchers found that the LNPs' inflammatory
    properties are not site-specific. They observed a fast diffusion, dispersion, and distribution rate in the tissues, upon
    internal delivery.

    Enjoy your cancer.

    The paper tries to spin this as not much of an issue and hypes the adjuvant benefits. We see here the smug ignorance
    of medical researchers. They are barely scratching the surface of understanding the biochemical dynamics, but proceed
    to make conclusions as if they have all the knowledge. The severe inflammatory character of the lipid nanoparticles is
    predictable by their toxic microphysical action and is consistent with the autoimmune pattern of lymphocyte numbers
    in "vaccine" victim blood work.

    We do not know the full extent of the damage to the public from this garbage. Likely the victims are being classified under
    other categories (heart attacks, etc.) to cover up the problem.

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