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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2


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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  flamming_python Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:47 am

    Tai Hai Chen wrote:There is report Pushinyan has escaped to Sochi and Armenians want his head. The parliament building has fallen to protestors and they will not ratify the treaty even if Pushinyan signs it. Looks like Armenians are going to kick out the Russian military base in Armenia and Biden / Harris are moving it to build US military base in Armenia.

    I would not be for a moment surprised over such a scenario.

    Russia really outplayed itself here. Grandmaster Putin and so on. Never knew it was possible to checkmate yourself in chess with your own pieces, but apparently it is.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Regular Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:48 am

    Azeris are making fun out of Russian helicopter and saying they will bring down more of them online..

    They celebrate their victory in Moscow and Petersburg streets..

    How stupid absolutely retarded is this conflict? Russian peacekeepers should glass the whole region

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:50 am

    so many Putin's apologers continue repeating the same mistakes over and over ,shows their total ignorance on the real issues about the conflict . You really think that
    Putin or Russia give a shit about where the lines are drawn in nagorno karabah , that if the president of armenia was a blowjober loyal puppet of putin ,that armenia will be helped?  no.. absolutely no.
    From the very start of the war in nagorno karabah.. putin have been looking to the sides whenever
    armenia is attacked by Azerbaikan ballistic missiles and drones..  why do you think israel is providing
    Azerbaijan so many advanced attack drones to destroy russian airdefenses and kill armenians?
    you really think that netanyahu cares any shit about who owns what territory in nagorno karabah ?
    why you think erdogan is involved in this conflict giving so many drones to azerbaijan? you think erdogan cares about nagorno ?  no..  even the drones Turkey are technology made by them. they are all 99% american/european technology.. you really think that europe or nato could not stop this war if they wanted it? without firing a single bullet?  economic sanctions of US and europe could very easily stop the war ,if they target azerbaijan banks and turkey banks ,(the venezuelan way) and they could effectively block turkey and azerbaijan gps navigation too.. and their satellites ,so they are blind.. but they in secret helps azerbaijan to destroy armenia , not only nagorno but armenia too..

    So this conflict ,from the point of view of turkey ,the nagorno karabah is secondary ,is not a mountainous zone what they want..  this conflict is not about armenian president ,
    this is a WAR AGAINST RUSSIA nothing more and nothing else.. why would erdogan want to create
    an ottoman empire again? to fight against NATO? to fight against europe? no..

    So from the point of view of Russia military..
    they could give a shit about any defense treaty or international laws , remember they captured crimea ,and all they need to justify that was to protect the lives of people who saw themselves
    as russians..  So you and about 99% of the people in this forum defended putin are wrong.
    The armenian conflict.. is in reality a WAR AGAINST RUSSIA so the more you can medidate
    about that the more you will get it.. is Russia the real objective of turkey and azerbaijan.. to undermine Russia influence in the zone by creating an empire..and NATO and israel are involved
    in this conflict.  (just like they are in syria and ukraine too). all this wars.. are wars designed ,masterminded to break Russia.. this is a new afghan vs soviet war.. a war that the cia planned and
    masterminded to undermine russia.. they want to provoke a russia invasion and give them a long and
    expensive war.. but this new war in Armenia is much worse now.. is about killing Russia , turkey ,nato and israel are seeking to destabilize all the caucasus and all central asia.. and fight russian army to the last blood of turkey and terrorist soldiers..

    So why Russia can't ignore armenian conflict. can't just say.. oh well Pashinyan's  is a soros bot ,so let allow millions of armenians to become refugees ?  really ?  Russia is facing war dude..
    wake up for once in your life.. erdogan and israel aims is the destruction of russia..  muslim and jews have been historical enemies of russia.. jews were not allowed to own territories in moscow.. by catherine the great.. and muslim were always rebelling with guns , against moscow.. so all this wars..
    ottoman wars.. continues to this date..  and in the past it was british empire and france ,that joined forces with turkey to fight russia..  today is US and uk and israel.. the ones helping muslims to fight
    russia.. all this attacks on s-300s and provocations on russian base.. have been going almost daily
    in armenia.. and putin looking to the sides..  and what happens when you ignore a bully? you encourage him to increase the hostilities until you confront him..  and it will be a big mistake for
    russia to allow any victory to turkey and azerbaijan in the zone.. because this will only help erdogan
    in the creation of his second ottoman empire ,with nato weapons and logistic support.. turkey holly grail capture is not azerbaijan.. but kazakistan..  but this is just the first step of erdogan towards total destruction of russia..

    this means that Russia is facing a war from US ,Turkey and israel ,that they can't avoid , the only
    thing putin can do is choose when they fight the war .. and how they will fight it..  but if we remember what happened in world war 2.. that russia allowed hitler to grow in power and continue expanding and creating military alliance to undermine russia. eventually there will be no more alliance to make and russia if do nothing as people like you wants.. will had to fight turkey as an major muslim alliance of many nations including kazakistan ,turkmenistan.. all the "stan" nations
    is what erdogan and nato and israel wants.. to achieve.. but before they can create that empire ,they need to first humiliate russia ,exactly what they are doing now..shooting down their helicopters and destroying all their air defenses..and prepare for a major war with russia once they capture all muslim nations from caucasus to kazakistan.. and potentially a turkey armed with pakistan nukes..

    so whats the solution of the conflict.. ?  
    i will have proposed that the one that need to resign is putin and not pashinyan .. because he is
    totally completely irrelevant in this war.. it will have happened with any other leader.. with
    Serzh Sargsyan ,the previous leader of armenia ,they do started the war ..and putin did nothing to
    help them..all he did is create a totally pointless cease of fire and delay the conflict.. so stop with the
    pashinyan bashing.. he is totally irrelevant ,he plays no role in this war.. is war against russia.. just like syria and ukraine those are also wars against russia.. the only difference between nato-israel-turkey  interference in ukraine ,syria ,lybia and nagorno to undermine Russia interest and security is that in each one of those conflicts there was secondary bonuses for them..
    in ukraine you create a barrier for russia to block their pipelines, in syria israel also have major interest with destroying iran influence in the zone.. and now in nagorno karabah is the potentially
    most dangerous war for russia ,to ignore.. because here is no less than turkey and nato to undermine Russia by instigating a religious muslim war against orthodox russia.. and erdogan and nato aims to deploy major military bases in southern russian borders..

    so it looks putin is playing the politeness card.. Rolling Eyes
    and trying to hold a cease of fire that will not be obeyed and will cost russia as many lives as in syria.
    this is what the tink tank RAND corp ,that works for pentagon told.. they advided nato to provoke conflicts all over russian borders.. to destabilize it all ,to imbalance russia and this will drain their economy by overextending their military. this is what they want..

    1)syria .. keep russia army busy ..check
    2)ukraine...  check.
    3)georgia..   check..
    4)nagorno karabah.. check.

    which new conflicts NATO can trigger to drain the life of russia in wars?
    -Venezuela , in progress.
    - transnistria in progress.
    -belarus .. in progress..

    so Russia is facing war.. in nagorno karabah.. russia is the real objective of erdogan and nato and israel. to humiliate and exhaust their military there and provoke a civil war in russia when so many
    soldiers keep dying..  and putin's knows this..

    what the fool don't know.. is that is putin the only one to blame for all this conflicts..
    because he could have avoided all of them , if he retreated from any alliance with them..
    by putin making defence pacts with half of the world.. specially in zones hard to defend ,
    in so many countries.. he tie the hands of russia ,he do it , by offering them security and protection.
    armenia will not be at war today if it was allied to nato..  turkey ,neither azerbaijan will have dare to attack armenia if they were part of nato..  neither syria will have been attacked.. had they were neutral country and had an alliance with nato or at least similar foreign policy of jordan..

    That said.. putin is the biggest threat to the national security of russia.. the moron is the one that needs to resign.. any good leader ,who understand the basics of war ,and politics.. in the very first day ,in power.. in the year 2000.. he should have evaluated what are russia limitations and reach the conclusion that russia is not the soviet union anymore and that it can't continue being the body guard of the world..and instead of creating allies .. what russia needs to do is develop his fucking nation
    ,develop its economy.. modernize russia economy and become a business leader and fight the west with business and not with weapons ,and stop praising his stupid useless weapons ,not only because makes putin to look insecure person ,but that are totally useless since they are never used to fight anyone who targets russian military. so honestly ,i was the first one to picture a dark future for russia under putin leadership .. is sad ,because he is patriotic and he wants to do good things ..but he is incredibly moron and stupid.. and don't understand how to fight his enemeis ,his lack of vision for russia development (a gas station with an outdated culture) is what helps the americans to dominate
    with influence so much in the world.. they lead the world in development and russia complains about the western unilateral system but he does nothing to counter it or create an alternative.

    if russia was a super modern business power ,and leader in world development, they will have never lost ukraine.. and all asia will be loyal to russia.. because nations always love to follow those more
    successful nations that lead in the world.. War of influence ,this is what happening in the middle east and in armenia.. and putin the only thing he had to influence is its military and their weapons and even that is being humiliated in armenia.. they shot down an helicopter that was far away from the border with nagorno and was patroling the rear flank of armenia borders . so make no mistake
    it was not an accident ,it was an act of war a provocation and putin/lavrov weak response is dangerous for the live of its military ,because if more and more helicopters  shot down ,this will provoke resigns of their military and he risk even a coup for total incompetence and for the image he project in the world of insecure mediocre ,weak leader.

    Russia really outplayed itself here. Grandmaster Putin and so on. Never knew it was possible to checkmate yourself in chess with your own pieces, but apparently it is.

    putin is killing russia from the inside with his shortsighted foreign policy..
    he force russia into syrian like scenario all the time to defend nations that are very hard
    if not impossible for russia to defend.. what is putin going to do when nato provokes a new war in
    moldova vs transnistria? mark my works.. transnistria war will be even more humiliating for russia to defend.. is land locked and will have to invade ukraine airspace to help their soldiers there.. if putin had any clue what he is doing ,he will have realized all this "alliances" are bad for russia.. give nothing to russia and later he have to finance them and feed them.. those countries suffering from nato /israel /turk wars. are attacked only because of their alliance with russia.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  flamming_python Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:52 am

    Regular wrote:Azeris are making fun out of Russian helicopter and saying they will bring down more of them online..

    They celebrate their victory in Moscow and Petersburg streets..

    How stupid absolutely retarded is this conflict? Russian peacekeepers should glass the whole region

    Na it's not related. There are a few Azeri idiots online but the vast majority are far more diplomatic.

    As for the celebration, apparently it's related to their flag day on November 9th or something. Doubt they heard about the downed helicopter, it only happened a few hours ago.

    Azeris in general are quite cultured people (when they're not hating on Armenians). You won't catch them making fun of Russian dead or disrespecting their host countries.

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    Tai Hai Chen
    Tai Hai Chen

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:54 am

    There will be no peace. Even if Pushinyan signs it, the parliament will never ratify it. Not to mention Pushinyan will never return to Armenia ever again. Like Yanukovych, he is stuck in Sochi for the rest of his life.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  flamming_python Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:57 am

    Tai Hai Chen wrote:There will be no peace. Even if Pushinyan signs it, the parliament will never ratify it. Not to mention Pushinyan will never return to Armenia ever again. Like Yanukovych, he is stuck in Sochi for the rest of his life.

    Well that's not true.

    He can always retire to Rostov on the Don to share valuable oxygen together with Yanukovich himself.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Regular Tue Nov 10, 2020 1:58 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Regular wrote:Azeris are making fun out of Russian helicopter and saying they will bring down more of them online..

    They celebrate their victory in Moscow and Petersburg streets..

    How stupid absolutely retarded is this conflict? Russian peacekeepers should glass the whole region

    Na it's not related. There are a few Azeri idiots online but the vast majority are far more diplomatic.

    As for the celebration, apparently it's related to their flag day on November 9th or something. Doubt they heard about the downed helicopter, it only happened a few hours ago.

    Azeris in general are quite cultured people (when they're not hating on Armenians). You won't catch them making fun of Russian dead or disrespecting their host countries.

    You are right.

    Twitter shouldn't be used to judge people.

    I thought it was Armenians who were cultured and involved in Russian show biz. Plenty of comedians and singers.

    Azerbaijanis show little respect to host country by celebrating war...

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  lyle6 Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:00 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Yeah my arse. After they just accepted it from behind from Azerbaijan, albeit by accident.

    Just some useless posing is all.

    They're there to do what, enforce the ceasefire on Armenia? Because that's what it's going to look like. Azerbaijan doesn't look like it has any problem with the deal, it's all in its favour.

    In the Azeris eyes they just took the last stronghold before the capital, had a nice momentum going with dozens of villages captured per day, and were on track to win everything. Why would they accept a deal that takes a lot of the spoils away over just taking it all? Only reason they'd do it is if they were coerced in some way.

    An incident took place near the National Assembly between the "protesters" of NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan. No matter how much they tried to protect Mirzoyan, nevertheless, the protesters took Mirzoyan out of the car and beat him.

    YEREVAN, November 10 - Sputnik. The participants of the protest action near the National Assembly beat the RA NA Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan. Sputnik Armenia correspondent reports.

    The protesters noticed Mirzoyan, who was sitting in the car, and tried to get him out of there.

    The bodyguards and men in military uniform tried to protect Mirzoyan, but failed. The gathered people took out Mirzoyan and beat him.

    After staying in the car for some time, the protesters finally allowed him to be taken to the hospital.

    Last edited by lyle6 on Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total
    Tai Hai Chen
    Tai Hai Chen

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:06 am

    lyle6 wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Yeah my arse. After they just accepted it from behind from Azerbaijan, albeit by accident.

    Just some useless posing is all.

    They're there to do what, enforce the ceasefire on Armenia? Because that's what it's going to look like. Azerbaijan doesn't look like it has any problem with the deal, it's all in its favour.

    In the Azeris eyes they just took the last stronghold before the capital, had a nice momentum going with dozens of villages captured per day, and were on track to win everything. Why would they accept a deal that takes a lot of the spoils away over just taking it all? Only reason they'd do it is if they were coerced in some way.

    Azerbaijans lost hundreds of tanks in 1 month. They could not possibly keep up with the momentum. They certainly cannot take the 7 regions by force. And with Biden / Harris coming into power they are running out of time. Putin and Erdogan and Aliyev hate Biden, which is why they will never congratulate Biden on election win. That's why they try to force Armenians to capitulate knowing Azerbaijanis cannot beat Armenians by force. Putin just lost him another vote at the UNGA, not that he has many friends at the UNGA in the first place.

    And just like Georgia and Ukraine and Moldova which became Russia's enemies, Armenia became Russia's enemy.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  franco Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:09 am

    15th Motor Rifle brigade deploys to take up peacekeeping duties.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:17 am

    Tai Hai Chen wrote:There will be no peace. Even if Pushinyan signs it, the parliament will never ratify it. Not to mention Pushinyan will never return to Armenia ever again. Like Yanukovych, he is stuck in Sochi for the rest of his life.

    Pushinyan have nothing to do with this conflict.. This is 100% putin the only one to blame..
    his alliance with any nation maked that country a target for western powers and their muslim puppets.
    Armenia will be at peace today ,if it was a neutral nation and requested to join NATO or the european union.

    people says pyshinyan is a "Traitor" , and i call him a realist .. instead..
    no country in the world in the right mind should even accept an alliance with russia.
    putin is too weak and insecure  and russia military also have major limitations fighting far from borders.. So i feel sorry , those people that are feeling just a little bit upset with putin for how
    he handle the nagorno conflict ,have seen nothing..just wait for when those russian soldiers start getting killed in the thousands in transnistria. or that americans invade venezuela or cuba..
    or nicaragua.. it will be humiliating ,since any proper defense by russia ,will be too expensive for
    russia budget and not worth of it.. since russia will have to give the weapons for free.

    all this "peacekeeping missions" of russia in nagoro will help nothing.. azerbaijan and turkey will continue killing russian soldiers and later will say.. it was a "accident" and putin will just accept it.
    it should suck to be in the russian military and putin to use them as guinea pigs... as laboratory rats..
    experimenting with their lives.. i don't think putin mistakes are done in purpose ,still his incompetence is very dangerous . wondering what is going to do russia if they hit more helicopters by "accident "? also wondering where are those super electronic defenses that evade missiles.. russia helicopters supposed to be protected from manpads but now is all clear.. it was not true.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:21 am

    Since I am fair guy, I must point out what a moronic thing to say...

    Putin was following the law, Kara is recognized as belonging to Azeri even BY ARMENIA.

    What happened was not Russia's problem. It never signed any treaty with the breakaway regime and it NEVER recognized it.

    People here can argue all they want, they can this and that but the facts are the facts.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  nero Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:24 am

    Further trouble in heaven:

    Armenian PM Pashinyan announced that 'all instigators' of today's riots in Yerevan will be brought to justice.
    Tai Hai Chen
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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:35 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Since I am fair guy, I must point out what a moronic thing to say...

    Putin was following the law, Kara is recognized as belonging to Azeri even BY ARMENIA.

    What happened was not Russia's problem. It never signed any treaty with the breakaway regime and it NEVER recognized it.

    People here can argue all they want, they can this and that but the facts are the facts.

    Armenia never recognized Karabakh as Azerbaijani land. Hell, there is no diplomatic relation between Armenia and Turkey / Azerbaijan. They do not recognize each other as states.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:36 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Since I am fair guy, I must point out what a moronic thing to say...

    Putin was following the law, Kara is recognized as belonging to Azeri even BY ARMENIA.

    What happened was not Russia's problem. It never signed any treaty with the breakaway regime and it NEVER recognized it.

    People here can argue all they want, they can this and that but the facts are the facts.

    Russia don't care about international laws or any treaty ,whenever damages its interest.. it will not follow any agreement and will backtrack. same is with US and the europe.. and china and everyone..
    so this is not about laws , but about interest.. russia captured crimea because it was a national security problem for them.. not because of any law or treaty..

    and for your info...
    armenia did not officially recognize nagorno karabah as their territory ,for same reasons taiwan ,
    don't recognize its own territory as independent.. either.. taiwan participate in olympics under a non nation flag.. but this does not means they believe in what they say in public.. they for not provoking
    china to invade , give them lip service.. so this is no different with armenia.. they consider all those lands theirs.. and they are right.. russia don't recognize officially either only to not provoke azerbaijan into attacking armenia.. this is pretty simple things that you should know . is called lip service.. putin call erdogan and americans their "partners" is the same thing.. is nothing more that
    trying to influence their enemies with politeness.. and soft speaking.. is lip service.. nothing more and less.. and russia did not recognized either the armenian genocide 10 years ago.. for lip service to turkey.. or i think it was the americans.. but now they do it.. as soon relations broke.
    Tai Hai Chen
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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:37 am

    nero wrote:Further trouble in heaven:

    Armenian PM Pashinyan announced that 'all instigators' of today's riots in Yerevan will be brought to justice.

    Yeah. I see a Euromaidan taking place in Armenia. First Moldova, then Georgia, then Ukraine, and now Armenia. Belarus is hanging by a thread. Azerbaijan is enemy. Estonia is enemy. Latvia is enemy. Lithuania is enemy. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan all turning against Russia. Basically Russia will be surrounded by enemies all the post Soviet states other than Russia.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:47 am

    Tin foil hat on. Putin and his buddy buddy Aliyev probably planned the downing of the Russian Mi-24 and the slaughter of the Russian servicemen in order to sign a ceasefire deal. Regardless, Armenian parliament will never ratify it.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Nov 10, 2020 2:52 am

    nero wrote:Further trouble in heaven:

    Armenian PM Pashinyan announced that 'all instigators' of today's riots in Yerevan will be brought to justice.

    Like a true Democrat/liberal

    Arrest all those to which act in the method on how he got into power.

    The irony of it all
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    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:22 am

    They are going to lynch Pushinyan that Russian puppet if he goes back to Armenia. The war goes on. Biden / Harris will supply military hardware.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:30 am

    flamming_python wrote:...In other news - If Armenia was flirting with the Western powers before, now it will be running to them

    If they are ready to fuck over Russia again then there wasn't much point in wasting time with them to begin with, was it now?

    But West was definitely very helpful in this whole going on, they really put their foot down

    And I'm sure Turkey will be first one to welcome them Cool

    flamming_python wrote:...You had a choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and now you will have war (to the Russian elites)

    Nah, commies won't do fuck all, glory days are long gone and people like food

    Vann7 wrote:...

    If moron extraordinare is salty then this was definitely a good job thumbsup

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:36 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:Since I am fair guy, I must point out what a moronic thing to say...

    Putin was following the law, Kara is recognized as belonging to Azeri even BY ARMENIA.

    What happened was not Russia's problem. It never signed any treaty with the breakaway regime and it NEVER recognized it.

    People here can argue all they want, they can this and that but the facts are the facts.

    Shhhh, don't say that, you will upset commies, liberals and Iranians

    Tai Hai Chen
    Tai Hai Chen

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Tai Hai Chen Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:39 am

    Armenia does not recognize Azerbaijan. So obviously Armenia does not recognize Karabakh as Azerbaijani land.

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:44 am

    And let the games begin (video in link):

    Protesters/rioters intercepted the car of Parliament Speaker Ararat Mirzoyan of Armenia, shot bullets at his car windows , took him out of his vehicle and lynched him severely in the streets of Yerevan.

    This is what us Serbs should have done with Milosevic when he covered his own ass and threw everyone else under ​the bus back in 1995

    We didn't so we received the gift of 1999 (in retrospect deserved, so many commies here supported him screwing about and then rolling over it would have been unfair for them to have it easy)

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Nov 10, 2020 3:53 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Regular wrote:Azeris are making fun out of Russian helicopter and saying they will bring down more of them online..

    They celebrate their victory in Moscow and Petersburg streets..

    How stupid absolutely retarded is this conflict? Russian peacekeepers should glass the whole region

    Na it's not related. There are a few Azeri idiots online but the vast majority are far more diplomatic.

    As for the celebration, apparently it's related to their flag day on November 9th or something. Doubt they heard about the downed helicopter, it only happened a few hours ago.

    Azeris in general are quite cultured people (when they're not hating on Armenians). You won't catch them making fun of Russian dead or disrespecting their host countries.

    Yes, I think they were celebrating the Azeri Flag Day, I doubt they wanted to offend the Russians, and the incident is so recent they were probably not aware of it.

    In Poland there is also an official Polish National Flag Day, and it is celebrated on the 2nd of May.


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    2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2 - Page 23 Empty Re: 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war #2

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Nov 10, 2020 4:13 am

    Armenia is already turning towards the West, Radio Free Europe in Armenia just got trashed and online liberals and commies are blaming Russia, it's all over folks lol1

    About 40 young man attacked the headquarters of the Armenian service of
    @RFERL, journalist Artak Hambardzumyan, cameramen Mesropyan were beaten up

    Here’s a video posted by Artak Hambardzumyan...

    Remember, these are people who until several hours ago were convinced that they were winning this war decisively because Pasha told them so and EU loving democrats never lie

    It's going to be quite a hangover in the morning, no wonder Pasha decided to fold in the dead of night, just imagine what would have happened if it was daytime?

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