I think that we humans have much less freedom than we believe . Would God leave the world in the hands of infants?
Which is a conflicting way to think.
I really don't think it is healthy to blame all the bad things in the world on a god.
Being an athiest I do not feel bound by the rules of any religion, only the rules of the human society I currently live within. There is a lot of overlap because most ethical rules are based on religious ones.... or is that the other way around?
So we are all governed by natural laws.
Not if you look at the rate at which we break them.
Although we feel that we are the masters of our own destiny.
To a degree we are, though it is easier to ruin our lives than to enrich them... I could go out right now and murder someone in cold blood and ruin my planned future of not being in prison.... but the society and culture I grew up in would teach me not to do that as an easy option because if everyone did that I could be the one getting murdered, so society frowns on this...
For this reason , I worry less. Since I know that the world is in the hands of it's keeper. But most people deny this.
So WWI and WWII was gods plan?
I personally think if there is or are gods then this universe is a testing pit to try souls and to judge them on what they do and why.
Giving us free will and yet expecting blind faith is irrational isn't it?
Free will means it is our fault, and making us not just able to sin but actually prone to sin and then relying on some of these sinners to carry your word to the rest is flawed to say the very least.
With so many sinners about the risk of someone controlling a group of people who can't read and therefore cannot get gods message first hand from any bible, and indeed the fact that any bible is just an interpretation of someones word to start with makes it terribly prone to abuse... we constantly hear people saying they believe something because it is in the bible... which bible and who checks?
Most languages are open to interpretation and after being translated several times by amateurs the chances of the real meanings being lost or distorted is enormous... the people who translated these texts got the job because they wrote pretty, not because they were linguistic experts. In fact from what I have read they often drew pictures of men shoving things up their arses in the margins of the pages like a university joke magazine.
Since they see war and disease and pain and predation.
In the olden days few people lived past their 40th birthday and very few lived much more than 60 years at best, so at most 60 years of suffering and pain as a test for all eternity is probably a very exhaustive test to see what sort of person you are and could be.
Yet they wish they could see God or an Angel. But if they saw God , many would hate through ignorance. And if they saw an angel, then the angel would part their body from their sinful souls.
If god is everywhere and made everything surely a minute to say high and to look after his stuff a bit better would not be too much to ask.
The alternative is that god expects us to not ever actually know the truth but take the word of a lot of other people who are by their own admission sinners.
Just seems to me a lot simpler to appear to everyone... even if he did it in groups of a couple of thousand at a time... sure there would still be people who think it was a mass illusion or the government did it with new technology but for most normal people they could accept it and get some peace.
It seems to me that in practise gods will actually seems to come down to luck.... good or bad... which means there is no way you can be sure there actually was any real intervention or not, which makes god a little unnecessary.
So they killed our children. And their children have replaced our missing children. And they have to now kill their own. Poetic justice.
Which essentially comes down to they are bullying you so you gloat when they get bad luck, like getting caught and told off by their mum in front of everyone...