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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5


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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty its just gets better and better

    Post  Gazputin Wed May 01, 2019 1:38 pm

    “I foresee the F-35 forward operating, sensing, collecting and relaying information back to a weapons truck, known as a Super Hornet,” he says. “I see the E-2D involved in relaying critical information to all those fighters out there, while the EA-18 Growler with next generation jammers is providing coverage. So it’s that systems of systems. It’s quite frankly, where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”
    To allow the F-35C to operate beyond its 1,200nm (2,200km) range limitation, as a kind of airborne early warning and control aircraft, the USN envisions it being topped off with avgas by the forthcoming Boeing MQ-25A Stingray UAV in-flight refuelling tanker.

    translation …. this short-range piece of shit is next to useless …. so we need "stealthy" refuelling drones ….
    to justify why we bought this crap in the first place …..

    hilarious … I can't wait to read the mental masturbation on the "National Interest" or that peanut-brained moron on "The Drive" … Tyler Pud-Puller ….

    just hilarious …. what a bunch of twats …. lo lol lol lol …

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty point being

    Post  Gazputin Wed May 01, 2019 2:25 pm

    here in AU …. we have bought 24x FA-18F Superhornets
    which in reality they are light bombers pretending to be fighters … should be AF-18F ...

    we bought them because the F-35 was behind and over cost … (again not a fighter ... it is a light bomber … should be AF-35)

    so anyway we converted 12 of 24 to EA-18G "Growlers" to provide "electronic support" to our "primary attack weapon" the F-35 … (our "fighter")

    but it seems now … we didn't understand the "strategy" of the USN after all ….
    the F-35 is the "stealthy " "networked" mini-AWACs to guide the "bomb-trucks" in …. 1/2 of which are now "Growlers" …..

    meanwhile we have plans for 70-80 F-35s …. that's a lot of "AWACs" to guide in our 24x "Bomb trucks"

    you couldn't make it up could you ….. but the Pentagon does …. every day


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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  GarryB Wed May 01, 2019 7:17 pm

    Dr Kopp will be demanding the F-111s be reinstated...

    I remember in the 1990s when the Russians would have sold stuff to anyone to break into a market... they offered Australia Su-35s and Su-34s (though at the time they were actually Su-27Ms and Su-32s...) and the Aussies didn't even consider it for a second.

    Of course China is a very important Australian customer and they don't seem too enthusiastic about Americas hard line anti Chinese crap...

    The one thing China has to do is start defending its allies... otherwise it will only go so far.

    If you get a regime in Africa... China will trade with them but if someone comes in and tries to overthrow them China will just get ready to deal with whomever wins... well that is a huge difference from the european colonials who tend to defend their little dictators... even when those dictators are brutal sons of bitches the enemy will be portrayed as being worse even if they are not and that will be used as justification for brutally getting rid of the opposition.

    That is the main attraction for these little regimes for the west... as long as you sell out your people and country and let them take you for everything you have you get to stay in power as long as you want...

    BTW if the A-4 Skyhawk is just an A, then the F-35 should also be an A rather than an F...

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Isos Wed May 01, 2019 7:28 pm

    Gazputin wrote:here in AU …. we have bought 24x FA-18F Superhornets
    which in reality they are light bombers pretending to be fighters … should be AF-18F ...

    we bought them because the F-35 was behind and over cost … (again not a fighter ... it is a light bomber … should be AF-35)

    so anyway we converted 12 of 24 to EA-18G "Growlers" to provide "electronic support" to our "primary attack weapon" the F-35 … (our "fighter")

    but it seems now … we didn't understand the "strategy" of the USN after all ….
    the F-35 is the "stealthy " "networked" mini-AWACs to guide the "bomb-trucks" in …. 1/2 of which are now "Growlers" …..

    meanwhile we have plans for 70-80 F-35s  …. that's a lot of "AWACs" to guide in our 24x "Bomb trucks"

    you couldn't make it up could you ….. but the Pentagon does …. every day

    Pretty useless strategy. F-18 will still need to come close to launch the missiles so in range of sukhois missiles and they will be detected well before.

    F-35 still uses same amraam as 4th gen aircraft which are not immune to jammers and in smaller numbers. Once empty of missiles they are useless. F-18 will suffer tremandous loses. Remember that a su-22 of SyAAR fooled a amx9 with flares easily.

    Finally, the range of both f18and f-35 is as big as mig-29's. Less than 1000km. Which means either it will need lot of tankers that can be destroyed easily on the ground or in the air by mig-31 r-33/37 or they will use airbases less than 1000km from front and be in range of cruise missiles and bombers.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  GarryB Wed May 01, 2019 7:58 pm

    The R-37 is for export on the Su-35 as the RVV-BD, and it would be ideal for knocking down tanker aircraft and other support aircraft the opposition might try to use.

    The most interesting thing to see when the Su-57s are seen operationally is what new AAMs they have had developed for them... dedicated anti stealth fighter and anti stealth bomber AAMs would be very useful and interesting...

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  hoom Thu May 02, 2019 6:48 am

    so anyway we converted 12 of 24 to EA-18G "Growlers" to provide "electronic support" to our "primary attack weapon" the F-35 … (our "fighter")

    but it seems now … we didn't understand the "strategy" of the USN after all ….
    the F-35 is the "stealthy " "networked" mini-AWACs to guide the "bomb-trucks" in …. 1/2 of which are now "Growlers" …..
    scratch dunno

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Arrow Thu May 02, 2019 5:05 pm

    Russia is still backward in stealth technology.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  dino00 Thu May 02, 2019 7:04 pm

    In China, called the Russian radar technology "new era"

    May 2, 2019, 14:05

    The Chinese edition of admired the fifth-generation Russian fighter Su-57, which can "turn the trash" American military equipment thanks to the microwave photon radar.

    “The peculiarity of this type of radar is that it is small, lightweight and has a large radius of action. It can directly display the silhouette of the aircraft with a resolution of several dozen times higher than that of a conventional radar, ”said the material.

    The publication calls the radar "new era" of military equipment - the device is immune to electronic interference, which means that the American electronic silencers and "invisible" airplanes "completely turned into garbage."

    Its main advantage is the possibility of installing a radar in the form of a thin plate on the body of the aircraft.

    Photon radar will be great when ready.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  nero Thu May 02, 2019 11:11 pm

    Arrow wrote:

    Russia is still backward in stealth technology.
    In what way? We have no information about technical characteristics of both Su-57, F-22, F-35 and other aircraft that employ RAM.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  miketheterrible Thu May 02, 2019 11:39 pm

    nero wrote:
    Arrow wrote:

    Russia is still backward in stealth technology.
    In what way? We have no information about technical characteristics of both Su-57, F-22, F-35 and other aircraft that employ RAM.

    Don't quote arrow. Don't even bother with him. Ignore him like most do. He is a complete moron and doesn't provide anything.  No one knows Russia's ram coating. He just makes sensational anti Russian posts and the mods are too lazy to remove him

    Remember, Russia been using stealth for many years, including Kh-101 missiles which use both ram and shaping.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Isos Thu May 02, 2019 11:58 pm

    I have posted once here a report of the CIA from the 80s saying soviet were quite capable in stealth back then and that their understanding of US stealth technologies was very well documented and analyzed.

    But I can't find it again. However it is on forum somewhere maybe in f-22 thread.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Mindstorm Fri May 03, 2019 12:19 am

    Arrow wrote:

    Russia is still backward in stealth technology.

    Thanks Arrow, immediately saved as a further proof of the self-embarrassing illiteracy and mean intellectual dishonesty of western self-proclaimed "military analists" Wink

    Sometimes i ask to myself if those low level mercenaries of the western crumbling propaganda machine even realize how easy has became today for a reader, even with limited technical knowleges, to debunk the credibility of similar pieces noticing theirs huge factual fallacies and irrational innuendo pointing to theirs baseless and biased nature.

    At Jamestown Foundation and other similar western supporting pillars of western Institutions entrusted with the main mission to create new generation of PR operatives and to disseminate theirs "works" in the media channels, someone should fire the entire leadership : theirs staff become any day more the laughing stock of the same foreign public opinion that they should attempt to deceive and condition Rolling Eyes

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Hole Fri May 03, 2019 2:56 am

    They don´t care. Like this fellow of Bush the lesser once said: "We are an empire. We make our own reality."

    Only problem with this attitude is if the rest of the world doesn´t believe this "reality".

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 03, 2019 4:35 am

    Hole wrote:They don´t care. Like this fellow of Bush the lesser once said: "We are an empire. We make our own reality."

    Only problem with this attitude is if the rest of the world doesn´t believe this "reality".

    Karl Rove.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  GarryB Fri May 03, 2019 5:39 am

    Don't quote arrow. Don't even bother with him. Ignore him like most do. He is a complete moron and doesn't provide anything. No one knows Russia's ram coating. He just makes sensational anti Russian posts and the mods are too lazy to remove him

    Actually what he said is actually rather accurate, but perhaps not in the way he intended.

    I rather suspect he used the word backward to mean behind in terms of technology, but it would also means to progress in the other direction... which is not totally wrong.

    The US has designed and built aircraft and other things to be radar invisible or at least very low observable, while the Soviets and Russians have made minor efforts to reduce RCS of their aircraft and missiles but put more effort in developing a much broader range of sensors that will enable them to deal with a range of threats including VLO threats... sensors like IRST, and L band and of course VHS band radars and other sensors using very power and capable radars.

    They are also introducing new VLO aircraft but they are not making them in enormous numbers and have not stopped development of other types... The MiG-35, Su-35, MiG-41 developments all seem to be moving forward and are being produced and they are also producing more Blackjacks even though they are also working on stealthy models... namely Su-57 and PAK DA.

    It suggests they are taking a more sensible and much more cost effective approach...

    They don´t care. Like this fellow of Bush the lesser once said: "We are an empire. We make our own reality."

    No great surprise when Bush snr said when he was secretary of state in the 80s, that "He does not care what the facts are America is not to blame...".

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Fri May 03, 2019 3:25 pm

    Arrow wrote:

    Russia is still backward in stealth technology.

    What utter and complete shit.... That article is an embarassment to anyone capable of reading Her Majesties English. These stenographers for the corrupt MIC will write anything in exchnage for a handful of blood-stained shekels. May they all die gurgling in a lake of their own bile and piss. Twisted Evil

    Raises the question on why the forum doesn't have a sh_t emoji to select from? Laughing

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  GarryB Sat May 04, 2019 7:45 am

    Make you wonder about the point of the article though... I mean is that actually how they see things, or is it supposed to reassure pro western people that they know what they are doing and it is all part of some master plan, or are they just saying such things because they get paid to promote a lost cause...

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sat May 04, 2019 8:09 am

    GarryB wrote:Make you wonder about the point of the article though... I mean is that actually how they see things, or is it supposed to reassure pro western people that they know what they are doing and it is all part of some master plan, or are they just saying such things because they get paid to promote a lost cause...

    My view is that these "authors" are just Scribblers for Empire who get paid to support Establishment narratives with their endless bovine excrement. It's all about scrounging dollars from the cash-flushed MIC. Advertisement and product-pumping by other means.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty China mulls to buy SU57 jet

    Post  Slevin Sat May 04, 2019 3:18 pm

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    Post  dino00 Mon May 06, 2019 3:36 pm

    A new contract for the Su-57 for the Russian Aerospace Force is planned to be signed this year - source
    *** The decision on the number of fighters purchased is not yet made by

    Moscow. the 6th of May. INTERFAX - The signing of a new contract for the supply of the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter jets to the Russian Defense Ministry is expected in 2019, an informed source told Interfax.
    “A new contract for the serial delivery of the Su-57 for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is planned to be signed later this year,” a spokesman said.
    According to him, the number of fighters, which plans to order the Russian military, is still under discussion.

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    Post  dino00 Tue May 07, 2019 7:26 pm

    The first serial Su-57 will arrive in the air Force by November - source

    Last edited by dino00 on Wed May 08, 2019 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Hole)

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Hole Tue May 07, 2019 9:34 pm

    Air Force Very Happy

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    Post  dino00 Wed May 08, 2019 1:13 am

    Hole wrote:Air Force Very Happy

    Don't know what you are talking about pirat

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Isos Wed May 08, 2019 4:51 am

    They should hurry up for the su-57k. China is expected to have its first supercarrier in 2022 and india is also working on its own catobar.

    It a market for 100 jets.

    A new yak-44 would be also welcomed. At least 10 could be sold to both.

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    Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5 - Page 26 Empty Re: Su-57 Stealth Fighter: News #5

    Post  Admin Wed May 08, 2019 7:09 am

    Isos wrote:They should hurry up for the su-57k. China is expected to have its first supercarrier in 2022 and india is also working on its own catobar.

    It a market for 100 jets.

    A new yak-44 would be also welcomed. At least 10 could be sold to both.

    China is re-configuring the J-31 for naval use as the J-15 is not safe enough for carrier operations. India is selecting between the Rafale and Super Hornet. There is not really a market for naval fighters except for MiG-29Ks to supplement the Vishul ski jump carrier of India. Based on the current Indian order they are stacking up their carriers with more Kamovs so it doesn't look like they will need large compliments of MiGs. They are also working on a naval variant of the Tejas which would end any further orders from us.

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