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    Post  owais.usmani Wed May 06, 2020 11:55 am

    Russia’s Corona Epidemic Response

    In a global comparison, Russia’s corona epidemic response has been very strong. The best and most foolproof indicator is the fatality rate. Russia has experienced the lowest Covid-19 mortality among all countries in the Northern Hemisphere, significantly lower than nearly all Western countries. Presently the fatality rate in Russia is 10 per 1 million, compared to 684 in Belgium, 544 (Spain), 483 (UK), 481 (Italy), 386 (France), 274 (Sweden) and 211 (USA).

    Russia’s initial decisive response helped reduce the spread. The Russian healthcare system proved superior to most other countries in terms of adequate facilities, medical devices and protective gear. Russia increased capacity nationwide by refurbishing existing hospitals and constructing 17 new ones in record time (4-6 weeks). The country also ramped up domestic production of medical necessities, including personal protective equipment. By May, Russia’s production capacity was enough to cover 100% of domestic needs. At the time of this writing, Russia has not yet exhausted its hospital capacity (even at the virus’ epicenter in Moscow).

    Another commendable facet of its response has been the rapid roll out of testing. In absolute numbers, Russia (4.5 million tests) is second only to the US. In per capita terms, Russia has conducted one-third more tests than the United States and is now on par with Germany.

    Most countries have almost exclusively tested only severely ill people who have been admitted to hospital. Russia, on the other hand, is currently the global leader in contact tracing. As a result, many outwardly healthy people have been tested. Two weeks ago, the Russian epidemiology authority reported that 60% of all those who tested positive in Moscow were asymptomatic. Later it was reported that 95% of all those who tested positive were either asymptomatic or only with mild symptoms, similar to a common cold. Lately, there have not been any new reports on the proportion of severely ill vs. those showing mild symptoms among people tested.. The author assumes this is due to the government’s efforts to motivate people to follow the stay-home orders strictly during the last ten days of the lockdown, coinciding with the traditional Russian May Day and Victory Day holidays. Due to the extraordinary warm and sunny weather, the government faces an increasing challenge to keep people at home. However, today the Swedish government reported that a staggering 98.5% of all infected people in their country were asymptomatic or mild. Presumably, this would also apply to Russia.

    Preliminary, the government has promised to start gradually loosen the lockdown restrictions starting from May 12. Most seem to think it is about time. The comparison of Russia’s infection with the global count would just not seem to motivate that Russia keeps the restrictions in full force anymore.

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    Post  kvs Wed May 06, 2020 4:51 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    Russia’s Corona Epidemic Response

    In a global comparison, Russia’s corona epidemic response has been very strong. The best and most foolproof indicator is the fatality rate. Russia has experienced the lowest Covid-19 mortality among all countries in the Northern Hemisphere, significantly lower than nearly all Western countries. Presently the fatality rate in Russia is 10 per 1 million, compared to 684 in Belgium, 544 (Spain),  483 (UK), 481 (Italy), 386 (France), 274 (Sweden) and 211 (USA).

    Russia’s initial decisive response helped reduce the spread. The Russian healthcare system proved superior to most other countries in terms of adequate facilities, medical devices and protective gear. Russia increased capacity nationwide by refurbishing existing hospitals and constructing 17 new ones in record time (4-6 weeks). The country also ramped up domestic production of medical necessities, including personal protective equipment. By May, Russia’s production capacity was enough to cover 100% of domestic needs. At the time of this writing, Russia has not yet exhausted its hospital capacity (even at the virus’ epicenter in Moscow).

    Another commendable facet of its response has been the rapid roll out of testing. In absolute numbers, Russia (4.5 million tests) is second only to the US. In per capita terms, Russia has conducted one-third more tests than the United States and is now on par with Germany.

    Most countries have almost exclusively tested only severely ill people who have been admitted to hospital. Russia, on the other hand, is currently the global leader in contact tracing. As a result, many outwardly healthy people have been tested. Two weeks ago, the Russian epidemiology authority reported that 60% of all those who tested positive in Moscow were asymptomatic. Later it was  reported that 95% of all those who tested positive were either asymptomatic or  only with mild symptoms, similar to  a common cold. Lately, there have not been any new reports on the proportion of severely ill vs. those showing mild symptoms among people tested.. The author assumes this is due  to  the government’s efforts to motivate  people to follow  the stay-home orders strictly during the last ten days of the lockdown, coinciding with the traditional Russian May Day and Victory Day holidays. Due to the  extraordinary warm and sunny weather, the government faces an increasing challenge to keep people at home. However, today the Swedish government reported that a staggering 98.5% of all infected people in their country were asymptomatic or mild. Presumably, this would also apply to Russia.

    Preliminary, the government has promised to start gradually loosen the lockdown restrictions starting from May 12. Most seem to think it is about time. The comparison of Russia’s infection with the global count would just not seem to motivate that Russia keeps the restrictions in full force anymore.

    Russia is now in the 5th day of new cases hovering around 10,000. Given the pattern of infection from around the world, it is about to either go
    into decline in terms of new cases or stall in an oscillating plateau. But I think that the large amount of tests is giving a better picture of the
    daily infection rate so other countries which seem to have less daily infections are more than likely underestimating them.

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    Post  owais.usmani Thu May 07, 2020 12:17 pm

    MOSCOW, May 7. / TASS /. The number of people infected with coronavirus in Moscow is 2-2.5% of the population, which is about 300 thousand people. This was announced on Thursday by the mayor of the capital, Sergei Sobyanin, on the television channel Russia-24 .

    “The fact that we have identified so many patients is not a minus, but a huge plus. Obviously, there are even more really sick people in the city. According to screening studies, they are in the region of 2-2.5% of the total population of Moscow, in terms of the figures are about 300 thousand, "said the mayor.

    He added that the task of the authorities of the capital - the maximum possible identification of people infected with coronavirus. This is necessary to quarantine them and thus prevent infection of their contacts. "A huge work is being done for this, we doubled the tests in a week. Previously, we tested about 20 thousand, now - about 40 thousand," the mayor added.

    According to the latest data, 92 676 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in the capital.

    Case detection
    Sergei Sobyanin also noted that the detection rate of coronavirus infections in Moscow is higher than in New York.

    "If you look at the registration of newly diagnosed diseases in New York for the entire period and Moscow, we, perhaps, have already <...> surpassed New York by detectability," he said.

    Moscow authorities do not hide statistics on the detection of coronavirus infection. "We are not trying to push people away with their diseases. <...> A system for the early detection of the disease has been created," Sobyanin noted.

    Positive dynamics
    According to him, over the past two weeks the number of hospitalizations with coronavirus in Moscow has not increased.

    "Over the past two weeks, the number of hospitalizations [of people with coronavirus] has not increased. Moreover, today the number of hospitalized and those who are discharged shows a positive trend. More were discharged than were hospitalized. And this is the main result of our work," the mayor said .

    As the mayor noted, Muscovites will not soon have to return to life without limits.

    “Optimism can never be lost. How quickly we get out of this situation will largely depend on ourselves, on discipline. I don’t want to think about the future, but my opinion is all the same - we will not have to return to a full life without any restrictions soon ", - he said.

    The mayor is confident that residents will survive all the trials and "defeat the virus."

    Over the last day in Russia, 11,231 new cases of coronavirus were detected in 84 regions, of which 48.7% did not have clinical manifestations of the disease. 88 deaths were recorded. In a day, 2,476 people fully recovered in Russia.


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    Post  owais.usmani Thu May 14, 2020 12:14 pm

    Is CNN again talking out of its ass or do they have a valid point?

    Why is Russia's Covid-19 mortality rate so low?

    (CNN)For almost two weeks, three countries have led the rest of the world in the daily number of new Covid-19 infections: The United States, Russia and Brazil.

    This makes some sense -- each is in the top 10 of most populous countries with well over 125 million people and each has a few very crowded cities. Furthermore, each country was disorganized and disbelieving as the disease settled in their region.
    But one important difference separates Russia from the other two nations. As of Monday, in the United States, which has been in the midst of the pandemic for almost two months, the mortality rate from Covid-19 was 6%, according to Johns Hopkins; in Brazil, hard-hit for a month, the mortality was nearly 7%. And in parts of Western Europe, including Italy, France, Spain, Belgium and the UK the mortality rate was over 10%.
    But in Russia, where the pandemic arrived about the same time as Brazil, the mortality rate sat at less than 1%.
    How can this be?
    Dr. Elena Malinnikova, the chief of infectious diseases in the Russian Ministry of Health, has a simple explanation: The low mortality is due to timely detection of infection as well as the fact that that Russians tend to see their doctor soon after symptoms appear.
    Russian journalists have reported that more than 60% of all cases diagnosed in the country have been in Moscow, which has a younger and healthier population than rural areas.

    No matter the reason, the extremely low mortality rate is quite unexpected. So, I compared various factors to try to understand what's going on.
    The testing difference between Russia and Brazil is enormous. Dr. Malinnikova and Russian leaders should be very proud. At the time of writing, they have tested 40,995 people per million population. In contrast, Brazil has a very low rate, at 3,459 tests per million citizens. (for comparison, the US has a rate of 30,937 per million).
    As we have seen in Switzerland, Germany and other countries with extensive testing, mortality rates start low because so many cases are identified and never progress to serious illness though as the German epidemic has matured, the fatality rate has increased from less than 0.5% to about 4.5%.
    The profound testing difference may indeed be the main reason, but other factors can contribute to risk of death from Covid-19 infection, including being a male, advanced age, heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes and obesity, for which comparative countrywide information is available.
    Of note, Russia has high rates of these comorbid conditions, especially among men.
    Unfortunately, neither Russia nor Brazil has released much information regarding the age and sex distribution of the cases or the deaths in their country, though in late April, Brazil reported that 59% of coronavirus deaths were in men. However, per the World Bank, 15% of Russia's population is 65 years old or older, compared to Brazil with 9% (the US sits at 16%). This difference would predict that Brazil would have a lower mortality rate than Russia.

    Cardiac disease also is much more prevalent in Russia than Brazil. A recent study suggests that by any measurement, Russia has at least twice the rate of complications from cardiovascular disease as Brazil -- another reason Covid-19 death rates would be lower, not higher, in Brazil than Russia.
    No statistics for rates of chronic lung disease by country are available. However, smoking, a major cause of lung disease, is more common in Russia (57% of men and 23% of women) than Brazil (17% of men and 10% of women). In contrast, death from lung disease is lower in Russia (14.5 per 100,000) than in Brazil (26.6 per 100,000).
    Diabetes is about half as common in Russia (6%) compared to Brazil (10%) while rates of obesity are about the same: As of 2016, Russia was 70th in the world with a 23% prevalence while Brazil sat at 22% for 82nd in the world. (By comparison, the United States had the 12th highest rate at 36%).
    Therefore, the known and measurable risk factors for severe disease point to Russia having at least a comparable, if not a higher, death rate than Brazil.
    So, is Dr. Malinnikova correct? Is the difference really due to testing and the apparently efficient Russian health care system?
    Perhaps, but there may be other ways to explain the differences. We do not know, for example, how Russia attributes death to Covid-19. If a person with heart disease dies with the infection, which condition is the "cause?" How quickly does information come to Moscow from the rural areas which may have higher death rates given the higher rate of comorbidities?
    And what about nursing home deaths -- are these being included as Covid-19 related, even if a test was not performed?
    As in the US and elsewhere, accurate classification of a Covid-19-related death remains very important to our understanding of the disease and the effectiveness of our attempts to control it. However, certainty about how, exactly, a person died remains a very difficult determination.
    Diseases are not independent of each other: someone with heart disease will predictably fare worse with pneumonia than someone without heart disease -- but should the person die, what is the true cause of death? Probably a collision of illnesses that collectively overwhelm a person rather than a single nameable cause.

    This means that the cause of death can be tilted one way or another while still remaining accurate. And with a disease such as Covid-19, where political tensions are evident in many countries, this latitude (and the temptation to exploit it) calls to mind the chilling statement popularly attributed to Josef Stalin, though it's far from clear that he said it: "It is not who votes but who counts the votes that matters."
    In other words, the death rate from Covid-19 in Russia and worldwide is defined not by an internationally agreed upon definition, but by the authorities who are reporting. Once again, we may find our understanding of Covid-19 stymied by an altogether new uncertainty -- this one not medical at all, but entirely the product of political calculations.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 14, 2020 4:04 pm

    They are right about number of tests done and healthcare system in Russia is definitely better than Brazil

    Fact that Russia started preparing for pandemic the moment it started while Brazil is practically still ignoring it is also a big factor

    Rest of the article is just CNN doing their usual bullshit and being upset that this is yet another crisis that didn't go tell way they were hoping it would

    As for gender distribution here in Serbia we had about 2/3 of infected and dead being males so I assume same goes for rest of the world

    Our epidemiologist said that it would take 8 to 10 weeks for the whole thing to blow over and they were proven right so I assume same should apply to Russia

    Check when is started in Russia in full and add 10 weeks to get end date


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    Post  kvs Thu May 14, 2020 4:18 pm

    CNN cherry picking BS.

    The deaths per million of the population is low in eastern Europe due to BCG vaccination:


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    Post  GarryB Fri May 15, 2020 3:25 am

    Well it raises some important points... health care if you are rich , is good in the US, but because it is so expensive most people can't afford it, so they learn to avoid going to see their doctor for anything except those things that obviously need medical attention like a severed limb.

    Here in New Zealand for some reason dental is not treated as health care, so it is not free as such and generally not covered by accident protection. This results in most adult New Zealanders avoiding going to the dentist where possible... leading to lots of pain and suffering... you basically take pain killers till the tooth is dead and does not hurt any more...

    Another factor is that Russia is doing a lot more tests than countries like Brazil so their quarantine is more effective and those infected likely get treated earlier.

    As also previously mentioned on this forum, during the 1990s there was a few epidemics that required hospitals to have equipment to help people with breathing difficulties.... and it was interesting... I read a report about how the Germans are coping so well is mainly because of a different attitude to health care to other western countries.

    I call it the big church small church problem.

    When you build a church you need to decide how big to make it... you can make it small so every week it will be fully used, but on special holidays like easter and xmas etc etc it will need extra capacity and you might have to turn people away or have them stand outside. The advantage is that it will be cheaper to build and cheaper to operate day to day because it will be easier to heat or keep cool and wont seem largely empty every week with 10-20 regulars compared with hundreds or more a Xmas or Easter. The regulars will be funding the churches day to day operations, but operations costs will be lower with a smaller church. If you build big so no matter what it will never be full, then you can book big events to be held like the largest weddings and shindigs which can bring in more revenue when needed, but it will cost more to heat and maintain and most of the year it will seem almost empty with just the usual customers.

    The difference here is that with a Hospital you don't want to be in a position were you have patients in the hallways or to turn away patients or send them home early so you can free up some beds.

    The Germans didn't minimise the number of available beds to save money, so they were not overwhelmed like hospitals in countries that cared more about money and costs than about people.

    Ironically the US saves all the money it can yet it still works out expensive... but only for the patient...

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    Post  owais.usmani Fri May 15, 2020 7:14 am

    Another one from CNN:

    Why Moscow didn't count 60% of suspected Covid-19 deaths

    Moscow (CNN)Moscow's health department hit back at media reports that it was underreporting Covid-19 fatalities, saying its data was "absolutely open," but acknowledging that it only counts deaths that were found through postmortem autopsy to have been caused directly by coronavirus complications.

    In a statement Wednesday, the Moscow health department said authorities conducted autopsies on 100% of suspected coronavirus victims and confirmed that 639 people died directly of coronavirus complications in April.
    "In other cases, it's impossible to put Covid-19 as the cause of death," the health department said in a statement Wednesday, acknowledging the April spike in mortality rates.
    "In more than 60% of [suspected] cases, deaths were caused by obvious alternative causes, such as heart failure, stage four malignant diseases, leukemia ... and other incurable deadly diseases," it said.
    City health officials argue that a mandatory autopsy is performed on all patients with suspected coronavirus to establish diagnosis and cause of death "in contrast with the practice in most other countries," adding: "Post-mortem diagnoses and causes of death recorded in Moscow are therefore extremely accurate, and mortality data is completely open. It is impossible to name the cause of death as Covid-19 in other cases."

    CNN and other news outlets reported this week that Moscow saw a surge in mortality in April, according to civil register's data. The city registered 11,846 death certificates that month, which is about 20% higher compared to a ten-year average of 9,866 deaths.
    The statistics in the Russian capital have come under scrutiny as observers note the comparatively low overall number of deaths in Russia -- a total that currently stands at 2,305 according to Johns Hopkins University -- even as the country takes second place in the world for the number of confirmed cases, over a quarter of a million.
    Russia has the second-highest number of cases behind the US, and Moscow is the country's worst hit-city. According to official statistics, Moscow has seen a total of 1,290 deaths out of an official total of over 130,000 cases recorded as of Thursday, although Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has said the total number of people infected is likely higher, based on screening studies.
    The statement from the Moscow health authorities argued that even if all mortality figures for April in Moscow were adjusted to attribute more cases to coronavirus, the overall mortality rate from Covid-19 infections would be far lower than the official mortality rates in New York and London.

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    Post  dino00 Fri May 15, 2020 2:17 pm


    Another factor is that Russia is doing a lot more tests than countries like Brazil so their quarantine is more effective and those infected likely get treated earlier.


    In Brazil it will be an absolute catastrophe, their President is an South American Trump, this fascist idiot here: lol1

    Health issues - Page 6 Mascar10

    Their Health minister is this genius here:

    Edit the genius above just quit, he was the only one in the Brazilian government that take covid-19 serious, Brazil will be the number 1 in deaths per day in the short time.

    Last edited by dino00 on Fri May 15, 2020 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Fri May 15, 2020 3:02 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:Another one from CNN:

    Why Moscow didn't count 60% of suspected Covid-19 deaths

    Moscow (CNN)Moscow's health department hit back at media reports that it was underreporting Covid-19 fatalities, saying its data was "absolutely open," but acknowledging that it only counts deaths that were found through postmortem autopsy to have been caused directly by coronavirus complications.

    In a statement Wednesday, the Moscow health department said authorities conducted autopsies on 100% of suspected coronavirus victims and confirmed that 639 people died directly of coronavirus complications in April.
    "In other cases, it's impossible to put Covid-19 as the cause of death," the health department said in a statement Wednesday, acknowledging the April spike in mortality rates.
    "In more than 60% of [suspected] cases, deaths were caused by obvious alternative causes, such as heart failure, stage four malignant diseases, leukemia ... and other incurable deadly diseases," it said.
    City health officials argue that a mandatory autopsy is performed on all patients with suspected coronavirus to establish diagnosis and cause of death "in contrast with the practice in most other countries," adding: "Post-mortem diagnoses and causes of death recorded in Moscow are therefore extremely accurate, and mortality data is completely open. It is impossible to name the cause of death as Covid-19 in other cases."

    CNN and other news outlets reported this week that Moscow saw a surge in mortality in April, according to civil register's data. The city registered 11,846 death certificates that month, which is about 20% higher compared to a ten-year average of 9,866 deaths.
    The statistics in the Russian capital have come under scrutiny as observers note the comparatively low overall number of deaths in Russia -- a total that currently stands at 2,305 according to Johns Hopkins University -- even as the country takes second place in the world for the number of confirmed cases, over a quarter of a million.
    Russia has the second-highest number of cases behind the US, and Moscow is the country's worst hit-city. According to official statistics, Moscow has seen a total of 1,290 deaths out of an official total of over 130,000 cases recorded as of Thursday, although Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has said the total number of people infected is likely higher, based on screening studies.
    The statement from the Moscow health authorities argued that even if all mortality figures for April in Moscow were adjusted to attribute more cases to coronavirus, the overall mortality rate from Covid-19 infections would be far lower than the official mortality rates in New York and London.

    I have post dealing with this BS in the Covid-19 thread. Whether it is 70% or 60% CNN et al. have nothing to stroke their retarded dicks with.

    Increasing the Russian deaths per million by 333% still puts Russia way behind most of the west aside from Germany which is still three times
    larger mortality per capita than Russia but only thanks to the BCG vaccination of eastern Germany.

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    Post  miketheterrible Mon May 18, 2020 6:00 pm

    Russian scientists have proposed using a breath analyzer for mass diagnostics of coronavirus

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:50 pm

    I was surprised to find out how Jordan Peterson the notable PC non-conformist and one of the few sane intellectuals around
    almost died.

    He got heavily onto anti-depressants when his wife was diagnosed with cancer.   But I also think that this was due to the
    enormous pressure on him for his dissident views.   Society victimizes "heretics".    He became dependent on the main
    anti-depressant he was taking and got into a withdrawal hole when he tried to quit.   This was not a mild withdrawal and
    he got into a state where both the Canadian and US health care systems could not give him the required treatment.

    I don't know all the details but his situation was grim.   And the "coup de grace" was that he got pneumonia.   The combination
    put him on his death bed.

    By chance, the husband of his daughter happened to be Russian and convinced the family to send Peterson to Russia for
    treatment.   He was put into a medically induced sleep and his blood was filtered to remove traces of the anti-depressant
    drug.   In the end he was saved from the severe withdrawal syndrome and the pneumonia.

    Western propagandists and their fellow travelers in Russia love to pour excrement on all things Russia.   This includes
    the Russian medical system.  Well, here is an example where a precious western medical system couldn't do the job
    when the Russian system could.   And this is not some trivial example that can be fobbed off.   The Canadian and western
    medical systems are in total crisis from runaway health care costs: in the USA the medical industry inflation was 10%
    back in the early 2000s and remains high today which translates into 1.1^19 = 6.1 fold increase in prices.
    But the Russian system is not just working by default, it is always advancing with new equipment, therapies and drugs.

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    Post  kvs Tue Oct 13, 2020 1:38 am

    I recall the state run CBC in Canada (it's not even like the BBC which is supposed be self financed) denigrating Russian medicine.
    Here is the reality in "progressive" and "tolerant" Canada. An aboriginal woman had pain associated with her pregnancy and
    went to the hospital. There she was ignored and subjected to racist slander about being some sort of over-breeder who
    has to be supported by "honest working" taxpayers. Eventually some clown decided to give her morphine (which is wrong
    to prescribe for anything other than chronic pain and certainly not for emergency treatment unless there is heavy trauma).
    The woman told the staff that she did not want morphine since she had heart issues. They again ignored her and gave it
    anyway. She died.

    Some nurse got fired. Nobody did any jail time for criminal negligence and even racist abuse.

    The above is disgusting to me on many levels. First, is the BS about aboriginal "over breeding". They are going extinct and
    not dominating the population of Canada. So by definition they cannot be some burden on the taxpayer. And FUCK
    the taxpayer. he owes the aboriginals. Canada exists on stolen aboriginal land. It was never bought, the aboriginals were
    ethnically cleansed into tiny reservation ghettos. Reservations do not exist in Russia.

    The above video is about how Russia manages to provide good medicine for much cheaper than the precious west, where they
    couldn't even do their jobs with people like Jordan Peterson.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 13, 2020 8:27 am

    So, is Dr. Malinnikova correct? Is the difference really due to testing and the apparently efficient Russian health care system?

    Hilarious... they ask the question and then suggest the real difference is that they are not reporting it properly or lying... old folks homes could have tens of thousands of deaths to Covid that are not being reported as anything but natural causes...

    We do not know, for example, how Russia attributes death to Covid-19. If a person with heart disease dies with the infection, which condition is the "cause?" How quickly does information come to Moscow from the rural areas which may have higher death rates given the higher rate of comorbidities?

    So ignorance = they must be doing it wrong or lying or slow and inefficient in reporting...

    What a bunch of assholes...

    As in the US and elsewhere, accurate classification of a Covid-19-related death remains very important to our understanding of the disease and the effectiveness of our attempts to control it. However, certainty about how, exactly, a person died remains a very difficult determination.

    Yeah, Americans are so much better at telling the truth and not getting lawyers involved to tell them how far they can bend the truth or even lie without risking getting sued... lets trust that is the reason... when they already identified the situation openly and clearly... when a Russian feels sick they go to their doctor... they don't ignore it can keep going to work and infecting others like an American who lost their job because of Covid and really can't afford to get sick because their job paid their health insurance and now they don't have any and need any old job to pay the rent.

    In other words, the death rate from Covid-19 in Russia and worldwide is defined not by an internationally agreed upon definition, but by the authorities who are reporting. Once again, we may find our understanding of Covid-19 stymied by an altogether new uncertainty -- this one not medical at all, but entirely the product of political calculations.

    Here we go... they are doing way better than us because they are commies ruled by Stalin who refuses to accept reality and substitutes its own... almost like looking in a mirror isn't it?

    Especially when one of the countries is separated from the known source of the virus in China by the Pacific Ocean, while the much better performing country is separated by a line on a map...

    The butt hurt is glorious.... we are better in every way and they are liars... I think it is pretty obvious who the liars are.

    Having the best healthcare system in the world means nothing if your population can't afford to use it and avoids it to try to keep their job and their insurance...

    The deaths per million of the population is low in eastern Europe due to BCG vaccination:

    Don't be silly... they are just lying too...

    The real amusing thing is the suggestion that the number of people being tested is somehow made out to be a bad thing... of course... ignorance is bliss right?

    Head in the sand defence is like herd immunity... it is the last resort of the desperate because it is too late to try anything else...


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    Post  George1 Mon Nov 30, 2020 2:22 pm

    Mass vaccination with EpiVacCorona in Russia to start in 2021

    MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Some doses of the Russian EpiVacCorona coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Vector center, will enter civil circulation on December 10, while mass vaccination will start in 2021, Vector center division head Aleander Ryzhikov said Friday.

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    Post  kvs Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:04 pm

    So Russia has another and advanced vaccine and one never hears about it.

    The vaccine was developed on an advanced synthetic platform and consists of
    artificially synthesized short fragments of viral proteins - peptides - that make the immune
    system recognize and neutralize the virus.


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    Post  franco Mon Nov 30, 2020 6:14 pm

    George1 wrote:Mass vaccination with EpiVacCorona in Russia to start in 2021

    MOSCOW, November 27. /TASS/. Some doses of the Russian EpiVacCorona coronavirus vaccine, developed by the Vector center, will enter civil circulation on December 10, while mass vaccination will start in 2021, Vector center division head Aleander Ryzhikov said Friday.

    This is the one developed out in Siberia, heard there was a second vaccine in the works.
    par far

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    Post  par far Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:43 pm


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    Post  kvs Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:37 am

    What a disgrace. They are all so afraid of getting infected even though they are less than 50 years on average.

    Your chances of dying from an infection when younger than 60 years is basically nothing. People die from the flu
    at similar rates when under 60. The mortality of Covid-19 increases with age and most of the differential from the
    flu is in the people over the age of 60 bracket. I think a lot of is due to the distinctive symptoms of Covid-19
    such as the "flooding" of the lungs with liquid. The elderly simply can't handle such symptoms.


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    Health issues - Page 6 Empty Cheesy Propaganda 101

    Post  calripson Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:25 pm

    America's top cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are trying to steal America's coronavirus secrets. Of course, Russia was the first to develop a Covid 19 vaccine using well known scientific principles, but logic plays no role in propaganda to protect big Pharma's market shares. This story is obvious bulls**t as there is no mention of commercial competitors from Germany, Israel, France, UK, Japan ect. who would be equally interested in gaining a competitive advantage - only the odd quartet of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

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    Post  kvs Mon Dec 07, 2020 3:33 am

    calripson wrote:

    America's top cybersecurity chief says Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are trying to steal America's coronavirus secrets. Of course, Russia was the first to develop a Covid 19 vaccine using well known scientific principles, but logic plays no role in propaganda to protect big Pharma's market shares. This story is obvious bulls**t as there is no mention of commercial competitors from Germany, Israel, France, UK, Japan ect. who would be equally interested in gaining a competitive advantage - only the odd quartet of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

    The same tired BS we heard months ago.   He has no actual evidence that one could take to court.   He just repeats the same
    claim and expects to be trusted.

    The different symptoms from precious US vaccines compared to the Russian ones demonstrates that they are not the same.

    And the whole idea of vaccine secrets:

    1) Medicine is supposed to be open.   So we have international medical conferences where researchers present their peer reviewed
    research published in open journals such as The Lancet.

    2) What technology involving vaccine creating would Russia want to steal?   It clearly has all the technology and knowhow to make
    vaccines and effective ones.   This fucker makes it sound like without some magic US secrets Russia can't make vaccines.   This
    asswipe should stop trying to insult the intelligence of humans around the planet.   The USSR was among the top countries in terms
    of vaccines.   It was also the unrivaled leader in the use of bacteriophages.  

    This statement is the usual pap for ignorant morons that typifies NATzO propaganda.

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    Post  Scorpius Fri Dec 18, 2020 10:30 pm

    "Vector" announced the effectiveness of the Russian HIV vaccine

    The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine developed by the Vector Research Center of Rospotrebnadzor is capable of producing antibodies to the virus, which was confirmed during the first phase of clinical trials in 100% of volunteers, Vector told Interfax on Friday.

    "HIV-specific antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes after double vaccination were recorded in 100% of the volunteers, antibodies that neutralize HIV pseudoviruses - in 80%, "Vector said.

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    Post  LMFS Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:53 pm

    Does this mean immunity to HIV has been achieved??? Shocked

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    Post  kvs Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:41 am

    LMFS wrote:Does this mean immunity to HIV has been achieved??? Shocked

    Even if it isn't, it is some sort of special achievement. But you will not hear about it until some rotten
    western outfit tries to take credit.

    The western fake stream media creates a misinformation environment where all sorts of crooks are enabled to
    engage in brazen intellectual property theft. But the victim, Russia, gets accused of theft and hacking.


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    Post  LMFS Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:48 am

    kvs wrote:
    Even if it isn't, it is some sort of special achievement.   But you will not hear about it until some rotten
    western outfit tries to take credit.

    The western fake stream media creates a misinformation environment where all sorts of crooks are enabled to
    engage in brazen intellectual property theft.   But the victim, Russia, gets accused of theft and hacking.

    No question it will be silenced until it becomes impossible to hide, at which point they will claim it was stolen by the Russians, why not doing it, with no accountability and when the presstitutes are already yours. Anyway this is a major development, unless I am really out of sync with advances in the fight against HIV, which seemed to be an almost impossible virus to defeat...

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