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    Post  sepheronx Sat Oct 24, 2015 7:29 pm

    Hey KVS:

    Looks like the idiots are stating again how HIV will drastically increase in Russia by 250% and such due to funding. LOL. What a bunch of dolts.

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    Health issues - Page 3 Empty Looks like the idiots are stating again how HIV will drastically increase in Russia by 250% and such due to funding. LOL. What a bunch of dolts.

    Post  kvs Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:36 am

    sepheronx wrote:Hey KVS:

    Looks like the idiots are stating again how HIV will drastically increase in Russia by 250% and such due to funding. LOL.  What a bunch of dolts.

    Health issues - Page 3 Organ-grinder_10871

    It's the same note from the same one note Johny clowns over and over.

    Veronika Skvortsova is grubbing for money.


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    Health issues - Page 3 Empty HIV/AIDS issue

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 04, 2016 5:45 pm

    I figured to start a new thread regarding about the aids/hiv issue that plagues Russia. Vice news did a coverage:

    Of course they quote Vadim Pokrovsky whom is notorious for his claims. He claimed there are now 1 million hiv/aids patients in Russia. Although, I have not actually seen any official numbers. Have any of you? He also claims at least 30-40% are transmitted through heterosexual couples. Issue is, apparently that is nearly impossible:

    So essentially, he could be flat out lying.

    Some claim this is simply a case to obtain funding since there isn't official data. Plus, Russia is treating 30% of current victims of the disease that is claimed. Also, with new drugs, newborns from aids/hiv parents shown to have no case of the strains with the new drugs.

    What is your guys views on this? Load of bs? Well, since majority who have it are drug addicts, I just do not feel sorry as these people where simply losers and none contributors anyway.

    Just a note: all claims on Russian AIDS and HIV cases all comes to 1 man - Vadim. All news sites quotes him. But we have not received any official data or even other independent data. Just him.

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    Post  whir Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:34 pm

    Lol, stereotypes and denial only worsens things for everyone.

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:43 pm

    Vice news is a branch of Fox News. Why use such a "source"?

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:50 pm

    No one is denying the issue outright, but there is a major lack of backed up data. In other words, all claims (99% so far) are from 1 guy, whom also happens to be a Russian liberal. Usually, if they want to be take. Seriously, they should submit the data. What people in Russia seem to be saying though is that majority of those who contract it are drug addicts. And this isn't pot or coke, but heroine or any other drug taken via a needle. So clearly people are sharing needles. I met my fare share (in British Columbia where most drug addicts here live) and seen majority of these users are far gone to help and do not contribute to society other than in Crime and or abusing our medical care system. Some people end up ok and decent citizens after being "cured".

    As I pointed out, hiv/aids are extremely difficult to obtain via sex than from drug use, so it is predominantly claimed to be BS that it spreads via that way in the extremes that this guy claims. It isn't possible to be caused because the couples are drug addicts as well.

    Many in Russia think best method of dealing with it is conservative teachings, which is correct. Handing out needles and pumping drug addicts with synthetic heroine won't solve the drug issue in the end, it may even increase it.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:52 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Vice news is a branch of Fox News. Why use such a "source"?

    Because all other sources use the exact same guy. Just type into Google Russia aids, and they all quo5e same guy. Even Vice. What made vice good for me was the comments section where a couple of users called out the claims of what Vadim claims.
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    Post  Project Canada Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:15 pm

    Strange, i wonder why there are no "official" data on the number of aids cases in Russia? We cant say the government is ignoring the issue given the number of government funded research for the development of vaccines against aids (from what i read)

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:39 pm

    There are 3 vaccines currently in circulation in Russia and another one testing with high success (kids born from parents hiv/aids are most likely not to contract it. Success rate is 98%). The issue seems to stem directly from drug abuse. The talk of obtaining it from sex is usually bullshit unless there are obvious open sores on the guy or girl or guy and guy. According to some posters on the vice article there is a shit ton of misinformation regarding about aids, especially in Africa.

    There needs to be another independent research done on this issue in Russia. It isn't a secret there is a drug abuse issue in Russia, so it isn't out of the realm possibility there is a high number of hiv/aids patients. But this is purely due to poor life style/choices. If contracted due to a mishap or due to someone purposely giving it, then they need help and those need to be concentrated on. Currently, over 200,000 people in Russia are undergoing treatment (upwards to 300,000) for aids/hiv. So yes, it isn't being ignored. But many view that due to these other peoples poor life choices, that they shouldn't be helped or cared for. But issue with that, is these very same people can spread it to innocent people. That is the problem.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:35 am

    The test for all these ludicrous claims is how realistic are their numbers. They were predicting doom and gloom back around 2000.
    Yet they are still trotting out the same numbers today. That proves the claims are nonsense. If the HIV infection rates were
    so high, they would have afflicted tens of millions in Russia by now.

    When these clowns present an actual case, then maybe they will deserve the time of day. I have not see anything from them.
    For example, they can hold a press conference and tell us that the infection rate was so and so in 2000 and 2005 and that
    they predicted some growth and here we are in 2016 and the growth figures have confirmed their worst fears. Or something similar.
    Nope. We just get opaque hysteria.

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 05, 2016 6:01 am

    BTW, go to Google and do a search for "russia official HIV numbers". You will get a spew of the same story from all the usual
    anti-Russian propaganda outfits:

    Looks like an organized propaganda assault to me. But the problem is that Russia has a 5th column outfit doing the official
    number counting!

    Health issues - Page 3 1465760226344

    This clown is the head of the Federal AIDS Research Center of Russia and a "longtime critic of the Kremlin". Gee. We recently saw
    how WADA used the word of another 5th column clown to smear the whole of Russian sport and to make the claim that Russia
    runs a "state doping program". Well, Vadim Pokrovsky is a similar specimen who is safe and secure in the knowledge that he
    has many millions of dollars and a house waiting for him in the USA if he chooses to denounce "Putin's regime".

    Here is a piece on Pokrovsky's BS:

    In 2015:
    Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the federal Aids centre in Moscow, predicted this month that at least two million Russians are likely to be officially registered as HIV-positive within five years, and a total of three million will have the virus.

    In 2002:
    We’re talking about one-to-two million infected now, and in 2005, we could be talking about five-million being infected, and these are realistic, even conservative figures.

    The same shyster with the same shtick.

    The absurd projections:

    Health issues - Page 3 Russia-aids-projections

    The reality:

    Health issues - Page 3 Russia-aids-epidemic-future

    There is no indication of any explosion and the data is actually tracking the equilibrium model where the infection rate
    is 0.5% of the population in the long term. This is based on current conditions in Russia and will likely change for the
    better in the future of heroin use is reduced.

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    Post  George1 Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:03 am

    what i know for HIV in Russia is that until 1989 there was no patient in the ex-USSR
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    Post  Project Canada Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:26 pm

    HIV 'epidemic': Official says nearly every 50th resident of Russian Urals city infected

    Almost every 50th citizen in the city of Ekaterinburg in Russia’s Ural region has been infected with the HIV virus, a health official said, noting that the situation has already reached epidemic proportions.
    “Almost every 50th resident of Ekaterinburg is infected with HIV,” Tatiana Savinova, the first deputy head of the city’s health department, said during a press conference, adding that outbreaks are considered an epidemic when the infection rate reaches 1 percent – a threshold that has already been surpassed in Ekaterinburg.

    The city of 1.5 million people “has reached a generalized stage of the infection,” she said, as cited by TASS. “For us doctors, the HIV epidemic has already started," since so many people are sick in Ekaterinburg. But this did not happen yesterday, she said, while noting that the epidemic has not been announced officially.

    The Sverdlovsk region where Ekaterinburg is located tops the list of Russian regions afflicted by HIV. In the first nine months of 2016, the HIV infection rate there stood at 118.2 per 100,000 people.

    On the other hand, the Sverdlovsk region also has more people tested for HIV – over 23 percent of the population – while in other regions only 15 people are generally tested, according to Savinova.

    The infection is ‘getting older,’ with many people infected now 30-49 years old – and not all are from society’s marginal layer.

    “These are not drug addicts or homeless people; they are socially prosperous people. A mass infection took place in the 1990s, when prostitution and drug addiction were wide spread,” Savinova said.

    “Ekaterinburg’s health authorities have registered some 26,693 cases of HIV,” the city’s mayor, Evgeny Roizman, said, as cited by RIA Novosti. That amounts 1,826 cases per 100,000 people, or 1.8 percent of the city’s population.

    Earlier, in an interview with news portal, Savinova said that the majority of those infected receive antiretroviral drugs, but this is still not enough, and the HIV epidemic is spreading.

    “If [the Russian authorities] don’t take action in the next five years, the situation could become absolutely deplorable,” Savinova said.

    Savinova drew an example from UNAIDS 90×90×90 strategy aimed at battling HIV and AIDS worldwide, whose targets stipulate that, by 2020, 90 percent of all people living with HIV “will know their HIV status,” 90 percent of all people diagnosed with HIV “will receive sustained antiretroviral therapy,” and 90 percent of all people “receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression.”


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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Nov 03, 2016 1:28 am

    Better start using condoms already study
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    Post  Project Canada Thu Nov 03, 2016 2:26 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Better start using condoms already study

    Im kinda hoping its just media exaggeration, otherwise its a really serious problem that the Russian gov needs to address immediately

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    Post  kvs Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:07 am

    Project Canada wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    Better start using condoms already study

    Im kinda hoping its just media exaggeration, otherwise its a really serious  problem that the Russian gov needs to address  immediately  

    Russia is still infested with 5th column slime inside the government system. The official organization that is supposed to track AIDS in Russia
    has been a major source of hysterical misinformation. The same director clown makes ludicrous predictions about infection rates and then
    when they don't pan out, just repeats them again (i.e. keeps on kicking the can down the road).

    There are some things to consider here. HIV spread is a long term process. So the mess of the 1990s is bearing its fruit today and will do so
    in the future. There is pretty much nothing the current government can do about other than round up every infected individual and qurantine them
    for life. That ain't gonna happen.

    I find the numbers cited to be highly dubious. Unless there was some deliberate sabotage: spreading HIV through the blood supply used by
    hospitals. I would not be surprised if that was the case.

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    Post  TheArmenian Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:35 am

    Read the title again:

    "Every 50th resident of Ural City"

    So, this is only about one city out of the whole of Russia.

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    Post  Skandalwitwe Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:53 pm

    Situation with spread of HIV is serious (esp. in some oblasts of Ural and Siberian Federal Districts) but an apocalypse won't happen. Russia is executing a very high number  of HIV tests every year (too lazy to reserch now but 20+ million for sure). Whole groups like preg women, members of security services and many more are tested vigorously.

    More on demographics (incl. HIV/AIDS issue) this now inactive blog:

    Here the last post from Nov 2014 which sums up every topic on Russia's demographics:

    And here a revealing image (also 2 years old, numbers improved since then even further) on 'unnatural' causes of death highly connected to the desaster of the late Gorbachev/whole Yeltsin era:

    Edit: numbers refer to 100K persons per year

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    Health issues - Page 3 Empty Problem that needs more care. However drug addict are more likely to catch HIV

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Nov 03, 2016 10:13 pm

    OK I posted this article before in order to put this AIDS doom thing to bed (no pun intended) but since people have short memory here it goes again:

    Russia Still Doesn't Have an AIDS Apocalypse

    Countrary to what western media believes and would have you believe prevalence of HIV in Russia is:

    and largely limited to injecting drug users


    So can we move on (again) please?

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    Health issues - Page 3 Empty Rising HIV epidemic in Russia.

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:12 am

    Rising HIV epidemic in Russia.

    Is this a myth? Because every single western propaganda source is now parroting this trend. I've seen statistics, and the HIV rates do seem to be rising. Apparentlt its because health clinics dont have enough money to afford sterile needles.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:25 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Is this a myth? Because every single western propaganda source is now parroting this trend. I've seen statistics, and the HIV rates do seem to be rising. Apparentlt its because health clinics dont have enough money to afford sterile needles.

    There is a hysteria every several years where all sorts of worms come out of the woodwork in Russia to pronounce doom and

    1) No evidence has ever been presented that the previous estimates of doom are on target. That is, they were total
    BS back then and it is crystal clear in hindsight.

    2) The projections of doom are devoid of reality. Why is Russia special compared to the USA for example? People are
    well aware of HIV and how to prevent its spread in Russia. Russia does not have rampant homosexualism of 1980s
    variety were partners in unprotected sex were a dime a dozen. This leaves the insinuation that Russians fornicate
    outside of married couples like rabbits. I would like to see evidence that unprotected heterosexual sex with multiple
    partners is more widespread than the USA and the EU.

    2b) Drug use (e.g. heroin) in Russia is not out of control compared to the west. I see no evidence presented that
    drug use is growing out of control.

    3) The pattern here is clear. This is anti-Russian propaganda that leverages the standard talking points (memes) that
    Russians are depressed with life under Putin's tyranny, that they have nothing to live for and that Russia is too poor
    to fight HIV. This BS can be shot down real quick with the fact that alcohol consumption in Russia is now lower than
    the lowest it has been in 50 years. It was low in the late 1980s thanks to Gorbachev's draconian, prohibition style
    control of alcohol. The current low consumption is not associated with control but by change in consumer habits.

    According to the lie factory BBC the above is "not true" LOL:

    Yeah, really solid evidence there BBC. Maybe you should put up a few more meaningless charts that lump different
    types of alcohol (beer and vodka) together and assume that there is no change in the partitioning into each type.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:31 am

    kvs wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Is this a myth? Because every single western propaganda source is now parroting this trend. I've seen statistics, and the HIV rates do seem to be rising. Apparentlt its because health clinics dont have enough money to afford sterile needles.

    There is a hysteria every several years where all sorts of worms come out of the woodwork in Russia to pronounce doom and

    1) No evidence has ever been presented that the previous estimates of doom are on target.   That is, they were total
    BS back then and it is crystal clear in hindsight.

    2) The projections of doom are devoid of reality.   Why is Russia special compared to the USA for example?   People are
    well aware of HIV and how to prevent its spread in Russia.   Russia does not have rampant homosexualism of 1980s
    variety were partners in unprotected sex were a dime a dozen.    This leaves the insinuation that Russians fornicate
    outside of married couples like rabbits.   I would like to see evidence that unprotected heterosexual sex with multiple
    partners is more widespread than the USA and the EU.  

    2b) Drug use (e.g. heroin) in Russia is not out of control compared to the west.   I see no evidence presented that
    drug use is growing out of control.

    3) The pattern here is clear.  This is anti-Russian propaganda that leverages the standard talking points (memes) that
    Russians are depressed with life under Putin's tyranny, that they have nothing to live for and that Russia is too poor
    to fight HIV.    This BS can be shot down real quick with the fact that alcohol consumption in Russia is now lower than
    the lowest it has been in 50 years.    It was low in the late 1980s thanks to Gorbachev's draconian, prohibition style
    control of alcohol.   The current low consumption is not associated with control but by change in consumer habits.

    According to the lie factory BBC the above is "not true" LOL:

    Yeah, really solid evidence there BBC.   Maybe you should put up a few more meaningless charts that lump different
    types of alcohol (beer and vodka) together and assume that there is no change in the partitioning into each type.

    I'm specifically talking about HIV, not alchohol. None of the articles you linked me disprove the propaganda about HIV. Also all all HIV statistics for Russia after 2010 show a steady increase. I can't find anything to the contrary.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:33 am

    Beer and wine are replacing vodka as the largest alcohol products in Russia. That is, alcohol consumption
    in Russia is basically now that of a "normal" country. The BBC can go and f*ck itself.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:34 am

    @Bulgarian Troll

    F*ck off and do your own research.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:35 am

    kvs wrote:

    Beer and wine are replacing vodka as the largest alcohol products in Russia.    That is, alcohol consumption
    in Russia is basically now that of a "normal" country.    The BBC can go and f*ck itself.

    I'm talking about HIV, not alchohol. Can you read?

    According to this article, the needles in the infirmaries in Russian prisons have HIV.

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