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    Russia-Belarus Relationship


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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  ATLASCUB Sun Feb 17, 2019 11:16 pm

    kvs wrote:Belorus is a fake country created from the Bolshevik Soviet Socialist Republic.   If we are going to use regional linguistic variation as
    a basis for statehood, then England should be split into over twenty countries.    There is more linguistic variation from village to village
    in the UK than there is between Belorus and the rest of Russia.

    Ukraine is a more special case since its history ruled by other countries spans into centuries.   They are much more assimilated by Poland,
    Austro-Hungary, etc.  And Ukrainian is really a distinct language compared to Belorussian.

    Russia needs to get its act together and foist regime change on this fake clown show of country and especially its head dictator clown.
    It will be totally unforgivable if NATO is given a chance to pull the same type of coup that they did in Ukraine.
    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 2txje4

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Popular Opinion

    Post  calripson Mon Feb 18, 2019 1:59 am

    The key phrase in the proposed Russia-Belarus alliance was "if the people (of both countries) support it". I seriously doubt there is much desire for union among Belarussians under 35 and particularly young urban people. I have met Belarussians in their forties who make a point to differentiate themselves from Russians. I think it would be a very hard sell.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Nibiru Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:27 am

    Reunification between Russia and other former soviet countries wouldn’t be too difficult if it wasn’t for US and Nato meddling. So in order for such a move to be successful, it needs to be carried out simultaneously with a plot to destroy American economy and ultimately break USA into many independent entities.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Feb 19, 2019 3:24 am

    calripson wrote:The key phrase in the proposed Russia-Belarus alliance was "if the people (of both countries) support it". I seriously doubt there is much desire for union among Belarussians under 35 and particularly young urban people. I have met Belarussians in their forties who make a point to differentiate themselves from Russians. I think it would be a very hard sell.

    To be fair if Putin and Lukashenka want this done 100 percent what the people want do not matter they would simply rig any vote.

    Not saying they will, merely saying in the end it's what those two decide because if push comes to shove they can control what the outcome is.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:23 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    calripson wrote:The key phrase in the proposed Russia-Belarus alliance was "if the people (of both countries) support it". I seriously doubt there is much desire for union among Belarussians under 35 and particularly young urban people. I have met Belarussians in their forties who make a point to differentiate themselves from Russians. I think it would be a very hard sell.

    To be fair if Putin and Lukashenka want this done 100 percent what the people want do not matter they would simply rig any vote.

    Not saying they will, merely saying in the end it's what those two decide because if push comes to shove they can control what the outcome is.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:39 am

    Russia's biggest mistake was only having Lukashenko to deal with. They should have funded and worked with opposition's. Now it is Lukashenko vs all Western stooges of multiple colors.

    I don't think Stalkerzones viewpoint is correct here
    Negotiations are failure cause Belarus is still currently sitting as is and no changes happened yet.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:37 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    calripson wrote:The key phrase in the proposed Russia-Belarus alliance was "if the people (of both countries) support it". I seriously doubt there is much desire for union among Belarussians under 35 and particularly young urban people. I have met Belarussians in their forties who make a point to differentiate themselves from Russians. I think it would be a very hard sell.

    To be fair if Putin and Lukashenka want this done 100 percent what the people want do not matter they would simply rig any vote.

    Not saying they will, merely saying in the end it's what those two decide because if push comes to shove they can control what the outcome is.

    There is a lot of maybes with this article Lukashenka has a habit of saying they will rejoin with Russia and then they don't he has said this before multiple times again.

    I'll believe it when they actually start doing it.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Regular Tue Mar 05, 2019 9:55 pm

    Why would average belarussian would like to join Russia? It's like Canadians joining USA

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Mar 05, 2019 10:45 pm

    It's best if Russia seeks to remove Lukashenko before he becomes next Yanukovich and gets his country fucked.

    Good example there moron, Ukraine strives for it. I wonder why? Oh, cause NATO rules them.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  kvs Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:53 am

    Regular wrote:Why would average belarussian would like to join Russia? It's like Canadians joining USA

    That analogy is ludicrous. Canada and the USA were never part of the same entity even if they were part of the British Empire
    before the US revolution. At the time of the US revolution, the North-East core of America was around for over 150 years.
    Canada did not exit in 1630. It was French until the early 1760s. The English, Irish and Scottish settlers who came after
    1765 established their own country like the US settlers did after 1630.

    There was no such thing as Belorus as a separate political entity until the Bolsheviks created it after 1917. The reason for
    the Belorus republic was BS. There is no ethnic difference. There is a slight difference in dialect. There are dialects
    in the UK that are almost impossible to understand by other English speakers. So England, by the Bolshevik and your logic,
    should be partitioned into several pieces. Utter BS.

    It's time to bury the Bolshevik legacy. The Bolsheviks mirror the current anti-white PC SJWs in the USA and other parts
    of NATO. They hated Russia and split it into pieces to eventually destroy it. But their big agenda went off the rails
    by the 1930s. However, the BS partitioning of Russia into pieces persisted.


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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Regular Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:22 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Regular wrote:Why would average belarussian would like to join Russia? It's like Canadians joining USA

    That analogy is ludicrous.   Canada and the USA were never part of the same entity even if they were part of the British Empire
    before the US revolution.   At the time of the US revolution, the North-East core of America was around for over 150 years.
    Canada did not exit in 1630.   It was French until the early 1760s.   The English, Irish and Scottish settlers who came after
    1765 established their own country like the US settlers did after 1630.  

    There was no such thing as Belorus as a separate political entity until the Bolsheviks created it after 1917.   The reason for
    the Belorus republic was BS.   There is no ethnic difference.   There is a slight difference in dialect.   There are dialects
    in the UK that are almost impossible to understand by other English speakers.   So England, by the Bolshevik and your logic,
    should be partitioned into several pieces.   Utter BS.  

    It's time to bury the Bolshevik legacy.   The Bolsheviks mirror the current anti-white PC SJWs in the USA and other parts
    of NATO.   They hated Russia and split it into pieces to eventually destroy it.   But their big agenda went off the rails
    by the 1930s.   However, the BS partitioning of Russia into pieces persisted.  

    I have biased feelings about Belarus as I love this country more than my own. My brother lives there and I am frequent visitor.
    Pan-slavism aside- I was more reflecting living standards of US and Canada.
    Same as Belarus has much better living standards than Russia. Tiny wage gap doesn't matter when living costs are so much lower. Not to mention Belarus is much cleaner, safer country, there are no pidarast opposition, people get decent care, they are all employed. No oligarchs, rich sluts with fake tits driving Macan Gts, Kavkaz shitheads in AMGs driving and shooting AKs in middle of the cities and no people above law. There are no countries in Europe that could compare to them when it comes to living standards to simple working man. Russia in my opinion is still dirty country riddled with corruption, mafia, kaukazoid mongoloids if it wasn't the case I would move there asap, but my experience is sour. Moscow is fucking ugly Mordor compared to Minsk. Belarusian people have more history than Ukrainians as they were muscle of Grand Duchy and their language was dominant not Lithuanian. Belarussians existed before Ukrainians were still just a sperm in Lenin balls. At the moment Russia simply has very little to offer to simple Belarusian, Lukashenko said few weeks ago that 98% population would oppose joining. But maybe you can tell me how life would improve under rule of fat moscow cats? It's not Crimea.. Best for Russia would be to fix their own backyard before going for Belarus unification. What our fellow belorusians have to say about it?

    Last edited by Regular on Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  flamming_python Wed Mar 06, 2019 9:54 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Same as Belarus has much better living standards than Russia. Wage gap doesn't matter when living costs are so much lower. Not to mention Belarus is much cleaner, safer country
    Russia simply has very little to offer to simple Belarusian. But maybe you can tell me how life would improve under rule of fat moscow cats? It's not Crimea.. Best for Russia would be to fix their own backyard before going for Belarus unification.

    A house divided is a house that falls.

    Either Russia pursues closer integration with it's ex-Soviet neighbours or sooner or later we and them will all be under someone's boot. Who won't offer nearly as favorable conditions.

    I don't think that Belarus would stand to gain by becoming another wanna-be member of the EU; being forced to shut-down its heavy industry as 'uncompetitive' and not green enough, cut its economic, defence & social ties to Russia, raise its heating/electricity/water bills for its population by ten-fold, be forced to import expensive LNG gas from America, raise the pension age to above the average life-expectancy, export its working age citizens for low-grade work and have its best and brightest permanently emigrate to Europe, have all its elite buy up mansions in the Alps, Brazil, French Riviera and repeat Brussels' talking points at every opportunity, introduce social-engineering campaigns, "LGBT-friendliness" and other privileges to select minorities... and make up some BS nationalist myths to feed to the population to justify it all.
    Yet w/o Russia that would be the only option available to it.
    And if they try to insist on their independence vis-a-vis the West without Russia to back them up then they'll be sanctioned to hell and then bombed.

    I personally am not too fussed with the type of integration. A purely economic union, a Soviet Union, a Union State... as long as it beings benefits to all parties and is sustainable.. so not like the current EU then.

    As for what Russia can offer to the Belarussians - well the thing is that it's already offering everything, even at the expense of its own welfare.. Russians would be richer if we sold oil, gas, electricity, military hardware to Belarus at market prices, while banning food & dairy imports from the country until they stop reselling stuff from the EU. Of course Belarus wouldn't be able to afford it, nor its current level of social services and economic development if that were the case. But then we could just sell those commodities instead to somebody who could.
    I'm by no means saying that's what we should do, like I said I'm content with the current relationship that we have, and I'll be content with unification too. I'm just saying - their lives have already improved thanks to those same Moscow fat cats.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Regular Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:18 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Regular wrote:
    Same as Belarus has much better living standards than Russia. Wage gap doesn't matter when living costs are so much lower. Not to mention Belarus is much cleaner, safer country
    Russia simply has very little to offer to simple Belarusian. But maybe you can tell me how life would improve under rule of fat moscow cats? It's not Crimea.. Best for Russia would be to fix their own backyard before going for Belarus unification.

    A house divided is a house that falls.

    Either Russia pursues closer integration with it's ex-Soviet neighbours or sooner or later we and them will all be under someone's boot. Who won't offer nearly as favorable conditions.

    I don't think that Belarus would stand to gain by becoming another wanna-be member of the EU; being forced to shut-down its heavy industry as 'uncompetitive' and not green enough, cut its economic, defence & social ties to Russia, raise its heating/electricity/water bills for its population by ten-fold, be forced to import expensive LNG gas from America, raise the pension age to above the average life-expectancy, export its working age citizens for low-grade work and have its best and brightest permanently emigrate to Europe, have all its elite buy up mansions in the Alps, Brazil, French Riviera and repeat Brussels' talking points at every opportunity, introduce social-engineering campaigns, "LGBT-friendliness" and other privileges to select minorities... and make up some BS nationalist myths to feed to the population to justify it all.
    Yet w/o Russia that would be the only option available to it.
    And if they try to insist on their independence vis-a-vis the West without Russia to back them up then they'll be sanctioned to hell and then bombed.

    I personally am not too fussed with the type of integration. A purely economic union, a Soviet Union, a Union State... as long as it beings benefits to all parties and is sustainable.. so not like the current EU then.

    As for what Russia can offer to the Belarussians - well the thing is that it's already offering everything, even at the expense of its own welfare.. Russians would be richer if we sold oil, gas, electricity, military hardware to Belarus at market prices, while banning food & dairy imports from the country until they stop reselling stuff from the EU. Of course Belarus wouldn't be able to afford it, nor its current level of social services and economic development if that were the case. But then we could just sell those commodities instead to somebody who could.
    I'm by no means saying that's what we should do, like I said I'm content with the current relationship that we have, and I'll be content with unification too. I'm just saying - their lives have already improved thanks to those same Moscow fat cats.
    Very true about divided countries. And yes, Belarus is riding gravy train of Russian subsidies. But there's no need to change status quo. After Lukashenko Belarus might not fare that well. Not to mention that Russia gradually will become economically strong country with high levels of industry, scientific output and high living standards comparable to richest western countries while still retaining self rule, but Belarus so far has no certain future as politically and economically it's a house of cards. What I was referring was current state of Belarus in my peasant view- I am not sure how to explain it, but at the moment life is pretty good there. Why would simple people care about global affairs now and suddenly go in flames to unite with Russia? So far Luka seems to listen to his people  Reunifaction won't happen any time soon due too people living stable and comfy life while still enjoying things that most now capitalist russians feel nostalgic about Very Happy

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Nibiru Thu Mar 07, 2019 5:42 am

    This guy loves to flip flop. Thats all i can say. Rolling Eyes


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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  ATLASCUB Fri Mar 08, 2019 11:45 pm

    The Union State should be just but a stepping stone into the complete eradication of the idea of such thing as a territory called Belarus and a "Belarussian" identity.

    Russia for Russians. To repeat the mistakes of the Soviets would be grade school disaster.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Regular Sun Mar 10, 2019 10:23 pm

    ATLASCUB wrote:The Union State should be just but a stepping stone into the complete eradication of the idea of such thing as a territory called Belarus and a "Belarussian" identity.

    Russia for Russians. To repeat the mistakes of the Soviets would be grade school disaster.
    Belarussians can be easily integrated, but as I've said- discord might rise due to living standards dropping due to Russia not being subsidised socialist heaven. Belarussians are not hotheaded people, but you don't want to anger them anyways.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 18, 2019 6:58 am

    More stupidity from the Belorusians, the current regime looks more and more like the Yanokovich regime formely in 404:

    In Minsk, the ambassador of the Russian Federation was called the "bookkeeper" and accused of contempt

    A spokesman for the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, Anatoly Glaz, accused Russian Ambassador Mikhail Babich of disrespecting Belarusians and ignorance of the realities of the host country. The words of the representative of the Foreign Ministry published on the official website of the Ministry.

    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Mihail_babich-yjejsag1-1552649461.t

    RIA Novosti has asked the press secretary to comment on the interview given by Babich to the agency for the development of Belarusian-Russian relations.

    I would like to recommend (the ambassador) to devote time to delve into the specifics of the host country, get acquainted with its history and show some respect

    - said Anatoly Glaz, noting that such a style of work sometimes gives much better results than the role of “public diplomacy” uncharacteristic of the Russian diplomatic school.

    According to him, the relations between Moscow and Minsk are deeper than the "tweaked dial-up of numbers, which the Russian ambassador regularly grabs".

    However, it is his right to determine for himself the bar, which turns him into a bookkeeper or a budding accountant.

    - said a spokesman.

    He added that Babich apparently did not understand the difference between the federal district and the independent state. According to Glaz, a more detailed response to the statement of the Russian ambassador will be given soon.

    Recall, in his interview, Babich, in particular, pointed out the tough position of Moscow on the development of the further integration of the two countries. He also stated that it would be strange to pay Minsk for the deployment of Russian military facilities in Belarus. In addition, the ambassador demonstrated examples with figures that the increase in Belarus’s trade turnover with the EU is achieved through the supply of petroleum products produced from Russian oil.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Thu Apr 11, 2019 1:00 pm

    Lukashenko is.going to end like janukovic or worse..

    Lukashenko threatened to “put in repair” oil pipelines going through Belarus wrote: The head of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, in the context of statements about oil pipelines, criticized Russia's policy, saying that Moscow was “insolent to the extent that they begin to twist their arms” to Minsk.

    “The good that we do for the Russian Federation constantly turns into evil. They have already become arrogant to such an extent that they are starting to twist our arms, ” BelTA quotes him as saying . Lukashenko, however, did not specify who exactly he means in Russia.

    The head of Belarus said that the republic, if necessary, will close the oil pipelines for repairs, despite the transit of Russian oil through them. “If you need to put on repair oil pipelines and oil pipelines that go through Belarus, install and repair,” he instructed at a meeting with the economic bloc of the government.

    Earlier this week, Belarus announced its intention to increase the cost of transit of Russian oil by 23%.

    Lukashenko said that Russia's actions to close its market for a number of Belarusian goods are “sanctions-like,” “one enterprise, then another” is closing. According to him, Russia does not like “either carrots, or lettuce, or already cucumbers,” “they have a suspicion that we are not delivering something from there.” He noted that the closure of Belarusian enterprises takes place “every day”.

    “They are closing the market for us,” he said. "They themselves are under sanctions and condemn it, and I absolutely support them here, but at the same time they are fighting with similar weapons against their closest allies," the head of Belarus lamented.

    The Belarusian leader also criticized the government for not seeing problems with supplies to the Russian market. “We must take action. Well, we are all the time: we are beaten on the left cheek - we substitute the right. Understand and report separately next week, ”Lukashenka stressed.

    Recall that in April Russia banned thesupply of apples and pears from Belarus. The Rosselkhoznadzor stressed that the ban is associated with the re-export of products from countries in respect of which Russia imposed restrictions in response to economic sanctions.

    In February, the newspaper VIEW wrote that Belarus had found a new way to make money on the wealth of Russia.


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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:52 am

    In other words the Russians are blocking the Belarus companies from buying EU produce and selling it on the Russian market as if they produced it themselves... so Russia is not introducing new sanctions on Belarus, they are enforcing their sanctions on the EU which Belarus is trying to bypass.

    And Belarus trying to increase oil transit fees... how is that Russia twisting their arm or using strong arm tactics?

    Maybe it would be better for Russia to stop subsidising Belarus and look after its own instead... if Belarus want to become Russian again they can benefit from that but the goal should be Russians first.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:40 am

    GarryB wrote:In other words the Russians are blocking the Belarus companies from buying EU produce and selling it on the Russian market as if they produced it themselves... so Russia is not introducing new sanctions on Belarus, they are enforcing their sanctions on the EU which Belarus is trying to bypass.

    And Belarus trying to increase oil transit fees... how is that Russia twisting their arm or using strong arm tactics?

    Maybe it would be better for Russia to stop subsidising Belarus and look after its own instead... if Belarus want to become Russian again they can benefit from that but the goal should be Russians first.

    Yes, I agree, and that was what Russian politicians told belorussia. However Lukashenko complained in a press conference saying that Russia want to impose its will on bielorussia and integrate it as a few new separate oblasts in the Russian Federation (well it would be the best outcome in my opinion). The issue is that lukashenko wants his fiefdom and want to take money from Russia without giving anything in return. They do not want to behave like an independent friendly country, because they want to live on subsidies that would be much better spent on russian regions to be developed, and they want to play cool with their fake multivector policy.

    They want to play like they were India, just as an example. India, however, although they have a strange way of negotiating and complaining about prices and.products they buy (even when it is their fault), can try to have a multi vector policy because they are not begging Russia for subsidies. They can decide what to do with their money. Lukashenko want to have an indepent policy but with Russian money.

    Lukashenko was a useful idiot but now he has outlived his usefulness. Too bad for bielorussia. If the integration process would have started from them it would have been easily possible.

    If the various Belarusian oblasts would be integrated in the RF I am sure that there will be an economic plan to try to develop those regions and fully integrate their industries. Of course the investment would have be dependent on the budget and on the.needs of all other underdeveloped russians regions.

    Russia however cannot and.shall not invest on Lukashenko's fiefdom if independent state that can.decide to ally with russian adversaries on a whim.

    I do not believe Russia want to force a full integration of the various Belarusian oblasts at the moment (if against the will of the local population and leadership). Bielorussa is risking to go ukrainian fate for a couple of decades, before new leaders would understand that they have to beg the integration of their failed state with destroyed economy into the RF (I mean destroyed economy in case that they go for several years of ukrainian style independence).

    Concerning the gas pipelines, there is a line that goes from Belarus to Poland and then to Germany and another one that passes through western ukraine before going to Slovakia.

    After nord stream 2 will be completed there will be no need for Belarus to get money for the gas transfer and in case they shut down the pipeline (ukrainian style) Russia can still as a temporary solution ship gas to Germany via LNG tankers.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri Apr 12, 2019 1:43 pm

    This link I am reporting is from a antirussian propaganda website

    I see that they are going the same path as country 404

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  d_taddei2 Thu Apr 25, 2019 9:17 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:This link I am reporting is from a antirussian propaganda website

    I see that they are going the same path as country 404

    i also read this article quite interesting a few points from it.

    "according to the results of a public opinion poll conducted by independent sociologists in October 2014, 67.8% of Belarusians supported the annexation of Crimea by Russia. About 20% spoke against it."

    "Putin could have taken the post of Russia’s prime minister in 2024, essentially appointing a president who was loyal to him, a controlled person, and then returning to the presidency in 2030. However, in 2030 he will be 78 years old. According to some Russian experts, Putin can solve the problem of 2024 by merging Belarus with Russia, which would allow him to run for president of the all-new Russian state."

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:17 am

    The problem with Putin is not typical, it is practical. He will have to retire one way or an other and a new leading class is needed.
    Also Putin's political period comes to an end historically, his period ends in a few years then a much more hardliner nationalist will be needed IMO.

    A unification with Belarussia is cool but Putin is known as a cautious player, he left millions of Russians outside the motherland, he left out in cold allies in Iran, N.Korea, Afghanistan,
    terrorists in Israel, he didn't do anything for the suppression of European nations such as Scotland and Catalonia. Good defender and nation builder, but he left tyrants have a free reign.

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  d_taddei2 Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:38 am

    i think now UK is leaving EU, and Scotland is on a rail track to independence i think this time round Russia indirectly will support Scotland breaking away.

    as for Belarus i actually think as long as he has a pro Russian in power he wont want Belarus it acts as a buffer from EU especially Poland. Belarus is still highly dependant on Russia and Russia is still developing Crimea and other parts of Russia as well as supporting South Ossetia, Abahkazia, and propping up Syria and engaged in war there, then there eastern Ukraine and helping there and then you have internal issues with causcaus region and islamist terror plots within the country thats a lot on one plate, now add in another country which the economy isnt great and armed forces needing modernisation amongst other issues, and then their would be a raft of new sanctions no doubt. i think it would be too much. and you can bet that the US and west would certainly kick it off in ukraine and other skullduggery tactics Maybe if it forms a closer bond just short of independence would work.

    the west would put the fear into other ex soviet countries that Russia is trying to reclaim the soviet union and with that fear would be hoping for closer ties to ex soviet countries and thats something Russia doesnt need,

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    Russia-Belarus Relationship - Page 4 Empty Re: Russia-Belarus Relationship

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Apr 30, 2019 1:50 pm

    Lukashenko Declares a “Gas War” on Russia After Putin’s Free Loan

    by Ruslan Ostashko

    A new turn in difficult Russian-Belarusian relations occurred at the end of last week. Rosselkhoznadzor (Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision) announced a ban on the import of apples and pears from Belarus from April 12. In response, Alexander Lukashenko effectively declared a “gas war” on Russia.

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