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    Sino-Russian relations and trade


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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Sino-Russian relations and trade

    Post  Admin Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:22 pm

    An interesting read for those concerned with Russo-Sino relations.

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    Post  milky_candy_sugar Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:27 pm

    thankd for download link. Real Sino-russian partnership, not even to say alliance, will be veeery difficult

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Tencent to invest $3 billion into Russian Digital Sky Technologies

    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:33 pm

    One of China’s largest internet companies, Tencent, will purchase 10.26% of DST’s shares in attempt to gain position on the Russian market.

    Tencent will invest $3 billion into DST which owns the popular Russian social networks, and as well as other assests. DST General Director Yury Milner told Kommersant that the investment by Tencent is to focus mainly on the Russian company’s assets.

    “Tencent Holdings Ltd. will receive a mainly financial return from the deal. DST is also counting on learning from Chinese experience in monetization of the audience.”

    Milner said that DST does not have plans to work on the Chinese market. DST’s portfolio also has a majority share in as well as shares in social network Facebook and says that Tencent will be purchasing $3 billion in shares from an additional issue and not from investors who already own shares.

    More @ Russia Today

    OK, now let me ask this question, how the heck does this even benefit DST at all? So a Chinese company pays so they can have a hand in DST's profits, and to push their Chinese products on the Russian market, which then in turn, makes the money once again leave the country. How is this economical?

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    Post  GarryB Tue Apr 13, 2010 11:09 pm

    They are investing 3 billion dollars into the company for a share of the resulting profits.
    Normal business practise.
    Investing money like this can help expand the business in different areas to make it more profitible.
    In return for that investment obviously the investor expects some sort of financial return.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:58 pm

    But they said clearly they are not interested in going into the Chinese market at the moment.

    Does this mean though, that they might in the future?

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 15, 2010 12:58 am

    It certainly makes the option possible, but I really have no idea what their plans are. Smile

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Chinese president calls for joint efforts to advance Sino-Russian ties

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Sat Jun 05, 2010 8:03 pm

    BEIJING, June 4 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao on Friday called on the foreign affairs departments of China and Russia to strengthen coordination and cooperation in order to advance the comprehensive development of bilateral ties.

      The world situation was changing, and the foundation for the recovery of world economy was still fragile, Hu told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who was in Beijing for a one-day visit.

      New issues and problems were emerging, Hu said during the meeting at the Great Hall of the People in downtown Beijing.

      The foreign affairs departments of both countries should layout a well-prepared and result-oriented plan for high-level exchanges, promote cooperation in such sectors as trade and economy, energy, people-to-people contacts and cultural exchanges as well as exchanges and cooperation at local levels between the two countries.

      Hu also stressed coordination and exchanges of views on major and sensitive issues in bilateral, regional and multilateral affairs so as to promote the China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination.

      Lavrov conveyed greetings from President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to President Hu, saying Hu's visit to Moscow in May contributed to the success of the celebration activities on the 65th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War.

      President Medvedev was anticipating his visit to China in the latter half of the year, and Russia would strengthen coordination and cooperation with China in order to promote the strategic partnership, Lavrov said.

      Before the meeting, Chinese State Councilor Dai Bingguo and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with Lavrov.

      Dai said the importance and urgency of deepening the bilateral ties was becoming increasingly prominent, as the international situation was undergoing complicated and profound changes.

      China was committed to continuously deepening and enriching the bilateral ties, and enhancing bilateral strategic coordination and pragmatic cooperation, so as to achieve common development, he said.

      China believed the two countries would develop more overlapping interests, and the prospects of the bilateral relationship would become more promising, Dai said.

      Lavrov hoped the two countries would succeed in important bilateral events, so as to ensure a closer relationship.

      Russia and China should coordinate closely at the international stage, and work together to promote multi-polarization in the world.

      After the hour-long closed door talks between Yang and Lavrov, the two foreign ministers held a press briefing at the Diaoyutai Guesthouse.

      Yang said the two sides had a candid and in-depth discussion on international and regional issues of common concern, with the Iran nuclear issue and the Korean Peninsula situation on the agenda.

      Describing China-Russia relations as "mature, sound and stable", Yang said he was confident of its future development because both countries had steadily maintained the basic principles of international relations, and had a strong willingness to boost the bilateral ties.

      They also had effective mechanisms in many areas to ensure the development of bilateral relations, and had carried out close coordination in many international organizations, he said.

      The broad prospect of cooperation and deep friendship between the two peoples provided solid foundation for the development of bilateral relations. said Yang.

      Smooth China-Russia relations benefited the two peoples and the region and the world as a whole, Yang said.

      Lavrov echoed Yang saying the coordination between China and Russia played an important role in peace and stability in the region and the world.

      On the Iran nuclear issue, the two foreign ministers emphasized the importance of the dual-track strategy, and urged a diplomatic solution.

      Yang said negotiations and consultations were the best way to resolve the issue. Actions taken by the UN Security Council should not punish the Iranian people and not impact their normal lives. China would keep close contact with all sides for a full resolution.

      Lavrov said Russia shared the belief that the best course of action was to resolve the issue through dialogue on the one hand, and actions by the Security Council to support the reasonable and just demands of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the other hand.

      On the Korean Peninsula situation, the two sides urged relevant sides to restrain and keep calm.

      Yang said China was always committed to the peace and stability on the peninsula, and opposed to any action that damaged it. Under the current situation, it was most important to maintain peace and stability.

      Lavrov also urged the sides to avoid extreme actions and resolve the issue through political and diplomatic channels.

      This is the third China visit of Lavrov since he took office.

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Re: Sino-Russian relations and trade

    Post  coolieno99 Wed Sep 29, 2010 8:43 pm

    China President standing next to Russia President in reviewing stand during May 9, 2010 Victory Day parade in Moscow.

    Sino-Russian relations and trade Zl9s08

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Re: Sino-Russian relations and trade

    Post  coolieno99 Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:58 pm

    Shanghai (AFP) Sept. 28, 2010

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday that Sino-Russian ties had reached their "highest point" ever as he wrapped up a state visit to China with a tour of the World Expo in Shanghai. ...

    "Relations between Russia and China are at their highest point now. We are truly strategic partners," Medvedev said at a ceremony launching Russia Day at the massive Expo, a showcase of world culture and technology that began May 1.

    "The very fact of visiting the exhibition is another demonstration of friendship between Russia and China," he said, adding the event showed that both countries were serious about pressing ahead with economic modernisation. ...

    Sino-Russian ties

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Europe is going to arm China vs Russia

    Post  Admin Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:08 am

    Europe is going to arm China vs Russia

    Fearful of the coming collapse of the euro, the West is willing to forget about their own fears of the growing power of Beijing.

    According to Agence France Press, "The EU in the coming months can remove the arms embargo on China imposed in 1989 after the memorable events in Tiananmen Square. Such a move strongly advocated, in particular, the High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, European Union, Catherine Ashton. If this happens, the multi-billion dollar Russian arms exports to China for many years simply to save our pined without money "defense industry", will be completely forgotten. Incidentally, more recently, the share of the Middle Kingdom had up to 45 percent of Russian arms exports. But in the new Chinese certainly prefer more sophisticated European models of equipment for military use.

    About how, after the lifting of sanctions is very likely can develop an event on the world arms market, a correspondent for "Free Press" talks with the Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin.

    "SP": - Alexander, the message "France Press" looks anxiously for the future of Russian weapons exports. It is no secret that military technology in Europe in many areas superior to ours. It is clear that they are attractive to Beijing. If the embargo is lifted, the Chinese are likely to spit on our arms and take the huge sums to buy European. The only question is, how real is the lifting of the embargo in the near future. What do you think about this?

    -I think that the cancellation is very real. And it is in the near future. After all, to declare this fact, Catherine Ashton, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the united Europe. Therefore we can not assume that the words of the international high-ranking official so only her personal opinion. Certainly all agreed with leaders of EU countries.

    "SP": - In addition presses China.

    - Oh, and oppresses it very seriously. He is ready for its enormous financial reserves to save the euro, but only under two conditions. The first - the removal of most of the arms embargo in Europe. The second - recognition of China as a market economy. And Europeans have nowhere to go. Apart from Beijing, bonds Spain nobody will buy. And do not buy - then the country would be in a deplorable condition. Such as Ireland, Greece, Portugal. Then the whole euro zone may be on the brink of economic abyss. Because the Spanish economy - this is not the Portuguese and Greek. It is several times more. To save money the EU might not be enough.

    "SP": - But if everything is predetermined, what will happen to our exports of weapons? After many years the Chinese market was important for the Russian weapon. More than that. We can assume that it is the Chinese orders, along with Indian simply saved the military-industrial complex of Russia in the past the most difficult for him and a half decades.

    - If the embargo lifted Europe a few years ago, for our industry, this would be a catastrophe. Now there is nothing particularly from this point of view is not going to happen. Because in the last couple of years we, and so any new contracts to supply military equipment to Beijing have not yet reached. Something, though, to finish. Continue, for example, to supply helicopters deck. But it was for contracts signed in previous years. After the lifting of the embargo to Russia the Chinese arms market just completely disappear. This will be the control shot.

    "SP": - The Chinese have now learned to do everything yourself?

    - Firstly, a lot now and have learned, insolently in droves copying our technology. They already have your samples of weapons that have no analogues in the world. Say, the multiple launch rocket systems WS-2 or combat drones. And secondly, we ourselves have recently been refusing to sell them the latest developments in the field of defense. Say, not so long ago in Beijing wanted to buy us the latest anti-aircraft missile system S-400, which has just started in single copies to enter the Russian Armed Forces. We refused. Asked to sell carrier-based fighter, C-33 being built there for the carrier - also a failure.

    "SP": - Denied because our factories, and so the eyeballs are now loaded with orders from its own Department of Defense, or because in Moscow finally understood: Russia's China arm is dangerous?

    - Both of these take place. By the way, I'm sure the first thing in Europe, the Chinese will buy weapons for its army. We are his principle never bought.

    "SP": - Why?

    - Because the Army - the basis of the Chinese army. At the same time equip their infantry, artillery and tank crews of Russian military hardware to Beijing would be the height of insanity. Because it would mean to put them into dependence on Moscow for the supply of spare parts, repairs and so on.

    "SP": - But the air force and navy are actively equip Russian Chinese products ...

    - There was nowhere to go to Beijing. Tanks, self-propelled artillery and a lot of people who sell. A combat aircraft and large ships are doing a few countries. Time the Americans and Europeans do not sell them anything, the Chinese were forced to contact us.

    "SP": - Do you still believe that Russia and China may aggravate relations?

    - The expansion can be peaceful and economically. But this does not exclude the more radical options. Two years ago in Beijing, with a circulation of 270,000 copies went on very much a talking book "China is not happy!". Here is one quotation from it: "When the world economy exists in a relatively calm atmosphere, and reigns in our home a mess if we are going to have to defend itself from the collapse of what we do then?" One can not allow people numbering one billion Three million people died from starvation, so if we, in the end, throughout the world use force (take my arms) how to treat this? In this situation, we must be clear: there is no place in any system of morals and heights morality. But how can there be the height of morality and ethics? us that sit at these altitudes and morals and wait for death by starvation? Take, for example, the issue of exhaustion of oil reserves. Some say that it will last for 30 years, others - on 40 years, someone said that 60 years is enough, but, anyway, and not more than 100 years. Here we ask whether there is in this respect a certain height of the system of moral values? " And further: "We must first ensure that the interests of China. We must work to ensure that China got to the place of the older and could run all over our world. That's only if we put things in the world the best order ... For several decades, we have in the world to fight for resources, protect the resources. "

    For those for whom these statements may seem private point of view: in China does not publish books that go against the party line.

    "SP": - Europe's growing military commitment to China, therefore, are not afraid?

    - From Europe, China is far away. And there is nothing to him in Europe to look for. In addition to technology. Resources is small, the people are.

    "SP": - And the U.S.? Washington, who apparently feared the rise of China on the world stage, would please the deepening of military-technical cooperation of its allies with China?

    - Will not be happy, of course. But what can they do? Euros are not going to save. On the contrary, be happy with the collapse of the dollar competitor.

    "SP": - A few days ago passed the message that Americans are prepared to lift sanctions against leading companies in India. This is also a blow to our military industrial complex?

    - It's much more serious than what is happening with China. Because India, unlike Beijing, is still the main buyer of our arms. If the Americans withdraw the sanctions, the lion's share of orders from New Delhi can go to them.

    "SP": - It is clear that we will be bad. But a political fault line in the EU-US then inevitable?

    - He was so long ago is taking place. But now deepens. Only, I repeat, neither the Americans to do anything with it can not, nor the Europeans. Well, we - all the more.

    Of the dossier "joint venture".

    Since the beginning of 1990, China along with India was the largest importer of Russian weapons. In particular, our country has put in the PRC 178 Su-27/Su-30 family fighters, including 38 single-seat fighters of the Su-27SK and 40 double combat-capable Su-27UBK, 76 multipurpose Sukhoi Su-30MKK and 24 Su- 30MK2. From the collected in Shenyang to license 105-Ti Su-27SK, the total number of Su fighter brand in China is 283 cars.

    China is the largest customer of Russian air defense systems. In 1993, there was first staged anti-aircraft missile system (ZRS) S-300PMU composed of two anti-aircraft missile battalions. In 1994 he signed a second contract, under which, in 1996 the PLA has received S-300PMU-1, composed of four missile battalions. In addition, the Russian defense industry to China delivered 35 anti-aircraft missile systems Tor-M1 in several batches: 14 complexes in 1997, 13 facilities in 1999-2000 and 8 complexes in 2001.

    In 2002-2003, China won two naval air defense S-300FM Rif-M.

    In 2004 the completed execution of another contract to supply China S-300PMU-1, composed of four missile battalions.

    In 2007-2008, China received from Russia eight missile battalions advanced S-300PMU-2 Favorit, which we previously did not sell any other country. The second batch of "Favorites", the total cost of $ 1 billion, went to China in 2008-2010.

    In the segment of naval armaments in the second half of 1990 China has received two diesel-electric submarines of Project 877EKM. Followed, in 1997-1998 - two diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 Kilo.

    In May 2002, Rosoboronexport signed a contract for the supply for the PLA Navy submarines, eight Project 636 Kilo, equipped with missile complex Club-S ". The last, eighth SSK, delivered in spring 2006.

    In 1999-2000, China has received two Project 956E destroyer class "modern" with supersonic antiship cruise missiles of the 3M-80E "Mosquito." Under the second contract in 2005-2006, passed two more destroyers, advanced project 965EM.

    In the PRC, delivered a large number of helicopters of various types in the implementation stage is the contract for the supply of deck nine Ka-28 and nine Ka-31.

    Sergey Ishchenko

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Re: Sino-Russian relations and trade

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:41 am

    In 1999-2000, China has received two Project 956E destroyer class "modern" with supersonic antiship cruise missiles of the 3M-80E "Mosquito." Under the second contract in 2005-2006, passed two more destroyers, advanced project 965EM.

    The Moskit entered Soviet service in the early 1980s and is a 9m long missile weighing about 4.5 tons. The Yakhont is 2 tons lighter with longer range and is similar in other aspects, though much newer.

    The direct result of Europe selling technology to China is that China will eat it all up so Russia can buy from China much cheaper than from Europe...

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    Post  nightcrawler Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:53 am

    GarryB wrote:

    The direct result of Europe selling technology to China is that China will eat it all up so Russia can buy from China much cheaper than from Europe...
    Agree. China already has been fed up with the Western policy of hegemony; we know the flankers; the MiGs; the guns all of it that is used by China has Russian origins. Mind if someone tell me is their any connection b/w Chinese ballistic technology & that of Soviets??

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty China artfully steals Russia's land

    Post  AbsoluteZero Sun May 01, 2011 4:31 am

    Sino-Russian relations and trade 44165

    China is trying to change its borders with Russia again. Spokesmen for the Border Service Agency of the Federal Security Bureau said that, on April 13 and 14 Chinese vessels and barges with excavators aboard were conducting dredging operations in the area of the 146th kilometer of the Ussuri River. The same works were conducted on April 17, in the area of the 215th kilometer of the Ussuri River, in the Khabarovsk region, Russia.

    The Chinese vessels unloaded the excavated soil on other parts of the river, which may also change the watercourse of the border river, Russian official said.

    The above-mentioned activities were conducted without Russia's agreement, which violated the inter-governmental border agreement between the two countries.

    Such reports arrive from the Far East of Russia on a regular basis, almost every year. Every time when it happens, Russia asks for explanations, but China leaves Russian inquiries ignored.

    Moscow handed over the islands on the Amur River near the city of Khabarovsk under China's control in an attempt to solve the territorial dispute with the Celestial Empire once and for all. China has not set any territorial claims to Russia yet, but it just so happens that the country is trying to do it in an artful way.

    Is China planning anything? Does it mean that Beijing is not going to forget a million of square kilometers of the land, which the country lost as a result of unfair agreements with tsarist Russia?

    Eugene Khakimullin, an expert for China, believes that there is nothing terrible happening.

    "China has been doing that for decades. No one can claim that the country has moved the border for kilometers from its original location. China is not trying to conquer Russia's Far East like that. However, China has not refused from such actions after the demarcation of the border in 2005. As a result of the demarcation, Russia lost Tarabarov's island, the western part of the Large Ussuri island and some other smaller islands.

    "The economic expansion of China is much more dangerous. The country is now planning to build a large and city and a port on Amur, in close vicinity to the Russian border. Fuyuan - the city and the port - will appear only 20 kilometers far from Khabarovsk. Fuyuan is going to bear the status of the free economic zone. If so, the population of the city may grow considerably in just several years. The center of economic activities will move to the Chinese side. The residents of Khabarovsk are looking forward to the opening of the airport. Once the airport is open, the people will be able to travel to China directly and avoid speculative prices.

    "Chinese businessmen will obviously have interests on the Russian side. The economies of the two border cities will penetrate into each other deeply. It would definitely be a very positive phenomenon. However, Khabarovsk is the capital of Russia's huge Far Eastern federal region. The territory of this region is larger than that of the European Union. Russia may eventually lose its sovereignty over the Far East," the specialist said.

    Alexander Khramchikhin, first deputy director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, also thinks that one should not take the situation too dramatically.

    "They can't move the border for 600 kilometers, like that. But, many a little makes a mickle. If they do it every year, the territorial losses may eventually become serious. One should also bear in mind the fact that China may win Russia's strategic islands as a result of its works on the riverbed. It is possible to do it if they change the river flow artificially, excavating the soil and then unloading it where needed.

    "Beijing has not given up on the attempts to change the riverbed of border rivers. It means that China follows its ancient tradition observing treaties as long as they are profitable for the country. Thus, China openly demonstrates that the territorial problem with Russia has not been solved.

    "As experience shows, in such cases China usually chooses the tactics of silence. Instead of negotiations, the country simply continues to do what it needs to do. I am not sure that Russia will be willing to ruin its relations with China over small islands, even though they are strategically important. It is ridiculous to discuss this problem at the UN too. China, as a member of the Security Council, will simply veto the discussion.

    "For the time being, we can only watch China stealing territories from Russia - the territories, which China considers its own. China is desperate for new territories, and the country will be trying to get them from all of its neighbors," the expert said.

    How serious is the situation and what steps are being taken by the government to stop this apparent Chinese expansion on the region?

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 31, 2011 3:50 am

    There is nothing China can do that Russia cannot do too.

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    Post  nightcrawler Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:50 pm

    I don't know why China keep insulting Russians & the vice versa. These two are mightiest in the East & until & unless they go in parallel with unity & good-will they will be taken by US ever increasing strength namely NATO. lOOK at their unity in the face of F-35, in the development of EF-2000...something similar isn't going in our East because we are too busy in jealousy & honor gain

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:38 am

    Sadly you could say that for any two countries... things would be much better if people stopped focusing on differences and problems, and looked at what makes us the same.

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Re: Sino-Russian relations and trade

    Post  Pervius Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:34 am

    """""There is nothing China can do that Russia cannot do too.""""""

    The US has allied up with China to topple Russia (the world).

    China will likely get the first 10 years of resources out of Russia..and most of it's land.

    America can give Chinese leaders Ferrari's and Lamborghini' can't do that.


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    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:46 am

    China is no friend of Russia but they both have the US as a powerful force that is keen to keep both countries in their place... ie down.

    The US used the Chinese during the cold war against the Russians and were fairly successful at it.

    The problem is that now the US has created a monster in the Chinese and only now are they realising they have no real control of that monster.

    Note I am not suggesting the Chinese people are monsters or dangerous, I am of course referring to governments.

    The amusing thing is that the Cold War was supposed to be a fight against communism and the west was quick to declare an end to the cold war when the Soviet Union collapsed yet they retained good relations with communist China.

    Just evidence if any was needed that it really had nothing to do with politics... Russia is still the bad guy no matter what their political system because they are a threat... a potential equal rival... and still are.

    To join the west then they will have to learn their own interests are not as important as the interests of the US.

    I doubt the Russians will ever be agreeable to that... and the Chinese wont either.... hence their future is always to clash with the west until the west changes and breaks up.

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Strategic ties between Russia and China

    Post  Austin Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:09 pm

    Strategic embrace

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    Post  Viktor Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:52 pm

    Interesting read Austin, tnx.

    I think it was inevitable because of aggressive US stance in world arena. They share common fears and the harder the US pushes,

    the sooner and closer those ties will become. I think this has nothing to do with India.

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade Empty Strategic embrace

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 24, 2013 9:50 am

    Actually I think it does have something to do with India... and the other BRICSA countries... it is an opportunity for a real multi polar world with no dictator country.

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    Post  Austin Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:47 am

    Most Indians i have come across dont feel comfortable Russia coming closer to China and supplying them with arms.

    But i doubt the Russian China relation is targetted at India , it has more to do with US and the recent US Pivot towards Asia , economic relations are driven by Economics , Russia has Gas and Oil , China has money and is hungry for both its a win win deal for both.

    I completely agree we dont need a World with US/NATO and ROW but we need a more balanced world BRICS and other country have equal stake.

    I think with the recent down turn economically for EU and US with debt being more than GDP for US and growing , US power is on the wane .....while China would grow and so with Russia , India and Brazil

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    Post  Regular Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:04 pm

    Russia is getting closer with China is just business. If India is worried about it then they could do better offer to Russians. But instead India is sourcing equipment from various countries. Logistical nightmare < need of being independent

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    Post  Viktor Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:21 pm

    Austin wrote:Most Indians i have come across dont feel comfortable Russia coming closer to China and supplying them with arms.

    Thats the fear US will search to exploit hopping to bring India to its side. Afterwards "coalition of the willing" Very Happy can be

    pushed in the war, US will not care because its population, cities, industry etc is on the other side of the world but will once

    the fog of war clears happily send its firms to rebuild what has been destroyed and provide loans for as much as they need Very Happy

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    Post  gaurav Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:41 pm

    RUSSIA and CHINA HAVE SHOWN THE WORLD THAT IF GOOD INTENTIONS ABOUND THEN they can really take on the might of neo- western ARROGANCE.

    NO WONDER that in CNN, FOX and BBC not A SINGLE REPORT OF CHINESE PRESIDENT's(Xi-Jinpin) 3-DAY VISIT has been reported.
    INDIAN media asusual shivering(VERY HIGH FREQUENCY shivering both Congress and BJP) not a single word spoken.

    Due to this forum ( cheers )I here by bring forth some good pictures of the event. It was the most important
    event of the world as people oppresed by the western(as well as Asian Arrogance Question ) look forward to STRATEGIC BALANCE in the world(IN FORM RUSSIA CHINA STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP) .

    NOW why GOOD INTENTIONS ..Well both countries now understand that China will gradually come to Russia level in Defense industry.

    Well what is at the core of Strategic partnership ..Superpower CHINA will BE PAYING 200B/YEAR from 2018 from GAS and oil deliveries.Gas delivery could cross 60billion cubic mtrs/year.. Exclamation attack

    And this not taking into account another 200busd in mutual investments in OIL DRILLING RIGS, TRAINS, Heavy Engineering,ARCTIC SHELFS.. it could be arounf 300-400B USD.

    Who will now care about 2-3 Billion usd sukhoi deals.. not wrong meanings meant ..sorry.. Smile Cool

    But if these deals of POWER OF SIBERIA GAS PIPELINES, MASSIVE investments in OIL DRILLING RIGS, Massive investments in Barents,
    Kara , Pechora shelfs ,Artic shelfs GOES THROUGH then it will be a blow in the face of WESTERN conspiracy to take advantge of RUSS-CHINA rivalry.

    I thought there was a GAG ORDER imposed IN U.S ON REPORTING THIS VISIT.
    Who said that "Turbulence affects all.. cheers "

    Gazprom, CNPC sign memorandum on eastern route pipeline gas supplies to China (Part 2)

    MOSCOW. March 22 (Interfax) - Gazprom (RTS: GAZP) CEO Alexei Miller and CNPC chief Zhou Jiping signed a memorandum in Moscow on Friday on the project to deliver Russian pipeline gas to China on the so-called eastern route, an Interfax correspondent reported.

    The signing ceremony took place in the Kremlin in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

    The memorandum sets out the main parameters of the contract, clearing the way for an agreement on price.

    The contract will be for 30 years, Gazprom said. "The document that was signed is strategic and long-term in nature,
    defines the parameters for deliveries of Russian gas to China on the eastern route and lays the groundwork for a 30-year
    gas delivery contract."

    Plans are to sign the contract before the end of the year.

    The Power of Siberia pipeline will link the Chayanda field in Yakutia to Vladivostok, where LNG capacity is to be built.
    There is already a pipeline from Sakhalin to Vladivostok with capacity to ship 6 billion cubic meters of gas a year,
    which will subsequently be upgraded to 30 bcm a year. Later the Power of Siberia pipeline will be extended to the
    Kovykta field in Irkutsk region.

    Gazprom has been negotiating deliveries of Russian gas to China for almost 10 years. It initially planned to deliver gas to China on the western route: 30 bcm a year from Western Siberia on the Altai pipeline for delivery to China's west. But the demand for gas in that part of China was not as great as on its east coast; consequently, China had little desire to pay European-style prices for the gas.

    Gazprom decided not to negotiate deliveries on the eastern route (38 bcm a year) until deliveries on the western route were decided. But it changed its position late last year after the final investment decision on development of the Chayanda gas condensate field was approved.

    Russia China OIL-GAS deals

    Some delighful pics..
    Very Happy

    Sino-Russian relations and trade China

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    The best one is this.. Smile

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    Sino-Russian relations and trade 41d4532a43bb3401fade

    Sino-Russian relations and trade 41d45318a201fba03c0d

    I have put lot of SPIN on this visit but it cannot be argued that this VISIT WAS A GAME CHANGER .
    All Senior members your opinion are welcome Very Happy

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