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    Russia-EU relationship


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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Russia-EU relationship

    Post  lulldapull Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:16 am

    Well, these bastards wont stop sucking the zionist dick for lunch, specially this bitch from Estonia!

    Putin needs to stop sucking the zionist dick too....its getting pretty fukking pathetic that Russia tries to suck dick at every corner.....Rolling Eyes

    Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, could be personally targeted by EU sanctions being drawn up to punish the Kremlin for the controversial conviction of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

    Vladimir Putin: Senior Kremlin officials have dismissed the sanctions move as an unfair ploy to put pressure on Russia Photo: AP
    By Andrew Osborn, Moscow 3:21PM GMT 17 Jan 2011

    The sanctions, which are being considered by the European Parliament, would ban officials involved with the case from entering the EU and freeze any bank accounts they have inside the 27-nation bloc.

    At the end of last year, Mr Khodorkovsky, once Russia's richest man, was sentenced to a further six years in jail on top of an existing eight-year prison term that he has been serving out since 2003 on fraud charges many in the West believe are politically-motivated.

    Russian magazine The New Times reported on Monday that the list of officials being drawn up by the European Parliament in retaliation was likely to include Mr Putin, Igor Sechin, a deputy prime minister, as well as state investigators, prosecutors and judges.

    The sanctions are being pushed by Kristiina Ojuland, an Estonian MEP.

    "Europe will stop at nothing for human rights to be observed in Russia," she told the magazine.

    The European Parliament cannot introduce the sanctions on its own but has the power to vote through a detailed resolution recommending that member states implement the sanctions.

    Senior Kremlin officials have dismissed the sanctions move as an unfair ploy to put pressure on Russia, predicting it will come to nothing.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:32 pm

    Russia is not part of the WTO so it is pretty much free to do what it likes regarding trade.

    I suspect any EU country trying to impose these EU sanctions will suffer sanctions in kind.

    Considering the economic situation the last thing any country needs is economic sanctions imposed on it.

    The huge irony is that the EU continuously accuses the Russians of using their energy monopoly as leverage in relations with the EU... perhaps they should be shown what the world would be like if Russia actually did that sort of thing... even if just for a year or so.

    Once that was over you wouldn't hear that argument again, or if you did you could suggest going back to those sorts of relations.

    NATO does it all the time... look at Kosovo, they appeared to promise a partnership with Russia in dealing with the issue and when Russia suggested to the Serbs that it was time to sign crap NATO stiffed Russia.

    I think Russia needs to realise that despite all their talk of morals and fair play the West is as dark and underhanded as any country in the Middle East or anywhere else for that matter.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Vladimir Putin, the Russian prime minister, could be personally targeted by EU sanctions

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 19, 2011 10:53 pm

    I wonder why the EU is so fixated with Khodorkovsky (did you notice the guys name has Dork in the middle of it?) when countries that the US says are shining lights of democracy like Georgia are ignored?

    Read this:

    Georgia Accused of Human Rights Violations As 'Show Trial' Begins

    TBILISI, Georgia, Jan. 12, 2011 /PR Newswire/ -- Georgian authorities are proceeding with the trial of Israeli businessman Rony Fuchs, who has been held without bail in Tbilisi, the capital of the republic of Georgia, since Georgian authorities arrested him on October 14. Mr. Fuchs is little better than a hostage; he has been told he can only be released if he waives a $100 million arbitration award issued by an independent international arbitration panel in favor of Mr. Fuchs and his business partner and against Georgia, says Pinhas Rubin, a senior lawyer at Gornitzky & Co, the Israeli firm representing Mr. Fuchs and his family.
    Mr. Fuchs has been in prison since October when he was arrested in Georgia after being invited to the country by a letter from the Prime Minister. Georgian officials have charged Mr. Fuchs with bribery. His trial opened briefly last week and resumed yesterday (January 11, 2011). It is, says Rubin, no more than an attempt at state-sponsored extortion.
    Renowned human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson has signed an emergency Petition filed with the European Court of Human Rights which accuses Georgia of violating European human rights laws and seeks Mr. Fuchs's immediate release on bail. The petition demonstrates that Georgia's entrapment of Mr. Fuchs and the use of illegally obtained evidence deprives him of any hope of a fair trial. The petition asserts that, if Georgia is able to retaliate against successful claimants by setting out to trap them in trumped-up bribery schemes, others will be afraid to challenge Georgia for fear of suffering the same consequences.
    The entrapment and trial come as Georgia touts itself to international investors as the world's "Number One Reformer" and a safe haven for international investment. In fact, property protections are weak in the face of a legal system where 99.9 percent of all criminal defendants are convicted when tried in Georgia, according to statistics and analysis by independent and respected anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International.
    Mr. Fuchs, a prominent Israeli investor in major international projects, put funds into Georgia's energy infrastructure in the early 1990s. Those investments, it has been ruled, were unlawfully expropriated by the Georgian government in the mid-1990s. On March 3, 2010, Mr. Fuchs and his business partner Yannis Kardassopoulos won a major case from the an arbitration panel appointed under the auspices of the World Bank, and are now due over $100 million from the government of Georgia.
    After Georgia sought to annul the award, Georgian officials asked Mr. Fuchs to engage in in-person "settlement talks" for the supposed purpose of agreeing to discounted terms on which Georgia would drop the annulment proceedings and pay the award. The talks were a ruse arranged by Georgia for the sole purpose of secretly and illegally recording conversations with Mr. Fuchs, in which Georgian officials pressed Mr. Fuchs to pay back a portion of his funds to senior Georgian officials to speed the Georgian government's payment.
    Georgian officials set-up and covertly recorded a meeting with Mr. Fuchs in Turkey, prepared a secret arrest warrant against Mr. Fuchs and his business partner, and invited him, members of his family, his lawyers, and business colleagues to travel to Batumi, Georgia on October 14 to sign settlement papers and speak to the press about investing in Georgia. Before any signing ceremony took place, Georgian authorities secretly taped Mr. Fuchs, seized him while his lawyers waited in another room, charged him on previously prepared charges of bribery, threw him in jail, and refused him bail. Immediately after his arrest, they communicated an offer to the Israeli ambassador that Mr. Fuchs would be freed from jail as soon as he agreed to give up his own rights -- and the rights of third parties not involved in the Georgian sting operation -- to the arbitration award.
    Mr. Fuchs adamantly denies the charges, and his supporters characterize the case as classic Soviet-style abuse by law enforcement authorities in violation of international legal standards and Georgia's obligations under applicable European legal conventions.
    Despite substantial multi-year assistance programs from the United States and the European Union to strengthen rule of law in the country, Georgia's human rights record remains weak. Last year, Freedom House found Georgia's judiciary "continues to suffer from significant corruption and pressure from the executive branch," and "the payment of bribes to judges is reportedly common." In its most recent report on human rights in Georgia, the U.S. Department of State found Georgia suffers from a wide range of abuses, including "politically motivated kidnappings and assaults, poor prison conditions, abuse of prisoners, including juveniles, arbitrary arrest and detention, politically motivated imprisonment, excessive use of force to disperse demonstrations, pressure that appeared politically motivated on owners of property, lack of due process, government pressure on the judiciary, and senior-level corruption in the government."

    Imagine if Russia ever tried this sort of thing!!!

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Billion-euro fund to be unveiled during Putin Italy visit

    Post  Cyberspec Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:25 am

    Italy is turning into a serious partner...

    Italy will be eyeing Russian cash for its crisis-hit economy as President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Enrico Letta hold a meeting on Tuesday where they will unveil a 1-billion-euro ($1.4-billion) joint investment fund.
    And this is a interesting new development

    Another agreement - the first of its kind for a European Union country - would give Italian companies preferential customs treatment in Russia, it said.
    from here

    Billion-euro fund to be unveiled at Putin-Letta talks

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Steinmeier in favor for sanctions against Russia

    Post  nemrod Tue May 06, 2014 11:00 pm

    Steinmeier disagrees with German business chiefs on Russia

    German politicians are divided into two broad categories: 'Russia understanders' and 'Russia critics'.

    The doveish Social-Democrats (SPD), including two former chancellors - Gerhard Schroeder and Helmut Schmidt, who voiced understanding for Putin's annexation of Crimea - are broadly considered to be 'Russia understanders'.

    But SPD foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Wednesday (9 April) surprised an audience of businessmen, diplomats and politicians from Russia and former Soviet countries in Berlin by disagreeing with speakers from the German business community.

    The event called "East Forum Berlin - opportunities for an economic area from Lisbon to Vladivostok" - was sponsored by Italian bank UniCredit, whose boss, Giuseppe Vita, cited Lenin in his opening speech and received scattered applause when he said no economic sanctions should be imposed on Russia.

    Eckhard Cortes, former CEO of Metro, the German retailer, now in charge of an association of German firms doing business in eastern Europe, also said the blame for the Ukraine conflict is shared by all parties - Russia, Ukraine and the EU.

    Steinmeier disagreed. "There cannot be a parallel economic world doing business as usual with Russia," he said.

    "With all self-criticism that we can accept, it was illegal for Russia to redraw borders seven decades after the end of World War II. This not something we can accept and the vote in the UN Security Council proved that Russia alienated many friends," he added.

    He said he could understand the business community's desire not to impose economic sanctions on Russia, but said the German government was determined to take that path if Russia continued to stir up trouble in eastern Ukraine.

    "The news from eastern Ukraine indicate that the situation is about to escalate, there are massive Russian troops on the border. Risk of open violence is very high," Steinmeier said.

    He pointed to the "superhuman task" of stabilising Ukraine's political and economic systems, given the years of corruption and mismanagement.

    "There are no economic or political reasons for Russia to want the collapse of Ukraine," he noted.

    German efforts are now focusing on the creation of a contact group so that Ukraine and Russia can find a diplomatic solution.

    "This is not about Germany being there in the room - it makes no difference who is the third party. The most important thing is to get this contact group, we are not there yet," Steinmeier said.

    Meanwhile, Moldovan Prime Minister Iurie Leanca noted that he was grateful to the EU commission and Romania for having started work on a multi-million euro interconnector which will allow Romania to export gas to Moldova. Currently, Moldova is 100 percent dependent on Russian gas imports.

    In another positive development, Moldovans will be able to travel visa-free to Europe just three weeks' time.

    "Few thought this would be possible so quickly, but it is Moldova's reward for implementing all the requirements," Leanca said.

    He said Moldova's EU integration "is a modernisation project, not something directed against someone," even though the country has no EU membership perspective at the moment.

    The eastern Moldovan region of Transniestria, where Russia still has at least 10,000 soldiers, has submitted a request to be annexed by Russia. But Moscow has not yet replied.


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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  Airbornewolf Wed May 21, 2014 8:16 pm

    Steinmeier should shut up and go home, he's starting to sound like the Nazi party in the 30 -40's.

    ...or propably this group of protestors just gave him some more of the shit he deserves after Steinmeier received harsh critisicm of the German Business Sector that publicly stated "these sanctions against russia are going to cost Germany thousands of jobs".

    another one of those politicians that clearly is as misguided as the EU officials concerning Ukraine.

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    Post  nemrod Wed May 21, 2014 10:35 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:...these sanctions against russia are going to cost Germany thousands of jobs....
    Indeed, Germany has much to loose. In fact the problem is more complex than we believe, and than media try to show us. In fact, Germany is really reluctant to implement some sanctions against Russia. Russia is reluctant to give up Germany and Europe, and to turn towards China. You have a superpower that is in bankrurpcy, and is still occupying Germany in 2014. Do not forget this parameter, Germany is still an invaded country-as Japan-.
    Nevertheless, noone could escape the reality and german's economy needs China and Russia's market more than anyone. America is fed up with that, and try to pull Germany, and with them all Europ into stalemate, America does not want to sink itself, they need all their western partners.
    But the solution could come from Germany, because german capitalism does not agree with the sanctions ideas. In Germany, you have politicians that follow US and israelis interrests, and in other hand, you have german policians who stand on germans, and Germany's interrests.

    As East Germany triggered the collapse of the USSR, Germany reluctance to follow US could trigger the collapse of this monster as NATO, and finally USA.
    Let's repeat again, noone among us hate US people, on contrary, however, we love America, and amercans without Goldman Sachs, as we love France and frencheese people without Rothschild Banksters.

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    Post  Behrooz Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:03 pm

    You have to read between the lines. What he really means. "Put sanctions on Russia because Jews are not in control of it".

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Russia-EU relationship

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:24 pm

    LMAO what pathetic non-sense, Khadorkovsky has a 'legal' right to the money he 'illegally' stole from Russia lolol, Russia should refuse to pay and exit this idiotic European Kangaroo Court system, I can't think of one time the European Court actually ruled in favor of Russia, they've always ruled against Russia in every case:

    ‘Mega-arbitration’: Court orders Russia to pay $50bn in Yukos case

    The International Arbitration Court in the Netherlands has ended a decade long case brought by shareholders in the defunct Yukos oil company, and ordered Russia to pay about $50 billion in damages.

    The official ruling published on Monday said Russia violated the EU Energy Charter when it redistributed the company’s assets and “took steps equivalent to expropriation of the claimants’ investment in Yukos.”

    The Hague’s Permanent Court of Arbitration ordered Russia to compensate the plaintiffs with $50 billion – less than half the initial $114 billion demanded by the former shareholders. Russia has also been ordered to pay about $65 billion in legal costs.

    “This is the biggest arbitration award in history,” as ITAR-TASS quotes Emmanuel Gilyard, a lawyer at the Shearman Sterling bureau, who underlined that the case became a ‘mega-arbitration’.

    The claim was lodged by Gibraltar-based Group Menatep Limited (GML) - the company used by Russia’s once richest man Mikhail Khodorkovsky to manage Yukos.

    Russia has until January 2015 to pay the compensation; otherwise it will start being charged interest. It is expected Russia will appeal the decision in the Netherlands.

    "I am delighted to confirm that those final awards, which were unanimous, are very favorable to the claimants," Tim Osborne, director of the GML group of shareholders which brought the action, told Reuters.

    Former Yukos shareholders said on Monday they had not ruled out the possibility of a lawsuit against Rosneft and its shareholders, including BP, for their role in the redistribution of Yukos’ assets. Osborne had previously said that if the Russian state refuses to pay the compensation, then the shareholders could file a lawsuit against BP as a Rosneft shareholder.

    “There is no reason to think Russia will not fulfill its international obligations. But if this were to happen, the New York Convention, which obligates 150 signature states to work together to ensure the arbitration ruling is upheld – would come in effect,” said Osborne

    Rosneft released a statement on Monday following the ruling, saying that it does not consider itself liable in the Yukos case as it acted in accordance with Russian law in its acquisition of the company’s assets.

    “Rosneft does not bear any responsibility in the published ruling,” said the statement. “Rosneft believes that its acquisition of Yukos’ assets was conducted in accordance with the applicable laws.”

    In 2003 Russian authorities accused the management of the country’s largest oil company at the time of corruption. A number of senior figures in the company were subsequently found guilty of fraud and tax evasion and were sentenced to jail.

    As a result, Yukos went bankrupt and its assets were absorbed by the state oil company Rosneft. Soon after the bankruptcy the company’s shareholders applied to The Hague International Arbitration Court, claiming $100 billion in compensation.

    As part of the case, three separate lawsuits by former Yukos shareholders were filed by Hulley Enterprises Limited (Cyprus), Yukos Universal Limited (Isle of Man) and Veteran Petroleum Limited (Cyprus).

    The court ruled that $39.97 billion of the compensation should go to Hulley Enterprises, $1.85 billion to Yukos Universal and $8.2 billion for Veteran Petroleum Limited. The Veteran Petroleum fund acts in the interest of former Yukos employees and should receive another $8.2 billion.

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    Post  Werewolf Mon Jul 28, 2014 1:32 pm

    Jail him again and declare European Court to what it is a politicial driven court by US/EU politics and have nothing to do with a real court.

    After that i would put sanctions on EU and especially dutch, since the court is there and like it seams they are the one trying to make this as kind of sanction on russia after russia has proven Ukraine (US) downed the MH17.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:00 pm

    There are workarounds to this of course but this is hugely frustrating in any case. I think Europeans lost their minds.

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:16 pm

    Russia is still fighting this case. But I agree, just state that because it was not done through a Russian court but was done through a western court all at the same time these political moves from US and EU are happening, they can claim it is being politically motivated and not pay. What will court do? No point losing $50B cause of some sort of bad business with a Russian oligarch. Why not go after him for the $50B? Cause it is a sanctioned Rosneft.

    Actually, yes, because Rosneft is sanctioned through the western banks, say they cant pay it due to the bank sanctions on them and they operate with a sanctioned bank.

    Too bad for the losers. You get what you deserve with bad investments. In US, you lose your shirt and cant sue. When it is towards Russia, you can sue them for anything.

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    Post  Strizh Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:17 pm

    Russia won't pay anything this is just the part of economy warfare against Russia. And if anything should be seized in foreign countries Russia should seize the same amount in Russia and that's it.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  mack8 Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:30 pm

    If this wasn't posted in july i would have thought it's an April 1st joke. 50 billion compensation AND 65 BILLION in legal fees!? I hope the russians tell them to go *** themselves! Obviously, it's clear this whole charade is orchestrated from Washington, the dutch are unfortunately a small country totally under the US yoke.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:17 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Russia is still fighting this case. But I agree, just state that because it was not done through a Russian court but was done through a western court all at the same time these political moves from US and EU are happening, they can claim it is being politically motivated and not pay. What will court do? No point losing $50B cause of some sort of bad business with a Russian oligarch. Why not go after him for the $50B? Cause it is a sanctioned Rosneft.

    Actually, yes, because Rosneft is sanctioned through the western banks, say they cant pay it due to the bank sanctions on them and they operate with a sanctioned bank.

    Too bad for the losers. You get what you deserve with bad investments. In US, you lose your shirt and cant sue. When it is towards Russia, you can sue them for anything.

    Looks like Moscow is challenging the ruling and our out-right refusing to pay, and they're calling a spade-a-spade, a ruling that was highly politicized right around the time Alexander Litvinenko case (Alexander's father believes he was an agent of MI6 and was liquidated by them to make him look like a martyr) is being brought up right out of the clear blue sky, its so damn obvious it's sickening:

    Hague court had no authority in Yukos case, ruling politicized – Moscow

    Russia-EU relationship

    The Hague’s arbitration court was not legally empowered to view the case of Yukos Oil Company v. Russia, and the court’s “one-sided” ruling disregards previous Strasbourg court decisions on the issue, the Russian Finance Ministry said in a statement.

    READ MORE: 'Mega-arbitration’: Court orders Russia to pay $50bn in Yukos case

    Viewing the case, filed by shareholders of former Russian oil giant Yukos against the Russian government, was not in the jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in the Hague, as Russia has not ratified the Energy Charter Treaty, the ministry said on Monday.

    The statement, following the court’s sensational Monday ruling that ordered Russia to pay $50 billion in damages, also provided a detailed list of issues, which, according to the ministry, make the decision “opportunistic” and “politically biased.”

    First of all, The Hague court ignored the previous decisions of the Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which in September 2011 ruled that the Russian authorities had carried out “legitimate” and not politically motivated actions against Yukos “to counter the company’s tax evasion,” the ministry noted. The ruling contradicted Yukos shareholders’ claims that the company’s assets were purposefully expropriated by Moscow.

    The Russian Finance Ministry meanwhile blasted the arbitration ruling as based on “one-sided investigation with one-sided application of evidence.”

    The Hague court in effect reviewed the decisions of Russian courts on Yukos “as if the arbitration court was an additional authority for appealing the court orders,” the ministry said. It has made “theoretical speculations not supported by evidence” over the motivation of the Russian authorities’ actions in the case of Yukos, it added.

    The international body failed to note that the people who controlled Yukos, including the oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky released from jail in December, were apparently aware of financial machinations aimed at a mass-scale tax evasion in favor of the company, the ministry stressed. The tax evasion scheme, which involved the creation of numerous bogus companies, was not properly considered in the court.

    Russia-EU relationship

    The arbitration court went as far as to judge “what Russian tax legislation should be like” as opposed to what it required in reality, the ministry said. The court refused to pass several controversial issues on taxes for review by Russian, UK or Cyprus competent authorities despite relying on the Energy Charter Treaty that outlines a need for such reviews, it added.

    While in effect saying The Hague court decision was not legally binging for Moscow, the ministry added that “the Russian Federation will challenge the arbitration court’s decisions in the courts of the Netherlands.”

    According to the ministry, “the arbitration court failed to approach the adjudication with common sense, which is required from the judges in such situations,” which resulted in an unobjective and biased decision.

    “Such an approach undermines the authority of the Arbitration court and the Energy Charter Treaty, which are being applied in increasingly politicized manner and, as in this case, have become the objects of abuse on behalf of domestic investors trying to evade taxes,” the ministry said.

    ECHR is expected to announce a fresh decision on Yukos’ multi-billion dollar claim against Russia on Thursday, as the defunct company’s shareholders have filed a separate application with the Strasbourg court, Reuters reported.

    Hahahaha Kha-DORK can go f*ck himself, he isn't getting sh*t and can go eat a d*ck lol!
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:33 pm

    Mikhail Khodorkovsky could have been now the richest person in the world but he couldn't escape his fate and his Jewish nature made the worst of him.
    He started as a businessman and he was a really good one but couldn't resist the sirens of his fellow jews. He grew anti-russian, then pro-american and instead of staying strictly
    on the business game he started a dirty geopolitical Trojan game to size energy sources under the nose of the Russian people in the hope to orchestrate a similar propaganda machine
    with the one established in Ukraine. Too bad for them Vlad the Great came out of the blue just on time!  russia

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    Post  TR1 Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:13 pm

    His Jewish-nature eh?

    I guess your Greek nature is what led Greece to its current predicament.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:05 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    I never said coal was clean.

    It is, however an energy source and there is rather more coal than oil around the place.

    Burning coal will change the climate... you might not have noticed but Russia is a cold country so climate change might not be so bad for them...
    This comment  shows your simplistic selfish ignorant view of climate change and its effects of different people around the globe and omnipresent consequences. Not to mention your shitty taste.  There's more to valueing a climate's beauty than a place to sit in a tropical beach snorting coke surrounded by hookers.

    And I can't believe you of all people hold this thinking.

    There are places in Japan where people wear face masks because the air pollution is so bad. There are plenty of places throughout asia that are the same or worse.

    Is there any place in Siberia where a face mask is needed to breath?[/qoute]
    Just because people are too ignorant to wear them doesn't meen the air is shit there. Take NovoKuznetsk for example. Its internationally rated as one of the most toxic inhabited cities in the world. The rate of birth defects is thousnds of times higher than normal there.
    And of course 2 wrongs don't make a right. Just because some other country has shit enviroment and does nothing about it doesn't mean russia shouldn't too.

    Hahaha.... the western world has polluted the world, and actually does worse than pollute the air with a little CO2... they spread consumerism.
    As I said, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty LMAO what pathetic non-sense, Khadorkovsky

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 30, 2014 11:47 am

    This comment shows your simplistic selfish ignorant view of climate change and its effects of different people around the globe and omnipresent consequences.

    Hey sunshine, it wasn't New Zealand that produced all that CO-2 pollution that is causing climate change and if we suddenly stop burning coal that wont make any difference either.

    It is part of the historic record that the climate does change dramatically over the geological period and that right now according to very long term geological records that the climate right now should be just going into a new ice age when in actual fact it is warmer than it has been for some time. The changes are clearly already made.

    Burning coal might be a great way to prevent the next ice age BTW.

    The real problem is that the west has had its industrial revolution and built its big dirty machines and made its money and now Africa and Asia are in the process of doing the same.

    it is hilarious when greenies like Sting tell Brazil off for turning the rain forests into farms or just selling the wood... when this is the sort of thing the west has been doing for centuries.

    There's more to valueing a climate's beauty than a place to sit in a tropical beach snorting coke surrounded by hookers.

    Increased temperatures will further enhance the climates beauty... Hurricanes will get stronger with higher temperatures feeding more energy. Floods will become greater and more regular and deserts will grow at a faster rate.

    I live in a place called Dunedin... there are no tropical beaches any where near here.

    And I can't believe you of all people hold this thinking.

    It is capitalism for you. A few years ago when electricity generation in New Zealand was government run they had hydro lakes for very green production, but they also had coal fired power stations for times of low rain fall. Obviously as long as there was lots of water in the lakes they would keep the coal stations off. Now it is all privatised so the coal fired stations run all the time... a powerstation that doesn't generate power does not generate money.

    that is progress you see.

    I do find it hilarious that you suggest I am selfish... isn't that the real message America preaches... no friends... just interests.

    Just because people are too ignorant to wear them doesn't meen the air is shit there. Take NovoKuznetsk for example. Its internationally rated as one of the most toxic inhabited cities in the world. The rate of birth defects is thousnds of times higher than normal there.

    We are talking about coal... which means air pollution. It is not a question of intelligence to wear a pad over your mouth so you CAN breathe. Coal burning to generate electricity doesn't create birth defects.

    And of course 2 wrongs don't make a right. Just because some other country has shit enviroment and does nothing about it doesn't mean russia shouldn't too.

    You are missing the point. Air pollution is not an issue in Siberia. Burning coal to generate electricity and warmth saves lives and makes living bearable and does not contribute to birth defects. Why not use an abundant energy resource just because in some places finding breathable clean air is a problem?

    As I said, 2 wrongs don't make a right.

    Telling people they can't burn coal to heat their homes and to generate electricity will need more than just a moral warning. Telling them the temperature will rise and some foreign countries will have some problems because they are too close to sea level likely wont sway them either.. they will take warmth and electricity over morality any day.

    Remember these Siberians are some of the people who eat meat and don't recycle with blue and red plastic bins. They have real recycling... they make their clothes from the animals and plants around them.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Steinmeier disagrees with German business chiefs on Russia

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:27 am

    The recent events in Ferguson made me wonder. Where the fck was Lavrov giving pancakes ?

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Russia's cooperation and insterests in Europe

    Post  AbsoluteZero Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:50 am

    Budapest (AFP) - Thousands of Hungarians protested Friday at what they see as the country's move towards Russia in the latest demonstration against the government of controversial Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

    The crowd, estimated to be over 5,000 by an AFP photographer, brandished placards condemning Orban, whose support suffered a plunge in polls at the end of 2014 despite securing three election wins earlier in the year.

    The demonstrators, who gathered in front of the Budapest opera house, voiced concern over what they see as Hungary drifting away from the West to forge closer ties with its former Communist ruler.

    "It is disturbing to see that the Orban government is exposing Hungary to Russian influence," Robert Gombkoto, a 61-year-old manager, told AFP, citing a 10 billion euro ($12 billion) loan from Russia to Hungary to expanding a nuclear plant.

    It seems America is on the offensive on all fronts! this is an all out campaign to diminish Russia's cooperation and insterests in Europe. Russia really needs to start fixing things up in its economy and hit back at America where it hurts the most

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 03, 2015 6:42 pm

    This was called out month or two ago about how west would stage protests in Hungary.  Seems that this ended up as correct.

    Wonder if the other nations will wake up to this. 5K people in a country of almost 10M is a joke. These people should be ashamed of themselves.

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:00 pm

    sepheronx wrote:This was called out month or two ago about how west would stage protests in Hungary.  Seems that this ended up as correct.

    Wonder if the other nations will wake up to this.  5K people in a country of almost 10M is a joke.  These people should be ashamed of themselves.

    Yes, I was the one who pointed this out. John McCain wants to destroy Viktor Orban because he's friendly to Putin and Russia. Similarly the left-wing govt. in the Czech Republic is 'Russia-friendly' too, so they might be on the 'hit-list' soon enough.

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    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:08 pm

    5K people though, that is a small number of protesters. Only one smaller than this was the Navalny protests recently where only 1500 people showed up.

    I know that the rest of the Hungarians wont do squat cause they are lazy EU people, but at least they can try to call out these protesters for what they are: foreign working agents.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia-EU relationship Empty Re: Russia-EU relationship

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:14 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:This was called out month or two ago about how west would stage protests in Hungary.  Seems that this ended up as correct.

    Wonder if the other nations will wake up to this.  5K people in a country of almost 10M is a joke.  These people should be ashamed of themselves.

    Yes, I was the one who pointed this out. John McCain wants to destroy Viktor Orban because he's friendly to Putin and Russia. Similarly the left-wing govt. in the Czech Republic is 'Russia-friendly' too, so they might be on the 'hit-list' soon enough.

    Leftists are the most precious American allies, nothing will happen to Czechs.

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