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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 27, 2024 4:59 am

    148 POWs is nothing, they lose more than that per weekend

    Taking out enemy cargo plane and crew however, is definitely something

    All the reason you need

    Have to agree, but such callus calculations are made to win a war, not when you have already lost... when you win you can make up all sorts of stories about it later... how it was full of FSB spies that were programmed and hoping to be sent to the front on Kievs side to spread mutiny and Russian propaganda about how nice they are with their prisoners.

    Equally factions might want to take this win from Zelensky at any cost so they can overthrow him... even blame him for this to replace him.

    Edit the French claimed it was a Patriot, which suggests they are keen to cover something up... maybe a Frog SAM controller decided to get revenge for loosing some of his gay sexual partners the other day and lashed out...

    The kill feed just after included kills of Patriot, and SAMP-T and also IRIS-T missile systems so I guess it could have been any of them... and when they lit up they got smacked in return... which adds to their pain.

    What did Russia lose exactly?

    Do be clear I and not happy about the tens of thousands of good men and also women that Russia has lost in this conflict, but the people claiming the cost is too high ignore the fact that if Putin had done nothing or done the same thing earlier then the cost to the Russian military and the Russian people might have been rather more... including proper isolation because BRICS was not viable yet and most of the south would choose the west over Russia because of the threats of violence and economic piracy that the west threatens in every case.

    Russia has become independent and it is really thanks to the actions of the west that gave a pro west Putin no choice.

    It is very much like the tiny Hobbit defeating the Giant Spider Shelob... Putin could never have gotten the Russian people to turn away from the west on his own, it was the attacks by the west, the direct clear and present danger they represented and the open venom... Wada and sports, cancelling Russian culture and language across the west, that made it clear the West wanted Russia destroyed and carved up, so all of Russia worked together and found that there are other options and other alternatives and a lot of the stuff they were paying huge money for in the west they could make for themselves... and make it better.

    This war is a tragedy for the Ukrainian nazis and the west, but I would not call it a tragedy for Russia and the rest of the world because the monster is bleeding and will run away to die. If it wants to stay and fight it will lose faster.

    NATO's expected strategy to defeat Russia

    Ha, the home of Rugby... perhaps they are worried about Russian Flankers...

    I hope I have not tired you out . This is not my aim . I think , somehow you think I am critical of the SMO or the " stalemate ! "

    Not at all, that comment was regarding western calls that this is all a stalemate and that some sort of Minsk 3 agreement is needed for all the same reasons Minsk 1 and Minsk 2 were put in place... which is why Russia will reject it completely... they have done all the preparation and are ready to play and a freeze to allow the enemy to recover and resupply is the last thing they will be interested in.

    But what I am saying is that , this attrition rate averages out over time . This is especially true , when wars last a longer time and when the opposing sides are at least for a time , performing in a predictable manner  

    This conflict is not like other conflicts... this is the equivalent of British officers in charge of commonwealth soldiers... they are not overly worried about casualties and more interested in reaching objectives, so the comedy Blackadder goes Fourth is relevant... we are going to stand up and march slowly towards the enemy.... how did you know the plan? ... because it is the same plan we have used 14 times before... exactly, and it is the last thing they will be expecting... because everyone gets killed in the first few minutes...

    When you attack a position you need to heavily shell that position so the defenders have their heads down so they are not taken off. Having 5 shells to fire each day means it wont be a heavy bombardment and those attacking are going to get killed...

    And yet they continue to repeat over and over...

    In these cases then when the Battle turns into a predictable pattern and constant rate of attrition , then it is the total force expended over time by both sides that decided the outcome .

    When one side just sends in soldiers trying to make the enemy run out of men or run out of stomach for the bloodbath they are inflicting then the only possible way for them to win is if that enemy is short of ammo and you have an endless supply of bodies.

    Kiev has neither.

    Hense it will not settle down because when they stop feeding bodies into the grinder the Russians are going to take the opportunity to strike back and push forward in places where there are obvious gaps... and pushing them back means they move to less suitable defensive positions.

    Even if the battles consist of major advances or retreats or a constant back and forth , or skirmishes lasting many years .

    No they wont. Kievs forces have been savaged and they are running out of men and are now sending women to the front. They have no ammo and weapons, which further complicates their ability to continue for a long period.

    Even if there were no elections in the west this year they would be in trouble, but a few elections get politicians who arrive and have all these economic problems in front of them and Zelensky with his hand out for money for nothing and I rather suspect the money will stop... when Ukrainians stop getting paid and government services stop and factories shut down things are collapsing as we speak... even if Biden wins and stumps up 200 billion this year... there is no ammo to buy and no weapons except the old stock the west didn't already send because it would be more problems than it is worth.... it will be old generation tanks and vehicles that are not compatible with the slightly newer shit they already sent and cause even more problems keeping it all running.

    New money will go to the west and Ukrainian officials will start to leak to the west with it... and then Ukraine will collapse.

    No it is not, the special military operation Is tailored to reduce bloodshed in the conditions of high intensity conflict between fraternal states , where the dominant one (Russia) understands it will be responsible for the smaller one (Ukraine)

    Exactly, and if there were Russian departments in western universities with men and women with any brains that would be obvious and passed on to the politicians.

    Instead Russian experts are expats that are not happy with the current regime.... mostly because their corruption schemes failed and they live in the west on media funding to tell the west how bad it all is in Russia and boy are western people lucky they don't live there even though things are bad in the west they are worse in Russia... and obviously never with any evidence.

    Putin does not expect to occupy or take responsibility for Finnish people, therefore neutron bombs are a better tool to preserve the lives of Russians , and to eliminate the need to occupy hostile populations

    I agree with what you are saying except the neutron bombs... neutron bombs are used to preserve infrastructure to eliminate the local population so the land can be occupied later on. Just normal nukes will be fine and will do the job of destroying infrastructure and enemy forces and enemy populations.

    But the West, particularly the US is already sacrificing thousands of Ukrainians.

    You can blame the US and the west but at the end of the day those Ukrainians are making their own choices and ultimately it is up to them.

    And regardless of how Putin intends to keep casualties low the West will keep on pouring millions of Ukrainians into the battlefield.

    And I am sure the west is happy with that but at the end of the day it is up to Ukrainians to say enough.

    There are plenty of Ukrainians that are changing their tune and pointing out that Ukrainians have more in common with Russia than with the US.

    This is only going to grow as their choices become clearer.

    It is pretty clear that the current government in Kiev is incapable of any agreements and any state they lead and control will always be Bandera/Nazi centred so eventually I am sure it will be eliminated... and then perhaps time given for Ukrainians to pick a replacement that better reflects the real views of the people.

    Recall what the defense minister of Netherlands said last year that Ukraine is a “Very cheap way to make sure Russia is not a threat”

    Which is hilarious because Russia was never a threat, but now you have murdered their men and women... they are more a threat now than ever before, and economically they will be hostile in future too... why trade with you when the rest of the world is keen to trade with Russia and China?

    Russia wanted to trade and have good relations and you threw that in their faces and made them an enemy.

    They wont attack you for fun, but they wont be nice to you either... no more cheap wood and cheap gas and cheap oil.

    And Uranium prices might start going up too.

    If you have money for Kiev you have money for electricity.

    Russia understands the goal is to destroy Russia... that is going to change things moving forward.

    Eastern Slavs are mentally weak. They have allowed Anglos to drive themselves into a situation where they are killing each other in hundreds of thousands while Anglos are cheering in the sidelines.

    Weakness has nothing to do with it. Anyone can be tricked. Even Ukrainians are working out they are being used... wonder how that is going to pan out for the future... they already have a murder squad that kills enemies of the Ukraine... when the west starts to talk about peace talks with Russia to normalise things because their little experiment didn't work I wonder what those guys are going to do?

    Russia on the other hand is expanding and actually has managed to re-establish a Slavic community with Slovakia, Hungary, Belarus, soon Ukraine, and possible Poland if things there change

    If there is one thing Russians have proven over the last decade or so is that they know how to negotiate, and they don't do it from a position of strength and threaten violence to do it like the west thinks it is done.

    Despite breaking many of the agreements Israel and Turkey and Iran managed to work together to a degree in Syria and none of those countries had any reason to be friends with Russia. Turkeys relationship with Russia is pretty outstanding considering they are an active part of HATO.

    I hope you are right about in the end, I hope the Anglo world will be destroyed as much as anyone here. The only way the America can be destroyed is from within. No outsider can do it with nuclear war being the exception.

    They are destroying themselves and Putin has been careful to neither encourage nor stop them.

    It is all on them.

    Finnish media has been gloating about Russian population decline recently. They claim that Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of citizens in the past two years.

    If you were Ukrainian and you wanted to escape the war... would you run to the west where they are cutting off benefits and trying to send you back to Ukraine and a uniform, or would you go to Russia?

    Most people don't want to fight. It is cold and wet and very very dangerous, and even when you survive you have to put your life back together and continue... that period of your life you wont get back, and those people you saw die and whom you might have killed will be with you...

    The west created this situation, they pushed for it, but the people of Ukraine also let this happen too.

    Finland is about to ban Russians from buying real-estate in Finland and might also confiscate Russian-owned estates from Russians (I understand this includes ethnic Russians with Finnish citizenship as well).

    That is OK, you have joined HATO so Russia should realise you are hostile so this just makes sense. Keeping property in an enemy country... well don't be surprised if they steal it.

    I am sure there will be plenty of property and businesses in Russia that Russia could seize and hand over to those in need of compensation... eventually.

    Russians have continued to buy real-estate in Finland in 2023. Such naive, stupid people buying property from a western country. They deserve to lose their property for being so naive.

    Yeah, they were probably getting it cheap and thought they were getting a great deal... but all they need is a Fin friend they could put in their name and if it all blows over in a couple of years they could buy it back, and if it doesn't their friend can pay what the Russian paid for it if it still has that value.

    They are likely greedy investors speculating on land prices and land values... they might have bought those properties off other Russians wanting to leave a hostile market.

    Many western politicians and medias have at least covertly said that the West is entitled to strike Russia directly, including civilian targets.

    Panic at losing. If the west strikes Russia then Russia will start striking back... what you don't understand is that Russia has been being nice.

    This is my problem with Putin government. They are just so soft. The West knows this too. They are now testing the waters how far they can go without Russia retaliating.

    So far the Russian red line has not been crossed. When the West blows up the first Russian NPP will Putin finally react or mumble in silence and do nothing?

    If Putin was a total censored  like western countries then BRICS would fail because Russia and China would be no better than the US or Paris or London.

    The fact of the matter is that Russia and China are better than the west and the west is getting desperate and is totally panicking.

    What do you do to a hysterical person screaming and possibly going to hurt themselves or others?

    You want to blow their brains out. Putin will give them a slap.

    The problem is that Eurasians (which includes Asians, Africans and Russians) do not fight back properly. The Eurasians constitute the majority of world's population but they have let Oceania (North America, Europe, Australia and Japan) dominate the world and destroy Eurasian countries.

    Start fighting back for the goodness's sake!

    Openly fighting back would simply descend into WWIII, which is what many in the US probably want... they want a rapture or end of days or some such religious nonsense.

    What Russia is doing is continuing to create and build the alternative to the west, and let the west destroy itself, which it is doing quite a job of.

    Russia blowing up some gas terminal in the west would be used as a reason for that western country to demand a nuclear strike and economic naval and air blockade on Russia and other such BS.

    How does Russia benefit from that?

    The west doesn't make anything any more. Russia has shifted its trade east and south. The west hasn't shifted its trade anywhere and its industry is failing without cheap energy and all the loans that keep western countries afloat because their interest rates were so low why not borrow all you need. Well inflation has broken that yet they keep doing it and those rising interest rates are going to destroy them.

    Didn't your country India let the Britain rule over your country for centuries despite India having ten times the population of Britain?

    India didn't let Britain do anything, those who opposed were generally brutally murdered, either by the British or by other locals.

    The difference is that they gained independence and Finland just signed up to join... who is the idiot here?

    Do you actually think making Russia your enemy makes you safer?

    Do you think HATO will protect you?

    It didn't happen to take down the plane. They could have just shot the fucking plane down after the POWs left the plane as it went back to Russia. What they did makes no sense as far as the plane goes.

    Very good point.

    Why not attack French territory directly instead? The French attacked Russian territory.

    You sound so keen to start WWIII.

    Putin is not weak for not wanting WWIII... because he knows even if you "win" you still lose.

    This is this century's version of the Spanish Civil War. Russia has already figured out they need more glide bombs, loitering munitions, FPV drones, and weapons with AI target lock. They put those systems into production and are fine tuning them for effectiveness. At the same time they finally started taking artillery production seriously again.

    Russia pre-war had already massively increased the amount of cruise missiles and modern air to air missiles they produced. So at least they got that right.

    I would say not just the Spanish civil war that created the Yak-1 and LaGG and MiG-3 because they realised the I-16 and I-15 weren't good enough, but also the T-34 and KV-1 because they realised the T-26 wouldn't cut it either... but I would also add that this is the Winter War as well because with drones it is like SMGs so they are learning that firepower is important so automatic rifles and SMG for in close were important too.

    They should learn from this and not waste effort on superfluous humanitarian bullshit in the future

    Can't agree with that... they were sending Orcs back with stories that don't include torture and abuse in captivity and would be getting Russian soldiers back in return.

    A good deal if they can be trusted.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Backman Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:50 am

    Warning. Extremely graphic content

    One of the POWs killed in the plane crash had the Nato star as a tattoo.

    Another thing. Of course Alex Mercouris thinks it was all a mistake. Im not surprised that he thinks that.

    Mark Sleboda thinks the plane was shot down to serve as an incentive for soldiers not to surrender. But to fight to the death instead. That makes more sense than Alex's theory

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  jhelb Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:46 am

    GarryB wrote:India didn't let Britain do anything, those who opposed were generally brutally murdered, either by the British or by other locals.
    Hindus lost badly to Brits and before that Muslims, that's how they were under occupation for more than 1000 years. Hinduism promotes discrimination in the name of caste, community etc. That's why they are such losers.

    Russia faced far worse conditions, repeated invasions from UK, France, Germany, Türkiye and yet defeated all of them.

    PapaDragon wrote:Hitting it on sight increases chances of success
    Meaning a European SAM like IRIS-T was used. S-300 or even PAC-2 could have engaged it from beyond line of sight.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  nomadski Sat Jan 27, 2024 8:05 am

    GarryB wrote :

    No they wont. Kievs forces have been savaged and they are running out of men and are now sending women to the front. They have no ammo and weapons, which further complicates their ability to continue for a long period.

    Even if there were no elections in the west this year they would be in trouble, but a few elections get politicians who arrive and have all these economic problems in front of them and Zelensky with his hand out for money for nothing and I rather suspect the money will stop... when Ukrainians stop getting paid and government services stop and factories shut down things are collapsing as we speak... even if Biden wins and stumps up 200 billion this year... there is no ammo to buy and no weapons except the old stock the west didn't already send because it would be more problems than it is worth.... it will be old generation tanks and vehicles that are not compatible with the slightly newer shit they already sent and cause even more problems keeping it all running.

    New money will go to the west and Ukrainian officials will start to leak to the west with it... and then Ukraine will collapse.

    This is what I am saying too . Politics is economics by other means . And war is politics by other means . What is inherent and necessary in society , will end up happening . A Ground- Hog day ! Even if there was no war between communities in Ukraine , and differences would be settled in purely democratic terms , then the outcome would be the same . Western Ukraine Orc dominated , NATO vassal failed state . Eastern Ukraine Russia dominated , Euro-Asian growth economy . War is more painful than peace ! But even in this I am not sure . All the broken dreams and wasted lives , and millions suffering in silence . A cold Hell , with well manicured Gardens . I guess this means , that we should not worry too much about tactics and strategy and be more flexible with planning for the future .


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:40 pm

    ‼🇺🇸The Wall Street Journal recently published a report about 155-mm shells and their production in the USA. The most interesting thing about it is the different numbers that have never been heard anywhere before but are very indicative.

    1. From the beginning of the SMO to December 2023, the United States supplied Ukraine with more than 2 million 155-mm shells

    2. At the beginning of the SMO, the price of the projectile was $1,200, but now in America it is $8,400

    3. From October to December inclusive, America supplied Israel with 57 thousand 155-mm shells

    4. At the beginning of the SMO, the United States produced 14 thousand shells per month, and they want to increase it to 80 thousand by 2025. Considering that instead of investing, the military-industrial complex corporations are sawing profits, now it comes out to 28 thousand a month, as journalists say.
    And the Americans themselves, Taiwan, Ukraine, and Israel need them.

    Production volumes in Europe are not named, but it is indicated that they are significantly less than the US

    5. Russia fires 10.000-30.000 shells per day.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:43 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:

    This quote is enough to send you to Alamo's zoo exhibit.

    He sits there like forever Laughing

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:45 pm

    ⚡🇺🇦Woah. Another huge admission:

    The losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in killed and wounded exceed a thousand people every day - these are only those who can be counted in hospitals

    🔸Kiev Russophobe TV presenter Daniil Yanevsky stated this on the channel of Ukrainian propagandist Natalya Moseychuk:

    🔸 Only hospitallers, at a rate of 1000-1200 people, are transported from the front every day. One thousand, one thousand two hundred people. Here is the answer to many questions that may arise.

    🔸In turn, political scientist Yuriy Romanenko emphasized that in order to restore the economy, Ukraine will have to find tens of millions of additional workers somewhere.

    The Ukrainian Coordinating Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War confirmed that on January 24, it was indeed planned to exchange 65 military personnel of the Armed Forces according to the list published by the Russian mass media after the downing of the IL-76

    Earlier, the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine and many Kiev mass media were stating that the list was fake.


    Last edited by JohninMK on Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:47 pm

    I find it somehow funny when people living in a shithole lacking any economy discuss economical revival. A state of delusion is strong there,

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:57 pm

    Posted due to my highlight.

    Breakthrough of the Russian army in the south of Avdeevka - details from Ukrainian Armed Forces analysts

    ▪ On January 18, taking advantage of poor visibility, the Russians launched a massive assault on the bridge, neighboring positions and the cottage village. The fog significantly worsened the performance of the drones, which allowed the attack aircraft to be undetected in time and avoid being attacked by UAVs. The Russian Armed Forces managed to take positions and create chaos by infiltrating through the pipe.

    🚰 The pipe was once supposed to connect either the DFS or a reservoir from Koksokhim. The Russians in the area of ​​the reservoir found the entrance to the collector and carried out serious engineering preparations, making holes in the private sector. On X-Day they went behind the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the “Tsar’s Hunt”. The latter was thus surrounded - part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces military died, and the other was captured.

    ▪The Russians scattered throughout the private sector and began to occupy houses and quickly prepare for defense. Their vanguard tried to enter the crossing. In an atmosphere of a certain panic, there were even reports of the loss of the Zenit air defense base, but this was not confirmed. Then the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to seize the initiative by attacking the private sector and Tsarskoye Okhot. In the private sector the situation remains difficult.

    ▪ Meanwhile, aviation continues to level Avdeevka to the ground. In the 110th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, more than 80 KAB strikes were counted in 1 day.
    - RVvoenkor

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:00 pm

    They are on a different planet in the White House. Posted to give us all a smile, mu highlight, note "force" in it Very Happy

    Due to the failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive, US military plans for Ukraine are changing, without providing for the return of lost territories
    Still reeling from the failure of Ukraine's offensive, the Biden administration is crafting a new strategy to deemphasize retaking territory and instead focus on helping Kyiv fend off new Russian advances while moving toward the long-term goal of strengthening its military and economy.

    The new plan is a stark departure from last year, when US and allied forces sent advanced weapons to Kyiv in the hope that it could quickly push back the Russian army, retaking eastern and southern Ukraine. This failed, largely due to Russia's heavy minefields and frontline fortifications.

    ▪“It will obviously be difficult for Kyiv to try to mount the same kind of major offensive on all fronts that they tried in 2023,” a senior administration official said.

    ▪The plan now is to force Ukraine to hold its ground for now and “put them on a different trajectory so that they are much stronger by the end of 2024... and put them on a more sustainable path. - RVvoenkor

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    Post  JohninMK Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:04 pm

    First the gold, now the heritage. Taken for their safety of course but never to be returned, as normal, Elgin Marbles anyone?

    The Wall Street Journal: More than a dozen ancient Orthodox icons were exported to France from Ukraine, some of which date back to the 6th century

    Five of them are now on display at the Louvre, and another 11 are stored somewhere near Paris.

    The exhibits were removed in May 2023 “in the strictest secrecy” from the Varvara Khanenko Kiev National Museum. They were sent through Poland to France under military guard in special climate-controlled containers.


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Jan 27, 2024 1:19 pm

    JohninMK wrote:First the gold, now the heritage. Taken for their safety of course but never to be returned, as normal, Elgin Marbles anyone?

    The Wall Street Journal: More than a dozen ancient Orthodox icons were exported to France from Ukraine, some of which date back to the 6th century

    Five of them are now on display at the Louvre, and another 11 are stored somewhere near Paris.

    The exhibits were removed in May 2023 “in the strictest secrecy” from the Varvara Khanenko Kiev National Museum. They were sent through Poland to France under military guard in special climate-controlled containers.


    Well eventually the barbarian Gauls will be defeated or their silly state will collapse. Then the stolen art pieces will be recovered (as long as those criminals will not have destroyed them). By the way, France has still nowadays many Italian art pieces stolen by Napoleon and never returned (but Italy stupidly returned the monna Lisa when it was stolen from the Louvre in 1911 without asking any of the many other (stolen) Italian art pieces that France instead never returned ).

    The monna Lisa (the Gioconda) Is One of the most known artpiece by Leonardo, but it belonged to France since it was legally acquired (one of the few that the Gauls did not steal) in 1517 by king François I.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Hole Sat Jan 27, 2024 4:17 pm

    more than 80 KAB strikes were counted in 1 day.
    Counted by Ukros. So likely even more. Very Happy

    from the failure of Ukraine's offensive
    Not failure, defeat.

    First the gold, now the heritage.
    It´s OK when done by the west.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:05 pm

    Putin wants new ‘elite’ in Russia

    The president urged ministers to prioritize veterans returning from Ukraine as the basis of Russia’s new creme de la creme

    Veterans returning from the war zone in Ukraine should become Russia’s new elite, President Vladimir Putin has argued. He also called on Russian ministers to provide decommissioned military personnel with all the support necessary to facilitate this process.

    During a Q&A session and press conference last month, the Russian head of state revealed that some 617,000 service members had been deployed in Ukraine.

    Addressing ministers and top officials of St Petersburg on Friday, President Putin said: “I met today with students, who put their studies on hold, many of them, [and] went to the warzone.”

    He added that “it’s out of these people that we should be forming the country’s elite in the future.” The Russian head of state described returning troops as those who can be entrusted with the country’s development.


    Karl, do you see what is happening? You keep talking about these things which mean nothing

    A plane full of nazis - you're crying

    Putin has instituted a new elite in Russia - you stay quiet

    You understand Russia is transforming right?

    The other day a family of Canadians emigrated to Nizhny Novgorod

    Russia is changing, and you know why right ?

    Do you understand who the new elite social strata will be? Veterans

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Backman Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:32 pm

    This small pipeline attack that ended up surrounding and taking prisoner of chubs just shows how much more profitable surrounding and cutting off enemy forces is. Russia needs to think of ways to do this more.

    Russia should look into using elaborate smoke blinding techniques. 

    And no. **** the environment. It is a lost cause in some of these areas anyway. The environmental impact is over stated.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:52 pm

    1000-1200 hospital patients every day implies at the least 500-600 KIA every day. But in this war the WIA:KIA ratio is lower thanks to death by artillery and drone
    instead of bullet. So the likely KIA is over 600 per day.

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    Post  Hole Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:23 pm

    Add to that the "fantastic" healthcare system in Banderaland.
    Some fighters even had to pay to get evacuated from the frontlines.
    I don´t think that the doctors and nurses back in the cities are any

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    Post  lancelot Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:05 pm

    Hole wrote:Add to that the "fantastic" healthcare system in Banderaland. Some fighters even had to pay to get evacuated from the frontlines.
    I don´t think that the doctors and nurses back in the cities are any different.
    I always laugh when these people claim that Russia has worse military medicine than Ukraine.
    Just looking at the state of civilian hospitals shows the reality of this stupid claim.

    Russia has spent a huge amount of money over the past decade modernizing its hospitals. In Ukraine nothing like that ever happened.

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    Post  lyle6 Sat Jan 27, 2024 11:58 pm

    It says a lot when Russia doesn't even bother Kalibrating militart hospitals - traditionally the favorite targets of NATO strike planners. Not out of respect for the unwritten rules mind you - they're beyond that now. But because these butcher shops kill and maim so much hohols on their own through sheer overcapacity (and nefarious organ harveating schemes cough cough) all you need to is to keep overloading them with bodies and the system will cannibalize itself to death.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:15 am

    Putin vows to eradicate Nazism for good

    The Russian president claims that the governments of Ukraine and the Baltic states have adopted “Hitlerite ideology and methods”

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to crush modern-day forces that promote Nazism, singling out Ukraine and the Baltic states as countries where the authorities have embraced such ideologies.  

    Speaking on Saturday at the opening of a memorial to Soviet civilians killed by Nazi German forces in Leningrad Region, the Russian head of state said: “these days the outcomes of the Nuremberg trials are effectively being revised.” He claimed that some countries have gone from rewriting history and whitewashing the Nazis to “arming themselves with Hitlerite ideology and methods.”

    President Putin cited the Baltic states, in an apparent reference to their treatment of Russian-speaking minorities, which Moscow deems discriminatory.  

    “The regime in Kiev lionizes Hitlers’ accomplices, SS members, and uses terror against” those who resist it, the Russian leader alleged, accusing the Ukrainian authorities of subjecting the elderly, women and children to “barbaric shelling.”  

    According to President Putin, “in a number of European countries, Russophobia is being promoted as the state policy.”  

    “We will do everything – everything to undercut and eradicate Nazism for good,” the Russian head of state pledged.

    He went on to predict that modern-day proponents of the Nazi ideology are doomed.

    Putin noted that January 27 marks 80 years since the Soviet Army broke the Nazi Siege of Leningrad, which began in September 1941 and claimed the lives of more than a million civilians.

    President Putin’s own parents lived through the ordeal. Indeed, his older brother succumbed to diphtheria at the age of two in the besieged city.

    He noted that Nazi Germany was conducting a genocide of the Soviet population, leaving a deep scar on all generations since, with memories never fading away over the past eight decades.

    In his New Year’s address to Russians, former President Dmitry Medvedev said that the “ultimate defeat” of neo-Fascism, an ideology “Russia’s enemies are trying to rekindle” should be the country’s “main goal” in 2024.

    Earlier in December, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told AFP that Moscow “will not allow the existence on our borders of an aggressive Nazi state.”

    She added that the goal of “denazification” of Ukraine proclaimed by President Putin back in February 2022 remain unchanged.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:44 am

    Ukraine today. Baltic shitholes tomorrow (unless they wake up and smell the coffee between now and then). Twisted Evil

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52 - Page 38 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #52

    Post  ALAMO Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:53 am

    There is no need to do anything to them.
    They are dying out as we speak.
    Just organize a relocation project for every Russkie who lives there, grab popcorn and watch the show.

    GarryB wrote:
    Have to agree, but such callus calculations are made to win a war, not when you have already lost... when you win you can make up all sorts of stories about it later... how it was full of FSB spies that were programmed and hoping to be sent to the front on Kievs side to spread mutiny and Russian propaganda about how nice they are with their prisoners.

    What is a scary part of this whole story, are rumors about a whole action being orchestrated by antiCocainsky movement. Not sure if someone pointed that out in a thread, but the date of POW exchange was set to be his Bday. It was being prepared as a major propaganda event for a regime, and someone inside the regime considered the need to paralyze that. So we have a case when someone simply murdered own people to disrupt the others propaganda case. The thing that jumps out of a box and closes to conspiracy theory. But only as long, as we won't recall the "heavenly 100" being murdered with cold blood by hired guns from Georgia ... This is a "state" we are talking about.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 28, 2024 11:13 am

    ALAMO wrote: Not sure if someone pointed that out in a thread, but the date of POW exchange was set to be his Bday. It was being prepared as a major propaganda event for a regime, and someone inside the regime considered the need to paralyze that. So we have a case when someone simply murdered own people to disrupt the others propaganda case. The thing that jumps out of a box and closes to conspiracy theory. But only as long, as we won't recall the "heavenly 100" being murdered with cold blood by hired guns from Georgia ... This is a "state" we are talking about.

    Yes, I did. Exchange was due to take place the day after the attack on 26th. Not just his birthday 27th but the day the new 'conscription' bill was due to go through Rada.

    The second Il-86 flight as part of the same operation has vanished from comments.


    Il-76 of course. Thanks Hole.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Hole Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:29 pm


    Russia has spent a huge amount of money over the past decade modernizing its hospitals.
    Just take a look at all those clinics the military build as part of the Covid response.

    Last edited by Hole on Sun Jan 28, 2024 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Arrow Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:51 pm

    Greece will transfer all its ex-Soviet equipment to Ukraine. The US pressed on.

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