I take it the smoke trails we see before the aircraft crashes are MANPADS?Airbornewolf wrote:Ukrainian SU-24 shot down by RF paratroopers
Russian special military operation in Ukraine #26
jon_deluxe- Posts : 15
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owais.usmani- Posts : 1799
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I would not have believed it had I not seen it. That was so LOL!
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mnztr wrote:zorobabel wrote:Allied forces reportedly punching back hard on the Krasny Liman font. Good news!Hole wrote:
There are reports that the UkroNazi forces in their mighty offensive towards Lyman had so heavy losses and spread out so thin that they (the morons in Kiev/Brussels/Wasghington) are trying to bring in reinforcements from Kramatorsk and Slovyansk. Maybe now some dudes here get it why this operation (and not the one conducted by the UkroNazis) has to go one for another week or so.
I am beginning to believe the garrison there is just bait and also to direct artillery and air strikes. Rather then go and pound Ukrainian fortification, just lure them out and rain hellfire on them. I would imagine the terrain is well mapped and keyed and there are a shit load of guns and rockets ready to take fire missions. The video of the carnage after this will be quite something.
The problem is that there is still leaf cover and ukrainian troops are spread out. Russian aviation couldnt effectively hunt them in the balakleya offensive because of this. Russian C3 is very slow. It takes upwards of 30 minutes to 2 hours to call in an air strike or artillery strike, by that time which the ukrainians are out of the area.
Regarding K. Lyman, conflicting reports, but maps showing it completely surrounded seem to be too much dooming. The kremennaya torskoe road is still under russian control.
It seems like at least part of the cavalry has arrived. The situation north of K. Lyman is really shitty still though.
Sujoy- Posts : 2344
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I was hoping China would vote against the resolution but China along with India, Brazil have abstained.
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Big_Gazza- Posts : 4811
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owais.usmani wrote:I would not have believed it had I not seen it. That was so LOL!
That really says it all, doesn't it!! Who cares what empty-suit sock-puppet like li'l Stolty wants to say when a true global statesmen steps up to the podium. Meanwhile Crash Test Dummy is looking for dead congresswomen and trying to shake hands with ghosts...
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Werewolf- Posts : 5922
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Sujoy wrote:Only 10 countries voted in favour of UN Security Council resolution introduced by the United States and Albania condemning Moscow's proclaimed annexation of parts of Ukraine.
I was hoping China would vote against the resolution but China along with India, Brazil have abstained.
Abstaining is more or less the same as no, just pussy position trying to avoid being targeted.
GarryB, psg, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, JohninMK, Sprut-B and like this post
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Sujoy wrote:Only 10 countries voted in favour of UN Security Council resolution introduced by the United States and Albania condemning Moscow's proclaimed annexation of parts of Ukraine.
I was hoping China would vote against the resolution but China along with India, Brazil have abstained.
Non-binding virtue signalling by the Clown Empire and its servile, obsequious quislings. Russia gains new territories while the sanctimonious stuffed-shirts conspire to bore the planet shitless with their pitiful incessent whining
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kvs- Posts : 15624
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There are around 8 million people in these "annexed" territories. They are the ones that define the legality. Not NATzO
and its rabid, bloody hypocrisy.
GarryB, psg, Werewolf, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, zepia, Sprut-B and like this post
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GarryB- Posts : 40043
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Very believable. USA weapons disaster. Poor quality steel, no QA on weapons suppliers, metal fatigue and useless M-777 canons.
A team of US military specialists has been deployed in Poland to remotely help Ukrainians repair failing Western weapons.
Hahahahaha... those orcs were likely using those M777 super guns the same way they use D-30s...
The wear rate of US artillery demonstrates the inferior metallurgy of the "high tech superpower" USA. Period.
The irony is that the US Military will be paying top dollar for these weapons and part of the justification will be the high tech metallurgy being used that will put rival systems to shame... it seems the US military does not properly test their weapons otherwise they would already know about such problems.
Stats they had for all these years. So what changed drastically all of a sudden? India's support for Russia's actions in Ukraine?
I am sure if you supported Kiev in word and in action there would be no need for visas for entry... consider it a price to pay for independence.
In a figurative battle of David and Goliath, Ukraine is David here and not Russia.
Yeah, the problem with the whole David and Goliath thing is that it is bullshit. The sling David had was the equivalent in that time of having a gun so a small man coming up against a big man is one sided in favour of the man with the lethal ballistic weapon, which does not rely on physical size to use.
Don't be a 6th columnist. Putin laid out the truth about the essence of the NATzO west. He even explicitly stated
that their problems are their own and Russia has no interest in fixing them. The problem is that the NATzO parasites
will not go down without trying to take the world and Russia with them.
I agree, this is not a declaration of WWIII by Putin, this is a declaration by Putin that Russias future will not involve the west until they change.
That might take a couple of cold winters of course... and some infighting between the US and Europe... both sides really need to look at how they choose their leaders because the current methods are total shit.
High-precision attack launched by Russian Aerospace Forces has resulted in the destruction of the workshops for assembling Ukrainian Grom-2 and Tochka-U operational-tactical missiles at Southern Machine-Building Plant near Dnepropetrovsk.
That explains the crater.... a dozen Tochkas means 6 tons of warheads and 42 tons of propellent... plus what ever hit it...
Could you tell me which words I distorted by stating my feeling of the tone of speech? After that you can go f*ck off with your far-fetched accusations.
Or go and drink something soothing.In my memory, this is the first time that things have been called by their proper names at this level. That is why it all sounded as if war was to be declared on the entire West in the end.
Not a declaration of war... a declaration of divorce.
He literally called Ukraine David but you respond with insulting and saying Ukraine is infact David....
You just can't help yourself can you
He didn't mention that Ukraine didn't start out as David and the forces committed to this conflict means this is David vs David...
No. Ukrainian army was always David when compared with Russian. The fact that Russian government decided not to deploy enough forces and go with SMO scenario is their own choice.
Their choice is irrelevant to the fact that they sent David to fight David... both sides are getting reinforcements and supplies and support, but one side has lost probably 3,000 tanks and over 300 aircraft which is about 170-200% of what they started the conflict with...
Looks like Ukraine is going for accelerate membership in NATO -
All 30 HATO members would have to agree, and the head of HATO... stoltenberg already said no because that would drop them right into the middle of WWIII with Russia.
Well thats the point, by taking those lands Putin technically has exited Ukraine
Not yet... the Orcs currently still occupy some land officially not theirs.
Putin has been looking for a face saving way to end this and I think this is why krasny liman and Kharkov collapsed
He's run away from the rest of the country and will settle for this land
And end up back where Russia was last year but with the borders shifted a little... I doubt it.
Zelensky is not surviving this conflict in office... and his signature on any agreement has proven worthless too.
The mobilized will only defend borders and the other troops will be based in the New territories
But the war might just be over as of today
That might make sense of Putin wants to get back to the way it was with the west, but his speech shows that is over, so appeasing the west does not make sense any more and saving the rest of the Ukrainian population from the current illegal regime makes sense... give them a referendum too where they can decide based on the options Russia gives them... it is more than Kosovo citizens got.
Why not? The rulebook means nothing anymore. All the leaders of the NATO countries are 100% for war. They can agree to do anything they want.
The US does not want to fight Russia so they wont agree to Ukraine being in HATO... that is all that matters... they wont let them join.
It is an exit,
The west will tell Zelensky to stop attacks on the new regions
That's it
The deal was made and sold to us as a victory
Russia can save face
And NATO takes the rest
Putin is in no hurry and is not looking for an easy exit... that is US propaganda and all in your head.
Why would Putin save the people in these four regions and ignore the rest?
The rest are held by forces that remain a threat that want to join HATO... the job is not done.
Why did the Anglos torpedo Nord Stream against the wishes of the Germans then?
No, they're clearly not looking for an end to the wa
Ending sanctions would allow Germany to fix those turbines for NSI and certify NS2 and get cheaper gas flowing, so they were interested in a shorter war rather than a longer one, but now I suspect Russia will cut off all gas supplies anyway... probably in the middle of winter and probably by saying no Russian gas supplies to countries directly or indirectly who fund and arm Kiev...
Hopefully this is the plan for the future Novorossiya.
Too much Yellow.
For war as long as syrian, ukrinians, kurds... are dying.
When it comes time for conscription in the west the rules totally change... that could cost their political party votes...
I mean in all fairness if I was Putin, I'd be glad those pipelines got knocked out, yes it will hurt in the short term but in the long term, it forces you to diversify you should never be too dependent on a single revenue source.
Russia was talking about not using the US dollar for a long time before the US started using the US dollar as a weapon and they had to move away from the US dollar and kicking Russia off SWIFT means creating alternatives to that system which means by definition every country that wants to trade with Russia now has to subscribe to a Russian system that Russia controls instead of a western system the west controls... but AtlasClub tells us that the west is playing 10D chess and Putin only 6D...
I don't think the west is even capable of understanding checkers...
His masters aren't talking peace and today we will probably see Russia booted from the UNSC and the end of the UN because while Putin and most of the world wants peace Washington and its socks in Europe want to destroy Russia. There will be no deal.
Russia has a veto and cannot be kicked out of the UNSC... I think even China would veto that because they would be next.
Russia will take region after region...till Ukraine accepts the new reality.
Next logical step would be....Kharkov.! The distance, the logistics, the importance of Kharkov. And Nikolajev! Russian troops are only 20 km from Nikolajev away.
My personal opinion is that after Kharkov, Nikolajev and Odessa Ukraine must surrender...but they can still resist...who knows?!
Putin said at the start the longer they leave the peace agreement the worse their deal is going to be... ironically Kiev is going the other way and the more they lose the more they want... now they want Putin to stand down...
Everyone knows the cavalry never arrives till the last second and the darkest moment... from Lord of the Rings battles... to everything else...
"No-ones gonna pin this defeat on us" is the message
Or more accurately we [HATO] don't fight when the natives have more weapons than just pointed sticks...
M30A1 differs from previously seen M31A1/A2 by an alternative warhead with 182000 preformed spheroid steel/tungsten fragments and is designed to be used against soft targets.
Murdering civilians in market squares... preferably when they are voting I suspect....
Maybe the forces are deemed sufficient to push from the South and cut off Kharkov at the same time.
That would split the defenders and air defence and artillery resources they have...
IMO I think that Russia still doesn't appreciate what they are up against. The US is all in, they will back them up to the wall and force them to tapout. The absolute arrogance of US decision makers can be seen by the guests of this panel.
Pretty sure Putin has realised and is essentially cutting all ties with the west.
The options for the US are not great, when Russia commits more troops to this and starts holding referendums in new territories it is not going to be good for Kiev... any Ukrainians really upset could perhaps be taken on a tour of Crimea to see for themselves the poverty and destruction those poor Ukrainians have endured these last 8 years...
The reason some are actually talking about real use of nukes to hit targets to destroy them , is because Russia ( The doctrine ) has wrongly interpreted it , since Russia or essentially Russia or Russian speakers did come under attack , and attack was existential and from nuclear armed states .
Not at all... the west raised the idea first as a provocation to try to pretend that Russia might use nukes so perhaps Kiev might need nukes to defend itself, but they failed because there is nothing in the Ukraine that would require the use of nukes.
The only thing that would justify the use of nukes by Russia would be a large HATO army forming up on HATO territory and then marching towards Ukraine to defend Kiev... as they cross that border they become an enemy combatant that has nuclear weapons defending them which is a threat to all of Russia.
I just hope I will have enough time to get myself some LSD, always wanted to try it but I'm all into healthy living plus I'm horrified of what I might see if I open up my mind too much
Having time to stop by the whorehouse would be nice too
If it is WWIII take the whole family...
Who said Russia was dependant? They have pipeplines to Turkey and CHina as well and massive LNG infrastructure and tankers. With the way the USA has spiked LNG prices they are making FAR more then they ever dreamed even without NS1 and 2.
The EUs mistake was thinking they controlled Russia because without them who would buy their gas?
Well everyone else was paying three or four times more than Europe was for gas so everyone... actually.
The lowlife in the US is really pushing this point. "if Russia uses a nuke in Ukraine , that counts as an attack on Nato."
Both parties reiterated it now. Because the radiation will travel to nato borders.
Saying it does not make it true.
How much soldiers could Nato bring to the fight if they were to enter Ukraine in the west for a conventional attack ?
If they enter the conflict because Russia uses a nuke what are the chances they wont continue using nukes on the new conventional threat?
For the Cold War period the inferior numbers of HATO meant they would use nukes to deal with the numbers of the Warsaw Pact forces... there is no reason why Russia can't do the same if HATO decides to stick its nose in... further...
darn no abrams or leopards for ukraine. Wanted to see if they were worth their hype.
Syria (Leopards) and Iraq (Abrams) showed they are as vulnerable as any other tank when you know where to hit them...
The rear of the turrets usually work with western tanks.
I take it the smoke trails we see before the aircraft crashes are MANPADS?
Some, but they don't all seem to be headed for this aircraft so perhaps after drones or helicopters or other air threats...
Russian C3 is very slow. It takes upwards of 30 minutes to 2 hours to call in an air strike or artillery strike, by that time which the ukrainians are out of the area.
If they are trying to attack Russian positions they wont be able to move very far, and calling artillery strikes by front line troops who have the target in view should not take 30 minutes... we have seen video of an Orc Vasilek arriving, setting up and opening fire and about 2 minutes later they are receiving return fire... they might not have seen them setting up but once they fire or if friendly troops call in their positions... it does not seem to take long for the artillery to arrive.
Only 10 countries voted in favour of UN Security Council resolution introduced by the United States and Albania condemning Moscow's proclaimed annexation of parts of Ukraine.
I was hoping China would vote against the resolution but China along with India, Brazil have abstained.
They knew the Russian veto makes it meaningless, they likely agreed to abstain before hand...
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Monkeypox is using an amazing tool called Spyglass, the video is worth watching, if a little slow, from the start, as opposed to there the link starts.
A poster on MOA.
This guy "Monkeyworx" is a US military veteran flight controller technician. Quite a nerd and expertise in reading flight paths etc.
In this video - from the 11' to the 18' mark he expertly shows that there was only 1 plane over the part of the Baltic during the hours around the time of the NS1 & NS2 pipeline destruction.
It was a US Poseidon Subhunter he says. And it had no normal call sign to reduce identification. There was no other flights at all in the vicinity apart from a refuelling plane for the Subhunter.
See:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfpw9I01J0o&t=1085s 11 minute to 18 minute mark.
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Boris rozhin wrote:At 13 o'clock.
1. The command in the Krasnoliman direction is still unable to stop the current operational crisis (the reasons for this are not completely clear) and events continue to develop according to an unfavorable scenario.
2. Krasny Liman, apparently, will be completely lost in the next 1-3 days, and the ability of the troops and command to ensure the stabilization of the front in the Kremennaya area is already on the agenda.
3. The continuation of the retreat now under Krasny Liman is obviously a consequence of the previous defeat near Balakleya.
GunshipDemocracy- Posts : 6108
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Werewolf wrote:Sujoy wrote:
I was hoping China would vote against the resolution but China along with India, Brazil have abstained.
Abstaining is more or less the same as no, just pussy position trying to avoid being targeted.
It's not their time yet. (ndia and China not mentioning Brazil are not yet able to withstand west full economic/interethnic/military aggression. Militarily perhaps China could but not India ro Brazil. Yet. But they time will come, oh they will take sweet revenge for years to being exploited.
BTW what about condemnation of Germany annexation of GDR? they annexed not re-joined. Otherwise STASI agend = BND not "decomunised".
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SeigSoloyvov- Posts : 3826
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What could be been worse is what happens has a result, time will show
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sundoesntrise wrote:
Anyway if you are interested in getting the full picture asking this board is probably not the best idea.
but asking you it is, right? bwahahahaha
Hole- Posts : 11016
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You hit the clown on the head.Big_Gazza wrote:IMHO it has seemed reasonable for weeks that the Russians have used Krasny Liman as bait to entice the Ukrops to commit the bulk of their forces from the Kharkov offensive.
The Kherson offensive led to the destruction of at least 40% of the equipment send by the collective west to the UkroNazis in the last months + troops ("territorial defence" = Volkssturm light) send from Odessa, Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog towards the frontline. No longer hiding behind civilians.
The Kharkov offensive drew reserves from Kharkov and Kiev and now they send fighters from Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, their most important fortified areas in the Donetsk Republic towards Zelenskijs Stalingrad. Lost equipment: 30+% of all "donations" from NATO (these numbers are from pro-UkroNazi channels and likely higher).
The Russians want this to happen.
Why we know this?
Troop movement from Odessa/Nikolaey and Kiev/Kharkov towards the frontlines wasn´t hampered at all. Look what happened as they tried to send troops from the Kharkov area towards Zaporoshye: power stations, train stations and trains with troops were hit. This is a one way street for them. They are allowed to move where the Russians want them to move: towards the meat grinder.
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Sure.Russian C3 is very slow. It takes upwards of 30 minutes to 2 hours to call in an air strike or artillery strike, by that time which the ukrainians are out of the area.
In Syria it took them 5 minutes or less to hit the target even with a Syrian on the other side of the line.
If the Russians are so shitty and all the time the "Ukrainians" are out of the area... Why the heck are all the graveyards and hospitals are full of them? There are reports from Ukro channels that all the wounded lying in hospitals were hit by shrapnels from grenades, missiles and rockets. No bullet holes to be found. This should tell you something about the effectiveness of russian artillery and air strikes.
GarryB, d_taddei2, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, JohninMK, Sprut-B and like this post
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limb- Posts : 1550
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Hole wrote:You hit the clown on the head.Big_Gazza wrote:IMHO it has seemed reasonable for weeks that the Russians have used Krasny Liman as bait to entice the Ukrops to commit the bulk of their forces from the Kharkov offensive.
The Kherson offensive led to the destruction of at least 40% of the equipment send by the collective west to the UkroNazis in the last months + troops ("territorial defence" = Volkssturm light) send from Odessa, Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog towards the frontline. No longer hiding behind civilians.
The Kharkov offensive drew reserves from Kharkov and Kiev and now they send fighters from Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, their most important fortified areas in the Donetsk Republic towards Zelenskijs Stalingrad. Lost equipment: 30+% of all "donations" from NATO (these numbers are from pro-UkroNazi channels and likely higher).
The Russians want this to happen.
Why we know this?
Troop movement from Odessa/Nikolaey and Kiev/Kharkov towards the frontlines wasn´t hampered at all. Look what happened as they tried to send troops from the Kharkov area towards Zaporoshye: power stations, train stations and trains with troops were hit. This is a one way street for them. They are allowed to move where the Russians want them to move: towards the meat grinder.
Who knows. ukrainians moved troops from avdeevka, peski and marinka to kherson, and the russians made some modest gains there, but failed to be decisive. The problem now is that russians are transferring froces from donbass tasked with capturing the fortifications there. Wagner was moved to Liman.
At best russians might capture parts of zaitsevo, otradovka, maybe a few more blocks in Artemovsk, but it wont be decisive. letshope russians can actually put much more pressure on Soledar, Artmeovsk, Marinka and Avdeevka this time.
Rybar is dooming that the battle of Liman is already lost, and holding it is off the table by now. Russian reinforcements have only slowed the ukrainian advance.
Sure. Rolling Eyes
In Syria it took them 5 minutes or less to hit the target even with a Syrian on the other side of the line.
If the Russians are so shitty and all the time the "Ukrainians" are out of the area... Why the heck are all the graveyards and hospitals are full of them? There are reports from Ukro channels that all the wounded lying in hospitals were hit by shrapnels from grenades, missiles and rockets. No bullet holes to be found. This should tell you something about the effectiveness of russian artillery and air strikes.
Its not me saying it. Its actually DNR soldiers on the frontline saying it on tg. The results speak for themselves. If artillery strikes were in time, the ukrainians woud be utterly massacred crossing the oskol river.
The complaints about casaulties are about kherson, not K. Liman.
In kherson slow reaction time doesnt matter much, since the ukrainians are moving on open ground, can be observed continuously and targeting coordinates updated continously by the time artillery responds. Around K. Liman, Kharkov, etc, the forests are simply too thick, allowing ukrainian armor and DRGs to move relatively unopposed and stealthily.
Around ugledar, ukrainian DRGs get unlucky
Around severskiy donets and oskol, they have free reign to move.
sundoesntrise- Posts : 361
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GunshipDemocracy wrote:sundoesntrise wrote:
Anyway if you are interested in getting the full picture asking this board is probably not the best idea.
but asking you it is, right? bwahahahaha
First mental breakdown reported.
At least Krasny Liman managed to be part of the RF for 24 whole hours!
limb- Posts : 1550
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Hole wrote:You hit the clown on the head.Big_Gazza wrote:IMHO it has seemed reasonable for weeks that the Russians have used Krasny Liman as bait to entice the Ukrops to commit the bulk of their forces from the Kharkov offensive.
The Kherson offensive led to the destruction of at least 40% of the equipment send by the collective west to the UkroNazis in the last months + troops ("territorial defence" = Volkssturm light) send from Odessa, Nikolaev and Krivoi Rog towards the frontline. No longer hiding behind civilians.
The Kharkov offensive drew reserves from Kharkov and Kiev and now they send fighters from Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, their most important fortified areas in the Donetsk Republic towards Zelenskijs Stalingrad. Lost equipment: 30+% of all "donations" from NATO (these numbers are from pro-UkroNazi channels and likely higher).
The Russians want this to happen.
Why we know this?
Troop movement from Odessa/Nikolaey and Kiev/Kharkov towards the frontlines wasn´t hampered at all. Look what happened as they tried to send troops from the Kharkov area towards Zaporoshye: power stations, train stations and trains with troops were hit. This is a one way street for them. They are allowed to move where the Russians want them to move: towards the meat grinder.
What did that "30%" of NATO equipment comprise of? Just T-72M1s, M113s and BMP1s probably, plus some jeeps.
This is useless junk most of the time. Western and Czech SPGs make a difference, and only a few have been destroyed so far, judging by the fact that ukrainians are still firing lots of artillery in K. Liman and Kupyansk.
You might say Bbb-ut theyre using mostly soviet artillery. Wait I thought soviet calibre rounds ran out a long time ago in ukraine and the west?
Serberus- Posts : 415
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Were the civilians who are about to experience hell a part of the “bait plan” too?
Sujoy- Posts : 2344
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That applies to minor powers like India & Brazil, but China is a major power.Werewolf wrote:Abstaining is more or less the same as no, just pussy position trying to avoid being targeted.
limb- Posts : 1550
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Serberus wrote:Ukrainian Armed Forces enter and secure in Krasny Liman Dramatic news from the city. Neo-Nazis are already moving along the central streets of Krasny Liman. They check the documents and begin to nightmare the locals. Information is confirmed from several sources. If there is a chance to defend and recapture the city, then they are incredibly small. @wargonzo
Were the civilians who are about to experience hell a part of the “bait plan” too?
What portion of K. Liman was lost?
Why would the russians send reinforcements now to clear up the road leading to liman just to abandon it right now?
The soldier in the video called his commanders "fucked up faggots", adding that its not defenders who are the faggots, but we all know who.
This soldier probably knows more about the russian command's competency than Podlodka, Hole, Sepheronx, GarryB, ALAMO.
Last edited by limb on Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total