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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:39 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Screen50

    Very nice progress today, liman is falling, next we will have severodonetsk completely cleaned

    After this Slavyansk and Kramatorsk are of big importance

    The Nazis should be bombed as they retreat

    d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, Odin of Ossetia, Yugo90, Broski and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  teh_beard Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:40 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    It's called denazification, you can see how effectively it works when they're demoralized ,

    That's what we are doing to all Ukraine

    Denazification is azovian corpses rotting in ditches without burial and a nation traumatized and scared for generations to become like them, in both senses.
    Making POWs chant something to humiliate them is just being swines like them.
    We should not be swines like them.

    GarryB, d_taddei2, GunshipDemocracy, miketheterrible and Yugo90 like this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:41 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2019

    Chernigov is also falling , 2 weeks in and its very nice progress

    Those western weapons aren't helping too much

    d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, miketheterrible, Yugo90, Broski and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:44 am

    Holy shit guys are fucking up Nikolaev

    This is 2 weeks only guys, 14 days

    magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, Hole, Yugo90 and ucmvulcan like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:46 am

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories, all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    GarryB, Firebird, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, teh_beard, miketheterrible and like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:47 am

    The main issue why our MANPADS are so sucessfull is Russias demography. Russia simply cant afford dead russian soldiers. Russia has a fertility rate as low as 1.5. Which means 20 women only have 15 sons. Almost evry dead russian soldiers ends a family line, since they are in most cases only sons.

    Russian mothers already riot

    The strategy to let russian pows call their mothers is a very good one and should also done with dead soldiers who can be identified. Make a pic of the corpse and send it their mothers via mobile phone. This way the front reaches directly home.

    GunshipDemocracy, Eugenio Argentina, Yugo90 and jon_deluxe dislike this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  lancelot Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:48 am

    zorobabel wrote:Impressed by gains in the south.
    The one thing I do not understand is why Russia did not bring more of its forex reserves (not just gold) back to Russia to prevent them from being frozen. $300-400bn lost is nothing to sneeze at, and I wouldn't be surprised if the West started giving it to Ukraine.
    Russia got the gold reserves by basically buying its own mined gold over a certain period of time. There would always be limits to how fast you could do this.
    I think the RCB should also have stockpiled other strategic materials to accumulate more capital faster and divest from foreign capital instead of piling euros in its RCB accounts. This could have been palladium, platinum, nickel, or whatever. Instead of getting in an oil production war against Saudi Arabia the government could have just stored the oil in a strategic reserve. But Russia wanted to give the Saudis some payback for helping the US break the USSR in the 1980s. So I can understand Russian government rationale. And it is not like you can build a strategic oil storage facility in a day or two. It also helped choke the US fracking industry. The frackers are still afraid to restart production even with current oil prices.

    The Russian government has already invested a lot in roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals over the last decade. The high tech industry seeding initiatives were mostly a failure thanks to people like Chubais in control of Rusnano. The renewal of the MIC had its bumps but was reasonably successful.

    Russia lost a bunch of digital euros to the EU. Aristide counts this as a win for the EU. But digital euros are something the ECB could have printed at the push of a button. The loss of customers and commodities from Russia to China will hit the EU way more. Just like European farmers got hit with Russian counter sanctions in 2014 and lost access to a 145 million people market. But this time it is EU industry and UK financial services which will suffer. Thanks to European sanctions oligarchs worldwide will not try to buy assets in Europe as they used to either. Not just Russian but also Middle Eastern and Chinese. Already you see the Saudis announce investments outside the West. After all this confiscation I expect land values in the main European cities to crash since to a large degree it is a scam where foreign oligarchs buy property to use it as a financial cushion outside their own country. The EU, and the US, lost a lot of trust because of all this confiscation. And trust is the coin of the realm when you deal in something like this.

    The increased prices for commodities and the lower demand for European industrial products will materially hit people in Europe as their economy is drained out.

    diabetus wrote:I'm including post Soviet variants of the t-72 and T-80 here, even the t-90A.
    Russia will need to pay for a lot more T-72B3M and T-90M upgrades. They will also need to develop an APS for those tanks and widely deploy it.
    T-14 tank production will not be cost effective for some time. But I expect its production to ramp up quite a bit.

    Aristide wrote:An option would be EU membership for Ukraine but no NATO membership, similar to Austria.
    Thanks to EU defense clause, Russia will never allow Ukraine into the EU. It is not just a trade zone. When Austria and Finland joined this clause did not exist.

    Dima wrote:Hope Russia does a complete ban on Titanium shipment from VSMPO. It will have good impact on Boeing and Airbus.
    It will especially hit Airbus. Boeing has loads of aircraft parked and already sources some of its titanium from Japan. But even that will eventually run out.

    Aristide wrote:You dont need to ban titanium. Boeing already stopped buying russian titanium and Airbus plans the same.
    The EU plans to dismiss russian oil, gas and coal in next 2 years. Rockets are not needed since we have our own.
    As for Renault, its pretty much worthless, you get an empty plant and thats about it.
    The issue i see for Putin is, that the oligarchs might pull the plug on him. They lost enormous amounts of assets and are not happy about that.
    Boeing stopped buying Russian titanium because a) their lots are chock full of undelivered 737MAX aircraft because of MCAS issue b) 777X project is severely delayed c) 787 is largely sourced in Japan. In comparison Airbus also has some undelivered aircraft sure. But way less. They cannot get those A320neo out fast enough. The A350XWB program is now experiencing major issues with the row Airbus is having with Qatar Airways over skin peeling issue. A330neo is basically a dead man walking as no one wants to buy it. Also guess what. Russia is a major supplier of world aluminium. And one thing you forget Aristide, is that aluminium and titanium production require huge amounts of power. The problem was never the ore itself. Russia is a major producer of both because it has some of the lowest energy costs in the world. These production facilities also take many years to build. To think that Japan, which is powering its industry with LNG, is going to be cost competitive with Russia in either is a poor joke. And Europe is choosing itself to go in the same direction as Japan currently is stuck into with an economy which increasingly is losing to China due to high energy prices.
    You might be able to switch the EU coal resource around. True. You can likely buy the Australian coal which China does not want. And China will buy Russian coal. As will India and Pakistan. But the thing is, thanks to your green energy folly, the coal generation won't be enough to cover the requirements. And Europe can't build nuclear reactors in any reasonable amount of time anymore. The French EPR reactor design is an abortion. Some 17 years to build a reactor in Finland. That is almost triple the time the Russians take to build a nuclear reactor of similar power level. French industry nearly shat itself just trying to make large pressure vessels after decades of inaction. And the EPR reactors built in China, the only ones in operation, seem to suffer from cracked fuel elements.
    The Russian gas, you will never be able to totally replace it in a decade, let alone in 2 years. And it will take less than a decade to build Power of Siberia 2 and ramp up Power of Siberia to max. As for the oil, you will switch reliance with Russia (a natural partner), with reliance on the Middle East. A Middle East which unlike on previous resource wars will be once again chock full with cheap Russian weapons. All because you could not accept a neutral Ukraine outside NATO. Gratz.
    As for your rockets. Do you know why there is a Soyuz launch pad in French Guiana? Ariane 5 is not cost competitive as a launch platform for Galileo. Ariane 6 is still not in service. And it will still cost more than Soyuz. Ariane 6 is also a rocket design which is obsolete on arrival. It is basically a European Delta IV almost three decades after that came out. See Delta IV's market share in US market today.
    As for the oligarchs "pulling the plug" on Putin. You made sure that will never happen when you took their money and power outside Russia away from them. tongue

    Russia offered you a multipolar world where the US, Europe, Russia, and China would be the major poles. There would be a global economy with the West controlling global finance and high tech industry and luxury goods production. You blew it and decided to dig your own grave. To become a colony of the US. You will be an energy and resource island stuck in the ass end of Eurasia just like Japan is a resource island stuck on the other side.

    Last edited by lancelot on Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:08 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:50 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories,  all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    You must be truely desperste to bring up Madagscar. One of worst shitholes in the world. Have you ever been there? Very Happy

    Dude we visited with a cruise ship in 2016 and i can tell you...our ship propably had more energy than entire madagascar. Its one of poorest places in world.

    Guess thats your new club. Russia, Congo, Northkorea, Syria, Madagascar. 🤣😂😅

    Odin of Ossetia likes this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:52 am

    Aristide wrote:The main issue why our MANPADS are so sucessfull is Russias demography. Russia simply cant afford dead russian soldiers. Russia has a fertility rate as low as 1.5. Which means 20 women only have 15 sons. Almost evry dead russian soldiers ends a family line, since they are in most cases only sons.

    Russian mothers already riot

    The strategy to let russian pows call their mothers is a very good one and should also done with dead soldiers who can be identified. Make a pic of the corpse and send it their mothers via mobile phone. This way the front reaches directly home.

    The manpads have not worked?? They couldn't even down a su25

    Only good soviet AD worked, and to bring down 5 planes it shows the quality of the VKS

    NATO lost 70 planes to old s125

    Russia is much more advance in this regard

    As for Appreciation for russian troops

    These women are brave, I don't think europeans can comprehend the heroism

    That woman dragged comrades from mortar fire

    It's truly beastly, how strong Russians are

    The French ran away from Mali, they can't understand it

    magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, miketheterrible, Hole, Yugo90 and Broski like this post

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:52 am

    teh_beard wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    It's called denazification, you can see how effectively it works when they're demoralized ,

    That's what we are doing to all Ukraine

    Denazification is azovian corpses rotting in ditches without burial and a nation traumatized and scared for generations to become like them, in both senses.
    Making POWs chant something to humiliate them is just being swines like them.
    We should not be swines like them.

    You have no idea who you are dealing with:

    They have been traumatizing other nations for a very long time.

    I am not only talking about them bombing and shelling the Donbas/New Russia.

    Last edited by Odin of Ossetia on Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:54 am

    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories,  all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    You must be truely desperste to bring up Madagscar. One of worst shitholes in the world. Have you ever been there? Very Happy

    Dude we visited with a cruise ship in 2016 and i can tell you...our ship propably had more energy than entire madagascar. Its one of poorest places in world.

    Guess thats your new club. Russia, Congo, Northkorea, Syria, Madagascar. 🤣😂😅

    Working with Africa is very good! There's lot of human capital there , labor, resources,  the French are just leaving it to Russia!!

    It's very good!

    Actually put the #1 economy in the world, China in that club, India too!

    You are african, why do you hate the africans so much?

    Moroccans are cool , thats where you're from right?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:56 am

    zorobabel wrote:Impressed by gains in the south.

    The one thing I do not understand is why Russia did not bring more of its forex reserves (not just gold) back to Russia to prevent them from being frozen. $300-400bn lost is nothing to sneeze at, and I wouldn't be surprised if the West started giving it to Ukraine.

    If the West attempted to transfer Russian reserve funds to Ukraine it would not only be utterly illegal but would simply DESTROY whatever credibility remained in the "International" (ie US-controlled) financial system. Big nations like China and India will vote with their feet and intensify their development of alternative financial and banking systems and Western power will slip down the gurgler.

    This would be a nuclear option, 'cept where the bombs are detonated in your own capital city to spite the enemy and prevent them from having it... Razz

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  flamming_python Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:58 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Holy shit guys are fucking up Nikolaev

    This is 2 weeks only guys, 14 days

    All for what..

    I hope this is some psychological attack on an empty spot. These weapons are hell on Earth

    Last edited by flamming_python on Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:58 am

    Look at the level of Europe and US right now

    Russia 21 dollars for 53 liters

    EU and US look 3rd world to us

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:59 am

    lancelot wrote:
    zorobabel wrote:Impressed by gains in the south.
    The one thing I do not understand is why Russia did not bring more of its forex reserves (not just gold) back to Russia to prevent them from being frozen. $300-400bn lost is nothing to sneeze at, and I wouldn't be surprised if the West started giving it to Ukraine.
    Russia got the gold reserves by basically buying its own mined gold over a certain period of time. There would always be limits to how fast you could do this.
    I think the RCB should also have stockpiled other strategic materials to accumulate more capital faster and divest from foreign capital instead of piling euros in its RCB accounts. This could have been palladium, platinum, nickel, or whatever. Instead of getting in an oil production war against Saudi Arabia the government could have just stored the oil in a strategic reserve. But Russia wanted to give the Saudis some payback for helping the US break the USSR in the 1980s. So I can understand Russian government rationale. And it is not like you can build a strategic oil storage facility in a day or two. It also helped choke the US fracking industry. The frackers are still afraid to restart production even with current oil prices.

    The Russian government has already invested a lot in roads, bridges, schools, and hospitals over the last decade. The high tech industry seeding initiatives were mostly a failure thanks to people like Chubais in control of Rusnano. The renewal of the MIC had its bumps but was reasonably successful.

    Russia lost a bunch of digital euros to the EU. Aristide counts this as a win for the EU. But digital euros are something the ECB could have printed at the push of a button. The loss of customers and commodities from Russia to China will hit the EU way more. Just like European farmers got hit with Russian counter sanctions in 2014 and lost access to a 145 million people market. But this time it is EU industry and UK financial services which will suffer. Thanks to European sanctions oligarchs worldwide will not try to buy assets in Europe as they used to either. Not just Russian but also Middle Eastern and Chinese. Already you see the Saudis announce investments outside the West. After all this confiscation I expect land values in the main European cities to crash since to a large degree it is a scam where foreign oligarchs buy property to use it as a financial cushion outside their own country. The EU, and the US, lost a lot of trust because of all this confiscation. And trust is the coin of the realm when you deal in something like this.

    The increased prices for commodities and the lower demand for European industrial products will materially hit people in Europe as their economy is drained out.

    diabetus wrote:I'm including post Soviet variants of the t-72 and T-80 here, even the t-90A.
    Russia will need to pay for a lot more T-72B3M and T-90M upgrades. They will also need to develop an APS for those tanks and widely deploy it.
    T-14 tank production will not be cost effective for some time. But I expect its production to ramp up quite a bit.

    Aristide wrote:An option would be EU membership for Ukraine but no NATO membership, similar to Austria.
    Thanks to EU defense clause, Russia will never allow Ukraine into the EU. It is not just a trade zone. When Austria and Finland joined this clause did not exist.

    Dima wrote:Hope Russia does a complete ban on Titanium shipment from VSMPO. It will have good impact on Boeing and Airbus.
    It will especially hit Airbus. Boeing has loads of aircraft parked and already sources some of its titanium from Japan. But even that will eventually run out.

    Aristide wrote:You dont need to ban titanium. Boeing already stopped buying russian titanium and Airbus plans the same.
    The EU plans to dismiss russian oil, gas and coal in next 2 years. Rockets are not needed since we have our own.
    As for Renault, its pretty much worthless, you get an empty plant and thats about it.
    The issue i see for Putin is, that the oligarchs might pull the plug on him. They lost enormous amounts of assets and are not happy about that.
    Boeing stopped buying Russian titanium because a) their lots are chock full of undelivered 737MAX aircraft because of MCAS issue b) 777X project is severely delayed c) 787 is largely sourced in Japan. In comparison Airbus also has some undelivered aircraft sure. But way less. They cannot get those A320neo out fast enough. The A350XWB program is now experiencing major issues with the row Airbus is having with Qatar Airways over skin peeling issue. A330neo is basically a dead man walking as no one wants to buy it. Also guess what. Russia is a major supplier of world aluminium. And one thing you forget Aristide, is that aluminium and titanium production require huge amounts of power. The problem was never the ore itself. Russia is a major producer of both because it has some of the lowest energy costs in the world. These production facilities also take many years to build. To think that Japan, which is powering its industry with LNG, is going to be cost competitive with Russia in either is a poor joke. And Europe is choosing itself to go in the same direction as Japan currently is stuck into with an economy which increasingly is losing to China due to high energy prices.
    You might be able to switch the EU coal resource around. True. You can likely buy the Australian coal which China does not want. And China will buy Russian coal. As will India and Pakistan. But the thing is, thanks to your green energy folly, the coal generation won't be enough to cover the requirements. And Europe can't build nuclear reactors in any reasonable amount of time anymore. The French EPR reactor design is an abortion. Some 17 years to build a reactor in Finland. That is almost triple the time the Russians take to build a nuclear reactor of similar power level. French industry nearly shat itself just trying to large pressure vessels. And the EPR reactors built in China, the only ones in operation, seem to suffer from cracked fuel elements.
    The Russian gas, you will never be able to totally replace it in a decade, let alone in 2 years. And it will take less than a decade to build Power of Siberia 2 and ramp up Power of Siberia to max. As for the oil, you will switch reliance with Russia (a natural partner), with reliance on the Middle East. A Middle East which unlike on previous resource wars will be once again chock full with cheap Russian weapons. All because you could not accept a neutral Ukraine outside NATO. Gratz.
    As for your rockets. Do you know why there is a Soyuz launch pad in French Guiana? Ariane 5 is not cost competitive as a launch platform for Galileo. Ariane 6 is still not in service. And it will still cost more than Soyuz. Ariane 6 is also a rocket design which is obsolete on arrival. It is basically a European Delta IV almost three decades after that came out. See Delta IV's market share in US market today.
    As for the oligarchs "pulling the plug" on Putin. You made sure that will never happen when you took their money and power outside Russia away from them.  tongue

    You are free in your opinion, in the end of the day russia still is a corrupted, depressive tyranny and just ends in collapse again as it usually does in short times.

    This is not about Ukraine, its about prevention of Putler trying to opress entire Europe. I have no problem with higher energy costs. What value has cheap eneegy when you wake up one day under russian opression?

    For exactly that reason we will choke russia to death on Ukraine. And make no mistake, Ukraine will get more and mkre MANPADS which makes it uncontroleable for Kremlin and at same time we destroy evry russian influence on global scale.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:01 am

    You are free in your opinion, in the end of the day russia still is a corrupted, depressive tyranny and just ends in collapse again as it usually does in short times.

    This is not about Ukraine, its about prevention of Putler trying to opress entire Europe. I have no problem with higher energy costs. What value has cheap eneegy when you wake up one day under russian opression?

    For exactly that reason we will choke russia to death on Ukraine. And make no mistake, Ukraine will get more and mkre MANPADS which makes it uncontroleable for Kremlin and at same time we destroy evry russian influence on global scale.

    those manpads ain't working that well if you got 5 planes lmfao

    Without energy, all of European industries will collapse

    Look at German markets it's hilarious, Dow Jones has entered a bear market no pun intended

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:01 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories,  all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    You must be truely desperste to bring up Madagscar. One of worst shitholes in the world. Have you ever been there? Very Happy

    Dude we visited with a cruise ship in 2016 and i can tell you...our ship propably had more energy than entire madagascar. Its one of poorest places in world.

    Guess thats your new club. Russia, Congo, Northkorea, Syria, Madagascar. 🤣😂😅

    Working with Africa is very good! There's lot of human capital there , labor, resources,  the French are just leaving it to Russia!!

    It's very good!

    Actually put the #1 economy in the world, China in that club, India too!

    You are african, why do you hate the africans so much?

    Moroccans are cool , thats where you're from right?

    Ridicolous. Im french, half of my family has spanish roots.

    As for your rant. Minus and minus doesnt get plus in that case. You are stuck with shitholes where even the black death is common. Very Happy

    Labor? As i said have you ever been there? They dont work.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:04 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Look at the level of Europe and US right now

    Russia 21 dollars for 53 liters

    EU and US look 3rd world to us

    Poor people from poor countries crack me up.

    What you brag up next? Cost of toilet papers?

    I spend 12000€ for vacation each year. You think it bothers me what fuel costs?

    I tell you a secret, i go to gas station gill my tank, pay with mastercard and dont even know what it costs.

    Small people problems. Very Happy

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:09 am

    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories,  all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    You must be truely desperste to bring up Madagscar. One of worst shitholes in the world. Have you ever been there? Very Happy

    Dude we visited with a cruise ship in 2016 and i can tell you...our ship propably had more energy than entire madagascar. Its one of poorest places in world.

    Guess thats your new club. Russia, Congo, Northkorea, Syria, Madagascar. 🤣😂😅

    Working with Africa is very good! There's lot of human capital there , labor, resources,  the French are just leaving it to Russia!!

    It's very good!

    Actually put the #1 economy in the world, China in that club, India too!

    You are african, why do you hate the africans so much?

    Moroccans are cool , thats where you're from right?

    Ridicolous. Im french, half of my family has spanish roots.

    As for your rant. Minus and minus doesnt get plus in that case. You are stuck with shitholes where even the black death is common. Very Happy

    Labor? As i said have you ever been there? They dont work.

    The people from Navarre are not really Spanish, I think they are mostly "Castilianized" Basques.

    You wrote a while ago on this forum that you have lots of ancestry from Navarre, that is why I am pointing this out to you.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  limb Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:10 am

    Why is everyone giving that retard the time of day with "hurr durr you surrender monkey your arab" replies Rolling Eyes

    He obviously wants this attention.

    GarryB, par far and Eugenio Argentina like this post


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:11 am

    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Look at the level of Europe and US right now

    Russia 21 dollars for 53 liters

    EU and US look 3rd world to us

    Poor people from poor countries crack me up.

    What you brag up next? Cost of toilet papers?

    I spend 12000€ for vacation each year. You think it bothers me what fuel costs?

    I tell you a secret, i go to gas station  gill my tank, pay with mastercard and dont even know what it costs.

    Small people problems. Very Happy

    It's important because elections in EU will probably be very bad result

    Actually I don't think EU as we knew it will be around very long

    They will cut off the eastern euro states first, then

    French and germans will battle for leadership

    It's very clear how this goes

    Even Bruno Le Maire had to backtrack on his words

    They are afraid of losing business
    par far

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  par far Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:15 am

    Odin of Ossetia, zardof, miketheterrible and Yugo90 like this post

    par far

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  par far Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:17 am

    limb wrote:Why is everyone giving that retard the time of day with "hurr durr you surrender monkey your arab" replies Rolling Eyes

    He obviously wants this attention.

    The mods need to clean this thread up.

    miketheterrible and Eugenio Argentina like this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:19 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Img_2020

    French are not good at keeping their territories,  all of Africa goes for Russia

    Mali, CAR, Madagascar, Congo, It's very good stuff the french cannot hold even the smallest territories against Russia

    You must be truely desperste to bring up Madagscar. One of worst shitholes in the world. Have you ever been there? Very Happy

    Dude we visited with a cruise ship in 2016 and i can tell you...our ship propably had more energy than entire madagascar. Its one of poorest places in world.

    Guess thats your new club. Russia, Congo, Northkorea, Syria, Madagascar. 🤣😂😅

    Working with Africa is very good! There's lot of human capital there , labor, resources,  the French are just leaving it to Russia!!

    It's very good!

    Actually put the #1 economy in the world, China in that club, India too!

    You are african, why do you hate the africans so much?

    Moroccans are cool , thats where you're from right?

    Ridicolous. Im french, half of my family has spanish roots.

    As for your rant. Minus and minus doesnt get plus in that case. You are stuck with shitholes where even the black death is common. Very Happy

    Labor? As i said have you ever been there? They dont work.

    The people from Navarre are not really Spanish, I think they are mostly "Castilianized" Basques.

    You wrote a while ago on this forum that you have lots of ancestry from Navarre, that is why I am pointing this out to you.

    And Ukraine is not Russians.

    Odin of Ossetia likes this post

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6 - Page 4 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #6

    Post  Aristide Sat Mar 12, 2022 1:21 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:
    Aristide wrote:
    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Look at the level of Europe and US right now

    Russia 21 dollars for 53 liters

    EU and US look 3rd world to us

    Poor people from poor countries crack me up.

    What you brag up next? Cost of toilet papers?

    I spend 12000€ for vacation each year. You think it bothers me what fuel costs?

    I tell you a secret, i go to gas station  gill my tank, pay with mastercard and dont even know what it costs.

    Small people problems. Very Happy

    It's important because elections in EU will probably be very bad result

    Actually I don't think EU as we knew it will be around very long

    They will cut off the eastern euro states first,  then

    French and germans will battle for leadership

    It's very clear how this goes

    Even Bruno Le Maire had to backtrack on his words

    They are afraid of losing business

    We got 380 billion euro russian assets. One can subsidize energy for the plebs for a long time.

    Eugenio Argentina dislikes this post

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