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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5


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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  auslander Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:25 am

    3 seconds after our revolution in Sevastopol on 23 February '14, the local McNasties locked the doors. A month later it was open again under new ownership. No GMO foods, excellent menu and better than excellent service. The name? Rusburger. Only one in town and for us on the other side of the ditch, but when we were in Hospital in October Rusburger delivered hot food to us in Hospital, no extra charge.

    Regardless of what Benz said about leaving, last Friday I ordered every water hose on our ancient, 17 year old and as new, A Klasse. Parts will be to us Monday. All of them along with a new timing chain and gears just for giggles. A 170 is known to desire a new chain every 150,000 klicks. Ours has 130,000 but I'll do it now.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  mnztr Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:39 am

    There has still been no major countersanctions by Russia. Have they even banned US planes from Russian airspace? Are they waiting until the fighting is over. Do they hope to negotiate or are they planning to drop maximum counter sanctions on the West and jump in full bore from the hot war to the economic war? Will there be mass nationalizations of western property? Personally I think the world has permanently changed. Russia will be eastern oriented. No more attempts at friendship with Europe or the west. At most reluctant co-existence. More and more Russian oil will move to China and India, while Saudi oil will pivot to Europe. and expensive LNG at 2-3x the cost of Russian gas will be used until Europe can pivot to green energy. The Russian counter sanctions will be interesting. Russia should agree to sell Europe gas, just that it should cancel any long term agreements and force them to pay the some price as LNG as compensation for NS2.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Mar 10, 2022 7:47 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    ATLASCUB wrote:Taking over Kiev has taken way too long.

    People who don't know the history, will eventually learn it's results on own skin.

    Kiev today is a 2.8 mln giant aglomeration, divided by the huge by any standards Dnepr, and tons of smaller rivers, canals, lakes etc.

    What makes it a PERFECT match to the Berlin in 1945.
    Size is about same 2.8 mln, the difference is that you can't match the Sprewa in Berlin, that runs in settled canals via the city, in opposite to Dnepr.

    Been there, saw both.

    The direct Berlin operation, took functionally 3 weeks, with use of 2.3 mln of the Soviet&Polish soldiers involved, resulting almost 100k dead&300k wounded.
    How many Berlin population died, is actually unknow till now, but the numbers varies around 120-200k.

    So you are saying that Russkies are too slow now, and should speed up,  yeah? scratch

    Well yeah that's what I'm saying with regards to Kiev.

    First off, Kiev is not Berlin. The "Ukranians" are not the Germans and Ukraine as a country wasn't completely mobilized in war footing for over 4 years, taking up total war posture like Germany did well in advance of any move on Berlin itself. The threat to Berlin also didn't come so quick and so close (a short trip from Belarus). That is to say, Russia had the benefit of surprise, an overwhelming force grouping compared to the defenders at the onset, on top of time.

    Second, modern day combat is completely different than in the 1940's. Self-explanatory.

    Third, it was clear that Russia tried to take Kiev early on with the skirmishes at night in the city but failed to turn any discernible high value target (or institution) of consequence to the regime and its working operation. Which obviously tells you #1: that taking Kiev early and soon was an objective. #2: the plan underestimated the level of resistance, or the required force multiplier that would've made the plan work and #3: that the consequences of such failed approach has the direct result of prolonging the Kiev takeover, and by extension the conflict itself....complicating the conflict resolution and political end-game.

    Now you can be one of two people:

    You can be the guy that takes the results as they are and say to yourself that everything that could be done was done, and that everything is perfectly falling to place according to the master plan (whatever that plan is in your own brain because you certainly can't see it for yourself).


    You can be the person that uses his own brain, sees the events as they've unfolded and make some obvious observations as to what probably went wrong, and then draw conclusions as to why it went wrong. And obviously make the counter arguments of what perhaps should have been done. That doesn't necessarily mean you have all the answers or the right answers. It does mean however you have a brain of your own, and you don't accept failure, and the excuses for such, an infinite number of which exist as vast as human creativity itself to come up with them.

    The statement stands. Kiev should have fallen by now. Taking a capital city is #1 priority target for all invasions ever. Capitals stand as the source of political resistance and as the symbol of regime power. Conquering capitals and destroying chain of command and leadership has an immense value in the overall success of an operation, speeding up collapse, leaving areas of resistance elsewhere as their own living, uncoordinated reality bubbles.

    City siege, as currently postured is as old as medieval times and before then... Romans being the most popularized practitioners... and we know how long that takes to work itself out. If you're planning on playing a long occupation game then sure... siege is fine. Something tells me however, that's not the Kremlin's intent, nor should it be for all the obvious reasons. The job of the enemy is to continue to resist to improve their negotiating terms, the job of Russia's rivals is to continue to pour wood to the fire, make it as costly as possible, complicating the political solution as much as possible and help the defenders in any way shape or form short of direct military war with Russia itself.

    It's very simple and it's what is happening. Textbook.

    Last edited by ATLASCUB on Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:31 am; edited 5 times in total

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Regular Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:08 am

    Russia advances nearly 80 km daily and if there are issues with overstretching and pockets of resistance causing issues to the logistics chain, then imagine if Russia moved quicker. Kiev will wait until South is dealt with. Or maybe there will be a political resolution to all of this

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:10 am

    What political solution do you think those rabid dogs will be willing to agree to that isn't approved in Washington D.C, and given the go ahead by their strategic planners? You think they're playing to lose? No, they're playing to win.

    You can fight the evident in your own heads all you want. It's gonna come down to regime change because the enemy wants it to get to that level, or to a negotiated solution that keeps them in a favorable position in the chessboard. If Putin and company didn't game for that eventuality then boy do they have problems. I'm hopeful they've gamed for that.

    And if you buy the B.S that this is ONLY all about "demilitarizing Ukraine".... then you should draw the conclusion yourself that this is perhaps the biggest, most expensive demilitarization campaign ever, and quite frankly a failure if its scope is just limited to that.

    Then again if you buy that, you probably bought the lie that the Kremlin wasn't going to invade, and all the other propaganda coming out of the Kremlin for the past 8 years, disseminated by opinion leaders, press, and yes, your lovely geopolitical analyst who's extremely likely to be an asset, liar, and, thanks to the internet, also grifters.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Sujoy Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:36 am

    They Called Ukraine Home. But They Faced Violence and Racism When They Tried to Flee

    I would hope, the Indian returnees as well as other returnees of colour keep the lesson in heart. No matter the outward veneer of civilization, at critical times you will remain the Untermenschen for them, just by skin colour.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  lyle6 Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:04 am

    Sujoy wrote:
    They Called Ukraine Home. But They Faced Violence and Racism When They Tried to Flee

    I would hope, the Indian returnees as well as other returnees of colour keep the lesson in heart. No matter the outward veneer of civilization, at critical times you will remain the Untermenschen for them, just by skin colour.
    These people call Ukraine home back when its mostly safe and prosperous - well relative to the shitholes they came from.

    How quickly they change tunes when its all gone to shit - and even have the audacity to demand special treatment, when they refuse to do their part for their so-called "home".

    Sorry, these parasites get zero sympathy from me.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  jhelb Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:06 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:46 percent of the uranium used by the US’s 56 operational nuclear power plants is imported from Russia and its Kazakh and Uzbek allies, with 22 percent coming from Canada, 11 percent from Australia, and five percent from Namibia. The US purchased about 10.2 million kg of uranium from Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in 2020, according to data extrapolated from US Energy Information Administration figures
    Yankees don't need 10.2 million kg of uranium for civilian purpose. This is clearly meant to be used on nuclear weapons. Extremely dangerous situation.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Regular Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:06 am

    They were ok to live in Ukraine when Ukraine was shelling Donbas, but now they are fleeing. And we should feel sympathy for them?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:08 am

    Kiko wrote:
    If by stating that Russia isn't seeking regime change Maria meant that the objective is to reinstate Viktor Yanukóvich, who's the legitimate President of Ukraine and was violently overthrown by a coup, then you can strictly say that there's no regime change in view. Petro & Volodymir can't be called Presidents but instead might be called junta leaders.

    One has just to imagine the powerful position that Russia has right now and what the outcome will be once the Nazis are crushed and Yanukovich will be back as the head of Ukraine. Putin's speech will probably very powerful and set a tone that will NOT be ignored! Something like:
    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin wrote:
    "The US's and NATO's hegemonic hunger to expand towards our borders have been ongoing despite the assurance made in 1997 not to expand towards the east. As the head of Russia I have tried countless times over the past 18 years to diplomatically to dissuade the US and NATO's plans to expand towards our border but Russia's security concerns were ignored. American tactical nuclear missiles have been placed right in front of our borders and the West insistently told us they are for protection and not aimed against Russia. Then they proceeded to built ABM-Shields right around our borders to topple the mutual assured destruction, that was the only reason why no one has used a nuclear weapon against another state, besides the US of course.

    In 2014 the US has directly influenced in a sovereign countries elections. The EU baited the Ukrainians with false promises of a prosperous future that was never meant to give to them, but to create an unstable environment to steer up a color revolution, backed by foreign special forces and agitators, which resulted in the overthrow of the legal government by western puppets that installed an Anti-Russian government with fascists within the government and the Ukrainian military forces. This destabilization of the Ukraine has broad us 8 years of suffer by NATO and EU backed fascists and NATO itself. The aggression and impudence of NATO has awakened what better was left untouched!

    Today we sent the Ukraine back to 2014, with the head of the Ukrainian state Viktor Yanukovich. Russia's security concerns will no longer be ignored or we will send NATO back to 1997, where the agreement of no further expansion towards our borders was set!  

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    Post  Sujoy Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:15 am

    lyle6 wrote: These people call Ukraine home back when its mostly safe and prosperous - well relative to the shitholes they came from.

    How quickly they change tunes when its all gone to shit - and even have the audacity to demand special treatment, when they refuse to do their part for their so-called "home".

    Sorry, these parasites get zero sympathy from me.
    How exactly are foreign students parasites in Ukraine? They contribute billions of $$ to Ukraine's economy. Ukraine is not doing a favor by inviting them to their universities.

    Majority of students from Asia go back to their own country after graduation since jobs in Ukraine are few and far between. In fact hundreds of thousands of Ukranians themselves work in foreign countries.

    Re the "shithole" part a country filled with Nazis like Ukraine is no different. Even their benefactor the U.S describes them as one of the most corrupt country in the world, lower in ranking than even India & China.

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  nomadski Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:15 am

    Demilitarized ( and neutral )  Ukraine and denazification , necessitates the military take over and " occupation " of Ukraine , together with a major " nation building " effort by Russia . A two state solution , is the only feasible solution to the ethnic conflict . Leaving Ukraine in it's present state , is much worse than even the situation faced prior to the special operations . Russia has paid the price in sanctions already . Withdrawal now will deal a mortal blow to morale of Army and prove fatal to political leadership and prove an existential threat to Russia by Ukraine / NATO in the near future . The minimal demands by Russia of Ukraine of recognition of LDPR and Crimea and an undertaking to renounce WMD.......can not be made by paper agreement or guarantee . It is by itself wrong to make these minimal demands , knowing full well that these can not bring peace or stability .

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:18 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Regular Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:16 am

    It seems that Ukrainians are operating their Shershen ATGMs remotely, only exposing the launcher itself. I keep seeing videos of them controlling these ATGMs from bunkers. All the hype about Javelins and Nlaws, and I personally think Ukrainian-made ATGMs are even more dangerous.

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    Post  Sujoy Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:22 am

    Prince William said yesterday during a visit to the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in London "it's rather normal to see war and bloodshed in Africa and Asia but not Europe, it's very alien to see this in Europe."

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Yugo90 Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:40 am

    Regular wrote:They were ok to live in Ukraine when Ukraine was shelling Donbas, but now they are fleeing. And we should feel sympathy for them?
    100%. Nobody even mentioned suffering of people in Donbas. Now media is crying 24/7 about ukraine. That just shows what kind of media we have. They even stopped to write about covid. Its a real comedy.

    Werewolf, d_taddei2, magnumcromagnon, Big_Gazza, kvs, Odin of Ossetia, miketheterrible and Broski like this post


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    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:40 am

    nomadski wrote:

    Demilitarized ( and neutral )  Ukraine and denazification , necessitates the military take over and " occupation " of Ukraine , together with a major " nation building " effort by Russia . A two state solution , is the only feasible solution to the ethnic conflict . Leaving Ukraine in it's present state , is much worse than even the situation faced prior to the special operations . Russia has paid the price in sanctions already . Withdrawal now will deal a mortal blow to morale of Army and prove fatal to political leadership and prove an existential threat to Russia by Ukraine / NATO in the near future . The minimal demands by Russia of Ukraine of recognition of LDPR and Crimea and an undertaking to renounce WMD.......can not be made by paper agreement or guarantee . It is by itself wrong to make these minimal demands , knowing full well that these can not bring peace or stability .

    Sorry, but there is NO ETHNIC CONFLICT!!!! Do not make the mistake to divide us! Like it or not, the brainwashed Ukrainiains are still ours and whole of Ukraine and Belarus are Russian countries and should be re-integrated over time. Divide and conquer tactics should be crushed by Russia in the future before they can bear fruits like in Ukraine!

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:14 am

    Yugo90 wrote:
    Regular wrote:They were ok to live in Ukraine when Ukraine was shelling Donbas, but now they are fleeing. And we should feel sympathy for them?
    100%. Nobody even mentioned suffering of people in Donbas. Now media is crying 24/7 about ukraine. That just shows what kind of media we have. They even stopped to write about covid. Its a real comedy.

    Jimmy Dore also mentioned this. I believe Dr. Steve Turly (SP?) also did too. People are at least waking up to it.

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:16 am

    Sujoy wrote:Prince William said yesterday during a visit to the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in London "it's rather normal to see war and bloodshed in Africa and Asia but not Europe, it's very alien to see this in Europe."

    Are you surprised?

    The nation who had a history of atrocities against other ethnic groups, dont give a shit about other ethnic groups but only blond hair blue eyed?

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:23 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    Yugo90 wrote:
    Regular wrote:They were ok to live in Ukraine when Ukraine was shelling Donbas, but now they are fleeing. And we should feel sympathy for them?
    100%. Nobody even mentioned suffering of people in Donbas. Now media is crying 24/7 about ukraine. That just shows what kind of media we have. They even stopped to write about covid. Its a real comedy.

    Jimmy Dore also mentioned this.  I believe Dr. Steve Turly (SP?) also did too.  People are at least waking up to it.

    That is why they should seriously consider Putin as a candidate for the medical Noble Prize. He ended the covid in 24h. What a man, what a man!

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    Post  ATLASCUB Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:27 am

    That is indeed a title he does deserve. lol1

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:28 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    That is why they should seriously consider Putin as a candidate for the medical Noble Prize. He ended the covid in 24h. What a man, what a man!

    I get your joke and there is a Meme with Putin kneeling over a grave with a tomb with Covid.

    BTW, the Nobel Prize was invented by an anti-russian swedish guy and till this day it is the case that the nomination is carried out by a highly politicized group of people. Hell, the first Israeli President, Menachim Begin, got the PEACE Nobel Prize despite being a terrorist who blew up  Israelis, Muslims and european journalists in a hotel with a bomb and carried out ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from their home land.

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    Post  ALAMO Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:35 am

    Barrack Hussain Obama get his peace Noble "for encouragement". Needs no further comment I guess Laughing

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    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 Empty Re: Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:42 am

    meanwhile, at the Zaporozhye NPP that has been taken by Russia:

    Russian special military operation in Ukraine #5 - Page 24 A_day_10

    that red flag...i have seen it before...somewhere. lol1

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:42 am

    ALAMO wrote:Barrack Hussain Obama get his peace Noble "for encouragement". Needs no further comment I guess Laughing

    I would say the Melanin content in him was the reason for the "Peace Noble Prize".

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    Post  ALAMO Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:45 am

    That could be helpful indeed scratch Laughing

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