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Karl Haushofer
Mig-31BM2 Super Irbis-E
par far
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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:19 pm

    I mean they're on a freaking roll. What's next ???

    Russia can in the near future launch it's own R2P mission get a CSTO mission approval into Donetsk against genocide. I mean shit if Russia has to dsal with the bs of Lukashenko, Pashinyan, Aliyev, the tajiks and kyrgyz then what gives? They need to provide security for Genocide of donbass right!?

    With russia basically mediating in every conflict throughout the post soviet space, the sphere of influence is established de facto and de jure with these kind of deployments.

    Russia should not just help these countries to be parasites and leech from Russia. But Russia can get many benefits cooperating with them all, and advising the government to be sovereign and to sign beneficial deals which can benefit the populations of those countries to do some nice trade.

    Of course the weapons deals will be necessary to establish security, and a base to train the allies, but dam it sure feels good to be a gangsta

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:40 pm

    Ah here comes the Soros trademark event, the mobile phone flashlight shining. Aktau, Western Kazakhstan

    As seen in:

    Ukraine 2013/2014 Maidan
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Thousands-of-mobile-phone-flashlights-light-up-the-maidan-square-as-picture-id456735601?s=2048x2048

    Hong-Kong 2014 protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Hong-kong-occupy-central-umbrella-movement-night-time-lights-640x480

    Romania 2017 corruption law protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 170206-world-romania-protest-lights-0548

    Hungary 2017 protests against the closing down of the Soros-founded Central European University
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 ?m=02&d=20170409&t=2&i=1179992790&w=780&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=LYNXMPED380PJ

    Georgia 2018 pro-liberal values protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 0B74FA2A-61E4-4FD0-9BB2-18C9208FE747_w1597_n_st

    Czech Republic 2018 anti-President protests after he said something good about Russia and bad about the 'free media'
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Czech-republic-prague-protest

    Slovakia 2018 journalism protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Rts1nz89

    Armenia 2018 revolution
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws

    Lebanon 2019 anti-gov protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Lebpro10

    Hong-Kong 2019 protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Slideshow_RTS2JQRR

    Portland 2020 BLM & anti-Trump protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Portland-black-lives-matter-protest-demonstrators-raise-cell-phones-scaled-e1604673982278

    Thailand 2020 'Free Youth' student protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 55391324_303

    Belarus 2020 regime overthrow attempt
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 C39b90d854864859b3269fd1b2a5fbc4

    Russia 2021 pro-Navalny protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 39283074-9258785-image-a-22_1613328899839

    Poland 2021 pro-EU anti-gov protests over ruling of supremacy of national courts over EU ones
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 G5QWLXFPYJNL3MA7O7OUORH2Y4

    Pakistan 2021 Tehreek-e-Labbaik radical Islamists protest (well I guess it's better than blowing people up)
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 315192_3_85350c546486539386f8d7bc3ef0c6f1de46a7a3_medium

    And I'm sure many other color revolutions, CIA-sponsored protests and culturally colonized neo-liberal events besides.

    dino00, magnumcromagnon, Airbornewolf, par far, kvs, miketheterrible, LMFS and like this post


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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:49 pm

    Arkanghelsk wrote:I mean they're on a freaking roll. What's next ???

    Russia can in the near future launch it's own R2P mission get a CSTO mission approval into Donetsk against genocide. I mean shit if Russia has to dsal with the bs of Lukashenko, Pashinyan, Aliyev, the tajiks and kyrgyz then what gives? They need to provide security for Genocide of donbass right!?

    With russia basically mediating in every conflict throughout the post soviet space, the sphere of influence is established de facto and de jure with these kind of deployments.

    Russia should not just help these countries to be parasites and leech from Russia. But Russia can get many benefits cooperating with them all, and advising the government to be sovereign and to sign beneficial deals which can benefit the populations of those countries to do some nice trade.

    Of course the weapons deals will be necessary to establish security, and a base to train the allies, but dam it sure feels good to be a gangsta

    Russia can get free go at Novorossiya (ex-Donbass) if it wants. No problem. And that is small. But there must be some reason they are not. And that reason is known by people better informed than us.

    I hope no one gets me wrong (and I might be unintentionally rude or more accurately 'straight-forward' at some points) but in my opinion we are witnessing the first time since "a very long time" when Russia is actually dictating the rules on the geopolitical chessboard.

    Historically, Russia knows the burden of empire-building and there's no need for that at the moment.

    Only knowing that CSTO is involved, we can say for 100% certainty it will turn out good for Russia. I was (out of old habit) initially worried they might saw this one out.

    Personally I would like to see some moves in Latin-America next. That is where it hurts the USA. Fulfil the hopes of the local people and station some bombers there permanently. Venezuela has begged for this many times. It would be a PR-catastrophe for US-regime (even if it's only symbolic move in respect of any real strategic aspect).

    Last edited by Urluber on Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:51 pm

    Anyway I wouldn't toot any horns yet

    The danger is not yet over for Kazakhstan. The West of the country is pretty set in its anti-regime disposition and we don't know how the situation will develop

    However if the south is secured, then the west is isolated. It has the Caspian Sea but that depends on Azerbaijan's position on the matter, and I seriously doubt they will go against Tokayev if his position in Nur-Sultan looks secure. In practice, I think everyone who sponsored the attempted revolution in Kazakhstan will wash their hands of it if its localized just to the west of the country.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Krepost Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:56 pm

    Let no crisis go to waste.
    After stabilizing the situation and bringing normal life back, Russia should use these events to have full leverage over Kazakhstan and its leaders:
    - No more balanced or complimentary politics (no playing both Russia and NATO at the same time)
    - No flirting with NATO, Turkey or anybody else (from now on, all the sex will be done with the bear)
    - No dickering on Baikanour (you do as the bear wants)
    - No latin in Kazakh alphabet (Cyrillic is the word and the word is in Cyrillic)
    - Yes for backing the bear on all international matters (including Ukraine, Crimea, etc)
    - Yes for pushing deeper ties in the Eurasian Economic Union
    - Yes for ethnic Russians getting important positions in government, military, businesses etc.
    - Yes for Russian bases in Kazakhstan

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    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:59 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:...The last thing that Russia needs is another Ukraine on their border(this is aimed at Russia), this also involves China as well, there will be more than likely Russian support for Kazakhstan...

    Kazakhstan is in the middle of fucking nowhere, what are they gonna do? Ask for EU membership?

    Also, it's Chinese problem even more than Russian so they could get off their asses for a change[/quote]

    "Kazakhstan shares the biggest land border with Russia."

    par far wrote:...Also Kazakhstan is part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and ally of Russia...

    [/quote]Ally that has been trying to scam them for decades on every single issue

    Also they are not under military threat so CSTO has no business in this[/quote]

    "Now Russia has the opportunity to make this ally do what it wants"

    CSTO are sending the forces

    "Russia-led bloc approves peacekeeping deployment in Kazakhstan"

    par far wrote:...How is Kazakhstan disloyal? They joined Russian led bloc.

    [/quote]And are now trying to bail

    Protesters ARE Kazaks[/quote]

    Great opportunity to not let them bail, the Kazaks doing this are western agents, which will become a threat to Russia.

    [/quote]Also, there's barely any mention of this on CNN and other networks, looks like this is another case of local politicians being retards just like in Belarus

    Blood needs to flow here so things could become clearer in the long run, enough of the old neutrality bullshit (AKA waiting for Brussels to take over)  [/quote]


    "Does not matter if it is on CNN or not, this a western sponsored coup. A great chance to send the west a message, don't think of fucking with us, we will play with your blood."

    Urluber likes this post

    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:00 am

    flamming_python wrote:Ah here comes the Soros trademark event, the mobile phone flashlight shining. Aktau, Western Kazakhstan

    As seen in:

    Ukraine 2013/2014 Maidan
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Thousands-of-mobile-phone-flashlights-light-up-the-maidan-square-as-picture-id456735601?s=2048x2048

    Hong-Kong 2014 protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Hong-kong-occupy-central-umbrella-movement-night-time-lights-640x480

    Romania 2017 corruption law protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 170206-world-romania-protest-lights-0548

    Hungary 2017 protests against the closing down of the Soros-founded Central European University
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 ?m=02&d=20170409&t=2&i=1179992790&w=780&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&sq=&r=LYNXMPED380PJ

    Georgia 2018 pro-liberal values protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 0B74FA2A-61E4-4FD0-9BB2-18C9208FE747_w1597_n_st

    Czech Republic 2018 anti-President protests after he said something good about Russia and bad about the 'free media'
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Czech-republic-prague-protest

    Slovakia 2018 journalism protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Rts1nz89

    Armenia 2018 revolution
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brightspot.s3.amazonaws

    Lebanon 2019 anti-gov protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Lebpro10

    Hong-Kong 2019 protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Slideshow_RTS2JQRR

    Portland 2020 BLM & anti-Trump protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Portland-black-lives-matter-protest-demonstrators-raise-cell-phones-scaled-e1604673982278

    Thailand 2020 'Free Youth' student protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 55391324_303

    Belarus 2020 regime overthrow attempt
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 C39b90d854864859b3269fd1b2a5fbc4

    Russia 2021 pro-Navalny protests
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 39283074-9258785-image-a-22_1613328899839

    Poland 2021 pro-EU anti-gov protests over ruling of supremacy of national courts over EU ones
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 G5QWLXFPYJNL3MA7O7OUORH2Y4

    Pakistan 2021 Tehreek-e-Labbaik radical Islamists protest (well I guess it's better than blowing people up)
    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 315192_3_85350c546486539386f8d7bc3ef0c6f1de46a7a3_medium

    And I'm sure many other color revolutions, CIA-sponsored protests and culturally colonized neo-liberal events besides.

    This gives it away.

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    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:02 am

    par far wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:...The last thing that Russia needs is another Ukraine on their border(this is aimed at Russia), this also involves China as well, there will be more than likely Russian support for Kazakhstan...

    Kazakhstan is in the middle of fucking nowhere, what are they gonna do? Ask for EU membership?

    Also, it's Chinese problem even more than Russian so they could get off their asses for a change

    Kazakhstan shares the biggest land border with Russia

    par far wrote:...Also Kazakhstan is part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and ally of Russia...

    Ally that has been trying to scam them for decades on every single issue

    Also they are not under military threat so CSTO has no business in this

    [/quote]Now Russia has the opportunity to make this ally do what it wants

    CSTO are sending the forces

    "Russia-led bloc approves peacekeeping deployment in Kazakhstan"[/quote]

    par far wrote:...How is Kazakhstan disloyal? They joined Russian led bloc.

    And are now trying to bail

    Protesters ARE Kazaks

    [/quote]Great opportunity to not let them bail, the Kazaks doing this are western agents, which will become a threat to Russia[/quote]

    Also, there's barely any mention of this on CNN and other networks, looks like this is another case of local politicians being retards just like in Belarus

    Blood needs to flow here so things could become clearer in the long run, enough of the old neutrality bullshit (AKA waiting for Brussels to take over)  

    [/quote]Does not matter if it is on CNN or not, this a western sponsored coup. A great chance to send the west a message, don't think of fucking with us, we will play with your blood[/quote]

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  VARGR198 Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:06 am

    URGENT: Rioters or “foreign sponsored terrorists” as announced by the president of Kazakhstan — have made their way into the arsenal of the National Security Committee and acquired heavy weaponry such as mortars.

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    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:06 am

    [quote="par far"][quote="par far"][quote="PapaDragon"]
    par far wrote:...The last thing that Russia needs is another Ukraine on their border(this is aimed at Russia), this also involves China as well, there will be more than likely Russian support for Kazakhstan...

    Kazakhstan is in the middle of fucking nowhere, what are they gonna do? Ask for EU membership?

    Also, it's Chinese problem even more than Russian so they could get off their asses for a change

    Kazakhstan shares the biggest land border with Russia wrote:

    par far wrote:...Also Kazakhstan is part of the Collective Security Treaty Organization and ally of Russia...

    Ally that has been trying to scam them for decades on every single issue

    Also they are not under military threat so CSTO has no business in this

    Now Russia has the opportunity to make this ally do what it wants wrote:

    CSTO are sending the forces "Russia-led bloc approves peacekeeping deployment in Kazakhstan" wrote:CSTO are sending the forces

    "Russia-led bloc approves peacekeeping deployment in Kazakhstan"

    par far wrote:...How is Kazakhstan disloyal? They joined Russian led bloc.

    And are now trying to bail

    Protesters ARE Kazaks

    Great opportunity to not let them bail, the Kazaks doing this are western agents, which will become a threat to Russia wrote:

    Also, there's barely any mention of this on CNN and other networks, looks like this is another case of local politicians being retards just like in Belarus

    Blood needs to flow here so things could become clearer in the long run, enough of the old neutrality bullshit (AKA waiting for Brussels to take over)  

    Does not matter if it is on CNN or not, this a western sponsored coup. A great chance to send the west a message, don't think of fucking with us, we will play with your blood wrote:
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:07 am

    VARGR198 wrote:URGENT: Rioters or “foreign sponsored terrorists” as announced by the president of Kazakhstan — have made their way into the arsenal of the National Security Committee and acquired heavy weaponry such as mortars.

    They will all die, catch some cocksuckers alive.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:25 am

    They need to get a multinational brigade assembled ASAP. Belarus, Armenia, Tajiks, Kyrgyz need to get in this

    Russia should not to the lifting alone.

    Get a brigade in there, and secure the airport.

    activate 15th peacekeeping brigade also and get em in there if needed. Bolster the kazakh response

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Thu Jan 06, 2022 12:41 am

    VARGR198 wrote:URGENT: Rioters or “foreign sponsored terrorists” as announced by the president of Kazakhstan — have made their way into the arsenal of the National Security Committee and acquired heavy weaponry such as mortars.[/url]

    What a joke of a country allows this Shocked
    A bunch of protesters (even if backed by CIA) gaining access to national armory depot. I'm speechless. But as Flamming Python said earlier, the power structure must be seriously compromised.

    And I also agree, no need to celebrate yet even if Russia has given green light to peace keeping mission. Underestimating your enemy is one of key reasons why Americans are now packing their bones from Middle east.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:16 am

    Several arms depots (minor ones for police/security units, not full blown military bases AFAIK) have been compromised. It's quite likely there will be some fighting in Almaty.
    The main fighting will be in the west of the country though, and they'll have some time yet to prepare for it. They'll fight as they have nowhere to run and know that they're dead if the Kazakh security forces capture them.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  bitcointrader70 Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:35 am

    Why is Russian intelligence so bad they keep allowing this to happen?

    Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan. Even at home in 2011/2012.

    Pretty embarrassing honestly

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Backman Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:40 am

    Are the CSTO special services asleep or what ? How does a shock army of terrorists come together in plain sight and do this much damage ?

    Also. Putin should cut off his talks with the US. This is how they preempt the talks ? It's a total insult. Call off the talks

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  bitcointrader70 Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:43 am

    Backman wrote:Are the CSTO special services asleep or what ? How does a shock army of terrorists come together in plain sight and do this much damage ?

    Also. Putin should cut off his talks with the US. This is how they preempt the talks ? It's a total insult. Call off the talks  
    That’s how it works in 3rd world countries man. No one gives a shit about anything. Russia was like that for a while in the 90s and early 2000s a bunch of bandits just came together whenever. Just look at Beslan. The terrorists just drove up to the school with full auto weapons and no one cared or did anything

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  lancelot Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:44 am

    I think the response Russia made to the Ukrainian riots clearly shows they were ready for it.
    Why do you think Russia needs to police these former Soviet republics? They wanted to be independent didn't they.
    Russia will only act if there is a threat to their interests. This is smart and conserves resources.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  bitcointrader70 Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:50 am

    lancelot wrote:I think the response Russia made to the Ukrainian riots clearly shows they were ready for it.
    Why do you think Russia needs to police these former Soviet republics? They wanted to be independent didn't they.
    Russia will only act if there is a threat to their interests. This is smart and conserves resources.
    I guess they would want to do that so their neighbours don’t turn into enemies and become a staging point for further economic and terrorists warfare against themselves?

    Kazakhstan has a huge border with Russia. Same with Belarus same with Ukraine.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:55 am

    bitcointrader70 wrote:Why is Russian intelligence so bad they keep allowing this to happen?

    Ukraine Belarus Kazakhstan. Even at home in 2011/2012.

    Pretty embarrassing honestly

    Not really.

    See USA in 2021. Actual temporary de-facto take over of Capitol by mobs.
    Nothing like that has ever happened in Russia.

    USA spent allegedly over 1 trillion dollars in Afghanistan. Now Russia and China are the only ones allowed to stay. Russia extends control over Iraq oil fields which US has been fighting over for a decade (and loosing).

    USA has failed to orchestrate regime change even in their backyard repeatedly: Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaraqua. Very bad to fail that close to home.

    On bases of return of investment (ROI) Russia is dominant player in this year-thousand (2000s). Unparalleled. Uncontested. Dominant.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Arkanghelsk Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:02 am

    Looks like Belarus and Russian VDV are assembling at Chakolvsky airbase and moving to support Kazakhstan

    The 76th paratrooper division, 45th special guard recon group, elements of the 24th special forces brigade of CMD, and an air grouping is being formed at chkalovsky and kubinka.

    Il76, an124 and others being prepared.

    Twitter reports that tajik special forces also moving to Kazakh capital.

    Also apparently kiev might have been the base of operation for CIA and MI6 to stage this.

    This has huge implications for CSTO actions on Ukrainian territory.

    Also should Putin still even meet Biden now that this happened ? I mean after the investigation it will be revealed where this came from.

    Jan 12 is not a good idea, assemble the CSTO and clear donetsk of terror groups

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Urluber Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:17 am

    Backman wrote:Are the CSTO special services asleep or what ? How does a shock army of terrorists come together in plain sight and do this much damage ?

    Also. Putin should cut off his talks with the US. This is how they preempt the talks ? It's a total insult. Call off the talks  

    If you think about it, Russia will go to the talks from position of power. Actually.

    Putting off this Kazakhstan incident will show US is at the moment not able to extent any power on the area of the former USSR, par the Baltic state(lets).
    I mean, USA has now failed in Byelorus, and (hopefully) Kazakhstan. And that is supplemented by the fact that Russia repelled the regime change operation in Venezuela and Syria (where they actually drove off the US forces and took over their bases). Venezuela especially was very important for US. You remember they already had some random guy named as a president there. No one has heard of that guy ever since. And US made the mistake in front of the world to assign him as president of Venezuela.
    They almost made the same mistake in Byelorus but aborted at last moment when they noticed it's not working.

    It is definitely not a bad moment for such negotiations. Given that this incident in Kazakhstan is quickly put off.

    This puts the Byelorus, Kazakhstan, Grucia, Syria in shame for allowing such terrorist action to take place in their countries but it definitely shows Russia has the best capability in the world to project power at this time. They have single-handedly put off all this operations, and doing it relatively easily. We have not seen commitments like what US has been forced to tie itself to.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:33 am

    This regime change attempt is clearly timed to sabotage Russia at the Putin-Biden talks.  It serves to create a diversionary crisis
    even if it is a fail for the US in terms of actual regime change.  

    Russia gets routinely accused of spreading instability but no actual example is ever provided.   All of the colour coups are pure
    generation of strife and instability.   But these are "good works" according to the NATzO west.  People "yearn to breathe free" under
    the heel of NATzO installed stooges.   Like in Banderastan formerly known as Ukraine.  

    As long as Russia prevents proper regime change in Kazakhstan, then it is succeeding.  All that NATzO has is propaganda spew.
    That cow can't be milked in infinite amounts.

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  Backman Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:36 am

    What is the best twitter/telegram acct to follow for updates ?
    par far

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    2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest - Page 4 Empty Re: 2022 Kazakhstan violent unrest

    Post  par far Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:35 am

    kvs wrote:This regime change attempt is clearly timed to sabotage Russia at the Putin-Biden talks.  It serves to create a diversionary crisis
    even if it is a fail for the US in terms of actual regime change.  

    Russia gets routinely accused of spreading instability but no actual example is ever provided.   All of the colour coups are pure
    generation of strife and instability.   But these are "good works" according to the NATzO west.  People "yearn to breathe free" under
    the heel of NATzO installed stooges.   Like in Banderastan formerly known as Ukraine.  

    As long as Russia prevents proper regime change in Kazakhstan, then it is succeeding.  All that NATzO has is propaganda spew.
    That cow can't be milked in infinite amounts.

    This is basically it.

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