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Cowboy's daughter
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    Unrest in South Africa

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:41 pm

    I couldn't find a thread.

    South Africa in chaos: Shopkeepers fire on mob to protect their stores and ten people are killed in mall looting stampede as death toll in riots sparked by President Zuma's jailing passes 40

    Shop owners fired on looters to protect their shops as South Africa enters the fifth day of rioting and looting

    A video clip shared on Monday showed people firing on crowds of rioters in a bid to protect their businesses

    Elsewhere, ten people were killed during a stampede on a Soweto shopping mall on Monday, officials said

    Demonstrations broke out Friday after ex-president Jacob Zuma was taken to prison to start a 15-month term

    The army has been called in to help stem the unrest amid fears the violence could dramatically escalate, but their presence seemed to be having little effect on Tuesday as fearful citizens were forced to take the law into their own hands amid warnings food supplies could soon run out if the looting doesn't stop.

    Prime Minister Cyril Ramaphosa, who Zuma and his supporters have accused of carrying out a witch-hunt against him with the corruption probe, appealed for calm as mobs ransacked shopping malls on Monday night - saying the current unrest is the worst the country has seen since the overthrow of white minority rule in the 1990s.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:21 pm

    Aren't these pro-democracy demonstrations?

    I mean, discontent of some mob is proof of the just nature of their "cause". Thousands on the street are worth millions
    at the ballot box after all. If we are to apply the same standards, that is.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:50 pm

    kvs wrote:Aren't these pro-democracy demonstrations?

    I mean, discontent of some mob is proof of the just nature of their "cause".    Thousands on the street are worth millions
    at the ballot box after all.   If we are to apply the same standards, that is.

    No, they are protesting and looting because President Zuma was sentenced to jail, and also they are just looting.

    Jacob Zuma, Former South African President, Is Arrested
    The Constitutional Court had found him guilty of contempt for failing to appear before a commission investigating corruption accusations that tainted a president once best known for fighting apartheid.

    here are comments from the daily mail post:


    South Africa is burning, and it's EVERYWHERE, not just isolated pockets, the WHOLE of Durban and outer areas has been ransacked and cleared out. People are running out of food, the shops can't open, there's no access the medicines. The motorways are blocked with burning trucks. It's an absolute war zone, and the government are dragging their feet while the country burns. It's horrifying to watch

    It's a nightmare. I'm a Brit living in KZN # SA the midst of an unfolding tragedy

    My friend who is SA lives in England and said that the situation was awful, her mum and sister cannot go out, there will be fuel and food shortages as it runs out, she is so worried.

    Praying for my country. Praying for those who can't access medication as pharmacy's have been looted, Praying for those without food and shelter, Praying for those who are terrified. A friend of mine is locked in her house with 2 small children, terrified, she says it sounds like a war outside with screaming and guns going off.

    Make yourself aware of what SA farmers are going through trying to keep themselves safe at night, now business and shop owners are losing everything so whats left? Jacob Zuma his family and friends stole from the those very people say they are looting and protesting in his name. Crime rules in SA. I was born in SA and my family still live there all I can do is pray for their safety.

    My South African friend messaged me this morning to say how desperate things are over there at the moment. With Covid, the looting and taxi wars, they are in a real mess. Very sad times.

    Pray for us in South Africa, we are in a state of anarchy.

    Thinking of you and praying , my relatives are in Natal . So scary for you and all . Stay safe ClinLin.

    Praying! It could easily happen in any country these days. This world needs a lot of love and repentance

    Luca16, Durban, South Africa, 2 hours ago

    We need help! We are trapped in our towns, they have blocked the roads. The shops are closed or looted. We are patrolling the streets ourselves as the police can't cope. And our government is doing nothing! We need the international community to create pressure on the government to save us! We've got no food, fuel or protection and are locked in our homes. Please help us!
    Both the ruinous 9 years under Jacob Zuma and 27 years of ANC misrule have brought us to this point. Our police and military are so poorly trained and badly armed, that they cannot protect their own population. I am not sure, what we pay taxes for, we get absolutely nothing in return, from this pathetic excuse of a government. Yesterday they tried to set fire to a large hospital, what kind of people do such a thing?
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:57 pm

    The world is in chaos. Better stock up!

    Dennis Gibson
    Today in #durban #SouthAfricaIsBurning #SouthAfrica #chaos #durbanriots. Businesses are being #looted and #burnt. Prayers for our #southafrican families and friends. Please share and raise #international awareness of this #criticalsituation

    Thatohatsi Legodi
    A factory that feeds a family and employed people.
    #Indians #SAShutdown #durbanriots

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:30 pm

    More comments:

    Ian Cameron
    · 4h
    As received-
    Allegedly looting containers at Durban harbour? #ShutdownSA

    Madeline Lass
    13 July 2021 at 16:09
    I have been receiving concerned calls from all over, including Australia and the UK; and I have been watching videos about the looting and reading some commentaries, especially the DM. And it seems to me that there is a kind of voyeurism involved in watching the looting for some. For white people there is a manufactured fear of “they are coming for our stuff”. And there is outrage, anger. White men are talking about getting their guns and going out to defend the country.

    It is so ironical that what is being stolen and destroyed now is a fraction of what the ANC has stolen from the country, particularly the poor. Yet, (to quote Bob Dylan) “Now all the criminals in their coats and their ties are free to drink martinis and watch the sun rise” — and drive their big fancy cars to their girlfriends’ houses. Many people were outraged at what Zuma and his friends were doing but no white men wanted to get their guns and defend the country. Nobody cared, because Zuma et al were stealing mainly from the downtrodden, from the poor who suffer in silence and will always vote for Mandela’s party.

    The current looting is taking place in mainly so-called black and poor areas. Some businesses in the more affluent areas have closed their doors but few have been looted. The reason is simple — poor, hungry people are going to steal close to their homes. How would they get all the loot home if they went to Hyde Park? (Of course, there have been the few (hilarious) incidents where people with cars joined in the looting.)

    Some commentators say it started with Zuma’s jailing. Perhaps not. Cyril Ramaphosa is a huge thorn in the forever-looting ANC’s side. They want his goody-two-shoes gone. First prize would be to get Zuma back in power, but any one of the clever thieves will do. How to get rid of Ramaphosa?

    1. Take a page out of Trump’s book. Lie and say that Zuma has done nothing wrong and that he is a hero. Over and over.
    2. Then create alliances with other disgruntled parties: local truck drivers who are on the warpath about foreigners taking their jobs (that old chestnut); taxi organisations (the most violent grouping in SA); young people with no prospect of ever having a job or a home; Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans Association; poor people who literally have no food to eat (remember the ANC stealing food parcels at the beginning of lockdown?); criminals who are in it for a free ride; arsonists who were beaten for wetting their beds as kids; and anyone who wants stuff.
    3. Tell them that they need to protest their great white hope’s incarceration.
    4. Then tap the first domino to set off the whole operation: taxi bosses and truck drivers block the trade highways from Durban harbour inland; restrict petrol distribution; stoke looters and arsonists’ hunger and desperation; continue to complain about Zuma’s unfair treatment; let the poorest of the poor loot and take the blame; topple the President; and hooray, the real looting can resume.
    5. As a bonus, the army and police are marginalised further.
    6. If the white men come with their guns, a civil war will provide even more opportunities to profiteer and the people will go to war with sticks and stones.
    7. When the time comes, Dubai will always be waiting.

    Michael Forsyth
    13 July 2021 at 17:01
    “The current looting is taking place in mainly so-called black and poor areas. Some businesses in the more affluent areas have closed their doors but few have been looted.” I don’t think so. Davenport Mall in Durban, wealthy area, Mall at Hillcrest, wealthy area. There may well be looting on a large scale in the townships but heck malls in wealthier areas have been totally destroyed.

    Jane Crankshaw
    13 July 2021 at 18:04
    All the police and the army must be in Joburg because they’re not here in KZN. Community policing is the only defense we have from looters and criminals in my area – for which I’m very grateful.
    It doesn’t make sense that 72000 members of the army were deployed to oversee the early pandemic rulings were obeyed and you were arrested after curfew if found outside your front door… whilst only 2500 have been deployed for the current violent situation. What the hell is going on???
    Not sure if I am happy to pay my rates and taxes next time around – don’t seem to be getting any value!

    Leanne Manas
    Live visuals from Queen Nandi drive in KZN. Looters streaming over the bridge into Umgeni Rd where all the huge warehouses are.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:55 pm

    South Africa's president says looting and rioting could cause medicine, food shortages
    10,550 viewsJul 13, 2021

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    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:49 pm

    More than 70 killed in South Africa protests after former leader Jacob Zuma is jailed
    By David McKenzie, Pierre Bairin and Samantha Beech, CNN

    Updated 4:16 PM ET, Tue July 13, 2021
    “We don’t need this – to see people’s shops and businesses being gutted,” he told Al Jazeera.

    “Yes, people are hungry today, but tomorrow there’ll be more unemployment, more pain, more suffering in a nation that is trying to recover and rebuild itself.”

    4 hours ago (17:50 GMT)
    Situation now ‘calmer’ – correspondent
    Al Jazeera’s correspondent Fahmida Miller reporting from Johannesburg said the situation in the city was “certainly calmer”.

    “It is calm, I think we have military police and soldiers deployed here now, they weren’t here earlier in the day,” Miller said.

    “But I also think there possibly isn’t anything left in the stores to loot,” she added.
    Wide extent of uprising ‘unexpected’: analyst
    Tim Murithi of The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation says that while the protests following Zuma’s arrest was expected, the large scale of the uprising was “unexpected”.

    “I think what was unexpected was the broad scope, and the wide extent which we’ve seen the uprisings in a number of different cities and towns across at least two provinces,” he told Al Jazeera from Cape Town via Skype.

    “The key point is this really reveals the multi-layered nature of the crisis … social, economic disparities, social exclusion that goes back to the apartheid legacy in South Africa, combined with years of misrule, paradoxically, by Mr Jacob Zuma between 2009 and 2018.”

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Gomig-21 Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:37 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:South Africa's president says looting and rioting could cause medicine, food shortages
    10,550 viewsJul 13, 2021

    It's so similar to the craziness we saw here in the US post George Floyd murder by the cop(s) and the super nutty behavior of the fringe albeit large portion of the BLM movement that took to the streets and looted and burned and stole anything they could get their hands on in Cally and several other states.  But this is on a whole other level that we haven't seen before.

    I'm positive that what happened here was a catalyst in influencing this looting behavior we're seeing in SA.  And the reasoning of taking the jailing term of what, 40 months or something like that of the ex-president is ridiculous, at best!  Their intentions were clearly much more influenced by their frustrations of not having what they want and most likely the long-term effects of Covid coupled with a need to just lash out without caring for the consequences.

    Problem is, the looting and destruction we're seeing here is way beyond your average, fringe temper-tantrum outlashing and destruction.  This is almost on the brink of collapse in certain villages and towns.  The number of malls, streets, plazas, businesses and shopping centers and who know what else that are being destroyed, looted to the bare minimum with streets just filled with leftover loot and garbage and no ability to bring in some semblance of order is really bad.

    Most countries by now would've sent in the army to immediately put an end to this.  Seems like the SA government either doesn't have an army to do this or is reluctant to do it for some strange reason.  They need to put a solid beating on all the criminals and take control of this situation before the country collapses.

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    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Jul 14, 2021 5:05 am

    Gomig-21 wrote:
    Cowboy's daughter wrote:South Africa's president says looting and rioting could cause medicine, food shortages
    10,550 viewsJul 13, 2021

    It's so similar to the craziness we saw here in the US post George Floyd murder by the cop(s) and the super nutty behavior of the fringe albeit large portion of the BLM movement that took to the streets and looted and burned and stole anything they could get their hands on in Cally and several other states.  But this is on a whole other level that we haven't seen before.

    I'm positive that what happened here was a catalyst in influencing this looting behavior we're seeing in SA.  And the reasoning of taking the jailing term of what, 40 months or something like that of the ex-president is ridiculous, at best!  Their intentions were clearly much more influenced by their frustrations of not having what they want and most likely the long-term effects of Covid coupled with a need to just lash out without caring for the consequences.

    Problem is, the looting and destruction we're seeing here is way beyond your average, fringe temper-tantrum outlashing and destruction.  This is almost on the brink of collapse in certain villages and towns.  The number of malls, streets, plazas, businesses and shopping centers and who know what else that are being destroyed, looted to the bare minimum with streets just filled with leftover loot and garbage and no ability to bring in some semblance of order is really bad.

    Most countries by now would've sent in the army to immediately put an end to this.  Seems like the SA government either doesn't have an army to do this or is reluctant to do it for some strange reason.  They need to put a solid beating on all the criminals and take control of this situation before the country collapses.

    I think your post is a really good post.

    From what I read, the current Prime Minister, President of the African National Congress, although wealthy, is no slouch, and white minority rule ended in the 1990's, so this is not what it's about. From what I've read
    Zuma stole millions, while he was President, from the very persons who are looting, while doing nothing to lift them out of poverty. and better their lives, and I have never read that looting caused a Country's currency to devalue, but that is what is happening in South Africa!

    From what I've read, the army may be poorly trained and incompetent, and members of the Armed forces also looting. but I really don't know how trained they are, or how competent they are, and may just be a few bad apples looting (in the ranks of the armed forces).

    I also read that some of the thieves in South Africa would like to see Ramaphosa out of power.

    "Prime Minister Cyril Ramaphosa, who Zuma and his supporters have accused of carrying out a witch-hunt against him with the corruption probe, appealed for calm as mobs ransacked shopping malls on Monday night - saying the current unrest is the worst the country has seen since the overthrow of white minority rule in the 1990s."

    Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa (born 17 November 1952) is a South African politician serving as President of South Africa since 2018 and President of the African National Congress (ANC) since 2017. Previously an anti-apartheid activist, trade union leader and businessman, Ramaphosa served as Secretary General to President Nelson Mandela, Deputy President to President Jacob Zuma, and Chairman of the National Planning Commission[2] from 2014 to 2018.

    He has been called a skillful negotiator[3] and strategist[4] who acted as the ANC's Chief Negotiator during South Africa's transition to democracy.[5] Ramaphosa built up the biggest and most powerful trade union in the country, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM).[6] He played a crucial role, with Roelf Meyer of the National Party, during the negotiations to bring about a peaceful end to apartheid and steer the country towards its first fully democratic elections in April 1994.[7] Ramaphosa was Nelson Mandela's choice for future president.[8] Ramaphosa is well known as a businessman, and his estimated net worth is over R6.4 billion ($450 million) as of 2018,[9] with 31 properties[10] and previously-held notable ownership in companies such as McDonald's South Africa, chair of the board for MTN and member of the board for Lonmin.

    Ramaphosa served as the Deputy President of South Africa from 2014 to 2018. He was later elected President of the African National Congress (ANC) at the ANC National Conference in December 2017. Ramaphosa is the former Chairman of the National Planning Commission,[2] which is responsible for strategic planning for the future of the country, with the goal of rallying South Africa "around a common set of objectives and priorities to drive development over the longer term".[11] He became President of South Africa without a general election, after Jacob Zuma resigned. Ramaphosa was elected president by the National Assembly to his first full term on May 22 following the ANC's victory in the 2019 South African general election. In 2020, Ramaphosa began serving as Chairperson of the African Union.[1]

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  TMA1 Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:02 am

    A travesty. So much has gone wrong. Unmitigated greed and racism and completely clueless do gooderism and a million other more complex issues wrapped in this mess. God keep the innocent. Any of those asinine progressives mocking "thoughts and prayers" can go fu** themselves.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:03 pm

    Reading this morning, I'm not sure what's happening in South Africa will end any time soon, although the stores may have nothing left to loot.

    I'd say some of the things the world faces today is food insecurity, violence, instability, crime-unpunished, lawlessness, & I don't think it will be confined to South Africa.

    If one persons sneezes, others in the room catch a cold.

    I guess it isn't Christian, but maybe it is. if I was a young person today, I'd arm up, stock up, if I had a place, I'd build a fence around it, with a gate. In a very rural area.

    God did tell Joseph in Egypt that there was going to be a famine and he did put grain in store, to have when the famine arrived!

    At the end of the day, it's God who keeps us safe, but i don't think it's wrong to be prepared!

    Hopewell Chin’ono Today@daddyhope·
    Destruction of an economy doesn’t need any brains as we have seen in Zimbabwe with ZANUPF looters!

    It is the fixing that will take years, and those complaining about lack of jobs have just created more unemployment inside one week.

    This was not a revolution, this was madness!

    South African crowds rampage, hospital operations disrupted
    JOHANNESBURG, July 14 (Reuters) - Crowds looted shops and offices in South Africa on Wednesday, defying government calls to end a week of violence that has killed more than 70 people and wrecked hundreds of businesses.
    The unrest, the worst in South Africa for years, also disrupted hospitals struggling to cope with a third wave of COVID-19 and forced the closure of a refinery.
    Protests triggered by the jailing of ex-president Jacob Zuma for failing to appear at a corruption inquiry last week have widened into looting and an outpouring of general anger over the hardship and inequality that persist 27 years after the end of apartheid.
    Shopping malls and warehouses have been ransacked or set ablaze in several cities, mostly in Zuma's home in KwaZulu-Natal province, and the financial and economic center Johannesburg and surrounding Gauteng province. read more .

    Overnight it spread to two other provinces - Mpumalanga, just east of Gauteng, and Northern Cape, police said.
    A Reuters photographer saw several shops being looted in the town of Hammersdale, Kwazulu-Natal, on Wednesday. Local TV stations meanwhile showed more looting of shops in South Africa's largest township Soweto, and in the Indian Ocean port city of Durban.
    Soldiers have been sent onto the streets to help outnumbered police contain the unrest and order was being restored in some places on Wednesday, such as the northern Johannesburg township of Alexandra, local TV reported.
    The National Hospital Network (NHN), representing 241 public hospitals already under strain from Africa's worst COVID-19 epidemic, said it was running out of oxygen and drugs, most of which are imported through Durban, as well as food.


    South Africa's largest refinery SAPREF in Durban has been temporarily shut down, an industry official said on Wednesday.

    The rand hovered around three-month lows in early trade on Wednesday, a retreat for what had been one of the best performing emerging market currencies during the pandemic. Government bonds were slightly weaker.

    The mayor of Ethekwini, the municipality that includes Durban, estimated that 15 billion rand ($1.09 billion) had been lost in damage to property and another billion in loss of stock.

    Some 40,000 businesses had been hit by the unrest, he said.

    "A large portion of these may never recover," he told reporters on Wednesday, which put almost 130,000 jobs at risk.

    Fears of food and fuel shortages as unrest rocks South Africa
    More than 70 people killed and 1,000 arrested over five days as authorities fail to stop spiralling violence and looting.
    Many of the deaths in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal provinces occurred in chaotic stampedes as thousands of people stole food, electric appliances, liquor and clothing from stores, police said.

    The deployment of 2,500 soldiers to support the overwhelmed South African police has so far failed to stop the rampant looting.

    Here are the latest updates:

    45 mins ago (10:33 GMT)
    South African ports, key rail line disrupted
    Major South African ports Durban and Richards Bay and a rail line connecting Durban with the Gauteng province where Johannesburg is located have been disrupted, according to state logistics group Transnet.

    Transnet said in a statement that force majeure had been declared on the NATCOR rail line. It added that it was deploying all available resources to avert commercial fuel operations being affected, after being served with a force majeure notice by the SAPREF refinery.
    Fears grow over food shortages
    As violence continues, looting has hit supply chains and transport links in the Johannesburg region and the southeastern province of KwaZulu-Natal, sending a shockwave to the delivery of goods and services around the country.

    Outside a branch of a popular supermarket in northern Durban’s Eastman region, around 400 people started lining up to buy food, hours before the shop was due to open.

    “With [this looting], it’s an inflection point… this has now seriously compromised our energy security and food security,” Bonang Mohale, chancellor of the University of the Free State and a professor of business and economics studies, told AFP
    Christo van der Rheede, executive director of the largest farmers’ organisation, AgriSA, said producers were struggling to get their crops to market because the logistical network was in a “shambles”.

    “We need the restoration of law and order as soon as possible, because we are going to have a massive humanitarian crisis,” van der Rheede told the news agency.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:17 pm

    South Africa has been a shit hole since Mandela. Johannesburg is literally a massive garbage dump on the roads for years. Buildings gutted and elevator shafts used as bathrooms.

    I'm not surprised by any of this. Goons from one party or another stirring shit and people in the middle loot for their benefits. Anyone trying to earn a living is on their own. If you are white or of Indian ancestry, you are fucked.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Mir Wed Jul 14, 2021 2:26 pm

    Our ex-president has been sentenced to jail for a couple of months for contempt of court. He will still have to face much more serious corruption charges in future.

    The real story behind the looting and destruction has in fact little to do with him being jailed, though members of his family are fueling it atm.

    The following pretty much sums it up:

    "This anarchy, then, was never about Zuma, even if his imprisonment was the convenient catalyst. The looting, riots and even the xenophobic and tribal hue with which they are tinged, are rooted in joblessness, desperation and hopelessness."

    The country was actually looted and robbed by the man himself (and his friends) to such an extend that the State itself and all State owned companies are dysfunctional. In other words we have become a failed State.
    We have a unemployment rate of 40% (in reality it's a lot higher). During the first 6 months of the pandemic the State gave a paltry monthly allowance ($25)to the unemployed.
    We are now in the middle of our winter and we have yet another heavy lock down. No such "benefits" for the unemployed - despite our Government "for the people".
    We are a country with one of the highest violent crime rates in the World, and it is likely to increase dramatically if this is not turned around quickly, but current reports indicate that the Police and the Army are for the most part not seen anywhere.

    The shops are just about empty and in the more affluent areas people are arming themselves for what may follow.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Mir Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:00 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:South Africa has been a shit hole since Mandela.  Johannesburg is literally a massive garbage dump on the roads for years. Buildings gutted and elevator shafts used as bathrooms.

    I'm not surprised by any of this. Goons from one party or another stirring shit and people in the middle loot for their benefits. Anyone trying to earn a living is on their own. If you are white or of Indian ancestry, you are fucked.

    The vast majority of people in SA really loved Mandela and during that time the economy was doing rather well. Mandela was followed by Mbeki. He wasn't too bad either BUT he thought best to have Zuma as his deputy. It was all downhill from there. Johannesburg (Hillbrow in particular) was our playground - now as yous say - it is basically a ghetto.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Jul 14, 2021 3:21 pm

    It's very sad indeed.


    TAMYLN RUSSELL | JULY 14TH, 2021 11:55 AM |

    While we did feel the need to start readying ourselves for the potential of needing to evacuate our home yesterday (as friends had needed to evacuated theirs) as gunfire and smoke from burning buildings in the valley just below us picked up; and while members of our community armed themselves with bats and guns, swords and bullet proof vests (or in our case, nothing but a body count) and rallied at the strip of shops at the entrance to our neighbourhood to protect our local shops and businesses and homes, my family have not been physically harmed in any way and for that I am grateful.

    The crowd coming for our local stores yesterday dispersed at the sight of civilians standing up in protection of their people … people of all races and backgrounds, I might add. Other communities engaged in what looked like war yesterday. The footage was difficult to believe. The way communities have united and innovated across KZN, with emergency neighbourhood watch systems formed and implemented immediately is actually inspiring and leaves us all proud of the bravery and ownership in our nation.

    Volunteers took shifts through the night last night and again today and tonight as police have been completely overwhelmed and unprepared (running out of rubber bullets and other ammunition early in the day and not all, but some, standing by as crowds took the control a police department should). A disappointing, but unfortunately not surprising, reality as warnings of shutting down the nation where given prior to the former president’s arrest.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  kvs Wed Jul 14, 2021 4:56 pm

    As we see in Ukraine, some "countries" do not have what it takes to properly function and instead degenerate to failed states once
    the "occupier" is removed. Apartheid was evil, but so is the murder of white farmers in horrible ways. Those that think these
    murders and this looting are "revenge" need to buy a clue. South Africa is transitioning into the level of the other "developing"
    countries in Africa. They are set to "develop" for centuries.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:09 pm

    They are looting fuel from the underground tanks of a fuel station after looting the shops!

    Replying to @daddyhope and
    All that fuel they were draining they going to be making petrol bombs

    Tadiwanashe Edwin Chiremba@edwin_chiremba·
    Replying to
    Exactly my thought as well, there might be some intelligence officers loyal to the former president inciting the violence.
    ANC is at its weakest since independence, due to divisions in the part

    Hopewell Chin’ono Today@daddyhope

    They are now burning water reservoirs in KwaZulu Natal.
    Who do they think they are punishing?
    Who will wake up without water to drink? Ramaphosa or them?
    Who will pay for this infrastructure? Ramaphosa or the taxpayer?
    I am convinced there is a powerful hidden hand doing this!

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  kvs Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:22 pm

    South Africa's decline has not reached bottom for some time yet. When all the vestiges of whitey are removed, it will be
    a stellar success like Zimbabwe. Getting rid of the white farmers was a pure genius move, if the objective was to destroy

    Anyway, the process is returning back to the natural state and the European colonial influence is being undone. Not all of that
    colonial presence was bad. But politics is not about rational thought.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  flamming_python Wed Jul 14, 2021 7:53 pm

    Not this white man's burden, I can say that for sure.

    Let South Africa do whatever it wants. Same as the Ukraine.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:39 pm


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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Mir Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:42 am

    Our wonderful Minister of Defense basically admitting her own incompetence stating that intelligence on the attacks on malls "came too late". Everybody else saw it coming.

    "The instigators of a 'well-orchestrated economic sabotage' may be former uMkhonto we Sizwe operatives, our Deputy Minister of State Security says. Covering for their own incompetence.

    All SANDF reserve units are being mobilized. Not much left to loot and burn in the effected areas.

    They have arrested a small number of Police Officers for looting - no surprises there! Laughing

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:54 am

    Mir wrote:Our wonderful Minister of Defense basically admitting her own incompetence stating that intelligence on the attacks on malls "came too late". Everybody else saw it coming.

    "The instigators of a 'well-orchestrated economic sabotage' may be former uMkhonto we Sizwe operatives, our Deputy Minister of State Security says. Covering for their own incompetence.

    All SANDF reserve units are being mobilized. Not much left to loot and burn in the effected areas.

    They have arrested a small number of Police Officers for looting - no surprises there! Laughing

    Sad situation.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Mir Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:22 am

    Most of the looters are actually their (ANC) support base so they chose to treat them with soft gloves - it failed miserably.

    They probably sold off or stole all the riot control equipment. So far I have not seen any water cannons or even tear gas and no riot gear.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:33 am

    Mir wrote:Most of the looters are actually their (ANC) support base so they chose to treat them with soft gloves - it failed miserably.

    They probably sold off or stole all the riot control equipment. So far I have not seen any water cannons or even tear gas and no riot gear.

    You're right.

    I'm just wondering this morning, which Countries could something like this NOT happen?

    We've seen looting in the USA by "Black Lives Matter", etc, and pretty much nothing done. Black citizens saying afterwards: "Now I don't even have a grocery store left in my neighborhood."

    We've watched all the antifa violence, etc in the Northwest. & pretty much nothing done.

    We've witnessed Pandemic panic buying, stores stripped, even today, there is still some shortages of things in stores, the supply chains snarled up. So even tho we have a police force and military, unless the US brought out the military in a big way, I can really see something like this happening here. But bringing out the military is imho, something the US could and probably would do in a case like this.

    South Africa looting: I'm struggling to find food
    By Farouk Chothia
    BBC News
    Published8 hours ago
    "We are stocking up on dry food, and things like potatoes and onions. The shop owner said farms are inaccessible, and there will be no vegetables once his stocks run out," John added.

    His other worry is medication for his chronically ill wife.

    "Some of the big pharmaceutical chains have been looted or are closed. I went to a small pharmacy that is still open. I queued for three hours to get medication. Baby food and nappies are in huge demand," John said.

    There are also fears of fuel shortages - something most South Africans have never experienced in their lives.

    "At my petrol station, only one pump is open. There are long queues. I have half a tank of petrol left," John added.
    He does not need much fuel at the moment though, as it is not safe to travel outside his suburb.

    Furthermore, some adjacent suburbs have been blocked off by residents who have formed neighbourhood watch groups, or what local media call "defence squads", to prevent invasions.

    "They don't allow any non-resident in, not even during the day, so even if I want to, I can't take a drive there to look for groceries," John said.

    In his suburb, the neighbourhood patrol operates only at night. He has joined it, along with about 25 other men.

    "Some have guns, but most of us just carry sticks, pipes and torches. I never thought I'll ever do this, but we have no choice. There are no police; no soldiers," he said.

    "We block all intersections with our cars. Some of us will stand there; others will do foot patrols.

    "If we get suspicious of someone we'll tell them to leave, and we've had a few instances of unregistered cars. We suspect they had come to survey our area to plan an attack," John said.

    Raising money to help victims
    In some other Durban neighbourhoods there have been violent confrontations, with large numbers of looters managing to raid shops and some homes before armed residents opened fire, forcing them to retreat. Some were shot.

    Local leaders from both communities stepped in to negotiate a "no looting; no shooting" agreement, hoping that this will prevent a further escalation of conflict and help restore stability in a country shaken by the unrest.

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    Unrest in South Africa Empty Re: Unrest in South Africa

    Post  Mir Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:39 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote:

    I'm just wondering this morning, which Countries could something like this NOT happen?

    We've seen looting in the USA by "Black Lives Matter", etc, and pretty much nothing done. Black citizens saying afterwards: "Now I don't even have a grocery store left in my neighborhood."

    We've watched all the antifa violence, etc in the Northwest.  & pretty much nothing done.

    We've witnessed Pandemic panic buying, stores stripped, even today, there is still some shortages of things in stores, the supply chains snarled up. So even tho we have a police force and military, unless the US brought out the military in a big way, I can really see something like this happening here. But bringing out the military is imho, something the US could and probably would do in a case like this.

    The Woke pandemic is upon us! pirat

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