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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  sundoesntrise Tue Oct 26, 2021 4:12 pm

    hello my frien my broterinlaw jus leave the house.

    tank you, but is ihre (little joke)

    also in other topic you say about vidoe. can post vidoe here?

    and you read article??

    everyting is rotten, everywhere. I pray and pray for this not be true but is there other conclusion now?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Tue Oct 26, 2021 9:04 pm

    Mir wrote:@Gary. It's very easy to use and manipulate statistics to suit your agenda. You should become a spin doctor for Pfizer! They will reward you handsomely! However the statistical method I've used is a very common one and also the standard method of gauging what is going on in the covid world.

    Worldometer and even all major health authorities, the media and the governments use the same method and it looks something like this >>

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Stats-11

    Whilst you at it - take a look at the top 5 countries deaths per million but I guess they should have rather used your method. Wink

    It the previous post you exposed ,the double standards of him , that he have no problem using the official statistics ,whenever it suit his purposes..  that goes an compare all world population vaccinated by pfizer , or moderna.. then he compare that vs people with reported deaths or injuries

    The problem of counting all vaccinated vs all injuries and deaths is that..

    1)- The data collection method is rigged to hide numbers from the start.
    2)-Pfizer ,neither moderna or any other western pharma ,have any table that say how many people died consequence of the vaccine..  so according to them ,they have zero deaths to the vaccine.  which is a lie . lol1    They only count people who died some time later ,that were vaccinated , which does leave for interpretation ,that they could have died from covid or from another illness they already had.

    3) The massive CENSORSHIP and hiding of facts of the bullshit western media and government and western pharma ,that garryb sponsor because he use their numbers.

    4) the under reporting of everything .. the western pharma ever ever admit ,that anyone died consequence of their vaccine.  even if they died 2 hours later ,after the mRNA , they blame people
    and not their shitty vaccine.  as it happened to the doctor in miami and others who died very fast after the shot.

    5) he clearly choose to ignore important facts ,that contradicts clearly his narrative..
    notice how he have no problems to use data in the way he used in norway , to defend this criminal vaccines , that are killing and injuring millions ,  

    but  at same time he refuse to recognize , that..if 100 people are vaccinated in a health care center with pfizer shot. and 30% of them die in 2 weeks ,then that this is a solid evidence that of how dangerous the vaccines he support can be.. up to 30% mortality rate , in some clinics and or hospitals..  also doctors have spoken ,that 60% of their vaccinated patients had micro blood cloths ,after the moderna shot and that will lose their lives in 2 years.

    - japan returned 2 millions of vials of moderna.. after some injuries and deaths and their discovery that the vials inside  were contaminated with metals and poisonous substances..  

    Corrupt people , defends corrupt vaccines.. and corrupt pharma industry. this is all people in the forum needs to know.  this is true , if even after they see clear evidence of vaccines being very dangerous ,they still spin things with bullshit in order to sponsor them.

    So in other words.. Garryb use the official way , that western government use ,to declare their vaccines "very safe" at global level, but when it comes to new zealand , he use different standards. that better suit him to defend the experimental poisonous vaccines he support.  Rolling Eyes

    For me statistics , global one are totally useless ,if the collection of the data ,was done in a very fraudulent way..   There is no better measure of danger , than the norway incident..

    FROM 100 patients in a small clinic that got pfizer shot, 30 of them died in 2 weeks  , this is a fact.  and is clear cut evidence , how dangerous can be the vaccines... very lethal..

    it is was because the cargo shipment they got was contaminated? who knows? maybe yes or maybe no?  but it doesn't change the outcome ,that this western vaccines can be incredibly lethal with a very high mortality rate ,   UP to 30% in some clinics or hospitals..

    so who wants to play lottery with their lives ,with a vaccine like that? No

    no ofense Garryb but sooner or later you will had to apologize to all forum members for sponsoring this poison on everyone , this is disgusting what you are doing , is corruption , because you are being shown official data , for 2 years already of what thousands of doctors are finding in those mRNA vaccines ,and you are fully aware of the mountain of disinformation that western pharma have been pushing .. and how the statistics are manipulated too , by artificially increasing covid19 numbers , using fake pcr test  or just simply intentionally lying because this was exposed by mexico and argentina governments.. how pfizer tried bribe them and pay money to mass media ,to discredit russian vaccines and support theirs,  but still you insist in defending them... No     So there have to be other reasons ,why you doing this... that have nothing to do with lack of information..  but more with economical benefits you receive for being so corrupt and criminal by constantly seeking to twist and spin the facts.

    either case , Garryb the pandemic one day will end , and you will have no excuses but to apologize to everyone ,for attempting to deceive everyone with this western dangerous experiments. cause sooner or later , the truth will be revealed, the western vaccines will be stopped . Society will force all the criminals behind the vaccines , to face justice . and you will need to apologize to everyone for supporting this corruption ,of western pharma industry.

    in more  news..

    look at the new scandal.. the experiments ,that people behind the authorization of this western
    Garryb experimentals vaccines have been doing with pet animals..  exposed Faucci corrupt ethics by his own workers ?  

    Cruel' Fauci is condemned for spending $2m on experiments which saw beagles 'de-barked' and trapped in cages so flies could eat them alive. Bi-partisan fury at 'reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds'

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 6178256a85f5404d99473d27

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    Millions of taxpayer dollars were used to essentially torture the puppies to death in labs in and out of the US, according to the organization, which unearthed evidence of the cruelty in the form of over $21 million spent on a total of four experiments – none of which was medically necessary. One involved severing 44 puppies’ vocal cords so that their pained barking and whining wouldn’t bother the scientists; another deliberately infected them with sand flies over the course of 22 months, restricting their movements by locking their heads in boxes so that they could not even swat the insects away as they were being eaten alive.

    It’s horrific stuff by any measure, beyond cartoonish levels of evil. Indeed, even Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) claimed he thought the tweets he’d read about Fauci “literally ‘torturing puppies’” had to be “metaphorical.”

    A group of 24 bi-partisan lawmakers are demanding answers from Dr. Anthony Fauci after a nonprofit claims he permitted experimental drug testing on dogs
    The White Coat Waste Project alleges that Fauci sent $375,800 to a Tunisian research lab where beagle puppies were force-fed a new drug
    The report claims they were also locked in cages with sand flies that ate them alive and underwent a de-barking procedure to keep them quiet
    The nonprofit has also revealed three other experiments involving beagles that were allegedly funded by Fauci
    The lawmakers have called the experiments 'cruel' and a 'reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds'
    They expect Fauci to answer to the alleged misdeeds by November 19

    For people not aware ..  anthony faucci is the director of the center of decease of US , the man that funded the experimental western vaccines ,Pfizer ,moderna, and others  that half of the world is forced to take.. lol1

    He had a hobby of torturing animals on his free time. Sick people , that can't stay quiet for a moment ,and need to entertain at times do this things , with government money .  lol1

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  sundoesntrise Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:13 am

    Guys the brother-in-law is back.

    New data from Scotland is in. Not going to expand on it as you all have eyes of your own.


    Please don't question the science, will ya?

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Img_2013
    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Img_2012

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:43 am

    Fauci should be hung from his balls but I don't think he has any.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:53 am

    Amusing... first wave of the virus.... it is OK... it only kills old people so we don't need to get the vaccine... well with 60,000 sick kids sounds like this variant of the virus doesn't just kill old people, but you are sticking to your guns... you question what sick means...

    And those images of dogs being tested is hilarious...

    Cruel' Fauci is condemned for spending $2m on experiments which saw beagles 'de-barked' and trapped in cages so flies could eat them alive. Bi-partisan fury at 'reprehensible misuse of taxpayer funds'

    Bypartizan fury because it was tax payer money... what a bunch of censored .

    Have any of you visited a vets or even a place where large numbers of dogs are kept... "trapped in cages"?

    You fucken fairies... dogs are kept in cages to stop them fighting each other because if you put large numbers of dogs in one room they will kill each other.

    Garryb experimentals vaccines have been doing with pet animals..  exposed Faucci corrupt ethics by his own workers ?

    Of course... the most deadly virus dogs are faced with in this day and age is BARKING... these experiments were to condition the dogs not to bark and had nothing to do with vaccines of any kind.... these experiments were to protect dogs by teaching them not to bark all the time because that usually gets them put down or abused or neglected by owners who thought they were cute when they were puppies but now they are not so cute and they are starting to realise they are a burden and don't like them any more.... hey.... some people are shallow.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Img_2012

    The person who created this should be arrested... it is criminally negligent.

    First of all the scale shows the deaths as enormous compared with the new cases.

    It says at the bottom of the chart that for the full context behind this chart go to that website:

    And when you go to that website the first paragraph on that page SAYS:

    The purpose of this page is to share some figures on the vaccination status of the recent Covid-19 cases, hospital admissions, and deaths in Scotland, split by vaccination status. This is understandably something which a lot of people are interested in right now, but without knowing the full context behind the figures, they can be easily misread and even used to promote false claims about the vaccinations not being effective.

    It is important that we adjust for the population size, as about 64% of the entire Scottish population are now fully vaccinated. There are over 3.8 million fully vaccinated people, and just 1.8 million unvaccinated people.

    Yet despite only making up 30% of the population, unvaccinated people make up 43% of this weeks new cases.

    The vaccinations do reduce your risk of catching the virus, but they do not remove all of the risk. They are not 100% effective, unfortunately. This means that a small share of that 64% of the population will still catch the virus. And as 64% of the population is a lot of people, this number may end up being as high as the total number of unvaccinated people who catch the virus. But that does not mean each group has an equal risk.

    For example, imagine Group A has 2,000 people in it, and Group B has 400 people. Then imagine 10% of Group A catch the virus (200 people), and 50% of Group B also catch the virus (200 people). You could say, “As many people in Group A caught the virus as in Group B!!” and you would technically be correct, but it is a very misleading thing to say without mentioning that people in Group B caught the virus at a 5x higher rate.  

    The above charts are one way of visualizing the data, however another way of visualizing it is in the two charts below, which show the actual numbers and not just the percentage shares. The first chart shows the whole numbers, and the second chart shows the per 100k population numbers.

    You can see that proportionally to each groups population size, unvaccinated people are catching the virus at a rate nearly 2x as high as fully vaccinated people are.

    What you might be concerned about are the deaths / hospital admissions, and how it looks like fully vaccinated people are dying from the virus at a higher rate than unvaccinated people. There is a good reason why it looks like this, which is what the rest of this page will focus on!

    But in short, everyone seems to have a relatively equal chance of catching the virus when exposed. And as being vaccinated reduces your likelihood of catching the virus, this means that in general, an unvaccinated person will be much more likely to catch the virus than a fully vaccinated person.

    However, everyone does not have an equal chance of becoming seriously ill and dying from the virus. This varies massively depending on your age and general health status. This is important and something which the above figures do not account for. Especially as just about every single elderly and at-risk person (the people who are mostly still dying from the virus), are now in that fully vaccinated group (my next point!).

    So it isn’t just as simple as saying that an unvaccinated person is more likely to die from the virus than a fully vaccinated person. On an individual level, this is true (any one person is much less likely to die from the virus if they get vaccinated). However, a 90 year old person who is fully vaccinated is still going to be at a much higher risk from the virus than an unvaccinated 20 year old (this graphic from the FT shows this well).

    Meaning that simply comparing all unvaccinated people to all fully vaccinated people when looking at hospital admissions and deaths is quite tricky to do, as each groups demographics vary so much. Ideally, we could compare unvaccinated elderly people to fully vaccinated elderly people, and unvaccinated young people to fully vaccinated young people. But there is still limited data being released which is broken down by age like this.

    But lets not read about things... knee jerk reactions are always best... and of course the government is obviously trying to kill you because they don't want you to pay taxes so they can spend it.... they want you dead.... which is why the New Zealand government is hiding the 100,000 people dead from the vaccine... NOT.

    Last edited by GarryB on Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:20 am


    Well even from previous posts it is quite clear that you're not exactly an animal person Laughing

    Also it is common knowledge that the vaccines are not effective against the virus - everyone should know that by now.

    What is suppressed by most mainstream outlets is the simple fact that most people admitted to hospitals now are the vaccinated.

    Lets follow the science!!

    1. Get the vaccine and still get covid
    2. Get the vaccine and still spread covid
    3. Get the vaccine and maybe join the thousands that have had adverse reactions and some deaths
    4. Get the vaccine and get boosters forever for an illness with a less than 1 percent chance of death
    5. Get the vaccine and still may die from covid, even when it is around sophisticated people like at say the Emmy awards?

    So I roll the dice on the vaccine to reduce my already less than 1 percent chance of death?? Sign me up twice!! Oh wait they do.... make it 5 times!!

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  sundoesntrise Wed Oct 27, 2021 12:21 pm

    Mir wrote:@Gary

    Well even from previous posts it is quite clear that you're not exactly an animal person Laughing

    Also it is common knowledge that the vaccines are not effective against the virus - everyone should know that by now.

    What is suppressed by most mainstream outlets is the simple fact that most people admitted to hospitals now are the vaccinated.

    Lets follow the science!!

    1. Get the vaccine and still get covid
    2. Get the vaccine and still spread covid
    3. Get the vaccine and maybe join the thousands that have had adverse reactions and some deaths
    4. Get the vaccine and get boosters forever for an illness with a less than 1 percent chance of death
    5. Get the vaccine and still may die from covid, even when it is around sophisticated people like at say the Emmy awards?

    So I roll the dice on the vaccine to reduce my already less than 1 percent chance of death?? Sign me up twice!! Oh wait they do.... make it 5 times!!

    Could it be that these vaccines are the stepping stone for vaccine passports which will be the stepping stone for a digital ID/ neofeudal cast system?

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Images10

    The fact that there are people here seriously arguing on the premise that Daddy State, Big Pharma and globalist corpocrats suddenly care about your health and well-being is mindblowing of itself alone.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:35 pm

    The CDC has approved a fourth Covid-19 vaccine shot for adults with compromised immune systems, allowing for yet another dose amid concerns of waning immunity, as some pharma firms even hint at yearly boosters for all Americans.

    Only for Americans? I don't think so! Laughing

    Those who are “moderately and severely immunocompromised” may receive a total of four vaccine doses, including an initial two-shot inoculation, one additional dose, followed by yet another booster, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in an updated guidance on Tuesday.

    The immunocompromised were the first to receive authorization for vaccine boosters back in August, with US health agencies subsequently approving additional doses for people in other high-risk categories, such as those aged 65 and older and adults more likely to be exposed to the virus.

    However, for the immunocompromised, the CDC classifies a third shot as an “additional dose,” which uses the same amount of vaccine as the previous two, while the fourth jab approved on Tuesday is defined as a “booster” proper. The fourth dose uses only half the volume of the others.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:03 pm

    Approval of the mRNA concoctions has already fully discredited the CDC.  Note how all of the sudden adenovirus vector vaccines are
    being forgotten and it is mRNA or the highway.  

    We are seeing the agenda.  Vaccines were the Trojan horse to introduce a mass genetic therapy channel.   As to why this channel
    is required is not yet clear but I am sure we will all understand what it is eventually. Of course epigenetic parameter space search
    experimentation is one obvious one.   But later there will be more utility.

    I expect the flu to be weaponized as well.   That Canadian c*nt is already bleating as if the flu is worse than covid.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Wed Oct 27, 2021 2:15 pm

    Mir wrote:
    The CDC has approved a fourth Covid-19 vaccine shot for adults with compromised immune systems, allowing for yet another dose amid concerns of waning immunity, as some pharma firms even hint at yearly boosters for all Americans.

    Only for Americans? I don't think so! Laughing

    Those who are “moderately and severely immunocompromised” may receive a total of four vaccine doses, including an initial two-shot inoculation, one additional dose, followed by yet another booster, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in an updated guidance on Tuesday.

    The immunocompromised were the first to receive authorization for vaccine boosters back in August, with US health agencies subsequently approving additional doses for people in other high-risk categories, such as those aged 65 and older and adults more likely to be exposed to the virus.

    However, for the immunocompromised, the CDC classifies a third shot as an “additional dose,” which uses the same amount of vaccine as the previous two, while the fourth jab approved on Tuesday is defined as a “booster” proper. The fourth dose uses only half the volume of the others.

    If the first two doses don't frell you up the "boosters" will. These "vaccines" should be limited to geriatric volunteers who feel that they
    have nothing to lose. But even they should be spared this garbage now that it has lost its efficacy.

    The whole "we will deal with the collapsing efficacy by doing several additional jabs" concept is patently absurd. No amount of jabbing will
    make an obsolete spike protein vaccine effective against new strains. Even if Pfizer and Moderna sequence a new spike protein mRNA
    it will be just like with the flu vaccines, limited to the strain they sequenced. As with the flu vaccine, the efficacy in the general population
    will be sporadic and based on the chance of getting the sequenced strain.

    The cherry on top of this regulatory turd cake is that the mRNA nanoparticle vectors have been demonstrated to suppress the
    immune system and put it in an autoimmune response regime. Which rather makes sense since the immune system is attacking
    living human cells with spike protein inclusions. In a natural virus infection scenario, the immune system attacks the exploded
    remains of human cells infested by a virus. Natural infestation does not place virus antigens in the cell wall since they assemble
    into viruses inside the infested cell. How would any viable virus be assembled if all of its components were being shunted into the
    infested cell wall? There is no time for such migration to occur.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Wed Oct 27, 2021 4:01 pm

    Mir wrote:@Gary

    The fact that there are people here seriously arguing on the premise that Daddy State, Big Pharma and globalist corpocrats suddenly care about your health and well-being is mindblowing of itself alone.

    Anyone but people without basic intelligence and common sense understand that..  lol1

    No matter how many top doctors and top scientist you post their discoveries here and findings of how dangerous are the vaccines . You can show him millions of deaths by the vaccine and he still will never accept anything different. he even admit western pharma is very corrupt , but still he believe he can trust their vaccines.   Suspect  Rolling Eyes

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 28, 2021 5:31 am

    Well even from previous posts it is quite clear that you're not exactly an animal person

    I do like animals, and I think people who are cruel to animals should be on watch lists because someone happy to abuse and hurt animals will likely do the same to humans.

    But animals are not people.

    I am not naive enough to think all dogs should be saved and that everyone needs to be rehoused.

    Currently here the prices for dogs is stupid... four thousand dollars for a small dog... which means all the wrong people are getting into dog breeding and abusing dogs in the worst way just to make money, which is disgusting...

    But I eat chicken too... have you seen what their lives are like?

    Also it is common knowledge that the vaccines are not effective against the virus - everyone should know that by now.

    It was common knowledge that Creepy Joe is a rich old white man that is part of the problem and not the solution but he got voted in thanks the ballot stuffing and no scrutiny over the results being allowed by anyone.... sort of the opposite of what happened when Trump was first elected actually... but then different rules for everyone is fine.

    So I roll the dice on the vaccine to reduce my already less than 1 percent chance of death?? Sign me up twice!! Oh wait they do.... make it 5 times!!

    Don't get vaccinated then. As long as there can be no possibility of needing to travel or work with the public you will be fine... just remember if you get a new strain of covid it is too late to get vaccinated then.

    Could it be that these vaccines are the stepping stone for vaccine passports which will be the stepping stone for a digital ID/ neofeudal cast system?

    With scanners and facial recognition systems and AI in airports around the world do you think that is not going to happen anyway?

    The fact that there are people here seriously arguing on the premise that Daddy State, Big Pharma and globalist corpocrats suddenly care about your health and well-being is mindblowing of itself alone.

    The world is a hostile place but honestly the government just wants control, big pharma just wants to make more money and the globalists just want to control and own the world... how is you taking or not taking a vaccine going to effect that in either direction?

    As mentioned it does not have to get in to your body by injection... they might just pump it through the AC systems on aircraft for international travel... put it in icecream... or cheese... or kfc... or pizza... how would you even know?

    Only for Americans? I don't think so!

    You are not getting any so why should you care?

    Anyone but people without basic intelligence and common sense understand that..

    Lets talk about intelligence and common sense... people complaining that the vaccines don't work against the new strains of the virus complain again that further booster shots of the vaccine might be needed to improve protection.

    I have been getting flu vaccine shots for quite some time... they are free in New Zealand because the New Zealand government has long recognised that the more people get vaccinated the fewer people need hospital treatment and fewer sick people to spread viruses to others... ie it saves money.

    There are some here who think big pharma give a **** about them, despite them being nothing little pawns in the game of life... much like the people who do get vaccinated.... myself included. Big Pharma already negotiated with governments... I doubt they could care less about whether you get vaccinated... they are getting paid anyway... even if no one gets vaccinated and the vaccines they sold to governments get thrown out.

    In fact lots of people not getting vaccinated means more bodies for the virus to evolve and develop in and remain in the population, so in a way you are guaranteeing future business for them because of necessary booster shots for those at risk which now includes a much broader range of the community as the virus realises children are weak too.

    I can't make you get vaccinated and would not even if I could, but the chinese whispers of he said and she said about dead people from the vaccine is about as believeable to me as big conspiracies between drug companies that couldn't cooperate on a sinking ship, and governments of countries that are even worse, but some how they are supposed to be working together so they can pump billions of people with new experimental chemicals... to what... to reduce the population?... if that was the case those racist ass holes would start in the third world with abortions and infertility drugs... and just starting wars and directly bombing houses with children in them like they usually do.

    The big pharma are assholes.... they took this emergency situation to get huge funding for experimental areas of medicine and they will make enormous profits out of this situation before it is over... for those claiming it will never be over... I remember before AIDS was a thing... it is not really a thing now... it came and it went...

    Making your choices based on whether you can trust big business or governments means you are going to make bad choices.... so many of you looked at charts above with three charts side by side where the scale was not consistent to the point where it became irrelevant nonsense... but only I pointed it out.

    Congrats... you are sheep... you are not thinking and single examples of dogs being hurt shows how emotional you are being.

    In the mid 1990s the US Army held an experiment for 1 million dollars... they took 100 cats and shot them in the head to determine the effect of serious head injuries on a living thing. They found the cats bodies could be kept alive indefinitely with life support machines, but when they took them off the machines they died. Pretty obvious to anyone, but without someone actually doing the experiment it was just heresay speculation right?

    The next step was the same experiment with 100 dogs for $6 million dollars.

    The real world is not nice... the really scary thing is that most lab tests are skewed by the funding provided.... when a cigarette company pays for a study where monkeys are forced to smoke cigarettes every day to see if it effects them the results always seem to be inconclusive or just no show any negative effects.

    Snack food companies wont fund research to see if their snack foods are dangerous, but if they did we would find it isn't.

    Welcome to the world... if you really want to change it you have to do more than just refuse vaccinations and bad food and cigarettes and avoiding getting shot in the head.

    No matter how many top doctors and top scientist you post their discoveries here and findings of how dangerous are the vaccines . You can show him millions of deaths by the vaccine and he still will never accept anything different. he even admit western pharma is very corrupt , but still he believe he can trust their vaccines.

    Those corrupt governments and big pharma companies have an interest in throwing shit at their rivals products... real evidence of millions of deaths from vaccines does not exist because it is made up.

    As I said.... the experience in New Zealand is one potential death linked to the vaccine with more than half the population vaccinated.... that is 3 million jabs.

    Compared with 5 or 6 thousand people that had caught Covid with 29 dead.

    The numbers are very simple and very clear and use the evil Pfizer vaccine that turns us into monsters or something.

    Would expect even better results from Sputnik V.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  sundoesntrise Thu Oct 28, 2021 8:56 am

    Absolute must watch. I follow everything related to this subject so not sure how I missed it. Video is a couple of months old I think

    Dr. Michael McDowell on the nature of covid19 and the subsequent vaccine roll out. Both are engineered bioweapons according to him. The initial one ran out of steam fast and the second is much more dangerous as it can be re-applied and seriously messes up your immune system.

    His level of knowledge is astounding.


    EDIT @moderator, is there any way to embed bitchute videos successfully?

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:04 am

    sundoesntrise wrote:Absolute must watch. I follow everything related to this subject so not sure how I missed it. Video is a couple of months old I think

    Dr. Michael McDowell on the nature of covid19 and the subsequent vaccine roll out. Both are engineered bioweapons according to him. The initial one ran out of steam fast and the second is much more dangerous as it can be re-applied and seriously messes up your immune system.

    His level of knowledge is astounding.

    EDIT @moderator, is there any way to embed bitchute videos successfully?

    Video is interesting , but the author try to blame more china for the virus ,than the west..
    so it could be a counter misleading information , of half truths ,to make it look it was china who created the virus . for which reason will china create a virus while teaching the west how to do that?
    So later the virus can be used against them?

    That will be like russia joining US scientist for the creation of hypersonic weapons , so they later can use them against Russia. No

    in my opinion ,the whole bioweapon crime ,that is called in media covid19 pandemic , was a western 100% operation and china was merely a victim of this.. because US top bankers like rockefellers and bill gates have been warning about a respiratory virus pandemic ,that will start in china since 2010.
    The so called events up to 2030 of rockefeller foundation ,was the first one to warn about this pandemic. and later a whistleblower of british government ,exposed the entire plan as early as 2010.
    that western powers were planning to attack china and iran with a bioweapon. That later the virus was going to be worldwide and lockdowns will be required ,to contain it.

    Since 2010 there was an investigator , warning online china ,that they were going to be a target of a dangerous respiratory virus , that was aimed at destroying their economy.   look for "project camelot anglo saxon mission " a video deleted by youtube many times..  in yandex (russian google) search for it.

    In my opinion , after connecting all data , that we have , not only what china says , but US  ,and russian military , using the london opening ceremony olympics ,that was dedicated to corona viruses, and bashing china too  .

    It is my strong believe ,the original plans of the anglo saxon west , was to start the pandemic during hong kong protest.  That they wanted a more stronger case to blame China for unleashing a virus.
    So if all things happened as they wanted. after china invade hong kong , they unleash the virus in wuhan and in hong kong , then they later claim ,"that china was using biological  weapons" against hong kong to stop their protest.. and so that will have been easier to sold the story to the west.  
    china used bioweapons to stop a protest in hongkong..  that will ahve been the world headlines of western media.. and so today pandemic blamed on china..

    but the most important objectives of the pandemic failed ,to break china (and russia) and failed to isolating them from the world , for the simple fact.. that china contained the virus very quickly in just 3 months and reopened the economy soon after and also failed because US and UK and australia and canada ,the anglo saxon nations ,failed to accuse china of being responsible for the virus , because europe did not agree to support that story of an accident ,in their lab , neither china invaded hong kong ,so can't be blamed to unleash a virus there without their military invading.


    Btw @KVS are far as you know , have you heard of anything of face mask being used to spread
    the virus ?

    There is something strange happening , that the entertainment industry is doing activities , musical concerts and whatever thing you can imagine , as if there was no tomorrow , and even recruiting artist no longer popular in decades ,to do a concert. in many states since biden forced vaccines mandates , any closed space require full vaccination ,including musical concerts or just going dinner to a restaurant and vaccination proof id to enter. nothing new here..

    what is new now is that facemask is also being offered too , and they requesting that you use theirs and not the one you have. Isn't that suspicious? i have read news of unrelated reports that people using advanced face mask like 3M N95 are requested to not use those and use instead the super cheap one ,that they give you .

    In other words , not only mandatory vaccines are demanded in the west,and only with thier produced
    vaccines. but now also they demanding face mask ,the one they want.. and not the one you have.

    So was wondering , that maybe this face mask mandates , with the one they have , could be used by some corrupt countries ,to get people sick , if for example ,the free mask ,is sprayed with a virus . so when you cover your mouth ,you get the virus. so comes with a nasty surprise , the free face mask.
    Its not like is possible to spot covid19 virus in any face mask surface without a microscope.
    So the mandatory facemask, could be just another way , how those master minds behind this pandemic , spread the virus world wide. The other way , to spread artificially any virus is though chem trails flights..or Food. China for example discovered frozen food they got from ukraine and from new zealand ,was contaminated with covid19.. and helped spread the virus in some cities.

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    Post  kvs Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:11 pm

    sundoesntrise wrote:Absolute must watch. I follow everything related to this subject so not sure how I missed it. Video is a couple of months old I think

    Dr. Michael McDowell on the nature of covid19 and the subsequent vaccine roll out. Both are engineered bioweapons according to him. The initial one ran out of steam fast and the second is much more dangerous as it can be re-applied and seriously messes up your immune system.

    His level of knowledge is astounding.


    EDIT @moderator, is there any way to embed bitchute videos successfully?

    The US is operating biolabs scattered in the periphery of Russia in the former USSR republics. You can bet your last cent that these
    are biowarfare operations. The US was also buying up Russian hospital waste which begs the question what it needs Russian body
    parts for.

    Having one Russian as a genetic sample is not enough. You need a massive amount of samples to map the genomic characteristics
    of the target population. The current mRNA "vaccine" Nuremberg war crime scale experiment is part biowarfare research. It is not
    enough to map the genome, it is necessary to create a genetics dynamics model which maps out the epigenetic function of the genome.
    This is part of the effort to produce a model of the full biochemistry of the human body. No such models exist because they are frelling
    hard to build with the pathetic empirical understanding that we have. By contrast, atmospheric models are "easy" because the
    dynamic are well understood (Navier-Stokes equations, which are basically F=ma plus mass continuity) and the physical processes
    such as radiative transfer (heating/cooling) and chemistry are understood based on first principles. The main limitation is spatial
    resolution on account of computational limits.

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    Post  kvs Thu Oct 28, 2021 3:19 pm


    The mask distribution is very suspicious. In Canada we have school boards disciplining teachers who buy their own superior masks.
    One interpretation is that this is corruption where the school boards have made rotten deals with suppliers. Another interpretation
    is that they want people to use specially prepared masks.

    The temptation for the latter is great since we have covid hysteria and regulatory oppression in place. This allows extending the
    experiment to have doses of whatever distributed via mask. The mRNA "vaccines" could work in tandem with some agent released
    by the mask. This allows to probe the response of the body to controlled stimulus. Experiments are all about controlling the variables
    and understanding what they are. As you posted before there is evidence of other agents being injected as part of the mRNA
    "vaccines". Agents in masks ( Very Happy ) make sense.


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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 28, 2021 11:05 pm

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 5 Mhd202vr88w71

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    Post  Mir Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:33 am

    The A.30 variant of the coronavirus, detected in Angola and Sweden, is highly resistant to antibodies induced by the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines, a new lab study has shown.

    A team from Germany looked at the rare A.30 variant that was first recorded in Tanzania and later detected in several patients in Angola and Sweden this spring. They compared the mutation to the Beta and Eta variants. Beta was chosen because it has “the highest level” of resistance to antibodies, the researchers said.

    According to the study published in the peer-reviewed journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology this week, the A.30 variant showed improved ability to enter most host cells, including kidney, liver, and lung cells.

    The mutation “enters certain cell lines with increased efficiency and evades antibody-mediated neutralization,” the study found.

    “In summary, A.30 exhibits a cell line preference not observed for other viral variants and efficiently evades neutralization by antibodies elicited by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 [AstraZeneca] or BNT162b2 [Pfizer] vaccination.”

    The variant also proved to be resistant to monoclonal drug Bamlanivimab, which is used for Covid-19 treatment, but was vulnerable to a cocktail of Bamlanivimab and Etesevimab.

    A.30 has so far not been listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a variant of interest or concern, due to its low prevalence.

    Yet some more evidence that the ineffective jabs will create even more serious problems the further we go down this rabbit hole.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:26 am

    To be clear I liked PDs post because it shows the problem that covid represents... you can't find solutions when you don't accept there is a problem.

    And saying this country or that country is doing better is pointless because unless we all vaccinate and help each other deal with this at a country level then it is going to get worse.

    The Americans already admitted they funded research in China on transmitting viruses from bats to humans... that is the smoking gun.... this is Americas fault.... which explains why they tried so hard to pin this on China because they knew when this information got out everyone would realise they paid for this strain of virus to be created... they are responsible for it existing in the first place....

    Next we will hear from the US that blaming is dividing and we have to work together to deal with this...

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:31 am

    Yet some more evidence that the ineffective jabs will create even more serious problems the further we go down this rabbit hole.

    There was never any guarantee vaccines would remain effective and as they find new strains they need to adapt the vaccines for them to remain effective.

    Thinking this makes vaccines unnecessary is naive... but it does mean that the people wanting to get vaccinated can get vaccinated because the more anti vaxxers there are the shorter the queues...

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    Post  Mir Fri Oct 29, 2021 1:27 pm

    The point of a vaccine is to STOP the disease in it's tracks. If it fails that crucial test it is not a vaccine.

    Unfortunately with a virus you will never be able to create a true "vaccine" for it. By creating ineffective jabs you will just worsen the situation with new jab resistant mutations. This will end with catastrophic results but for now it does seem that the unvaccinated are less effected by the new strains.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:03 pm

    Something for all the vaxxer zealots and sheeple who think Pfizer cares about their health:

    Listen to all of the mass media "discussion" on vaccination and you will here a singular refrain,
    that the number of adverse effects cases is small. Now engage what intellect you have and
    follow the logic.

    In the name of the common good, a few sacrifices are acceptable.

    This is exactly the same nonsense as throwing young female virgins into the volcano to appease
    the volcano god. There is simply no difference in the "thinking" no matter how hard vaxxers

    So we have a specious argument about some "common good" being invoked as justification for
    death and injury from both the vaccines (adjuvants, mRNA spike protein induced microclotting, etc.)
    and the incompetent injection of the vaccines without aspiration of the needle.

    No effort is made to actually follow the Hippocratic Oath and for example test for allergy to
    PEG used in the mRNA "vaccine" nanoparticle vector outer layer. So people are supposed to
    go to their local mall lot vaxxer temple and take their chances. What a sick joke!

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:11 pm

    really terrible news , but not surprising .

    Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine given emergency use approval by FDA for kids aged 5-11

    98% of the Comments section was negative , by reading those forums and this ones , a liberal gay man and Garryb are the only pharma bots that celebrate a genocide like this.

    The next comments posted in rt illustrate how i feel.

    Phoebe S • an hour ago
    " that included input from independent advisory committee experts..."

    They weren't happy with the last independent advisory committee so they must have selected one that would 'independently' advise what they were told to.

    @Barabas • an hour ago
    “The panel’s decision was based on data presented by Pfizer…”
    Very honorable panel.

    @lodi45 --> Barabas • 31 minutes ago
    Just like (corrupt) cops investigating themselves and finding nothing wrong.

    A decision like this ,that will affect a billion or more children all over the world , over many decades ,
    i find hard to believe ,that the world will give such power over a few dozen of "Advisors" hired by pfizer , to "independently authorize" this poisonous crap. That don't work at all , in preventing covid19 ,neither avoiding hospitalization , neither in preventing death.  now the newspapers not even deny ,that most deaths to covid19 are vaccinated people .

    in other to make any general vaccination protocol legal , every state in US , need to hire their own alternative experts ,to do their own studies independently of pfizer , a blind test , using randomly picked cargo shipments ,being prepared to be sent to the public first.

    When the risk for human life are incredibly high , you need as much independent doctors and scientist verifying ,including foreigners that had no trace or relation with US pharma industry , or any other.  

    The main argument /propaganda tards  that always bring to defend this killer vaccines are that.

     the benefits of the vaccine  outweigh the risks  ”  

    This is not true,when the collected data ,was done in fraudulent ways .
    [b] The "benefits" of any vaccine can only be measured with numbers ,with collected data ,on a ***TRUE*** independent experiment that non puppet,true independent scientist from pfizer and US gov, independent countries can verify .(to do a SECOND experiment ,after pfizer do theirs, by highly reputable world wide ,with years in experience in dealing with viruses, that neither pfizer ,FDA or us government is aware of who they are. it could be by a panel of experts of several scientist from top 20 economies and the experiment be open for UN to discuss with world media. And all of them should be in public showing their faces and give a conference and be ready to the press to take question.
    This is how transparent independent investigation can be done. the more higher are the emergency ,
    and more delicate is the subject as billion of lives is, the more stricter have to be transparency and verification by true independent investigation.

    that way the entire process is done transparently .  but how this authorizations of vaccines , for billions to take is done in the most dark and secret ways possible to the general public and even to every doctor or scientist in the world ,that is not part of the investigation .  So we are told to basically , "just trust us " , "just trust in our report" ,  just trust the west corrupt and war loving western system ,that controls their media AND PHArma industry  , that authorize drone strikes in weddings and provide weapons and political support to alqaeda ,that they are "for real" interested in protecting human lives and children.   I don't trust in the western anglo system , is criminal ,is corrupt ,is a terrorist system ,that have not been hiding they interest in full control and depopulation of the world . No

    This is why i find extremely hypocritical  when unreligious people/atheist , point finger at christians , muslim , and other religions for being fanatics , for blindly believing in the bible and God ,
    but generally most of atheist are  fake humanitarians ,just charlatans , have no problems in blindly trust ,whatever their government and media and institutions ,with long historical records of corruption claims to be truth.

    political fanatics can be as dangerous as religion fanatics , since they can get in power the most brutal repressive dictators ,that can exterminate entire populations in entire continents.. ask the nazis. today new Nazi Germany are the Anglo axis system.  US ,Canada , UK ,Australia ,and new zealand and so brussels too in europe ,are the root of all evil in this world. And they are killing more people than hitler could ever dream to do , with this fake GMO  vaccines they promote in the west, and forcing this crap on all population.

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    Post  Vann7 Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:10 am

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Nanoparticles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety

    (video inside link)

    Apparently the nano experiments will not be limited to vaccines , there are reports ,they planning
    to inject nano metals too in everyone's food too , to "protect people" from toxic things that could be
    in the food.  lol1   Im Sure he vaccine nano tards, will love this , toxic metals in their food ," for their own good".  No longer natural food can be trusted .   lol1

    When the enemy of humanity wants to kill you , either using nano hacks they call "vaccines"  and nano food next , People that reject all this poisonous experiments , but don't know what to do .. the answer is simple , common sense.  Is always the answer.

    To never make it easier for bad people to kill you. To not voluntary cooperate with corrupt or evil people when they ask your help , in ruining your life . to not make it easy for them in killing you or people you care , and make it as difficult for them as possible.  In other words ,to not allow them to get what they want without fighting back for your interest .

     Time is the worse enemy of evil people , because time ,that is what it takes for new knowledge to enter in society ,have the power ,to make humanity wake up and rebel against them. The anglo system is trying to rule the  world ,as the british empire once did it ,but far superior control now.
    by controlling people's health with this nano poisonous vaccines. But their greed and people resistance forced them to do many steps back , to the point of becoming today irrelevant nation in world politics. It would not be different with US , their world government and depopulation project is doomed to fail. Society will fight back and kick all this corrupt people from power ,that is seeking to do evil things.

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    Post  kvs Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:21 am

    Micro and nano plastics particles are already a problem. The sea salt you buy is contaminated with tiny fragments of plastics
    dumped into the oceans. These very small particles get into the system after ingestion and don't just leave through excretion.
    They are small enough that they rupture cell walls and can cross various membranes. Even if they are not digested by enzymes
    and HCl in the stomach, they diffuse through the gut into the blood stream and into your organs and brain.

    Nanoparticles of any sort are poison. Adding them to "make our food safe" is a lie for retards.

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