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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:36 pm

    The obsession with 100% vaccination can as of now be called criminal. All of the high risk groups have been vaxxed. In
    the US this at the 99% level. Children and most people under 50 do not need to be vaxxed. This means that a 50% vaccination
    rate is already over the needed level.

    1) The vaxxed spread the disease around and get sick. So vaccination does not stop the spread of the virus. The claim
    that it does is a total lie.

    2) Natural immunity is much better than any vaccination. We are not dealing with a 33% death rate virus that affects all
    groups equally. So vaccination is not the only way to save everyone.

    3) The vaccination benefit is transient and only selects for strains that are resistant to the alpha strain spike protein antibodies.

    4) The negative consequences from the vaccines themselves, which are real and serious, outweigh the benefits for most people.
    Most people will not go to an ICU or die. We managed to survive the flu somehow.

    It also ridiculous how the "burden" on the hospital system is an excuse to vaxx everyone and expose them to the risk of death
    and serious injury form the vaccination itself. What is the frelling point of a health care system if it is supposed to be treated
    like some fragile treasure behind a glass enclosure in a museum. The overflowing ICU pretext is BS. It is now pure panic
    agitation and is a lie.

    People who demand vaccination from people who recovered from covid and who are not at risk of serious consequences from
    getting it, are idiots and basically criminals. They do not have a clue about the "science" and insist on exposing individuals
    to the risk of death and serious injury. GTFO.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Nemo Thu Dec 30, 2021 7:52 pm

    I'm one of those who've been through the bug, about a year ago. I noticed that because I lost my sense of smell and taste. I also had some headaches for 2 days but something slight. A simple 500 mg tablet of acetaminophen passed the headaches. The taste came back in a week but the sense of smell took a month to return and it was gradually.

    I'm not vaccinated but I'm not anti-vaccines. And, being over 40, I just didn't get vaccinated because I don't think it makes sense to take an experimental drug to protect myself from something I've been through.

    Some of my friends had the bug in a very complicated and even serious way, in a case where a perfectly healthy comrade with a special forces background and who kept himself physically fit with regular exercise, spent 3 weeks hospitalized with an oxygen mask.
    Most of the cases I know of friends who have gone through the disease, they just mentioned symptoms similar to those of a flu, some more intense than others but nothing that could not be cured at home with the help of acetaminophen or ibuprofen, nothing serious or worrisome.

    In other words, this is not so simple and each case is different. I believe that anyone who has recovered from the disease should not be vaccinated, except in occasional cases such as people with morbidities, etc. Vaccinating healthy youth and women of childbearing age is something I cannot see where the benefits outweigh the risks. Wanting to force vaccination of children then is just and only criminal, when almost nothing is known of the long-term effects of these vaccines and the track record of companies like Pfizer is not at all recommendable.

    And I do that "disclaimer" again, I'm not anti vaccines, due to my military background as well as my current job I have more vaccines than the vast majority of people, I just can't find a logic in wanting to force an experimental vaccine, with dubious capabilities because if it is consensual that it prevents high rates of hospitalization and/or death in people with morbidities, it does little for the vast majority of healthy humans, it does not prevent us from becoming infected or prevent us from infecting others.

    To all forum participants, an excellent year of 2022, preferably in the company of those who matter to you.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:06 pm

    I have heard one case where a  30 year old died through family contacts in Russia.   This happens in the case of the flu as well,
    including in children.   Health is not that trivial to gauge.   There are plenty of thin people who have metabolic syndrome and are
    on their way to heart attacks and diabetes.   Doing exercise does not save you if you guzzle sugar (starch is sugar) like most people
    do.   It is "healthy" until you find out that it is not.  

    There is zero justification for forcing covid vaccines on individuals.   This includes the "it benefits you" and "the ICUs are overloaded"
    non-excuse BS.   I personally cannot remember having a cold and have only had the flu.   It is quite certain that it is the flu since
    nobody calls a flu a cold as the latter is much milder.  So genetics is important as well.   Some people are more prepared to fight off
    the coronavirus than others.   People need to be responsible for their own health and big daddy government should not be responsible
    for making health decisions for them.   This is especially true when big daddy government is feeding everyone toxic diet advice.   Guzzle
    those carbs and fructose, but stay away from animal fats and eat omega-6 (a complex of source fatty acid and oxidation products)
    industrial seed oils which we did not evolve to handle.   The medical textbooks describe the role of insulin in the state of health but
    by the time the government and the "medical" associations disburse their advice any reference to it is dropped.   This screws over
    completely the people who think that all they have to do is count calories and exercise.   No amount of either will save you if you
    maintain high insulin levels.   The covid mortality and severity is linked to insulin resistance and 30 year olds can be very insulin

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:40 pm

    I've heard that pretty much: zinc, Vitamins C and D is most important in fighting off covid symptoms.

    I recall in the past that whenever I started to feel the flu coming on, I would take Vit C tablets and or packets in water and the flu symptoms would be cut in half (meaning last 1 to 2 days rather than 5 or more). I've restarted taking these vitamins now. Will be doing it daily. I also will be doing my best to cut back on crap foods. Unfortunately it's hard and self control isn't in my vocabulary. But I have cut out sugar drinks (worst I still guzzle is diet so my salt intake is through the roof and I gotta cut back on that too). Alcohol consumption is down significantly but that's been at least 3 years too.

    I say having proper amount of vitamins and diet is key to fighting covid. As Jimmie Dore kinda jokes about is calling Joe Rogan "Doctor" because he has been far more helpful than Faucci since Faucci has a spotty past anyway.

    We also need to take care of having too many vaccines and as our friend Nemo pointed out, experimental. Does anyone remember the Polio induced vaccination crisis in India? Lessons not learned.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Dec 30, 2021 11:46 pm

    seems some in the German Millitary are defying their government again.
    and i have understanding for that.
    Their own government can only bow down to the u.s overlords.

    The german government confirmed he is in the service and has been arrested.

    Seems he did not agree much with the government forced vaccination program.
    I cant find the original source video, but here is what i found.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 16408710


    Here speaks Oberfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant) Oberauer.
    I have made clear to all politicians of the region the threat of their fate.
    We as soldiers are open to talks as the law obligates us.
    You get the chance to stop the vaccine mandates and other Corona related mandates.
    Furthermore as soldier it is my (our) duty to the nurses and the people (of germany) to stop the Impfpflicht (vaccine mandates).
    This is a warning. We have called it clearly already. Me and (Oberst or Oberstleutnant something something).
    We will not repeat ourselves. You have time until tomorrow to answer us and to step back from this absurd/absolute madness.


    Hier spricht der Oberfeldwebel Oberauer.
    Ich habe allen Politikern der Region, klar ihr Schicksal angedroht.
    Wir werden uns als Soldaten gesprächsbereit geben, sowie uns das Gesetz dazu verpflichtet.
    Ihr bekommt die Möglichkeit die Duldungspflicht, die Impflicht und die Corona-Maßnahmen zurückzuschrauben.
    Viel mehr gilt hier gegenüber den Pflegern und dem Volk die Impflicht aufzuheben.
    Das ist eine Warnung.
    Wir haben es klar bereits benannt.
    Ich und der Oberstleutnant Futschik.
    Wir werden uns nicht wiederholen.
    Ihr habt bis morgen Zeit euch dazu zu äußern und die wahnwitzigen und verfassungsfeindlichen Vorhaben zurück zutreten.

    Edit: got it.


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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:35 am

    miketheterrible wrote:I've heard that pretty much: zinc, Vitamins C and D is most important in fighting off covid symptoms.

    I recall in the past that whenever I started to feel the flu coming on, I would take Vit C tablets and or packets in water and the flu symptoms would be cut in half (meaning last 1 to 2 days rather than 5 or more).  I've restarted taking these vitamins now. Will be doing it daily.  I also will be doing my best to cut back on crap foods. Unfortunately it's hard and self control isn't in my vocabulary.  But I have cut out sugar drinks (worst I still guzzle is diet so my salt intake is through the roof and I gotta cut back on that too). Alcohol consumption is down significantly but that's been at least 3 years too.

    I say having proper amount of vitamins and diet is key to fighting covid. As Jimmie Dore kinda jokes about is calling Joe Rogan "Doctor" because he has been far more helpful than Faucci since Faucci has a spotty past anyway.

    We also need to take care of having too many vaccines and as our friend Nemo pointed out, experimental.  Does anyone remember the Polio induced vaccination crisis in India?  Lessons not learned.

    Guzzling sugar and being insulin resistant is exactly the reason why many people are not able to properly absorb vitamins. Sugar
    competes with vitamin C so things like pasteurized fruit juices are a total waste of money and nothing but sugar water. Eat some
    sauerkraut to get loads of natural vitamin C. We need to supplement vitamin D because we are not exposed to UV light on our
    skin during winter especially. But sugar disregulates vitamin D absorption from supplements and foods as well. This happens
    for zinc and other minerals. Really, high carb diets are basically self-abuse.

    I love me my pizza and pasta with nice sauces. But I bit the bullet and have them only occasionally. Eating ruminant meat (beef,
    lamb, etc.) is very healthy and tasty. But pork and chicken do not have to be excluded. Do not let anyone tell you that meat is
    a source of cancer and other diseases. This is vegan propaganda.

    In general it is best not to eat any carbs (e.g. vegetables) together with meat. But one does not have to abandon high grade
    vegetables (cruciferous). We have a rather long colon for a reason. We are not carnivores even though we can survive quite
    well on a carnivorous diet.

    The above is relevant for covid since low grade inflammation and auto-immune responses induced by food directly impact your ability
    to fight off the infection.

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    Post  kvs Fri Dec 31, 2021 5:08 am

    The current hospital capacity for treating COVID-19 patients across the province is at 1,252, according to the
    latest data dashboard published by the Health Ministry on Twitter. The capacity has gone up by a few hundred beds,
    as several elective surgeries and other non-urgent procedures are being delayed or cancelled to free up staff.

    A Canadian province with over seven million inhabitants has a hospital capacity of 1252 for covid patients. Marvel
    at the criminal inanity of the overpriced Canadian health care system. Not only does it give shitty treatment (get
    on your waiting list for basically anything) it can't even provide 0.015% of the population with hospital treatment.

    This is all one big f*cking scam.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 22 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:23 pm


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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 01, 2022 8:02 pm

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    Post  kvs Sat Jan 01, 2022 10:13 pm


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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:24 am

    Boosters are a scam.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:43 am


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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 5:57 am

    Womp! There it is. Your prime risk factor determined by HbA1C. Insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.
    You do not have to be over 60 years of age to have serious glycation issues. We have teenagers becoming
    Type II diabetics (not Type I). All that sugar and omega-6 industrial seed oil trash comes at a price.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 1:50 pm

    Yeah, takes your vax and takes your chances.


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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 2:48 pm

    The lie factory spreading propaganda to push the plandemic.

    Last edited by kvs on Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:07 pm

    Funny how the flu has become an issue all of the sudden.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 12:07 am

    At 13 minutes:   The chairman of the board of Thomson-Reuters sits on the board of Pfizer.
    Spreading this truth gets one banned from corporate owned social media.  We are being ass
    raped by a corporate cabal.   The politicians are not only useless, they are guns for hire by
    this cabal.  

    All you losers who think that the west is a collection of democracies are deluded idiots.  
    Pfizer is making my health decisions for me to pad its profit margins.   This is nothing
    but serfdom.

    Around 1:18: hospitals are corrupt. They get direct financial incentive to misreport covid
    deaths and are openly hostile to any "anti-vaxxers". If you present with vax side effects
    at a hospital their reflex is to treat you as a mental patient. If they could, they would
    send you to a psych ward.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 1:24 am

    Myocarditis has a 27% associated mortality.   But the vaxxer hysterics are running around claiming that the mRNA
    induced myocraditis is "mild" without any factual basis.   The mortality of athletes on the field seen since the mRNA
    vaxes have been disbursed is consistent with the 27% figure.

    Around 1:30: the synthetic PEG-lipid casing molecule that makes up the mRNA nanoparticle vector accumulates in
    the ovaries of females and bone marrow of both males and females. We have cancer rate surge incoming! If omega-6
    lipids can massively damage mitochondria, you can bet your last US kopek that the PEG-lipid is carcinogenic. The
    cells will try to process this lipid since it is in the size range of metabolic fatty acids. Cells do not have any intelligence
    to pick and choose which molecules they ingest and process. It is blind chemical machinery even if highly complex.

    Dr. Robert Malone got rather serious side effects in the form of hypertension. He was lucky that he did not get any
    strokes or a heart attack. So he was in relatively good cardio-vascular health for his age. But we will see in a few
    years if people are really safe and secure. Interestingly, it is worse for people who already recovered from a covid
    infection to take the vaccine. This makes the vax mandates even more criminal than they already are.


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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:38 am

    The US regime's response to covid is clearly criminal. Around 2:20 you have a discussion about how the monoclonal
    antibodies that can be used to treat the Delta variant have been effectively removed from access in the USA. This
    even though it is still the Delta variant that is driving hospitalization and mortality. Omicron is a nothing-burger. Combined
    with the active sabotaging of non-vax treatment of covid a clear pattern emerges where the policy is to propagate
    the disease and fill up the hospitals. Then this engineered crisis is used to push lockdowns and other repressive measures.
    Including covid concentration camps likely opening up soon in the USA as in other countries.


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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 3:26 am

    As COVID-19 rips through New York, the state government has decided to prioritize
    non-white people to receive COVID-19 treatments because of "longstanding systemic health
    and social inequities."

    Last week, New York’s Department of Health released a document titled: "Prioritization of
    Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Monoclonal Antibodies and Oral Antivirals for the Treatment of COVID-19
    During Times of Resource Limitations Introduction." The memo provides a hierarchy of who
    should receive the limited supplies of monoclonal antibodies as well as the new oral antiviral
    pills — Pfizer's Paxlovid and Merck's molnupiravir — that were approved by the U.S. Food and
    Drug Administration last week under Emergency Use Authorization.

    New York is the state which sent out covid patients to old age homes leading to mass death.
    This is genocide.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 2:59 pm

    Nice discussion. Mandates are criminal. Mandates with Alpha strain vaccines are criminally insane.


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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 4:02 pm


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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 5:29 pm

    Swedish study finds that covid vaccines deplete the immune system, INCREASE all-cause mortality by 20%

    A Swedish study involving four million people raises several red flags concerning covid vaccines and death rates.
    The preprint paper took a closer look at real world vaccine effectiveness. The study revealed three main issues.
    The paper found that the vaccine doesn’t offer protection at all. Its so-called protection plunged significantly
    after six months, even for severe cases of COVID-19. The study doesn’t just show that vaccine effectiveness is
    waning. It shows that the protection is a fallacy altogether. The study concluded that those who are vaccinated
    are more likely to be infected and suffer severe disease than people who aren’t vaccinated.

    Covid jabs accelerate death totals in two-week follow-up period after the second dose

    The analysis is legit and not fluff.

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    Post  Mir Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:01 pm

    The analysis is legit and not fluff.

    Why am I not surprised! Laughing

    Hilarious story is this group from Belgium stationed on Antarctica >>

    Remote Antarctic station hit with Covid-19 outbreak

    The Belgian scientific base has reported a cluster of cases despite its staff being fully vaccinated Researchers working at Belgium’s Princess Elisabeth Polar Station in Antarctica have contracted Covid-19, even though all personnel have been inoculated and any new arrival has to follow rigorous safety protocols.

    Two-thirds of the station’s staff of 25 have been infected with the coronavirus, Belgium’s polar secretariat confirmed to local media earlier this week. But how the virus could have reached the remote station, located some 220km (137 miles) from the Antarctic coast, remains a mystery.

    All those present have received two doses of vaccine, and one person has even received a booster shot,” said Alain Hubert, the facility’s executive operator and head of security measures. All staff members also have to undergo a series of PCR tests on their long journey to the station.

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    Post  kvs Mon Jan 03, 2022 7:16 pm

    Why are the "scientists" surprised? Our immune systems do not clear out every last virus particle. They keep any virus that we
    are immunized against from replicating to the point of causing substantial harm. It takes a finite time for any immune system
    response and during this time millions of cells can get infected out of the 40 trillion cells in our body. So all of these Belgians
    were carriers of covid.

    The reason for the outbreak is because the low grade re-infection allows for RNA errors to build up. This gives us new strains of
    virus. Everyone who was exposed to covid is 1) a carrier and 2) growing new strains in their body. Different people will have
    different strains depending on the RNA errors. Sure, there is some constraint since there is a range of possible errors in the
    RNA and not infinity. Over time the immune system develops enough antibody knowledge to handle the strains that form inside
    the body. If exogenous strains with substantial differences are introduced (e.g. Delta), then the replication proceeds further
    before the immune system can develop antibodies and we have more serious symptoms and knock on side effects such as cytokine
    storms, etc.

    This is why Ivermectin is valuable. It slows the progression of the virus giving the immune system more time to adapt antibodies
    to it. Listening to the mass formation psychosis retards and shills one would think that we are seeing something impossible and
    nothing but Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes has any value as an intervention.

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