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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Wed Apr 27, 2022 1:44 pm

    Within the current understanding of vaccines, it is logical to assume that COVID-19 vaccines
    reduce overall mortality corresponding to the number of COVID-19 deaths prevented.

    However, there is now ample evidence that vaccines can have broad heterologous effects on the
    immune system. These effects can lead to additional protection or increasing susceptibility to
    unrelated infections or even other non-infectious immune mediated diseases3. Therefore, as it
    has now been established in numerous studies, vaccines may have completely unexpected
    effects on overall mortality, different from what could be anticipated based on the protection
    against the vaccine-targeted disease.

    The current system for testing vaccines does not incorporate this possibility. When the new
    COVID-19 vaccines were tested in randomised clinical trials (RCTs) against placebo/control
    vaccine, the trials were not designed to assess the effect on overall mortality. The possibility for
    observing such effects was further hampered by the short follow-up in these trials, as the
    individuals from the control groups received the vaccine after 3-6 months, following the
    “emergency use authorisation”. Hence, though it was anticipated that the new COVID-19
    vaccines would reduce overall mortality, especially in the context of a pandemic, this has not
    been formally studied.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Firebird Wed Apr 27, 2022 10:02 pm

    Family friends of mine, married couple, both doctors.
    He's been ill for many months (off work) with Multiple Sclerosis type symptoms.
    They now extremely strongly suspect the vaccine caused it.

    One of their friends, also a doctor has been vehemently anti frankenvax for a long time, and has much evidence to support that stance.

    This is added to my 21 yr old neighbour who is very fit... and also now often in a wheelchair due to Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis. Again with the frankenvax as the suspected cause.

    Frankenvax AND much of the Covid affair is a scandal of the era. Along with arming Nazis against Russia.

    Meanwhile Britain's verminous prime minister has been found guilty of having big parties during lockdown.
    Normal Brits were even banned from having a SINGLE funeral guest. Our lockdown lasted not far off 2 years.
    The cocksucker Boris Johnson, is believed to have had THIRTEEN parties during lockdown.

    Anyone NOT believe that a massive conspiracy of corrupt could happen?🙄

    PS with all those bioweapon labs in the Ukraine, circling Russia, near the Skripals in Porton Down etc, I reckon Uncle Sham is engaged in a variety of biowarfare as well. Perhaps "Covid" was the front for other things?

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:42 am

    Meanwhile Britain's verminous prime minister has been found guilty of having big parties during lockdown.
    Normal Brits were even banned from having a SINGLE funeral guest. Our lockdown lasted not far off 2 years.
    The cocksucker Boris Johnson, is believed to have had THIRTEEN parties during lockdown.

    Brits were not allowed to visit dying family members in hospital or look after elderly relatives or friends and that dick was having parties...

    But you can't expect someone like him to do the honourable thing and resign over this... he will just buckle down and blame everyone else or redirect attention to other less important things...

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    Post  Firebird Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:48 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Meanwhile Britain's verminous prime minister has been found guilty of having big parties during lockdown.
    Normal Brits were even banned from having a SINGLE funeral guest. Our lockdown lasted not far off 2 years.
    The cocksucker Boris Johnson, is believed to have had THIRTEEN parties during lockdown.

    Brits were not allowed to visit dying family members in hospital or look after elderly relatives or friends and that dick was having parties...

    But you can't expect someone like him to do the honourable thing and resign over this... he will just buckle down and blame everyone else or redirect attention to other less important things...

    His line was "the nation needs him in its fight against the barbarity of Putin". Literally.
    I'd like to see the plummy prick eaten by dogs, while he was still screaming.

    His political party knocked on my door asking me to vote Cuntservative ie his party in the forthcoming elections.
    The canvasser said supporting Johnson was no different to supporting the former Labour leader, Corbyn who is anti-NATO troublemaking (sympathises with Russia and the plight of pro Russians) and anti the corrupt British Establishment. I told her COrbyn hadn't put Britain under house arrest for 2 yrs.

    I tore up the leaflet and said Johnson was "scum".
    The woman had the neck to say "there's no need for that".
    The conversation then degenerated pretty rapidly.

    Oh I say she.. but I wonder if it was a tranny "male".

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:47 am

    He seems to try to appear to be a good bloke, but he was brought up in a different world from most Brits with a silver spoon in his mouth.

    He doesn't know what honour means... but then most of the people in power don't know the difference between right and wrong... and don't care.

    The fact that she didn't understand the feelings of people she was talking to suggests like most politicians and their helpers... they are on transmit and not receive... instead of arguing with you she should have asked your views on a range of topics and took note of them herself.

    Instead she objected to your protesting her not understanding the people she wants to vote for her and her fellow party members.

    People skills used to be a thing but now you just don't listen, you just keep broadcasting the propaganda and just expect over time everyone will conform...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  JohninMK Fri May 06, 2022 7:12 pm

    Holy shit. As the Pfizer documents supporting their vaccine are forced out of them like the proverbial blood from a stone the unbriddled horror of what has been done becomes clear.

    Strangely nothing in the MSM for the general public. It might create a panic.

    May 4
    Out of 46K participants in the Pfizer trial study 42K had adverse effects & 1200 died & they told NO ONE!!! Too late now isn't it??!!🙄

    Edgar Shankie
    · May 4
    Pfizer data dump: 270 pregnant women were tested and 238 went AWOL.

    Of the 32 remaining only 1 live birth.

    Others are various cases of spontaneous abortion and fetal death.

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 07, 2022 8:59 am

    Hahaha... pretty clear why the west just delayed accepting Sputnik rather than using a propaganda campaign to say it was dangerous because it was rushed...

    Because not only did Sputnik V appear safe and was ready first it would expose them to the obvious reply... you show your stats and we will show ours... which they would clearly lose.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Fri May 20, 2022 2:30 am

    So the new racket is Monkey Pox.

    Go and get your vaccine quick. If you want to keep your job. Little details such as the vaccine more likely to kill or injure you than
    the disease are of no consideration.

    Anyone who thinks this is normal is a moron. How many forced vaccines did we have before 2021?

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    Post  kvs Sun May 22, 2022 3:56 pm

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    Post  Regular Thu May 26, 2022 3:19 pm

    kvs wrote:So the new racket is Monkey Pox.  

    Go and get your vaccine quick.   If you want to keep your job.   Little details such as the vaccine more likely to kill or injure you than
    the disease are of no consideration.

    Anyone who thinks this is normal is a moron.   How many forced vaccines did we have before 2021?  

    Those who are old enough to be born in Soviet Union already have been forcefully vaxxmaxxed as kids and Monkey Pox shouldn’t affect them.

    Also, it’s not a new thing, you might think health organisations should know how to control it before it becomes endemic?

    Just close the gay clubs for a week and it will be gone from the Europe and the West

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    Post  kvs Thu May 26, 2022 7:30 pm

    Childhood vaccines do not give you myocarditis and multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune nerve system damage.
    Childhood vaccines are proper vaccines made from fragments of the bacteria or virus that is to be immunized against.
    These fragments do stay localized in the arm muscle where they are injected. By contrast all the covid vaccines
    spew hundreds of billions of spike proteins that spread through your whole body. This drives autoimmune damage from
    these spike proteins attaching to various cells in the body. The heart is special because it accumulates more of them
    thanks to blood having a higher residence time in it.

    Sure, many people do not have much autoimmune response. But hundreds of thousands have enough to cause

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 28, 2022 8:33 am

    kvs wrote:
    Childhood vaccines are proper vaccines made from fragments of the bacteria or virus that is to be immunized against. These fragments do stay localized in the arm muscle where they are injected.   By contrast all the covid vaccines spew hundreds of billions of spike proteins that spread through your whole body.    

    But that was only true in the very old past , many years ago .

    Today the world of politics is extremely different of how things were 20 years ago ,and
    soros /billgates /rockefellers /depopulation project have began ,since 2020 ,at a full scale speed.
    It means that a race for depopulation of the planet have started at full speed . and any vaccine
    in the future they offer you could be an mRNA poison , regardless of what they say , you are
    being vaccinated.

    So waiting for a country in the anglo world , to now come with a "new safe" vaccine ,that will
    protect you from their own created virus , is similar to discussions about pink unicorns with shotguns and titanium wings.

    But the problem can be much more complicated that rejecting vaccines those anglo powers and their euopean puppets offer you. Because they are now apparently developing ways to vaccinate you through the food you eat. and apparently they already did it ,through the fake covid test kits ,they offer on populaton. In either case , people need to be aware of dangerous and avoid any major risk.

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    Post  kvs Wed Jun 01, 2022 8:48 pm

    There you go. NIH and its affiliate Wuhan lab(s) were working on monkeypox. I am sure Fauci will be directing the next forced vaccination


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    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:37 am

    There is a good chance all the US bio weapons labs located around the entire world were working on all the most dangerous viruses known to man with the intent to weaponise them...

    Stating it might come from China is amusing because it is a US funded and run bio weapons lab... a good way of concealing blame and pretending it is China... the only reason they didn't push that too far is US funding and involvement proved it was a US programme done outside the US for plausable deniability...

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    Post  JohninMK Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:40 am

    The truth sometimes finds its way out

    The United States reported its first case of SARS-CoV-2 on January 21, 2020, in a 35-year-old American citizen traveling from Wuhan, China to his home in Washington state. This individual had a symptom-onset date of January 19, 2020. Importantly, two other individuals of the 12 cases that were first identified in the United States around this time identified their symptom-onset dates to be January 14, 2020.

    It was not until much later in 2020 that researchers at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) discovered that people in several states in the U.S. were infected with SARS-CoV-2 much earlier than January 2020.

    The researchers aimed to determine if SARS-CoV-2 was present in the United States earlier than what was previously reported by identifying whether reactive antibodies were present in the blood samples that were collected before January 21, 2020. To this end, the team assessed residual archived samples from 7,389 routine blood donations collected by the American Red Cross between December 13, 2019, and January 17, 2020.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jun 05, 2022 4:48 am

    JohninMK wrote:Holy shit. As the Pfizer documents supporting their vaccine are forced out of them like the proverbial blood from a stone the unbriddled horror of what has been done becomes clear.

    Strangely nothing in the MSM for the general public. It might create a panic.

    May 4
    Out of 46K participants in the Pfizer trial study 42K had adverse effects & 1200 died & they told NO ONE!!! Too late now isn't it??!!🙄

    Edgar Shankie
    · May 4
    Pfizer data dump: 270 pregnant women were tested and 238 went AWOL.  

    Of the 32 remaining only 1 live birth.

    Others are various cases of spontaneous abortion and fetal death.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 40 FR75dNpWUAEOCJ9?format=jpg&name=medium

    but Garryb.. aka.. the super pathetic liar ,  have been feeding us with bullshit information how this western mrna vaccines are soooo safe , that if we don't vaccinate and later die , it willl be our fault. Laughing

    But not worries , there will be more vaccines and Garryb public relations /damage control department of anglo western vaccines ,will be ready to come in their defense of western pharm again for another 3 years ?     Suspect

    For nothing it have been said, lies have very short legs.. and garryb's propaganda  have its own expiration date. that no longer works and not many in the forum , he can now deceive.
    Why would anyone defend criminal vaccines , even after so much evidence , that not only don't work ,but that are poison , is for anyone imagination top guess. for me is enough that time proven me
    100% correct.  Wink

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