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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:06 pm

    kvs wrote:

    The west has become a totalitarian toilet.  

    Water cannons against peaceful protestors and real time video censorship.  

    Why do the regimes care so much about the unvaxxed?   They are only an alleged threat to themselves.  

    1) Don't invoke the ICU BS.   Nobody forces people to not become obese and develop metabolic syndrome and
    load up the ICUs in their 60s.   Most hospital costs are for metabolic syndrome.

    2) The vaxxed are perfectly safe by alleged definition.

    So what is the real motive behind all of this?   Maybe has something to do with coercing people to be part of
    the mass experiment with mRNA "vaccines".

    Check this new video.. is one of the best coverage of the pandemic ,from the financial point of view of the elites , like about why the lockdowns on small business ,but no lockdowns for the major corporations , and why things were done the way they were done.. stay in your house and get this temporary money.  Lots of interesting info .. explained in simple terms. What i have been saying.
    is not about money ,but about control , and money is only used as a tool of influence society that needs it to eat ,because billionaires they don't need more money , they are already super billionaires ,and have enough. Money is more useful for them ,as a tool to give it away ,for controlling others.
    So they need money like a carrot to a horse ,but not because they need money for personal use.  
    is all about taking control of all the things that society wants . money ,food , technology ,entertainment ,and security ,and health  , this is what the billionaires really want,, to control society ,so that society remain weak , and easy to manipulate and can't stop their 1% club that have it all .  

    IF you look at the definition of Freedom , well its choice . The more choices you can make ,The more freedom you have.  The fewer choices you can make , the less freedom you have. And in the way society is structure today , and What dictates choices more than anything than money ? who has it , who doesn't.  So i hear people who talk about , the billionaires corporations ,that.. are all about money ... well yes , but on one level , they have the mentality of endless greed , but he button line , (the end goal) ,is not about the accumulation of money ,but about accumulation of CONTROL via the weapon of money.

    So money for super billionaires like bill gates or soros or rockefellers , is like a carrot to a horse.. that they can ride. The billionaires don't need the carrot for them ,but instead to influence the horse to move in their desired direction. So all said .. western billionaires behind this pandemic ,are very interested in two things..1) to have more money only to influence/control more numbers of people ,bribe entire nations AND they also want to sabotage the business of those they want to control .
    so that is more easier to influence them , when they are in need for food.. this as a bonus ,weaken society ability to start a revolution to organize and mobilize if they are poor ,so they can't organize and start a civil war against their system.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Arrow Wed Oct 20, 2021 10:43 pm

    The situation in Russia with Covid is tragic today with 34,000 cases

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Mir Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:55 am

    I see the UK is leading the pack with 49 000 new cases. Good news is that 99.9% will survive! Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:14 am

    Arrow wrote:The situation in Russia with Covid is tragic today with 34,000 cases

    Is not tragic ,when you look at the death rates..  covid19 is less lethal than the seasonal flu , and yet no nation close their economy or did lockdowns in the past for seasonal flu .. right?  you have more chance to die from cancer than from covid19 .  

    From 2017 to 2018 , US recorded from 50-60 millions!!! of cases seasonal influenza.

    And that's a lot of people , and there was no lockdowns , no shutdown of the economy (for small business only) , and no mandatory vaccinations..

    very interesting numbers. AND the delta variant in 2021 mortality rate is even smaller ,than the first ones in 2020 , the more viral is a virus ,as delta variant is , that Russia face, the less lethal is ,because if it is too lethal ,people die fast and can't be outside spreading it more .
    And their comparisons of Norway and Sweeden numbers also reveal ,how the lockdowns don't work , and that there is no need for them ,neither closing the economy.  They only close business (only the small business , but not the big corporations part of their system) to stop the independence and ability of most of their society to stand on their own feet and be independent from their government. . When people are poor , they are very vulnerable to those in power ,since will their development will be totally dependent on government charity. And when they control people health through mandatory vaccines to go outside for anything , they can literary control every minute of their lives.. total control of population , this is what they want , so that they can suspend the constitution ,suspend people freedoms , democracy and hold power forever.  In such tyranny they trying to implement , super billionaires like bill gates ,Soros , like rockefellers , can legalize anything , pedophilia , rape , taking your children , your wife if they like it , this is total tyranny , the Saudi Arabian way but a with lot more control , since they will be controlling people health by the minute every day. with the nano technology they working that will also be made mandatory under the skin.

    The anglo system elites are inspired by the power of the roman empire on its darker times of roman empire where roman emperors could go to their swimming pools ,with hundreds of naked children that they took away from the cities , or have orgies in their palaces with all their friends ,with all the people they took away from their cities.  This is what the super billionaires are dreaming ,an utopian world ,with endless rules for society and no rules for them. They will become the Law ,and they will do whatever thing they want ,decide who live and who die ,and those selected to continue living , only rights will be to obey them like slaves.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:16 am

    A question for vaxxer zealots:

    How is the Pfizer vaccine supposed to have any value if it no longer targets the mutated spike protein of new strains? The way that
    the are ramming this "vaccine" down everyone's throat in Canada and many other countries begs the question.

    Assuming there is no "tin foil hat" "conspiracy theory" experiment motive, then that leaves only one process. The adjuvant effect
    is triggering the immune system in cases where full blown symptoms have not developed. Letting the immune system respond faster
    helps survival and reduction in the symptom intensity. This delta is one of the reasons that some people get over the flu faster than

    But have you ever heard this given as an explanation? No, you have not. Instead you have the insinuation that the mRNA "vaccines"
    are acting like antiviral medicine that kills the virus. This is not what vaccines are.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:18 am

    Mir wrote:I see the UK is leading the pack with 49 000 new cases. Good news is that 99.9% will survive! Laughing

    The ones that have not gotten the vaccine and do not have metabolic syndrome of sufficient degree. Most of the people
    that will die, I can easily predict, will be the vaxxed. This will be particularly true for Scotland which is pushing mRNA
    products. AstraZeneca is better, but the chimpanzee adenovirus is an issue all by itself.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:21 am

    The low down on heart disease. The established dogma is total bollox.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:16 am

    kvs wrote:A question for vaxxer zealots:

    How is the Pfizer vaccine supposed to have any value if it no longer targets the mutated spike protein of new strains?   The way that
    the are ramming this "vaccine" down everyone's throat in Canada and many other countries begs the question.

    Take a different one if you are not into Pfizer, there's shitload of them now


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Kiko Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:27 am

    Take a different one if you are not into Pfizer, there's shitload of them now

    Not anymore in Brazil, where antivaxxer dear President Bolsonaro has duly prohibited both Russian and Chinese jabs in favour of Western ones. So now my sons and Brazilians in general are being stuffed down their throats with infamous Pfizers and Modernas for Big Pharma's satisfaction.

    Would you suggest for us to move to Serbia?

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    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:28 am

    Another little point for the vaxxer zealots.

    Why are vaccines not being distributed like all other medicines, prescription or not? I should be able to get the AZ and Janssen
    vaccines since they are approved. But instead in woke toilet Canada, Skippy is totally controlling the distribution. So AZ and
    Janssen are not allocated and not available. WTF is this? Daddy knows best?

    Looks a lot like an experiment. Have a centralized distributor allocate batches with the appropriate tags to various postal codes.
    This bypasses the chaos of individuals sourcing the vaccines from a market and makes data harvesting vastly easier.

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:44 am

    Kiko wrote:
    Take a different one if you are not into Pfizer, there's shitload of them now

    Not anymore in Brazil, where antivaxxer dear President Bolsonaro has duly prohibited both Russian and Chinese jabs in favour of Western ones. So now my sons and Brazilians in general are being stuffed down their throats with infamous Pfizers and Modernas for Big Pharma's satisfaction.

    Would you suggest for us to move to Serbia?

    Well for one you should from now on keep in mind that science denialism is a red flag on elections

    As for Serbia you don't have to move but if you can afford to hop on some low cost flight here for weekend you can get any vaccine you want, Lord knows we have plenty to spare thanks to antivaxxer retards


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 21, 2021 10:43 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Kiko wrote:
    Take a different one if you are not into Pfizer, there's shitload of them now

    Not anymore in Brazil, where antivaxxer dear President Bolsonaro has duly prohibited both Russian and Chinese jabs in favour of Western ones. So now my sons and Brazilians in general are being stuffed down their throats with infamous Pfizers and Modernas for Big Pharma's satisfaction.

    Would you suggest for us to move to Serbia?

    Well for one you should from now on keep in mind that science denialism is a red flag on elections

    As for Serbia you don't have to move but if you can afford to hop on some low cost flight here for weekend you can get any vaccine you want, Lord knows we have plenty to spare thanks to antivaxxer retards

    Look @KVS and @MIR , The Dawn Syndrome kid is calling us retards. lol1  

    In other news..

    When CNN  , papaDragon and Garryb are on the same side.. with exactly the same narrative ,
    then you know who they really are , they are undercover liberals . The liberals fake news mafia now officially controls them.  Laughing

    Here is an interview of CNN journalist , vs a Doctor warning of covid19 mRNA vaccines.

    The interview can be summarized like this..

    CNN : "The vaccines are safe" .
    Doctor : "No they are not , they will kill many people."
    CNN : "you are wrong."  

    Basically CNN journalist word vs Doctor word.
    Then after the interview CNN hire paid-"expert$$" to comment on the anti mRNA doctor , to trash talk him, and end of story.  Laughing  

    But in reality CNN proof nothing , they just used their media ,to made it look as if they discredit a doctor but they didn't , they did not proof he was wrong. There was zero debate about his arguments anywhere..  a manipulated report.

    Why CNN did not organized a debate inviting all doctors who wanted to question the vaccination ,vs their hired $$ actors doctors.. as they can do in presidential debates?  for fear that society will know how many thousands of doctors support the anti vaxx doctor?   i think so.

    The mainstream lying media in the anglo nations , from US to newzealand ,from CNN to Sky news
    is part of the reason , people like Garryb and Serbiankid exist.. brainwashed low iq people , that not even their arguments , are aligned , contradict themselves..  Garryb admits in the forum that the western pharma is corrupt.. yet he have no problem trusting their vaccines.  Rolling Eyes  

    This is the kind of people ,that try to lecture everyone about the wonders of mRNA experiments of the west. Rolling Eyes  In Garryb world , to vaccinate is always better than not.  Without even questioning the safety of an Experimental not yet certified vaccine ,that have killed and injured many thousands of people .

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:10 am

    In more news.. breaking news...

    Women predicted a global pandemic , months before any news happened anywhere , or wuhan outbreak..

    Viral Video: Woman “Predicted” Covid Pandemic In 2019, Warned Of Global Tyranny & Vax Mandates

    FOUR MONTHS before WHO declared a global pandemic a women with name Claudia told..

    1)- “They are planning a pandemic, I am so sure of that.”

    2)- “First of all, Bill Gates said there will be a pandemic and at least 38 million people will die,” she added.

    3)-Continuing, Claudia told viewers about a 2019...
    Trump executive order initiating a task force committed to rapidly producing vaccines in case of a virus outbreak.

    “How much more clear can it get that we have mandatory adult vaccines just around the corner?” the YouTuber asked.

    4)The Cabin Talk host told the people Big Pharma is already paying doctors bonuses to shoot up children with an excessive amount of potentially dangerous vaccinations.

    but wait there is more.. look what she told.. more amazing accurate prediction of what exactly was going to happen.

    Claudia 2019...
    “This is where we are at in this country and if there is a pandemic anywhere, there will be global everything. Because you know what will happen? All the countries will say we have to rally together because with airplanes, the viruses can travel so fast, and we’ll all globally implement the same damn laws which will be mandatory vaccines with toxic shit in our bodies that has not at all been proven effective or safe.”

    Coincidences really ?  That bill gates and trump ,they both were already expecting a major virus event soon even before CHINA discovered a virus running wild in wuhan.    No

    They knew for the same reason ,that Arsonist are the first ones to know ,where the next fires will start.  Because they are the authors of it .  

    Oh no a "coincidence" will say the Propagandist liberal bots in the forum,

    The terrorist anglo states planned this entire thing and some other countries in europe had to be complicit too in this pandemic crime . Trump knew , Bill gates knew , every elite in the west knew .  Pfizer got the biggest billionaire funding donation from federal gov for making vaccines like never before in history months before any pandemic started in china.. they knew.. And CNN reported about the pandemic in wuhan ,even before China knew what was going on in wuhan . No   It takes weeks to detect a new virus in a laboratory with epidemic potential , but CNN  somehow knew it was a pandemic virus by November 2019 , a couple of months ,that China officially realized ,was facing an epidemic with global potential. Liberal media in US reported the unknow virus in wuhan in november 2019 as a -game changing virus- , that will be world wide. The Western media knew too ,they were told by the intel agencies that runs their media. which had to be well aware of the bioweapon attack on china and the world. that they masterminded.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:16 pm

    Delusional vaxxer:

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  franco Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:06 pm

    Moscow to shut schools, restaurants & non-essential shops for two weeks as Russia again hits grim new record for Covid-19 deaths

    The mayor of Moscow, Sergey Sobyanin, has signed into force a new decree ordering employees to stay home, shuttering businesses, educational institutions, and government offices for a fortnight amid a spike in coronavirus cases.

    In a statement posted online, Sobyanin said that “the situation in Moscow is in line with the worst-case scenario. In the coming days, we will hit historic peaks in the incidence of Covid-19.”

    Between October 28 and November 7, the Russian capital will observe “non-working days.” In practice, “the work of all enterprises and organizations on the territory of the city of Moscow should be suspended, with the exception of organizations that ensure the functioning of the city’s infrastructure, enterprises working on a continuous cycle, and those where activities cannot be terminated.”

    Businesses working in trade, services, public catering, sports, culture, recreation, and entertainment will all be required to observe the stoppage. Restaurants and cafes will be allowed to work, but on the basis that they only serve takeout and delivery customers.

    Moscow’s government offices will also close, barring urgent services, and children at the city’s schools and kindergartens will be sent on holiday.

    According to Sobyanin, “our experience has shown that non-working days are the most effective way to reduce morbidity and mortality from Covid-19, allowing the chain of infection to be broken in a short period of time.” The mayor went on to say that Muscovites should “take a little rest and help to save the lives and health of many people – then the city can return to normal life.”

    The news comes just one day after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree extending a planned national holiday in response to a request from the country’s coronavirus headquarters. Earlier on Thursday, officials reported that 1,036 people had died from the virus within the past 24 hours, and 36,339 cases had been detected. Both the number of fatalities and infections are at their highest level since the start of the pandemic last year.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  kvs Fri Oct 22, 2021 3:28 am

    Follow the orders and takes your chances.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:39 am

    Bend over and take it on Otariario (*).

    (*) Fun jingle way of saying Ontario from the 1960s.


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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:50 am

    franco wrote: Moscow to shut schools, restaurants & non-essential shops for two weeks as Russia again hits grim new record for Covid-19 deaths

    Give everyone two week paid vacation as a reward for being retards, brilliant! Rolling Eyes


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    Post  PapaDragon Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:53 am

    Pleas and regrets in Russian hospital as Covid rages

    For nearly 20 straight months, Yevgeny Ryabov has watched coronavirus patients come through the doors of his hospital in central Moscow. Lately, most are unvaccinated.

    The Covid-ward coordinator observes how the virus ravages their bodies and, time after time, he hears the dying say they regret not getting the jab.

    "They usually give some excuse -- that they wanted to do it tomorrow," Ryabov says. "Unfortunately, tomorrow came today."

    And the sick keep coming.

    On commutes home, Ryabov witnesses Russia's largest city and the epicentre of the country's outbreak act as if there is nothing to fear, with bars, restaurants and theatres open as usual.

    "You drive and see people without masks, people having fun -- both old and young -- and it's upsetting because you're working for them. Unfortunately they don't understand," he says.

    "In those cases I want to scream," adds the 54-year-old, who lost five colleagues to the virus before a vaccine became available.

    While the pandemic is receding in many Western countries, Russia's outbreak is worse than ever, with authorities saying the latest surge of the virus has spread at its most rapid pace yet among a population that is only 35-percent fully vaccinated.

    As Ryabov spoke to AFP at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine's hospital on Wednesday morning, Russia set its sixth record in seven days for coronavirus deaths over 24 hours.

    By the afternoon, President Vladimir Putin had ordered a nationwide week-long paid holiday starting from October 30 to curb infections, calling on Russians to show "responsibility" and get one of the country's several jabs that have been available for months for free.

    But the surging caseload has come with no real pandemic restrictions in place, and with more than a week left until the holiday -- a measure that has been criticised by experts as ineffective -- coronavirus patients will continue packing Moscow's hospitals.

    Doctors at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine said they were holding strong, but begged the two-thirds of Russians who have not yet been vaccinated to get the jab.

    "We need to vaccinate to beat this disease already," said Alexander Shakotko, who heads up the hospital's intensive care unit (ICU). "We need social responsibility."

    The unvaccinated treated at his ward are watched over by portraits of the 20th century Russian priest Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco, also known as Saint John the Wonderworker.

    Some of the patients say they have experienced miracles.

    "I know I wouldn't be here if they didn't save me," Olga Ryzhko, a 51-year-old architect, told AFP from her hospital bed.

    She said she is not a "Covid dissident" and that she had planned on getting vaccinated, but had just kept putting it off.

    Not everyone is as lucky.

    Besides doctors, Ryzhko said a woman who shared her ICU room over the past month kept her going in the battle against the disease with positivity and encouragement.

    But the woman couldn't save herself. On Monday, she succumbed to the disease.

    "It's been truly horrible," Ryzhko says.

    Anatoly Polyakov, a retired police officer who spent two weeks in the ICU and said he was several days away from leaving hospital, also had not got the vaccine.

    He explained he and his wife had been waiting for a "strong" one to come around.

    "We waited and waited, and this is what we got," the 76-year-old said.

    "I really regret it after everything I lived through," he added. "When I get out I will tell everyone to get vaccinated."

    His doctors do not hold out much hope that the tide might turn in any near future.

    "The first two waves we thought' just a bit more and that's it, we'll return to normal life'," Shakotko said.

    "Now we don't even think about it. This is just the new normal."

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    Post  Kiko Fri Oct 22, 2021 7:13 am

    Doctors at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine said they were holding strong, but begged the two-thirds of Russians who have not yet been vaccinated to get the jab.

    So they're prone to get the red communist Sputnik V instead of the freedom and civilized mRNA jabs.
    As I've always said, better dead than red.

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    Post  kvs Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:55 am

    Kiko wrote:
    Doctors at the Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine said they were holding strong, but begged the two-thirds of Russians who have not yet been vaccinated to get the jab.

    So they're prone to get the red communist Sputnik V instead of the freedom and civilized mRNA jabs.
    As I've always said, better dead than red.

    Very Happy

    At least they don't have the pathology of mRNA side effects with Sputnik V. It is also much safer than the AstraZeneca
    vaccine based on Hungarian data. We can see this from the total lack of western fake media spazzing about any side effects.
    If Sputnik V had issues, you could bet your last coin that it would be a talking point.

    I don't think there is quite the level of hysteria in Russia to foist the vaccine on everyone and his dog. Even if they
    have recovered from covid and have superior immune system protection than anything induced by any of the vaccines.
    But I know from family that many Russians are not in a hurry to even get tested. There is a lack of enthusiasm for
    taking the vaccine. Compliance in Canada and the USA is much higher even though the vaccines being distributed
    are toxic.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:25 am

    Why are vaccines not being distributed like all other medicines, prescription or not? I should be able to get the AZ and Janssen
    vaccines since they are approved. But instead in woke toilet Canada, Skippy is totally controlling the distribution. So AZ and
    Janssen are not allocated and not available. WTF is this? Daddy knows best?

    I wouldn't blame your government... Pfizer is being Pfizer... they use threats like... hey you have to book our vaccine early because everyone wants it and there is limited supply... oh and by the way because everyone wants it at once you might not get what you want when you need it... but if you sign a deal with us... an exclusive deal that promises not to use any of the other vaccines... the inferior ones made with old technology... then we can give you a good price and we can make sure you get your vaccines when you want them... if you buy vaccines from other countries well the price for ours will be higher and you might not get any for a while because we are producing as fast as we can and we have lots of customers because our vaccine is so wonderful.

    It is a big pharma company using its power to create its own monopoly.

    Another method might be... well if you go for the vaccines of other companies then you probably don't want this or that other cancer treatment drug we are having such great success with in trials... said it before and will say it again they are bastards.

    But will repeat that even the occasional real death related to the vaccine is one in a million... which is much better odds than the virus is giving at the moment regarding death and permanent damage.

    To be clear I don't think being vaccinated should be forced on anyone, but there are situations where jobs have a position of responsibility where they deal with the public so they need to be vaccinated to protect the general public.

    I think there should be choice so you can pick and choose what vaccine you get... I have already had two Pfizer jabs and have had no real problems, but in 8-12 months time I would like to get a Sputnik Light booster jab if it was available... but New Zealand was railroaded into a deal with Pfizer so that likely isn't going to happen either.

    As mentioned above, if Sputnik V had any issues you can bet western media and politicians would be screaming it at the top of their lungs from every rooftop at anyone who would listen... the closest they have come is to claim it is a copy of a British vaccine... which is super ironic because that company is currently working with the makers of Sputnik V to improve the performance of their vaccine ...

    Which alone was a shock to me that a British pharma company would actually collaborate with a Russian company in anything... you would think because of the world wide nature of this and the fact that until everyone everywhere is vaccinated, then no one is really safe to travel that all these big companies would work together... but obviously creating medicine is no longer about helping people now is it...

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 22, 2021 10:33 am

    I don't think there is quite the level of hysteria in Russia to foist the vaccine on everyone and his dog.

    Ironic because Russia has vaccines for animals...

    So they're prone to get the red communist Sputnik V instead of the freedom and civilized mRNA jabs.

    The Hungarian data seems to show which is better and freedom and civilisation have nothing to do with it.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Fri Oct 22, 2021 1:20 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Follow the orders and takes your chances.

    Laughing   , that was very painful to watch ...i could not even finish the video , because make me feel bad for what this vaccines are doing on population ..  No

    I was expecting , that he was going to say , it was just a small thing , then next day was all great..
    but hell no ,It was like watching someone being torture slowly his testimony , like he went through a living hell after receiving Garryb's so called "Safe vaccines" ,and went from bad to worse , and when you think , is the moment ,will have a happy ending , it get worse and worse..

    basically stopped listening ,after his doctors told him ,he was close to a permanent heart damage. Neutral
    i just can't stand this injustice.. and the imbeciles who defend   this vaccines , shouldn't be allowed to even drive a car of have a family and raise children ,as retarded as them, and be put in a special hospital ,for people incapable to think coherently and reason.  

    This video just made me sad ..  for that guy , and even more sad to think that this yearly mandatory vaccinations will take away his life.. sooner or late ,and nothing will happen to the anglo western pharma industry because of the  imbeciles that support this genetical experiments on mass population ,will continue promoting this genetical experiments , and people like bill gates , soros will be laughing at this , thanks to very  stupid people , that support this crime.  

    As a matter of fact , i saw on radio , a similar case like this..  The interview was with a top doctor ,that had a lot of experiences microbiology and virus ,and her expertise was curing people very will with viruses. and her top training was in Africa dealing with the malaria virus . This is a doctor that was censored , and threatening her job for speaking negatively about mRNA vaccines..  she was popular for saving a thousands of lives ,during 2020 , when there was no vaccines of people that got covid19.. using just available anti inflammatory medicines ,that exist in all hospitals. so far not a single patient , of her died from covid.. she cured all of them ,using traditional medicines..    her testimony is proof ,that you don't need any experimental and dangerous vaccines at all ,to treat covid19  ,with lots of secondary effects and that have killed many too. That there are many cheap treatments , doctors can use to save their lives..

    So the arguments ,that many morons in this forums ,try to make, that if you don't vaccinate ,you die is completely  false..  just bull s-hit propaganda and lies..  and that doctor testimony on the radio ,that was in the frontline fighting covid19 ,during all 2020 , that cured a thousands of patients ,and 100% of them survived ,and many of them ,just within days of receiving her anti inflamatory and anti parasite drugs..they all healed.

    The doctor was warning all people ,that as soon the western poisonous vaccines , were released for the market , that they all were prohibited from using their traditional 100% safe and very cheap medication that she used to save a thousand of lives of very ill people ,with covid19.  And the end of the interview , a phone call was received on the radio health show , by young student , asking the doctor for advice  ,what to do next , because he got the first shot of J & J/ pfizer, (forgot which one was) and he told , got a heart attack..  and that there was no way ,he will try again that vaccine . and he never before had any heart attack..  The program was ending ,and so they agreed to do another one..  But her face ,was like , yep.. have seen this many times.

    Things she spoke..

    - the massive corruption of mainstream  media , hiding the problems with pfizer and moderna ,and all mRNA vaccines so people go risk their lives with this anticovid mRNA vaccines (in the west).
    -The censoring to her , threatening their job if continue exposing the problems with mRNA vaccines.
    -How US Federal government , she told ,"the agency with 3 letters" ( CDC ) pressure  governments ,hospitals and doctors for mandatory vaccinations and to stop using anything else , (even if medicine works) to get everyone mRNA vaxxed ,and the hundreds of millions of money given to hospitals in reward ,for vaccinations.
    -How politics step in the way in ending the pandemic.. criticising mandatory vaccinations ,lockdowns and face mask.
    -her travel to italy ,for an international conference to counter covid19 .
    -and how many doctors , that she knows supports her , but for fear of losing their jobs , say nothing.
    -finally ,she told something ,gave a hint , of something big ,that was going to happen and was comming ,that will end this criminal vaccination on population with experimentals shots , that help will come.. but did not told exactly what she really mean... it seem ,she was talking about a major doctor international movement, since she visit conferences worldwide , and perhaps ,they will start a major protest ,world wide , against Pfizer ,Moderna ,and all those mRNA vaccines . THere was another doctor claiming on facebook ,they have confidential information that pfizer vaccine will be removed from market.. but no information given why they believe that.

    In reality is nothing knew what she says , of what we already know , that those vaccines kill and injure many people ,and does not work to make it worse. and how doctors for fear of losing their job ,obey their masters and agree with this criminal experiment.  But i do learned from that interview ,first hand ,That the corruption that happens in US is happening too in all the west ,that a lot of doctors ,are thinking the same thing..about this mRNA poison ,  but for fear losing their jobs ,they comply with their orders. she agreed this mRNA vaccines are the biggest crime experiment ever on humanity and told will not stay silent and will continue speaking ,saying there are alternatives ,and she have real experience to proof it , that to defeat covid , there was already plenty of medicine and drugs in the market , FDA approved medical drugs ,100% safe without secondary effects ,that defeat   covid19 illness in a matter of few days and that will continue speaking  ,even if censored by her hospital and courts.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #4

    Post  Vann7 Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:21 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Bend over and take it on Otariario (*).

    (*) Fun jingle way of saying Ontario from the 1960s.

    Just to be clear @KVS  

    The anglo western Liberal system US,Canada ,UK , Australia ,NZ are not fools..  they  do mistakes for being too greedy and too arrongant at times for underestimating their enemies , as their failure in breaking Russia ,with the conflicts they provoked Ukraine and Syria , but.. fools they are not.

    If you think the soros-rockefellers-gates system is "Stupid" is because you don't understand what they really doing.  Evil people ,will like you and everyone else to believe "it was a mistake " when they are caught cheating ,or doing something criminal..  ie..NATO  weapons falls in hands of alqaeda.

    And the video talks about a "stupid" policy with face mask.. that they will only allow mask supplied by the state or school ,but not allowed to use better face mask like 3M N95.

    That incident alone , is telling me ,they are planning something criminal with the face mask , either the face mask will be infested with covid ,when given to students and teachers ,  Or they planning to spray a virus in the air conditioning system and they afraid that if everyone start using N95 face mask that they purchase online , then people will either be truly protected from the virus and thats not what they want.

    So whenever a criminal government like trudeu system ,demands you to do something , "to protect your life" and do it exactly as they say.. then is a clear signal ,to NOT do it that way ,and oppose it.. because evil governmens  are simply playing tricks on society , and for those tricks to work , society needs to cooperate and do things exactly as they say.  So if they tell you ,, vaccinate with this.. no thanks..
    use this face mask.. not thanks i have a better one.. walk over this side .. no thanks . drive to school in this car.. no thankyou , i will use my own car.  sit in this chair.. no thanks , i will use this other ,eat this.. no thanks.. i have my own lunch.  and so and so..   So whatever Canada government tells you ,Do this , because will be good for you , no thanks.. don't cooperate with them , or at least don't make it too easy for them.. resist as much as it is possible..  if they put a gun in your head..and tells will shoot you , then you might need to obey , in some situations .  unless they telling you ,jump into a lions cage..or else with shoot you,  then ,, in such cases , it will be less painful the bullet. so say no thanks.   lol1

    The more extreme choices is when you have a family ,that depends on your job ,to eat , and there is no other way for you to receive income ,a place to live and food than your job ,and mandatory vaccinations required to work everywhere ,in such difficult cases.. many will have no choice but to obey .

    like trump medical advisor told : the evil experiment with vaccines ends ,when everyone says NO.

    People need to resist Evil governments, and not comply , refuse to obey them ,whenever it is possible to do it , then do it , until is no longer possible , because the alternative is much worse for you. Good people job is to make things as difficult as possible ,for evil , and not make it too easy for them ,to kill you or get you out of business. and fight back them ,in a legal way whenever the opportunity shows.

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