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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Thu May 06, 2021 8:13 am

    Harry I am going to say this in the nicest way possible because I don't think you are a bad guy, you're just extremely uninformed and ego-invested in the whole situation (as in someone that has for some reason has started identifying with a previously defendable position that has now become undefendable).

    The post above really is an awful abomination. Dangerously clueless.

    I suggest you watch the video I posted again, Vandenbossche is a global top 5 vaccine scientist who has jeopardised his career, future and possibly his life trying to prevent an (in his eyes) major disaster from happening. He speaks in layman terms to reach even the left side of the bell curve

    Obviously people can disagree but at least do it on a factual basis that somewhat adheres to the rules of logic.

    As for the graphs, WTF are you talking about?!

    Jonathan, I am going to be nice and polite too... you call my post an abomination and tell me to watch the video, and your last comment was about the graphs which you totally dismiss... most of my post was about those graphs.

    Vander bush is what?

    Do you understand that this mans name means he is a lumberjack....

    brazil and latin america , can offer Russia , a door of opportunities ,for Russia to expand ,to bypass US sanctions more easily , and expand Russia geographical military presence , very close to US territory . good relations with brazil ,will mean more easier russia can counter anglo west sanctions , and become irrelevant. but putin on his miserable life , he have never ever cared about latin america , that idiot all he cares is gas stations with europe and and weapons and food sales. just imagine how lame is putin ,that he did not even attended the funeral of chavez of venezuela, that so much ,he praised Russia positive role in the world . But belarusian lukashenko did attended it. iranian president attended it too ,but Russia president was missing in action , this is the kind of idiots

    Russia has little chance of any progress in Brazil while the south American trump is in charge there... it is not an accident he got into power and it wont be any surprise if he stays in power no matter what mistakes he makes or how unpopular he becomes... because he is Americas man.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  elconquistador Thu May 06, 2021 8:34 am

    GarryB wrote:

    Jonathan, I am going to be nice and polite too... you call my post an abomination and tell me to watch the video, and your last comment was about the graphs which you totally dismiss... most of my post was about those graphs.

    Vander bush is what?

    Do you understand that this mans name means he is a lumberjack....

    Gareth I added an extra variable into the equation namely the fact that India hosts nearly 18 percent of the world's population.

    This is important info when dealing with absolute numbers

    As for medical genius Vanderbosch, he might indeed have to start looking at a career change. The way things are going many of these outspoken COVID dissidents soon won't be having a medical license anymore

    As for the post itself, indeed you were right, it was not in the nicest way possible. But you have to bare with me as the COVID 1984 scamdemic and the March towards Tyranny is bringing out the worst in many (me included)

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Thu May 06, 2021 12:41 pm

    I do not know whether this post should be in this thread or in the thread "Western propaganda"

    FT sources say that, in response, companies have been trying to convince the White House that China and Russia would benefit from patent exposure, using the proprietary US technologies “for other vaccines or even therapeutics for conditions such as cancer and heart problems in the future.”

    The classic formula: everything happened in this world is because of Russia, because of China, because of communism... etc etc.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  LMFS Thu May 06, 2021 2:34 pm

    elconquistador wrote:People vaccinated with Russian and Chinese vaccines might not be welcome in the EU.

    Go ahead and isolate / damage the economy even more. They can rot in their arrogance cesspool, freakin idiots.

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    Post  kvs Thu May 06, 2021 2:44 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:I do not know whether this post should be in this thread or in the thread "Western propaganda"

    FT sources say that, in response, companies have been trying to convince the White House that China and Russia would benefit from patent exposure, using the proprietary US technologies “for other vaccines or even therapeutics for conditions such as cancer and heart problems in the future.”

    The classic formula: everything happened in this world is because of Russia, because of China, because of communism... etc etc.

    Infantile western drivel. This is the same schoolyard punk claim as the one made by Bolton that Russia stole US hypersonic tech.
    If that was true the USA would be successfully deploying hypersonic missile systems and not the other way around. Textbook
    physics are not proprietary western "technologies". Russians have demonstrated their ability go from blue sky research to functional
    hardware for the last 100 years. The notion that the west has a monopoly on human intelligence is grotesque racist excrement.

    The SJWs are right in that the west is racist. But this racism is directed at Asia and not Africa. Truman swore at Russians as
    "those Asiatics". As if that was an insult. I think being called a westerner should be treated as the worst sort of insult.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  franco Thu May 06, 2021 3:31 pm

    Yesterday the world total recorded Covid cases hit the 155,000,000 mark. Some of the leader nations based on population % to have contacted Covid so far:

    Czech - 15.3%
    Slovenia -11.8%
    Bahrain - 10.5%
    USA - 10%
    Sweden - 9.9%
    Lithuania - 9.4%
    Estonia - 9.4%
    Israel - 9.1%
    Netherlands - 8.9%
    France - 8.7%


    Germany - 4.1%
    Russia - 3.3%
    Canada - 3.3%

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Thu May 06, 2021 4:22 pm

    kvs wrote:Textbook physics are not proprietary western "technologies".  The notion that the west has a monopoly on human intelligence is grotesque racist excrement.

    The West only consider human intelligence and knowledge are something could be sell, buy, and manipulate to make profit - mostly at the expense of other.

    They do not only discriminate against African or Asian. They discriminate against humanity.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Thu May 06, 2021 5:12 pm

    Russia authorizes ‘Sputnik Light’: Single-dose version of pioneering Covid-19 jab aims to speed up mass vaccination program

    The Russian Health Ministry has authorized the use of Sputnik Light, a one-shot coronavirus vaccine said to be even more efficient than the two-dose vaccines.

    Sputnik Light is the first component of the widely used Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, its researchers explained. However, the single dose has shown 79.4% efficacy, which “is higher than that of many two-dose vaccines,” the developers said in a statement.

    Researchers have analyzed the efficacy rate based on data received from Russia’s mass vaccination program between December 2020 and April 2021. Having studied data taken 28 days after a single injection was administered, they said the infection rate among one-time vaccinated people was just 0.277%. The unvaccinated adult population showed 1.349% infection rate over the same period.

    The scientists behind the vaccine say it’s effective against new Covid-19 strains. Antibodies neutralizing the deadly virus were activated in over 91% of recipients on the 28th day post shot. It is also said to provide absolute protection against severe cases of the disease. Following the trials, no serious side effects have been registered, Sputnik Light researchers report.

    Developers hope the single dose will help provide faster immunization among larger numbers of people. “The single-dose regimen solves the challenge of immunizing large groups in a shorter time, which is especially important during the acute phase of the spread of coronavirus, achieving herd immunity faster,” said Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which funds the vaccine. He also pointed out that Sputnik Light “has an affordable price of less than $10,” and can be easily transported and stored.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Thu May 06, 2021 8:02 pm

    franco wrote:Yesterday the world total recorded Covid cases hit the 155,000,000 mark. Some of the leader nations based on population % to have contacted Covid so far:

    Czech - 15.3%
    Slovenia -11.8%
    Bahrain - 10.5%
    USA - 10%
    Sweden - 9.9%
    Lithuania - 9.4%
    Estonia - 9.4%
    Israel - 9.1%
    Netherlands - 8.9%
    France - 8.7%


    Germany - 4.1%
    Russia - 3.3%
    Canada - 3.3%

    The Czechs sure picked the right time to engage in retarded hate propaganda against Russia.


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    Post  GarryB Fri May 07, 2021 2:03 pm

    This is important info when dealing with absolute numbers


    If 1,000 people a day are dying in Europe and 30,000 new cases are confirmed every day, why do they need to skew the results to make the European results look three times worse than Indias results with 3,000 people dying a day and 300,000 new cases detected each day?

    What benefit is there to that manipulation except to try to make things look worse for Europe than they actually are.

    It is ironic that you claim it is all a conspiracy yet you ignore western manipulation of the data...

    But you have to bare with me as the COVID 1984 scamdemic and the March towards Tyranny is bringing out the worst in many (me included)

    Lots of people are dying, this is not just ordinary flu... it is very contagious and therefore rather dangerous.

    Obviously the west is going to over hype things... they do that with everything.... the red menace, saddam with nukes... saddam with chemical weapons, Al Quada, ISIS... their solutions to such problems tend to line their own pockets more than deal with any stated problem... I mean how is the war on drugs going?

    Considering the CIA makes a lot of money on the Drug trade, and legal opioids are probably killing more americans than illegal drugs, but when your doctor prescribes something it is legal right?

    Countries gave pharma companies billions of dollars to research covid and come up with a vaccine, and they are going to make a hell of a lot more money than that selling it to many of the countries that gave them money for the research.... look at them squealing at the idea of making the vaccines free to make copies of...

    FT sources say that, in response, companies have been trying to convince the White House that China and Russia would benefit from patent exposure, using the proprietary US technologies “for other vaccines or even therapeutics for conditions such as cancer and heart problems in the future.”

    Hahahaha... I am sure they will look at them but they are still very experimental... they have their own much more effective and safe vaccines they can produce, I doubt they would copy western vaccines...

    People vaccinated with Russian and Chinese vaccines might not be welcome in the EU.

    People who don't actively hate Russia and China don't seem to be very welcome in the EU anyway...

    Go ahead and isolate / damage the economy even more. They can rot in their arrogance cesspool, freakin idiots.

    Could be a problem when they start making it in the EU themselves.... which suggests letting Hungary and Germany make Sputnik was never really going to happen...

    Russia authorizes ‘Sputnik Light’: Single-dose version of pioneering Covid-19 jab aims to speed up mass vaccination program

    Very good idea... for a lot of younger people who are less likely to have fatal complications if they do get covid this would be a good option to get the numbers vaccinated quickly and would minimise the side effects I would assume too...

    The Czechs sure picked the right time to engage in retarded hate propaganda against Russia.

    They are safe because Russia is not evil and petty like Washington or Brussels or Paris or London and will likely not refuse to offer vaccines to them just because they are being dicks.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Fri May 07, 2021 8:48 pm

    ‘Less democratic’ Asian nations satisfied with govt Covid response as public opinion in Europe suffers ‘severe downturn’ – study

    People’s satisfaction with the Covid-19 response in “more democratic” Europe has “dropped sharply” in 2021 compared to last year, while people in “less democratic” Asia have “remained consistently positive,” finds a global survey.
    The survey, titled the Democracy Perception Index (DPI), was conducted by the Alliance of Democracies Foundation and brand tracking firm Latana. It found “the vast majority” of people in “less democratic” Asian countries still had faith in their government’s Covid-19 response measures a year after the pandemic began, remaining “just as satisfied” in 2021 as they were in 2020 (75% vs. 77%).

    Among the most satisfied were China, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia. The report explains that the satisfaction was dependent on the country’s death rate per capita – of the 53 countries polled, it was lowest in China and Vietnam.

    The survey also found that public approval had actually grown in some countries, including Russia and Chile. Both nations have rolled out mass vaccination campaigns, Russia using its own Sputnik V, and Chile China’s CoronaVac, manufactured by Sinovac.

    However, it points out that overall approval levels worldwide had dropped from about 70% to 58%, and the downturn had been “even more severe in more democratic countries.” In Europe, for example, the level of approval had plummeted to 45%. According to the report, the least satisfied countries were Italy, France, and Poland. Dissatisfaction is also on the rise in Latin America.

    The survey also examined people’s opinions of Covid-19 restrictions and discovered that many felt their government was increasingly limiting their basic freedoms. According to the findings, this year, 53% of people around the world reported feeling state intervention had gone too far, while, last year, this figure stood at 45%. The report points out that concern at the restrictions had increased most in Europe, especially in Hungary, France, and Ireland, although it was still higher overall in less democratic countries (60%).

    “We now need to come out of the Covid-19 pandemic by delivering more democracy and freedom to people,” said Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former NATO secretary general who is now chair of the Alliance of Democracies Foundation, which carried out the poll.

    The DPI is the world’s largest annual study on democracy, being representative of more than 75% of the world’s population. This year’s online survey polled more than 53,000 individuals in 53 countries between February 24 and April 14.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Sat May 08, 2021 7:58 am

    Western people would be standing on the deck of the Titanic as it sank saying having to wear a life jacket is a violation of their human rights and they should be allowed to choose whether to wear it or not...

    The most important thing in life is picking only fights that are worth winning and that can be won.... anything else, just let it go.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 08, 2021 9:22 am

    Another missile fired against Garry'sb  fake , what he calls " safe vaccines" .
    On a major award in washington dc , to the moderna , labelled as the "best covid" vaccine ,
    the award , that was done by people close to US pharma industry and US federal gov ,so is not
    necessary to say ,how biased was the voting and how fake was the process of the award.

    In any case ,the interesting thing ,is not the propaganda stunt ,they did , but that the head of the gamaleya research institute told ,what i have been saying and also others in this forum ,  for a year already , that mRNA vaccines are not so safe vaccines as garryb claims ,but actually very dangerous and kill people.  but what i know ? lets quote the head of gamaleya , who completely contradict
    all the false stories ,that garryb and others in this forum have been falsely promoting .

    lets listen what sputnik creator told recently.. where are you hiding now garryb?  Smile

    Would Sputnik V stand any chance of having its positive features objectively praised at the Washington institution? Unlikely. SoAlexander Gintsburg, head of the research institution which developed the Sputnik V vaccine, was justified when he said:

    “I can say that it’s absolutely unclear how all this was evaluated, given the high mortality rate associated with mRNA vaccines”.

    please explain me this Garryb , what he means with high mortality rate for mRNA vaccines?
    This doesn't look like a good thing , is it ?  obviously he knows something , and is speaking about it.
    leave no question as to what vaccines he is talking no less than pfizer and moderna ,that use mRNA technology crap.

    ouch!!  so not conspiracies after all ,  finally russia top ranking microbiologist being more voicey open ,and exposing the highly unreliable ,and dangerous mRNA vaccines the west have been pushing on their population.

    mRNA vaccine kill count by doctors who oppose this vaccines are already in the many thousands..
    so is not just .00000001% probability as  some will like to claim , but pfizer for example
    the mortality rate can go from as low as .01 to as high as 30 % mortality rate , as it did happened
    in norway pfizer scandal with the seniors care center , that from 100 to 110 people ,up to 30 of them died after the vaccination ,in just one week . and it was not just the old people who got problem with pfizer , but nurses and employees who also got the vaccine got very sick and could not return to the job after the shot .. so those mRNA vaccines can be signigicantly more lethal that convid9 and all other viruses combined. because can kill as fast a 2 hours ,after taking the shot ,as happened with the miami doctor ,or can kill very huge numbers of people up to 30% , as it happened in norway.
    and if it happens in one country ,it can happen elsewhere too , that the same vaccine is used.
    even israel doctors , somewhere was posted the info , told the hearth attack rate increased by 1,000% rate during the vaccinations period in israel.. coincidence? or  western vaccines secondary effects can be very lethal and dangerous?

    This of course does not excuse Moderna either..   lets see.

    California Suspends Use Of Moderna Vaccine Batch After Allergic Reactions

     i post evidence , of my claims ,not just opinions ,but verifiable facts.  i come with clear verifiable and confirmed data ,that mRNA vaccines are not safe ,of highly respectable scientific doctors and real facts of hospitals ,that had to stop vaccinations for major problems in the west. not only russia top scientist in vaccines says mRNA can kill you , but also american doctors says this too ,and so hospital in california have done what? suspend vaccinations in many hospitals with moderna after so many not expected allergic dangerous side effects?

    more news of the "super safe" vaccines.  No

    Orange County woman's death after 2nd dose of Moderna vaccine spurs concern from family | ABC7

    likely the video will be deleted , as so many other i posted ,when the pharma mafia police that appears to be in this forum and pretend to be regular posters ,warn about this video exposing this deaths from their shots... and demand youtube to delete the video.  No

    Of course the authorities and hospital will say ,there will be an "investigation" but how many
    really think , pfizer or moderna will investigate themselves and blame themselves for the death
    of this people?  Rolling Eyes

    there is never investigation is just blamed on people whenever they die . there is a lot of money to lose ,if they ever admit ,their vaccine is very dangerous and can kill you.

    update ..breaking news..

    Where are all now the clowns who laughed at me for opposing this vaccines now hiding?   pirat  

    A Doctor ,who have won in courts against US federal government protected companies like
    Montosanto and taking down their dangerous products ,is now sounding the alarm of US pharma industry vaccines too. ,  he says  their vaccines have all the signs of a deep depopulation strategy ,and nothing good can come from it.  

    Respected medical doctor and best-selling author Dr. Mercola, known for taking down Monsanto’s glyphosate product Roundup, makes the shocking prediction that the Covid-19 experimental injections will kill more people than the virus.

    youtube don't allow videos like this , so was not uploaded there . the video inside infowars.

    the video in that page should be mandatory world wide ,for all societies to see ,the
    outrageous behavior of the US pharma industry that breaks all the norms ,ethics and rules of science and medicine.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Kiko Mon May 10, 2021 5:45 pm

    RDIF: Vaccination with Sputnik V enables San Marino to reduce COVID-19 cases to zero level
    There was no cases of infection registered since May 4th.

    MOSCOW, May 10. /TASS/. The vaccination with Sputnik V has helped San Marino to become the first European country that defeated the coronavirus and reduced the level of cases to zero, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said on Monday.

    "San Marino was able to roll out the most successful vaccination campaign in Europe thanks to Sputnik V: average 7-day infection rate per 1 mn people (May 3-9) is more than 40 times lower than that in the EU countries. Positive results of the vaccination campaign with Sputnik V were obtained only two months after it started with the median daily COVID cases dropping by 250 times from a highest point in early April to zero level and no cases of infection registered since May 4th," the RDIF said in a press release.

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    Post  kvs Mon May 10, 2021 7:07 pm

    So some two bit NATzO based political outfit calling itself the World Congress of Vaccination has given Moderna the prize of the best
    Covid-19 vaccine. This is how the west is "superior", through moronic declaration and self-giving of prizes. Moderna has been
    demonstrated to more side effects, including death, than the Russian vaccine and the Chinese vaccines. In fact, AstraZeneca's
    vaccine is superior to both Moderna's and Pfizer's mRNA products. But since AstraZeneca is under fire by EU-tard EU-crats and
    has fallen out of favour in the USA as well over the phony blood clotting risk "problem" which applies to Moderna and Pfizer,
    it is not going to given a prize. What a sick joke.

    BTW, both Moderna and Pfizer, have not shown any superiority in terms of priming the immune system for SARS-Cov-2. Sputnik
    5 is better than both in this regard.

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    Post  Kiko Tue May 11, 2021 1:29 am

    Meanwhile: Slovakia decided to use Sputnik V after three months of obstructions.
    May 10, 2021.

    After three months of all kinds of obstructions, Slovakia in the coming days will start using the Russian vaccine against coronavirus Sputnik V, the first batch of which arrived in the country on March 1, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Republic Igor Matovic.

    “After receiving excellent test results for Sputnik V in a laboratory in Hungary, certified in the [EU recognized] OMLC system, and after three months of all kinds of obstructions from the all-powerful [opponents of the Russian vaccine in Slovakia], the start of Sputnik V vaccination is approaching in the coming days. and in Slovakia. With the Russian side during the past weekend, I agreed that she agrees with the beginning of the [process] of vaccination [of the inhabitants of the republic], "- quotes the words of Matovich TASS .

    Last Friday, the Minister of Health of Slovakia, Vladimir Lengvarsky, said that a specialized laboratory in Hungary has confirmed the reliability of the Russian vaccine against the Sputnik V coronavirus, which the Slovak authorities allegedly falsified.

    Recall that in March, a government crisis erupted in Slovakia due to the decision of the now former Prime Minister Igor Matovich to purchase 2 million doses of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. In particular, the Slovak authorities insisted that the Russian vaccine they received allegedly did not match the description in The Lancet. After that, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) accused Slovak experts of sabotage and asked to return a batch of Sputnik V vaccine to be transferred to countries in need.

    However, in the end, Sputnik V nevertheless successfully passed laboratory tests in Slovakia, and the President of the Republic, Zuzana Chaputova, recognized the reliability of the Russian vaccine.

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    Post  flamming_python Tue May 11, 2021 1:38 am

    Kiko wrote:RDIF: Vaccination with Sputnik V enables San Marino to reduce COVID-19 cases to zero level
    There was no cases of infection registered since May 4th.

    MOSCOW, May 10. /TASS/. The vaccination with Sputnik V has helped San Marino to become the first European country that defeated the coronavirus and reduced the level of cases to zero, the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) said on Monday.

    "San Marino was able to roll out the most successful vaccination campaign in Europe thanks to Sputnik V: average 7-day infection rate per 1 mn people (May 3-9) is more than 40 times lower than that in the EU countries. Positive results of the vaccination campaign with Sputnik V were obtained only two months after it started with the median daily COVID cases dropping by 250 times from a highest point in early April to zero level and no cases of infection registered since May 4th," the RDIF said in a press release.

    A brilliant result

    As for Moderna, it's a little early yet to start calling any vaccine the best, but it did have good results in Israel and has been used on a wider scale than Sputnik so far, so I wouldn't write it off as a contender.

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 11, 2021 2:21 am

    lets listen what sputnik creator told recently.. where are you hiding now garryb?

    I am not hiding at all Vann... have you had your first vaccination shot yet?

    We know where you live... you are going to get all the western vaccines.... at once....

    So some two bit NATzO based political outfit calling itself the World Congress of Vaccination has given Moderna the prize of the best
    Covid-19 vaccine.

    Can't remember where I read it, but I think officially they gave it the prize for being ground breaking new technology that is going to lead to everything being cured, but they did say that the judging panel also owned a lot of stock in the vaccine that won....

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 11, 2021 4:18 am

    I got vaccinated with Sputnik but now I'm sorry I didn't pick Pfizer just to have another thing to punk Vann and rest of antivaxxer crew with...

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 11, 2021 8:14 am

    Cuba's 2 COVID-19 vaccines might be ready in summer

    Two vaccine candidates – Soberana 02 and Abdala – are now in Phase III clinical trials, Rodriguez said, with ''efficacy data expected by June."

    "However, positive safety and immunogenicity data from these vaccine candidates have been obtained in previous clinical trials," he added.

    He said Cuba plans to complete vaccination of all its people, against all odds, before the end of this year and drew attention to "a shortage worldwide for available supplies of raw materials and primary packaging material for the pharmaceutical industry."

    Dr. Rodriguez said the traditional vaccine has proven safety through a long-term experience of medical use, but ''vaccines based on novel platform technologies are obtaining good results so far'' and can be developed and introduced in the market in a shorter time.

    Once emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 vaccines is granted, Cuba will quickly immunize all of its population, Rodriguez concluded.

    Cuba's Soberana Plus vaccine protects against Covid-19 reinfection

    A single dose of Cuba's vaccine candidate Soberana Plus can protect people against Covid-19 reinfection and improve their immune response to variants of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, health authorities announced on Monday.

    At a press conference on Cuban television, Dr. Rolando Ochoa, a researcher with the Finlay Vaccines Institute (IFV) and project leader, explained that Soberana Plus has been designed for convalescents and as reinforcement for those who have been vaccinated with Soberana 02 in its phase III of clinical trials.

    Soberana Plus was recently approved for phase II of clinical trials, and will be administered to 450 volunteers who suffered from Covid-19 with a mild, moderate or asymptomatic clinical history.

    'It will be a multicenter, adaptive study in parallel random groups, a double-blind and control study with a placebo,' Ochoa noted.

    The study involves patients aged 19-80 who were discharged from hospitals at least two months before receiving a single dose of Soberana Plus.

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 11, 2021 8:27 am

    Phase III doses application of Abdala candidate clinical trial ends in eastern Cuba

    The study applied in three shot doses included more than 48,000 volunteers from the capitals of Santiago de Cuba, Guantánamo and Granma provinces, in order to test its effectiveness against COVID-19.

    May 3, 2021

    Efficacy evaluation of Abdala COVID-19 vaccine candidate begins

    After concluding the application of its three doses in the more than 48,000 participants in phase III clinical trial in eastern Cuba, the evaluation of the efficacy of the Abdala COVID-19 vaccine candidate began this Monday.

    May 4, 2021

    Cuba will have 70% of its population immunized against COVID-19 in August

    May 8, 2021

    Cuban Minister of Public Health José Ángel Portal Miranda said this Friday that in June it is expected that 22% of the population will be immunized against COVID-19 and in August 70%.

    Portal Miranda explained on the Mesa Redonda television program that the vaccination strategy will be adjusted over time. Soon, he said, a second stage of health intervention will be carried out with the Abdala and Soberana 02 vaccine candidates in health workers and risk groups throughout Cuba. To this end, work is underway and the personnel is being trained in the various territories.

    In Havana, he said, the first stage of health intervention will include the municipalities of Regla, San Miguel del Padrón, Guanabacoa and La Habana del Este, from the first half of May to June. Then will come Boyeros, Cotorro and Arroyo Naranjo during the last week of May and until July.

    The second stage will be extended to Plaza de la Revolución, Playa, Centro Habana, Old Havana, La Lisa, Marianao and El Cerro during the second half of June and until August.

    The minister said that in Santiago de Cuba the health intervention will take place in the second half of May until June, and that it will begin with the peripheral municipalities.

    This process will also be carried out in that last stage in the Isla de la Juventud and Matanzas; and in Pinar del Río it will be from the second half of June to August for people aged between 19 and 49.

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue May 11, 2021 8:32 am

    HAVANA, May 9 (Xinhua) -- Nearly 1.7 million people from the Cuban capital Havana will receive doses of the homegrown COVID-19 vaccine candidates as part of an intervention study starting on Wednesday, according to local newspaper Tribuna de La Habana.

    Clara Zamora, a resident of Havana's Camilo Cienfuegos district, is looking forward to receiving the first dose of Abdala COVID-19 vaccine candidate in the coming days.

    "I very much trust in the expertise of Cuban scientists and doctors," the 72-year-old said. "I have no doubt the mass vaccination rollout will help the island contain the spread of the virus."

    The government confirmed on Sunday that mass vaccinations will begin Wednesday in seven municipalities of Havana and will continue in the second half of May in the provinces of Pinar del Rio, Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, and the Special Municipality of Isla de la Juventud.

    It came as the island nation registered on Sunday 1,069 new COVID-19 infections and ten more deaths related to the virus in the past 24 hours, with the totals standing at 115,981 and 732, respectively.

    Francisco Duran, national director of hygiene and epidemiology at the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, is confident that the mass vaccination rollout will help decrease COVID-19 infection rates across the country.

    "We will be able to go through this difficult situation working together, with the participation of people and the mass vaccination drive," he said, adding new COVID-19 variants circulating on the island are deadlier and more contagious.

    Currently, Phase III clinical trials for Cuban COVID-19 vaccine candidates Soberana 02 and Abdala are underway, as well as intervention studies involving frontline workers from Havana and the eastern provinces of Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo and Granma.

    In the coming weeks, COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers in the Caribbean nation could also apply for emergency use authorization from Cuba's Center for State Control of Medicines, Equipment and Medical Devices, according to local authorities.

    During a televised address, Cuban Minister of Public Health Jose Angel Portal Miranda said that the island expects to immunize more than 70 percent of its population against COVID-19 by August.

    "The key to success is to prevent the population from getting sick. Prevention is the way; we must keep on doing our best," he said.

    Cuba, home to over 11 million people, has adopted partial lockdown measures to confront its sharpest rise in new COVID-19 infections and deaths since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

    Amid the tightened U.S. embargo against the island, Cuba is now working on the development of five COVID-19 vaccine candidates, namely Soberana 01, Soberana 02, Soberana Plus, Mambisa and Abdala.

    Local biopharmaceutical authorities expect to immunize the country's entire population with domestically manufactured COVID-19 vaccines by the end of the year.

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    Post  Vann7 Tue May 11, 2021 7:45 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    I got vaccinated with Sputnik but now I'm sorry I didn't pick Pfizer just to have another thing to punk Vann and rest of antivaxxer crew with...

    im aware you love to attack the messenger ,specially when you have zero arguments , to debate.

    So i have a question..  wondering if you will dare to answer it.

    is Alexander Gintsburg the director of gamaleya institute (sputnik v creator) also antivaxxer too ?

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 5 GettyImages-1228040022-800x533
    Alexander Gintsburg

    sputnik creator contradict you. mRNA are not safe vaccines  .

    because this is what he recently told about west mRNA "safe vaccines"

    Would Sputnik V stand any chance of having its positive features objectively praised at the Washington institution? Unlikely. told Alexander Gintsburg, head of the research institution which developed the Sputnik V vaccine, was justified when he said:

    “I can say that it’s absolutely unclear how all this was evaluated , given the high mortality rate associated with mRNA vaccines”.

    article link...  --->

    So is alexander gintsburg an antivaxxer too ?  lol1

    high mortality rate associated with mRNA vaccines”.

    did you need a drawing to understand what he says ?







    So which part you don't understand , that western mRNA vaccines pfizer ,moderna are

    DANGEROUS  ???????    confused

    i don't think the director of gamaleya institute is an ignorant ,  he told it clearly , western
    mRNA vaccines kill [/b] MANY [/b] people , that's what high mortality rate means . he told it clearly , so you are completely wrong .he also told pfizer vaccines are unstable and highly unpredictable and that never in medical science , have been proven that gene therapy works at all , all experiments on animals failed to proof they work . Pfizer was kicked from south africa ,for failing there , heart deceases and deaths increased 10x times during the vaccination of pfizer in israel .So go back to your cave and hide again ,since you never debate my sources , because you know you are wrong and you are just trolling.

    Interestingly ...
    from all the vaccines i have been warning people in this forum to avoid,  ie.. all anglo pharma
    western vaccines ... because this pandemic is a planned event by the anglo west.
    pfizer ,moderna ,aztrazeneca and yansen ... already 2 of them our declared officially  as dangerous
    for use , under pressure?  by either Europe or US.

    so from 4 vaccines they have been promoting, half of them are already rejected by the scientific
    community and europe. So there is only 2 left to go ,so that you can later apolgize to me ,and thank
    me for educating you on the subject of vaccines.  not all vaccines are bad ,[b] the problem is not vaccines , the problem is not technology , the problem start when corrupt governments takes control of technology to take control of population health ,for holding power forever . when evil controls
    anything ,  then any-thing , can be turned into a weapon against you ,something dangerous for you. whether is a vaccine ,or  purified bottle of water or any-thing .

    and for those that asked if i will vaccinate with mRNA vaccines , no thanks...
    i will never vaccinate with those bill gates/black rock crooked mafia companies , more than half of the american military also reject american vaccines.. so is not just me .  Rolling Eyes  and 30% to 40% of american citizens also will not vaccinate according to some polls i saw some time ago.   A revolution will start in no time , if they start vaccinating all people at gun point with that crap , so they will not dare to go there. it will be ugly for their system . and their world wide image.    No

    when it think in anglo western vaccine industry , today , not yesterday , but today , what it looks
    that they are trying to do today , is to use their vaccines as weapons to control population ,as many as they can ,by controlling their health , if a government controls your family health ,and your health then that government can control you and everyone very very easily without using a gun .and they will have the power to even take people children away if they want to sexually abuse of them. The biggest form of tyranny ever , this is what it pretty much looks the anglo west is doing.. a tyranny that the world have never witness before on history. do i have evidence of this is what they want?
    no.. but it looks pretty much that this is what they want. with the extensive negative behavior of their past , you can reach those conclusions.. and this will affect everyone , whether you are paid disinformant or not , works for any government or not , this will affect everyone , and will only benefit those filthy rich billionaires , like gates ,soros and rockefellers and their club of super rich,who wants to create a new world with a significan't less population and with them in power forever.

    today pandemic , remembers me , ...

    - Jonestown Massacre - what happened there?  (Mass Suicide) for blind faith on their corrupt leaders.

    jim jones forced his followers who trusted in him to drink a poison , that took away their lives,
    and thousands died , of poisoning.. entire families ,women and children. all because people were so
    stupid ,to blindly follow what others tells them.  today it pretty much looks ,the anglo west was inspired by that , and is seeking to have the option , at hand, on their table.. to get rid very quickly of millions with this mRNA vaccines ,whenever they took that decision. and so the real genocide
    will start, at the moment they decide it .. if ever they feel their rule ,their empire will end , then they can unleash a new virus ,that will kill people in the billions and later get away with it, by blaming it on china or russia , or in a "new covid mutation" that will become way more lethal ,thanks to this mRNA vaccine trap. they are pushing everyone to take.  
    after what US and UK did in 911 WTC (kill their own people ,3,000 american ), for justifying endless war again terror in m.e. and what they have been doing to syria for a decade ,aid terrorism to wipe out 30 millions of syrian citizens, any skepticism is impossible.  If the anglo zionist west ,was capable of 911wtc inside job and capable of syria alliance with terror to kill millions after overrunning a nation with terrorist, they will not hesitate to kill billions of human beings , if that could help them to hold power and remain super rich forever do it again but on a major global scale and this time with the help of fake vaccines and a viruses ,they themselves create .


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    Post  Kiko Wed May 12, 2021 9:50 pm

    Guillermo Lasso, Equador's president-elect, announces the signature of an agreement with Russia for the purchase of Sputnik V.

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    Post  Vann7 Wed May 12, 2021 11:12 pm

    Sweden records 30,000 suspected side effects from Covid vaccines, with AstraZeneca’s jab linked to more than half of all reports

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