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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:09 pm

    as good as it looks  those hungary numbers.. im highly skeptic of the 1 death for sputnik.

    The russian government released their numbers and after 3 millions vaccinations they got ZERO deaths. People have to be careful ,that even if hungary observations are what they understand they saw , this does NOT necessarily means is correct ,their observations. the government of MEXICO released their numbers too and they got ZERO deaths too for sputnik
    after first 100,000 shots just like Russia, argentina have not released their numbers but not a single
    case reported by their media ,including pro US media to any death by sputnik.

    So even though the hungary government ,i don't think they are intentionally lying ,but we need
    to be fully aware that there is a war going on against Russia a disinformation war and economic war too and political too , and the white house is openly attacking russian vaccine too ,and it will not be hard , for foreign Anglo-israeli intel agencies ,to murder a vaccinated civilian with sputnik , either poison him , to provoke a heart attack on the person within 24 hours after being vaccinated with sputnik..  so later the russian vaccine is blamed for the kill.

    Even the case of 1 sputnik death , will serve the western narrative ,that it is "normal" that people die with vaccines , this is the norm with the west , that don't care much about people lives ,but is not the norm in the east be careful with this european numbers , because there could be foul play going on to discredit the sputnik vaccine or an error somewhere in the chain , of how the information was collected . just one corrupt doctor , in one hospital ,is all that is required to get the wrong numbers..

    And GarryB  not everyone that post on the internet "have an agenda" , i find amusing how you have no problems with the claims of anglo west pharma industry in public with how "safe" are their vaccines (because they were safe in your past in your experience)  Rolling Eyes  but those who have nothing to lose , or don't have big jobs to defend ,that don't have millionaire salaries at risk ,are in your book "agenda".  Any nation who have agendas to push an unsafe vaccine ,will rather use a popular social media with millions of viewers,with famouos celebrities or famous doctors to push their agenda ,is more effective than an unknown nobody in the internet, in a low visit count channel in a social media.

    For me is clear GARRYB that you have an agenda , to defend western pharma industry no matter what, whether you this for common ignorance or just paid to do it is a different story , but i will like to think is plain ignorance of yours , the reason your logic is so weak .  I find lots of people and of unknow people , every week in social media posting their experiences with vaccines , with very low view count ,confirming the same thing how dangerous are western vaccines , but i have yet to see a single post of any unknown person claiming someone died after taking the sputnikV or the chinese one and providing evidence /link to the source of the information.. this is totally the opposite with anglo pharma industry.

    like i said before , i provide sources , links , from where the information comes , so people can verify the source , and make their own conclusions ,  while you  provides NOTHING , no sources , no backup to any of your claims ,of to why you defend the anglo pharma industry in the west ,or why we should trust in their safety claims of their vaccines.   I even provided links of hundreds of doctors telling people ,stay away from messenger RNA vaccine (pfizer and moderna), TO DEFINETIVELY NOT VACCINE with those ,that they are depopulating the world with those genetical experiments.    while i have yet to see a single claim of a single doctor anywhere in the world , in the english or spanish language to claim ,that people should avoid sputnik v or chinese because people are dying to them.

    So there is enough evidence , enough data ,to figure out which vaccines are 100% safe and which ones are not. If you compare russia numbers and chinese numbers, world wide vs western vaccines ,is night and day difference. when you take into account the west not only lies with their real covid19 numbers ,to make the crisis worse than it is , to justify lockdowns , they also covering their vaccine deaths , and serious injuries , and always blame the people for their unlucky experience with their vaccine.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:47 pm

    Oooops, after that shit storm we'd better change tack

    Jake Sullivan
    · 15h
    The U.S. is deeply concerned by the severe COVID outbreak in India. We are working around the clock to deploy more supplies and support to our friends and partners in India as they bravely battle this pandemic. More very soon.

    GarryB, flamming_python, magnumcromagnon, lyle6 and Kiko like this post


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:30 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Oooops, after that shit storm we'd better change tack

    Jake Sullivan
    · 15h
    The U.S. is deeply concerned by the severe COVID outbreak in India. We are working around the clock to deploy more supplies and support to our friends and partners in India as they bravely battle this pandemic. More very soon.

    Running scared I think after Russia, Europe, China, even Saudi Arabia offered India oxygen supplies and chemical ingredients for production

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:35 pm

    Speaking about agendas and propaganda , i rather trust in an unknow testimony of someone
    that sounds credible in their claim and provide sources for people to investigate ,than Propagandist
    hired by Western pharma industry to defend their vaccines in social media.

    As an example of popular media propaganda using celebrities and famous social
    media Doctors , look no further for Doctor Mike Hansen

    This is the doctor that always defend pfizer and moderna vaccines ,when people dies
    after taking the shot , he blamed the scuba pro diver and doctor from miami ,who died 2 hours after taking the pfizer vaccine ,for his own death. guess what he got ? a blood clot .  

    look the Doctors of propaganda that western governments hired on youtbe to promote their
    vaccines as "safe"  and look at the responses of people ,below not very good.

    propagandist like him are everywhere on internet and with millions of view counts.
    the most interesting things ,are not what the public relations propaganda doctors says.
    but again the comments of people in the discussions of the video are from where the
    real wisdom is found.. here are some examples.

    Urth angel
    2 months ago
    Pfizer investigated  “ itself “and found “itself”  not guilty 🤔

    Jay D
    2 months ago
    Youtube censors delete comments re UK NURSING HOME DEATHS SURGING post vaccination.
    I was asked to cite source by user kitty kat, which I've done 3 times, everytime the link to the PUBLISHED GOVERNMENT DATA is DELETED BY YOUTUBE, unless its the poster here.

    So you'll have to Google " surging deaths in UK care homes, daily mail ' to find the news article which CITES UK government data.

    Flowersand Chocolate
    1 month ago
    @Jay D  you are right!😔

    nelskye sky
    1 month ago
    Obviously they will find themselves not guilty!
    The truth always prevail !

    Pitbull Slueth
    2 weeks ago
    AstraZenica has had the same side effects, blood clotting, so has moderna, the cases are rising....

    Pam Snowberger
    2 weeks ago
    My friend is suffering this right now.  Began feeling sick right after (pfizer?)shot, has been sick for 4 weeks, low blood platelet count severe headaches and is now under care from a neurosurgeon.

    Creekwood Joe
    1 month ago
    Call tonight from best friend who's relative (age 54) was found dead on the porch this morning after walking the dogs. He had his first Covid vaccine shot yesterday. He had long term MS but received a healthy report from the Dr. last week. Everyone in shock.

    Gary Orris    (this one appears to be a doctor comment of the video above )
    1 week ago
    I had a patient die 2 weeks ago with the exact same scenario. (blood clot?  pfizer?)

    Harley Duke
    1 week ago
    I lost a friend, died a few ours after second jab. Severe blood clotting in the brain

    AGAIN ,and AGAIN and Again , i found thousands of comments  ,of unknown people ,that doesn't behave like trolls , but honest , about their close experiences about what happened to their friends and family members ,no matter which place i go , unknow people testimonies  , that appears to be genuine stories and not the usual country x or y sucks!!! ,but people worried about whether or not to wait or take the vaccine  ,after their friends experience..  if just half of this is true , this tells me that the problem with anglo western vaccines causing deaths is MUCH WORSE that western media admit ,and that there is a very evil cover up of this.  

    What is more worrying to me , is not the numbers of deaths that are causing anglo western vaccines, , What is really really worrying , is that there is irrefutable proof that americans and british governments are lying their stadistics of covid19 numbers , this is doctors coming forward ,risking
    their jobs and being arrested exposing this.. as DR Dan Erickson from california told in a conference in a deleted video by youtube. he told " you know what is strange ,why they pressure us ,to write in every death as covid19  and why will they do this ? to make the crisis worse than it is ? i think so" . Shocked

    Right there in this criminal fraud manipulation of american statistics , by anglo imperial countries ,a clear cut indication of a major crime happening , that they want to instigate collective fear on the population with the virus , that without their government vaccine ,they will be death .and for me there can't be no other reason to do this ,other than justify forced vaccinations and endless lockdowns.  so i could be a million of dollars if i had those ,that there is a real criminal intent of the american government with this vaccinations.  whether US government goals are just making a ton of money or depopulation of society (or both), i don't have any evidence of which one is .  But that there is foul play , there is , and because i know they are behind the murdering of 3,000 civilians in new york ,with an AL-CIA-DA terrorist attack on the twin towers , then
    for me is a no brainer , there is nothing good in this pandemic , this is not a coincidence ,that suddenly people can't live without a vaccine , according to the west.. this is a global false flag operation ,a biological war , what is more likely happening , and that was started by the anglosaxon west , on china and russia and to hide the attack ,cover it as a "pandemic" event , they allowed friendly fire to happen , because will have been highly suspicious /clear sign of biowar , if only Russia and china suffers a pandemic and nothing happens in NATO countries.

    so is not the low hundreds numbers or thousands of death ,that surface today ,what worry me ,
    what is really worrying is the idea ,that this forced mandatory vaccinations  ,as they will do /demand to be done , to get a job or go outside or travel , effectively can be used later ,for a genocide of millions of part of their society they want to get rid of it ,and that they can very easily blame a new virus strain of covid19 for millions killed , or even blame china and russia for it.. and get away of a new holocaust happening under our noses , in modern times thanks to their control of vast majority
    of world media.  If it wasn't by RT ,we will probably never know of this dangerous results with western experimental vaccines.

    you can clearly see this games being played , because the democrats strong states are promoting
    endless lockdowns , and the republicans strong states are promoting opening of the economy , so if science is the same , why the response to covid19 vary so much between democrats and republicans?  texas and florida opened the economy , california and newyork wants endless lockdowns. .science is one , and there is no science behind Anglo west policies with the pandemic.
    what is happening is massive politics and a major cover up and major fraud.. while cnn was creating stories of hospitals "collapsing" for covid19 ,  trump was making jokes about how fake news media only wants to talk about covid19 , ohh covid .. be scared.

    Trump called CNN 'bastards' for covering Covid-19

    he now even wanted to use facemask.. he is not a fool , he knows what is going on.
    this is not a pandemic ,but a military+media operation what is going on in the world .
    with real crisis in some enemies states and fake crisis in the anglo zionist world. .

    There is no real pandemic ,but appears to be more a political -military operation to hit adversaries, trump knows something , he knows there is an agenda ,to keep lockdowns forever on the working class only and small business and that the statistics are highly  manipulated ,and this is why he mock american fake news media , with their scaring tactics on population with a very low mortality rate virus.. that only kills from .1% to 1% of the elder population. similar mortality rates than previous viruses in the past but no lockdowns before.

    when even the president of united states expose how american libneral media are exxagerating
    the crisis .

    Trump Accuses Media and Democrats of Exaggerating Coronavirus Threat

    So why is american liberal media exxagerating the crisis ? why are liberals inflating the numbers of their covid19 victims? this can't be for anything good.  britain is doing the same.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:18 pm; edited 6 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  JohninMK Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:45 pm

    Many more tables on the various vaccines but not Sputnik V

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:36 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Many more tables on the various vaccines but not Sputnik V

    thanks for the link , you beat me to it. Laughing

    lets look at the "safe" vaccines numbers.

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 1082709169_0:0:1200:1660_768x0_80_0_1_90134ba331dcacc9813ddd9744717104.png

    5,000 thousands people killed by super safe vaccines. Laughing
    this is playing lottery with your life . and the real danger will not be this behavior of the western
    pharma industry , the real danger will happen , when all this vaccines becomes mandatory on all
    population and they start using them to get rid of big parts of the population ,. this western mandatory vaccines are the perfect assasination tool , because will allow any evil government
    to get rid of anyone they don't like , using this vaccine shots.. they can inject anything they want
    ,including a more lethal virus ,in those vaccines and there will be no way to know who is to blame for it. they can get away with the murder by saying it was a new mutation of the virus.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 25, 2021 5:36 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Many more tables on the various vaccines but not Sputnik V

    thanks for the link  , you beat me to it.  Laughing

    lets look at the "safe" vaccines numbers.  

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 1082709169_0:0:1200:1660_768x0_80_0_1_90134ba331dcacc9813ddd9744717104.png

    5,000 thousands people killed by super safe vaccines. Laughing
    this is playing lottery with your life . and the real danger will not be this behavior of the western
    pharma industry , the real danger will happen , when all this vaccines becomes mandatory on all
    population and they start using them to get rid of big parts of the population ,. this western mandatory vaccines are the perfect assasination tool , because will allow any evil government
    to get rid of anyone they don't like , using this vaccine shots.. they can inject anything they want
    ,including a more lethal virus ,in those vaccines and there will be no way to know who is to blame for it. they can get away with the murder by saying it was a new mutation of the virus.

    i really think putin is making a big mistake , but not saying clearly what is happening , they need
    to speak and warn the world , this evil genocide depopulation plans by western elites on their population . to get rid of those part of societies that they can't control ,that could protest against their system.  Russia need to speak now before is too late and their media censored , as it will be
    is a matter of time , but Rt and sputnik news will be censored , you will see.

    i however disagree with the 40 deaths per million statistics.. this is not representative of individual places . in norway elder clinic for example , 30 people died from 100 vaccinated by pfizer . this is not .0000001% stats that you will get in a global scale measure , but 30% of the people vaccinated died just 1 week  after the vaccinate shot. Who will want to vaccinate if they are told , he have a 30% possiblity to die? lol1   Because they fully control the media and their pharma industry and what will be inside those syringe ,they can make their vaccines as safe or as deadly as they want it ,in  any city ,town or hospital of the people of their choice.

    means in one hospital the record can be perfect.. with pfizer/moderna/az/j&J . but in another half of population can die.  so statistics alone ,don't tell the whole picture .

    [i]if there is a criminal intent ,behind this mandatory now or future vaccinations  , then they can
    effective make those vaccines as safe or unsafe as they desire it , in a city / hospital case by case.
    when they want safety they can use a true vaccine or just purified water and so people will say , see?
    nothing happened ,they are "safe".  but in poor cities ,that holds back the US,UK,Canada,Australia economy. boom. extremely high mortality rate after the vaccine shots..  

    the norway incident is the key to expose how dangerous this anglo western pharma vaccines can be .. 100 people vaccinated and 30 died a week later. this is how deadly this vaccines can be.. up to 30% mortality rate with this killer mRNA vaccines .  

    when you measure the kill rate per town or cityor per hospital the mortality rates can from very low ,to very high. so is a mistake to count the numbers of all nations and then  measure the kill rate numbers of all in the same group.  is more informative to see the vaccination per truck cargo sent ,to
    any place . because will reveal a different picture..  

    chile is a loyal puppet of america for decades and don't need to be blackmailing them ,so they probably got a true vaccine there ,or purified clean water as a "pfizer shot" with not mortality rate.  Norway in the other hand have been rebellious lately , going in a different direction of US  foreign policy in middle east ,with their peace dialogue initiatives offering to be mediators  for syrian and venezuela political sides of the conflict. This is a clear opposition to US-UK intention to destroy those countries. So likely norway was sent a message with this deaths.

    Ironic how this pandemic remembers me the world trade center (inside job) attacks in 911 , to this inside job pandemic. all western media lead the charge with lies of what was really happening ,with real people dying ,but fake narrative , today the fake narrative is (China) did it , in wtc it was al-cia-eda the one blamed. and their fake solution now is -(mandatory vaccines and with their  pharma industry ONLY .) If the west really wanted to saves lives ,why they don't buy from russia and china their vaccines ,or produce it in their countries , that have show to be very safe  ?
    Russia have offered their vaccine including sell intelectual property , US don't allow anyone to ever sniff what is inside their vaccine and don't allow others to produce their vaccines is highly secret with their vaccines.   No Sad truth ,the West are more worried of europe getting sputnik V efficient vaccine ,than millions dying for having no vaccine.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:34 am

    The US has an export ban on vaccine components in place. Its illegal for US companies to take on contracts to deliver the required materials to India

    The US government has imposed its ban on medical components being exported... things that have other uses other than making vaccines for coronovirus.

    The US says the ban is so American companies help Americans before helping other people around the world... but if that was the case why did they wait a year into the pandemic before imposing the ban?

    Several US politicians are lobbying their government to release large numbers of stored vaccines that were ferreted away when they were available to buy, and are now approaching expiry dates and will become useless if not used soon.

    I rather suspect the US government has banned exports of medical supplies to India to stop India making vaccines... they recently started making Sputnik V too... this is not about choosing to save American lives before saving Indian lives.... this is about reducing the vaccine production competition so US companies can make more selling vaccines than they make selling the components to make vaccines.

    You can't blame the US for India's predicament when they have more than enough time to prepare and remove the bottlenecks in ramping up production but they didn't.

    The pandemic has been going for more than 1 year, but in that time there was never any indication from the US that they would stop exporting medical equipment and materials for making vaccines.... that is all vaccines...

    The US is not using the vaccines it actually already has, there is no critical situation where they are running out that they need to stop exporting materials to use themselves...

    Even now they could reach out to China for help in securing the required materials but they simply won't.

    Hahahaha... you mean like the US could reach out to Russia and start producing Sputnik V vaccine so they wouldn't need to block export of vaccine making material and will have even more vaccines for themselves that they are not using because of anti vaxxers messages are making a large percentage of the population not want it.

    After all... US State department spokesman said:

    “It’s of course not only in our interest to see Americans vaccinated; it’s in the interests of the rest of the world to see Americans vaccinated,” he told a news briefing on Thursday.

    I am sure India wants all Americans to be vaccinated before anyone else right?

    lets look at the "safe" vaccines numbers.

    You criticise me for suggesting that getting vaccinated is better than not getting vaccinated, but you don't even understand what you are posting.

    If these vaccines were killing people at a rate higher than the virus killed people then I would understand your point of view.

    The most recent table posted showing Reported Deaths after vaccination has an asterisk next to it.

    If you read the small print it clearly says it includes all reported deaths and in brackets says basically it includes deaths that might be linked to the vaccines and those not related to the vaccines... ie getting hit by a bus, or murdered by a room mate.

    It also includes deaths of people that perhaps already had it before during or just after being immunised before the vaccine could take effect or despite the vaccine taking effect and just killing them anyway.

    Just looking at that chart with Pfizer linked to 1,134 deaths, J&J 54 and Moderna 1,248... well Corona is over 500K deaths and counting.

    5,000 thousands people killed by super safe vaccines

    That chart itself does not say the vaccines directly killed those that died, and the number who die after getting any of those vaccines is a fraction of those that died getting Corona.

    Last edited by GarryB on Mon Apr 26, 2021 5:58 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  lyle6 Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:24 am

    GarryB wrote:
    The US government has imposed its ban on medical components being exported... things that have other uses other than making vaccines for coronovirus.

    The US says the ban is so American companies help Americans before helping other people around the world... but if that was the case why did they wait a year into the pandemic before imposing the ban?

    Several US politicians are lobbying their government to release large numbers of stored vaccines that were ferreted away when they were available to buy, and are not approaching expiry dates and will become useless if not used soon.

    I rather suspect the US government has banned exports of medical supplies to India to stop India making vaccines... they recently started making Sputnik V too... this is not about choosing to save American lives before saving Indian lives.... this is about reducing the vaccine production competition so US companies can make more selling vaccines than they make selling the components to make vaccines.
    Even so, its not their problem. Its their vaccine, their supplies, their infrastructure and they are free to hoard, snort or discard it all to the gutters for all they care.

    Its unfortunate, but India shouldn't have trusted the united snakes not to stab her in the back at the most inopportune moment. They only had this lesson repeated painfully several times over the last 200 years, but it seems India's leaders are hell-bent on disregarding all attempts at education anyway.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:12 am

    Even so, its not their problem. Its their vaccine, their supplies, their infrastructure and they are free to hoard, snort or discard it all to the gutters for all they care.

    They are shallow empty people who live on appearance.

    The US politicians campaigning for vaccines stored in warehouses not being used that are about to expire and become useless to be released for use in the third world are not interested in saving people...

    On Friday, the United States Chamber of Commerce said the Biden administration should “release millions of AstraZeneca vaccine doses in storage – as well as other life-saving support” to India, Brazil and other nations overwhelmed by the pandemic.

    “This move would affirm US leadership, including in initiatives such as COVAX, and as we work with partners around the globe because no one is safe from the pandemic until we are all safe from it,” the group said.

    It is about US leadership, not dead people in India and Brazil and elsewhere...

    Sure it is not their problem, but when they are dealing with the next multibillion dollar deal with India ...what sort of negotiating position will they be in... which countries offered help and which pulled that hand away... and how will Indians see America, sure it is human nature but that is not what the US sells... they are good people who share their bread when there is not enough food to go around...

    They only had this lesson repeated painfully several times over the last 200 years, but it seems India's leaders are hell-bent on disregarding all attempts at education anyway.

    Battered wife syndrome.... he really loves me and he said he wont hit me again.... the US needs me in their fight with China so they wont violate our waters with their ships, or deny access to medical supplies even though there is no indication of a shortage in the US that would  require such a ban...

    This is America being America.

    They have realised how it makes them look so now they are saying that they are going to help and big help is on the way blah blah blah...

    It is a bit like... of course I didn't forget our anniversary... of course I bought you a present... oh... we have run out of milk... I will zip down to the shops to get some milk....

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:41 am

    Wow what a PR disaster though

    Pro-US Indians are completely under seige across Indian twitter-space. The odd Biden-supporting American who wanders into an Indian thread and attempts to defend or defer America's actions and promises vast exports of vaccines is promptly dressed down and laughed out of the room.

    The entire Indian nation feels insulted and backstabbed in their hour of need. And the Indian media evokes the outage too.

    The US has seemingly undone all of its PR efforts over the past 10 years in one stupid swoop

    But be that as it may I can't help but understand the US argument. They have their own population to attend to and their own catastrophic infection rates.
    Is it at the end of the day the US's fault that the Indian pharmaceutical industry and healthcare system is dependent on them to such an extent that it comes crashing down over an export ban? Why doesn't the same happen in Russia or China? The Indian govt. owes it to its people to prepare for all eventualities, such a huge nation can't afford to be dependent on external supply chains - and it has more than enough human capital and pharmaceutical expertise to do something about it.. in fact to have done something about it a long time ago.
    Because if there is such a mass health-crisis in India, or any sort of crisis, even without the export ban and even with unanimous international support, there are simply far too many people in need; this responsibility can only possibly be shouldered by the Indian state itself. Maybe now is not the time to talk about this.. but ultimately this episode goes to show the unpreparedness of the Indian government and social services and its against the people heading them that Indian anger should ultimately be directed against.
    The Americans, yeah, they're being selfish, but they're not obligated to be otherwise, it's their own citizens that they will have to answer to if they mess up, not India's.

    Still though we can certainly feel vindicated now about all the Western media's and EU's criticism of Russia focusing on exporting its vaccine around the world and supplying ventilators, medications, etc... to the rest of the world, apparently ahead in priority over the needs of its own people.
    Turns out that this was the correct policy and Russia still managed to help its own people just as much, have the cake and ate it too - while the EU's and US's approach of hoarding everything (while also delaying the Russian vaccine) has come back to haunt them big time.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  JohninMK Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:50 am

    Very worrying but not unexpected. These mRNA 'vaccines' have only been allowed for emergency use due to the lack of long term testing. In the past vaccine problems have often not appeared quickly. Giving them to a whole population seems especially dangerous, but very profitable.

    Small quote

    Genetic diversity protects species from mass casualties caused by infectious agents. One individual may be killed by a virus while another may have no ill effects from the same virus. By placing the identical receptor, the spike protein, on cells of everyone in a population, the genetic diversity for at least one potential receptor disappears. Everyone in the population now becomes potentially susceptible to binding with the same infectious agent.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 2 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:52 am

    The US has tasted its own hypocrisy and two-faced medicine. If they were honest regarding vaccine priorities then nobody would have
    an issue with it. The reaction in India is to the US dishonesty.


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    Post  JohninMK Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:05 am

    Pretty sobering article on vaccines in India. From the very start the profit motive has been alive and well and stronger than community spirit.

    Given our large Indian population here it is probably no surprise that the UK is weighing in with all the other countries to help.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:00 pm

    Pfizer is engaging in mob insurance, their vaccine is the mark of the beast!!!

    Internationally Pfizer wanted indemnity

    In its negotiations to provide vaccines to countries worldwide, Pfizer has asked governments for wide-ranging indemnity protection against any civil claims a citizen might file.

    This means that if Pfizer were to be sued by someone who had suffered a rare adverse effect from the vaccine, then the government, not the company, would have to pay for legal costs and compensation. This would apply even if the case were brought due to the company’s own acts of negligence, fraud or malice.

    In other negotiations, Pfizer went further. The company required some Latin American governments to put up sovereign assets, including federal bank reserves, embassy buildings or military bases — as a guarantee against indemnifying the cost of future legal cases. This was reported by the Bureau in February and picked up by more than 25 media organisations worldwide.

    Pfizer told the Bureau: “Pfizer and BioNTech have no intention of interfering with any country’s diplomatic, military, or culturally significant assets.”

    Unredacted draft contracts between Pfizer and the Dominican Republic, Albania and Peru show that the company sought to be indemnified against problems at any step of the supply chain — including packaging, manufacturing and storage. Experts told the Bureau it was “unreasonable” to require governments to pick up the bill for any negligence by Pfizer.

    Pfizer backs down over ‘unreasonable’ terms in South Africa vaccine deal

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    Post  franco Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:47 pm

    Almost 12 million Russians received the first component of the coronavirus vaccine, 7.5 million people received two doses. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova told about this , writes RIA Novosti .

    “To date, 11.9 million people have been vaccinated with the first component, and 7.5 million people with the two components,” Golikova said.

    Earlier, Golikova spoke about the restrictions on coronavirus during the holidays. According to her, the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus will be in effect during the holidays in all Russian regions.

    Prior to that, Rospotrebnadzor made recommendations for the May holidays. The department advised to spend the May holidays at the dacha with his family. It is also recommended to avoid large crowds of people even outdoors and multiple visits to guests, as this increases the risk of coronavirus infection.

    Over the entire period of the pandemic in Russia, more than 4.7 million cases of coronavirus infection were recorded, of which more than 108 thousand were fatal. More than 4.3 million people have fully recovered.

    NOTE: have read several other articles lately about the problems the Russian government has in getting people to take the vaccine. Mostly due to a national distrust of vaccines in general being over 50%. However apparently since Putin had his first shot the daily totals have doubled.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:10 pm

    This retardation must be Putin's fault. Ironic for the country with the safest Covid-19 vaccine to have so many morons who
    fear it. I bet these idiots would take Pfizer's GMO hack and think they were consuming ambrosia.

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    Post  Sujoy Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:17 pm

    lyle6 wrote:What are you talking about? The US has an export ban on vaccine components in place. Its illegal for US companies to take on contracts to deliver the required materials to India.
    Where do you get such bogus information from? The U.S is not supposed to export vaccines to India but is under contract to export raw materials that are used to manufacture vaccine.

    lyle6 wrote:Even now they could reach out to China for help in securing the required materials but they simply won't.
    Laughable. China has banned the state run airlines that fly cargo to India. Ergo, Indian pvt companies are unable to procure supplies from China.

    Vann7 wrote:nope.. he was asking if there was a more evil nation that US , i told him Israel and turkey are far worse. in terms of evilness of their government ,they are . In US they need to hide their alliance ,with ISIS and Alqaeda because they know is major treason to their constitution to cooperate with international terrorism. Netanyahu don't bother hide it , and told openly he prefers isis in syria than assad. and it was Israel who openly evacuated ISIS and their kidnapped wives and children they got raping them, from southern syria . So jews elites and american zionist too ,and a very big part of their population too are teach from childhood to be very evil and racist and they don't hide it that much ,they actually feel proud about it..

    this is the level of evilness i talk about
    Vann, I do not know if Israel/Jews are as evil as you say they are (in the above posts and a few other recent post of your's).

    However, what I do know for a fact is that the current UK variant was exported to India by the UK on purpose with the sole intention of wiping out thousands of Indians. These fellows were not Jews, but White Christians.

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    Post  lyle6 Mon Apr 26, 2021 1:41 pm

    kvs wrote:This retardation must be Putin's fault.   Ironic for the country with the safest Covid-19 vaccine to have so many morons who
    fear it.   I bet these idiots would take Pfizer's GMO hack and think they were consuming ambrosia.  

    If you ask me a population that exercises healthy skepticism is preferable to that which would just do what the government or any other authority figure tells them to. God forbid, if someone more nefarious gets to the helm, at least they won't be able to as much damage as they could.

    Sujoy wrote:
    Where do you get such bogus information from? The U.S is not supposed to export vaccines to India but is under contract to export raw materials that are used to manufacture vaccine.
    Not by US law it doesn't.
    lyle6 wrote:
    Laughable. China has banned the state run airlines that fly cargo to India. Ergo, Indian pvt companies are unable to procure supplies from China.
    I'm afraid there is nothing to laugh at here. Be that as it may, perhaps this should serve as a lesson not to needle your neighbor too much, because maybe I don't know you might need their help in the future and they might just **** you over instead?

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    Post  JohninMK Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:49 pm

    Sujoy wrote:
    However, what I do know for a fact is that the current UK variant was exported to India by the UK on purpose with the sole intention of wiping out thousands of Indians. These fellows were not Jews, but White Christians.

    I can't let that go without comment, without source.

    Our second most powerful politician, the Chancellor, is Indian. Do you honestly believe he would let that happen? Sole intention FFS?

    No need for the UK to ship AZ to India, you licence produce it yourself in large quantities.

    As far as I know it is the mRNA products that have the potential sting in the tail, not the others. No mRNA product is manufactured in the UK.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:03 pm

    But the skepticism is not healthy. It is driven by western influencers.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:05 pm

    JohninMK wrote:
    Sujoy wrote:
    However, what I do know for a fact is that the current UK variant was exported to India by the UK on purpose with the sole intention of wiping out thousands of Indians. These fellows were not Jews, but White Christians.

    I can't let that go without comment, without source.

    Our second most powerful politician, the Chancellor, is Indian. Do you honestly believe he would let that happen? Sole intention FFS?

    No need for the UK to ship AZ to India, you licence produce it yourself in large quantities.

    As far as I know it is the mRNA products that have the potential sting in the tail, not the others. No mRNA product is manufactured in the UK.

    The AZ vaccine is the best of the western lot. I will take it if I am forced to take a vaccine. The idea that the AZ vaccine is a tool to kill of Indians
    is total absurdity. Let's the same BS about Pfizer and Moderna.

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    Post  LMFS Mon Apr 26, 2021 6:37 pm

    Data keep coming:

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    Post  Kiko Mon Apr 26, 2021 8:28 pm

    RDIF to Deliver Sputnik V Vaccine to India, First Doses to Arrive on May 1

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) will deliver Sputnik V vaccine to India amid a difficult situation with COVID-19, the first doses will arrive on May 1, the fund's CEO Kirill Dmitriev said in an interview with CNN on Monday.

    Dmitriev also stated that India would be one of the key producers of Sputnik V. India is the state with the largest population of the 60 countries in which Sputnik V is registered, as well as the largest manufacturing hub for the Russian vaccine.

    India rolled its immunization campaign on January 16, using the Covishield vaccine, an India-produced version of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and homegrown Covaxin by Bharat Biotech. Earlier in April, India authorized the use of Russia's Sputnik V vaccine.

    Sputnik V, the world's first registered coronavirus vaccine, has been approved for emergency use in 60 countries across the globe. According to an interim analysis from the trial published in The Lancet, the vaccine has 91.6 percent efficacy.

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    Post  kvs Mon Apr 26, 2021 10:12 pm

    Sounds like India dragged its heels with Sputnik V. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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