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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Wed May 12, 2021 11:35 pm

    The WHO is another NATzO dominated "international" organization that shows clear pro-NATzO bias (e.g. woke PC inanity). How the frell
    is it racist to limit border entry during an epidemic crisis? We are not talking about families reuniting in their country of citizenship. We are talking
    about allowing random travelers to spread the disease. Like the US has been doing in the case of the Indian strain by taking several
    weeks to restrict travel.

    Don't give me the BS about human rights. If anyone from the former USSR during the 2000s arrived in Canada and demanded citizenship
    they would not even be able to leave the airport and would be deported without any process. Refugee claimants are a special case that
    is not relevant to this PC-tard nonsense.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Kiko Thu May 13, 2021 1:25 am

    UN chief urges WHO to approve Sputnik V, calls Russian Covid jab ‘one of key elements’ in solving global vaccination problem. 12.5.2021

    The United Nations would welcome the World Health Organization’s approval of Russia’s Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said, while hailing the importance of the jab in tackling the pandemic.

    The UN believes that “Sputnik V is one the key elements that will allow us to solve the vaccination problem,” Guterres said following talks with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow on Wednesday.

    Guterres also said that he’s aware that WHO’s process to approve the vaccine is “ongoing”.

    The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), which distributes the vaccine, had filed for accelerated registration of Sputnik V by the WHO in October last year.

    However, the UN health agency still hasn’t approved the Russian jab, despite its high efficacy of over 91% in trials, lack of significant side effects, and praise from the international scientific community. Research published in renowned British medical journal The Lancet earlier this year found Sputnik V was “safe and effective,” with all of the trial participants developing Covid-fighting antibodies and none suffering serious side effects.

    On Tuesday, the UN chief said that the WHO could greenlight Sputnik V as soon as June or July.

    Guterres also thanked Russia for providing UN staff with an opportunity to be vaccinated with Sputnik V. “This is a very good sign,” he said. The offer to allocate these free doses of the jab came from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin last year. Many UN employees in Russia have already received the jab, but its wider use by the organization requires approval from the WHO.

    Lavrov noted that Sputnik V has already been registered in more than 60 countries around the globe, with most of those having already received their first shipments of doses.

    “We're open to working with other vaccine makers, which we’ve stressed many times already,” the foreign minister said of proposals for boosting production of the Russian-developed jab. If foreign pharma companies show a similar interest, it could lead to “a very positive cooperation,” he added.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  higurashihougi Thu May 13, 2021 7:07 pm

    Medical Apartheid: From Israel/Palestine to Canada

    Independent Jewish Voice Canada (IJV) has applauded Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem for declaring Israel an apartheid state in its treatment of Palestinians. However, neither organization included medical apartheid in its charges. Though their statements were reported worldwide, the publicly funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) refuses to publish any information critical of Israel.

    On Feb 16 2021, Democracy Now reported that Israel has halted the shipment of 2,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the Gaza Strip, where they were due for medical workers. “The besieged territory is home to more than two million people but has yet to receive any vaccine. This comes as Israeli health officials reported a nearly 95% drop in symptomatic coronavirus infections among 600,000 Israelis who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. About 30% of Israeli citizens have received at least one vaccine dose–the highest rate of any major nation–but that figure excludes Palestinians in the Occupied Territories who remain largely unvaccinated.”

    As of March 25, 2021, the number of vaccines received by the Palestinian people represents only a ‘drop in the sea’. The UN reports: “After recent annual consultations with Member States, the United Nations Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices today expressed deep concern over reports that Israel, while donating surplus COVID-19 vaccines overseas, has failed to fulfill its international legal responsibility and obligation to ensure the vaccination of the Palestinian population.” Israel sent vaccines to Guatemala and Honduras–two countries that moved their embassies to Jerusalem.

    According to Ha’aretz, additional vaccine doses will allow Israel to provide booster shots to the entire population through 2022.

    Israel’s vaccine data: 53.5% of population fully vaccinated. As of April, 3% of Palestinians have been vaccinated. The population of Israel/Palestine is approximately equally divided, with 5.5 million Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza, and within Israel’s green line. The Gaza Strip has received only about 120,000 vaccine doses. In the West Bank, most ICUs are at 100% capacity. Non-intensive hospital beds are at 97% capacity.

    In Gaza, Israel controls the import of everything through closures of land, sea, and air borders. As of March 2020 there has been a dire shortage of health facilities, medicine (deficit of 45% drugs, 31% med supplies, 65% lab and blood bank), and PPE. As of April 7, 2021, Gaza has its highest daily number of infections since the start of the pandemic, with a positivity rate as of 4/21 at 43%.

    Daily infection rates are now surpassing 2,000 new cases every 24 hours; a significant portion of the new cases are being traced to newer, more deadly variants, including the British variant.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Fri May 14, 2021 4:34 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    I got vaccinated with Sputnik but now I'm sorry I didn't pick Pfizer just to have another thing to punk Vann and rest of antivaxxer crew with...

    im aware you love to attack the messenger ,specially when you have zero arguments , to debate.

    So i have a question..  wondering if you will dare to answer it.

    is Alexander Gintsburg the director of gamaleya institute (sputnik v creator) also antivaxxer too ?

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 GettyImages-1228040022-800x533
    Alexander Gintsburg

    sputnik creator contradict you. mRNA are not safe vaccines  .

    because this is what he recently told about west mRNA "safe vaccines"

    Would Sputnik V stand any chance of having its positive features objectively praised at the Washington institution? Unlikely. told Alexander Gintsburg, head of the research institution which developed the Sputnik V vaccine, was justified when he said:

    “I can say that it’s absolutely unclear how all this was evaluated , given the high mortality rate associated with mRNA vaccines”.

    article link...  --->

    So is alexander gintsburg an antivaxxer too ?  lol1

    high mortality rate associated with mRNA vaccines”.

    did you need a drawing to understand what he says ?

    high   mortality   rates  associated      with    mRNA  vaccines..

    So which part you don't understand , that western mRNA vaccines pfizer ,moderna are
    DANGEROUS  ???????    confused

    So Everyone have seen how @Papadragon and those others that defends mRNA vaccines like Moderna and Pfizer ,literary runs away from debates ,when confronted with inconvenient facts.  No
    it remember me the report of Paid trolls in internet ,do exist ,to deceive population...  RT even made a report about it..  lol1

    can't find the original report , but this is another link.

    Actors ,trolls , hired to manipulate people opinion on the internet... lol1 lol1 lol1
    They do exist , and they are hired to deceive people through social media .
    Usually they interfere a lot in the most sensitive topics , like nasa fake moon landing discussions,
    world trade center 911 inside job- false flag , and the next defending mRNA vaccines.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Kiko Fri May 14, 2021 5:44 pm

    "Today is a historical day": India starts vaccination with Sputnik V.

    The Russian vaccine has turned out to be the first foreign manufactured vaccine to be employed in this country and will start to be part of the world's largest vaccination campaign.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 15, 2021 10:30 am

    according to anthony faucci abit more than half of the federal government health industry ,
    vaccinated with mRNA vaccines. Suggesting the enormous lack of trust on their own government and pharma industry.  A similar problem happening in the US armed forced, close to half refusing
    pfizer and moderna mRNA vaccines. lol1

    So much for "safe vaccines" , that even the federal health industry ,the ones that are responsible
    to protect the nation from covid19 ,have so many "antivaxxers" themselves.. why would that be?

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    Post  kvs Sat May 15, 2021 7:20 pm

    Although this particular loon is, well, a loon, she actually has a point.

    Vaccination is not equivalent to zero "live" virus (i.e. functional) in the vaccinated individual. The main impact of a vaccine is
    that the individual is no longer ripe with a fever and spewing virus laden aerosol. But this is actually true for the asymptomatic
    Covid-19 cases. They are asymptomatic because their immune system is doing the job of fighting off the infection. A human
    who has no symptoms and whose immune system is not fighting off the virus attack is a dead human. But both the asymptomatic
    and the vaccinated can still spread the disease with the right sort of contact, such as kissing or fluid exchange. It is also possible
    that their phlegm aerosol if they sneeze may contain some small fraction of live virus, but since they are not undergoing an active
    infection with billions of viruses being produced in their lungs, the risk is vastly smaller. In the daylight in summer and the open
    air in winter when the air is dry, this aerosol gets sterilized by UV or desiccation and oxidation.

    People have the impression that our immune systems totally eliminate a pathogen if they do their jobs. That is not true. They
    achieve an equilibrium where the fight off bacteria or virus strain that effective antibodies have been made for. But both the
    viruses and bacteria persist in the body for life. For example, acne bacteria penetrate into the spine and account for about
    half the cases of chronic back pain. We have some viral diseases that disappear after early childhood returning decades later.
    These are not new strain infections.

    I think there is good reason to think that bacteria contribute to atherosclerotic plaque formation:

    1) Plaques do not grow on the inner surface of arteries. They start to grow in the layers below and start from a low grade
    inflammation and cell damage that triggers LDL cholesterol accumulation (*).

    2) Bacteria hide from the immune system in the intra-cellular fluid. They are most exposed to immune system attack in the
    bloody stream. They also hide in cartilage. This is the case for spirochetes like syphilis and lime disease.

    The routine story being fed the public by so-called experts is that all of this inflammation is due to bad diet. This is BS.
    These clowns don't even tell their audience that exposure to fine mode aerosols (e.g. from car exhaust) is a direct factor
    in the severity of plaques. Lab studies with rats have shown that the worst plaque formation occurs with exposure to
    nanoparticle aerosol exposure, with bad diet and exercise regime being substantially milder factors. Nanoparticles are not
    filtered by the lungs, especially the hydrophobic sort that is tied to soot or so-called black carbon emissions. Thanks to
    the Kelvin curvature effect they penetrate directly into the blood stream and continue to mechanically damage membranes
    on account of this curvature effect, which is why they contribute to damage and inflammation of arterial walls. But these studies did
    not look for the contribution of infection.

    (*) LDL is the body's structural repair molecule. It is not some spurious molecule associated with diet. The reason that
    poly-unsaturated oils reduce LDL levels is that the LDL is diverted to reinforcing the cell walls as poly-unsaturated fatty acids
    (which are directly processed from food into the building of cells) are not linear and easily kink as they have missing hydrogen
    atoms along the carbon chain.

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    Post  kvs Mon May 17, 2021 9:55 pm

    Science once told us that flying was safe but restaurants were locked down because “airplanes have better air circulation.”

    Now science says you don’t need a mask at restaurants and stores, but you still have to wear a mask on airplanes.

    Trust the science.

    That's not science but grade A bullshit. The air in aircraft is recirculated since there is a huge pressure differential at
    cruising altitude. That is why accidents where exploding engines have shattered windows have resulted in passengers
    being pushed ("sucked") out. There are no filters which would remove all pathogens in the air especially for small
    particulates. Then, consider the passenger density in any aircraft. If a passenger breathes out (sneezes, coughs)
    phlegm aerosol carrying a virus, there is not enough time for the air to be filtered and basically every passenger in
    proximity will inhale the virus.

    In a restaurant, measures can be taken to reduce proximity of patrons. And, in fact, the air can be flushed faster out
    of a restaurant compared to any aircraft flying at 11 km. Assuming the restaurant is not a dive with shitty HVAC.

    I have done my share of air travel and the chance of coming down with the flu after a plane trip is extremely high.
    Now some "science" is claiming the opposite. GTFO.


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    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 17, 2021 10:34 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    I got vaccinated with Sputnik but now I'm sorry I didn't pick Pfizer just to have another thing to punk Vann and rest of antivaxxer crew with...

    im aware you love to attack the messenger ,...

    Vann, you are not a messenger, you are a brain dead flat-earher moron who thinks  that lizard people rule the world and who is too stupid to restrain himself from reflexively hitting ENTER key every time he sees text prompt approaching right edge of the screen

    Vann7 wrote:So i have a question..  wondering if you will dare to answer it....

    Ooooohhh, a dare!!!  Razz

    Vann7 wrote:is Alexander Gintsburg the director of gamaleya institute (sputnik v creator) also antivaxxer too ?
    sputnik creator contradict you. mRNA are not safe vaccines  .

    because this is what he recently told about west mRNA "safe vaccines"...

    Will a guy who is on charge of making Sputnik V say something nice about a competition?

    I would say the odds are same as guy in charge of making Pfizer vaccine saying something nice about Sputnik V

    Will he? Will he? Oh my God, the suspense is unbearable...   lol1

    If only someone made a vaccine that cures mental retardation Vann, you would have been saved (as would we from your neural diarrhoeas)


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  franco Tue May 18, 2021 2:35 am

    Russia's challenge in getting Russians to get vaccinated...

    42% of Russians do not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 ‘under ANY circumstances,’ even to enable travel abroad, says survey

    A Russian survey has revealed that more than two-fifths (42%) of citizens do not intend to be vaccinated against Covid-19 “under any circumstances,” a result that may explain the country's poorly performing inoculation program.

    Conducted by recruitment company Superjob’s research center, the survey also revealed that one-in-five (20%) unvaccinated Russians would get jabbed if it meant they could travel abroad. The poll came after Greece’s announcement that they would be willing to accept tourists vaccinated with Sputnik V.

    The results found that 18% of Russians yet to be inoculated plan to get the shot even without any other incentive. Some 42% said they absolutely do not want to get vaccinated, even if it is the only option for a trip to another country, and 20% found it difficult to decide.
    Also on It’s globally praised, works well & is registered in 60 nations, so why do more Russians not want the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine?

    The results from this survey may go some way to explaining why the Russian vaccination campaign has gotten off to a slow start. In late April, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said more than 11.1 million people have received the first shot of a Covid-19 vaccine, with 6.8 million fully inoculated.

    The country’s authorities do not regularly release data, but the latest aggregated figures on the unofficial website gogov suggests that the current figure of people to have received both jabs is now around 9.8 million.

    Russia has approved three domestic Covid-19 vaccines, with Sputnik V being the most well-known. The vaccine has now been registered in 66 countries, having most recently passed tests in Ecuador.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  lancelot Tue May 18, 2021 2:47 am

    I think the government should enforce the vaccination for government workers.

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    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 18, 2021 2:58 am

    franco wrote:Russia's challenge in getting Russians to get vaccinated...

    42% of Russians do not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 ‘under ANY circumstances,’ even to enable travel abroad, says survey...

    Any more fanboys here wanna tell me again how Russians are super smart and shit? lol1

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 18, 2021 10:35 am

    Not so much about intelligence and probably more to do with trust.

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    Post  franco Tue May 18, 2021 12:50 pm

    GarryB wrote:Not so much about intelligence and probably more to do with trust.

    From other articles there is a historical distrust of vaccines in Russia and this is not directed specifically against Sputnik.

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    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 4:27 pm

    Two Months After Biden Blasted "Neanderthal Thinking", Texas Reports Zero COVID Deaths

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott elicited criticism from Dr. Fauci and a host of Democrats when he decided to drop all COVID-19-linked restrictions in the Lone Star State back in March. Now, as states across the country are falling in line with President Biden's aggressive new mask guidance (clearly intended to encourage more holdouts to accept the vaccine) Texas is reporting a milestone that many of these critics once believed unthinkable: On Sunday, the state's Department of State Health Services reported its first day without a single COVID-19 deaths since March 21, 2020.

    Lockdowns are no longer useful.   They just delay herd immunity.  

    The number that various zealot authorities should be looking at is deaths per infection.    Even if the number of infections shows upward
    trends, the number of deaths shows the opposite.    This correlates well with reduced burden on hospitals and ICUs in particular.    At this
    stage the whole thing is ripe with the stench of social engineering.

    Note the substantially smaller number of deaths during the third peak.   This has nothing to do with policies, vaccines and magic ICU
    performance.   But Canada now has travel restrictions between provinces and stay at home orders except for vital shopping such as food.
    The zealots are hair trigger reacting to irrelevant blips in cases and ignore the forest for the trees.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue May 18, 2021 5:38 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    franco wrote:Russia's challenge in getting Russians to get vaccinated...

    42% of Russians do not want to be vaccinated against Covid-19 ‘under ANY circumstances,’ even to enable travel abroad, says survey...

    Any more fanboys here wanna tell me again how Russians are super smart and shit? lol1

    Why should it be so strange?

    While the covid19 flu can have bad consequences, especially in people with some problematic conditions, a lot of the people who died of covid (at least in Italy) were not even treated. I do not know about the official policies of other countries, but in Italy if you have covid the doctors are only giving you paracetamol and waiting until it is too late (tachipirina e vigile attesa) for you, and then if you do not heal on your own they will bring you to the hospital once the situation is already compromised.

    It is like getting a dire illness in the middle ages.

    In Italy last year a few doctors managed to save many people by actually treating their (covid) patients already in their houses, (and prescribing some basic medicines available in any pharmacy) preventing (or at least mitigating) the worsening of the conditions. And some of these doctors were considered heretics because of this (basically because they were the only ones that were true to their profession and vocation) and threatened to be kicked out from professional registration as medical doctors.

    It is like they want to convince everyone that vaccines are the only way out. They are not. They can be a way to protect the old and weak part of the population, but they cannot be imposed on the whole of the population.

    Especially since all the covid vaccines used now are experimental threatmens which side effects are often more dangerous and frequent than the virus itself on people that are young and healthy.

    All COVID-19 vaccines used in EU and in the US were approved by the US FDA or by the European Medicine agency under an emergency use authorization without long term safety data.

    I find also highly unethical that the pharmaceutical industries can commercialise (and make a lot of money from them) experimental threatmens tested only for about 3 months.

    Furthermore they have not been tested for long and there may be long term risk associated with them (especially mRNA vaccines).

    From a scientific and development point of view they are interesting, but both types available until now (viral carrier like astrazeneca, Johnson & Johnson and Sputnik V and mRNA vaccines like Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna) scare me a bit of since they basically turn many cells in the body into production factories for a part of the virus (the famous "spike" proteine).
    It has been proven that this proteine itself is toxic for the body even without the rest of the virus, and it is the one responsible for blood clots, so the vaccine may be more dangerous on this point, as it can cause blood clots in different part of the body, including in the brain.

    Apparently Sputnik V presents less side effects than the others, but the mechanisms that the vaccine uses is similar:

    First, the vector (not the virus that causes COVID-19, but a different, harmless virus) will enter a cell in our body and then use the cell’s machinery to produce a [b]harmless piece of the virus that causes COVID-19. This piece is known as a spike protein and it is only found on the surface[b] of the virus that causes COVID-19.

    Next, the cell displays the spike protein on its surface, and our immune system recognizes it doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to begin producing antibodies and activating other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection.

    This description is not correct since the "harmless" part  is not harmless at all.

    Furthermore it has been theorised the risk of autoimmune diseas associated with those kinds of vaccines.

    There are also several open questions about other long term consequences of mRNA (and possibly also of viral vector) vaccines but until we have more data we cannot know for sure about it.

    One of the risk is also possible brain diseases

    Anyway I have no intention to be a guinea pig for an experimental treatment which long term consequences are unknown.

    For me it would be like being forced to fly on a new type of uncertified and untested helicopter, with my whole family, after it only received an experimental permit to fly (that is basically only an authorisation to do flight tests in area far away from the population).
    In addition with the risk that I could have consequences for my health also a few years after the event.

    If I was afflicted with a terminal illness that left me only s few months to live, and the treatment would have me instead some chances of living, I would maybe consider the risk, but not for the Covid19.

    The third vaccine being developed in Russia seems less problematic.

    I do not know how the second Russian vaccine works exactly (it is a peptide base vaccine, another promising (but untested) technology, but the third vaccine is a classic whole virus vaccine (where they will probably use a weakened or inactivated (and unable to replicate) covid19  virus) , so it should be a proven technology.

    I do not like at all when I hear representatives from Pfizer calling their vaccine a "platform"... Basically they consider human body like a machine and the vaccine as a piece of software

    I have done all the vaccines that I needed to do until now and last year I did the tetanus vaccine booster (since it was at least ten years since my last tetanus vaccination).
    I know that all vaccines may have side effects, but at least until now I have done those that were really important to prevent dangerous diseases and that were tested and used for a long time (so I was (or my parents were, when I was a child) aware of the risk of long term consequences associated with them)

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    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 6:31 pm

    Great post. You do not have to prove that you are not some anti-vaxxer idiot when you question the mRNA concoctions. The global indemnity
    wavers that rotten western governments are signing with Pfizer and Moderna are proof that this is experimental trash. What is more, there
    is absolutely zero need for any mRNA "platform tests" since conventional vaccines such as Sputnik V are no less effective. Also all of the
    old style vaccines have much better safety with relative factors of 10-100 compared to Pfizer and Moderna "wonders". Add to this the fact that
    mRNA is labile and you have a recipe for unnecessary misery and death.

    The road to Hell is paved with so-called good intentions.

    BTW, the lack of molecular stability of RNA is one of the reasons why RNA viruses such as the flu and corona are moving genetic targets. DNA exists
    because it stabilizes RNA being a composite of two RNA strands. But it is more complex since DNA is associated with corrector enzymes that use the
    two strands as a comparison point. Regardless, programming some noisy target for the human immune system is asking for trouble.


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    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 6:36 pm

    Western freedumbs.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue May 18, 2021 7:08 pm

    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 E1q64reX0AIgCoL?format=png&name=medium

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue May 18, 2021 7:10 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 E1q64reX0AIgCoL?format=png&name=medium

    I am curious about this chart. Big time suspicious about the claims.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue May 18, 2021 8:30 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:

    I am curious about this chart.  Big time suspicious about the claims.

    These are the source links, the chart seems to have come from the WSJ.

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed May 19, 2021 2:56 am

    franco wrote:
    GarryB wrote:Not so much about intelligence and probably more to do with trust.

    From other articles there is a historical distrust of vaccines in Russia and this is not directed specifically against Sputnik.

    That's just a different way of saying that they are retarded

    When they get intentionally sick because they are too stupid it costs someone else a lot of money, keeping people on ventilators is expensive and with vaccines available now it's a waste of cash

    Let retads die off and free up resources for those with superior intellect

    This is also why medical insurance should only cover treatment for problems which are not self inflicted

    Don't treat alcoholics for liver problems and don't waste hospital beds on non-vaccinated COVID morons


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  elconquistador Wed May 19, 2021 4:20 am

    Who below the age of 70 ends up in a hospital due to the COVID1984 flu anyway?

    As can be seen in countless statistics, the risks of vaccine injury by far outweigh the risk of serious COVID flu implications for any demographic that is not morbidly obese or in the winter or their lives already

    That's short term implications only. Who knows what long term consequences could be - the average vaccine is developed in 8-15 years, and those checks and balances exist for a reason.

    All your points have been disproven countless times already yet you keep on spouting them like a zealot on a mission - with the only 'argument' usually being personal attacks and easily refutable nonsense about hospital beds and economic drains on society

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  kvs Wed May 19, 2021 5:20 am

    Even though Russia has half the population resisting taking a vaccine and the number of vaccinations is still small, I hear no noise about
    drowning ICUs and overflowing hospitals. This begs the question as to what the real issue is in the "advanced" west. Seems like systemic
    rot which results a broken health care system which is being whitewashed with Draconian lockdowns. The main Canadian province is restricting
    travel with adjacent provinces and telling people to stay at home unless they have to go and get food or some other emergency need.
    This is detached from the reality of the disease. Recall that the death rate from the flu was not trivial but was considered normal.
    With Covid-19 we have some sort of expectation of no deaths. This is nonsense.


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #3

    Post  GarryB Wed May 19, 2021 8:18 am

    The third vaccine being developed in Russia seems less problematic.

    I do not know how the second Russian vaccine works exactly (it is a peptide base vaccine, another promising (but untested) technology, but the third vaccine is a classic whole virus vaccine (where they will probably use a weakened or inactivated (and unable to replicate) covid19 virus) , so it should be a proven technology.

    Doesn't really follow that newer vaccines will be better...

    AFAIK none of the Russian vaccines use the brand new experimental vaccine technology the western companies are using, but all three Russian vaccines are using normal vaccine technology and go through all the same tests and procedures to make sure they are safe for use with humans.

    Because of the urgency of the situations the Sputnik V vaccine was fast tracked for emergency use for those likely to die from getting the virus, but it has since passed all the normal tests and has proven both to be very effective and also to have limited or no serious side effects in any gender or age group tests.

    Those with all the conspiracy theories... what if they are all bottled in the same factory and are all made the same with the same technology and ingredients and they are just pretending to be different to pretend to be more advanced in the case of western vaccines... they put coca cola or pepsi labels on the different vials but they are all essentially the same... if you have one you are not going to have a different one as well so whether it works or it kills you it can only be speculation about which is actually best, and a thorough examination of who gets killed and why would be needed to determine which you should take or if there is none that you could take where you would survive.

    This pandemic will end eventually because everyone will either get vaccinated or eventually they will catch it, and the combined total of virus and vaccine kills together wont be any higher than 3% which is a lot of people but not high enough to slow down the world wide human population growth let alone stop or reverse it.

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