GarryB Sun Sep 26, 2021 11:41 am
With a side stick controller a two crew aircraft where either crewman is expected to be able to fly the aircraft means the side sticks have to be different... because the centre column will have the engine controls and they both need to be able to access them so one is flying and the other is controlling the engine thrust.
With the central area having the engine throttles that means if you have side flight control sticks... the crewman on the left side of the cockpit needs their side stick to be on their left hand side because to their right will be the throttle controls in the centre. The crewman on the right will have their side stick to their right and the central throttle controls to their left, so for ambidextrous crew there wont be a problem but for the rest of the worlds population it is going to be a pain in the ass learning to fly left handed...
Look at this:
Not only is it directly in front of them and easy to reach with either hand they choose to use, but the yoke design means they very easily choose a specific angle of roll and yaw...
My first joystick for a computer game was for an Amiga 500 and it was digital... it had internal clicking connectors so the stick was like the buttons on a keyboard... you could have forward or back or left or right or you could have two at a time that were not opposites... so effectively you could not have forward and back as they would cancel each other out... each button meant full turn in that direction or two together added four more directions diagonally, so with four keys you could have 8 combinations of direction.
With an modern analogue joystick you can move it in 8 directions but you can vary the amount so you can have a tiny touch left or a bit more or a bit more until it was moved to the left as far as it would go... so you could roll or climb or descend at a rate you could control yourself.
The Yoke above is analogue and allows different control levels and angles to be delivered by the pilot with either hand.
This one however:
Means you need to be able to fly the plane with either hand... the cockpit positions are fixed so the captain sits on one side and the co pilot sits on the other... the captain would obviously be able to decide, but they are not going to make all right handed pilots co pilots.
You can only use one hand to fly this plane and which seat you sit in determines which hand that will be.... you get no choice at all.
So yeah, if you prefer a side joystick and you say it is better... try using your other hand with it on the other side because in a plane with a side stick controller you can't move the stick to the side you prefer... and you certainly can't use both hands on it.