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    Alexei Navalny case


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:47 am

    miketheterrible wrote:What's good for the Goose, good for the gander.

    I would tell the police they have full right to crack skulls.  Put many of them protestors in the hospital or the morgue.

    I'm OK with that. Their lives are pointless.

    I think the best strategy is to use Prisoners Dilemma:

    By pitting them against each other. Because Navalny and his supporters are limp-wristed, spineless, prideful, egotistical, self-centered narcissists you could easily drive wedges between them. Give some plebs slaps on the wrists, and some plebs harsher punishments based on their self-interest. Have the guys getting slaps on the wrists publicly state (on video tape) that by them taking a plea deal they publicly acknowledge that they're willing to shift the punishments otherwise falling on to them on to others (followers) in their movement. Punishments including increased incarceration (adding percentage proportional on prison time), percentage increase in fines and also including compounding interests on fines, followed with leans on wages/accounts and eventual freezing and asset/account seizure. Destroy confidence in leadership by exposing their self-indulging narcissist nature by letting the big fish go but let their followers pay a heavy dear price for their pathetic sycophant behavior. By the time their followers leave their whole ordeal a huge fissure/wedge would develop between leadership and followers because of the blatant perceived betrayal by their leadership which will eventually lead to their movement splintering. Future leaders of their 'movement' will have sharply diminishingly shelf-life, especially with all the punishments increasing year-by-year, call it punishment-inflation. Rinse and Repeat and you destroy their pathetic movement!Razz

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 24, 2021 2:52 am

    To the Russkis

    1.What are the odds of the date of these protests and the whole stirred up Navalny circus being coincidental?

    Especially when looking at the newly installed illegitimate Biden regime (Trump was the first big bump for the globalists and now it's time for Putin)

    2. How do these protests relate to the coming elections? I have a feeling the globalists will try to create a revolutionary environment through enabling the mobs

    3. I know that the Liberals and other fifth column types are a problem in Russian government. How much real power do they hold?

    4. Why the F doesn't Putin take the gloves off? All these supposed strongmen act more like weak limo wristed amoebes. Recognize this for what it is, a violent foreign sponsored and coordinated insurgency that is enabled by domestic terrorists that want to destroy the Russian State 1990s style

    Try those 3k arrestees for sedition and treason, ravage them financially and make an example out of them

    The globalists want your head on a silver platter so start acting like it Vlad!

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    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:34 am

    Here we have the cheerleader wetting her panties at the prospect of the destruction of Russian state.
    the Russian state will outlast Putin, like it outlasted the Czars & the Yeltsin mafia. I don't need to read ur silly insinuations!
    Get the fuck out you creep,..
    who r u to tell me that? I have the same rights & entitlements as any1 else here, & I didn't hold a gun to ur head telling u to participate in this discussion.
    The protests in Belarus & Ukraine were also less crowded at the beginning. At least they r now larger than in prev. years.
    Don't blame them on plotting & support from abroad only; the protesters r not all zombies & can connect their standard of life with Putin's, the "galley slave", as he compared himself to. Good luck to him to break his greatest, & possibly last fall as effectively as he did during his judo practice. Only this time there wouldn't be any tatami to soften it.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Backman Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:40 am

    ^ The reason Putin doesn't take the gloves off is because these "protests" amount to nothing but bad optics. There isnt a snowballs chance that it will amount to anything real. The liberals in the government are technocrats that have nothing to do with Navalny. I think too much is made about the supposed 5th columnist liberals in the Russian govt.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:50 am

    Andrei Martyanov's take (one of few people for who's opinion I actually give a toss)

    But people sent me "news" and "opinions" about slight skirmishes in Russia related to "opposition" rallies in defense of Alexey Navalny. My first message to all: it was a pathetic show of a few thousand infants, including many children, who were controlled and, inevitably, dispersed. As US Police Telegram Channel wrote to Russian colleagues:

    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Police

    They worked, alright. Now most important--tomorrow the process starts of bestowing "awards" to all those "protesters" which will range from stern conversations, the return of school kids to parents (it already started), penalties, imprisonment and, obviously, attaching records to these Navalny's morons as troublemakers, which will ensure that these cretins will pay dearly for that by means of being unemployable in any serious and well-paying organizations.

    Moreover, any, I underscore, ANY, so called internet "analysis" of some "upcoming Russian revolution", some "weakness of power" in Russia (remember, Putinvseslil)--it is all BS for hype and click-bait. Reality is such that this protest was... 5.5 times smaller than similar actions 4 years ago and, realistically speaking, it, as was expected, had more "journos" than protesters (in Russian). 20-million Moscow saw a whole 4,000 kids, while 2-million Novosibirsk, I don't know, 40-50? 600,000 Vladivostok saw about 300, with 200 of them being underage. So, do you get the picture? Can we now move on, but make a check in the box across US "diplomacy" now involving children. No surprise here, it is their MO to hide themselves behind children.

    Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs already called on US Embassy to visit Ministry where American "diplomats" will be talked to for taking an active part in helping underage children get "politically active" (in Russian). That brings us to the whole Navalny's "poisoning" affair as, primarily, a desperate attempt by the combined West on PR action (aka operation of influence) against Russia. Assuming, which is a really risky assumption, that not all people in Western intelligence-"diplomatic" establishment are complete morons, it is clear that no sane person would expect actions of this type to undermine "Putin's regime". Provide some TV picture for brainwashed Western public? Sure. But that's about it. Russia's political reality is such that it requires an apocalyptic event to change her and even then, it wouldn't be towards the outcome desired by the West.

    As per Alexey Navalny--everyone in Russia with IQ higher than the room temperature knows that he is an asset of Western intelligence orgs and his support base is within the statistical error, when counting votes during elections. Today's events demonstrated this perfectly. Criminal cases are being now opened as I type this (in Russian). Move along, move along--nothing to see here. Putin again "escaped" the wrath of minuscule minority of Russia's alternatively gifted teenagers and elementary school kids. Talk about "revolution"

    GarryB, magnumcromagnon, kvs, slasher, miketheterrible, LMFS and owais.usmani like this post


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:51 am

    Backman wrote:^ The reason Putin doesn't take the gloves off is because these "protests" amount to nothing but bad optics. There isnt a snowballs chance that it will amount to anything real. The liberals in the government are technocrats that have nothing to do with Navalny. I think too much is made about the supposed 5th columnist liberals in the Russian govt.

    That is it. They are a joke fringe that requires doctored demonstration "photos" to puff up their importance.


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Jan 24, 2021 3:53 am

    its hilarious.

    Not only are these very pathetically low turnouts and a huge portion are kids not even adult age, and a lot of journalists, this amount to nothing.

    But an example is supposed to be made. And to do that, you need to attack them in the media, online and also inject more obvious specifics of Navalny and co, while pitting them against each other. Especially with the Nationalists and Communists.

    Next is to strike at their funding center altogether. Remove FBK (Navalny's group). Make it illegal or call it a foreign intelligence operated group and go after the head - hit their financing and keep harassing the leadership of the groups (Sobol and the like).

    Last, use the internet and tech, and maybe start creating deep fakes of Sobol, Navalny and the like. Destroy their credibility to the utmost.

    Oh, and keep repeating the same mantra of how he works with the USA to destabilize Russia like they did in Ukraine by showing the video of him meeting with US embassy employees.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:00 am

    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Screen11

    Former CIA crook John Brennan in October 2020

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  elconquistador Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:06 am

    Backman wrote:^ The reason Putin doesn't take the gloves off is because these "protests" amount to nothing but bad optics. There isnt a snowballs chance that it will amount to anything real. The liberals in the government are technocrats that have nothing to do with Navalny. I think too much is made about the supposed 5th columnist liberals in the Russian govt.

    Right so you are saying this is a foreign intelligence provocation to prime the reaction of the domestic public+ Russian state? To see where the exact political fault lines are?

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:08 am

    Hey, even if you only ever get halfway there you can still accomplish a lot

    Go for it, Johnny Cool

    Tsavo Lion
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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:25 am

    Over the past year, public trust in Navalny has more than doubled from just 9 percent to 20 percent, according to Levada Center’s social polls.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Backman Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:28 am

    Anyone with an internet connection is getting bombarded with this anti Russian govt BS the last few days. Putin has far far too much patience. There is probably ppl in Russia mad at Putin for not putting an end to this dog and pony show.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Backman Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:32 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Over the past year, public trust in Navalny has more than doubled from just 9 percent to 20 percent, according to Levada Center’s social polls.

    The Levada center is US funded which is why it is a registered foreign agent.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  PhSt Sun Jan 24, 2021 5:55 am

    Backman wrote:Anyone with an internet connection is getting bombarded with this anti Russian govt BS the last few days. Putin has far far too much patience.  There is probably ppl in Russia mad at Putin for not putting an end to this dog and pony show.  

    This is a brazen Provocation by NATzO. Russia needs to add an algorithm to its Dead hand automated nuclear control system to fire all nukes towards NATzO countries in the event these NATzO thugs overthrow the government. The USSR should have done it before it collapsed. Now because of the cowardness of Soviet leadership, the USSR is GONE but NATzO is still around. At least in a nuclear annihilation they would have taken down NATzO Pigs with them attack

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  PhSt Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:26 am

    It seems Tsavo Swine is having a field day peddling more NATzO propaganda hit piece. AmeriC*NT's day of insurrection will come too. In the meantime, I will make sure that more AmeriC*NT cc info gets released. attack

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:49 am

    elconquistador wrote:
    Backman wrote:^ The reason Putin doesn't take the gloves off is because these "protests" amount to nothing but bad optics. There isnt a snowballs chance that it will amount to anything real. The liberals in the government are technocrats that have nothing to do with Navalny. I think too much is made about the supposed 5th columnist liberals in the Russian govt.

    Right so you are saying this is a foreign intelligence provocation to prime the reaction of the domestic public+ Russian state? To see where the exact political fault lines are?

    This street blocking theater is periodic in Russia. The current non-event is not something special and dangerous. As posted by PD citing a certain
    quality blogger, the current demonstrations are even smaller than the ones before. The last batch were aimed a the pension reform law. Navalny
    brought out his school boy brigade and it was bizarre to see some elderly and unrelated teenagers waving anti Russian placards supposedly to
    protest pension reform.

    Navalny still should be exiled, but his demonstrations are a stupid joke.

    Washington and London and their lickspittles are hoping that a revolution will be bootstrapped from zero in Russia. They are terminally deluded:

    1) There is no substrate on which a revolutionary instability will grow. Over 100 years ago there was enough discontent due to social stratification
    that resulted in events like Bloody Sunday and progression to 1917. WWI actually enabled 1917.

    2) The current Russian government actually does have its shit together compared to Nicholas II and his badly outdated government which simply
    missed all the mass hysteria inducing trickery of its own MSM and of course foreign funded sedition.

    I would prefer for Putin to start cleaning house by deporting Navalny and other 5th column organizers. They will not become dissident heroes
    and will be forgotten outside of Russia. But at the same time the Russian government can't really crack down on the lemmings these maggots
    get to protest and show their imbecility to Russia and the world. This is exactly the sort of bootstrapping that the "revolutionaries" want.
    They have been failing for the last 20 years and will not get any success as long as Putin is around. I think it is a very nice paradox that the
    focus of the two minutes' hate spew from the west, Putin, is defeating the haters by not acting the way the want.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:54 am

    PhSt wrote:
    Backman wrote:Anyone with an internet connection is getting bombarded with this anti Russian govt BS the last few days. Putin has far far too much patience.  There is probably ppl in Russia mad at Putin for not putting an end to this dog and pony show.  

    This is a brazen Provocation by NATzO. Russia needs to add an algorithm to its Dead hand automated nuclear control system to fire all nukes towards NATzO countries in the event these NATzO thugs overthrow the government. The USSR should have done it before it collapsed. Now because of the cowardness of Soviet leadership, the USSR is GONE but NATzO is still around. At least in a nuclear annihilation they would have taken down NATzO Pigs with them attack

    I do not think the situation is so dire. Nothing has changed in the last 20 years. It is the same tricks with the same idiots. The real
    story is the decline of participation in these rent-a-crowd efforts to ignite revolution in Russia. Navalny and his lemmings are fading
    and even the novichoke hoax did not create a splash of new participation.

    I do not want to feed trolls with what-if discussions since they use them to throw around their own plausibility BS, but if Navalny was such
    a popular politician/activist why were there no spontaneous protests when the whole novichoke BS came out? We did not even have
    some photos of a few people staging some action. So what you see now is theater organized with money and substantial organizational
    effort. It is not spontaneous at all.

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    Tsavo Lion
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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jan 24, 2021 6:55 am

    Here is more for u:

    Let's see what Putin propaganda & his apologists will come up with. Now he's getting into Lukashenko's shoes.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  LMFS Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:07 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:I don't need to read ur silly insinuations!

    There is no insinuation, I am calling you a troll plain and simple. Nobody here gives a fuck about the crap you are posting, you are being called out left and right but you double down on bugging the forum with your trash propaganda posts. Don't you have anything better to do than being a nuisance here?

    who r u to tell me that? I have the same rights & entitlements as any1 else here,

    You have no right to bugger us all, who do you think you are to turn the forum into your particular playground? We are telling you not to spam us with that shitty propaganda of yours, but you insist on shouting louder than the rest and behaving antisocially. Have a bit of self respect

    The protests in Belarus & Ukraine were also less crowded at the beginning. At least they r now larger than in prev. years.
    Don't blame them on plotting & support from abroad only; the protesters r not all zombies & can connect their standard of life with Putin's, the "galley slave", as he compared himself to. Good luck to him to break his greatest, & possibly last fall as effectively as he did during his judo practice. Only this time there wouldn't be any tatami to soften it.

    Cheerlead further for chaos and violence and keep up your delusion, that is all resented commies like you know. No matter how many deaths your fanaticism manages to create, you will keep on failing as you always do.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:34 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Here is more for u:

    Let's see what Putin propaganda & his apologists will come up with. Now he's getting into Lukashenko's shoes.

    I always knew you were a floating dog-turd, and if anything needs apologizing its your mother birthing you instead of swallowing you. Razz  clown  You singlehandedly managed to shoot yourself in the foot while simultaneously inserting the same foot in your mouth, but this isn't new to you is it? I always knew you were a goofball sandwich when you begged/demanded people to pay you to use a machine translator. No one's paying you for jackshit you lazy faggot, now go peg yourself with a parking meter.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:30 am

    70 million "Russians" saw Navalny's BS. Yeah, more like 70 million westerners clicked on the video since YouTube pimped
    it like there was no tomorrow. No, it does not matter if it was in Russian. The counter does not identify the views
    and filter them by country and language.

    It might say 70 million, it does not say they watched it all, or even understood it... western troll farms earning money clicking a link till they get RSI...

    -flimsy argument. Most Westerners who don't understand Russian won't have the desire, much less patience to watch it -Ms didn't watch his shorter videos before; there r only a few M of Russian speakers currently outside of the RF-mostly in USA, Canada, Israel, & W. Europe. His latest detention was the best advertisement for the 2hr clip.

    Oh please... that guy has a face for radio. His detention was exactly what he expected... no special rules for that dirt bag. He was told he broke the rules and what would happen when he returned and it happened.... no 3 minute story let alone a 2 hour one.

    -no need to run, they could use their phone or PC at home & invite friends to do the same or come to their place.

    And so what if they did... 70 million people would click on a link to watch Trump get run over by a bus... why do you think this is important?

    Are you saying that Amerislime Ministry of Propaganda has no capability to blow the view numbers out of proportion for Propaganda points??

    Google uses special algorithms to direct users to things they want to promote... most of the time those morons click without even reading... Youtube are just as bad.

    What is propaganda value from inflating the # of views?

    You seem to think it means something.

    Even if only 10% of the alleged clicks indicate that the clip was viewed in its entirety,

    It detects clicks only, I would suggest no one watches the credits so zero people watched that crap to the end.

    In contrast, this clip about the Tatarstan elites' corruption had 5,755,235 views. So, even w/o the latest clip, his prev. videos + his poisoning & detention r inciting enough for the mass protests.

    Corruption in Tartarstan is not pumped and made into a media circus like any bullshit around that cocksucker Navalny.

    Up to 3K protesters in cold weather out of Estimate[d] (2018) 1,202,371 population . Wait till the air warms up!

    They all have clothes for the cold weather... that will be all you are getting warm weather wont change anything.

    His return & arrest is what drove people to the streets.

    I would think his return alone would be enough to get people into the streets... what a cocksucker...

    If Russians were afraid of -15 C, they would not be able to live in most of their homeland.- true, but normal routine isn't the same as standing in protests for hours. In Kiev, they were warming up by drinking hot tea , by fires & in tents which the Russians don't use yet.
    Sod off, idiot.- the same to u, if u can't refrain from derogatory comments.

    Don't forget Nulands cookies to keep them warm.... why do you expect members to be nice when you are essentially cheering US interference in Russia and a clearly blatant attempt at sedition?

    What's good for the Goose, good for the gander.

    I would tell the police they have full right to crack skulls. Put many of them protestors in the hospital or the morgue.

    I'm OK with that. Their lives are pointless.

    Actually I would think excessively high fines would be the way to go and just tell them their western supporters and Navalny himself are all very rich... they will probably pay your fine for you seeing as how you were out there supporting them.

    If they do pay then that is a lot of money you can use to fund all sorts of things, and if they don't... well have them work to pay their fines...

    1.What are the odds of the date of these protests and the whole stirred up Navalny circus being coincidental?

    Navalny is a western show, but it is wasted in the west so now they are using their big tech companies to try to make it a problem in Russia too... I would probably block Youtube in Russia for a month and likely have a good look at Facebook and Twitter and maybe WhatsApp, which is a Google tool.

    Some decent fines for those big companies for interfering in Russia... and I am talking hundreds of millions here if they want to keep operating in Russia.

    Good way to pay for a few things that needed funding, but don't give them any credit for it of course because it wont be by choice.

    The protests in Belarus & Ukraine were also less crowded at the beginning.

    So were the protests in the US and France...

    The liberals in the government are technocrats that have nothing to do with Navalny. I think too much is made about the supposed 5th columnist liberals in the Russian govt.

    If you listened to the west Navalny is the mouse who roared... quite a set of pipes for a 1%er.

    Of course he has the support of the richest 1% in the world, which does make him a little dangerous, but he is no real threat to anyone.

    Can we now move on, but make a check in the box across US "diplomacy" now involving children. No surprise here, it is their MO to hide themselves behind children.

    Hear that Greta?

    Sad and pathetic...

    Former CIA crook John Brennan in October 2020

    Wrong on both counts... there are going to be more wars with Biden, not less.... he is in the "Fuck YEAH war party"... the republicans are just the war party.

    Over the past year, public trust in Navalny has more than doubled from just

    Is that trust that he is a foreign Agent?

    I do not think the situation is so dire. Nothing has changed in the last 20 years. It is the same tricks with the same idiots. The real
    story is the decline of participation in these rent-a-crowd efforts to ignite revolution in Russia. Navalny and his lemmings are fading
    and even the novichoke hoax did not create a splash of new participation.

    Well after a presidents term of hearing bullshit about supposed Russian interference, we are seeing clear and open western political interference in Russia... I look forward to seeing Putins response...

    This topic is getting out of hand and is going to be locked so everyone can calm down a little.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 14, 2021 1:29 pm

    JohninMK has requested this thread be unlocked, so I am unlocking it, but I will be watching for behaviour and manners...


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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  thegopnik Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:04 am

    hes on hunger strike.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  miketheterrible Fri Apr 09, 2021 6:15 am

    Good for him?

    When was the last time a hunger strike ever worked? Savchenko did it, pussy riot did it, some serial killer in Moscow did it, etc etc etc.

    They will just force feed him or say it's up to him.

    Such a pathetic attempt to protest their crimes.

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    Alexei Navalny case - Page 18 Empty Re: Alexei Navalny case

    Post  kvs Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:30 pm

    A while back the troll infesting this forum was prancing around touting the 100,000,000 supposed views that Navalny's fan fiction
    about "Putin's palace" got on YouCrap.   Below you can see what these numbers are worth:

    Note the real time roll back of likes on a video.   This is done by the Alphabet Corporation which runs Google and YouCrap.   Anyone
    who thinks that similar manipulation of views can't be done is a retard.

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