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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues


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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:17 am

    Key challenges to create a new image of the Russian Armed Forces should be completed by December 1 - Medvedev

    NOVOROSSIYSK, July 15. (ITAR-TASS). Key challenges to create a new image of the Armed Forces should be completed by December 1, demanded Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

    July 14, Speaking at a meeting on the basis of operational-strategic exercises Kavkaz-2009 ", the President recalled that one of the priorities adopted in May, the National Security Strategy of Russia until 2020, is to create a new image of the army and navy.

    "Our task - to create a mobile equipped with latest technology, efficient, adequate modern threats to the Armed Forces and that is what we will do in the coming years. I would like to emphasize that as early as December 1 this year, the major work on the formation of a new image of the Armed Forces should be completed "- said Medvedev.

    "In the future, to be another big part of this work - doosnaschenie our Armed Forces with modern weapons and technology" - the president added, recalling that their share in 2020 to have 80 percent.

    Medvedev also said that it should be, despite the crisis, to comply with the stated plans for the construction of this year 45 thousand apartments for military men. "The new face of the armed forces - is, of course, the new technique, but not only. This is another component of our combat readiness - social sphere - social issues, solving the problems of increasing the allowance. We are engaged in quite successfully. We need this program to deploy and bring to a final decision, "- said Medvedev.

    Права на данный материал принадлежат ИТАР-ТАСС
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russian Military Reforms [Command-Structure-Personnel]

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:04 am

    Medvedev proposes bill on troop deployment outside Russia
    RIA Novosti


    SOCHI, August 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's president said on Monday he had submitted a bill to parliament on the procedure for sending troops to fight outside the country's borders.

    "This is linked to the events that took place a year ago," Dmitry Medvedev said at a meeting with the leaders of Russia's largest political parties.

    August 7 was the first anniversary of a five-day war between Russia and Georgia over breakaway South Ossetia.

    "Such issues must be clearly regulated," Medvedev said speaking in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi, which borders on Abkhazia, another former Georgian republic.

    Russia's current 2006 legislation only allows the president to send troops to fight terrorism on foreign soil. Experts say the law lacks clearly defined terms of "wartime" and a "combat situation," which complicates the deployment of army units outside the country.

    Russia sent in troops last summer to repel Georgia's offensive on South Ossetia, where Moscow had maintained peacekeepers since a bloody post-Soviet conflict in the early 1990s. Russia was condemned internationally over its "excessive" use of force and subsequent recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    Georgia severed diplomatic ties with Russia after the war and declared the regions occupied territories. Russian officials said some 162 civilians and 67 Russian service personnel were killed in the conflict.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  bhramos Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:58 am

    where does exactly foreign means?
    where could possibly the Russian soldiers be deployed?

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Admin Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:21 am

    bhramos wrote:where does exactly foreign means?
    where could possibly the Russian soldiers be deployed?

    Georgia is the most obvious. It also includes any CIS state to help solidify the quick reaction brigades of CTSO. This also can give an opening to operate in areas of the Arctic we wish to claim. A possible invasion of Crimea might be in the near future as well.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russian Ground Forces: News #1

    Post  Admin Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:45 am

    Results of "Ladoga-2009"

    14.10.2009 17:58 The armed forces, Russia, ucheniyaversiya Print

    Completed exercises "Ladoga-2009" became perhaps the biggest exercises in recent years. Died away shots of tank guns, silenced steel trills and automatic machine-gun bursts. The troops in winter quarters lead to the proper type of equipment and weapons. But work on the analysis of the results of exercise continues at the headquarters. What are they? Preliminary results are encouraging.

    These exercises were difficult and were largely experimental. Suffice it to say that within the operational and strategic exercises in-Ground Forces and other security agencies "Ladoga-2009" held at the same time, two operational and strategic doctrine. Actually "Ladoga-2009" in the north-west Russia. And "West-2009, which covered the central part of Russia, the territory of Moscow and part of the Volga-Ural military districts, as well as Belarus. Regional scale was unprecedented.

    As part of the exercises "Ladoga-2009" personal decision-Chief of Ground Forces, Army General Vladimir Boldyrev was suddenly raised the alarm, refer to the highest degree of alert and sent to the area of maneuvers in the North-West Russia 28 th Separate Motorized Infantry Brigade of the Volga-Urals Military District. The brigade arrived in the area of maneuvers and was preparing to conduct tactical exercises with live firing in the daytime. This has nothing to diminish the complexity of its tasks, the more so for in the next day as they had to act at night.

    But that's not all. The troops were fighting on the territory of nine (!) Polygons, including two marine. As the Chief of General Staff of the Army, Deputy Chief of maneuvers, Lieutenant General Sergei Skokov, unit performs combat training missions with live firing in the teams, including at night. A shelf Airborne implemented dropping personnel and equipment from aircraft, military transport aircraft Il-76. On the coast a landing was.

    An interesting and such a moment. In part raznovidovoy and raznorodovoy of troops on the teachings of the various operating aircraft (airplanes and helicopters), have been firing rockets and artillery detachment Northern Fleet warships. 326-I missile brigade of the Leningrad military district complied with the group launch tactical missiles "Point-To-Do" at a distance of 52 km on the conditional enemy command post. The aim was struck by the first hit. That is, by the saturation of artillery and bombardment of the enemy's teachings were simply unique. A decision on missile launching was made commander of Combined Forces in the strategic direction.

    Recall that a tactical missile system "Tochka-U" does launch missiles at a distance of 120 km. Crew launcher - 3 persons. Time of deployment of the complex - 10 minutes. In place of this menacing missile is already a new operational-tactical missile system - the notorious "Iskander".

    Along with the rocket troops army paratroopers 76-second landing-assault division at the district site "Struga Reds worked the scene to complete the tactical destruction of the command and control of conditional enemy. To draw the fighting, some thousands of troops landing assault regiment parachuted with standard weapons and equipment (about 30 units) at the landing site, and made the 90-kilometre march to the area of teaching.

    Important place - the interaction of the army and navy with other forces. Within maneuvers "Ladoga-2009" at the firing range RF MVD Internal Troops near Peterhof, for example, have passed special tactical exercises 33rd separate special purpose brigade of the North-West Regional Command of Internal Troops MVD RF. In the course of it worked out the practical actions of the troops on search and destroy sabotage and reconnaissance groups, blocking populated GOVERNMENTAL items seized by terrorists and free the hostages. As well as arrangements for the protection and defense of state and military facilities (nuclear power plants, ports, federal transportation links). To action were involved in more than one and a half thousand troops Interior Ministry troops, army aviation and armour.

    However, special attention was paid to study the most severe trial, existing in the armed forces - a clear and uninterrupted operation of control system of the General Staff to the platoon inclusive. The statement was made commander of Ground Forces, Army General Vladimir Boldyrev. He noted that one of the main objectives of the exercises "Ladoga-2009" was to "investigate the management of the Armed Forces of the General Staff to a platoon inclusive. This is the most difficult issue in our army, on the solution of which we are working on our teachings, "- said Army General Vladimir Boldyrev.

    Peculiarity of the exercises "Ladoga-2009" is also in the fact that they were part of the strategic maneuvers "Autumn 2009", covering all three strategic directions for the western theater of military operations: South-Western, Western and North-Western. Commander of Ground Forces recalled in this connection that in June this year as part of maneuvers "Autumn-2009" in the North Caucasus region were operational-strategic exercises Kavkaz-2009 ". Naturally, all this is the result and consequence of the transfer of the Armed Forces of the country to a new brigade structure. It was important to see how it behaves in an environment as close to combat.

    Today in the Ground Forces Russia has in fact formed 85 brigades of constant combat readiness, including combined arms, rocket, landing-ground attack, electronic warfare and other compounds that can operate in any directions. This was confirmed by Chief of Ground Forces, Army General Vladimir Boldyrev, the end of special tactical exercises 33rd Separate Brigade for operational use of the North-West Regional Command of the Interior Troops of the Interior Ministry, which took place within the operational and strategic maneuvers Army and other security agencies in the North-West Russia . Battle of the organizational and staff structure of the Army will now be presented units and formations only constant alert, able to perform tasks in the shortest possible time, said Commander. He explained that it is highly maneuverable forces capable of acting without action on mobilization and additional slazhivaniyu in all directions. But first and foremost on those where there is most probable threats to national and military security of Russia.

    And what lies ahead? In 2010, in the eastern region of Russia have already been scheduled and will be operational-strategic exercises "Vostok-2010". They will be part of troops of the Siberian and Far Eastern military districts, and will involve economic complex, which is located on the east. And the results of "Ladoga-2009" will certainly be taken into account.

    Vladimir Semenchenko, MIC

    ??????-????? «??????-2009»

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty : Russian Military: Strategic issues, Doctrines and Threats

    Post  Admin Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:01 pm

    Commanders are relying on the quality

    2009-12-04 / Viktor Litovkin

    In 2009, exercises of the armed forces of Russia were almost continuously.

    December 1, 2009 was for our Armed Forces a remarkable day. First, the Minister of Defense sent a report to the Supreme Commander in Chief, which is officially reported on the implementation of the plans of the first phase of military reform and give the Army and Navy of the new long-term appearance. Secondly, from this day on the tradition in the Army begins new school year, and it also will extend all the changes that have occurred in BC in recent years. And, third, and at the same time - in the fourth and fifth - the first day of winter should finally begin to learn of future professionals, sergeants and operators of UAVs in the rifle brigade - come platoons of snipers, and in garrisons - military police. .. But first things first.

    On the eve of the alleged events with journalists met Head of training and service troops of the Armed Forces of Russia Lieutenant-General Valery Yevnevich. He summarized inversely studies in the outgoing year, and also spoke about the operational and strategic, tactical, special and exemplary exercises, which are scheduled for 2010.

    And although the traditional final test in 2009 will not, nor will be held and the meeting of senior officers with the President (which, according to the "NWO", scheduled for March next year), the quality and results of combat training was the general as saying.


    Above all, said Valery Yevnevich, the fact that in the course of giving a new image of the armed forces, when the re-formation took place in the new structure of one half of the combat troops, and then the second, reappointed officials, was diversion of equipment from one region of the country to another, address other organizational tasks, glow of combat training and training is not reduced. He was, perhaps, as high as ever. In summer and autumn, there were several successive complex operational and strategic doctrines that are comparable in size and number of participating troops and military equipment with only those maneuvers that took place during the Soviet era. Among them, the general highlighted the first large-scale operational-strategic exercises "Autumn 2009", conducted in several stages almost throughout the country. They were attended by all kinds and all kinds of troops of the Armed Forces.

    The maneuvers began in the North Caucasus Military District (the "Kavkaz-2009"), then continued in the territory of the Leningrad Military District ( "Ladoga-2009" involving special forces of the Kaliningrad region, where for the first time in post-Soviet period was carried out an amphibious operation involving ships and Marines of the Black Sea, Baltic and Northern Fleet). Then went smoothly on the Belarusian land (West 2009). The participants were united, Russian-Belarusian group of troops, backed by bomber aircraft long-range aircraft, as well as parts of the Collective Security Treaty. And ended up in Kazakhstan, on the range "Matybulak" with the participation of Russian, Kazakh troops and the individual units and operational teams from Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. And, moreover, had long hikes domestic seafarers in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean, our missile flights to Venezuela, combat firing of air defense systems in Ashuluk and Transbaikalia, on the range "Telemba. Such mass movements of troops and military equipment at such great distances, the general said, over the past twenty years, none of the generals can not remember.

    Past teachings, said Valery Yevnevich, showed that the leadership of the Army and Navy have learned from last year's August events in the Caucasus, and today, our troops are able to perform a variety of combat missions in any theater of operations without additional rearrangements, resupply and other types of training. They can act autonomously staffing immediately after receiving a combat mission. Results for the last year there were 15 brigade tactical exercises, 161 Battalion, 736 of company and battery, 8 thousand live firings. Plus, it has 600 special credits and 280 tactical command and staff training. Paratroopers carried out 188 thousand parachute jumps, which is 35 thousand more than in 2008. From military transport planes had dropped 93 units of military equipment. This scale amphibious operations, said Evnevich, not a single army in the world. Duration young pilots managed to bring up an extra 55 hours per person.
    Russian Patriot
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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russian military gets ready for large-scale drills in Far East

    Post  Russian Patriot Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:47 pm

    Russian military gets ready for large-scale drills in Far East

    RIA Novosti


    MOSCOW, March 22 (RIA Novosti) - The commander of the Russian Ground Forces has arrived in Russia's Far East to inspect the preparation for upcoming strategic military exercises in the region.

    The Russian Armed Forces will conduct large-scale Vostok-2010 military exercises in Siberia and the country's Far East in June-July.

    "Col. Gen. Alexander Postnikov will focus on practical details of the exercises while visiting the locations where the drills will take place," the Ground Forces press service said in a statement.

    The upcoming drills will involve units from the Far Eastern, the Siberian and the Volga-Urals military districts, as well as the Pacific Fleet.

    As part of the drills, the Armed Forces will practice the deployment of additional troops in Siberia and the Far East to strengthen the existing military contingent in the region in case of a potential military conflict.

    Russia holds Vostok strategic command-and-staff exercises every two years. More than 8,000 troops took part in Vostok-2008.

    The Russian military conducted the Caucasus 2009, Zapad 2009 and Ladoga 2009 strategic exercises, and 15 brigade-level and 161 battalion-level drills last year.
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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Vostok 2010 Drills start

    Post  Russian Patriot Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:17 am

    Large-scale military maneuver drills kick off in Russia's Far East

    RIA Novosti

    16:47 29/06/2010

    KHABAROVSK/MOSCOW, June 29 (RIA Novosti) - The Vostok 2010 military drills started off in the Russian Far East after motorized, missile and artillery brigades were raised on alert on Tuesday, a drills spokesman said.

    The spokesman said the brigades had already moved to their designated positions, where they would practice tactical maneuvers including live fire exercises.

    He said the Vostok 2010 drills will take place in the Russian Far East training areas from June 29 through July 8, involving as many as 20,000 troops, 2,500 armored vehicles, 70 warplanes and 30 warships.

    The drills will also feature the heavy nuclear-powered cruiser Pyotr Veliky of the Northern Fleet and the Guards guided missile cruiser Moskva of the Black Sea Fleet.

    As many as 12,500 troops took part in last year's intermediate drills, while the previous large-scale Vostok 2008 drills involved more than 8,000 troops.

    Gen. Nikolai Makarov, chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, said this year's strategic drills would include the firing of live ammunition, simulated airborne assaults and amphibious assault landings.

    As part of the drills, the Armed Forces will practice the deployment of additional troops in Siberia and the Far East to reinforce the existing military contingent in the region in case of a military conflict.

    Makarov stressed on Monday that the Vostok 2010 drills were not aimed against any one country.

    "This not directed against any specific country or military-political bloc. It has a purely defensive nature in ensuring the security and national interests of the [Russian] state in the Far East," he said.

    Russia holds Vostok strategic command-and-staff drills every two years.

    Last edited by Russian Patriot on Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Admin Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:47 pm


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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  milliirthomas Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:50 am

    Russian president Dmitry Medvedev speech for this exercise
    It is important that we can now conduct regular training exercises in different locations; we now focus on Asia Pacific issues and the current training has shown that Russia is ready to promote the country’s security as well as that of the whole of Asia and the Pacific region.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Viktor Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:22 pm

    Whats the main idea of VOSTOK-2010 ... testing new comunications or?
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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Russian Patriot Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:53 pm

    Viktor wrote:Whats the main idea of VOSTOK-2010 ... testing new comunications or?

    I guess to rehearse and case China or terrorists for some reason attack our Far East.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russian Military: Strategic issues, Doctrines and Threats

    Post  Admin Mon Jul 19, 2010 10:34 pm

    Viktor wrote:Whats the main idea of VOSTOK-2010 ... testing new comunications or?

    To sharpen the skills of the Far East divisions. Every military district undergoes large exercises every year.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Austin Sat Feb 25, 2012 7:02 pm

    Putin: ‘The West wants regime change in Iran’

    To begin with, Putin addressed the longstanding issue of NATO’s AMD plans for Europe and Russia’s involvement in the project.

    “When it comes to developing our relationship towards joint AMD [in Europe] they do not want to talk seriously with us. They avoid direct talks about it. This is what happens – they try to make it look as if our relationship is developing.

    “It is absolutely clear that national security is vital, but one has to do it without creating new global threats and without shifting the balance of strategic powers,” he added.

    The US claims AMD is not aimed against Russia, while Putin says Russia’s growing arsenal of Topol-M and Yars and radio location stations are also not aimed against the US.

    There have been several attempts to negotiate building a joint AMD shield that have shown no results, but Putin says there is a reason why NATO should reconsider the option.

    “We have something that should push our colleagues and partners towards more constructive work than we’ve seen so far,” he said.

    Regarding the state of national armaments Vladimir Putin said the West is far from understanding the potential.

    “A few years ago we were told – not directly – but we know that the US told their colleagues in NATO ‘let Russia do whatever, all they have left is rust.’ Well today this is not the case.”


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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Just like the previous Zapad-2009 exercise, the upcoming 2013 exercise

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:37 am

    Just like the previous Zapad-2009 exercise, the upcoming 2013 exercise and increased Russian activity in the Baltic is causing a bit of a stir in Nato circles.

    Moscow Pulls Back the Curtain on Zapad 2013[tt_news]=41057&tx_ttnews[backPid]=381&cHash=35f2fa488a3f0ba9d666752ad10cff1d#.UdVVjJy0rYE

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty War With China

    Post  calripson Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:36 am

    There is zero chance of a war between China and Russia. It will not happen. No one could fight a land war with a country of 1.5 billion people (Russia or the USA) without it going nuclear pretty quickly. The US might engage in a naval/air conflict with China because of their superiority in naval and aerial technology but that would be extremely risky.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  ali.a.r Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:44 am

    I dont really see a Russia-China war happening. They depend too much on each other, in terms of economy, oil and gas and even technology. Also they frequently stick with each others decisions on the diplomatic side of things. Besides, just like any war between superpowers, it will not remain conventional for long before whoever is on the losing end uses nukes to 'level up the playing field', and ends up flattening the world.  Neutral 

    I dare say Russia has more to worry from radical Islamist organizations, and other terrorist threats, than from any sovereign state or bloc of countries.

    After all, the way Russias military reform is going, its no longer oriented to fight a massive conventional war against NATO or China anymore, but smaller and more flexible, maybe used in neighbouring countries like with Georgia, or to fight possible Taliban incursions into the 'stan' countries of Central Asia.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  russianumber1 Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:54 am

    I see that it is possible to have problamas china border with china and russi currently has a little afraid that seja.possivel that China in search of natural resources to where to place a population that continues to grow Some typical in Russia are taking muinto aserio a possible war with china because sa Siberia is not only possible but I think that muintas military people and find possible war with china porcausa resource

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  russianumber1 Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:00 am

    large-scale reform to increase nuclear capacidad and you think it is for a small nation like Georgia))))))

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  ali.a.r Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:53 am

    russianumber1 wrote:large-scale reform to increase nuclear capacidad and you think it is for a small nation like Georgia))))))

    Of course not.  Razz 

    The nuclear triad is meant for deterring the big boys like NATO (and China too, I guess). You dont need nukes to stop a small country like Georgia, no need to even send boots on the ground; a handful of strategic Iskander strikes mixed with some Su-34s should do the job nicely I'd imagine.

    Thing about nukes is that, even though they are so devastatingly powerful, they are not going to be used against say insurgency in the Russian Caucasus, or the Taliban in Central Asia (I mean after all what is Russia going to do, drop nukes on Dagestan just because of insurgency?  Rolling Eyes ) And for that same reason, nukes are hardly a factor when considering such a small (and in a sense) insignificant country like Georgia.

    Way I see it is, Russia keeps its powerful nuclear deterrent, for exactly that; as a a deterrent (because of MAD and all that). At the same time its getting rid of the old Soviet style military (which was geared for a massive WW3 scenario in Europe, and to a lesser extent in China too, presumably), and creating a more mobile, more versatile, military that doesn't need 20,000 tanks (because well 20,000 tanks are ideally suited for overrunning NATO in Europe, but since that is not something Russia will ever attempt or consider again, such a massive force becomes just a white elephant).

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  russianumber1 Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:02 am

    I think still possible war against nato although unlikely to russia currently has 22,000 tanks but only 6mil are ready to fight the rest in reserve his opinion could defeat the russian born before American reinforcements chegerem in europe a possible war the nato

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:43 am

    In a war with all of NATO tanks will be irrelevant... that is what the nuclear deterrent is for.

    Tactical nukes will make up for any numbers shortage.

    China vs Russia is a western wet dream.

    The most likely conflict China faces is over soverignty of islands near it, or the declaration of independence by Taiwan... the latter will test US resolve as they have pledged to support Taiwan independence if sought AFAIK.

    By 2020 the Russian military will be well into its reforms with 70 percent new equipment... by 2025 it should be 90%.

    From what we have seen they are developing training and testing equipment as well as production equipment etc so by 2020 they should be in a good position to produce things rather more rapidly.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Re: Russia's National Defense Strategy issues

    Post  Viktor Sat Dec 21, 2013 12:50 pm

    West is slow again. I guess it will take time for them to used to the fact that Russia and China are in the same tent now.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty Russian Military doctrine

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:37 am

    Russia to Update Military Doctrine by End-2014 – Russian Security Council

    MOSCOW, September 2 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will update its military doctrine by the end of 2014 to reflect new security threats, including the expansion of NATO, US missile shield plans and the political crisis in Ukraine, the deputy head of the Russian Security Council said Tuesday.

    A special working group was set up within the framework of the council to introduce amendments to the doctrine, which was last updated in 2010.

    “We plan to finish amending the military doctrine this year,” Mikhail Popov, the council’s deputy chairman, told RIA Novosti in an interview.

    “I have no doubts that the issue of NATO military infrastructure encroaching on our borders, including through the expansion of the alliance, will remain among the biggest military threats to the Russian Federation,” the official said.

    “In 2010, this point of the military doctrine triggered a sharp reaction … A number of high-profile officials reproached our country’s leaders in outdated thinking, claiming that NATO is not Russia’s enemy … We were assured of good intentions, but the moves of the recent years suggest completely another thing,” Popov added.

    Among other security threats, Popov named the determination by the United States and its NATO allies to enhance their strategic offensive potential by building a global missile defense system.

    The updated security doctrine will also mention “the emergence of new military threats to the Russian Federation, related to the Arab Spring events, the military conflict in Syria and the situation in Ukraine and around it.”

    Amendments to the military doctrine will also touch on Russia’s independence in producing weapons, hardware and other military equipment production.

    “Life shows that the reliability of our certain Western partners is a temporary thing, and it is, unfortunately, closely linked with the political situation,” Popov stressed.

    The European Union and the United States imposed a few waves of economic sanctions on Russia following Crimea’s reunification with the country in March. The West argues that the referendum allowing the peninsula to join Russia was illegal, while Moscow claims it was fully legitimate. The list of sanctions includes restrictions on Russia’s banking and oil sectors and, in particular, an embargo on arms trading.

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    Russia's National Defense Strategy issues Empty At the turn of combat weapons upgrade Russia

    Post  Austin Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:36 pm

    At the turn of combat weapons upgrade Russia

    Deputy Minister of Defence plans to develop weapons, military and special equipment

    November 28, 2014 marks 85 years since the formation of the Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation - the leading body of military control of the Armed Forces of Russia, is responsible for addressing the formation of the basic directions of military-technical policy, the establishment, improvement and development of weapons systems. In 1929, the Red Army was established as chief arms, who was charged in charge of the development of new weapons, putting them on the production, control, order fulfillment industry and technical training industry to perform tasks in wartime.

    Activities of the chief weapons defined transition from the planning of the development of arms and military equipment for certain types to comprehensive long-term plans and weapons programs, including the development, delivery and support for the operation in the military weapons, military and special equipment (AMSE), capital construction of military facilities at the optimal alignment needs of the Armed Forces with the amount of funds allocated for this purpose. Many generations of specialists of the Department of the Defense Ministry weapons and his predecessors have made and continue to make a valuable contribution to the establishment and equipping of troops to domestic first-class weapons. Results achieved - this is a logical conclusion, based on the practical experience of the personnel and the traditions that have developed in the department.

    Current activities of the Department of weapons carried in a highly volatile political and military situation and the ongoing military threats to the national security of our country is practically around the perimeter of the state border of Russia. Unfortunately, to date, many remain unresolved regional conflicts, a tendency to force their resolution, including in the regions having a common border with the Russian Federation. In these circumstances, the purpose of defense and national security Russia purposefully and consistently pursuing a policy designed to deter and prevent armed conflicts, to improve its military organization, as well as forms and methods of using the Armed Forces.

    Substantially change the nature of modern warfare, which became high-tech, dynamic and transient, requiring a fundamentally new approaches to their management, and military-technical support. That is why one of the most important priorities of the Russian Federation is the completion of a modern army, weapons which should make the system complex and AMSE, providing not only adequate response to the whole range of existing threats to military security, but also the likely future threats.

    Warranty retaliation

    The solution of this priority is carried out in the framework of coherent and balanced military-technical policy, the foundations of which, for the period up to 2020 and Beyond, adopted by President of the Russian Federation 26 January 2011. The main mechanisms for the implementation of modern military-technical policy enshrined in the complex of the relevant documents, and its intent is to build on a minimally adequate nuclear deterrent and conventional forces, to carry out a qualitative re the Russian Armed Forces in accordance with the parameters of a new image.

    The key document in this area is the State Armaments Program for 2011-2020, approved by the President of the Russian Federation in December 2010. The main goal of the program is the development of a comprehensive system of arms of the Russian Federation on the basis of complete deliveries of modern domestic weapons.

    Based on the needs of a new image of the Armed Forces and the requirements of regulations implemented to maintain and coordinated development of potential nuclear deterrent forces, groups of troops (forces) general purpose forces and equipment for special tasks, and information management systems.

    These components weapons systems primarily provide prevention against the outbreak of the Russian Federation and its allies of nuclear aggression, large-scale or local wars with the use of conventional weapons, as well as the opening and early warning of threats to national security of Russia. The basic requirement for the development of their advocates need to build weapons systems of the Armed Forces, which unites into a single loop control subsystem arms troops (forces), regardless of their deployment in strategic sectors.

    In this case, acquisition of weapons and its major subsystems of the newest complexes (samples) AMSE and ensure their application is carried out by means of the criterion to maximize the effectiveness of combat operations troops (forces), regardless of the scale of armed conflict and the current military-strategic situation.

    An important factor in the occurrence of neutralizing nuclear wars and military conflicts with the use of conventional weapons (large-scale war, regional war) is still the potential of the strategic nuclear forces.

    Given the nature and content of the projected threats to the military security of the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future, the system focuses on strategic arms guaranteed solution to the problem of nuclear deterrence any likely aggressor in all conditions of the military-political situation, including in terms of nuclear effects on the enemy military facilities and public infrastructure .

    On this basis, the main directions of development of the system are:
    - Integrated development of the impactor and the information and control components;
    - Further development of systems and command and control;
    - Re-grouping of the strategic nuclear forces in the modern samples AMSE, the development of advanced models of intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine launched ballistic missiles with new types of warheads have improved energomassovymi characteristics;
    - Maintenance of the quantitative composition of the strategic arms at the level determined by international agreements in this area.

    Implementation of these areas will help to solve the problem of guaranteed unacceptable damage to any enemy in response to the aggression they unleashed against the Russian Federation in any form responses, depending on the prevailing conditions of the military-political and operational-strategic situation.

    To counter an attack from outer space

    Another important tool in ensuring strategic stability system is armed troops aerospace defense intended for opening and reflection aerospace attacks on the country and grouping, as well as prompt notification of state and military control. Creating the aerospace defense of the country due to the development of aerospace and missile technology of advanced countries, the conversion of air and space into a single sphere of armed struggle.

    At the moment the necessary work to refine the parameters of the weapon system Troops ASD, and we have a full understanding of what means of aerospace attack will need to counteract the foreseeable future. On this basis, the new system will be balanced in relation to the other components of the weapon system, as well as adequate emerging threats and allow under any circumstances provide a solution to the entire range of tasks, from the prevention of terrorist acts using the means of aerospace attack before the implementation mechanism of the power of strategic deterrence .

    So the prospects for the development of weapons systems Troops ASD relate primarily to the following areas:
    - The deployment and improve the system of missile warning based on land, air, space and maritime information tools to provide global control of air and space;
    - The creation of multifunctional modern percussion missile defense systems of different bases, including through the use of kinetic, electromagnetic and laser impacts.

    The targets are to ensure the dynamic development of weapons systems troops SAI, its compliance perspective challenges and threats in the aerospace field.

    Development of strategic weapons systems and aerospace defense is inextricably linked to the development of weapons systems of general purpose forces as supporting their deployment, use and regroup.

    In this case, the general purpose forces, which include aviation, Army and the Navy, solve problems for the protection of the territorial integrity and national interests of the Russian Federation, including in the event of a local or regional conflicts.

    Create a single information space

    In the interest of development of weapons systems of general purpose forces implemented the following key activities:
    - The creation of a hypersonic weapon, advanced aircraft systems, including unmanned;
    - Implementation of programs for the construction and repair of ships to ensure the confrontation in the near maritime zone and combat stability of nuclear deterrence sea-based;
    - Development of new samples with elevated AMSE combat capabilities to defeat enemy targets in any conditions;
    - The creation of types of precision weapons, implementing the principle of "fire-struck";
    - Equipping the troops unmanned, robotic tools for different purposes;
    - The creation of future transportation systems based on unified platforms.

    In this newly developed and delivered to the troops AMSE samples should be combined into a single reconnaissance and information-fire system capable of rapidly detect, identify and destroy enemy targets.

    The implementation of this approach is provided by the union of separate electronic systems multiservice combat support, such as data collection, processing and transmission of information for the planning of operations and combat operations under a single control loop of the Armed Forces.

    In this case, the general direction of the development of electronic systems combat support is the creation of a common information space on the basis of distributed information networks and complex integration of electronic means of reconnaissance, communications, navigation, electronic warfare systems, automation control of troops and weapons in multifunctional systems.

    Integration of diverse combat electronic systems allow real-time to ensure timely and effective use of spatially separated with the possibility of lethal concentration point striking, as well as the choice of a rational structure of weapons for the task under conditions of high dynamism of modern warfare.

    The main directions of development of the system by means of electronic security include:
    - Increased use of advanced information, communication technologies and the creation of geographically distributed data banks;
    - The transition from a hierarchical command and control stem and arms to the distributed network-centric management;
    - A comprehensive capacity building to conduct continuous exploration on a time scale close to real;
    - Creation of EW equipment on new physical principles, using the "stable" means and methods of combat, the effectiveness of which is practically independent of the development of electronic means of the probable enemy.

    In general, a development of the weapons systems based on timely complete deliveries to the troops advanced weapons, based on the modular approach is not inferior to foreign analogues and performance with a significant level of unification.

    The development of weapons systems of the Armed Forces requires the consolidation of joint efforts of public authorities and organizations involved in the process of military development.

    Given the ongoing measures in this direction, there is confidence that the plans developed in the field of military construction in a timely manner will be implemented in full, which will provide a long-term military security of the Russian Federation.


    At this stage of military development department staff of the Defense Ministry weapons worthy to continue their tradition, are developing the projects the state armament program, the state defense order, confidently enforce a single military-technical policy in the field of development of weapons systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other military formations and bodies.

    Yuri Ivanovich Borisov - Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences

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