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Hannibal Barca
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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  nomadski Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:48 am

    As you said , their options are limited . If they were not , by now surely , they would attack . That is not to say that some mad career General , Israeli or American will not throw caution to the wind , and launch an attack . Enriching himself and his mates with war and reconstruction projects . Humans are vile creatures !

    Their immediate weapon , more effective , is creating instability inside Iran . They do this by propaganda . And material support for anti-Iran groups ! Hell , they have even been hacking my phone for years ! But until Iranians resolve internal political issue , then they will misuse the situation , by increasing tensions . It is for Iranian people to resolve this long standing , left wing and right wing conflict . Form a Democratic Republic . Then the enemy has even less chance of creating havoc !

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 11, 2021 2:47 am

    Israel has the military capability to attack Iran's nuclear project, ex-IDF intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said this week. His remarks come as Tehran increases stockpile of 60% enriched uranium to 25 kilograms. This development is being viewed in Israel as another step being taken by Iran toward nuclear weapons.

    What a total censored .

    There was an agreement in place that specifically prevented Iran from doing this sort of thing and they were abiding by the rules of that agreement to the letter.

    That agreement was broken by Trump for no substantial reason and Israel CELEBRATED him tearing up that agreement.

    Now they are complaining that by not following what they agreed to they are now able to produce enriched uranium they are getting closer and closer to nuclear weapons grade material... what a cock sucker... perhaps his full title is Amos Yadlin Cock Gobbler?

    Instead of blaming Trump for breaking the deal in the first place or Biden for not signing back up to the reinstatement of the agreement he is blaming Iran for not following an agreement that is no longer in effect because the western side is not doing what the agreement demands... it would make no sense for Iran to follow the agreement if the west is not doing the same... there would be no need for an agreement in that case.

    But their western idiots are morons and obviously agree that anything the west agreed to do for Iran was a deal with the Devil and of course the west being the goodies anything Iran agreed to do within the framework of the deal was obviously something they should have been doing anyway.

    Does the western media tell us this with telling all sides of the story?

    No, because they are liars too.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:07 am

    The Iranians published today an updated list of 51 more (on top of Trump etc) US individuals that they plan to hunt down, sorry, sanction.

    These 51 now know they are the ones that have a target on their backs mentioned last week by the head of Quds in Iran

    The freshly designated Americans are:

    Mark Alexander Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Robert Charles O’brien Jr., former national security advisor, Paul M. Nakasone, director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and commander of United States Cyber Command, Robert Greenway, former deputy assistant to the president and senior director for Middle Eastern and North African Affairs at the National Security Council, Victoria C. Gardner Coates, former deputy national security advisor, Matthew F. Pottinger, former deputy national security advisor, Joseph Keith Kellogg Jr., former national security advisor to the vice president, Frank Dixon Whitworth, director for Intelligence of the Joint Staff, Andrew P. Poppas, former director of operations of the Joint Staff, Kenneth Franklin McKenzie Jr., commander of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM), Richard Douglas Clarke, commander of the United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Scott Alan Howell, former commander of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), James C. Slife, commander of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), Joseph Thomas Guastella, former commander of United States Air Forces Central Command, David L. Goldfein, former chief of staff of the Air Force, Stephen R. Jones, Jason B.Bell, Andre T. Johnson, Kevin Auger, Jordan Smith, Abishai Giles, Landon Quan, Mark R. August, Bradley Chance Saltzman, Mark Holmes Slocum, Nathan Andrew Mead, Timothy Garland, Staci Coleman, Kurt A. Wendt, Alexus Gregory Grynkewich, Daniel H. Tulley, Rodney Lee Simpson, Allen Ray Henderson, Jason Colon, Brenden Endrina, Tayler Arbaugh, Ryan Kuhn, Jordan Cornelius, Korbin Steinwehr, Antonio Dorce, Charles Seth Corcoran, James Neal Blue, Linden Stanely Blue, Michael Anthony D’andrea, John M. Keane, Reuel Mark Gerecht, Andrew Croft, Nimarta Nikki Haley, John Michael Mulvaney, and Erik Dean Prince.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Isos Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:45 am

    It's late for revenge. And killing now such people will obviously be responded by the CIA and frankly they have more tools to win such fight. Israel, saudi arabia... will all help.

    Ayatollahs would be targeted. I guess they know that so they won't start killing americans any day soon.

    If they wanted to kill them they should have done that 1 year ago by killing a same level top general as Soleimani.

    Publishing such list is more of a propaganda than anything else. Just to scare a little bit all of them.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 09, 2022 10:19 am

    It probably took time to compile such a list.

    Eventually when the monopolar world where the US controls international organisations ends then international organisations become truely international and not tools for the US to use to punish smaller countries not doing as they are told, then such lists will be useful to get some real justice.

    Might take a few decades, but it is important not to forget.

    The US leaves when they stop getting value from remaining and their damage and hurt exceeds the value of remaining.

    Bodybags and financial costs are the key... when the losses make them wonder why they are there and what they are achieving... that is when they bail.

    Work out what they want and take that away from the equation.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  lyle6 Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:08 pm

    Most of the people on that list are not Trump - no secret service protection detail for life. If Iran wants them gone, they would actually be in danger. They are probably just fucking with the US though - only the US would waste enormous resources and risk their position on petty assassinations that feel really good, but are ultimately fruitless because people can be replaced. Like that Soleimani dude, not even a week and Iran's been running the same ops with twice the intensity.

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    Post  lancelot Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:01 pm

    When you have both a military hierarchy and a society deeply indoctrinated with an appropriate set of values (be it religion, republicanism, communism, nationalism, or whatever) a combat force can withstand tremendous amounts of losses other forces cannot. You saw that in Republican France, in the Iran-Iraq War, etc.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  JohninMK Sun Jan 09, 2022 1:25 pm

    lyle6 wrote:Most of the people on that list are not Trump - no secret service protection detail for life. If Iran wants them gone, they would actually be in danger. They are probably just fucking with the US though - only the US would waste enormous resources and risk their position on petty assassinations that feel really good, but are ultimately fruitless because people can be replaced. Like that Soleimani dude, not even a week and Iran's been running the same ops with twice the intensity.

    I suspect that as much as anything this is Iran telling the US that it is capable of identifying its staff, not just the leaders and telling today's staff that it can put a target on their back so be careful.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  nomadski Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:13 pm

    Might as well give Trump , mind cancer !  Untraceable ! Get on the phone to T&P in Canada ! Before he gets into office again , tears up the JCPOA II , and assassinated another General ! Blows up another site........while eating ice cream !

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  crod Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:22 am

    honestly the list wouldn't be bothering too many though it shows iran's ability in espionage is all.

    what is worrying the **** out of them however is that they now know without doubt, iran's missiles are the real deal. it wasnt just bluff after all. their arsenal is now accepted to have lethal accuracy and that will be frightening them hell out of them....the jews too.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  nomadski Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:44 am

    I wish I could agree . But I can not . The problem is the nature of Iranian society . Lack of political freedoms and organisation . This leading to severe deficiencies in defence and domestic and foreign policy . Missiles do not have the range , or nuclear warheads to reach all enemies . Local economy is disorganised , by excessive power and influence of reactionary  Bazzari / Liberal right wing . Foreign policy is also misguided , for the same reason , by being defeatist and compromising . Iran's political reach is also limited , by having purely religious , as opposed to a democratic form .

    Iranians are also full of the sense of their self- importance ! A lot of hubris and inflated sense of their superiority and invincibility . Partly brought about by their history of Empire . Comparing Iran to other parts of the world , where similar problems exist , they show less ability to adapt and progress socially . But they would never consider themselves as inferior , to an African or Latin American society . They think of themselves as almost European ! Emulating superficial qualities , while lacking in more important substantial aspects . Extreme religious zealots , misused religion to subvert political freedoms . The overwhelming tendency in the Muslim world , is the misuse of deep religious feelings by the reactionary elements against progressive and socialist movements . Not Islamic awakening ! But Islamic stupor .


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  TMA1 Tue Jan 11, 2022 4:08 am

    Sorry for off topic but I wish Christian's in the west and muslims in the east could join into a bloc or loose league to resist neoliberal and neoconservative hegemony. Many Christian's are growing to realize the monstrousness of western foreign policy and toadies in countries they help clamp down on their people. Saudi Arabia is an example of that.

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    Post  nomadski Thu Jan 13, 2022 9:24 am

    The economic value of trade , for the West with revolutionary ( at least anti-American) Iran , is miniscule compared to political value of a defeated and occupied vassal state against China and Russia influence in Asia . This means that USA benefits more by war against smaller independent nations , than having peace with them .

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    Post  JohninMK Thu Jan 13, 2022 4:20 pm

    There is a theory that the US are going to go for an agreement with Iran. To make it palatable for Democrats it will all be blamed on Trump.

    It could be turning into fact

    Moshe Schwartz
    · 17h
    .@PressSec Psaki on Iran:

    If former President Trump hadn't "recklessly pulled out of the nuclear deal," None of the actions we are seeing from Iran, including the "aggressive actions that they've taken through proxy wars around the world,"would be happening.
    par far

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  par far Thu Jan 13, 2022 6:50 pm

    JohninMK wrote:There is a theory that the US are going to go for an agreement with Iran. To make it palatable for Democrats it will all be blamed on Trump.

    It could be turning into fact

    Moshe Schwartz
    · 17h
    .@PressSec Psaki on Iran:

    If former President Trump hadn't "recklessly pulled out of the nuclear deal," None of the actions we are seeing from Iran, including the "aggressive actions that they've taken through proxy wars around the world,"would be happening.

    There will be no agreement with Iran, this is a given. Especially after what we saw with Russia-US meeting recently. The west does not want to bend, very highly unlikely they bend to Iran.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 14, 2022 3:32 am

    When they can't blame Russia they blame Trump...

    I really don't think it is much deeper than that...

    ....would love to be wrong, but I don't think the US wants to go back to the original treaty because Iran has gone through all the bullshit and now she should be getting the pay off investment...

    I rather suspect Obama hoped by now they would be able to mount air attacks and take out their entire nuclear programme with these new stealthy F-35s they will have that will decimate isolated weak Iran... of course as a backup plan B he will be out of office before any of this shit goes down so it wont be his problem anyway.

    Their core problems... Iranian air defence is rather better than they are normally used to going up against... hense detected and lost stealth drones, plus unexpected ballistic performance of their attack potential... again, not something they expect from their victims... an ability to hit back... look at how pissed off they were with Saddam and his Scuds and their accuracy was pathetic... and of course these days Russia and China are powerful enough to ignore the US, which led to even the EU resisting the US for a while.... on paper... but of course EU companies folded when threatened with US sanctions too.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:16 am

    Iran began striking Coalition base and US embassy in Erbil Iraq

    Let's call this the Yankee punk thread

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:16 am

    Fateh 110 hitting US base

    Why is the US in iraq??? Only Russia invades countries?

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:17 am

    Iraqis are yelling Ahmad Sila hahahaha

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019- #2

    Post  franco Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:19 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    Fateh 110 hitting US base

    Why is the US in iraq??? Only Russia invades countries?

    Apparently wanted some of the action:

    NOTE: click on the message in the center

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:20 am

    Damn that's embarassing , how embarassing for US troops, how come no airdefense???


    How come no drones???

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:24 am

    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Screen51

    Fateh 110 inbound far left

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:28 am

    US-Iran standoff 2019- #2 - Page 28 Img_2025

    Erbil, iraq, iran struck bases and consulate of USA

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    Post  Arkanghelsk Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:32 am

    BREAKING: Reported Ballistic Missile Attack Near U.S. Base in Erbil, IraqReports suggest the missiles may have been launched from Iranian territory. 

    How will sleepy Joe react to this??

    Russia will cover Iran , no worries!

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    Post  ucmvulcan Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:40 am

    Arkanghelsk wrote:

    BREAKING: Reported Ballistic Missile Attack Near U.S. Base in Erbil, IraqReports suggest the missiles may have been launched from Iranian territory. 

    How will sleepy Joe react to this??

    Russia will cover Iran , no worries!

    More sanctions on Russia and Iran, and by the end of the week the clown will somehow find a way to sanction himself in a moment of dementia.

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