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    US-Iran standoff 2019-


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  medo Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:10 pm

    Tsavo Lion wrote:

    In case of US attack, Iran will make full mobilization, what could easily bring to 4 to 5 million iranian soldiers. Iranian population is young comparing to west, where population is old and armies are also getting old with very small pool to mobilise. US will need to attack Iran with more than 1 million soldiers. This is whole US army. They still need to keep armies in Afghanistan, Iraq, bases around the World, in South America against Venezuela and Cuba, in Far East against North Korea and China and in Europe against Russia. US could not bring whole army to the theatre, just a part of it. They forgot, that Iran also have cruise missiles and armed drones to strike US bases in KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, etc. Houties alrerady show their capabilities to strike Saudi airfields and other targets with drones and missiles and Iranian capabilities are far larger than that. Iran is getting ready for war with US, KSA and Israel for 40 years now. Syrian air defense show well, they are capable to shot down cruise missiles and other stand off bomb attacks. Iran is modernizing their air defense and is far more capable, than Syrian, which was very cripled through war and many sites destroyed. Also US is now at the edge of bankruptsy with enormous debt and they will not be able to finance such large war for long time before they go bankrupt and their military fall apart because of no money. World is no more dependent on US Dollars and US banking system. Russia and China will be glad to help Iran to fight long enough, that US will go bankrupt. US could not win war with Iran conventionaly, only chance is by nuclear strike, but this mean global nuclear war.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:45 pm

    A US invasion will never happen. They will just bomb them untill the country is destroyed and the people will put someone else at power. By people I mean US black ops with million of dollars injected to good persons. Many there want the Shah back at power.

    And now US will be able to produce MRBM and attack iran with its own ballistic missiles.

    Funny you talk about a chinese protection Tsavor because China sold ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia capable to destroy its nuclear production plants and main HQ. Chinese work by themselves for themselves. They have no ally. Iran will face same reaction from China as Venezuela did. No reaction.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jul 07, 2019 9:58 pm

    ..China sold ballistic missiles to Saudi Arabia capable to destroy its nuclear production plants and main HQ.
    BM, even with nuclear warheads, won't destroy nuclear production plants and main HQ buried deep underground. Iranians r not stupid & used NK help with bunkers.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:12 pm

    Not everything is in bunkers. If the nuclear plants on the surface are destroyed they can say bye bye to the nuclear program. That's what Israel wants to do and will probably try to do once US start bombing iran.
    Tsavo Lion
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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:23 pm

    They had BM exchanges with Iraq in the 1980s already. Their most valuable assets r underground. They probably have everything nuclear & mil. command/control duplicated there.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:27 pm

    Their only valuable assets are nuclear plants and BM production plants. Once US get total control of the skies, both will be destroyed.

    Iraqi missiles were a joke. They missed targets by km away.
    Tsavo Lion
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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:53 pm

    Once US get total control of the skies, both will be destroyed.
    the US & Israel have no control of the sky over Syria, how will they get it over Iran? Russia & China may send more S-300/400s there.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Jul 07, 2019 11:59 pm

    For the first and second campaign in Iraq US started preparing the logistic and ammassing troupes and equipment for several months before starting the offensive. These kinds of.preparation are highly visible from the outside.

    We can imagine that Russia and China in the meantime will provide (sell or lend) quite a bit.of equipment to contrast.US invasion. US.will.find a worse Vietnam. Even worse, there.could be the start of a civil war in the US.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:03 am

    If they knew , where everything was , then why they have been wanting to inspect and see all Iranian military sites ? Find out where they are ? China has 5000 km of underground tunnels and bunkers. Iran economy is one tenth of China , so can we estimate 500 km of bunkers ? That is 500 bunkers . With about twenty times the number of false bunkers and decoys . Some at depth of 500 meters , under Granite rock .

    Now ofcourse, the yanks and English want to stop nuclear programme. They think Iran is at 300 kg ! And they gave 10,000 kg and there is none left ! Time to attack now ! Capture ship and force early war ! But even if they think they are right . A war now will accelerate programme. They can not destroy programme . And since they will now push for war , to stop programme , again and again . I don't think Iran can ignore this . That is why Iran should retaliate in kind and capture oil Tankers . Now !

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 08, 2019 12:15 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:
    Once US get total control of the skies, both will be destroyed.
    the US & Israel have no control of the sky over Syria, how will they get it over Iran? Russia & China may send more S-300/400s there.

    Yet they bomb everyday iranians in Syria whenever they want. They would have had it if they wanted before Russia sends its troops there.

    Russia btw doesn't want a nuclear armed Iran at its southern border. Stop your illusions about Ru/China/Iran alliance. It doesn't exist.

    Russia doesn't have a magical weapon that can stop US destroying Iran. Their help would be pathetic compare to what US would send. They already struggle equiping russian army and you think they would send S-400 to Iran which has no trained crews to operate them ? And in meaningful numbers ?
    Tsavo Lion
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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:00 am

    Russia btw doesn't want a nuclear armed Iran at its southern border.
    she doesn't want Iran dismembered, regime changed & garrisoned by the US even more. They built NPP there- they r not that naive!
    They already struggle equiping russian army and you think they would send S-400 to Iran which has no trained crews to operate them ? And in meaningful numbers?
    they can send a barge with S-300/400s to the S. Caspian & elsewhere in Iran with their crews. Also MiG-31s can fly from Russian &/ C. Asian/Pakistani bases to patrol above with Il-78 tankers' support. Will the US go to war with nuclear & BM armed Pakistan which is a client state of China? Will India be stupid enough to do it on the US behalf?
    Iran doesn't have to become an ally of Russia & China; just getting closer with Turkey & Pakistan will be enough.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:38 am

    Well the facts of the matter are there is only one party in violation of the agreement and that is the US.

    Iran has too much enriched Uranium because the US has blocked export sales of Iranian uranium that kept levels of processed uranium below a specific amount. US bans on sales have led to Iran exceeding that amount yet they can hardly be blamed for the current situation because it has been created by themselves.

    Everyone talks about the US controlling the air space over Iran like it is a given, yet they don't even control the air space over Syria, and Syria is in nothing like Irans position to hit out at US assets in the region in response.

    There should be tens of thousands of Iranian controlled groups in the region that would be happy to target US related forces in the region... and I am not talking suicide squads they can send as cannon fodder against US forces to gun down in enormous numbers... Attacks on power lines and pipe lines and water supplies and the electrical grid and communications... I would say Saudi Arabia is ripe for a coloured revolution... and I don't mean one directed from Washington... anyone can play that game.

    Then there are ground launched anti ship missiles that could close off the gulf from secure land based launch positions... not to mention sub based attacks on important US military vessels... and ballistic missile strikes on oil facilities in Saudi Arabia.

    And we have not even begun to fight because the US wont care much about damage in the region... foot and mouth disease and anthrax and other animal and plant diseases could devastate their agriculture, and their electricity grid is state of the Arc... as in Noahs Arc... there are likely hundreds of thousands of easy targets in the US where highly flammable chemicals on trains or trucks can be targeted for most effect... a fuel tanker truck travelling through a road tunnel explodes exactly half way down... fire escape doors in high rise buildings are locked shut and fires set on the bottom 6 floors with a single sniper to keep the fire fighters at bay... it is not hard... in fact Iran should look at the history of American atrocities and see if they can compete... I doubt they could but it is important to try...

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 08, 2019 9:02 am

    Everyone talks about the US controlling the air space over Iran like it is a given, yet they don't even control the air space over Syria, and Syria is in nothing like Irans position to hit out at US assets in the region in response.

    That's not an argument. Again, the only reason they don't control Syrian air space is because Obama didn't want and then Russian came in.

    There should be tens of thousands of Iranian controlled groups in the region that would be happy to target US related forces in the region... and I am not talking suicide squads they can send as cannon fodder against US forces to gun down in enormous numbers... Attacks on power lines and pipe lines and water supplies and the electrical grid and communications... I would say Saudi Arabia is ripe for a coloured revolution... and I don't mean one directed from Washington... anyone can play that game.

    There are more people that don't want a war. Young population meas only that the time of those old regime is over.

    The new king in Saudi Arabia is modernizing its country better than Iran. The underpaid people are mostly strangers that can't say anything. Revolution is more mikely to take place in Iran.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:25 pm

    That's not an argument. Again, the only reason they don't control Syrian air space is because Obama didn't want and then Russian came in.

    Iranians are not Iraqis or Syrians... they are a different type of people...

    There are more people that don't want a war.

    Most people outside of the west don't want war... but when the west is involved they don't often get the choice...

    Young population meas only that the time of those old regime is over.

    Obviously... when the US demands all Iranians should bend over and take it up the ass like Europe does.

    Perhaps there would be more respect and independence in the EU if you didn't break so easily.... ironic that the west is eliminating the truth about WWII and that the two countries that actually defeated Germany by not just giving in or folding were the UK and the Soviets... but with the UK leaving the EU and the Soviets being demonised it is the capitulators and side changers that will claim to have defeated the great evil of WWII now... really funny if it wasn't so serious.

    The new king in Saudi Arabia is modernizing its country better than Iran.

    The new Saudi King is freshly painting over the cracks without sanding and without undercoat... by this time next year that crap will be peeling off and he will be painting again, but as long as he talks about 400 billion dollars worth of arms purchases with the US he will be a saint and the bodies of the people he has murdered will be ignored by western copy and pasters. His changes are superficial and pathetic... he is certainly no friend of democracy and his kingdom will be bankrupt by 2025 at best...

    The underpaid people are mostly strangers that can't say anything. Revolution is more mikely to take place in Iran.

    There is enormous potential for insurrection in Saudi Arabia... the correct buttons just need to be pushed... there are plenty of factions there... that is what happens when you have hundreds of children like the Saudi Royal family do... Lots of bastards who can get a sniff of power and the in place storm troopers to carry out any order you like...

    Yes Iran... give up... this time America will be nice to you and you will love what they do to your country... bikinis and bottle stores everywhere...

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 08, 2019 2:51 pm

    Iranians are not Iraqis or Syrians... they are a different type of people...

    And ? It's all about technology and systems used. Not people. US air force, with the help of golf air forces will destroy iranian airforce and air defences. The advantage is too huge for US.

    Most people outside of the west don't want war... but when the west is involved they don't often get the choice...

    True. But its not wars. It's only one way destruction.

    Obviously... when the US demands all Iranians should bend over and take it up the ass like Europe does.

    US dollar is the real weapon here. As long as they see you as an enemy, they will use it. As long as europe, Russia, China and other benefits more from US dollar than from iranian deals they will bend over. It's not going to change unless Iran stop producing nuclear stuff, even civilian nuclear because US will keep sanctioning them as long as Israel feels unsafe. The choice of Iranian gov is to keep with nuclear and don't give a fuck about US/Israel. I respect that. But everyday more and more iranians are fed up with this situation and it only work against iran.

    Perhaps there would be more respect and independence in the EU if you didn't break so easily....

    You really think EU would hurt its companies for Iran ? Not going to happeb anyday soon.

    There is enormous potential for insurrection in Saudi Arabia... the correct buttons just need to be pushed.

    Not if US bases stay where they are.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 08, 2019 3:32 pm

    And ? It's all about technology and systems used. Not people. US air force, with the help of golf air forces will destroy iranian airforce and air defences. The advantage is too huge for US.

    They are a paper tiger, they don't have experience fighting sides that will fight back intelligently and hard, there is no way the US wants a real war in the Middle East... even shutting down the waterway for a week would break them... and once the actually shooting war starts how hard would it be to launch missiles at enemy military vessels in the waterways near them?

    Even those SAMs based on Standard SAMs that look like BUK would be fine for attacking surface ships... not to mention they have a range of ballistic missiles... plenty of targets for those in the region... Americas record of hitting scuds before they were launched was pathetic... they didn't get a single one...

    True. But its not wars. It's only one way destruction.

    And when the price of oil goes up because the cost of insuring oil tankers in the region becomes incredibly painfully high... they might start taking notice.

    US dollar is the real weapon here. As long as they see you as an enemy, they will use it.

    Yeah, but the more the wield it as a weapon the more it gets rejected as international currency which makes it less effective as a weapon and undermines Americas wealth... which they need so they can say their debt is not so great...

    As long as europe, Russia, China and other benefits more from US dollar than from iranian deals they will bend over.

    Those countries will continue to want to make money in the US so they might not help Iran but I rather doubt they will help the US either.

    If they bow to US tantrums then they effectively give up potentially profitable markets and if the EU wont buy Iranian products then Russia will because they are already on Americas shit list and don't have that much trade with the US anyway...

    It's not going to change unless Iran stop producing nuclear stuff, even civilian nuclear because US will keep sanctioning them as long as Israel feels unsafe.

    It doesn't matter what Iran does, Israel wants Iran attacked, so there is no value in trying to make Israel happy... Israel would be happy if Syria and Iraq were made into an ISIS shithole... so there is no point trying to curry favour there... those censored can go censored themselves.

    The choice of Iranian gov is to keep with nuclear and don't give a fuck about US/Israel. I respect that. But everyday more and more iranians are fed up with this situation and it only work against iran.

    There is no evidence Iran has made any choice regarding nuclear weapons... the current state of uranium enriched materials is basically because of US limits on Irans exports of such materials and means nothing for developing nuclear weapons.

    You really think EU would hurt its companies for Iran ? Not going to happeb anyday soon.

    Exactly so the situation is that the US has left the deal and completely violated their part of the agreement and are now forcing the EU to also violate their part of the agreement but for some fucked up reason Iran is supposed to keep up their end of the agreement?

    That is not how contracts work and suggesting Iran should just capitulate and do as it is told is moronic... they should teach these censored a lesson they will never forget, but they need to be smart to avoid the inevidable childish backlash.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Isos Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:25 pm

    They are a paper tiger, they don't have experience fighting sides that will fight back intelligently and hard, there is no way the US wants a real war in the Middle East... even shutting down the waterway for a week would break them... and once the actually shooting war starts how hard would it be to launch missiles at enemy military vessels in the waterways near them?

    No they are not. They are well trained and experienced. Iran on the other hand is not even a tiger on paper. Let alone their real capabilities.

    US mainland won't be hit. That's what matters for them. They don't care about their soldiers. They send hakf of their young makes into Vitnam war without any feeling. They will do it again if it serves their interest.

    And when the price of oil goes up because the cost of insuring oil tankers in the region becomes incredibly painfully high... they might start taking notice.

    US produce their own oil. Saudi arabia can export through the south. The strait will be closed maximum 2 months. Then iran will be destroyed and they will reopen the strait.

    Yeah, but the more the wield it as a weapon the more it gets rejected as international currency which makes it less effective as a weapon and undermines Americas wealth... which they need so they can say their debt is not so great...

    Well everyone still uses dollar. The only currency that can replace it is the euro but EU seems to collapse so it won't push people replacing dollar.

    That is not how contracts work and suggesting Iran should just capitulate and do as it is told is moronic... they should teach these censored a lesson they will never forget, but they need to be smart to avoid the inevidable childish backlash.

    Contracts work when there is a justice that can oblige both parties to respect it. There no one that can oblige US respect the agreement. And they are much more powerfull economicaly and militarly than iran. So iran must ease on threats and play better.

    There is reality and your reality Garry. Iran is fucked anyway. They can either hurry up and get nuks quickly or go back to discussions with US.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  miketheterrible Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:31 pm

    That's what it is. As soon as they have working nukes in arsenal, then the game changes for Iran. They will have an end game weapon that will force other players to more or less work out with.

    Only forces that will help Saudis will be Israel, US and UK. Iran doesn't have much to fear from UK or Saudi Arabia, but Israel and US it sure does.

    Yes, all US bases can be targeted and hit in middle east,l by Iranian missiles, so there is still that upper hand too. But as isos says, the US is willing to expend those bases and forces for their own profits anyway.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:32 pm

    No they are not. They are well trained and experienced. Iran on the other hand is not even a tiger on paper. Let alone their real capabilities.

    They are gender neutral button pushers... if real war is declared half their ships and subs will find their female portion of their crews are suddenly pregnant and no longer able to serve... happened just before Desert Storm... there is a boat that got the nickname the love boat because of that, but more women in uniform now...

    US mainland won't be hit. That's what matters for them.

    Yeah, that is what they think, which will add to the shock if they can manage it... there are plenty of pro Americans in Iran I am sure, but there are just as certainly many disgruntled people in the US who want to stick it to the white men in charge...

    They send hakf of their young makes into Vitnam war without any feeling. They will do it again if it serves their interest.

    Without feeling when it was out of sight and out of mind, but when body bags started coming back to the US and the media started reporting from the frontline with real soldiers experiences instead of what the officers wanted them to show and say... things dragged on... remember this is the country that got bored of going to the moon very quickly...

    US produce their own oil. Saudi arabia can export through the south. The strait will be closed maximum 2 months. Then iran will be destroyed and they will reopen the strait.

    Hahaha... two months means Trump is losing the election, so they will back down way before then.

    Well everyone still uses dollar.

    They used to, but use of the dollar as a weapon has meant Russia and a lot of other non western countries have found they need an alternative and so they are no longer using the dollar so much... and the more it is used as a weapon the less it will be used by more and more countries.

    The only currency that can replace it is the euro but EU seems to collapse so it won't push people replacing dollar.

    Countries can trade in their own currencies or gold or they can return to a barter system of trading goods... of a combination of all three or more.

    Contracts work when there is a justice that can oblige both parties to respect it. There no one that can oblige US respect the agreement. And they are much more powerfull economicaly and militarly than iran. So iran must ease on threats and play better.

    That equate to the American position, but Iran can make up their own mind. Sanctions are a given... the question Iran has to ask itself is do they want to be under sanctions and be weakened economically and politically for the next 5-10 years and then have a war, or do they want a war now while they are stronger and less isolated than they might be in 5-10 years time.

    Irans position is not nearly as bad as you like to suggest and Americas position is nothing like as strong as you want to portray either...

    There is reality and your reality Garry. Iran is fucked anyway. They can either hurry up and get nuks quickly or go back to discussions with US.

    What could they possibly get with discussions... the next day Trump might tear those up too... waste of time.

    That's what it is. As soon as they have working nukes in arsenal, then the game changes for Iran. They will have an end game weapon that will force other players to more or less work out with.

    I am not so sure, I think Iran getting a nuke would result in an Israeli attack and a high probability that Saudi Arabia will attempt to develop nuclear weapons too...

    Libya and Syria were getting friendly with the west and giving up their WMD programmes when the west turned on them... they might play nice initially but if they ever thought they knew where their nukes were stored they would attack as hard and fast as they could... all the while smiling like their best friend in the world.

    Yes, all US bases can be targeted and hit in middle east,l by Iranian missiles, so there is still that upper hand too. But as isos says, the US is willing to expend those bases and forces for their own profits anyway.

    Iran also has shia muslim supporters in the region that could assist in agitation in the region... they could finally kick the US out of Afghanistan and Iraq, and make their position in other places uncomfortable too.

    Plus just hitting oil refineries and even pipes and storage areas in the region would also add to the cost to Americas allies in the region... on paper the Saudis have a formidable air force but as seen in Yemen I wouldn't rate them too highly... the first F-15s and Typhoons shot down in air combat perhaps?

    Maybe tearing up that agreement because Americas withdrawal and sanctions render it pointless to continue, with Russian and Chinese veto on any new sanctions against Iran because it was America at fault and not Iran... with a behind the scenes promise to both China and Russia not to develop nuclear weapons, but to make large purchases of weapons that will be useful to Iran like new fighter aircraft with new AAMs and air defence systems and equipment and anti ship missiles and the like with licence production contracts worth billions to be paid in oil...

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  jhelb Mon Jul 08, 2019 7:20 pm

    GarryB wrote:It doesn't matter what Iran does, Israel wants Iran attacked, so there is no value in trying to make Israel happy...

    That's the most important factor - Israel.

    This is a country that openly supports political parties across the world no matter how despicable they are as long as they are supporting Israel. In fact Israel directly interferes even in the election process of many countries. Yelstin got elected because of Israeli interference. not because many russians liked him.

    Similarly there is a of of talk how earlier this year Israel hacked electronic voting machines in India and helped the ruling party to come back into power. This party BJP or something is a known anti Russian party and is backed by Israel & US.

    This is the Israeli art of subterfuge. They target almost any country they choose to.

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:02 pm

    @ ISOS

    Will you walk over  mines,  knowing you will surely die , to simply allow your comrades to pass through  them unharmed.  So they can advance and attack ? So please remember what people we are dealing with . Iranians are not tigers  as you say but they are those that slay lions and Tigers.

    Iran is a superpower . Without nukes and without sanctions , it would be something like Germany . With nukes and with sanctons , it would be like Russia or China . I prefer the second option . Now that you know Iran can and is willing to make nukes ,then know it can bring pressure . It can send those that slay Lions !
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Jul 08, 2019 10:25 pm

    Iran is a superpower.
    There's no such thing as a superpower w/o nukes, a long range AF & a blue water navy. Iran is a regional power like Egypt, Indonesia, Australia, Japan, & Brazil.
    With its Ks of Shiite fighters, it couldn't do much in Syria w/o Russia.
    Unless the Iranians keep Tel-Aviv & Dimona in cross hairs from B/CM submarines, Israel & the US won't give up its dreams of regime change.

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  yavar Tue Jul 09, 2019 12:48 pm

    Iran Third step of reducing its JCPOA ( Iran nuclear deal ) commitments is 20% uranium enrichment

    Iran says next option is 20% uranium enrichment


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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  nomadski Tue Jul 09, 2019 1:03 pm

    @Tsavo lion

    There is no such thing as a superpower WITH nukes . Nukes are similar to other weapons, but more powerful and efficient . I think you missed my point , when I post about Iranians ready for death . Slaying the monster lion by close quarter fighting means death . It is the history and culture of sacrifice . Readiness to die . That is why Iranians with nukes are superpower . Because they will push the button . And the yanks will not . Because they defend their life and rights . So I disagree . Iran is a superpower with nukes . Yanks are not superpower even with nukes .

    Now about conventional forces , and their role in nuclear age . Nukes make conventional wars redundant . No more wars for sake of profit. Infact no more wars. That is why warmongers hate nukes . You simply can not base sound business on Nuke foundations . Once you make them , then peace breaks out . All you get is a service contract to maintain them in the silo . And Iran , will not need massive conventional forces . Just efficient launch and delivery of Nukes . And policy of their use , to counter conventional attack . Using theatre tactical Nukes , sub - kiloton . Let's see if they want to die . If they are willing to slay the beast !

    About Iran not being anything without Russia . I disagree . Iran can survive without Russia . And vice versa . But we both benefit by friendship. Tavarish !

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    US-Iran standoff 2019- - Page 18 Empty Re: US-Iran standoff 2019-

    Post  medo Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:21 pm

    Isos wrote:No they are not. They are well trained and experienced. Iran on the other hand is not even a tiger on paper. Let alone their real capabilities.

    US mainland won't be hit. That's what matters for them. They don't care about their soldiers. They send hakf of their young makes into Vitnam war without any feeling. They will do it again if it serves their interest.

    You must be joking. Saudis are well trained in what? How fast they will run away from battlefield? We see Saudi capabilities in Yemen, where they are regularly beaten by Houties. Iran is experienced army. They figh eight years long war with Iraq in eighties. Also they give a lot of experiences to their troops in Iraq and Syria. Who stop ISIS in front of Bagdad? It was Iran Al Quds units under command of general Suleimani. Iraqi army was broken in that time and unable to fight. Iranian troops also got a lot of experiences in Syria and learn a lot about air defense with Syrians and Russians.

    Isos wrote:
    Iranians are not Iraqis or Syrians... they are a different type of people...

    And ? It's all about technology and systems used. Not people. US air force, with the help of golf air forces will destroy iranian airforce and air defences. The advantage is too huge for US.

    Exactly. Iran fully muster their technology, they produce it, maintain it and use it properly. Their technical culture is far higher than of any Arab nation. They are similar to Europeans. Yes, IRIAF is small and old, but they are modernizing their planes and they are producing even new planes and helicopters. Same went for NAVY.

    Air defense is quite different story. IRIADS is now independent branch of armed forces and Iran invest a lot in it. They produce old stuff like HAWK, but deaply modernized with digital electronics, new radar homing heads, etc and well improved comparing to original, similar as original S-125 Neva and modernized Pechora-2M. They are producing new domestic stuff and now they muster PESA and AESA radar technology. All their air defense complexes are now integrated in modern IADS, so their effectivenes is now far higher than before. You could see now difference in air defense in Syria after Russians came and modernize their systems and integrate them in IADS comparing to situation before, when every battery was on its own. IRIADS is far bigger than Syrian AD and majority of their complexes are domestic, so sanctions could not degrade their capabilities. They produce their own spare parts and missiles. IRIADS actually is not a joke.

    Isos wrote:US produce their own oil. Saudi arabia can export through the south. The strait will be closed maximum 2 months. Then iran will be destroyed and they will reopen the strait.

    Wrong again. In case of Attack, Iran will strike back and destroy US bases in ME as well as all oil instalations in KSA, UAE, Qatar, … They will also sink US fleet in persian gulf. They have enough anti-ship ballistic and cruise missiles to do the job. US is in no position to fight long war with Iran, because they are bankrupt state. With no money, US army will fall apart.

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