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    New Multipolar World


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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty no wonder why Putin and Russian media likes kissinger..

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:56 am

    interesting video..
    no wonder why Putin and Russian media likes kissinger..

    He was who lead the policy of detente with China and Russia too..
    and who officially ended the war on vietnam.. So successful and respected
    he was as secretary state.. that 2 presidents from 2 different administrations
    democrats and Republicans hired him..for foreign policy.. Nixon was sacked
    from power ,for ending the war on vietnam.. and detente with Russia..
    the scandals against NIXON were all fabricated to force his out of office..


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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  andalusia Fri Jun 28, 2019 9:58 am

    This is what the US should have been doing but didn't. I hope Russia and China are successful at replacing the US dollar as the reserve currency and give the rest of the planet and alternative to the US/UK led economic order.
    par far

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Is this the end of the multi polar world?

    Post  par far Sun Mar 22, 2020 6:29 am

    Both Iran and Venezuela have been under US sanctions and now this crisis has pushed them both to the brink. Both of these countries have asked the IMF for loans to help them. Russia and China was building a multi polar world and they could have given the middle finger to the US and helped these countries with the aid they needed but Iran and Venezuela had to ask the IMF for loans and of course we know that the IMF is a Zionist tool and they will never give loans to the current governments of Iran and Venezuela.

    Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Aristide Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:29 am

    par far wrote:Both Iran and Venezuela have been under US sanctions and now this crisis has pushed them both to the brink. Both of these countries have asked the IMF for loans to help them. Russia and China was building a multi polar world and they could have given the middle finger to the US and helped these countries with the aid they needed but Iran and Venezuela had to ask the IMF for loans and of course we know that the IMF is a Zionist tool and they will never give loans to the current governments of Iran and Venezuela.

    Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

    Your theories would work much better without the antisemitism

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Isos Sun Mar 22, 2020 9:38 am

    What antisemitism ? IMF is control by US tresor which is controled by zionists. That's just the truth.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Aristide Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:12 pm

    Isos wrote:What antisemitism ? IMF is control by US tresor which is controled by zionists. That's just the truth.

    No its not. Its antisemit bullshit. Whats next? Posting Hitler propaganda here?

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Isos Sun Mar 22, 2020 5:53 pm

    Aristide wrote:
    Isos wrote:What antisemitism ? IMF is control by US tresor which is controled by zionists. That's just the truth.

    No its not. Its antisemit bullshit. Whats next? Posting Hitler propaganda here?

    It's a US tool to protect the dollar as world's currency. All the US system us full of zionists. That's a reality and not antisemitic.

    The US taxpayer because of zionist pay billions every year for Israel while they own them nothing.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:25 pm

    par far wrote:...Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

    Both Iran and Venezuela are completely irelevant for any world order, multipolar or single one

    And we seen time and time again that anyone stupid enough to believe "Zionist" theories or to actually plans politics based on it always gets stomped into oblivion


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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Sun Mar 22, 2020 7:40 pm

    par far wrote:Both Iran and Venezuela have been under US sanctions and now this crisis has pushed them both to the brink. Both of these countries have asked the IMF for loans to help them. Russia and China was building a multi polar world and they could have given the middle finger to the US and helped these countries with the aid they needed but Iran and Venezuela had to ask the IMF for loans and of course we know that the IMF is a Zionist tool and they will never give loans to the current governments of Iran and Venezuela.

    Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

    How do you know what the motivation for begging from the IMF was? You are just assuming that Russia and China did not want to help.


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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Regular Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:02 am

    Aristide wrote:

    Your theories would work much better without the antisemitism

    Oy vey, not the chosen ones.. not the poor zioninos. Not the hecking semitinos..

    They are impervious to criticism. lol!

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 23, 2020 11:11 am

    but Iran and Venezuela had to ask the IMF for loans and of course we know that the IMF is a Zionist tool and they will never give loans to the current governments of Iran and Venezuela.

    Actually I would think the IMF would love to give both countries fairly enormous loans, because that gives them strings to pull... they can demand all sorts of economic reforms that benefit international corporations and shift money from the majority into the hands of the minority...

    Oy vey, not the chosen ones.. not the poor zioninos. Not the hecking semitinos..

    They are impervious to criticism.

    Your theories would work much better without the antisemitism

    To find out who controls you... ask yourself... who is it that you can never criticise... not even constructive criticism meant to promote development and improvement...

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  JohninMK Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:24 pm

    Spot on Garry, the IMF and World Bank have been used as instruments of US financial domination since they were created, very successfully I might add. This will continue for as long as they can do it. I agree that the IMF should, as per that remit, lend lots to anyone against the US as the debt, invariably in $, will shackle them into the future. Even knowing this that these countries still want the money shows just how powerful the US and its $ still are. Very sad.

    Our young French lad should acquaint himself with the difference between semitism and Zionism. You don't have to be Jewish to be the later but the Zionists sure do hide behind the former and conflate the meanings of the two words.

    “I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist,” current Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, said in April 2007, soon before he was chosen to be Barack Obama’s running mate in the 2008 elections.

    Biden is, of course, correct, because Zionism is a political movement that is rooted in 20th-century nationalism and . Its use of religious dogmas is prompted by political expediency, not spirituality or faith.

    Maybe he would accept that the Israeli (Zionist or not) lobby in the US effectively controls Congress with a significant number of important US citizens also being citizens of Israel as well as the US? When major donors are legally able to pump crazy amounts of money into the US political system, like Bloomberg's, a proud Jew, recent estimated near $1B, they garner serious political influence that they are not shy in exploiting.

    Maybe he would also accept that throughout history it has been the victors that write the history and that making criticizing the analysis of that history a criminal offense inevitably raises suspicions that the history might not pass close examination using the underlying facts, even using facts not available when the history was written? Adding one party getting serious financial benefit from that history just adds to the sense that something might not be right. I could go on.

    Last edited by JohninMK on Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Quote and link added)

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  JohninMK Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:34 pm

    Going back to the thread's title, I think its highly unlikely as the current uni-polar situation may be coming to an end.

    I linked to an analysis of the combined effect of the oil price crash and the Corona-19 virus on our uni-polar power, the US, in the oil thread. The link is repeated below, Steve is a top oil/silver analyst, been following him for years.

    Since I live in the prime US lapdog territory it is a very sobering analysis as it could hit us, albeit probably not quite as badly, as well.

    Naturally I have a post there  Laughing  Laughing

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:30 pm

    There is no uni-polar order. There is the NATzO west and its pack of sycophants which is shrivelling up in germs of global GDP.
    Since the 1970s the rich west has gone from over 70% of global GDP to under 50%. Given the obvious accounting fraud in
    the case of the US GDP and the same story for the UK, etc., this 50% is overblown. A more accurate measure is 33%. So
    the rich west has GDP footprint 3 times the size of its fraction of the global population which is 11%.

    As with all empires, their power is based on perception and not reality. As long as lemmings fear the non-existent power,
    they will keep paying tribute and following orders. As soon as confidence in the racket fails, the empire evapourates. This
    is one of the key reasons for rapid collapse of previous "civilizations" which were basically empires centered around some king,
    such as the Sumerians, etc. Of course, there are climate and other exogenous shocks that contribute, but human society
    is about psychology and not physical existence.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 24, 2020 1:18 am

    I agree with kvs, the only people talking about a unipolar world is the US and her most staunch sycophants... for most of the 1990s we kept hearing about the American century to come with peace and prosperity via new technology and raising the morals and ethics standards to those of Hollywood... but of course they didn't mention whether that was peace and prosperity for everyone and Hollywood is the most depraved place in existence...

    The fact that the US has sanctions on so many countries... including some of its so called allies suggests things are not well with the empire, but of course the empire does not need to collapse for there to be a multi polar world, there are plenty of places and growing organisations that are developing that don't include the US and this will only continue.

    There will probably be a number of things together that create problems for the US... this virus and problems with the oil industry will compound together... perhaps people with money might realise that owning bits of paper that they shuffle around to make even more money is not the most sensible thing when the brown stuff hits the whirring blades of an air cooling appliance... food, energy, and weapons is what you need... food and energy to survive and weapons to keep the food and the energy for yourself.

    Russia is better off than most western countries in that she has been forced to start making her own stuff herself, while the west uses its money to import what it needs... with China locked down a lot of American companies have probably realised how much they rely on China for resources... resources they can't get locally because they stopped buying them locally because china was cheaper.

    Centralisation is efficient but not when something goes wrong....

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  ahmedfire Wed Mar 25, 2020 7:01 pm

    par far

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  par far Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:38 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:...Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

    Both Iran and Venezuela are completely irelevant for any world order, multipolar or single one

    And we seen time and time again that anyone stupid enough to believe "Zionist" theories or to actually plans politics based on it always gets stomped into oblivion

    Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and Iran also has some of the largest oil reserves and gas reserves in the world, they are very important.

    When it comes to Zionists see what American politicians say about it.
    par far

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  par far Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:49 am

    kvs wrote:
    par far wrote:Both Iran and Venezuela have been under US sanctions and now this crisis has pushed them both to the brink. Both of these countries have asked the IMF for loans to help them. Russia and China was building a multi polar world and they could have given the middle finger to the US and helped these countries with the aid they needed but Iran and Venezuela had to ask the IMF for loans and of course we know that the IMF is a Zionist tool and they will never give loans to the current governments of Iran and Venezuela.

    Both Iran and Venezuela are important countries because they have resources and in case of Iran, it is close to Russia and China.

    Do you guys think with these developments, the multi polar is dead?

    How do you know what the motivation for begging from the IMF was?   You are just assuming that Russia and China did not want to help.  

    I am just guessing here kvs, I think if the Russia or China helped, than they would not ask the IMF.

    My personal opinion is that this Corona virus thing was a hybrid war on China by the US. I think China did well in this hybrid war by taking care of the virus in their own country and are now helping others with Russia.

    I think after this all this virus thing passes off, China will become more assertive and more aggressive against the US.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  PhSt Thu Mar 26, 2020 2:48 am

    My personal opinion is that this Corona virus thing was a hybrid war on China by the US.

    NATO is obviously finding ways to take advantage of the situation and are making serious attempts to overthrow the governments of Russia, China, Iran, and other countries while they are busy dealing with the pandemic

    Yes, Blame China for the Virus

    COVID-19 in Russia: Doctors warn number of cases much higher

    NATO through their propaganda media is busy spreading all sorts of disinformation against Russia and China in hopes of causing panic and unrest. Time for both countries to stand up against these fake news propagators and hit them back hard. And that BITCH from the Russian NATO front organization is still continuing to spew her fake information despite being rebuked several times by the WHO. FSB needs to nab her and decapitate her to pieces. Its the only way to shut her filthy mouth.
    par far

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty A great piece by Pepe Escobar, a must read.

    Post  par far Thu May 14, 2020 8:49 pm

    A great piece by Pepe Escobar, a must read.

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:12 am

    Interconnected Eurasia=multipolar World:

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:58 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Interconnected Eurasia=multipolar World:

    PPP is the right start but not the full quantification. Russia is not just Germany in terms of PPP. It is much bigger. It
    has resources and diversity of production that Germany simply does not have. How can these factors contribute nothing?
    Because Germany exports some expensive cars? BS.

    Many of the "large" economies listed in the article are only so because of enormous population size. This applies to both
    China and India. Their GDP figures will always be large since they have 10 times more people than Russia and Japan. Relative
    to the US the factor is closer to 5. But this human count GDP contribution is soft since it reflects food and housing consumption.
    The commercial sector centric PPP factor that is routinely applied to Russia discounts essentially all of its military industry
    since Russian military prices are about 10-20% those in NATzO member states. No PPP factor based on consumer goods
    and services only is worth the time of day. Russia's military industry is not 0.1% of its economy that it can be discounted.

    Even the energy being supplied by Russia is grossly undervalued. This is one aspect of the GDP that is ridiculous. We have all
    sorts of shysters going on and on how oil and gas have shrunk as a fraction of US GDP since the 1970s and claiming that the
    GDP depends on them less. This inference is moronic since any real shortage of these energy sources would shut the economy
    down. I will not waste time in discussing boutique alt energy, which right now is more talk than substance in terms of total
    energy supply for any large economy, including Germany.

    Russia's real economic power is being lowballed by self-serving drivel artists. The problem is that this BS is believed by the
    deciders who are itching to repeat history.

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:35 am

    Russian population will increase by ~40-50M once most of Ukraine, N. Kazakhstan & Belarus r joined with her. Many of their citizens now working in E. Europe will come back, as there's going to be plenty of work. Russia is also a crossroads uniting Eurasia. Once Japan is joined with Sakhalin by a tunnel, it'll be possible to take a train from Tokyo to Paris, London & Lisbon via Moscow &/ Kiev.

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  The-thing-next-door Thu Aug 27, 2020 8:34 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Russian population will increase by ~40-50M once most of Ukraine, N. Kazakhstan & Belarus r joined with her. Many of their citizens now working in E. Europe will come back, as there's going to be plenty of work. Russia is also a crossroads uniting Eurasia. Once Japan is joined with Sakhalin by a tunnel, it'll be possible to take a train from Tokyo to Paris, London & Lisbon via Moscow &/ Kiev.

    That is a rather big expansion in the size of Russian territory, I don't think it will happen until atleast 2060.

    Even then ther would need to be a way of keeping Russians safe from agitators and rebels in the new oblasts.

    Though with Japan in the empire thy could censor hentai once and for all.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    New Multipolar World - Page 3 Empty Re: New Multipolar World

    Post  Tsavo Lion Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:01 am

    It will happen sooner- it took only 24 years to get the Crimea back, while Belarus is a de-facto protectorate since 1991 like Mongolia was from 1924 till 1991.

    I don't have much to add here:

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