GarryB wrote:
Now however it seems to be a radicalised sort of anti CNN/Anti Fox News channel that constantly rips CNN and Fox news and their coverage of the news.
TR1 wrote:RT is mixed.
They are often annoying conspiracy theorists.
THey sometimes have decent reports where politics isn't involved.
They have this one guy who does interviews who makes me cringe HARD.
I don't see RT radicalised, on contrary, RT is moderate, however CNN, Fox, and chiefly France 24 radicalised. The hate, the rascisme, the despise of pupulations, the war, the lie, propaganda, are in these channels.
Recall that we are in new era, we are passing from unipolar world toward multi-polar world. The evolution is taking place chieflty in USA, from the super rich country to normal country, and toward bankrupcy. The cover of Ocuupy movement was possible because RT covered them.
It is normal to see Max Keiser, Galloway, Hizbollah, venezualian politicians's views, etc..., we fed up with western propaganda and their Wolfowivcz, Bernard Henri Levy -he speaks in the name of french people, however he represented nothing, aside he is strongly hated-, Blair, FinkelKraut -pseudo philosoph-,feminism, leftism, so-called environnementalists, anti-workers, pornographists, ultra-liberalists, anti-religious, warlikers, human-rightists and women-rightists, Rap music, Hollywood show, NBA, Football buiseness, femen-represent nothing-, pussy riots-represent nothing- etc...
In all area we have one idea, Ultra-liberalism, the same idea, in near all western countries it is becomming the dictaturship. With RT we saw other point of views.
I think what is very interresting is to see the revenge of russian model of society. RT is the speaker of this view in the world, and the success of RT, and tommorow PressTV prefigure the world of tommorow.
Mutipolar world.