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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Vann7 Sat Sep 12, 2015 5:46 pm

    par far wrote:
    Erk wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:What you are not told about the Refugee crisis.. must see..

    Racist nonsense that has nothing to do with Ukraine, what are you actually trying to achieve with a post like that here? Can we try and keep the thread on topic?

    Actually, the so called "Refugee crisis" is something that Russia can use to it's advantage and is somewhat relevant to the Ukrainian situation. The way Russia can use this situation to their advantage is that they can convince EU that the "Refugee crisis" can only be solved by ending the war in Syria and Iraq(this is something that Russia wants). The EU probably has had enough of it and wants this problem to end and if Russia can convince them that if Assad falls, then the problem for them will become much worse and if EU was smart, they would listen and drop their support for the terrorists and than Russia could talk to EU about the EU. This a classic tactic divide and conquer tactic that the Zionists use and Russia can use it now. There are dangers to this but Russia cannot sit still.

    Indeed.. is completely silly to separate Ukraine and Syria completely and if it was "off topic".
    Its War of Americans against Russia proxy war.. and you have the Ukraine front and the Syrian front.. it will as foolish as to totally separate world war 2.. in eastern front and Western front. and african front.. if the discussion is about Germany and world war 2. This is because the actions in one battle front can significantly affect the decisions and performance in another front. It was the eastern Front of germany with Russia ,what defeated Germany.. So is important to get the whole picture of what Russia is facing.

    Americans are at war right now against Russia.. Its think tank advisors call it Soft war.. but also called a proxy war and in two fronts the Syrian front and the Ukrainian front.  The Ukrainian front is now a bit quiet but not the Syrian one.. .Russia have military forces in Both
    fronts.. So no, is not off topic.. Is a war against Russia..  And the Refugee crisis is being manipulated in the media by Anglozionist powers ,to justify NATO to interfere in Syria against Russia..  Its even highly possible that Ukraine could restart the war ,when Russia take the decision to send a military major force with airforce and openly Help Syrian Government to fight
    ISIS.  The fact that France is moving in the opposite direction in Syria.. and going against Russia interest there.. trying to block Russia from helping Assad and seeking support to Bomb SYria could potentially weaken European help to Russia with Ukraine.. at least from France and Bulgaria and other European nations . Because Germany already have said Welcome RUssia in Syria.

    We live in a connected world ,stop thinking that the things that happens in middle east does not
    affect Russia capabilities to do any operation in Ukraine.  I can imagine the same lazy fat thinkers .. saying "off topic" , if Russia start a war in transnistria..that is MOldova.. just because is another country.. but is part of the world war that US and Its Allies have against Russia..

    Wake up people.. World War 3 already began by the west against Russia... is a proxy war.and Ukraine is the second front and Syria the first one and a third or fourth new front could start.. one in tranistria and another in Tajiuistan.. that is more than a dozen of countries US Allies attacking Russia. So you bet it is important to connect the information , and not be so blind ,
    because if things continues for long it could potential trigger a nuclear too. Putin already said reserve the right of using nukes if Russia invaded by a big major conventional force.. (like ISIS)
    not only against the invaders but also against the nations supporting them. Is that is not a warning to Americans of a potential nuclear war ,if they try to repeat the Syrian scenario in Russia ,then no idea what is.

    meanwhile ... Looting already starting in Ukraine..

    Ukraine is just one economic collapse away of disbanding in many states.. once people feel hungry and have no food they will go in mass and loot all Supermarkets in Ukraine..and it will be a no mans land.. with Police also looting.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 12, 2015 7:16 pm

    What you have in 404 is chapter and verse Germany in the '30's only without the industrial, social and cultural base. Gangs of youths and young thugs doing whatever they want, robbing, stealing, beating, intimidating, killing, all under the benign gaze of the constabulary. We all know how that ended for The Fatherland and methinks 404 is heading for the same crashing fall in to oblivion. It took Germany 12 years to destroy their culture, society and industrial base. I don't think it will take 404 near as long to accomplish the same Twilight of the Gods, a new Götterdämmerung, that Germany managed to accomplish in 12 years, I give 404 a year at best, mayhap less.

    To be totally honest, I'm sick to death of stories day in and day out about 404 this and 404 that, various 'politicians' pontificating endlessly about what they will do, what the world will do, 'glorious 404', 'slava 404', ad infinitum. In my opinion if The World was to be given an enema, the provider would lift the world's tail and stick the tube in Ukraine.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Khepesh Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:11 pm

    Very powerfull explosion at Makeevka. Probably an accident or planned disposal of munitions. Usualy warning is now given of this after people thought they were under attack a few months back, but no warning of this today.

    Otherwise, maybe a bishop or even a rook was moved on the board today, not sure.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  cracker Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:28 pm

    zg18 wrote:Ukrainian military started to deploy WW2 ZiS-3 gun mod. 1942

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 COU8P0zXAAAZu9c

    guy has russian digitalised pattern uniform. They are not ukrainians, but novorussians.
    par far

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  par far Sat Sep 12, 2015 8:39 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Actually, the so called "Refugee crisis" is something that Russia can use to it's advantage and is somewhat relevant to the Ukrainian situation. The way Russia can use this situation to their advantage is that they can convince EU that the "Refugee crisis" can only be solved by ending the war in Syria and Iraq(this is something that Russia wants). The EU probably has had enough of it and wants this problem to end and if Russia can convince them that if Assad falls, then the problem for them will become much worse and if EU was smart, they would listen and drop their support for the terrorists and than Russia could talk to EU about the EU. This a classic tactic divide and conquer tactic that the Zionists use and Russia can use it now. There are dangers to this but Russia cannot sit still.

    Nah, I say let this go on for several more years before even trying to fix it. Besides, why should Russia solve EU problems? This mess is doing wonders when it comes to finally eliminating EU from the game.

    Keep supporting Syria and let nature take its course in EU. After couple of years those maggots will give the Bear whole of Ukraine (provided it still exists by then Twisted Evil ), half a Mid-East/North Africa and all the pipelines they could possibly want.
    Plus willingness to bend over when Russia demands.

    F... the EU and this entire continent, it is finished, done, game over, time's up.
    They had a good run for couple of millennia but now time has come to pay the tab.

    Last call...   drunken

    Agreed, the EU was perfectly willing to have Russia experience its own 'refugee crisis' when they funded the instalment of a nationalist government and supported its war in the Donbass; now Russia has over a million refugees from the Ukraine in total, most from the Donbass.

    There is absolutely no necessity in solving any of the EU's problems for it, Russia owes the EU nothing.

    I won't say that them continuing to support terrorists or 'overthrow dictator Assad' would be a good thing - as its not a good thing and thousands of people are dying or being terrorized out of their homes for it.

    But, it's ultimately a matter for their own conscience.
    There is no necessity in Russia trying to convince them of a wiser course, or indeed, in propping up the Syrian Army with its own soldiers or 'advisors'.
    It's not our war
    , it's not our problem, it's Europe's problem - let them sort out the shitstorm they themselves have concocted.

    The longer this goes on for the stronger the internal divisions in Europe will be, and since they've so mercilessly decided to stomp on Russians in the Ukraine and their rights there, and have tried to crush Russia and bend it to its will, I think Russia would be fully justified in its schaudenfraud at Europe's problems.

    The refugees problem is probably EU's but there has to be necessity in Russia to prop up Syrian army because this all happened because Syria refused to let the west use it territory to build an pipeline from Qatar to Europe(the west wanted to build an pipeline from Qatar because they want to lessen EU's dependence on Russia for gas) and Syria being Russia's ally said no, also there are gas field discovered just off the coast of Syria and Syria sold their rights to Russia instead of west, so Russia has to support Syria, there are Russian soliders and advisers in Syria and there are also reports of Russian Special Forces being in Syria, if they will join the assault remains to be seen.

    According to reports Russia has send tents and aid for 1000 refugees in Syria.

    Don't know if true or not.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:11 pm

    cracker wrote:
    zg18 wrote:Ukrainian military started to deploy WW2 ZiS-3 gun mod. 1942

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 COU8P0zXAAAZu9c

    guy has russian digitalised pattern uniform. They are not ukrainians, but novorussians.

    You can get them anywhere, any market or bazaar. Quality is not quite as good as MilSpec issue but looks the same from a short distance.

    After enlarging the photo it don't look digital to me.
    Project Canada

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Project Canada Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:04 am

    Ukraine Security Service Kidnaps Russian Serviceman From Russian Village


    Russia Ready to Give Ukraine Gas Discount for Two Quarters

    Rolling Eyes

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  sepheronx Sun Sep 13, 2015 3:59 am

    Such words would have been mentioned prior to current event.  The kidnapping wouldn't have been hard since Chertkovo borders with village Milove and it is pretty much a single road that separates the two.  So infiltration wouldn't be overall difficult, but at the same time, Russia needs to be far more vigilant securing its borders.  The Kidnapping of such individual should come with a response like shelling Ukraine or dropping a guided munition on them. But then again, kidnappings and infiltration from other locations do happen.

    Hopefully the soldier is returned.  They could very well be used as blackmail.

    Ukrainians are really living in denial.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:39 am

    I would like what those clowns think they will accomplish with this? Provoking Russia into firebombing them this way will not get them desired cookie points from the EU.

    This also does wonders for Ukraine's popularity among Russian population.

    Those guys will be back home sooner rather than later otherwise ukrops risk several unintended consequences in rather unfavourable weather and in fron of increasingly disinterested EU audience.

    On the side note, I've been thinking about that Minsk thingie. If by some miracle it does work as advertised, how will Kiev justify keeping 90000 goons on demarcation line? And paying for them?

    And if they remove them, what will stop Novos from just walking over and planting a flag at real estate of their choosing without a bullet fired?

    No win situation if there ever was one... Razz

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  sepheronx Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:44 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    I just wonder what those clowns think they will accomplish with this? Provoking Russia into firebombing them this way will not get them desired cookie points from the EU.

    This also does wonders for Ukraine's popularity among Russian population.

    Those guys will be back home sooner rather than later otherwise ukrops risk several unintended consequences in rather unfavourable weather and in fron of increasingly disinterested EU audience.

    On the side note, I've been thinking about that Minsk thingie. If by some miracle it does work as advertised, how will Kiev justify keeping 90000 goons on demarcation line? And paying for them?

    And if they remove them, what will stop Novos from just walking over and planting a flag at real estate of their choosing without a bullet fired?

    No win situation if there ever was one... Razz

    I don't know.  After the whole ordeal of Rostov citizen being killed from Ukrainian artillery hitting Russian territory, I have little hope Russia will actually do anything regarding this move.  I mean, let us face it - Ukraine is on a bloodlust for Russian blood and has broken through the Russian border, and their own politicians are calling about attacking Russia proper.  Yet, in all of this, Russia couldn't secure their border?  They don't have enough people along the border to prevent this from happening?  No wall or Fence with fiberline with sensors along the border (Even Iraq has this) to check to see if any sabotage has happened to the fences?  Nothing?  I mean, it is no secret that Russia has built up its military presence in the western borders, but this is just pathetic.  Where were the border guards?  Where were the patrols?  Where were snipers to shoot the Ukrainian service men?  Where was FSB?

    Russia does have a major issue on its hands, and that is the security of its borders.  While Russia spends far more than most others in border security, they seem to have a huge neglect in it or incompetence.  And this whole playing "by the book" and "niceness" hasn't really won Russia any favours and is actually starting to rear its ugly head that complaining and demanding wont actually get the job done.

    What I see that will be done, is that Ukraine will make demands that Russia will comply with in order to get its guy back, and then Ukraine will see that they can get away with this, so they will keep doing this.  Till at least Russia builds a 10ft wall all along its Ukrainian border and then place new checkpoints/bases with snipers, patrols, cameras, etc.

    Sometimes, showing (to the world) a heavy hand will actually get these mongrols to step back, as they only learn through a beating. So I have a feeling that is what will be needed. I don't want to see people dead, but lets face facts - Ukraine will keep doing this because they cannot prove Russian aggression so they will seek it out. And maybe a real aggression from Russia's own territory (artillery or a missile, or even just sniping Ukrainian soldiers who made their way into Russian territory), may just be what is needed.

    Last edited by sepheronx on Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:49 am

    And later people defend RUssia ,when i say again and again and again.. and again..
    The Russian Government is full of incompetent people.  How in hell they allow 2 of their citizens to be kidnapped and take them to Ukraine?

    What wrong with the Putin and its general staff?  What the fuck needs to happen for them
    to take seriously their conflict in Ukraine?   This clearly shows Russia is NOT defending
    its borders ,and not securing them.. when they should be doing that..

    What kind of fucking excuse Russia government will have to explain a soldier of them kidnapped inside RUssia and they could do nothing?  This is nothing but a provocation... and totally
    expected.. Ukraine have been for 2 years trying to prove that Russia army invaded them..and now they have another "Evidence" of it..  IF this is not incompetence then no idea what is..

    IF not like it was not expected.. since ukraine have been trying desperately to capture Russian
    soldiers for a long time.. The Entire Russian Border with Ukraine is supposed to be fully monitored by thousands of troops , in case Ukraine try to pull something or smuggle terrorist to attack RUssia.. Obviously this news Proof Russia did NOT secure its borders.. Pure idiocy.

    This looks 100% like a CIA coordinated operation..they control now kiev and they have to be all spying Russian Border and trying to see what they can do to provoke Russia into a war or frame them for anything.. Someone needs to be fired for this.. and some how im losing my patience with Putin. This is not rocket science.. this only require competent people in Russia , to really do their job and secure Russian Borders.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:56 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  sepheronx Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:53 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    And later people defend RUssia ,when i say again and again and again.. and again..
    The Russian Government is full of incompetent people.  How in hell they allow 2 of their citizens to be kidnapped and take them to Ukraine?

    What wrong with the Putin and its general staff?  What the fuck needs to happen for them
    to take seriously their conflict in Ukraine?   This clearly shows Russia is NOT defending
    its borders ,and not securing them.. when they should be doing that..

    What kind of fucking excuse Russia government will have to explain a soldier of them kidnapped inside RUssia and they could do nothing?  This is nothing but a provocation... and totally
    expected.. Ukraine have been for 2 years trying to prove that Russia army invaded them..and now they have another "Evidence" of it..  IF this is not incompetence then no idea what is..

    IF not like it was not expected.. since ukraine have been trying desperately to capture Russian
    soldiers for a long time.. The Entire Russian Border with Ukraine is supposed to be fully monitored by thousands of troops , in case Ukraine try to pull something or smuggle terrorist to attack RUssia.. Obviously this news Proof Russia did NOT secure its borders.. IDIOTS!

    This incident could begin to cause a major rift in Russia.  People may start asking "how could this happen?"  and "who is watching our borders?".  This could cause enough of a rift that such a little case can cause Putin his position.  Lets face it, they should have had the borders secured since last year.  Especially in a village that borders another village in Ukraine where they are a stone throw away from each other.  You would think there would be more security.

    But then again. Kidnappings of troops from Israel or such happened in the past, and Israeli borders are most secured. So if there is determination and long planning, I imagine it is the case.

    There is also the possibility that they were indeed walking along the border, decided to trip over or whatever, and was grabbed as soon as possible and the defence ministry is trying to cover for the idiots mistake.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:17 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    This incident could begin to cause a major rift in Russia.  People may start asking "how could this happen?"  and "who is watching our borders?".  This could cause enough of a rift that such a little case can cause Putin his position.  Lets face it, they should have had the borders secured since last year.  Especially in a village that borders another village in Ukraine where they are a stone throw away from each other.  You would think there would be more security.

    But then again.  Kidnappings of troops from Israel or such happened in the past, and Israeli borders are most secured.  So if there is determination and long planning, I imagine it is the case.

    There is also the possibility that they were indeed walking along the border, decided to trip over or whatever, and was grabbed as soon as possible and the defence ministry is trying to cover for the idiots mistake.

    I just don't know what else to Think..  
    Im more inclined to believe they were indeed inside Ukraine in an operation and caught..
    Because i can't believe Russia be so fucking stupid and incompetent like this. Russia should
    be in a state of war , fully monitoring its borders.. expecting the worse.. and allowing
    a Russian military to be captured inside Russia truly deserve someone in the general high command to be fired with many others in charge of the security in Russian borders.

    Honestly i really hope the soldiers are deported to America , and put in jail there.. only this way
    Russia Government will wake up  and realize they are in a real war and need to protect its people.  

    Is an incompetence problem.. they underestimate the west dedication to damage Russia.
    You see for example the Russian Defense minister shoigu ,that was news not long ago..
    because Poland closed its the personal plane that shoigu was using. WTF is wrong with Russia ?  DO they really think the west will play by the rules? and it is not at risk to fly over NATO airspace , for its general staff?  Im surprised actually the plane was not shutdown by Ukraine airforce with Poland help.. Russia Government needs to wake up.. somone slap their face.. so they realize they are at war.. right now. and that their "partners" in the west will not miss any opportunity to assasinate Putin.   The moron plans to go to United Nations to do a speech in the near future ,thinking their "western partners will play fair.

    The way things are today.. since Ukraine army began to shell Russian borders ,is for Russia to evacuate all their citizens living withing artillery range of Ukraine border. and have emergency plans in case the west send a wave of Jihadist fighters through all  Ukraine borders. It will not matter if they defeated.. as long it can cause a major panic in Russia and kill many citizens it will be enough to create major unrest in Russia demanding Putin to resign. and they will be right.

    There is something really wrong with the Russian Government ..always 2 step behind the west.
    The west will not play fair.. the west will not respect any international law.. or anything . Russian senators wanting to travel to America? Insanity.. The Minister of defense flying over Poland? are they nuts? who advice them?.. Putin traveling to US to give a conference there? Is he insane ?

    In fact if it was by me..Not only all borders fully defended. every inch of it..with their army . Not only will ban the travel to any NATO or allies country to any Russian Government staff ,with the exception of Lavrov ,and ban any general too from traveling abroad. ,but also ban the flights of all American airliners over Russia.. that were not inspected first its planes.. they could be filled with a major nuclear warhead and detonated over moscow.. yes they are perfectly capable of doing that. and will later claim it was done by ISIS. Russia is facing a real war ,but that is being hidden from public view as much as possible.. and using proxy forces..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:30 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  sepheronx Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:17 am

    There is a great possibility that the two were walking along the borders and could have either gone onto the Ukrainian side or were walking on their own side and the Ukrainians decided to nab them. Since the Ukrainians said it happened right at the border, there is a good possibility of this. Since Russia also faced the issue of Paratroopers being kidnapped by Ukraine when Russia admitted that the soldiers did cross into Ukrainian territory. But this time, Russia isn't admitting that so there is a good darn possibility that they were watching the borders for this very opportunity and nabbed them when they were near the border. At that point, Russia cant do anything about it. But, what they can do, is start to build a proper fence along the border and have regular patrols. The Ukrainian and Russian borders is extremely huge, so it would be costly. But at least it will create jobs and would also cut down on these incidences.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  sepheronx Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:54 am

    Here is the border:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 HgMSAgs

    Looking at a google earth view:,+Rostov+Oblast,+Russia/@49.3772734,40.1512338,1553m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x411f4f42275201c7:0xfba1dddcbe0751f8!6m1!1e1

    I can see that this type of setup can be a real headache for Russia.  Wouldn't be hard for them to infiltrate through, as well, many peoples properties seem to actually go into Ukrainian territory.  Lots from old facilities seem to leak into Russian territory.

    Only thing that can actually be done is an actual wall.  Or start moving people away to another location and start demolishing, creating a more visible line.

    Edit: as well, I highly doubt this was a CIA plot of any kind. It really doesn't take a genus to do a kidnapping, especially when SBU is involved. They seem to have lots of experience in it. I think this is simply them wanting to get someone, found someone that walks among the borders (possibly home is along the borders, or has been spotted frequently) and decided to nab him at the appropriate time.

    So this becomes far more complicated and wont cause issues for the current government. But I would say that they do indeed need to add security to the borders. But with such a "setup" of borders for this village, I would say that it really becomes a major issue for Russia unless they decide to re-locate people along the border lines and build fences. A large fence could be ideal.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:17 am

    Eltone John in kiev . asking for gay rights .. lol1

    hell will freeze before that happens.. Laughing
    Im really sure it will be easier to the get ultra nationalist in kiev love Putin and Russia
    than to accept gays ,kissing each other in kiev streets.. lol

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Erk Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:18 am

    Vann7 wrote:

    Eltone John in kiev . asking for gay rights .. lol1

    Im really sure it will be easier to the get ultra nationalist in kiev love Putin and Russia
    than to accept gays ,kissing each other in kiev streets.. lol

    What has this got to do with the military situation in Ukraine?
    Surely you can find a more appropriate thread for gay rights than this one?

    Latest Normandy four meeting.

    Last edited by Erk on Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:14 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  mutantsushi Sun Sep 13, 2015 8:48 am

    Erk wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Eltone John in kiev . asking for gay rights .. lol1
    Im really sure it will be easier to the get ultra nationalist in kiev love Putin and Russia than to accept gays ,kissing each other in kiev streets.. lol
    What has this got to do with the situation in Ukraine? Surely you can find a more appropriate thread for gay rights in Russia than this one?
    He's in KIEV, UKRAINE asking for gay rights in UKRAINE.  Not gay rights in RUSSIA.  Because KIEV isn't part of Russia. If he was in Russia, he would be singing at some oligarch's party.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Regular Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:00 am

    I think there is more to this story than Ukraine kidnapping soldier and his brother (both in military uniforms without insignia) just for fun. I think those guys where going to "vacation" and happened to have bad contacts in Ukraine. They won't be released like that, Russia will do nothing apart from expressing faux concern.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Khepesh Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:29 am

    Kiev has a concert with some pederast, Lugansk has a concert with real men and women like this to celebrate 220 years of Lugansk yesterday.
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 5884c49e2433

    Also yesterday was "Day of the City" for Yasinovataya


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Vann7 Sun Sep 13, 2015 9:49 am

    mutantsushi wrote:
    Erk wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Eltone John in kiev . asking for gay rights .. lol1
    Im really sure it will be easier to the get ultra nationalist in kiev love Putin and Russia than to accept gays ,kissing each other in kiev streets.. lol
    What has this got to do with the situation in Ukraine? Surely you can find a more appropriate thread for gay rights in Russia than this one?
    He's in KIEV, UKRAINE asking for gay rights in UKRAINE.  Not gay rights in RUSSIA.  Because KIEV isn't part of Russia.  If he was in Russia, he would be singing at some oligarch's party.

    Exactly.. Elton John was in Kiev conference ,for attracting investors.. and he was saying
    how Gay activist were attacked in kiev ,for 2 hours and not allowed to celebrate their
    "human right". This shows the difficulty that kiev will face in integration with Europe..

    Regardless of elton john , This news shows the ambient and mood happening in kiev
    with the political elite.. that is not of war.. but one of attracting business.. This means that Ukraine no longer shows intentions to continue the war.. at least until they get another big loan from Europe.

    However the speech discourse of Nuland and poroshenko in that same conference were elton Johan was..Was one of "Victory" of Ukraine ,and how "Russia defeated" and the Novorosiya project "over." This suggest they are justifying the cease of fire and minsk2.. to the ultra nationalist.. This suggest to me ,that US and Kiev have plans to stop fighting at least for some time until the conditions are more ideal for them to resume the fight. But if the conflict do not start later in the year. it might not start again at all. The interest and mood of Ukraine army to continue fighting will dramatically change and will see no point in the whole thing.. In short it will be much more difficult to start the fight for kiev and get consensus for the continuation of it.
    Karl Haushofer

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:32 am

    Vann7 wrote:And later people defend RUssia ,when i say again and again and again.. and again..
    The Russian Government is full of incompetent people.  How in hell they allow 2 of their citizens to be kidnapped and take them to Ukraine?

    What wrong with the Putin and its general staff?  What the fuck needs to happen for them
    to take seriously their conflict in Ukraine?   This clearly shows Russia is NOT defending
    its borders ,and not securing them.. when they should be doing that..

    What kind of fucking excuse Russia government will have to explain a soldier of them kidnapped inside RUssia and they could do nothing?  This is nothing but a provocation... and totally
    expected.. Ukraine have been for 2 years trying to prove that Russia army invaded them..and now they have another "Evidence" of it..  IF this is not incompetence then no idea what is..

    IF not like it was not expected.. since ukraine have been trying desperately to capture Russian
    soldiers for a long time.. The Entire Russian Border with Ukraine is supposed to be fully monitored by thousands of troops , in case Ukraine try to pull something or smuggle terrorist to attack RUssia.. Obviously this news Proof Russia did NOT secure its borders.. Pure idiocy.

    This looks 100% like a CIA coordinated operation..they control now kiev and they have to be all spying Russian Border and trying to see what they can do to provoke Russia into a war or frame them for anything.. Someone needs to be fired for this.. and some how im losing my patience with Putin. This is not rocket science.. this only require competent people in Russia , to really do their job and secure Russian Borders.  

    It is often very difficult to support Russia because they are so incompetent and especially so WIMPY in their foreign policy. They allow things that the West would bomb other nations. Do this to Israel and Israel would kill dozens of the people of the aggressor nation. Russia just tolerates and endures.

    Here in Finland Russia has, thanks to our media, a reputation as an aggressive and "out of control" dictatorship. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
    Karl Haushofer

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Karl Haushofer Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:49 am

    sepheronx wrote:Here is the border:

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 HgMSAgs

    Looking at a google earth view:,+Rostov+Oblast,+Russia/@49.3772734,40.1512338,1553m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m2!3m1!1s0x411f4f42275201c7:0xfba1dddcbe0751f8!6m1!1e1

    I can see that this type of setup can be a real headache for Russia.  Wouldn't be hard for them to infiltrate through, as well, many peoples properties seem to actually go into Ukrainian territory.  Lots from old facilities seem to leak into Russian territory.

    Only thing that can actually be done is an actual wall.  Or start moving people away to another location and start demolishing, creating a more visible line.

    Edit: as well, I highly doubt this was a CIA plot of any kind.  It really doesn't take a genus to do a kidnapping, especially when SBU is involved.  They seem to have lots of experience in it.  I think this is simply them wanting to get someone, found someone that walks among the borders (possibly home is along the borders, or has been spotted frequently) and decided to nab him at the appropriate time.

    So this becomes far more complicated and wont cause issues for the current government.  But I would say that they do indeed need to add security to the borders.  But with such a "setup" of borders for this village, I would say that it really becomes a major issue for Russia unless they decide to re-locate people along the border lines and build fences.  A large fence could be ideal.

    In a wider perspective it is very sad that we even have to be discussing about this. Building a fucking FENCE between the border of Russia and Ukraine, two Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Slavic nations. Hopefully something will be learned from this and the future generations will not repeat the errors of their fathers and grandfathers.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:51 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:
    It is often very difficult to support Russia because they are so incompetent and especially so WIMPY in their foreign policy. They allow things that the West would bomb other nations. Do this to Israel and Israel would kill dozens of the people of the aggressor nation. Russia just tolerates and endures.

    Here in Finland Russia has, thanks to our media, a reputation as an aggressive and "out of control" dictatorship. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    Riiiiiight... and this negative reaction would be dispelled if Putin was to order a cruise missile strike on the Verkhona Rada in response to seizure of two Russian citizens?

    Putin has no choice to step softly and make the agreeable political noises as the scumbag Oligarch-controlled corporate media here in the West will jump all over Russia at ANY chance. Israel on the other hand can deliberately target and murder hundreds of Palestinian civilians in the Gaza open-air ghetto during another round of pre-planned and orchestrated aggression, and the same scumbag media strains its collective neck in its unseemly rush to look the other way, while the bought-and-paid-for whores aka Western Politicians produce copious quantities of hot air to excuse Zionist crimes.

    You know this is true, yet you write this shit....

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #21 - Page 22 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #21

    Post  Khepesh Sun Sep 13, 2015 11:54 am

    There was all this talk of action by pravy sektor in various places yesterday, including Odessa. Nothing happened. It was forgotten that Yarosh is still in hospital and is not going to lead any protests. It is said Yarosh is in hospital because of metal fragments in an elbow, but this article suggests it may be another reason. He is in hospital in Dnepropetrovsk, and yesterday 30 members of pravy sektor were arrested at the village of Lyubomirovka, in the article it says Lyubimovka but seems this is an error, but whichever village they are both near Dnepropetrovsk. Seems pravy sektor were attempting to steal sunflowers when they were ambushed by MVD spetsnaz. One of pravy sektor was shot in the leg. Nothing is straight forward in Ukraine, everything can be something else.

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