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    Immigration implications on Russian society


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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Viktor Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:17 am

    Firebird wrote:For directors of Eurppean businesses its quite a hassle to travel around Russia. Infact, probably easier to get citizenship in some cases...  :/

    Well for that reason only Russia has been trying to struck a deal with EU on visa free travel for ages. EU is the one to blame for delays.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Over 530,000 immigration law abusers banned from entering Russia

    Post  Firebird Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:51 am

    Viktor wrote:
    Firebird wrote:For directors of Eurppean businesses its quite a hassle to travel around Russia. Infact, probably easier to get citizenship in some cases...  :/

    Well for that reason only Russia has been trying to struck a deal with EU on visa free travel for ages. EU is the one to blame for delays.
    Yeah, I've heard that too. Its a shame tho. (Altho there is a security issue with certain sections of certain countries.  They were saying it would be sorted in 2013, then 2014... so I wonder when.

    America requires visas from the EU, but its much simpler. Maybe that would be the solution for EU-CIS visas?
    par far

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Gangs - Moscow

    Post  par far Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:15 pm

    I was just looking around on youtube and came across this video, I would like opinions about what they think about this.

    Are all Russians like this?

    Are these people(skinheads) growing in numbers?

    What is the government doing about this?

    Are attack on foreigners growing?

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:34 pm

    Is this a serious question?
    par far

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  par far Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:16 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Is this a serious question?

    It is, the foreign workers make a good chunk of the Russian economy and they should not be treated like this. And those kids and politicians in the video should be shamed because their grandparents died fighting the nazis.

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:04 pm

    Uh huh. Moscow alone accounts for majority of immigrants. A youtube video doesnt prove anything other than retards exist everywhere. You should see videos of chechins in moscow or uzbeks, or vietnamese, etc.

    And videos of hate speech and violence can be found everywhere. So whats your point?

    Many immigrants also account for rise in crime, drug trade, black market, gangs, etc. In the end, idiots get arrested and average folk go about their lives.

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    Post  kvs Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:45 am

    Coverage of Russia is always couched in apocalyptic terms. So a skinhead problem becomes a terminal social disease problem.
    There is lots of this sort of sh*t in the west, but the western media does not hype it up. In fact, it systematically ignores it
    as part of its job to create the image of a mythical paradise of peace and prosperity and human rights for all.

    One thing that gets my goat is how the western media discovered all of Russia's 1990s crime problems towards the end of Putin's
    first term. When it became clear that Russia was no longer going to be subservient as under Yeltsin, the western propaganda
    machine started screaming about corruption and organized crime. A day late and a dollar short. In the real world, the 1990s
    crime peak was in major decline by 2004.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Asf Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:32 am

    Are these people(skinheads) growing in numbers?

    there are no skinheads to speak of for about 10 years now (after many of their leaders got jailed in the middle of 2000s). And their style is out of trend now. 

    Actually, there are little to no gangs now, trust me, I remember 90s with bunch of youth gangs terrorizing people in the outskirts of Moskow, Kazan, ect.

    If you ask about nationalistic radicals, they keep distance from 'skinhead' image now, trying to look like intellectuals

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    Post  GarryB Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:35 am

    Are all Russians like this?

    Of course they are... every single one of them... all white people are like that.

    That is why there are no... repeat zero migrant workers in any white country... they have all been eliminated.

    What country are you from that has no skin head idiots?
    par far

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  par far Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:13 pm

    I think that this is just western media hyping up anti-Russian videos. I just wanted to get you guys opinions, come to think of it, UK and USA has a bigger problem regarding this issue.

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:57 pm

    par far wrote:I think that this is just western media hyping up anti-Russian videos. I just wanted to get you guys opinions, come to think of it, UK and USA has a bigger problem regarding this issue.

    I dont think one country or other has a more neo nazi issue. But when it comes to racism, these other countries like in middle east and asia, do not like us whitys.

    Racism is everywhere.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:35 am

    The actions of the white empires of the last few centuries make such hatred justified towards whites in many cases in my opinion...

    Perhaps if we started practising what we preached and living up to our own moral standards we might redeem ourselves... but how likely is that?

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Regular Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:20 pm

    Atleast russians have balls to do something when westerns can only moan on internet. Not that i particularry agree with people smashed in the streets, but last time i was in Moscow my fist were itching. Chimpanzees everywhere. Skinny unfed niggers with white girls(mostly ugly)
    You know what i always thought about that we are all equal. I was raised as international. But after living and working in uk i think that there is noth4ng worse than pakis, blacks, albanoids, romanoids and alike. My respect grew for chinese and indians as most of them proven to be gold amongst the shit.
    I say nazi youth in Russia is still better than young liberast fags or hipsters. Nazism is very popular amongst young patriotic people who drop it as soon as they get wiser

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Regular Tue Oct 28, 2014 4:47 pm

    political correctness is western concept. Everyone in Russia should understand and speak russian so there would no need for translator. They should not work or rent without permit. They should refrain from gatherings, culture propagation. Pregnant immigrants should pay for medical expences. Their kids will not get russian citenship, just the metrication. Immigrants should only come through job agencies where they are checked if they are healthy, dont have hiv, hep, tbc carriers and they don't have criminal record.
    After their contract expires they should extend it or leave. Immigrants who already worked in Russia for over 5 years can apply for citenship.
    Draconian laws should be implemented or Moscow will be filthy like London.
    Sorry for my rant im drunk. But more i travel more i meet people the more racist i become.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  NickM Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:12 pm

    Asian Immigrants Responsible For Rising Crime In Russia - PUTIN
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Hannibal Barca Thu Dec 04, 2014 2:30 pm

    BBC wow now we get some serious intelligence Laughing dunno

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    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 05, 2014 10:21 am

    Asian Immigrants Responsible For Rising Crime In Russia - PUTIN

    There was no mention of that in that article... or were you reading a different article?

    The reality is that Russia would have strong growth and a healthy economy right now except for some fucking white people with chips on their shoulder in the west who clearly have realised the burden of carrying all those former Warsaw Pact countries has been expensive for their own bottom line.

    The collapse of the rouble is a good thing... it makes imports expensive so internal products and services become much more competitive and exports generate greater returns.

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    Post  NickM Fri Dec 05, 2014 4:44 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The reality is that Russia would have strong growth and a healthy economy right now except for some fucking white people with chips on their shoulder in the west

    Reality is a survey over the summer by the Levada polling agency found that 76% of Russians felt the number of immigrants should be restricted Why? For the same reason why in the UK we have now more Asians and Africans than English people.

    If you travel to any major Russian city you will see that a majority of people are not ethnic Russians. They are Tajiks, Arabs, Indians, Chinese and other dark skinned people who have entered Russia illegally.

    So it is not the WHITE folks who are causing problem in Russia,like you said, its these Asian and African immigrants.

    Alexei Navalny and Dimitry Rogozin has clearly stated that these immigrants are a bunch of scumbags and need to be expelled.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 06, 2014 9:57 am

    So it is not the WHITE folks who are causing problem in Russia,like you said, its these Asian and African immigrants.

    Well your reading comprehension is poor, because I clearly said it was Rich White people in the west that were the real problem for Russia.

    Reality is a survey over the summer by the Levada polling agency found that 76% of Russians felt the number of immigrants should be restricted Why? For the same reason why in the UK we have now more Asians and Africans than English people.

    That is not what you said. You attributed the claim that foreign people were responsible for crime in russia as being something Putin said with a link attached to a British article that stated no such thing.

    If you travel to any major Russian city you will see that a majority of people are not ethnic Russians. They are Tajiks, Arabs, Indians, Chinese and other dark skinned people who have entered Russia illegally.

    If I travel to Russia wont I be a foreigner too? And how can you claim all those ethnic minorities are illegal? I think it is hilarious that a white brit goes on about legality... after your ancestors invaded most corners of the planet with a gun in one hand and a pen in the other to make all the theft legal...

    I don't want to offend anyone but it is really funny hearing white people complain about darkies invading the home country...

    Alexei Navalny and Dimitry Rogozin has clearly stated that these immigrants are a bunch of scumbags and need to be expelled.

    Ilegal immigrants should be expelled, but those who follow proper procedure should be given every assistance to fit in and have a chance at the good life.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Asian Immigrants Responsible For Rising Crime In Russia - PUTIN

    Post  Werewolf Sat Dec 06, 2014 12:04 pm

    If I travel to Russia wont I be a foreigner too? And how can you claim all those ethnic minorities are illegal? I think it is hilarious that a white brit goes on about legality... after your ancestors invaded most corners of the planet with a gun in one hand and a pen in the other to make all the theft legal... I don't want to offend anyone but it is really funny hearing white people complain about darkies invading the home country... wrote:

    +1, no votes left but i aggree with you, especially when such thing comes always from Ex-Colonial Forces which have exterminated entire continents.

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    Post  AbsoluteZero Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:04 pm

    I was just wondering, does Russia have a re-Christianization (russian orthodox) program for immigrants and people of other faiths in Russia and in former soviet states? I believe it will help boost Russian influence and make the future re incorporation of the near abroad back to the Russian federation
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:35 pm

    AbsoluteZero wrote:I was just wondering, does Russia have a re-Christianization (russian orthodox) program for immigrants and people of other faiths in Russia and in former soviet states? I believe it will help boost Russian influence and make the future re incorporation of the near abroad back to the Russian federation
    It should have such a program.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society - Page 5 Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  TR1 Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:44 pm

    AbsoluteZero wrote:I was just wondering, does Russia have a re-Christianization (russian orthodox) program for immigrants and people of other faiths in Russia and in former soviet states? I believe it will help boost Russian influence and make the future re incorporation of the near abroad back to the Russian federation

    Ridiculous. That won't make people happy at all. This the 21st century ffs.

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    Post  AbsoluteZero Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:19 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    AbsoluteZero wrote:I was just wondering, does Russia have a re-Christianization (russian orthodox) program for immigrants and people of other faiths in Russia and in former soviet states? I believe it will help boost Russian influence and make the future re incorporation of the near abroad back to the Russian federation

    Ridiculous. That won't make people happy at all. This the 21st century ffs.

    But look at Saudi Arabia, they have financed mosques, dawah centres, islamic cultural centres etc and look how much this helped in spreading the mohammedan ideology

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    Post  TR1 Fri Jan 23, 2015 9:39 pm

    I don't want to be anything like Saudi Arabia.

    And they have had success in regions that have been war-town and feel marginalized post USSR collapse. I can assure you Orthodox attempts would NOT work in those areas, since they are associated with the ruling, far away authority.

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