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    Immigration implications on Russian society


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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  NickM Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:50 am

    From my visits to Russia I have come to the conclusion that the local people are fed up with immigration from Asia and the inaction of the Kremlin to tackle this problem . They feel , and rightly so that like the EU, Russia too will be populated by illegal immigrants within a few years and the Kremlin motivated by vested interests is not taking any actions.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Jan 27, 2013 4:50 pm

    Are you F kidding me? Russia's actually getting less immigration every day due to those neo nazi faggots and the people doing nothing to remedy the problem and russia isnt being overrun at all. When I was in Moscow region 2010 the only non russians I saw were 2-3 blacks and some people from the central asian republics. Comparing russia to great britain in this aspect is INSANE.

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    Post  War&Peace Sun Jan 27, 2013 6:42 pm

    Neo Nazis are taking action because the Russian Government is impotent . Here too in the US the Hispanic and Asian population is spiralling out of control but in those areas where the Nationalists are strong the local population are still in majority . The original Anglo Saxon people will become a minority within a few years.

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    Post  NickM Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:25 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Comparing russia to great britain in this aspect is INSANE.

    No not insane . Putin is winning elections because the Asian illegal immigrants are voting for him & his party. So he is encouraging mass illegal immigration from Asia .

    Former Louisiana Representative David Duke had written a book exactly on this issue. David Duke’s book had been sold openly in the main lobby of the Russian State Duma for 50 rubles. The first printing of 5,000 copies was almost sold out within several weeks. However , Putin banned that book throughout Russia less people get to know of this impending danger.

    Take a look at the other Slavic countries in Europe . With the rise of the population of Romas and other Asians , Blacks there has been a steady decline in the local population and because of this the economy has suffered tremendously. A few years ago we could not think of recession in the West but because of immigration from third world states our economies are in doldrum.

    If Putin still does NOT accept popular local sentiment the next Anders Brevik might well come from Russia.
    SWAT Pointman

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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  SWAT Pointman Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:42 pm

    Give certain former Soviet Republics Russian citizenship like Ukraine,Belarus,Bulgaria,Serbia,Armenia, etc.

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    Post  TR1 Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:45 pm

    Serbia and Bulgaria were never Soviet republics, nor do they have anything to do with Russia today.


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    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 28, 2013 8:39 am

    I actually don't see the problem, but if you want someone to blame then look to the US and UK.

    The migration of humans is perfectly natural and the spread of europeans around the entire globe has had an enormous effect, an effect that has been both very good and very bad... often very bad for the natives of most regions.

    Now you are worried that the white race might not remain pure, or become a minority in traditionally white regions?

    White is not a race, just like black or asian is not a race, there are dozens perhaps even hundreds of subgroups and most members of each group are often mixtures of subgroups there is not much in the way of purity any more.

    Strength does not come from purity either because as the gene pool gets smaller of the "ethnically pure" the issue of inbreeding jumps into view leading to congenital genetic problems.

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    Post  War&Peace Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:12 pm

    GarryB wrote:Now you are worried that the white race might not remain pure, or become a minority in traditionally white regions

    Exactly . AND this has already happened or is happening right now . Asians and Blacks fail to integrate with Western culture . Therefore , they have imposed their own set of culture and in our case even a President who was elected only coz of Blacks and Asians.

    Naturally local white Russians are protesting just like Whites in EU and the US .

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    Post  Shadåw Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:44 pm

    So how does this fit into the "topic" /Russian/ army or this part of the forum? Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:02 am

    Exactly . AND this has already happened or is happening right now . Asians and Blacks fail to integrate with Western culture .

    Which is perfectly understandable in the same way that whites moving from Europe to the colonies tried to take their culture with them.

    The national languages of Australia, the US, and New Zealand are not Aboriginal, Native American, and Maori respectively, and the locals don't walk around dressed as they please they are now all covered up because of prudish white people are embarrassed by the human body.

    The white migration has changed the world, why shouldn't the white world also change?

    It is inevidible. Twisted Evil

    And to be honest Shadow is only partly correct, though this topic really does fit here because 60 odd years ago the Soviet people rose up against the nazis and defeated them... not for Stalin, but because nazis are c#nts.

    Putting a seemingly pro-nazi thread in this section is therefore offensive, so I will move it and I will talk with Vlad about whether it gets to exist at all.

    (This is NOT a democracy, this is Vlads forum... you guys as members do get a say, but not the final word.)

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    Post  War&Peace Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:43 pm

    GarryB wrote:Which is perfectly understandable in the same way that whites moving from Europe to the colonies tried to take their culture with them.

    And developed the sub human primitive local culture in the process . It is well documented how the Anglican west took great pains in developing countries in Asia and Africa .

    GarryB wrote:The white migration has changed the world, why shouldn't the white world also change?

    It is inevidible. Twisted Evil

    Yes, the white world is changing for all the wrong reasons . Walk down the streets of London, Paris , Moscow or any other European city and ask the local people how many of them like these Blacks, Indians, Chinese etc . The answer would be none of them .

    GarryB wrote:(This is NOT a democracy, this is Vlads forum... you guys as members do get a say, but not the final word.)

    Fair enough . Stay with this forum and show me one intelligent comment made by a single black , chinese , indian member . Compare the comments of those guys with Western comments . And you can take it to the bank.

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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  TR1 Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:38 pm

    And developed the sub human primitive local culture in the process

    Sup Hitler.

    Your post comment is ironic, since every single Indian member here has made more contribution to the forum than your racist rants.


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    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:17 pm

    And developed the sub human primitive local culture in the process . It is well documented how the Anglican west took great pains in developing countries in Asia and Africa .

    Sorry.... what?

    These so called developing countries had huge empires when white people were hunter gatherers in europe.

    A fact so embarrassing to the white people of Europe that they created a whole mythology of druids and other BS to hide the fact that they were so backward and primitive and living in mud huts when other cultures were building cities.

    Most of the civilised western ideals and technology was pinched from the cultures they raped and pillaged.

    What you call developing of countries in Asia and Africa actually were the father cultures of modern western society that was based on pinching anything of value including the slave labour and mineral and raw material wealth of the world and in the process destroying many local cultures and traditions to assimilate them into western culture in a subservient role of course. The fact that many natives suffered or even heaven forbid resisted just led to the use of force to subjugate them.

    Yes, the white world is changing for all the wrong reasons . Walk down the streets of London, Paris , Moscow or any other European city and ask the local people how many of them like these Blacks, Indians, Chinese etc . The answer would be none of them .

    Walk down any street in the rest of the world where the majority of the worlds population live and ask what sort of damage white people have done to the world and you had better make sure you try to fit in a few meals at regular intervals because you could die of starvation before they are finished telling you. Razz

    Fair enough . Stay with this forum and show me one intelligent comment made by a single black , chinese , indian member . Compare the comments of those guys with Western comments . And you can take it to the bank.

    First of all I find such questions offensive... to divide people I consider friends into the ethnic groups and then rate them on their contributions to the forum is just stupid.

    Having said that Austin and Sujoy are both clearly Indian and are excellent contributors to this forum.

    I try not to judge people at all, let alone rate them by the colour of their skin... the huge irony of course is that most of the white women I know lie out in the sun during summer to get a nice dark tan, while a group of Thai students that came to say with my sister for a few months and to allow them to carry more luggage back with them they left a lot of their bathroom stuff... soaps and shampoos and powders etc, and the labels of most of their products promised to make your skin look whiter. I asked them about this and in Thai culture dark skin means you are common/working class, while pale white skin is the preferred.

    In central and south america most countries have natives and european descendants and it is the natives that are oppressed/working class in their own country. Now I am not saying that the descendants of the european colonial powers are not in their own country, but such divisions should actually be ignored if real progress is to be made.

    Different white people have different beliefs and morals anyway, so what difference does it make to add a little colour?

    BTW the invention of the printing press took the power of the written word away from the western church that was pretty much stifling what we now call democracy. Without the Chinese to invent the typeset Europe would be a real shthole.

    Your post comment is ironic, since every single Indian member here has made more contribution to the forum than your racist rants.



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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Re: Immigration implications on Russian society

    Post  Regular Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:07 pm

    NickM wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Comparing russia to great britain in this aspect is INSANE.

    No not insane . Putin is winning elections because the Asian illegal immigrants are voting for him & his party.
    hahahahahhaha. Ever voted Yourself? Do Yo know how it works?
    And common, Russia was just a city and managed to conquer most of Asia and now You are complaining that Asians are comming here to work and live Very Happy It does say something about a country if there are people that want to live there
    Deep Throat
    Deep Throat

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    Immigration implications on Russian society Empty Ηigh-skilled immigrants from foreign countries to Russia

    Post  Deep Throat Sat Aug 17, 2013 5:55 pm

    I was reading this article - A Country For People (below) on RIA Novosti (written by  Fyodor Lukyanov) that Russia needs high skilled immigrants to plug the skills deficit in crucial sectors .

    From which countries do you think Russia can or should import high skilled labor ?

    I remember there was a huge poster outside my window when I was a child, it read: “All in the name of man, all for the benefit of man.” This omnipresent Soviet slogan remained just words. The decline of the USSR began when its people – for whose benefit everything was ostensibly being done – started to feel increasingly alienated from their own state. When that state was on the verge of vanishing in 1991, nobody rose to its defense. The uniform Soviet identity that seemed to have been created just collapsed, like a house of cards, the moment the bonds of ideology and national security weakened.

    True, the old ideology lingered for a while. Russia lived with its aftertaste for over 20 years – the Soviet Union’s disintegration remained the main topic of political debate. The Soviet legacy was coming to an end in ideological, economic and technological terms. Its potential has now been exhausted and the priorities associated with the Soviet and post-Soviet eras engender little more than idle chatter. So, what now? How will the new Russia build its future?

    This is a daunting challenge. Russia has to formulate a new national and state identity, build foundations for its development that can respond to different, sometimes contradictory, criteria. Each country has its own historical myth or political interpretation of its history. And Russia’s future identity should reflect its thousand-odd years of incredibly rich, tragic and, crucially, highly diverse history.

    It is possible to use Russia’s history as the foundations for a narrative that offers the nation signposts for the future without being too loose with the truth. That said, this desire to anchor Russia in its past should not become an obsession. We should not look to the past for inspiration in everything. Russia’s new mindset should primarily meet the future demands that are just starting to take shape on the horizon.

    This brings me back to that old Soviet slogan. Strange as it may seem, that old slogan captures the challenge Russia will have to rise to meet in the second decade of the 21st century quite well.

    Russia’s seemingly eternal dilemma lies in the contradictory goals of the state (be it a monarch, the ruling party’s central committee or a group of reformers) and its people. In Russian history, the interests of what the government defines as national development almost always take precedence over the wishes and needs of the individual.
    This formula worked in some eras, and even helped bring about social and technological breakthroughs, geopolitical expansion and global status. But projects carried out for the sake of the nation will no longer produce the desired result.

    At issue here is not even the morality of treating people as if they are expendable – that does not work in the 21st century. Globalization and openness have put an end to the era of iron curtain and iron fists. It is no longer possible to force people to serve the state or even society. People can only be encouraged to be active and realize their potential in different fields. Victory in this global competition will go to the countries that create the conditions in which people can thrive. These are the countries that attract the best workers.

    Let us not forget that Russia will have to make a breakthrough and become a new kind of country despite an unprecedented population shortage. Russia will no longer be a country of unlimited demographic potential. In order to make this leap the country will have to operate a much more efficient social policy, it will have to take better care of its available human capital and increase it by attracting, if possible, the kind of talent it needs to develop.
    Why is human capital so important? Competition for talent is becoming the most important form of competition between countries. National security and state interests rely on the ability to offer people the best opportunities for self-realization and the most comfortable environment for living and working.

    Russia’s inherited dilemma between the state and the individual is now being obliterated by global realities.
    In the past, wars determined the hierarchy of nations. Now, massive armed conflicts between great powers are no longer possible, primarily because nuclear weapons have made the potential price to be paid for using force completely unacceptable. Wars are becoming the domain of less-powerful countries involved in local conflicts that have the potential to influence, but not determine, global policy. Second, economic interdependence makes severing ties too costly and dangerous. Only a real emergency could justify this, and even that could prove counterproductive.
    Economic competition is moving into the fore, with intellectual and technological leadership playing a key role. The emergence of a new world order has coincided with the transition to the sixth technological mode. Here, it is those people who are capable of delivering intellectual breakthroughs and developing next-generation approaches to production that become the most valuable “commodity.” The battle for brains and talent is intensifying just as the fight for mineral resources once did (this latter is still important, though it is a lower priority).

    The appeal that the United States and European countries have for being the most comfortable places to live and work is their competitive advantage, and this is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. One might even anticipate that the immigration policies of leading Western countries will adapt to create even more incentives to attract the talent needed.

    The quality of life and opportunities for creative self-realization available in these countries turn into a tool to extract human capital from countries where conditions are worse, whether through political conflict, economic instability, environmental issues or inconsistent rules of the game.

    Although the West has an advantage, it cannot to rest on its laurels. Developing Asian countries with large resource bases are creating conditions that will allow them to attract and retain human capital. China and Singapore have made strides in this direction.

    The ability to produce ideas or images and offer them to (impose them on) the rest of the world is also becoming an element in this intensifying global competition. The role of the active segment of society – those who can produce and disseminate these images – is growing. If a state fails to find a common language with the most advanced segment of its own society, this is tantamount to laying delayed-action (or maybe even regular) mines on the path to the future. If a country fails to tap into its own citizens’ potential, other countries will – potentially in a hostile manner.

    Opportunistic measures will not accomplish much. Public spending priorities must be reoriented toward science, education and healthcare, although this won’t result in fundamental changes. It is essential to adopt an entirely different approach to achieving development goals and to fundamentally change the approach Russia takes to people.
    Russia’s position in this new international context has its advantages and disadvantages. It will be difficult to overcome a tradition that is ill-suited to the demands of the day. However, Russia is used to recovering from disasters, and the country is clearly entering a new phase in its history – one in which it will have to formulate everything in a new way, whether it wants to or not.

    Concern for people as the country’s main asset must become a foundation of Russian identity, not for moral or ethical reasons, but for purely pragmatic considerations.

    The interests and needs of the state and the people may be aligning for the first time in Russian history, as both now need a strong, confident and comfortable country.

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    Post  NickM Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:17 pm

    Preferably the US or the EU . Not only do people of these countries have the skills that Russia needs but they will also be able to integrate better into the Russian society unlike people from Asia & Africa.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:47 am

    If they're highly skilled then why not from anywhere?

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    Post  Pyrrus Sun Aug 18, 2013 7:31 am

    If the integration is concerned I'd rely on CIS first. Why? To keep in touch and build positive partnership on the level of personal links of common people, not only international agreements. I recon Russia is able to build the new economic zone gathering those CIS which have intention to integrate

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Aug 18, 2013 8:08 am

    Pyrrus wrote:If the integration is concerned I'd rely on CIS first. Why? To keep in touch and build positive partnership on the level of personal links of common people, not only international agreements. I recon Russia is able to build the new economic zone gathering those CIS which have intention to integrate
    DING DING DING!  We have a genius here.

    Seriously, the CIS countries for Russia are very important on various levels.

    1) they are either or potential allies to Russia and many of them can speak Russian, so integrating them may not be as hard.
    2) More cooperation with the CIS Countries in all fields is very important, as a strong neighbour that is friendly to you, means strong borders.
    3) Kazakhstan, Belarus and Russia are doing a joint economic technopark between each other.  Already specialists from each country will work together.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:08 am

    Sure Russian-speakers would be the preffered candidates for ordinary immigrants.

    But if we're talking about people with special skills and various proffessionals then Russia needs as many as it can get, and if it wants to get as many as possible then it has to open its doors to such people from anywhere in the globe.

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    Post  Sujoy Sun Aug 18, 2013 12:13 pm

    Serbia has got the talents . But so does Belarus and Ukraine .

    They can be ideal countries for sending high skilled immigrants to Russia because there are not too many high tech jobs that are being created in these countries .

    Regarding other CIS countries like Tajikistan and Uzbekistan , no offense to them but they really do not have people who have skills sought by the hi tech industries . A cursory visit to these countries will tell you that the most hi tech job here is Oil & Gas exploration . And here too the engineers are all Chinese .

    As far as the Russian language is concerned it should not be very difficult to pick it up . If you use English as a Benchmark many European languages like Finnish are as difficult or easy .

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    Post  Regular Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:17 pm

    Priority should be Russo phone countries, neighbours of course. But does it matter where they come from? Some Russian companies hire people who speak English and AFAIK there are some companies in Moscow that have English speaking working environment.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Sun Aug 18, 2013 11:21 pm

    Poland ^^'

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    Post  NationalRus Mon Aug 19, 2013 7:10 am

    come for time, nearly anyone, come for ever? nearly none

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    Post  Pyrrus Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:02 pm

    NationalRus wrote:come for time, nearly anyone, come for ever? nearly none
    This occurs in every country where emigrants come to. Actually, it should be taken for granted like a kind of the contract only

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